Making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore South Lakeland District Council Annual Report 2013/14 Introduction This annual report gives an insight into South Lakeland District Council’s (SLDC’s) business, activities, performance and finances throughout the financial year 2013/14. August 2014

Annual Report 2013/14 - South Lakeland · Making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore South Lakeland District Council Annual Report 2013/14 Introduction This annual

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Page 1: Annual Report 2013/14 - South Lakeland · Making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore South Lakeland District Council Annual Report 2013/14 Introduction This annual

Making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore

South Lakeland District Council

Annual Report 2013/14Introduction

This annual report gives an insight into South Lakeland District

Council’s (SLDC’s) business, activities, performance and finances

throughout the financial year 2013/14.

August 2014

Page 2: Annual Report 2013/14 - South Lakeland · Making South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore South Lakeland District Council Annual Report 2013/14 Introduction This annual

• Flexiblethree and five

day parkingpasses are

introduced in SLDCCar Parks

Our VisionWhile this annual report looksback at 2013/14, it also offersa glimpse of the future, as thecouncil focus on four priorityareas:

• Enabling and delivering opportunities for sustainable growth

• Providing homes to meet need

• Improving health and reducing health inequalities

• Protecting our environment

Council Plan priorities areconsidered and refreshed bythe council each year.Strategic planning days areheld where the vision isreviewed. This process isinformed by data collectedfrom the public, intelligencegathered from census dataand local partnership workingincluding Community LedPlans and Local AreaPartnership (LAP) plans.

Annual Report 2013/14

• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil joins forces withEden District Council to drafta homelessness strategyaiming to address theincrease of homelessness inSouth Lakeland

During 2013/14, the number ofhouseholds prevented frombecoming homeless increasedby approximately 200% to 317.The new Social Letting Schemehas also proved to besuccessful, with the councilcurrently having 27 properties inmanagement that are leasedfrom private landlords and let topeople who are in receipt ofhousing benefit. The councilhas approval for up to 50properties within thescheme and expects toreach this figure bythe Summer of2014. • SLDC reduces the cost of

licences for SouthLakeland exporters to just


• 2,489 people take part in thesecond Power Up YourCommunity energy switchingscheme auction

This year, SLDC organised two‘Power up Your Community’energy auctions to help SouthLakeland residents get cheaperdeals through collective energyswitching. The council was thefirst UK local authority to run acollective energy switchingscheme and as a result of thepilot project’s success it has now been replicated by more than 150councils. To date, 936 households have switched energy supplierthrough Power up Your Community, with estimatedsavings on energy payments totalling £102,000.Through the scheme, the council hasearned £11,000 in commission whichthe Cabinet has agreed to put intothe SLDC Draught BustersScheme which offers tosupply and fit a full rangeof draught-proofingmaterials at affordableprices for thevulnerable andelderly.

• Reduction ofCouncil Tax discount

on second homesintroduced

On April 1, 2013 theCouncil Tax discount on secondhomes was reduced from 10%

to 0%, this affected about 3,800properties, raising an estimated

£600,000 in income for theCollection Fund. The CollectionFund has allowed the council toensure no individual is worse off

under the Local Council TaxReduction Scheme which had

received a 10% reduction ingovernment grants.

The vision is to make SouthLakeland the best place tolive, work and explore. Theambition is to have aprosperous and variedeconomy with an educatedworkforce to support it, abalanced housing market withenough affordable housing tomeet need, great leisureservices and a cultural offerthat appeals to residents andvisitors alike.




April April AprilApril












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OurValuesOver the last 12 months, thecouncil has continued toprovide services and deliverits Council Plan throughopenness, excellence andvaluing people. These valuesare central to the way thecouncil operates in workingfor the residents of South

Annual Report 2013/14

• Experts onclimate change and energyefficiency share their expertise and knowledge at afree Business 2 Business working lunch and networking event

In 2013/14, SLDC organised eight business events, from workinglunches and employer forums to conferences and seminars. Theevents were aimed at a variety of audiences including local businessesand large strategic employers. Their purpose was to boost inwardinvestment, promote South Lakeland as an excellent place to dobusiness and provide details of council services. Events this year haveincluded the popular Google Juice, the Action for Market Towns AnnualConference, and a South Lakeland Economic Forum hosted by InsiderNorth West.

