A NOBLE CHARITY. Helping Young Women to Help Themselves. Annual Meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association. A Successful Year. ' 1 Tbe annual meeting of tlie San Francisco Young Women's Christian Association was beld yesterday at 1221 O'Farrell street. Tbe reports showed thai ibe association was In a sound condition and that It was doing, and very successfully, too, ibe work wbicb it was designed iodo. It is now a very complex organization, hav- ing ten separate departments, eacb ol whicb is a society in itself. There were 625 boarders during the year, the home being always taxed to its utmost capa- city. Of these 438 were Americans and 180 foreigners. The King's Daughters' Society has taken tbe City and County Hospital as its especial field, carrying to Uie patients flowers, fruit, jellies and reading matter. A Christian Endeavor Society bas been also recently organized at the home. Tbe physical culture classes are attended each day by 370 girls. Tbe employment bureau bas secured positions as teachers, gov- ernesses, dressmakers, etc., for 350 youug women. Tbe library and reading-rooms are open day and evening. llie cooking class- have be**n of especial interest, tbe attendants being 400. Many girls have been taught cooking ana have obtained positions in consequence worm $25 and $30. The classes in sewing, dressmaking and mlllineiy have been also very popular. The two lunchrooms, at 514 Howard and 116 Davis str'et. have been patronized daily by from ninety to 170 girls each. Heading-rooms are run in connection with these. The cost of a dish ls 1cent. Many or the girls say this is tbe best meal they have during tbe day. The relief committee has assisted 1012 per- sons, giving 356 money donations. The Travelers' Aid has a woman at each of tbe steamers aud tbe overland trains to aid stranger*. The finance committee reported all bills paid and $350 in the bank. Through tbe liberal as- sistance of W. E. Brown, Mrs. Hearst, the First Fiesbyterian Church and others tbe lunchroom deficit was cauceled. Mrs. Morse, treasurer, reported receipts as follows: nice on hand January 1, 1893 $ 261 55 Membership and subscriptions 297 70 Donations collected tor relier 2.413 65 Collected by United Workers 3,710 19 Advertising ln annual report 200 00 interest 9 35 "card 7.932 74 Travelers' aid tuiid 600 00 Mary A. Crocker trust 3,000 00 Total $18,425 18 Hisbursemuts were as follows: House expenses $8,954 10 Relief committee 1,624 22 Howard-street lunchroom 2,515 59 Davis-street lunchroom 3.0-6 93 Class In cook i 112 50 Physical culture classes '. , 180 00 Serving aud training class 157 25 Insurance taxes and repairs 807 90 Printing 228 50 Travelers' Aid 600 00 Dues to International Hoard .0 00 Balance 259 19 Tbe following officers were re-elected, for the year: President, Mrs. L. C. l.edin.ton; vlce- pesideuts. Mis. William O. Gould, Mrs. George XV. Preseott, Mrs. .1. F. Merrill and Mrs. P. 1). i Browne; recording secretary, Mi . H. Van Winkle; corresponding secretary, -Mrs. George P. Thurston; treasurer, Mrs. I. H. Mm-- ; directors, Mrs. L. C.R dington, Mrs. William O. Gould, Mi -. G. VV. Preseott. Mrs. J. F. Mer- rill, Mrs. M. P. Jours, Mrs, In. G. Kiltie, Mrs. 1.. Algeltinger, Mrs. George P. Thurston, Mrs. P. D. Browne, Miss H. Vau Winkle, Mrs. 1. H. Morse. \u2666 MRS. JACKSON'S WOES. Failing in Her Divorce Suit She Asks for Support. Judge Slack has denied the application of Mrs. Clara E. Jackson for an order of the court compelling her husband, Cbarles M. Jackson, to make her an allowance for her support. Some months ago Airs. Jackson ought an action against hei husband for a divorce ou ibe ground of extreme cruelty. She lost her suit, and her application of yesterday was b.ised on her statemeni tbat ber husband, wbo owns i tie Olive Bi-iich saloon and keeps tbe restaurant at Bay Disiilet nac~, bad refused to take her back to live with Mm. She testified yesterday tuat ber busband bad tineaicued ber witb vio- 1-iice ifshe came near him. On tbe oilier hand Jackson stated in court that he was v. ry willing 10 take bis wife back. If sne did not care to reside at the Olive Branch he would provide ber with a home in tbe neigh- borhood. He was always ready and willing to support bis wire. Judge Slack said there was no evidence to show that Jacksou would not support bis wife. The matter would be continued for a week, during winch time It would be seen whether or not Jackson really intended to carry out his promise. \u2666 Shot at Him. W. J. Morton or 605 Willow arenue had Thomas Baker arrested yesterday ou a charge of a>sault to minder. Morton ou Hie last day of the year is said to have Invited some friends lulo Baker's saloon where he asked lor C edit. K;»ker urote the visitors out of the ulac- and to accelerate their movetn nts ihed bis pistol at them, resulting in ihe ball glancing oil fiom ido side of Morton's head. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1894. 5 SAVE YOUR COUPONS. Which TV-ill be found at bottom of this column. For Three of them and 10 cents you can get any of the books on this list. Present the coupons at THE CALL Branch Office, 710 Market street, NOT at the Montgomery street office. Books will be de- livered only between 9 A. M. and 8 P.M. g^Special Notice Out of town subscribers who send orders by mail are requested to make at \u25a0 least four selections from the latest list obtainable inorder that they may not be disappointed in securing ONE of them. Bootle's Children John Strange Winter Irene, or Beach Broken Billows Mrs. B. Baer Corinne, or Italy Madame de Stael Money Bulwer Lyttoa Guy Mannering Sir Walter ScotC Bride of L;n_mermoor Sir Walter Scott ltepresentative Men... Kalph Waldo Emerson Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte Cricket on the Hearth Charles Dickens Cleopatra 11. Kider Haggard Mr. and ..Irs. Sooopemiyke.. Stanley Huntley Martin Cliuzzelwlt Dickens Sparks From the Fen of Bill Nye Poems and Tarns Jas. Whlteomb Riley and Bill Nye A Hardy Norseman Edna Lyall The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Last Bays of Pompeii Bulwer Lytton Tour of the World in Eighty Hays Jules Verne APractical Treatise on Olive Culture, Oil ..taking: and Olive Pic'-linjr by Adolphe K lamant Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas Jules Verne Pickwick Papers Dickens Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens The Heath shot Captain Mayne Reid The Career of a Nihilist Stepniak tarda George tbers Marooned W. Clark Russell The Duke's Secret Bertha M. Clay Hypatii Charles Klngsley Koaa'l Choice -Irs. Alexander Kenilworth Sir Walter Scott Paul Nugent (materialist), by Helen F. Herring-ton and Key- D rwn Burton Bora Thorne Bertha M. Clay' Tom Brown's School Hays.. Thomas Hughes The Free Lances Captain Mayne Reid Ivanhoe sir Walter Scott Gr at Expectations and American Notes Charles Dickens Texar's Revenge Jules Verne Hr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. .. .R. L. Stevenson Last of the Mohicans J. Fenlmore Cooper Master of Ballantrae R. L. Stevenson Knickerbocker Washington Irving ItobKoy , Sir Walter Scott Derrick Vaughn Edna Lyall Sketches by Boz and Pictures Front Italy Charles Dickens Marvel.. The Duchess Peg -V'offlngton Charles Reade Allan Quartermain H. Rider Haggard Bleak House Charles Dickens The Honorable Mrs. Vereker. ..The Duchess Bombey and Son Charles Dickens She H. Ride. Haggard Christmas Stories and a Tale of Two Cities '. Chanes Dickens The Coming Race lluiwer Lytton Romeo and Juliet, _ Tale ofTwo Young Fools .....William Black Misadventures of John Nicholson R. L. Stevenson Widow Bedott Papers... M. Whitcher The Lady of Lyons Bulwer Lytton Knsselas Samuel Johnson When a Man's Single... J. M.Barrio Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens LittleBorrit... Dickens Uncle Tom's Cabin, withbiogr phy of author Harriet Beecher Stowe Ogilvie's HO Readings aud Re-cita- tions, for evening and other entertain- ments People's Reference Book A reliable com- pendium of valuable receipts for every-day emergencies California As It Is (in German only). A book of 260 pages descriptive of this State and its resources.. Reveries of a Bachelor... Ik Marvel Dream Life (A (able or the Season) ..'._. by Ik Marvel Martha Washington Cook .O:.— A Com- pendium or Cookery and Recipes. Diamond Collection of Songs-600 Popu- lar Songs, with words and music $y^° No more stamps received. Send a dime with every order. I BOOK COUPON I _STo. 1. %r% You can bring any three of j these coupons with a dime and any book from this day's list j will be handed to you at our | office, 710 Market street, 1 THE MORMG CALL. Country orders mailed promptly | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Ths. Magee & Sods, Real Estate Agents And Publishers " Real Estate Circular." No. 20 Montgomery Street, OPPOSITE LICK HOUSE. _NVKSTME-.TS-A_.l- PRICES. Some very ftne business investments near the center of the city, paying well; parti.mars at office. l'o st. investment: 3-story buildings and lot; 30x110; rents $ 55: $27,000. . Rents $144: .18.000: SW. corner Bush and Mason; 42:0x85 and brick and frame buildings; 4 blocks from Kearuy sr. rolk and Clay: corner; well improved; rents 9150 steady: 9.5.500. Keduced; 918.000: Howard St.. N. side, between New Montgomery and 3d; 57:6x55 and brick dwellings; renting for $100. tiearyst corner, near Taylor; 28 feet front: 2- story building; 2 stores below; rents $130; $22,000 $11,000; rents $90; Haight St.; 5 flats, bet. Webster and Fillmore; -7x137:6; houses In first- < lass order: always rented. t tue business corner; $6250; on 17th st. ; 28x 100: good 2-story building. Valeucia-st. bargain; 40x92:6 and small house; reduced to 910.000. HOUSES AND iOTS-S4OOOTO $10,000. -tore and flat: rents 537 : $4500; lot 25x100; 18th St., bet. Sanchez and Noe: $2000 can remain. rove st., N. side, bet. Fran and Hough; 27:6x68:9 and 2-story ln 2 tenements: $5250. Reduced to $10,000: Hyde St., bet. Sacramento and Ciay: 40:0 feet front and three-year-old very cozy residence. .hree 2-story dwellings of 6 rooms; in good order; rents $45: Krte st.. near Howard, bet. 13th ami I4tb: lot 54x76; street paved: 90000. Turn St.; house and lot: 25x137:6 and good nearly new bouse of 9 rooms, bathroom and modern conveniences; street just bituuiinlzed: $7500. A Mission corner bargain; W. cor. of Capo and 18th; 24x92, and good --story dwelling; could be turned into store; $5260. $4250— Bryant st,. N. side. bet. 2d and 3d; 25x 80. and very comfortable house; electric cars pass; street in good order. LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. 81200 AND OVER. Waller St., half a block from Market: 26x137 :6; $4000 each; street graded, macadamized and sewered. Reduce to $2000; lots 25x127:8; Jackson st : magnificent view: bet. Locust ana Spruce ; street work 'lone: «ny size front. .'heap corner; 37:0x100; $2750; $1600 can re- main on mortgage; ..W cor. Sacramento and pie: cable Hue now being built past this lot. OaK st., facing the park, near Ashbury: lot 25x 100. Snradcr St., near Haicbt: 1 block from the park; lots 25x100; $2260 eacb; street worK done. Cheap lot— Mis. ion St., netr Preclta aye., and nearly opposite Valencia; lot 25x100: $2500. L.its reduced to $1200, $1300 and $1400. 25x 100 and 251137:6 in size, in the bloc i Hounded bounded by i.reenw.ch, Lombard. Octavia and I.:uuiia: streets graded, macadamized and sew- ered; this are the cheapest lots offered in this re- gion: easy terms; one-third cash Laguna st., near Haight; 37:6x116:3; only .4101. 1 In 1 mi". ."•-'\u25a0; PIANOS. VMM. AND SHEET MUSIC 1~-T_-VT-"'Ti_L--C TE^TT~A^_ltul_^N3r"_~7lE_N_ -Ipiano for my own use. recognizing the highest type of mechanical and musical value inthe same. CHEVALIER DE KoNTsKI. Court PiauDt to the Emperor of Germany. 40 O'Karreli st. jss tf BYRON MAUZY, 808 TO 314 POST ST.. SOLE agent Sohmer A- Co., Newly»nd Evans pianos; chosen above all others for Leland Stanford Jr. University: received Ist prize World's Fair 11 tf BEAUTIFUL; $850: LARGE FRENCH WAL- nut upright: this week $400; only one left. Warerooms, THE J. DEWING CO., Flood build- ing, firs floor above: lowest price house in tie city for high-grade pianos. ja4 tf \l AGNIFICENT HUBERT AND STEINWAY '»' upright at a sacrifice. 515 Van Ness aye. jt 9* LTT.-AS I' SQUARE PIANO. $50. THE .T. r_ DEWING Co. .room 12. Flood bulldlng.deiU tf OT 7.. FINE STEIN WAY AND OTHER BAR- <J-L I « ' . gains. Fay's Factory. 1729 Mission. lm /CHRISTMAS SALE— GREAT OPPORTUNITY' V- to secure an elegant piano cheap for cash. The J. DEWING CO., warerooms Flood building, first floor above. del? tf * RKAT REUUCTION—NUEET MUSIC HALF vi prlce;10.000 M A I VA15.769.Mkt.22 tl \u25a0 1 G. BADGER, 9 THIRD ST., COR. MARKE I. \u25a0' . Hallet A Davis and Kimball pianos and organs; Palllard's music-boxes: musical merchan- dise: novelties, etc.: sheet music be JyBtf 6 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS: NOREA- sonable offer refused. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON. 725 Market St.. History building. uo2l tf 1/ OHLER A CHASE. 20. _S A.N1 \u25a0 30 O'FARRELL -LV st., leading pianos and organs: oldest lmntc- house; largest stock ;easy terms ; low pricea ap23tf ALL KINDS OK REPAIRING AND TUNING; low prices; first-ciass work. KOHLER A CHASE. 28 O'Farrell st. de 7 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. *™^^ __ —_, —-_\u25a0_\u25a0 _—__\u25a0_^ —_— __-_—^g __._.:. 111 LEASE. rpO LEASE FOR A TERM -J^Y--__t*-*^n_A__i_. I building on Eighth st., near Market: rent rea- sonable. Inqulreof H. L. Jon 25 Eighth st. tt »E L INQUENTJSAL E_N OTIC A. "E-EL-J-V'' -TAO___T SILVER"" StTN.NG COM. - 1 PANY. Location of works and principal place of business. Gold Hill, Storey County, Nev,— Notice.—There are delinquent upon the following. described stock on account or assessment (No. 68) levied on the sixteeuth day of November, A. D., 1893, the several amounts set opposite the names of tbe respective shareholders, as follows: Names. No. Cert. No. shs. Amt. Rehfisch ACo., Trustees .30824 50 12 50 Geo. D. Edwards, Trustee.. 3l ls7 10 2160 Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 31459 10 2 60 Geo. T. Marye A Son. Trs.. ..31 ($24 BO 12 50 Geo. D. Edwards, Trustee. ..3l747 10 2 50 Geo. D. Edwards, Trust.cc.. 31939 50 12 50 Rehflsh A Co.. Trustees 32484 30 7 60 Geo. T. Marye A Son. Trs.. .33888 50 12 50 W. J. Gurnett, Trustee 34452 60 12 60 Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 34598 60 12 50 Geo. T. Marye A Sen, Tr5... 