• The council distributes£300k of community grantsacross the district

• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil announces its newCabinet and key portfolioholders

• Residents are consultedabout the project to re-developthe Berners site in Grange-over-Sands

To have their say on the re-development of the Berners sitein Grange-over-Sands, morethan 200 people attended aconsultation event at the nearbyVictoria Hall organised by SouthLakeland District Council,Grange Town Council and TwoCastles Housing Association.Public feedback showed strong support for proposals to build

affordable homes on the site of the existing swimming pool atBerners Close, Grange-over-Sands.


Lakeland, providing businessas usual services and seizingopportunities for new activitywhich could be beneficial tothe district.

May May May MayMay


MayMay May May May May

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• SLDC boosts SteamboatMuseum with


• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil’s website, ExploreSouth Lakeland winsprestigious Towns AliveAward

In July 2013, the Explore SouthLakeland website, which attractsthousands of visits every month,was announced the winner ofthe Social and CommunityCategory for the Towns AliveAwards 2013. It was one of four projectsthroughout the whole of the UKto be recognised as an “inspirational idea that othertowns and neighbourhoods canreplicate”. Explore South Lakelandprovides information aboutevents, local food outlets and local attractionsamongst others.

Annual Report 2013/14

Enabling anddeliveringopportunities forsustainableeconomic growthOver the last 12 months, SLDChas supported several SouthLakeland based businesses withtheir application to theGovernment’s Regional GrowthFund and the CumbriaInfrastructure Fund. Ninebusinesses were successfully

an Economic Growth Strategywhich outlines the council’scommitment to economicgrowth. The strategy builds onSouth Lakeland’s competitiveadvantages of advancedmanufacturing, the tourismindustry and the connectivity theM6 provides. The strategy wasdeveloped in parallel with theCumbria Local EnterprisePartnership’s (LEP) StrategicEconomic Plan which ensures aCumbria-wide vision foreconomic growth.


• LakeWardensprovided life-saving water safetytraining to more than3,000 school children

• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil approves thesale of land in Kendal

for affordablehomes

• Councildistributes £80kof New Homes Bonus,Locally Important Projectsfunding

In 2013/14, the New HomesBonus, a grant paid by centralgovernment to local councils forincreasing the number of homesand their use, was dividedbetween supporting theprovision of affordable housingand supporting communityprojects. The money set asidefor community projects wasdivided between the CouncillorLocality Budget Scheme; eachcouncillor received £1000 tospend in their wards, and theLocally Important Project (LIPs)fund; a pot of £80,302 availableto support the delivery ofappropriate infrastructure works.Community groups across thedistrict were invited to apply tothis fund.

June June JuneJune





JuneJuly July July July


• SLDC successfullyprosecutes benefit fraudsters,underlining thecouncil’s zerotolerancetowardsbenefitfraud

• Councillors receive £1,000 each to spendon community projects withintheir ward



awarded a grant from theRegional Growth Fund andseven benefitted from theCumbria Infrastructure Fund.Specifically, SLDC assistedHoughton’s of Milnthorpe withtheir application which resultedin a £650,000 grant. Overall,134 new jobs and 11apprenticeships are predicted tobe created as a result of theinvestment from these twofunds.

This year, South LakelandDistrict Council also developed

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• NewDog Control

Orders tackleirresponsible dog

owners and dogfouling

A range of New Dog ControlOrders (DCO) was introduced

throughout the district tosafeguard the environment andtackle irresponsible dog owners

and dog fouling. Owners arerequired to keep their dogs on alead if they are in a public place

within 10 metres of a road with a30mph speed limit, dogs are

excluded from council playareas and sports pitches.

Culprits who breach the DCOsface a fixed penalty fine of £75

and the measures areimplemented by NeighbourhoodEnforcement Officers supported

by Police Community SafetyOfficers and Police Officers.