34808 6 125 W. E. Norwood, Trustee ...35024 60 12 50 James Bernhard. Trustee... 3s293 60 12 60 Rehflsch A Co., Trustees.... 20 5 00 Otis A Co., Trustees 35833 15 3 76 Nat Ste n, Trustee 35900 100 25 00 B. P. Murphy, Trustee 3.071 30 7 50 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 38171 20 6 00 A. W. Foster ACo., Trs 36589 100 25 00 Rehflsch A to. Trustees 36756 100 25 00 Turnbull A Bansom, Tr5.... 36770 100 25 00 W. H. Wright, Trustee 37210 100 25 00 W. L. Duncan. Trustee 37239 5 125 Dixon A Miles, Trustees 37240 100 25 00 E Gauthler A Co., Trs 37334 60 12 50 W. H. Wright, Trustee 37576 200 60 00 Rehflsch A Co., Trustees 37709 100 25 00 Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 37719 60 12 50 Rehflsch A Co.. Trustees. ...37779 20 6 00 Jas. Newla Trustee 37864 50 12 60 Geo. B. Root. Trustee 37867 100 25 00 Rebflseh A Co.. Trustees 37895 100 25 00 Zsdlg, Wollberg A Co., .37935 100 26 00 tig, Wollberg A Co.. Tr5. .37.44 100 25 00 T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38003 60 12 60 T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38233 100 25 00 T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38306 100 25 00 W. H. Wrlgnt. Trustee 38311 50 12 50 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 38351 60 12 50 E. GauthierA Co , Trs 38357 50 12 50 Jno. 8. Barrett A Co., Tr5...35473 100 25 00 Jno. 8. Barrett A Co., Trs... 3-474 100 25 00 Rehflsch A Co., Trustees 38475 50 12 60 T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38503 100 25 00 T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38512 60 12 50 Geo B. Root, Trustee 38545 100 25 00 Geo. P.. Root, Trustee 33749 50 12 50 Rehflsch A Co., Tiustees 38797 60 12 50 Tbos. T. Atkinson A Co.,Trs. 38904 20 6 00 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 39040 100 25 1)0 L. Greenbaum A Co , Trs.. .-39058 50 12 50 Jas. Newlands. Trustee 39157 60 12 50 Geo. B. Root. Trustee 39170 100 25 00 E. GauthierA Co., Trustees. 39l9s 100 25 00 A. W. Foster A Co., Trs 39236 20 6 00 A. W. Foster A Co_ Trs 39237 20 5 00 A W. Foster A Co., Trs . .. .39238 20 5 00 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 39247 100 25 00 E. Gauthier A Co., Trustees. 393lo 10 2 60 E. Uauthier A Co. Trustees. 393l l 1 25 H. 11. Sblnn. Trustee 39328 50 12 50 Coffin A Sanderson. Trs 39362" 500 125 00 E. Gauthler ACo., Trustees. 3943o 60 15 00 E. Gauthler A Co.. Trustees. 39434 100 25 00 Nat Stein, Trustee 39451 100 25 00 Nat Stein. Trustee 39462 200 60 00 Nat Stein. Trustee 39462 100 25 00 O. W. Marye A Co.. Trs 39498 100 25 00 Geo. B. Root. Trustee 39533 100 25 00 Stanf A Cooper. Trustees... 39s63 100 25 00 H. 11. Shinn, Trustee ......39595 50 12 60 Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5. 39600 100 25 00 Thos.T.Atkinson A C0., Tr5.39-11 100 25 00 A. B. Ruggles, Trustee 39634 60 12 50 Geo. B. Root. Trustee 39665 100 25 00 Zadlg. Wollberg A Co.. Tr5.39723 100 25 00 brooks A De Grayer, Tr5...39725 60 12 60 Stanf A Cooper. Trustees... 3974B 60 12 50 Staur A Cooper, Trustees... 39749 100 25 00 Chas. P. Harris A Co.. Tr5.. 39765 60 12 60 Stanr A Cooper, Trustees. ..39769 100 26 00 Stauf A Cooper. Trustees... 39797 100 25 00 Rehfisch & Co.. Trustees. ...39Bos 60 12 60 E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees. 39B22 100 26 00 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 39834 100 25 00 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 39336 60 12 50 Zadlg, Wollberg A Co., Tr5. 39869 60 12 60 Jobn A. "Walls, Trustee 39884 50 12 60 O. W. Marye A Co.. Trs 39912 100 25 00 L. Greeuiaum &Co., Tr5...39931 100 25 00 Staur A Cooper. Trustees. ..399sl 50 12 50 Geo. B. Root. Trustee 39999 100 25 00 Jas. Newlands, Trustee 40017 500 126 00 E. Uauthier A Co., Trustees. 4oo34 100 25 00 Coffin A Sanderson, Trs 40047 200 60 00 Coffin A Sanderson, Irs 40052 50 12 50 Coffin A Sanderson, Trs 40063 600 125 00 Zadlg. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40066 100 25 00 Zadlg. Wollberg A Co., '1r5. 40069 100 25 00 Jobn Turnbull, Trustee 40091 70 17 50 W. H. Wright: Trustee 40110 100 25 00 W. H. Wright, Trustee 40137 100 25 00 Zsdlg, Wollberg ACo., Tr5. 40143 60 12 50 Stauf A Cooper, Trustees. ..4ol64 100 25 00 A. 8. Grotb. Trustee .-...40258 100 26 00 A. S. Groth. Trustee 40270 100 25 00 A. S. Groth, Trustee 40273 100 25 00 Jaa Newlands, Trustee 40294 10 2 50 Zadlg, Wollberg A Co.. Tr5.40314 100 25 00 A. S. Grotb, trustee 40361 20 6 00 A. 8. Groth, Trustee 40368 100 25 00 A. 8. Uroth, Trustee 40376 100 25 00 E. F. Cahlll A Co 40393 10 2 50 Geo. B. Root. Trustee. 40491 60 12 50 Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40507 100 25 00 H. L. Van Wyck. Trustee. ..4os4s 100 25 00 G. W. Marye * Co., Trs ...40550 100 25 00 G. W.Mary c A Co.. Trs 40551 100 25 00 A. S. Oroth, Trustee _4U553 60 12 00 C. D. Lang, Trustee 40572 100 25 00 E. Gautbler A Co., Trustees. 4o679 60 12 50 Stauf A Cooper. Trustees. ..40581 200 60 00 w. H. Wright. Trustee 40594 100 .25 00 Rehflsch A Co.. Trustees.... 4oloB 50 12 50 Cbas. P. Harris A Co., Tr5. .40609 100 25 00 K. Gautbler A- Co., Trustees.4o6l6 100 26 00 Rebflseh A Co.. Trustees 40629 100 25 00 Hadley A Doud, Trustees... 4o636 60 12 50 E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o6sB 100 25 00 A. S. Grotb, Trustee 40662 100 25 00 K. Gauthier A Co., Trustees.4o7l7 100 25 00 E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o72l 60 12 50 E. Gautbler &Co., Trustees.4o722 50 12 50 Geo. W. Reynolds, Trustee.. 4o74B 452 113 00 B. M. Bradford, Trustee 40747 1000 250 00 E. Gauthler ACo., Trustees. 4o763 100 26 00 E. F. Cahlll A Co., Trustees.4o764 200 60 00 E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o776 100 25 00 E. Gautbler A Co,, Trustees 40784 100 25 00 E. F. Cahlll A Co.. Trustees.4oBll 200 60 00 E. GauthierA Co.. Trustees. 4o324 100 25 00 Aug. Waterman. Tru5tee.. ..40829 600 125 00 Aug. Waterman. Trustee. ...4oB3o 500 126 00 Tbos. T. Atkinson A ,Tr5.40833 20 6 00 'K. Gauthier A Co., Trusteea4oB36 60 12 60 Jas. New ands, Trustee 40838 1 25 E. Uauthier A Co., Trustees.4oB44 100 25 00 Jas. Newlands, Trustee 40809 600 126 00 Geo. B. Root, Trustee 40870 300 75 00 Zadlg, Wollberg A Co., Trs. 4oBBl 100 26 00 Thos. T.Atkinson A C0.. Tr5. 40917 100 25 00 W. Edwards. Trustee 40930 200 60 00 Zadlg, Woliberg A Co., Tr5.40943 100 26 00 Zadlg. Wollberg A Co.. Tr5. 40944 100 25 00 Zadig. Wollberg A CO.. Tr5. 40946 100 25 00 Zatlg. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40947 100 25 00 Zadig. Woliberg A Co., Tr5. 40955 50 12 50 John Turnbull. Trustee 40966 20 5 00 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board ot Trustees, made on the 16tb day ot No- vember, 1893, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at public suction, at the office or the company, 188 Main street. Gold Hill. Nevada, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of January, 1894, at 1 o'clock p. _r. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment \u25a0 thereon, together with costs of advertising and I expenses of sale. I de.B td TT. B. BLAUVELT. Secretary. BOOMS TO LET-CONTINUED. *) SECOND-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT -I— room; single and double. jas 2t* Q/*0 CLARA. NIL SIXTH 2 FURNISHED ' ' rooms: $5 and 50; reference required; in Krench family. jas 3t* I . "JT CEDAR AYE., BET. VAN NESS AND I -*-> Polk St., ur. Geary Small lurnished room; »5. i* 6 3t* Qsj'7 GEARY— LARGE TRONT ROOM. HAND- -00 I someiy furnished, for 2 gentlemen or man and wife; housekeeping privileges; private family. _a 5 4t» J1 ( _ IST - LARUE SUNNY FURNISHED ' -1 vl room; hall room : also unfurnished. jas '_';* 111-. HYDE— A SINGLE FRONT ROOM; X OO closet, gas: $6. Ja6 '_* 1 I /' EIGHTH—SUNNY, FURNISHED~sFN - X 1 U gle room; $5. ]a 5 .t« -;' 1 HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED BAY- -1 v> 1 2 window suite; other rooms; bath, gas.4 5* I•> C SIXTH—SINULE AND HOOBBKBEP- T'lO; Ing rooms. jaI 5-• 6 "J HOWARD—NICELY FUBNISHED SUNNY -O front rooms; reasonable; other rooms. 4 3t* Oft** THIRD-SINGLE ROOMS; $1 AND UP- ->->*.) ward per week. ja4 sl* 7791 HARRISON - KIN ELY FURnTsHED I \u25a0_.:> sunny rooms: bath, closet: $4 up. Ja3 st* 'JQTURK, COR. TAYLOR(EXCELSIOR)— SUN- -0 -/ ny nicely furnished rooms; reasonable. 3 7t* Oft Qa POWELL (TBB MODEL)—NICELYFUR- " '• 1 nisbed sunny suites talso single rooms.3l 7* •_>*. -J. THIRD-- UNFURNISHED HOUSE- -)G*± keeping rooms; ln rear; $0. ja2 tf 1 lidCLAY— SUNNY FRONT ROOM: 1 OR 2 1 I X— gent emeu ____________ 1 1 AiiMARKET— FURNISHED ROOMS SUIT- X I _t able for offices: also housekeeping; mod- erate. de.4 lm llftl STOCKTON - NEWLY FURNISHED -1 J-U2 rooms: single and suite: gas and bath lm 11C SIXTH THE PIEDMONT; SUNNY 110 front rms. from $2 to *3 50 week. di-19 tf ").)i OEARY—RICHELIEU HOUSE; TRAVEL- .mJ'j tmr people solicited: day week or mouth tf '-_*-. 1 KEARNI—OFFICES AND FURNISH 00 X rooms to rent reasonable, with all conveni- ences^ del 2 lm» 71 - HOWARD NEW PLEASANTON; 200 1.1 « ' choice sunny rooms with gas ana running water; fi per week and up: per night, 60c and up de7 I in 10-1 POWELL- SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT Xv'*l room": gas*, closets; rent reasonable. lra QQ--. MARKET l-UHNL-HED SUITE AND VQsJ single rooms at reasonable rates. 5 tf \ r O-EMITE$ HOUSE 1045 MARKET, BET -ISixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night 35c to $l:per week. $1 50 to 85 -.families, ly ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single: flr*t- classe lass in every respect: terms reasonable jalO it BOARDING AND KOOMS. 171 c polk (iv_TrToi^T^^xßy_i-_e 'lit' rooms withboard; uay boarders accom- modated. .a 6 7t* fIVJIE \u25a0•ABBoTSFORD." BROADWAY AND LAR- X Kin; take cable-car direct: board optional. (J apt 9] V\N NESS AYE. ELEGANTLY MR- X nisbed snnny suites, also double and single rooms; hoard optional. de2B 1 in CHILDREN BOARDED. 12 OB 3 CHILDBBN TO BOARD; BEST OF 1 cure 2. - Haight St.. near Market. jal 7t* STORES TO LET. QOQP^ACIF "^IT^^D^rTSfE _--i_''~--_-1-K?"' o__ with, with basement: very cheap |6 'it t* 'I'" RENT-LARGE. ELL-LIGHTED LOFTS. 1 with or withuut power. Applyat Pacific Metal Works. 137 and 139 First St. J:l4 7t 3.JQ PACIFIC-HANDSOME LARGE STORE. —O with, without basement; very cheap, 31 7t» TO ASK FOR A TERM DPIEA KS— 2 STORES and 2o rooms in nreproof building. Clay street below Kearny. Apply 413 Kearny St. des tf IJAKI in LAEG FINE STORE FOB RENT; ' also largo, clean, dry basement for storage. -CUT 11. 1051 Market \u25a0•( deti tf OFFICES TO LET. L " i^E^)F77l_K3^^TTm C^T_(-H r _-_c7_l?nPci*. T puses: rent reasonable. W. J. HOUSTON A C ___. l'_ L M.rket st. jas lOt OFFICE ro LET. .Villi USE OF DESK. AT 007 Montgomery st. d 1 0 tf MONET TO LOAN. ,k ANTED—TO 1 '.ORROW $3500 AT 0 PER * cent: free of laves; hrst -•• ass real estate se- curity. C. 11.. box 159. Call Branch Offlce. Jas ilt* -.'.i1..!. OK -ESS ON REAL ESTATE. sJ2?—vlVi\.). ARMBRUSTER, 230 Montgomery St.. roi'in '.'. jas St* Mi \u25a0> LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER valuables at tbe Security Loan Rank, 1105 MarkeL nr. Ma.su: private entrance 7 Turl_ap9 it ____________________ PROPOS -.LS. V l - TICE—NOTICE-IS'HEBEBY GIVEN THAT i- \ In- Board or Directors or the Escondido Irri- gation 1 > strict will receive sealed proposals tor the pure:. a. of $250,000 of the bonds of said dis- trict. Said bids willbe received therefor at tbe oflic- of said boaid lv Esco idldo, California, un- til 10 o'clock _. it.on the titit day of February, 1894. a. J. -fEKDKN. Secretary of the Kscondido Irrigation District. Dated January 2. 1894. j a5 20t . ASSESSMENT NOTICES. pONFIDENCE SILVER MINING COMPANY- XJ Location of principal place of business. Sa. Franclseo, Cal.: location of works, Gold Hill, Storey louuty, Nev. Notice It hereby given that at a meeting of the board or directors, held on lbs 2«th day •I December. 1893, an assessment (No. 24) of 25 cents per share was levied upou the capital atock of the corporation, payable Immediately ln United States gold coin to the secretary at the office of the company, 414 California street.San Tranche \u25a0>, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shsll re- main unpaid on the .Oth day or January. 1894 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at put. He auction; and unless payment ls made before, willbe -ml on TUESDAY, the 20th day of Febru- ary, 1894, topay the delinquent assessment, to- gether with costs or advertising and expenses of sale Byorder of the board of directors. A. S. GROTH. Secretary. _Cifflce-4 California st-.San Francisco ,Cal.29td CROWN POINT GOLD AND SILVER MINING Company Location of principal place of busi- ness San Francisco. Cal. ; location of works, Gold Hill. Nev. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting or the Board of Directors, held on the 12tb day of De- cember. 1803, an assessment, No. 63, of 20 cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately in United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offlce or the company, room 35. third floor, Mills bn lid ing, cor. Bush and Moatgomtiy sts.. San Francisco, Cal. Any stock upon wbicb this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the 16th day of January, 1894. will he delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and 01 mipayment Is made brtore will be sold on TUESDAY, the Oth day of Feb- ruary. 1894, to pay tbe dellnauent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and *_• peases or sale. By order or the Heard or Dtreotors. JAS. NEWLANDS. Secretary. Office—Room 35, third floor. Mills building, cor. Bush and Montgomery sts., san Francisco, Cal. del, td C HOLLAR MININGCOMPANY—LOCATION OK s. principal place of business, San Francisco. Cal- ifornia Location of works, Virginia, Storey County, Nevada Notice is hereby given that at a meeting or the Board of Directors, held on tbe llth day ofDe cember. 1893. an assessment (No. 37) of ten (10) cents per share was levied upon the capita) stock or the corporation, payable Immediately lnUnited states gold coin, to (be secretary, at theofllceof the company, room 79, Nevada .lock. 309 Mont- gomery street. San Francisco. California Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid tbe 15th day or January, 1894, willbe delinquent and a vertlsed for sale at pub- lic auction ;and unless payment is made before, willbe sold on TUKSDAV, the (it h day of l-ebrn- ary. 1894. to pay the delinquent assessment, to- gether with costs or advertising aud expenses of sale By order or the Board of Director!. CHAS. K. ELLIOT.Secretary. Offlce—Room 79, Nevada Block. 3U9 Montgom- ery street, San Francisco, California. del 2 td KENT UCK CON. MINING COMPANY— LOCA- tion ot principal place of business, San Fran- cisco, Cal.; location of works. Gold Hill, Story Co., Nev. Notice ts hereby given that at a meeting of tbe board of directors, beld on the 20tb day of De- cember. 18.3. an assessment (No. 8) or 10 cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of tbe corporation, payable Immediately in United States gold coin to tbe secretary, at the office ol tbe company, room 2.. Nevada block, 309 Mont- gomery St.. San Francisco, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on tin 24th day or January. 1894. will be delinquent and advertised for saie at public auction, and un- less payment is made before will be sold on THURSDAY, the 16th day of February, 1894. t0 pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and exposes of sale. By order of the board of directors. AUG. WATERMAN. Secretary. Office— Room 33. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Cal. de2l td MEXICAN GOLD AND SILVER MINING l'l Company Location or principal place of business, San Franc Cal.; location of works. Virginia, Storey County Nev. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board or directors, held on the sixteenth dsy of December, 189 Can assessment (No. 19) of twenty- live cents (25c) per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable Imme- diately in United States gold coin to the secre- tary, at the office of the company, room 79, Nevad* block, 309 Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco. Ca). Any slock upon wblch thts assessment shall re main unpaid on the nineteenth day of January. 1894. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made be- fore willbe sold on TUESDAY the 13th day of Feliruary 1894, to pay the delinquent assessment, together withcosts of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of tbe board or directors. CHARLES E. ELLIOT, Secretary. Offlce—Room 79. Nevada block, 309 Montgom- ery St., San Francisco. Cal. _ :_ :7 td COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. CHKK N li\M 111 VI x£_ 1 1; llTf. One of 1 1 1 8 acres half mile from town, one of 8 acres half rule from center. One of seven acres, running water, IV, miles out. One of HV_ acres, running water. 2 miles out. All of above on 10 years' credit, 7 per cent, at $100 per acre. Also two 10 acre pieces at $60 per acre, M cash. D. H. TWING. Sonoma city, Cal. 1-6 51 i) f|-ACRE FRUIT RANCH IN BUTTE COON- f-Xl ty, cheap on account of death: for sale or to lease SeeL BLOHM. 213 Mission St., S. F_ Of ____ William St.. West Oakland. ja3 7l* ONTBA COSTA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE: XJ send for list. D.J. WEST. Martinez. CaI.JJ lm* LAND IN LOTS To SUIT, FROM 5 ACRES up, in THE RANCHO COTATL Level and rolling; 40 miles from San Francisco: railroad stations on the land; boat landing near: fine land at Irom $40 to $100 per acre; very easy terms. Maps and views sent on application to GEO. T. TROWBRIDGE, or GAMAN A LYON. 215 Kearny st. no 3 tf DH. TWING. SONOMA CITYCOUNTRY REAL . estate. City \u25a0 - c. 632 Market St.. S. F. 12 tf HOUSES TO LET. I r, 1 o BROADWAY. NR. POLK- HOUSE 10 -1 iJXvj rooms; modern improvements: rent *-*5-' | :i63t» r .o(\ SECOND—SUNNY CORNER; 14 BOOMS, itVJVJ bath, basemeut; Lewiy renovated; cheap. ], ;t t * •IAMARY, NR. STH AND MISSION— BOOMS, —VJ double parlors, from $35 to $25. ja6 3t» 1 A ROOMS. BATH AND LAUNDRY, ON 1 " Twelfth St.; fine house; excellent location; in good condition: rent very low. DEMPSTER. 36 Glen Park aye . off Twelfth st. no4 tf SaSu i 'LEN PARK AYE.—A CHARMING PRIVATE vi residence street: 7 rooms, bath and laundry: thoroughly repaired and clean; rent low. DEMPSTER. 36 Glen Park aye.. off l'Jth. 1 tf SaSu 1QAQ KDDY ST.. NEAR DE. I^AliK BO ST.— XOVJ V 2-story, bav-wlndow house: 7 rooms; all improvements; good basement and yard: rent low to a good tenant: Key at 1111 Devisadero. Apply to , C. Molloy, 138 Montgomery St. Jas .it -_*.7 J-fl OPPEB FLAT OK 9 ROOMS. O-I OvJ. suitable for lodging house. 1239 Kolsom St.. near Xinth. jas tf 7jo 1 OLSOM—7 ROOMS; front AND back I *1 yard ; S-T 50. with water. j_4 Tt» lO SEVENTH. NEAR HOWARD, » SUNNY _____* rooms and bath; $3'_ 60. ja4 St* C_7 2 ROOMS; 6 SELINA PLACE OF. I I 1.l- V* ' forma St.. near (Stockton. BUCKINGHAM A CO., 415 Montgomery st. ; key at 2 Seiina.d.Ui tf 6 -ROOM Hot SE AM) BATH; YARD; $18. 147 Valencia st. and see the owner. ja3 tl /. ONVENIENTH U . eT. ROOMSAND YARD. XJ 84 Everett st .nr. Fourth. de.'ll 7t* Q"/'(\ 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 2810 LAGUNA «!.—". St., near Union. delS tf ftlO HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. INCLUDING •X Jl . water: large yard, high basement: sunny side: Hoii Willow aye., bet. Eddy and Ellis sta, near luchatiau. G. 11. i MBSEN & CO. 11 Mont- gomery st. delO it PLQQ HOWARD-HOUSE. 9 LARGE BOOMS; OOP rstit $32 50 n022 tf ("ALL AND GET A LIST OF OUR VACANT s bouse circular, containing list of bonse to let and to lease; issued weekly. G. li. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. mvlOtf FURNISHED HOUSES. I? U RN isH__Dn?_Xrrrio_srfj_ET_^^ " if desired: nice place. 1235' ... i we ty-fiftb. 4t» VTCELY FURNISHED I HOUSE l OFI I4 ROOMB 1> forsale: STOP : no agents. 438' \u25a0'\u25a0 Sixth. ,'it* COT TA<;i... TO LET. COTTAGE 3 ROOMS; BASEMENT; SOITA- bIe for store. 118 Fillmore st. Call rear. 6 4t* VJEW COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, BAll *15. 325 is Cumberland, bet. Church aud Sanchez. ja6 31* ffi.l .) LABOR SUNNY COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS: t^l—.large yard; basement; inside blinds. Apply623 second st Ja4 3t* CUNNY COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; YABD 2415 Cj Clay st. deSl tf FLATS TO EET. DOT* !II! ii :ii. NBAS M\i X i T I i_TTT 000 rooms, bath: rent moderate. j:i6:it* LLAT 5 rooms-water free; rent $15. \u25a0 3516' . Mission st. ja6 2t» I OWES FLAT OF 3 ROOMS. BATH AND 1- st itmuary tubs. 2760 Harrison st., Dr. Twen- ty-fourth. ja6 _V* L'LAT-— 6 ROOMS. RATH. GAS; 4 ROOMS: E separate yards: iir_e cellar; low rent. 2717 Harris St., b«-_. _3d and 24tb. Ja6 St* 9. )1 HOWARD-FLAT OF 4 BOOMS; HOT- 'J— I water ranee. ja6 tf 1 ' ll'.--B eI.A I OF 5 BOOMS 2- BLUXOME t. St. $12. jaO 3t« ' I 'JO ROSE AYE— FLAT OK 3 ROOMSAND 1 OO ball; sunny side; rent $11. jas tf liil FILLMORE COR HERMANN—SUNN Y XvJ 1 c ru'-r upper flat: 4 rooms; >14. jas .it* . LAT 5 SUNNT RoOMS 20 WELSH ST.. OFF T Brannan. bet. Third and Fourth. jas 7l* 1 -> 1Q CLAY— 9 FLATS OF 7 AND 5 ROOMS 1 1 O each jas 3t* i)0-f (.ROVE— FINEMIDDLE FLAT; 7 ROOMS —O— and bath. ia4 3t* 1 Ol Q BUSH—FLAT; 3 ROOMS; RENT $15: I—l ) water free-, washroom. ja4 tf 4»>Q GREEN BAY-WINDoW I ATS ROOMS; _t sunny; batb; also 4 rooms in rear. 423 '_ ; rent very cheap. ja4 4t* 00l LIBERTY. BET. CHURCH AND DOLO- -2-.— 1 res— A new flat of 5 large rooms and bath; large basement and cemented yard; rent reduced; cheap to good tenant. ja3 st* B"J>A FOLSOM—NEK HOUSE: ALL MODERN P«) *_ Improvements; flats of 5 ami 9 rooms. j3 8* C* 1 .", NEW MODERN PLAT. 4 BOOMS, RATH. 0 1O . stationary washtuhs. 713 Fulton. deSl if LURNISHED LOWER FLAT, $30. 50 _ RHINE i streeL de29 tf I /EAUTIFUL SUNNY UPPER Pa. 7 1 ' rooms; modern; cheap. 442 Sixth st. de'.S tf 099 UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS: BATH. 1611 ._ —— Taylor, bet Pacific and Broadway. nolStt *-_L 9 SANCHEZ. NEAP. NINETEENTH— O? ' 1 per flat ot 4 rooms and hath; gas; very sun- ny and nice Key at 544.. Sanchez. deS tf 70_t MCALLISTER—SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 7 I —vj rooms: laundry and bath. s.y tf FURNISHED FEATS. 1/ urn1s i__l*rpT_rrr4~R?dl-T^^ : PIANO ifdesir d: nice pi .re. 235 1 , Twenty-fifth. 64» HOCKKKKKPLNG ROOMS. o*?___B--_"-"o"--__i^ 0 and Guerrero— 2 sunny connecting rooms ana kitchen. newly forn ished MRS. KOBB>EB.SS* 777 market furnished BOOMS for ill housekeeping aud offices ; .h-ap. oiTH tf 99 SECOND-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $9 TO --.-J $10: siogie. 15c nightly. jaii ,U» 1 1 (lEIGHTH— LARGE FURNISIIED SUNNY _- IU room: use kitchen; bathroom; gas. ~T~~BRYANT ROOM FURNISHED COM- IUU plete for housekeeping: bath; $!l. ja. tf 91 Q EDDY- FURNISH ED BOOSEKEEPING _ I O rooms; cars p.ss door Midwinter Falr.6 9Af» SEVENTH-LARGE SUNNY IIOUSE- _iU U keeping room furnished complete; use of kitchen. ' 1 '"vl '- VALENCIA-SUNNY FURNISHED XOXO light housekeeping; also single rooms; reasonable. jag 2t* Q FURNISHED CONNECTED ROOMS. FUR- »> nlshed for housekeeping; separate entrance. 454 Minna St. j«5 2* 1 Oft SEVEN! 2 NICE FURNISHED FRO 100 rooms housekeeping; batb and veranda- .l 2. jao 2.' rf'l MISSION, NR. SECOND— LABGE FRONT OvJX room aud kitchen, furnished complete for housekeeping. jas 2t* CAO WASHINGTON SUNNY FURNISHED sJVJjL and unfurnished r'ms: running water. 4 7* 9 NICE REAR ROOMS; BATH. HOT ANn COLD water; gas IT desired to quiet people; rent $10. Applyplumbing store, 623 Golden Gate aye., 8 to 5 p. M. . ja43t 3 GLEN PARK AYE.—2 BOOMS FUKNIsHED for housekeeping. Ja3 6t*. 1 A. ___ JA(.K.S>N. NIL POWELL— FURNISHED 1 UU.sunny front housekeeping; $8 to $10.3 6* QI A LAOUNA-2 OB 3 FURNISHED. SUNNY 0I TT o -ins for honsekeepl- g: use kitchen. 31 ~* ROOMS TO LET. Tpu ltN I~1T__»~8U OR SiInGLE is rooms; small private family. 381 Dolores street. jaO.n* ff' C MARKET-NICELY FUBNISBED RAY- U«J window suites reasonable; single rooms- s6 to $10. Ja6 2t» ' SUNNY ROOMS: KITCHEN IF DESIRED 420 Post st. » ' Oil FOLSOM— LARGE FURNISHED FRONT 0.1 "I room with closet: use of kitcken: $7. » 1 FUBNISHED ROOM INPRIVATE FAMILY. 1 459 Stevenson st. liil I'OLSOM-LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM I v'-± nicely furnished; grate; reasona'iie.ia'i 2* 7*.7 'OLSOM LARGE SUNNY ROOMS NEAT. I xl * ly furnisbed for gents, reasonable. J»6 2;« 1f.Q7 MISSION-LARGE SUNNY PARLOR 1 UO Inicely furnished; 1 or2 gents. Ist flour.-* *-*__.' VALENCIA SUNNY SINGLE Fur. OOx-t nlshed rooms; $4 and $5 ja6 at* f.OLTOH HOI SE. 220 THIRD: SINGLE VV suites, 25c to $1 night; 3150 to $4 a week; families. jas 2t* ACI STEVENSON—I FINE SUITABLE ROOM rXOX for 2 gentlemen. jas 2t» I 7JO HOWARD—LARGE BACK FURNISHED I jO pur'or: other rooms; also house In rear; suitable for workshop: reasonable. jas tf CITY' REAL ESTATE. as CALEB- A McMAHAN. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. RENT COLLECTORS AND INSURANCE BROKERS. 22 MONTGOMERY. BET. SUTTER * MARKET. $28,500— G00d Investment: lot 25x160: S. line of Mission st. through to Minna, near the new postoffice site: two 3-story, with brick basements, houses . reduced rents $170 per montb. l6 tt SaTu LOR SALE. r A GREAT BARGAIN. Tehama St., bet. s th and 6th; lot SO feet front liv 80 feet deep: 1 large house of 4 apartments and 1 flne double house of 2 apartments: rents $.0 per month. Apply to Met.LYNN A MENTON, real estate agents, cor. Market and New Mont- gomery sts., under Palace Hotel. jao 5t NoW IS THE TIME TO BUILD. Is Money is plentiful and buildingmaterials are cheap. Plana and specifications prepared, estimates furnished and all kinds of houses built In San Francisco and Alameda counties, on any terms, by THE HOME BUILDING CO.. 12 Montgomery st Call and see plans. ja6 14t A.N YOUR OWN HOME! SAVE YOUR BENT! YOU CAN BUY A HOME ON EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS EQUAL TO RENT. ELEGANT 2-STORY HOUSES ON PACIFIC J Heights, overlooking Golden Gate Park, and In the Mission: fine locations; modem improve- ments; $-40 per month and up. COTTAGES OF 6, 6 AND 7 ROOMS IN THE Mission, near the park, ana In the Richmond district; all in good neighborhoods, on streetcar lines and modernly Improved; $30 per mouth and upward. JUST COMPLETED 2 SPLENDID HOMES of 10 rooms and hath; finished attic and base- ment; all modern finish; flne marine view; cor. Green and Laguna sts.; visit these by all means. Full particulars by Inquiring of LOUIS LANDLER, owner and builder, Mills building, room 16. second floor. deS If SaSu We I, AGE STREET COTTAGE. $1000 cash: balance $42 50 a montb: full prices42so; nobby bay-window cottage, contain- ing 5 rooms, bath, 2 mantel-mirrors, etc. 1 ROY \u25a0V MeN ALLY, 630 Market St. jal 7t pREAT BARGAIN: ONLY $5500; FOUR NEW VJ flats; rents $60: lot 27x115; see this at once. MURPHY, 628 Market st. Ja4 tf ON TO RICHMOND: A SPLENDID CORNER cheap: only $3500: lot :.0_120: improved; 12 tiiaye. and Clement st., NE. and choicest cor- ner: southern and western exposure; opposite the handsome resideuce of Mr. George T. Marsh; this is the finest part of Richmond; hign ground; One marine view; only 3 blocks from the Midwin- ter Pair grounds: street work done: sure to im- prove In value; a splendid Investment. Apply to R. L. C. BARN -. Bulletin office. de 6 tf Jl ST COMPLETED— AN ELEGANT ROW OF •J modern houses containing 8 and 10 rooms; sunny exposure and iloning ground: on Waller and Cole sts. ; prices rroin $6600 to $7000 : terms easy. Apply on premises. de3 tf LOT. COR CALIFORNIA AYE AND .RAN- conia aye. for sale cheat). Address Pargalu, box 61. Call office. se'_6 tf CALE OF REAL ESTATE. 0 The real estate at the westerly corner of Third and l'.rannao streets, In this city and county, size of lot 40x50 fe-t. will be sold at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, sulnect to the con- firmation of the Superior Court. The sale willbe made on or after January 20. 1894. All bids must be in writing and left at the lawoffice of Davis Louderback, 607 Kearny street, rooms 1, 2 and 3, in 1 1. ls city and County. Terms and conditions of sale, gold coin of the Uuited states. 