Since the introduction of the DogControl Orders, SLDC has been

delivering a programme ofeducation and awareness in the

community and in partnershipwith local primary schools.

• YouthCitizen

Poetry and Artcompetition

The South Lakeland Equalityand Diversity Partnership

(SLEDP) organised a youthcitizen poetry and art

competition involving 180students from around the

district. The aim of thecompetition was to promote

tolerance with regard to equalityand diversity in the district.

Awards were presented to thewinners on 13 July at Kendal

Town Hall.

• Her Majesty Queen ElizabethII visits South Lakeland aspart of her Jubilee Tour

On Wednesday 17 July HerMajesty the Queen,accompanied by Her RoyalHighness the Princess Royal,visited Kendal, Burneside andBowness-on-Windermere. SLDCassisted the Lord Lieutenant’soffice and supported CumbriaPolice with operational mattersfor the visit. Thousands ofpeople lined the streets to givethem a warm welcome.

• SLDC and South LakesHousing work togetherto bring an emptyproperty back tolife in Ulverstonfollowing flooding

• SLDCunveils a

proposal toimprove

Windermereshoreline access for

families and lake users

Annual Report 2013/14













August August


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When working to attract to thearea business investment andpeople with the required skillsets, SLDC recognises theimportance of factors, such ashousing and the cultural offer.Furthermore, it also appreciatesthe value in providingopportunity within the district foryoung people to gain the skillsthat will be required in the futureeconomic environment. TheEconomic Growth Strategy willbe adopted by full Council inSummer 2014 as creating

opportunities for economicgrowth continues to be a CouncilPlan 2014-19 priority. By 2025,the council aims to haveenabled the creation of 1,000higher income jobs.

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• SLDCto raise concernsover second homes withgovernment

SLDC has agreed to seek newcontrols on second homes in thearea. A case for change wascommissioned which sets outthe impact second homes haveon the sustainability of localcommunities. The case made isnow being used to persuadegovernment to introduce a newuse class order for secondhomes which would allow localcommunities to restrict homesbecoming used as second orholiday homes.

• SouthLakeland DistrictCouncil celebrates 40 millionrecycling collections in thelast 10 years

10 years of kerbside recyclingwas celebrated in September2013. SLDC makesapproximately four millioncollections a year, whichequates to approximately 40million collections in the last 10years. In total, the council hascollected 35,000 tonnes ofpaper, 17,000 tonnes of glassand 6,000 tonnes of cans.

• SLDC’s Cabinet start the‘out and about’ initiative tohold cabinet meetings in partsof the district other thanKendal

• Stage 2 of the Tour of Britainfinishes on Greenside inKendal

In September, South LakelandDistrict Council hosted the LakeDistrict Stage Finish of the tenthanniversary Tour of Britain cyclerace. The Kendal stage wasdescribed by the Tour as “thebest finish ever in the Tour’shistory”. The event attractedfantastic national andinternational media coverageand the South Lakelandeconomy benefited from a£511,498 boost.

• Mintfest arrives in Kendal forthe fourth time

Annual Report 2013/14

SeptemberSeptember September September September September



13 September

Providing homes tomeet needThe council recognises thedisparity between meanhousehold income and meanhouse prices in South Lakeland,and over the last year has beenworking towards increasing thenumber of affordable homes.The council also recognises theproblems caused by the highnumbers of second homes in thedistrict. In 2013, financialmeasures to dissuade the trend

were introduced and SLDC arecurrently exploring other ways tocontrol the number of secondand holiday homes. The councilhas also been improving thestandard of private rentedaccommodation and preventinghomelessness in the district. By2025 the council aims to haveenabled the development of1000 affordable homes for rent.

Protecting ourenvironmentSafeguarding and enhancing theenvironment for futuregenerations has been a priorityfor South Lakeland DistrictCouncil over the last 12 months.Amongst routine duties such asrecycling, ensuring the safety ofprivate water supplies andcarrying out food establishmentinspections, the council hasbeen working to encourageSouth Lakeland’s restaurants to

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• Longterm emptyproperties arereduced thanks to theintroduction of the CouncilTax premium

The Council Tax premium onproperties vacant for more thansix months was reduced from50% to 0%. About 1,000 ownersof vacant properties haveexperienced a 50% loss ofdiscount resulting in estimatedadditional income to CollectionFund of £700,000. The purposeof this measure is to bring moreempty properties back into use.