10 per cent or the purchase money to be paid on acceptance of the bid, balance on confirmation ot sale. The trus- tees aud executors reserve the right to reject all bids. A. W. SCOTT, C. C. BUTT, Trustees and executors of the last will and testa- meut of CHRISTOPH HARTMANN. deceased. de29 16t _______ \u25a0 -_Q9_l-l 6-ROOM 2-STORY ON EUREKA, OmmXfTJ. near 20th. $2700—6 room cottage on 20th St., nr. Eureka. $4600— 8-room 2-story on 20th. near Castro. $3-00— 7-room 2-story, cor. 25th and Diamond: finished with all modern conveniences; ne.r cars, and will be sold on very easy terms by INI I.MI \u25a0 . builder. : 6.0 -sth, near Castro.2B tf OAKLAND KKAL ESTATE. Cjl/Oi CASH, *'-' 5 ¥1:R MONTH S ROOM C JL v" ' house; bath: 10 minutes by electric-car from Broadway and Seventh St.; warm. DO fogs: $2000. WSL P. TODD. 1010 Broadway. Oak- land, iati tf ex Su I iE'.IN THE TEAR RIGHT. A BOMB ON IN* I* stallment plan. Sew cottage on heights: close to cars: convenient to school. $2350; easy payments. W. E. BARNARD A SON. -.OS Ninth street. Oakland. de3l 7t COME CHOICE ~~~ ~ OAKLAND PROFERTY AT PANIC PRH NO REASONABLE O.FBB REFUSED. W. W. BLOW. 1010 BROADWAY. de.9 tf GOOD BUY:NEW MODERN COTTAGE: JUST XT completed; 5 rooms, bath, etc,: within one block of electric car line: street work all dour: cement stone sidewalks, and only 10 minutes to the center of Oakland: tbis will be sold on a small cash payment; balauce easy Installments: mlc-- $2476: large lot. A, H. BRKED A CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . -. ael'J tf I OOK AT THIS; *1500, $250 DOWN. $25 PER Ij month: a new cot Use 4 rooms and lath: only 5 minutes' walk from station on Seventh st. local; the best house for the price ln Oakland. A. U. BREED ft CO., 460 Ninth St.. Oakland, del7 tf Q>9^A LOT *©xl*_s:EABl OF FRUITVALE; iii _.«-_>, 2 blocks to electric cars: cement walks: $10 down, $5 monthly. MACDONALU, MOT] A CO.. 1008 Broadway. Oakland. \u25a0 nold tf ffl- l/i CASH AND 10- ;t CENTS PER DAY OR $5 vT 1 1' per month will buy a lot in the Gem Tract, only 600 feet from the Sau Leandro Electric-car line, and near Seminary aye -RATTA Co.. 459 Ninth St.. Oakland. jagg tf GO TO DAY AND BUY ONE OR MORE LOTS ln the Lorin Heights Tract, along the lineot the Cal. and Nsv. Railroad; new Terry to San Francisco; quick time; buy now before prices ad- vance; sure to make money*, price $450; only $50 casb. balance $10 per month. CLOUGH A BAKER. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. jy7 tf _ C IHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— V- "WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address ln the United States or Canada one year for $1, postage free- ALA 11 MIA REAL I STATE. < _t99*-f. $10 ° CASH, $25 MONTHLY, FOR <£;__._-. 'J. a new 5-room cottage; modern im- provements. $2300— 5500 cash. $25 monthly, elegant 6-room cottage, near statiou. $2- 50— 5250 cash, $30 monthly, 5-room cottage, at station. $3500— 5500 cash. $30 monthly, new7-ronm cot- tage; bet. broad and narrow gauge. Houses to let from $10 to $..;"> per month. OPEN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. MARCUSE & REMME L. 628 Market st ,S. F.; Bay-st. station and High st. station, Alameda. noil S»TuT tt II DOSES AND LOTS FOB SALE NOTHING II down, easy monthly payments; bouses built to sultpurchaser; only10 percent down, monthly payments same as rent; 3 modern cottages of 5 rooms and bath, with 33 feet frontage each; $2500, 9.700 and $2750; easy payments: assign- ee'ssaie: must he closed out makeanotler. H. P. MOREAL- CO., 1428 Park St.. Alameda. delOtf »\ E ARE BUILDING HANDSOME 2-STORY " bouses of 6, 6, 7 and 8 rooms in the very best locations in Alameda and sell them with lots and other improvements from $2500 upward on very stay monthly installments: now is tbe time to se- cure a home complete in all respects ln beautiful Alameda. See us before closing any purchase, office open evenings. MUTUAL BUILDINGAND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1602 Park St.. near Santa Clara aye n024 tf Cl* fA monthly BUYS a *425 lot in ALA- _7 »- inert a. X l> SPARROW. -10 Market, apll tf OAKLANIJ FURNITURE FOB SALE IF FURNITURE YOUWANT-GOOD ANDCBEAP 1 seeH. I. HA AS. lOH 1 P-v. nth st.nl 7eodtf BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. I<"R EXCHANGE— OB BOBBBS AN') X nuggy. lot 25x127:6. near San Pablo aye. ia Lorln. B. ('., Call office. Oakland. las St BERKELEY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY— Houses and lots for sale . nd to rent. 21 ;fI Kr FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. EMIR SALE-2 EXCELLENT FAMILY COWS: I one Jersey, one Jersey and Alderney : good milkers and rich milk. Address Cows, box 46, this office. Jati ENGINEER'S FIELD TRANSIT: IN SPLEN- did order; for sale cheap. 1017 Mission. ]U 7t* I. EST A RANT FI XI 0 £ tT, COIN it table, chairs, glassware. Inquire 125 Third St. butcher-shop. .___*! __ I AW LIBRARY. 1640 VOLUMES ADDRESS 1- 2102 Sutter st : 8. A. WINaNS de3l 7t* I. LEGANT BARROOM SET: 16 FEET LARGE ' - iilateg'ass mirror and side pieces; $175: worth $300. 11- -V_ Folsom st. de 22 tf ._ I 1 . _ MODEL ; 93 COLUMBIA PNEU- JJp 1 J. VJ . matlc bicycle; cost $155; has been ridden only 5 times: absolutely per. ect condi- tion. Address E EL. box 4l. this office. delOtf 1 ORUER-3 KIRK AND BURGLAR PROOF safes. 221. 223 Market St. de9 tf L'oi: SALE— BELTINGOP ALL KINDSIA " JJ qualities: ring up telephone or write us: prices low; tree delivery San Francisco and Oakland. A. O. COOK A HON. ISth and Fair Oaks; Tel. 6048,tf ..HOWC A SKS. BAR STORE, OFFICE FlX- __ tures. Scheerer's Pioneer Stoie,2s 10th.13 12m SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, l 3 shafting, pnlleys, belting, water-pipes. etc, dei tf McINTOSH A WOLPMAN, 137 Seals St. gomranasa cH.wm. 000 COFFEE SALOON. BAKERY AND /; siPJ."UU. restaurant; city front; immediately - •opp.tne Terries; continuously run 25 years; lias - wade fortunes; receipt* $35 to ?45 per day; •. . Handsome bar : cash register ; everything in first- ;. class running order; trade Immense : nothing ilk« .. it anywhere; could not help but be good on ae- .; . count or Its remarkable bus ness location; thou- .\u25a0\u25a0 lands pass dally: is actually '-heap at $1500: see It, Investigate and make an offer: must sell GEO. - STEWah C.v SON, c.iii Market st . opp. Palace. 1 : \u25a0pARTMH-A BUSINESS OPENING; $50 CAP- ' ":-*- ital required; lady or gentleman, Call to-day room 14. 28 Eighth at. *__ V "LMRST-CLASS SALOON I'll RENT: 4 LIVING- -. rooms: newly fitted up In flrst-«-lass condition. -. -Cor. Leaven worth and McAllister sts. jag at* -. ' . •<& ica lady was PARTNER.- <;<>ol> ••\u25a0«lpluU. business, Call or address 931 Market \u25a0. ..room 1. 3 ntl \u25a0 l KESTACBANT ON CUV FRONT; GOOD BCSl- ness; rent low; muxt l>e sold soon. owniT so- Ing away. Address* , box 44, Call Office. jag7^_ PAYING " LUNCH-HOUSE: LIVING-ROOMS: sickness cause \u25a0 I sale. ApplJ this office. . ..T JEASE OR ii V -MALL paper boute..'.f. -LJ L.. box 9. Call Offi-e. }*"-'__ •'\u25a0'•"'•TCn is PARTNER IN LARGE GERMAN : O<£>U.beer ball; low rent: lone lease: trial •- ; granted. Call butcher-store. 125 Third st. ja6 7t* : \u25a0\u25a0 Co o- kkTmh BAKERY. notion and .': .£M~O. stationery store. Apply Call Branch.ti 2* '•'•'•* & n r AS»KV-7AND FANCY GOODS AND - ' JJhuO". general variety store: paying business. ' \u25a0mVi.aI'GH !.'.:• A CO., 26 Mi Kearny St. j:U 3t» ' '.- » iKA MILK ROITE: 2 HORSES AND '•\u25a0 3*-Jt.M'. wagon: mostly private trade; retinue ' . came of sale. MCLAUGHLIN a CO., 2ts% Kearny : street. 3*3 at* •\u25a0 C ,onn SALOON: CITYFRONT. NEAR THE tJTCH'U. ferries; this Is a bargain; must (tell Im- mediately. Mclaughlin & Co.. 26** Kearny ';. street. ' Jas at* - &Q~(\ FIFTEEN-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE: «JTOOU. rent $15: city front. 308 Grant aye. 3t» ©Qnn GOOD PAYING HOUSE; 23 BOOMS; t"' "v'l». cause sickness. Apply Call Branch ; Office. jas 3t» A~~l A BARGAIN— DRDGSTORE IN '1 HE CITY. Arp!Tf |>r Information at J. H. D. VELD BUSCH I S. 428 California, bet. the hours of 9 and S p. m, jas "'* . m, I ~i\(\ STOCK, TOOLS AND GOOD WILL 1 OUU. of blacksmlthlng and horseshoeing ' \u25a0 «bop In Nap»: rent $20 per mouth. WILLIAM . HUNTER. Nap». Cat ]*$ 7t QALOON FOR SALE—AN OLD ESTABLISHED iO business: downtown; present owner there eight ><»r«; account sickness. Inquire cor, broadway an.i hansome. j:».' 7t^ LOR SALE FRUIT AND VEG ETA IiLE T store. 209 Polk st. jas at* DELICACY AND DAIKY PRODUCE, W HOLE- sale and retail business for gale: established for eight years; good reason for selti::- Ail- dress K. P.. box 1 Hi. Call Branch. ;u5 'M* SALOON AT A BARGAIN: CALL AND SEE; ij price $400. 233 Sixth s^ ias 31* FOR SALE— A BARGAIN: A DRUGSTORE. Ap- plyE. EM AN UEL. 43'J Fourta St. j»5 M* K«TAtJRANT AND BARBKK-SHOP FOR sale; beat bargain in rlty. 317y 3 Third. j6 ffl»"/)i\ SALOON. WORTH (1000 WITH C N «J'''-"- llTtng-rooma, near Midwinter Kair ground!", Golden .ate Park; rent if<s. Inquire at 29 Sixth st.; liquor-store; do agents. ]aa j* Q^fin SOBER IND.USTI.IOI'SMAN WITH ' i^O\J\J . this amonut of capital can secure an lnterrit in » good established business; positively ciearin; t'^ou per month: this is genuine ana will bear the strictest investigation: owner has more business than he can personally attend to and pre- . ' fer? partner to hired help. Inquire of L. EGBERT, 931 Market st. ja4 5t LOR BALE—WALL PAPER. PAINTS, OILS, •T etc., store, withfine stock, doing a good con- tracting business: horse, wagon aud staging: j:'."iO. JON AS. 9'_' l Market st. ja4 At* flj J-- BRANCH BAKERY, VARIETIES AND O"i I «-*• notions: pood stock; fine fixtures: Rood cash trade: 4 living rooms: reutsiB; fine place fur eofl«>e and Ice-cream pailor; come and see. rt4 M/ 8 Fifth St. y.i-i3t» ; OLD LIQd (R-STORE, WHOLESALE AM) EB- VJ tail; one of the best corners la the city: other business cause of sale. SE. cor. Pacific and San- some \u25a0' - j;i4 7t* RANCH BAKERY, STA I lONEHY ANDVAR- iety store; good cash trade: larsesuuny rooms; chicken yard. Address 8. S.. box 148, Call Branch Office. . ja4 3t« QQn GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE; CAN <U.OV'- easily make $5 per day. Address C. C, box 115. Call i'.ranrh office. ja4 3t» QO^II ON ACCOUNT OF OTHER INVEST- O —''V. ment Mayuard'B vrell-known saloon cor. Moutgomery ami I'ac ftc; bar fixtures, piano. - -\u25a0 gas. electric light, billiard table, mirror, furniture; standard c.ner; steady trade. j;i4 3t* DEBTAURANI AND COFFEE SALOON FOR Xtsale. 800 Fourth st. ja4 'M* Q9~ SALOON COMPLETE. 406 PACIFIC 0 ''• street. jaJ St* C' ]- CANDY, NOTION AND VARIETY yJ I•' store for aai«, 104 Misatoa «. Jal FOR BALK— FRUIT, CIGAR AND CANDY- -• store; good tr.<de. 104Vs Powell st. ja4 3t* QO^f) SPLENDID CHOPHOTJSE; CITY <.')•-'". front; well established. Apply 306. Grant are. jai 3. - X'CRNISHKD DINING-PARLOR FOR SALE : \u25a0 -1 ch«ap. 413 Post St. ja3 7t« /••ANDY MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL \J business: cheap; present proprietor engaging : '..ln other business. Address C 8., box i<j, (ail .-' Branch Office. jaH st» ©OHO LADY WANTS PARTNER TO TAKK \u25a0• t£<jyJ\J. half interest inbusiness that pays $200 -'• month; well established; central location. Ad- djes<i Lady, bos 111, Call Branch. Ja2 tf SALOON FOR SALE— I3I"(VFARRELL. CdR. O Powell st. Apply bet. 1and 3p. m. le3l 7t* "VIEWM'AHER ROUTE ON THE OTHER SIDE X' of the bay for saie; will net 8160 per month; splendid investment for energetic man. Aoply . - E. H.. this office. <Je9 tf PART WANTED ($250) IN REAL ES- X tate business. JONAS. 921 Market. iiltt ARTIES THINKING OF OPENING 7JT- -I loons or stores near the fair grounds will find It to their advantage to call and see my outfits, new : and second - hand, of bars, b&ckbars. mirrors, •helving!, counters, showcases, scales, safes, iltn>- \u25a0• .Icoms. etc.; largest stock: and only store la ilia city of this kind J. NOONAM. 1017 to 1023 Mission st. above :\u25a0\u25a0 Sixth. OPEN EVENINGS. au'JO tf A 'WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. LODGING- HOCB KS lOR SALE. . <S)OV)VJ. LAUGHLIN& CO.. 261/2 Kearny.o at* MUST BE BOLD~TO~BIGHEST~BIDDErT~24 rooms; Geary st. Apply 704y 3 O'Farrell St.: 1 .'- afternoon. ja4 3t» IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL A LOU',I \ bouse, furnished flat or place of business see M. J. LKU'JtHOL'IZ, 321 Sutler St.: loans nego- ' .: tlated. i»t tf nK.MTIKB FOB SALK. '\u25a0'• A BARGAIN-FURNITURE 6 ROOMS AM) ;. . JA- bath complete for housekeeping: 2 bedrooms ,' .now rented pay rent: cheap. l'JOl Folsou. St. pHEAP CARPETS AND STOVES; FURNI^ "V tnre bought and sold. ANDERSON'S. 1121 .Market st. jas 7t ... ' . IVILEY bROS.. 931 MISSION—FURNITURE, .' " carpets, ttoves cheap; cash liistallni'ts.no4 ly ; T^OIICE-I AM NOW AT 126 FOURTH (NEW \u25a0 J. building), and offer a large stock of general booiebold lurui lure at reduced prices; 500 carpet rood as new; stores, $6; antique chamber suits, \u25a0 $16; parlor suits. »J5; cash or installment!; all at bedrock price*. T. II NEi SON. 126 lourth st altf . FUKN I ILK K WANTED. MJ. SIMMONS, AUCTIONEER. 1057 MAR- i>I-. ket St., will buy your household furniture, pianos. Dric-a-brac books, etc.. for the highest , •. ( ash prices; no not dispose or your property until i tie has made you an offer on the same, send pos- .. tal, or telephone :i449: also groceries, liquor and -stocks of merchandise of all kinds bought In city .• or country. . __j lm SBASCH. 321 BUTTER ST., BUYS FURNI- . ture, mercuandise. saloons, etc. 0c25 tf SPECIALTY BUYING CONTENTS OF . house*, flats, etc.. for cash. Call or address . HENRY KUTTNEH. office. 144 Phelan b'ldg.Jal tf H.i LEUTHOLTZ. 402 BUTTER BUYS . furniture, merchandise, saloons, etc. 0c25 tf GEO. F. LAMSON WILL BUY YOUR FUR.M- tnre; full cash value 410 Kearny, Ran 8.a4 6 in Mf<;ABE, 128 FOURTH, FAYS IHEHIGHEST price for furniture, stores. ranges.carpets. 1 y A LARGE QUANTITY M:CO>I>HA.NU FUR- mture wanted; 20 per ft paid more than else- where. MAi.ONI,. 110 Fourth; pew More, m2O tf . -A* J.SIMMOAS4 CO., AUCTIONEERS. ILL .. \u25a0i. ' buy Jo ur lurnlture, pianos and books. 1067 . : Market st. ap9 tf "A VTEKK'S NKV,T FOR 5 CEN JS TUB ;, . A WEfcKLy CALL.In wrapper, for mailing. '\u25a0:... \u25a0; CAKI'IT>. ELEGANT L ISI ; o l | . i RPET?«OO . a yard, sewed and laid; Heavy Floor Oilcloth. .-; \u25a0 26c. a yard; Good Matting, 10c a yard: Solid oak •-. Bedroom Sets, 7 pieces $-25. S.W SHIRKK, 1310- -'• ,1312 Stock!..-, St.; country orders solicited. 31 tr \u25a0'. •\u25a0; O CARP KT ; CL KAXIKO: .. /CARPET-CLEANING, 3(TIpeR~YaRD :TEL~ . 6074. CAMPBELL & HORENSEN 286 Four- : . teenth SU successors to .1. E. Mitchell i Co.n4 Sin " \u25a0 " \\ HEN TOU BECOME DISGt'STKD WITH . \u25a0 .- »» poor worksend to SPAULOINovs Pioneer Ca- r\u25a0 - llestlng Works, 353-7 Tehama; tel« 3040.21 tf ;- CABFETfI THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND - :\J. rmoTated same as new. S.S.FERGUSON* ; ' ' CO., 23 Ttcth st. ; telephone 3036. 1tf •".- jpONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \u25a0 V;Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 12 tl OHBAFEST AND BEST IN AMEKICA-THK *J WBEKLY CALL. Bent to any address In the - -'United States or Canada one year for $1, postage

Annual J1 Women's Christian Association. ED~sFN Successful ...€¦ · A NOBLE CHARITY. Helping Young Women to Help Themselves. Annual Meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association

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Page 1: Annual J1 Women's Christian Association. ED~sFN Successful ...€¦ · A NOBLE CHARITY. Helping Young Women to Help Themselves. Annual Meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association


Helping Young Women toHelp Themselves.

Annual Meeting of the YoungWomen's Christian Association.

A Successful Year.'

1Tbe annual meeting of tlie San Francisco

Young Women's Christian Association wasbeld yesterday at 1221 O'Farrell street.

Tbe reports showed thai ibe association wasIna sound condition and that Itwas doing, andvery successfully, too, ibe work wbicb it was

designed iodo.Itis now a very complex organization, hav-

ing ten separate departments, eacb ol whicb isa society initself.

There were 625 boarders during the year,the home being always taxed toits utmost capa-city. Of these 438 were Americans and 180foreigners.

The King's Daughters' Society has taken tbeCity and County Hospital as its especial field,carrying to Uie patients flowers, fruit, jelliesand reading matter. A Christian EndeavorSociety bas been also recently organized at thehome.

Tbe physical culture classes are attendedeach day by 370 girls. Tbe employmentbureau bas secured positions as teachers, gov-ernesses, dressmakers, etc., for 350 youugwomen.

Tbe library and reading-rooms are open dayand evening. llie cooking class- have be**nof especial interest, tbe attendants being 400.Many girls have been taught cooking ana haveobtained positions in consequence worm $25and $30.

The classes in sewing, dressmaking andmlllineiyhave been also very popular. Thetwo lunchrooms, at 514 Howard and 116 Davisstr'et. have been patronized daily by fromninety to 170 girls each. Heading-rooms arerun inconnection with these. The cost of a dishls 1cent. Many or the girls say this is tbe bestmeal they have during tbe day.

The relief committee has assisted 1012 per-sons, giving 356 money donations. TheTravelers' Aidhas a woman at each of tbesteamers aud tbe overland trains to aidstranger*.

The finance committee reported all bills paidand $350 in the bank. Through tbe liberal as-sistance of W. E. Brown, Mrs. Hearst, theFirst Fiesbyterian Church and others tbelunchroom deficit was cauceled.

Mrs. Morse, treasurer, reported receipts asfollows:

nice on hand January 1, 1893 $ 261 55Membership and subscriptions 297 70Donations collected tor relier 2.413 65Collected by United Workers 3,710 19Advertising lnannual report 200 00interest 935"card 7.932 74Travelers' aid tuiid 600 00Mary A.Crocker trust 3,000 00

Total $18,425 18Hisbursemuts were as follows:

House expenses $8,954 10Relief committee 1,624 22Howard-street lunchroom 2,515 59Davis-street lunchroom 3.0-6 93Class In cooki 112 50Physical culture classes '. ,180 00Serving aud training class 157 25Insurance taxes and repairs 807 90Printing 228 50Travelers' Aid 600 00Dues to International Hoard .0 00Balance 259 19

Tbe following officers were re-elected, for theyear: President, Mrs. L. C. l.edin.ton; vlce-pesideuts. Mis. William O. Gould, Mrs. GeorgeXV.Preseott, Mrs. .1. F. Merrill and Mrs. P. 1).

iBrowne; recording secretary, Mi. H. VanWinkle; corresponding secretary, -Mrs. GeorgeP. Thurston; treasurer, Mrs. I. H. Mm-- ;directors, Mrs. L. C.R dington, Mrs. WilliamO. Gould, Mi-. G. VV. Preseott. Mrs. J. F. Mer-rill, Mrs. M. P. Jours, Mrs, In. G. Kiltie,Mrs.1.. Algeltinger, Mrs. George P. Thurston, Mrs.P. D. Browne, Miss H. Vau Winkle, Mrs. 1.H.Morse. •—


MRS. JACKSON'S WOES.Failing in Her Divorce Suit She

Asks for Support.Judge Slack has denied the application of

Mrs.Clara E. Jackson for an order of the courtcompelling her husband, Cbarles M. Jackson,tomake her an allowance for her support.

Some months ago Airs. Jackson ought anaction against hei husband fora divorce ou ibeground of extreme cruelty. She lost her suit,and her application of yesterday was b.ised onher statemeni tbat ber husband, wbo owns itieOlive Bi-iich saloon and keeps tbe restaurantat Bay Disiilet nac~, bad refused to take herback to livewith Mm. She testified yesterdaytuat ber busband bad tineaicued ber witb vio-1-iice ifshe came near him.

On tbe oilier hand Jackson stated incourtthat he was v.ry willing10 take bis wife back.Ifsne did not care to reside at the Olive Branchhe would provide ber with a home in tbe neigh-borhood. He was always ready and willingtosupport bis wire.

Judge Slack said there was no evidence toshow that Jacksou would not support bis wife.The matter would be continued for a week,during winch time Itwould be seen whether ornot Jackson really intended to carry out hispromise. •—


Shot at Him.W. J. Morton or 605 Willow arenue had

Thomas Baker arrested yesterday ou a chargeof a>sault to minder. Morton ou Hie last dayof the year is said to have Invited some friendslulo Baker's saloon where he asked lor C edit.K;»ker urote the visitors out of the ulac- andto accelerate their movetn nts ihed bis pistolat them, resulting in iheball glancing oil fiomido side of Morton's head.



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Ths. Magee &Sods,Real Estate Agents

And Publishers"Real Estate Circular."

No. 20 Montgomery Street,OPPOSITE LICK HOUSE.

_NVKSTME-.TS-A_.l- PRICES.Some very ftne business investments near the

center of the city,paying well; parti.mars atoffice.

l'o st. investment: 3-story buildings and lot;30x110; rents $ 55: $27,000.. Rents $144: .18.000: SW. corner Bush andMason; 42:0x85 and brick and frame buildings; 4blocks from Kearuy sr.

rolk and Clay: corner; well improved; rents9150 steady: 9.5.500.

Keduced; 918.000: Howard St.. N. side, betweenNew Montgomery and 3d; 57:6x55 and brickdwellings; renting for $100.

tiearyst corner, near Taylor; 28 feet front: 2-story building; 2 stores below; rents $130;$22,000

$11,000; rents $90; Haight St.; 5 flats, bet.Webster and Fillmore; -7x137:6; houses In first-<lass order: always rented.

t tue business corner; $6250; on 17th st. ;28x100: good 2-story building.

Valeucia-st. bargain; 40x92:6 and small house;reduced to 910.000.HOUSES AND iOTS-S4OOOTO $10,000.

-tore and flat: rents 537 : $4500; lot 25x100;18th St., bet. Sanchez and Noe: $2000 can remain.• rove st., N. side, bet. Fran and Hough;27:6x68:9 and 2-story ln2 tenements: $5250.

Reduced to $10,000: Hyde St., bet. Sacramentoand Ciay: 40:0 feet front and three-year-old verycozy residence.

.hree 2-story dwellings of 6 rooms; in goodorder; rents $45: Krtest.. near Howard, bet. 13thami I4tb: lot 54x76; street paved: 90000.

Turn St.; house and lot: 25x137:6 and goodnearly new bouse of 9 rooms, bathroom andmodern conveniences; street just bituuiinlzed:$7500.

A Mission corner bargain; W. cor. of Capo and18th; 24x92, and good --story dwelling;could beturned into store; $5260.

$4250— Bryant st,. N. side. bet. 2d and 3d; 25x80. and very comfortable house; electric carspass; street in good order.LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY.

81200 ANDOVER.Waller St., half ablock from Market: 26x137 :6;

$4000 each; street graded, macadamized andsewered.

Reduce to$2000; lots 25x127:8; Jackson st :magnificent view: bet. Locust ana Spruce ; streetwork 'lone: «ny size front.

.'heap corner; 37:0x100; $2750; $1600 can re-main on mortgage; ..W cor. Sacramento and

pie: cable Hue now being built past this lot.OaK st., facing the park,near Ashbury: lot 25x

100.Snradcr St., near Haicbt: 1 block from the park;

lots 25x100; $2260 eacb; street worK done.Cheap lot—Mis. ion St., netr Preclta aye., and

nearly opposite Valencia; lot25x100: $2500.L.its reduced to $1200, $1300 and $1400. 25x

100 and 251137:6 in size, in the bloc iHoundedbounded by i.reenw.ch, Lombard. Octavia andI.:uuiia: streets graded, macadamized and sew-ered; this are the cheapest lots offered in this re-gion: easy terms; one-third cash

Laguna st., near Haight; 37:6x116:3; only.4101. 1

In1mi". ."•-'\u25a0;


1~-T_-VT-"'Ti_L--CTE^TT~A^_ltul_^N3r"_~7lE_N_-Ipiano for my own use. recognizing the highesttypeof mechanical and musical value inthe same.CHEVALIER DE KoNTsKI. Court PiauDt tothe Emperor of Germany. 40 O'Karreli st. jss tf

BYRON MAUZY,808 TO 314 POST ST.. SOLEagent Sohmer A- Co., Newly»nd Evans pianos;

chosen above all others for Leland Stanford Jr.University: received Ist prize World's Fair 11 tf

BEAUTIFUL; $850: LARGE FRENCH WAL-nut upright: this week $400; only one left.

Warerooms, THE J. DEWING CO., Flood build-ing, firs floor above: lowest price house in tiecity for high-grade pianos. ja4 tf\lAGNIFICENT HUBERT AND STEINWAY'»' upright at a sacrifice. 515 Van Ness aye. jt9*LTT.-AS I' SQUARE PIANO. $50. THE .T.r_ DEWING Co. .room 12. Flood bulldlng.deiU tf


'. gains. Fay's Factory. 1729Mission. lm/CHRISTMAS SALE—GREAT OPPORTUNITY'V- to secure an elegant piano cheap for cash. TheJ. DEWINGCO., warerooms Flood building, firstfloor above. del? tf* RKAT REUUCTION—NUEET MUSIC HALFviprlce;10.000 MA IVA15.769.Mkt.22 tl

\u25a0 1 G. BADGER,9 THIRD ST., COR. MARKE I.\u25a0' .Hallet A Davis and Kimball pianos and

organs; Palllard's music-boxes: musical merchan-dise: novelties, etc.: sheet music be JyBtf

6 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS:NOREA-sonable offer refused. BENJ. CURTAZ ASON. 725 Market St.. History building. uo2l tf1/ OHLER A CHASE. 20. _S A.N1 \u25a0 30 O'FARRELL-LV st., leading pianos and organs: oldest lmntc-house; largest stock ;easy terms ;low pricea ap23tf

ALLKINDS OK REPAIRING AND TUNING;low prices; first-ciass work. KOHLER A

CHASE. 28 O'Farrell st. de7tf


THEWEEKLY CALL.In wrapper, formailing.*™^ _̂_

—_,—-_\u25a0_\u25a0_— __\u25a0_ —̂_——

__-_—^g__._.:. 111 LEASE.

rpOLEASE FOR A TERM -J^Y--__t*-*^n_A__i_.Ibuilding on Eighth st., near Market: rent rea-sonable. Inqulreof H. L. Jon 25 Eighth st. tt


—Location of works and principal

place of business. Gold Hill,Storey County, Nev,—Notice.—There are delinquent upon the following.described stock on account or assessment (No. 68)levied on the sixteeuth day of November, A. D.,1893, the several amounts set opposite the namesof tbe respective shareholders, as follows:

Names. No. Cert. No. shs. Amt.Rehfisch ACo., Trustees .30824 50 12 50Geo. D.Edwards, Trustee.. 3lls7 10 2160Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 31459 10 260Geo. T.Marye A Son. Trs....31 ($24 BO 12 50Geo. D. Edwards, Trustee. ..3l747 10 2 50Geo. D. Edwards, Trust.cc.. 31939 50 12 50Rehflsh A Co.. Trustees 32484 30 760Geo. T. Marye A Son. Trs.. .33888 50 12 50W. J. Gurnett, Trustee 34452 60 12 60Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 34598 60 12 50Geo. T. Marye A Sen, Tr5...34808 6 125W. E. Norwood, Trustee ...35024 60 12 50James Bernhard. Trustee... 3s293 60 12 60Rehflsch A Co., Trustees.... 20 5 00Otis A Co., Trustees 35833 15 3 76Nat Ste n, Trustee 35900 100 25 00B. P. Murphy, Trustee 3.071 30 7 50Geo. B. Root, Trustee 38171 20 6 00A. W. Foster ACo., Trs 36589 100 25 00Rehflsch A to. Trustees 36756 100 25 00Turnbull A Bansom, Tr5....36770 100 25 00W. H. Wright, Trustee 37210 100 25 00W. L.Duncan. Trustee 37239 5 125DixonA Miles, Trustees 37240 100 25 00E Gauthler ACo., Trs 37334 60 12 50W. H.Wright, Trustee 37576 200 60 00Rehflsch A Co., Trustees 37709 100 25 00Rehfisch A Co., Trustees 37719 60 12 50Rehflsch A Co.. Trustees. ...37779 20 6 00Jas. Newla Trustee 37864 50 12 60Geo. B.Root. Trustee 37867 100 25 00Rebflseh ACo.. Trustees 37895 100 25 00Zsdlg, Wollberg A Co., .37935 100 26 00