• SLDC approves new partnerto run the district’s sports and

recreation facilities

A new leisure partnership wasformed between South Lakeland

District Council and NorthCountry Leisure (NCL), a

charitable trust. A £750,000investment is planned and as

well as improving the sports andrecreation centres, NCL will

introduce a new outreachprogramme to ensure leisure

services reach all.communities.

• An independent auditoraffirms SLDC provides valuefor money

• Kendal businesses vote infavour of a BusinessImprovement District (BID)

• The firstComic Art Festivaltakes place in Kendal

The council supported the firstLakes International Comic ArtFestival as a founding partner.This took place in Kendal inOctober. The festival attractedthousands and many newvisitors to South Lakeland.Hotels were fully booked andmany shops and businessestook part in the festival. It wassuch a success that it willbecome an annual event.






Annual Report 2013/14


• Filming for the BBC’sadaptation of Daphne du

Maurier’s Jamaica Inn beginsin Kirkby Lonsdale

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provide healthier choices,encourage residents to makefewer car journeys and helpingpeople save money on theirenergy bills through thecommunity energy switchingscheme. Protecting theenvironment continues to be apriority in the Council Plan 2014-19.

Improving healthand reducing healthinequalitiesCurrently, the health of people inSouth Lakeland is generallybetter than the rest of Englandand The North West. However,health inequalities do exist, forexample, 1,300 children still livein poverty and the lifeexpectancy is 5.4 years lowerfor men and 7.0 years lower forwomen in the most deprivedareas of South Lakeland than in

the least deprived areas. In viewof the recent changes to publichealth, South Lakeland DistrictCouncil has developed a Healthand Well-Being Strategy aimingto improve health and reducehealth inequalities. Lookingforward, the council aims tobring more high valuejobs andaffordable anddecent housingto sustain avibrant anddiverseeconomy, to useour natural

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• Affordablehomes get green


South Lakeland DistrictCouncil’s Planning Committee

supported the proposal to build43 homes on the site of the former

Berners Indoor Pool at Grange-over-Sands. The plans include 43 houses and

flats, 32 of which will be available foraffordable rent, while the other 11 will be

availableunder a shared

ownershiparrangement. SLDC worked

in partnership with Grange TownCouncil and Two Castles housingassociation to secure a grant forthe Berners site from the Homesand Communities Agency (HCA)

which was vital for the success ofthe project. Work began early

March 2014 and will becompleted by Spring 2015. Over

the last 12 months the councilhas enabled 85 affordablehomes to be built in South

Lakeland. The council’s overalltarget is to enable the

development of 1000 affordablehomes for rent by 2025.

• New Car Share Schemeannounced

The latest initiative of the GoEasy campaign is a car sharewebsite. This allows users tosecurely find a lift to adestination, such as a school,club or place of work. Oneofficer gave a presentation aboutthe Go Easy campaign to theInstitute of Air Pollution StandingConference on 4 December2013, to share the council’sexperiences of running a behavioural change campaign.

• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil councillors agree tofreeze daily parking fees

• South Lakeland DistrictCouncil and Google team upto help local businesses atGoogle Juice event

Annual Report 2013/142


3 November

• SLDC achieves the BronzeInvestors in People Award

with residents and visitors. Theyhad a positive impact on thearea attracting significantnational and international mediacoverage and provided awelcome boost for the localeconomy.

November November NovemberNovember




November November

page 8

resources responsibly to helpdeliver quality cultural andsporting events which can beenjoyed by all of the district’sresidents to help them to remainhealthy for as long as possible.