tig, Wollberg A Co.. Tr5. .37.44 100 25 00T. Whiteley ACo., Trs 38003 60 12 60T.Whiteley A Co., Trs 38233 100 25 00T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38306 100 25 00W. H. Wrlgnt. Trustee 38311 50 12 50Geo. B. Root, Trustee 38351 60 12 50E. GauthierA Co ,Trs 38357 50 12 50Jno. 8. Barrett A Co., Tr5...35473 100 25 00Jno. 8. Barrett A Co., Trs... 3-474 100 25 00Rehflsch A Co., Trustees 38475 50 12 60T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38503 100 25 00T. Whiteley A Co., Trs 38512 60 12 50Geo B. Root, Trustee 38545 100 25 00Geo. P.. Root, Trustee 33749 50 12 50Rehflsch A Co., Tiustees 38797 60 12 50Tbos. T.Atkinson A Co.,Trs. 38904 20 600Geo. B.Root, Trustee 39040 100 25 1)0L. Greenbaum A Co , Trs...-39058 50 12 50Jas. Newlands. Trustee 39157 60 12 50Geo. B.Root. Trustee 39170 100 25 00E. GauthierA Co., Trustees. 39l9s 100 25 00A. W. Foster A Co., Trs 39236 20 6 00A. W. Foster A Co_ Trs 39237 20 5 00A W. Foster A Co., Trs... .39238 20 5 00Geo. B.Root, Trustee 39247 100 25 00E. Gauthier A Co., Trustees. 393lo 10 2 60E. Uauthier A Co. Trustees. 393ll 1 25H.11. Sblnn. Trustee 39328 50 12 50Coffin A Sanderson. Trs 39362" 500 125 00E. Gauthler ACo., Trustees. 3943o 60 15 00E. Gauthler A Co.. Trustees. 39434 100 25 00Nat Stein, Trustee 39451 100 25 00Nat Stein. Trustee 39462 200 60 00Nat Stein. Trustee 39462 100 25 00O. W. Marye A Co.. Trs 39498 100 25 00Geo. B. Root. Trustee 39533 100 25 00Stanf A Cooper. Trustees... 39s63 100 25 00H.11. Shinn, Trustee ......39595 50 12 60Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.39600 100 25 00Thos.T.Atkinson A C0., Tr5.39-11 100 25 00A. B.Ruggles, Trustee 39634 60 12 50Geo. B.Root. Trustee 39665 100 25 00Zadlg. Wollberg A Co.. Tr5.39723 100 25 00brooks A De Grayer, Tr5...39725 60 12 60Stanf A Cooper. Trustees... 3974B 60 12 50Staur A Cooper, Trustees... 39749 100 25 00Chas. P. Harris A Co.. Tr5..39765 60 12 60Stanr A Cooper, Trustees. ..39769 100 26 00Stauf A Cooper. Trustees... 39797 100 25 00Rehfisch &Co.. Trustees. ...39Bos 60 12 60E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees. 39B22 100 26 00Geo. B.Root, Trustee 39834 100 25 00Geo. B. Root, Trustee 39336 60 12 50Zadlg, Wollberg ACo., Tr5.39869 60 12 60Jobn A. "Walls, Trustee 39884 50 12 60O. W. Marye A Co.. Trs 39912 100 25 00L.Greeuiaum &Co., Tr5...39931 100 25 00Staur ACooper. Trustees. ..399sl 50 12 50Geo. B.Root. Trustee 39999 100 25 00Jas. Newlands, Trustee 40017 500 126 00E. Uauthier A Co., Trustees. 4oo34 100 25 00Coffin A Sanderson, Trs 40047 200 60 00Coffin A Sanderson, Irs 40052 50 12 50Coffin A Sanderson, Trs 40063 600 125 00Zadlg. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40066 100 25 00Zadlg. Wollberg A Co., '1r5. 40069 100 25 00Jobn Turnbull, Trustee 40091 70 17 50W. H.Wright: Trustee 40110 100 25 00W. H. Wright, Trustee 40137 100 25 00Zsdlg, Wollberg ACo., Tr5.40143 60 12 50Stauf A Cooper, Trustees. ..4ol64 100 25 00A. 8. Grotb. Trustee .-...40258 100 26 00A. S. Groth. Trustee 40270 100 25 00A. S. Groth, Trustee 40273 100 25 00Jaa Newlands, Trustee 40294 10 2 50Zadlg, Wollberg A Co.. Tr5.40314 100 25 00A. S. Grotb, trustee 40361 20 6 00A. 8. Groth, Trustee 40368 100 25 00A. 8. Uroth, Trustee 40376 100 25 00E. F. Cahlll A Co 40393 10 250Geo. B.Root. Trustee. 40491 60 12 50Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40507 100 25 00H.L. Van Wyck. Trustee. ..4os4s 100 25 00G. W. Marye *Co., Trs ...40550 100 25 00G. W.Mary c A Co.. Trs 40551 100 25 00A. S. Oroth, Trustee _4U553 60 12 00C. D. Lang, Trustee 40572 100 25 00E. Gautbler A Co., Trustees. 4o679 60 12 50Stauf A Cooper. Trustees. ..40581 200 60 00w.H. Wright. Trustee 40594 100 .25 00

Rehflsch A Co.. Trustees.... 4oloB 50 12 50Cbas. P. Harris ACo., Tr5..40609 100 25 00K. Gautbler A- Co., Trustees.4o6l6 100 26 00Rebflseh A Co.. Trustees 40629 100 25 00Hadley A Doud, Trustees... 4o636 60 12 50E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o6sB 100 25 00A. S. Grotb, Trustee 40662 100 25 00K.Gauthier A Co., Trustees.4o7l7 100 25 00E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o72l 60 12 50E.Gautbler &Co., Trustees.4o722 50 12 50Geo. W. Reynolds, Trustee.. 4o74B 452 113 00B. M. Bradford, Trustee 40747 1000 250 00E. Gauthler ACo., Trustees. 4o763 100 26 00E. F. Cahlll A Co., Trustees.4o764 200 60 00E. Gauthler A Co., Trustees.4o776 100 25 00E. Gautbler A Co,, Trustees 40784 100 25 00E. F. Cahlll A Co.. Trustees.4oBll 200 60 00E. GauthierA Co.. Trustees. 4o324 100 25 00Aug. Waterman. Tru5tee.. ..40829 600 125 00Aug. Waterman. Trustee. ...4oB3o 500 126 00Tbos. T.Atkinson A ,Tr5.40833 20 6 00

'K.Gauthier ACo., Trusteea4oB36 60 12 60Jas. New ands, Trustee 40838 1 25E. Uauthier A Co., Trustees.4oB44 100 25 00Jas. Newlands, Trustee 40809 600 126 00Geo. B. Root, Trustee 40870 300 75 00Zadlg, Wollberg A Co., Trs.4oBBl 100 26 00Thos. T.Atkinson A C0.. Tr5.40917 100 25 00W. Edwards. Trustee 40930 200 60 00Zadlg, Woliberg A Co., Tr5.40943 100 26 00Zadlg. Wollberg ACo.. Tr5.40944 100 25 00Zadig. Wollberg A CO.. Tr5. 40946 100 25 00Zatlg. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.40947 100 25 00Zadig. Woliberg A Co., Tr5.40955 50 12 50John Turnbull. Trustee 40966 20 5 00

And In accordance withlaw and an order of theBoard ot Trustees, made on the 16tb day ot No-vember, 1893, so many shares of each parcel ofstock as may be necessary willbe sold at publicsuction, at the office or the company, 188 Mainstreet. Gold Hill. Nevada, on SATURDAY, the27th day of January, 1894, at 1o'clock p. _r. ofsaid day, to pay said delinquent assessment

\u25a0 thereon, together with costs of advertising andIexpenses of sale.I de.B td TT.B.BLAUVELT. Secretary.


-I— room; single and double. jas 2t*Q/*0 CLARA. NIL SIXTH


rooms: $5 and 50; reference required; inKrench family. jas 3t*

I•."JT CEDAR AYE., BET. VAN NESS ANDI-*-> Polk St., ur. Geary—

Small lurnishedroom; »5. i*63t*

Qsj'7 GEARY—LARGE TRONT ROOM. HAND--00 Isomeiy furnished, for 2 gentlemen or manand wife; housekeeping privileges; privatefamily. _a54t»

J1(_ IST-

LARUE SUNNY FURNISHED' -1 vl room; hall room:also unfurnished. jas '_';*

111-. HYDE—A SINGLE FRONT ROOM;X OO closet, gas: $6. Ja6 '_*

1I/' EIGHTH—SUNNY, FURNISHED~sFN -X1U gle room; $5. ]a5.t«-;' 1 HOWARD—NICELY FURNISHED BAY--1 v> 12 window suite; other rooms; bath, gas.4 5*I•> C SIXTH—SINULE AND HOOBBKBEP-T'lO; Ingrooms. jaI5-•

6 "J HOWARD—NICELYFUBNISHED SUNNY-Ofront rooms; reasonable; other rooms. 4 3t*

Oft**THIRD-SINGLE ROOMS; $1 AND UP-->->*.) ward per week. ja4sl*

7791 HARRISON - KINELY FURnTsHEDI• \u25a0_.:> sunny rooms: bath, closet: $4 up. Ja3 st*'JQTURK, COR. TAYLOR(EXCELSIOR)— SUN--0 -/ ny nicely furnished rooms; reasonable. 37t*OftQa POWELL (TBB MODEL)—NICELYFUR-—" '• 1 nisbed sunny suites talso single rooms.3l 7*

•_>*.-J. THIRD-- UNFURNISHED HOUSE--)G*± keeping rooms; ln rear; $0. ja2 tf

1lidCLAY—SUNNY FRONT ROOM: 1OR 21IX— gent emeu ____________11AiiMARKET—FURNISHED ROOMS SUIT-XI_t _» able for offices: also housekeeping; mod-erate. de.4 lmllftlSTOCKTON - NEWLY FURNISHED-1J-U2 rooms: single and suite: gas and bath lm


THE PIEDMONT; SUNNY110 front rms. from $2 to *3 50 week. di-19 tf

").)i OEARY—RICHELIEU HOUSE; TRAVEL-—.mJ'j tmr people solicited: day week or mouth tf

'-_*-.1 KEARNI—OFFICES AND FURNISH00 X rooms to rent reasonable, with all conveni-

ences^ del 2 lm»



NEW PLEASANTON; 2001.1 «' choice sunny rooms withgas ana running

water; fiper week and up: per night, 60c andup de7Iin

10-1POWELL- SUNNY FURNISHED FRONTXv'*lroom": gas*, closets; rent reasonable. lra


l-UHNL-HED SUITE ANDVQsJ single rooms at reasonable rates. 5 tf

\rO-EMITE$ HOUSE 1045 MARKET, BET-ISixth and Seventh— Single and suites; pernight 35c to$l:per week. $150 to 85 -.families, ly

ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS-ant sunny rooms, en suite and single: flr*t-

classe lass in every respect: terms reasonable jalO it

BOARDING AND KOOMS.171 c polk (iv_TrToi^T^^xßy_i-_e'lit'rooms withboard; uay boarders accom-

modated. .a67t*fIVJIE \u25a0•ABBoTSFORD." BROADWAY ANDLAR-X Kin;take cable-car direct: board optional. (J apt


ELEGANTLY MR-—X nisbed snnny suites, also double and single

rooms; hoard optional. de2B 1 in


12 OB 3 CHILDBBN TO BOARD; BEST OF1 cure 2. - Haight St.. near Market. jal 7t*


QOQP^ACIF "^IT^^D^rTSfE _--i_''~--_-1-K?"'o__ with, with basement: very cheap |6 'itt*

'I'" RENT-LARGE. ELL-LIGHTED LOFTS.1 with or withuutpower. Applyat Pacific MetalWorks. 137 and 139 First St. J:l4 7t

3.JQ PACIFIC-HANDSOME LARGE STORE.—O with, without basement; very cheap, 31 7t»

TO ASKFOR A TERM DPIEAKS—2STORESand 2o rooms in nreproof building. Clay street

below Kearny. Apply 413 Kearny St. des tf

IJAKI in LAEG FINE STORE FOB RENT;'also largo, clean, dry basement for storage.

-CUT 11. 1051 Market \u25a0•( deti tf


L"i^E^)F77l_K3^^TTm C^T_(-Hr _-_c7_l?nPci*.

T puses: rent reasonable. W. J. HOUSTON AC

___.l'_LM.rket st. jas lOt

OFFICE ro LET. .VilliUSE OF DESK. AT007 Montgomery st. d 10 tf


cent: free of laves; hrst -•• ass real estate se-curity. C. 11.. box 159. Call Branch Offlce. Jas ilt*

-.'.i1..!. OK -ESS ON REAL ESTATE.sJ2?—vlVi\.). ARMBRUSTER, 230 MontgomerySt.. roi'in '.'. jas St*

Mi\u25a0> LOANED ON JEWELRY ANDOTHERvaluables at tbe Security Loan Rank, 1105

MarkeL nr. Ma.su: private entrance 7 Turl_ap9 it____________________PROPOS -.LS.

Vl-TICE—NOTICE-IS'HEBEBY GIVEN THATi-\ In- Board or Directors or the Escondido Irri-gation 1 > strict willreceive sealed proposals torthe pure:. a. of $250,000 of the bonds of said dis-trict. Said bids willbe received therefor at tbeoflic- of said boaid lv Esco idldo, California, un-til10 o'clock _. it.on the titit day of February,1894. a. J. -fEKDKN.Secretary of the Kscondido Irrigation District.

Dated January 2. 1894. ja5 20t .ASSESSMENT NOTICES.

pONFIDENCE SILVER MINING COMPANY-XJ Location of principal place of business. Sa.Franclseo, Cal.: location of works, Gold Hill,Storey louuty,Nev.

Notice Ithereby given that at a meeting of theboard or directors, held on lbs 2«th day•I December. 1893, an assessment (No. 24) of25 cents per share was levied upou the capitalatock of the corporation, payable Immediately lnUnited States gold coin to the secretary at theoffice of the company, 414 California street.SanTranche \u25a0>, Cal.

Any stock upon which this assessment shsll re-main unpaid on the .Oth day or January. 1894willbe delinquent and advertised for sale at put.He auction; and unless payment ls made before,willbe -mlon TUESDAY, the 20th day of Febru-ary,1894, topay the delinquent assessment, to-gether with costs or advertising and expenses ofsale Byorder of the board of directors.

A. S. GROTH. Secretary._Cifflce-4 California st-.San Francisco ,Cal.29td


—Location of principal place ofbusi-

ness San Francisco. Cal.;location of works,GoldHill.Nev.

Notice is hereby given that at a meeting or theBoard of Directors, held on the 12tb day of De-cember. 1803, an assessment, No.63, of 20 centsper share was levied upon the capital stock of thecorporation, payable immediately in UnitedStates gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offlce orthe company, room 35. third floor, Mills bn liding,cor. Bush and Moatgomtiy sts.. San Francisco,Cal.

Any stock upon wbicb this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the 16th day of January, 1894.willhe delinquent and advertised for sale atpublic auction, and 01 mipayment Ismade brtorewillbe sold on TUESDAY, the Oth day of Feb-ruary. 1894, to pay tbe dellnauent assessment,together with the costs of advertising and *_•peases or sale. By order or the Heard or Dtreotors.

JAS. NEWLANDS. Secretary.Office—Room 35, third floor.Mills building, cor.

Bush and Montgomery sts., san Francisco, Cal.del, td

CHOLLARMININGCOMPANY—LOCATIONOKs. principal place of business, San Francisco. Cal-ifornia Location of works, Virginia, StoreyCounty, Nevada

Notice ishereby given that at a meeting or theBoard of Directors, held on tbe llthday ofDecember. 1893. an assessment (No. 37) of ten (10)cents per share was levied upon the capita) stockor the corporation, payable Immediately lnUnitedstates gold coin, to (be secretary, at theofllceofthe company, room 79, Nevada .lock. 309 Mont-gomery street. San Francisco. California

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid tbe 15th day or January, 1894,willbe delinquent and a vertlsed for sale at pub-licauction ;and unless payment is made before,willbe sold on TUKSDAV, the (ith day of l-ebrn-ary. 1894. to pay the delinquent assessment, to-gether with costs or advertising aud expenses ofsale

By order or the Board of Director!.CHAS. K.ELLIOT.Secretary.

Offlce—Room 79, Nevada Block. 3U9 Montgom-ery street, San Francisco, California. del2td

KENT UCK CON. MINING COMPANY—LOCA-tion ot principal place of business, San Fran-

cisco, Cal.; location of works. Gold Hill, StoryCo., Nev.Notice ts hereby given that at a meeting of tbe

board of directors, beld on the 20tb day of De-cember. 18.3. an assessment (No. 8) or 10 centsper share was levied upon the capital stock of tbecorporation, payable Immediately in UnitedStates gold coin to tbe secretary, at the office oltbe company, room 2.. Nevada block, 309 Mont-gomery St.. San Francisco, Cal. Any stock uponwhich this assessment shall remain unpaid on tin24th day or January. 1894. will be delinquentand advertised forsaie at public auction, and un-less payment is made before will be sold onTHURSDAY,the 16th day of February, 1894. t0pay the delinquent assessment, together with thecosts of advertising and exposes of sale. Byorder of the board of directors.

AUG. WATERMAN. Secretary.Office— Room 33. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery

St.. San Francisco. Cal. de2l td

MEXICAN GOLD AND SILVER MININGl'l Company Location or principal place ofbusiness, San Franc Cal.; location of works.Virginia, Storey County Nev.

Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of theboard or directors, held on the sixteenth dsy ofDecember, 189 Can assessment (No. 19) of twenty-livecents (25c) per share was levied upon thecapital stock of the corporation, payable Imme-diately in United States gold coin to the secre-tary, at the office of the company, room 79,Nevad* block, 309 Montgomery St., San Fran-cisco. Ca).

Any slock upon wblch thts assessment shall remain unpaid on the nineteenth day of January.1894. willbe delinquent and advertised forsale atpublic auction, and unless payment Is made be-fore willbesold on TUESDAY the 13th day ofFeliruary 1894, to pay the delinquent assessment,together withcosts of advertising and expenses ofsale. By order of tbe board or directors.

CHARLES E. ELLIOT, Secretary.Offlce— Room 79. Nevada block, 309 Montgom-

ery St., San Francisco. Cal. _ :_ :7 td


CHKK N li\M 111 VI x£_ 1 1; llTf.One of 1118 acres half mile from town,one of 8 acres half rule from center.One of seven acres, running water, IV,miles

out.One of HV_ acres, running water. 2 miles out.Allof above on 10 years' credit, 7 per cent, at

$100 per acre.Also two 10 acre pieces at $60 per acre, Mcash.D. H.TWING. Sonoma city,Cal. 1-6 51

i)f|-ACRE FRUITRANCH IN BUTTE COON-f-Xl ty, cheap on account of death: forsale or tolease SeeL BLOHM. 213 Mission St., S. F_ Of____ William St.. West Oakland. ja3 7l*

ONTBA COSTA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE:XJ send for list. D.J. WEST. Martinez. CaI.JJ lm*


Leveland rolling;40 miles from San Francisco:railroad stations on the land; boat landing near:fine land at Irom $40 to $100 per acre; very easyterms. Maps and views sent on application toGEO. T. TROWBRIDGE, or GAMAN A LYON.215 Kearny st. no 3 tf

DH.TWING.SONOMA CITYCOUNTRY REAL. estate. City \u25a0- c. 632 Market St.. S. F. 12 tf

HOUSES TO LET.Ir,1 o BROADWAY. NR. POLK-HOUSE 10-1 iJXvj rooms; modern improvements: rent*-*5-' |:i63t»r.o(\ SECOND—SUNNY CORNER; 14 BOOMS,itVJVJ bath, basemeut; Lewiy renovated;cheap. ], ;tt

*•IAMARY,NR.STH ANDMISSION— BOOMS,—VJ double parlors, from $35 to $25. ja6 3t»1A ROOMS. BATH AND LAUNDRY, ON1"

Twelfth St.; fine house; excellent location;in good condition: rent very low. DEMPSTER.36 Glen Park aye.off Twelfth st. no4tf SaSu

i'LEN PARK AYE.—A CHARMING PRIVATEvi residence street: 7 rooms, bath and laundry:thoroughly repaired and clean; rent low.DEMPSTER. 36 Glen Park aye.. off l'Jth. 1 tfSaSu

1QAQ KDDY ST.. NEAR DE. I^AliKBO ST.—XOVJV2-story, bav-wlndow house: 7 rooms; allimprovements; good basement and yard: rent lowto a good tenant: Key at 1111 Devisadero. Applyto ,C. Molloy,138 Montgomery St. Jas .it

-_*.7 J-fl •OPPEB FLAT OK 9 ROOMS.O-I OvJ. suitable for lodging house. 1239Kolsom St.. near Xinth. jas tf

7jo 1OLSOM—7 ROOMS; front ANDbackI*1

—yard;S-T 50. withwater. j_4 Tt»

lOSEVENTH. NEAR HOWARD, » SUNNY_____* rooms and bath; $3'_ 60. ja4St*C_7 2 ROOMS; 6 SELINA PLACE OF. I I1.l-V*' forma St..near (Stockton. BUCKINGHAMA CO., 415 Montgomery st. ;key at 2 Seiina.d.Ui tf

6-ROOM Hot SE AM)BATH;YARD; $18. 147Valencia st. and see the owner. ja3 tl

/.ONVENIENTH U. eT. ROOMSAND YARD.XJ 84 Everett st.nr. Fourth. de.'ll 7t*

Q"/'(\ 6 ROOMS ANDBATH. 2810 LAGUNA«!.—". St., near Union. delS tf

ftlO HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. INCLUDING•X Jl . water: large yard, high basement: sunnyside: Hoii Willow aye., bet. Eddy and Ellis sta,near luchatiau. G. 11. iMBSEN & CO. 11 Mont-gomery st. delO it

PLQQ HOWARD-HOUSE. 9 LARGE BOOMS;OOP rstit $32 50 n022 tf("ALL AND GET A LIST OF OUR VACANTs bouse circular, containing list of bonse toletand to lease; issued weekly. G. li. UMBSEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery st. mvlOtf


I?URNisH__Dn?_Xrrrio_srfj_ET_^^"ifdesired: nice place. 1235'... iwe ty-fiftb.4t»

VTCELY FURNISHEDIHOUSE lOFII4 ROOMB1> forsale: STOP :no agents. 438' \u25a0'\u25a0 Sixth. ,'it*

COT TA<;i... TO LET.

COTTAGE 3 ROOMS; BASEMENT; SOITA-bIe for store. 118 Fillmore st. Call rear.6 4t*

VJEW COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, BAll *15. 325is Cumberland, bet. Church aud Sanchez. ja6 31*ffi.l.) LABOR SUNNY COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS:t^l—.large yard; basement; inside blinds.Apply623 second st Ja4 3t*

CUNNY COTTAGEOF 4 ROOMS; YABD 2415Cj Clay st. deSl tf


DOT* !II!ii :ii. NBAS M\i XiT Ii_TTT000 rooms, bath: rent moderate. j:i6:it*

LLAT5 rooms-water free; rent $15.\u25a0 3516'.Mission st. ja6 2t»

IOWES FLAT OF 3 ROOMS. BATH AND1- st itmuary tubs. 2760 Harrison st., Dr. Twen-ty-fourth. ja6 _V*L'LAT-—6 ROOMS. RATH. GAS; 4 ROOMS:E separate yards: iir_e cellar; low rent. 2717Harris St., b«-_. _3d and 24tb. Ja6 St*

9.)1 HOWARD-FLAT OF 4 BOOMS; HOT-'J— Iwater ranee. ja6 tf

1'll'.--B eI.A IOF 5 BOOMS 2- BLUXOME

t.St. $12. jaO 3t«' I'JO ROSE AYE—FLAT OK 3 ROOMSAND1OO ball;sunny side; rent $11. jas tf

liilFILLMORE COR HERMANN—SUNN YXvJ 1 c ru'-rupper flat: 4 rooms; >14. jas .it*. LAT5 SUNNT RoOMS 20 WELSH ST.. OFFT Brannan. bet. Third and Fourth. jas 7l*


—1O each jas 3t*

i)0-f (.ROVE—FINEMIDDLE FLAT;7ROOMS—O— and bath. ia4 3t*

1Ol Q BUSH—FLAT; 3 ROOMS; RENT $15:I—l• ) water free-, washroom. ja4 tf



—sunny; batb; also 4 rooms in rear. 423 '_ ;

rent very cheap. ja4 4t*

00l LIBERTY.BET. CHURCH AND DOLO--2-.— 1 res— A new flat of 5 large rooms and bath;large basement and cemented yard; rent reduced;cheap to good tenant. ja3 st*

B"J>A FOLSOM—NEK HOUSE: ALL MODERNP«) *_ Improvements; flats of 5 ami 9rooms. j3 8*C* 1 .", NEW MODERN PLAT.4 BOOMS, RATH.01O.stationary washtuhs. 713 Fulton. deSl if


RHINEistreeL de29 tf

I/EAUTIFUL SUNNY UPPER Pa. 71 ' rooms; modern; cheap. 442 Sixth st. de'.S tf

099 UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS: BATH. 1611._

——• Taylor, bet Pacific and Broadway. nolStt*-_L9SANCHEZ. NEAP. NINETEENTH—O?•'1

—per flat ot 4rooms and hath; gas; very sun-ny and nice Key at 544.. Sanchez. deS tf

70_t MCALLISTER—SUNNY UPPER FLAT;7I—vj rooms: laundry and bath. s.y tf


1/urn1s i__l*rpT_rrr4~R?dl-T^^ :PIANOifdesir d: nice pi .re. 235 1,Twenty-fifth. 64»

HOCKKKKKPLNG ROOMS.o*?___B--_"-"o"--__i^0 and Guerrero— 2 sunny connecting rooms anakitchen. newly fornished MRS. KOBB>EB.SS*777 market

—furnished BOOMS for

illhousekeeping aud offices ; .h-ap. oiTH tf

99 SECOND-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $9 TO--.-J $10: siogie. 15c nightly. jaii ,U»

11 (lEIGHTH—LARGE FURNISIIED SUNNY_- IUroom: use kitchen; bathroom; gas.


—ROOM FURNISHED COM-IUUplete for housekeeping: bath; $!l. ja. tf

91 Q EDDY- FURNISH ED BOOSEKEEPING_IO rooms; cars p .ss door Midwinter Falr.6 2»

9Af» SEVENTH-LARGE SUNNY IIOUSE-_iUU keeping room furnished complete; use ofkitchen.

' •1 '"vl'- VALENCIA-SUNNY FURNISHEDXOXO light housekeeping; also single rooms;reasonable. jag 2t*

Q FURNISHED CONNECTED ROOMS. FUR-»> nlshed for housekeeping; separate entrance.454 Minna St. j«5 2*1Oft SEVEN! 2 NICE FURNISHED FRO100 rooms housekeeping; batb and veranda-.l2. jao 2.'

rf'lMISSION, NR. SECOND— LABGE FRONTOvJX room aud kitchen, furnished complete forhousekeeping. jas 2t*CAO WASHINGTON

—SUNNY FURNISHEDsJVJjL and unfurnished r'ms: running water. 4 7*


water; gas IT desired to quiet people; rent $10.Applyplumbingstore, 623 Golden Gate aye., 8 to5 p. M. . ja43t

3 GLEN PARK AYE.—2 BOOMS FUKNIsHEDfor housekeeping. Ja3 6t*.

1A. ___ JA(.K.S>N. NILPOWELL— FURNISHED1UU.sunny front housekeeping; $8 to $10.3 6*QI A LAOUNA-2 OB 3 FURNISHED. SUNNY0ITT o -ins for honsekeepl- g: use kitchen. 31 ~*

ROOMS TO LET.TpultNI~1T__»~8U OR SiInGLEis rooms; small private family. 381 Dolores


U«J window suites reasonable; single rooms-s6 to $10. Ja6 2t»




OilFOLSOM— LARGE FURNISHED FRONT0.1 "I room withcloset: use of kitcken: $7. »1FUBNISHED ROOM INPRIVATE FAMILY.1 459 Stevenson st. •liilI'OLSOM-LARGE SUNNYFRONT ROOMIv'-± nicely furnished; grate; reasona'iie.ia'i 2*

7*.7 'OLSOM—

LARGESUNNYROOMS NEAT.Ixl* ly furnisbed for gents, reasonable. J»6 2;«

1f.Q7 MISSION-LARGE SUNNY PARLOR1UO Inicely furnished; 1 or2 gents. Ist flour.-**-*__.' VALENCIA


OOx-t nlshed rooms; $4 and $5 ja6 at*

f.OLTOH HOI SE. 220 THIRD: SINGLEVV suites, 25c to $1night; 3150 to $4 a week;families. jas 2t*


I7JO HOWARD—LARGE BACK FURNISHEDIjOpur'or: other rooms; also house In rear;suitable for workshop: reasonable. jas tf





$28,500— G00d Investment: lot 25x160: S.lineof Mission st. through to Minna, near the newpostoffice site: two 3-story, with brick basements,houses . reduced rents $170 per montb. l6 tt SaTu

LOR SALE.r A GREAT BARGAIN.Tehama St., bet. sth and 6th; lotSO feet front

liv 80 feet deep: 1 large house of 4 apartmentsand 1 flne double house of 2 apartments: rents$.0 per month. Apply to Met.LYNNA MENTON,real estate agents, cor. Market and New Mont-gomery sts., under Palace Hotel. jao 5t

NoW IS THE TIME TO BUILD.Is Money is plentifuland buildingmaterials arecheap.

Plana and specifications prepared, estimatesfurnished and all kinds of houses built In SanFrancisco and Alameda counties, onany terms, by

THE HOME BUILDINGCO..12 Montgomery st

Calland see plans. ja6 14t




ELEGANT 2-STORY HOUSES ON PACIFICJ Heights, overlooking Golden Gate Park, and In

the Mission: fine locations; modem improve-ments; $-40 per month and up.

COTTAGES OF 6, 6 AND 7 ROOMS INTHEMission, near the park, ana In the Richmonddistrict; all in good neighborhoods, on streetcarlines and modernly Improved; $30 per mouth andupward.


2 SPLENDID HOMESof 10 rooms and hath; finished attic and base-ment; all modern finish; flne marine view; cor.

Green and Laguna sts.; visit these byall means.

Full particulars byInquiringofLOUIS LANDLER, owner and builder, Millsbuilding, room 16. second floor. deS If SaSu We


$1000 cash: balance $42 50 a montb: fullprices42so; nobby bay-window cottage, contain-ing 5 rooms, bath, 2 mantel-mirrors, etc. 1ROY\u25a0V MeN ALLY,630 Market St. jal7tpREAT BARGAIN: ONLY $5500; FOUR NEWVJ flats; rents $60: lot 27x115; see this at once.MURPHY,628 Market st. Ja4 tf

ON TO RICHMOND: A SPLENDID CORNERcheap: only $3500: lot :.0_120: improved;12 tiiaye. and Clement st., NE. and choicest cor-ner: southern and western exposure; oppositethe handsome resideuce of Mr.George T. Marsh;this is the finest part of Richmond; hign ground;One marine view; only 3blocks from the Midwin-ter Pair grounds: street work done: sure to im-prove In value; a splendid Investment. Apply toR. L.C. BARN -. Bulletin office. de6tf

Jl ST COMPLETED— AN ELEGANT ROW OF•J modern houses containing 8 and 10 rooms;sunny exposure and iloning ground: on Wallerand Cole sts. ; prices rroin $6600 to $7000:termseasy. Apply on premises. de3tf

LOT. COR CALIFORNIA AYE AND .RAN-conia aye. for sale cheat). Address Pargalu,

box 61. Call office. se'_6 tf


The real estate at the westerly corner of Thirdand l'.rannao streets, In this city and county, sizeof lot40x50 fe-t. willbe sold at private sale tothe highest bidder for cash, sulnect to the con-firmation of the Superior Court. The sale willbemade on or after January 20. 1894. Allbids mustbe in writing and left at the lawoffice of DavisLouderback, 607 Kearny street, rooms 1, 2 and 3,in 11.lscity and County. Terms and conditions ofsale, gold coin of the Uuited states. 10 per cent orthe purchase money to be paid on acceptance ofthe bid, balance on confirmation ot sale. The trus-tees aud executors reserve the right to reject allbids. A. W. SCOTT,

C. C. BUTT,Trustees and executors of the last willand testa-

meut of CHRISTOPH HARTMANN.deceased.• de29 16t _______\u25a0 -_Q9_l-l 6-ROOM 2-STORY ON EUREKA,

OmmXfTJ. near 20th.$2700—6 room cottage on 20th St., nr. Eureka.$4600— 8-room 2-story on 20th. near Castro.$3-00— 7-room 2-story, cor. 25th and Diamond:

finished withall modern conveniences; ne.r cars,and willbe sold on very easy terms byINII.MI \u25a0 . builder. :6.0 -sth, near Castro.2B tf


Cjl/Oi CASH, *'-'5 ¥1:R MONTH—

S ROOMCJL v"'house; bath: 10 minutes by electric-carfrom Broadway and Seventh St.; warm. DO fogs:$2000. WSL P. TODD. 1010 Broadway. Oak-land, iati tf ex Su

IiE'.IN THE TEAR RIGHT. A BOMB ON IN*I* stallment plan. Sew cottage on heights:

close to cars: convenient to school. $2350; easypayments. W. E. BARNARD A SON. -.OSNinth street. Oakland. de3l 7tCOME CHOICE

~~~ ~



de.9 tf

GOOD BUY:NEW MODERN COTTAGE:JUSTXT completed; 5 rooms, bath, etc,: within oneblock of electric car line: street work all dour:cement stone sidewalks, and only 10 minutes tothe center of Oakland: tbis willbe sold on a smallcash payment; balauce easy Installments: mlc--$2476: large lot. A, H.BRKED A CO., 460 NinthSt., Oakland. -

\u25a0 \u25a0. -. ael'J tf

IOOK AT THIS; *1500, $250 DOWN. $25 PERIjmonth: anew cot Use 4 rooms and lath: only5 minutes' walk from station on Seventh st. local;the best house for the price ln Oakland. A. U.BREED ft CO., 460 NinthSt.. Oakland, del7tf

Q>9^A LOT *©xl*_s:EABlOF FRUITVALE;iii _.«-_>, 2 blocks to electric cars: cement walks:$10 down, $5 monthly. MACDONALU, MOT] ACO.. 1008 Broadway. Oakland. \u25a0 nold tfffl- l/iCASH AND 10- ;t CENTS PER DAY OR $5vT11' per month willbuy a lot in the Gem Tract,only 600 feet from the Sau Leandro Electric-carline, and near Seminary aye -RATTA Co.. 459Ninth St.. Oakland. jagg tf

GO TO DAY AND BUY ONE OR MORE LOTSln the Lorin Heights Tract, along the lineot

the Cal. and Nsv. Railroad; new Terry to SanFrancisco; quick time; buy now before prices ad-vance; sure to make money*, price $450; only $50casb. balance $10 per month. CLOUGH ABAKER. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. jy7 tf _CIHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA—V- "WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address ln theUnited States or Canada one year for $1, postagefree-


<_t99*-f. $10° CASH, $25 MONTHLY,FOR<£;__._-. 'J. a new 5-room cottage; modern im-

provements.$2300— 5500 cash. $25 monthly,elegant 6-room

cottage, near statiou.$2- 50—5250 cash, $30 monthly,5-room cottage,

at station.$3500— 5500 cash. $30 monthly, new7-ronm cot-

tage; bet. broad and narrow gauge. Houses to letfrom $10 to $..;"> per month.


Bay-st. station and High st. station, Alameda.noil S»TuT tt


NOTHINGIIdown, easy monthly payments; bouses builtto sultpurchaser; only10 percent down, monthlypayments same as rent; 3 modern cottages of 5rooms and bath, with 33 feet frontage each;$2500, 9.700 and $2750; easy payments: assign-ee'ssaie: must he closed out makeanotler. H. P.MOREAL- CO., 1428 Park St.. Alameda. delOtf»\ E ARE BUILDING HANDSOME 2-STORY"

bouses of 6, 6, 7 and 8 rooms in the very bestlocations in Alameda and sell them with lots andother improvements from $2500 upward on verystay monthly installments: now is tbe time to se-cure a home complete inallrespects ln beautifulAlameda. See us before closing any purchase,office open evenings. MUTUALBUILDINGANDINVESTMENT COMPANY. 1602 Park St.. nearSanta Clara aye n024 tf

Cl* fA monthly BUYS a *425 lot in ALA-_7 »- inert a. X l> SPARROW. -10 Market, apll tf




I<"R EXCHANGE— OB BOBBBS AN')X nuggy. lot 25x127:6. near San Pablo aye. ia

Lorln. B. ('., Call office. Oakland. las St

BERKELEY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY—Houses and lots for sale . nd to rent. 21 ;fI Kr

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS.EMIR SALE-2 EXCELLENT FAMILY COWS:Ione Jersey, one Jersey and Alderney :goodmilkers and rich milk. Address Cows, box 46,this office. Jati

ENGINEER'S FIELD TRANSIT: IN SPLEN-did order; for sale cheap. 1017 Mission. ]U7t*

I.EST A RANT FIXI 0 £ tT, COINit table, chairs, glassware. Inquire 125 ThirdSt. butcher-shop. .___*! __IAW LIBRARY.1640 VOLUMES ADDRESS1- 2102 Sutter st:8. A. WINaNS de3l 7t*I.LEGANT BARROOM SET: 16 FEET LARGE'-

iilateg'ass mirrorand side pieces; $175: worth$300. 11- -V_ Folsom st. de 22 tf


JJp 1 J. VJ.matlc bicycle; cost $155; has beenridden only 5 times: absolutely per. ect condi-tion. Address E EL. box 4l. this office. delOtf

1ORUER-3 KIRK AND BURGLAR PROOFsafes. 221. 223 Market St. de9tf


l»JJ qualities: ring up telephone or writeus: priceslow; tree delivery San Francisco and Oakland. A.

O. COOK A HON. ISth and Fair Oaks; Tel. 6048,tf

..HOWC ASKS. BAR STORE, OFFICE FlX-__ tures. Scheerer's Pioneer Stoie,2s 10th.13 12m

SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS,l3shafting, pnlleys, belting, water-pipes. etc,dei tf McINTOSH AWOLPMAN, 137 Seals St.

gomranasa cH.wm.• 000 COFFEE SALOON. BAKERY AND/;siPJ."UU. restaurant; cityfront; immediately-

•opp.tne Terries; continuously run 25 years; lias- wade fortunes; receipt* $35 to ?45 per day;•. . Handsome bar:cash register ;everything in first-;. • class running order; trade Immense : nothing ilk«.. itanywhere; could not help but be good on ae-.;.count or Its remarkable bus ness location; thou-.\u25a0\u25a0 lands pass dally: is actually '-heap at $1500: see

It, Investigate and make an offer:must sell GEO.-STEWah C.v SON, c.iii Market st.opp. Palace. 1

:\u25a0pARTMH-A BUSINESS OPENING;$50 CAP-'":-*- ital required; lady or gentleman, Call to-dayroom 14. 28 Eighth at. *__

V "LMRST-CLASS SALOON I'llRENT:4 LIVING--. -» rooms: newly fitted up In flrst-«-lass condition.-. -Cor.Leaven worth and McAllister sts. jag at*-.'.•<& ica lady was PARTNER.- <;<>ol>••\u25a0«lpluU. business, Call or address 931 Market

\u25a0.• ..room 1. 3 ntl \u25a0 l

KESTACBANT ON CUV FRONT;GOOD BCSl-ness; rent low; muxt l>e sold soon. owniT so-

•Ing away. Address* ,box 44, Call Office. jag7^_


LUNCH-HOUSE: LIVING-ROOMS:sickness cause \u25a0 Isale. ApplJ this office.

...T JEASE OR iiV -MALL paper boute..'.f.-LJ L..box 9.Call Offi-e. }*"-'__

•'\u25a0'•"'•TCn is PARTNER IN LARGE GERMAN: O<£>U.beer ball; lowrent: lone lease: trial•- ;granted. Call butcher-store. 125 Thirdst. ja6 7t*: \u25a0\u25a0 Co o- kkTmh BAKERY. notion and.': .£M~O. stationery store. ApplyCall Branch.ti 2*'•'•'•*

&nr AS»KV-7AND FANCY GOODS AND- ' JJhuO". general variety store: paying business.' \u25a0mVi.aI'GH !.'.:• A CO., 26 Mi Kearny St. j:U3t»'

'.- » iKA MILK ROITE: 2 HORSES AND'•\u25a0 3*-Jt.M'. wagon: mostly private trade; retinue' . came of sale. MCLAUGHLINa CO., 2ts% Kearny: street. 3*3 at*

•\u25a0 C,onn SALOON: CITYFRONT. NEAR THEtJTCH'U. ferries; thisIs a bargain; must (tell Im-

mediately. Mclaughlin & Co.. 26** Kearny';. street.


Jas at*-&Q~(\ FIFTEEN-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE:«JTOOU. rent $15: city front. 308 Grant aye. 3t»

©Qnn GOOD PAYINGHOUSE; 23 BOOMS;t"'"v'l». cause sickness. Apply Call Branch

; Office. jas 3t»

A~~l A BARGAIN—DRDGSTORE IN '1HECITY.Arp!Tf|>r Information at J. H. D. VELD

BUSCHIS. 428 California, bet. the hours of 9 andS p. m, jas "'*

. m, I~i\(\ STOCK, TOOLS AND GOOD WILL1OUU. of blacksmlthlng and horseshoeing

'\u25a0 «bop In Nap»: rent $20 per mouth. WILLIAM.HUNTER. Nap». Cat ]*$7t

QALOON FOR SALE—ANOLD ESTABLISHEDiObusiness: downtown; present owner thereeight ><»r«; account sickness. Inquire cor,broadway an.i hansome. j:».'7t^LOR SALE

—FRUIT AND VEGETAIiLE• Tstore. 209 Polk st. jas at*

DELICACY AND DAIKY PRODUCE, W HOLE-sale and retail business for gale: established

for eight years; good reason for selti::- Ail-dress K. P.. box 1Hi. Call Branch. ;u5 'M*

SALOON AT A BARGAIN: CALL AND SEE;ijprice $400. 233 Sixth s^ ias 31*

FOR SALE— A BARGAIN:A DRUGSTORE. Ap-plyE. EMANUEL. 43'J Fourta St. j»5 M*K«TAtJRANT AND BARBKK-SHOP FORsale; beat bargain in rlty. 317y3 Third. j6 4»

ffl»"/)i\ SALOON. WORTH (1000 WITHCN«J'''-"- llTtng-rooma, near Midwinter Kairground!", Golden .ate Park; rent if<s. Inquireat 29 Sixth st.; liquor-store; do agents. ]aa j*

Q^fin SOBER IND.USTI.IOI'SMAN WITH'i^O\J\J. this amonut of capital can secure anlnterritin » good established business; positivelyciearin; t'^ou per month: this is genuine ana willbear the strictest investigation: owner has morebusiness than he can personally attend to and pre-. ' fer? partner to hired help. Inquire of L.EGBERT,931 Market st. ja45tLOR BALE—WALL PAPER. PAINTS, OILS,•T etc., store, withfine stock, doing a good con-tracting business: horse, wagon aud staging: j:'."iO.JON AS. 9'_'lMarket st. ja4 At*

flj J-- BRANCH BAKERY,VARIETIES ANDO"iI«-*• notions: pood stock; fine fixtures: Roodcash trade: 4 livingrooms: reutsiB; fine placefureofl«>e and Ice-cream pailor; come and see.rt4 M/8Fifth St. y.i-i3t»

; OLDLIQd(R-STORE, WHOLESALE AM)EB-VJ tail; one of the best corners la the city: otherbusiness cause of sale. SE. cor. Pacific and San-some \u25a0'


RANCH BAKERY, STA IlONEHY ANDVAR-iety store; goodcash trade: larsesuuny rooms;

chicken yard. Address 8. S.. box 148, Call BranchOffice. . ja4 3t«QQn GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE; CAN<U.OV'- easily make $5 per day. Address C. C,box 115. Call i'.ranrh office. ja4 3t»

QO^II ON ACCOUNT OF OTHER INVEST-O —''V. ment Mayuard'B vrell-known salooncor. Moutgomery ami I'ac ftc; bar fixtures, piano.-

-\u25a0 gas. electric light,billiard table, mirror, furniture;standard c.ner; steady trade. j;i4 3t*

DEBTAURANI AND COFFEE SALOON FORXtsale. 800 Fourth st. ja4 'M*


—''• street. jaJ St*C' ]-

• CANDY, NOTION AND VARIETYyJ I•' store for aai«, 104 Misatoa «. Jal 7»FOR BALK—FRUIT, CIGAR AND CANDY--• store; good tr.<de. 104Vs Powell st. ja4 3t*QO^f) SPLENDID CHOPHOTJSE; CITY<.')•-'". front; well established. Apply 306.Grant are. jai3.

-X'CRNISHKD DINING-PARLOR FOR SALE: \u25a0 -1 ch«ap. 413 Post St. ja37t«/••ANDY MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL\J business: cheap; present proprietor engaging

:'..ln other business. Address C 8., box i<j, (ail.-' Branch Office. jaHst»

©OHO LADY WANTS PARTNER TO TAKK\u25a0• t£<jyJ\J. half interest inbusiness that pays $200-'• month; well established; central location. Ad-

• djes<i Lady, bos 111, Call Branch. Ja2 tf

SALOON FOR SALE— I3I"(VFARRELL. CdR.O Powell st. Apply bet. 1and 3p. m. le3l 7t*"VIEWM'AHER ROUTE ON THE OTHER SIDEX' of the bay for saie; willnet 8160 per month;splendid investment for energetic man. Aoply. -E. H.. this office. <Je9 tf

PART WANTED ($250) IN REAL ES-X tate business. JONAS. 921 Market. iiltt

ARTIES THINKING OF OPENING 7JT--Iloons or stores near the fair grounds willfindItto their advantage tocall and see my outfits, new: and second-

hand, of bars, b&ckbars. mirrors,•helving!, counters, showcases, scales, safes, iltn>-

\u25a0•• .Icoms. etc.; largest stock: and only store la ilia

city of this kindJ. NOONAM. 1017 to 1023 Mission st. above

:\u25a0\u25a0 Sixth.OPEN EVENINGS. au'JO tf


THEWEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing.


. <S)OV)VJ. LAUGHLIN& CO.. 261/2 Kearny.o at*

MUST BE BOLD~TO~BIGHEST~BIDDErT~24rooms; Geary st. Apply 704y3 O'Farrell St.:1.'-afternoon. ja4 3t»

IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL A LOU',I\bouse, furnished flat or place of business see

M. J. LKU'JtHOL'IZ, 321 Sutler St.: loans nego-'.: tlated. i»t tf

nK.MTIKB FOB SALK.'\u25a0'• ABARGAIN-FURNITURE 6 ROOMS AM);. . JA- bath complete for housekeeping: 2 bedrooms,' .now rented pay rent: cheap. l'JOl Folsou. St.


"V tnre bought and sold. ANDERSON'S. 1121.Market st. jas 7t... '. IVILEY bROS.. 931 MISSION—FURNITURE,


carpets, ttoves cheap; cash liistallni'ts.no4 ly;T^OIICE-I AMNOW AT126 FOURTH (NEW

\u25a0• J. building),and offer a large stock of general• booiebold luruilureat reduced prices; 500 carpet

rood as new; stores, $6; antique chamber suits,\u25a0 $16; parlor suits. »J5; cash or installment!; all atbedrock price*. T. II NEi SON. 126 lourth st altf


MJ. SIMMONS, AUCTIONEER. 1057 MAR-i>I-. ket St., will buy your household furniture,pianos. Dric-a-brac books, etc.. for the highest

, •. ( ash prices; no notdispose or your property untili tie has made you an offer on the same, send pos-.. tal, or telephone :i449: also groceries, liquor and

-stocks of merchandise of allkinds bought In city.• or country. . __j lm

SBASCH. 321 BUTTER ST., BUYS FURNI-. ture, mercuandise. saloons, etc. 0c25 tf—SPECIALTY BUYING CONTENTS OF. house*, flats, etc.. for cash. Call or address. HENRYKUTTNEH. office. 144 Phelan b'ldg.Jal tf


BUYS. furniture, merchandise, saloons, etc. 0c25 tf

GEO. F. LAMSON WILL BUY YOUR FUR.M-tnre; full cash value 410 Kearny, Ran 8.a4 6in

Mf<;ABE,128 FOURTH, FAYS IHEHIGHESTprice for furniture, stores. ranges.carpets. 1y

A LARGE QUANTITY M:CO>I>HA.NU FUR-mture wanted; 20 per ftpaid more than else-

• where. MAi.ONI,.110 Fourth; pew More, m2O tf. -A* J.SIMMOAS4 CO., AUCTIONEERS. ILL.. \u25a0i. 'buy Jour lurnlture, pianos and books. 1067. • : Market st. ap9 tf


TUB;, . AWEfcKLy CALL.In wrapper, for mailing.

'\u25a0:... \u25a0; CAKI'IT>.

ELEGANT LISI;ol|.i RPET?«OO. a yard, sewed and laid; Heavy Floor Oilcloth..-; \u25a0 26c. a yard; Good Matting, 10c a yard: Solid oak•-. Bedroom Sets, 7 pieces $-25. S.W SHIRKK,1310--'• • ,1312 Stock!..-, St.; country orders solicited. 31 tr

\u25a0'.•\u25a0; O CARP KT;CL KAXIKO:../CARPET-CLEANING, 3(TIpeR~YaRD:TEL~. 6074. CAMPBELL & HORENSEN 286 Four-:. teenth SU successors to .1. E. MitchelliCo.n4 Sin"



\\ HEN TOU BECOME DISGt'STKD WITH. \u25a0 .- »» poor worksend to SPAULOINovs Pioneer Ca-r\u25a0- •

llestlng Works, 353-7 Tehama; tel« 3040.21 tf;- CABFETfI THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND-

:\J. rmoTated same as new. S.S.FERGUSON*;''

CO., 23 Ttcth st.;telephone 3036. 1tf

•".- jpONKLIN'S CARPET BEATINGWORKS. 333\u25a0 V;Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 12 tl


-'United States or Canada one year for $1, postage