2013/14 proved to be anexceptional year for SLDC in itssupport of hosting andoperationally working on ‘one off’events and filming in the districtalongside the alreadyestablished vibrant culturalprogramme, events and festivalsSouth Lakeland is renowned for.The events were hugely popular

Localism andCommunitiesDuring 2013/14, the council hascontinued to promote theLocalism agenda by assistingcommunities who want to settheir own priorities. This year,SLDC has supported 11Community Led Plans, three ofwhich have been completed.The council has also created aweb based portal for thecommunity rights provided bythe Localism Act 2011, which

• Kendal Mountain FilmFestival, the biggest and mostdiverse event of its type in theworld, takes place for thefourteenth time (this eventwon Gold for Tourism Event ofthe year at the Visit EnglandAwards 2014)

• Children’s Takeover Day,Friday 22 November

SLDC took part in the Children’sCommissioner NationalTakeover Day on 22 November2013. 13 local students werewelcomed into South LakelandHouse to debate issues withmembers of the Cabinet and tohave their say on the YoungPeople’s Action Plan, a planwhich aims to get young peoplemore engaged in the democraticprocess.

• Residents are consulted onpolling districts and pollingplaces

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• SLDCwin a grant toimprove air quality in Kendal

The quality of the air in South Lakeland’shigh pollution zones has significantly increasedover the last 12 months. In 2012/13 four sites in SouthLakeland failed to meet the air objective of 40mg per m3 ofnitrogen dioxide, this figure decreased to three sites in 2013/14 withimproved air quality in these remaining areas. In December 2013 the

council were awarded a grantfrom the Department ofEnvironmental, Food and RuralAffairs (Defra) to continue thework to improve air quality inSouth Lakeland. The £29,000Defra grant will be used toincrease the number of cyclejourneys made in Kendal by 10%from the 2012 baseline. Deliveryof the project will begin in2014/15 and comprises of threeelements: cycle parking provisionin town centres, work placebased cycling initiatives andencouraging cycling throughBritish Cycling’s Sky Rideprogramme.

Annual Report 2013/14


• SLDC approves grantstotalling £300,000 for threeaffordable housing schemes

• Councillors’ allowances areto be frozen for 2014/15

• SLDC becomes the firstcouncil in The North West to

adopt a land allocationsdocument

South Lakeland is at theforefront of developmentplanning in the North of

England. It is the first council inThe North West and one of only

four in the North of England tohave achieved an unchallenged

adopted up to date Local Planincluding a Core Strategy setting

the overall direction and theLand Allocations document toimplement it. The Local Plan

identifies sites for 5,277 homesof which 35% will be affordable.It also earmarks 60 hectares ofland for business development

in settlements across the district.

• Free Sunday parking inSLDC Car Parks throughoutDecember



DecemberDecember December December



page 9

aims to make it easier forcommunities to exploreopportunities to take control intheir communities. Over the last12 months the council has usedthe Have Your Say website toconsult with the public aboutfourteen separate issues, thesecond Quality of Life surveywas also released in February2014. The results of theengagement activity arepublished on the Have Your Saysite and reported to council.

PerformanceTo monitor performance SLDCuses two methods. Firstly,performance against CouncilPlan objectives is reportedquarterly to the Overview andScrutiny Performance Sub-Committee and to Cabinet. Atthe end of the financial year,(2013/14) 95.7% of the CouncilPlan objectives are on track orcompleted.

Secondly, the council monitorsperformance usingbenchmarking data which

measures the council against agroup of other district councils inEngland. The benchmarkinggroup is a Chartered Institute ofPublic Finance and Accountancy(CIPFA) construction and thegroup takes into account similarrevenue budgets,population sizes,service areas,geographies,rural aspectanddemocraticrepresentation.

• Ferry Nab jettyredevelopment proposalsrevised, following the refusal

of planning permission for the original proposals

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• Lake District crowned as topplace to visit in the UK by theUK’s leading travel magazineWanderlust

• Council Plan 2014 – 19is agreed

The Council Plan 2014-19 andthe merged 5 year strategy havebeen refreshed and prioritieshave been reviewed inconsultation with SLDCCouncillors and ManagementTeam. Although the prioritiesremain unchanged the newCouncil Plan has beencommunicated with all ourpartners, stakeholders and staff.The plan is made available invarious formats via aninteractive website link.

• Davina’s Beyond BreakingPoint Sport Relief Challengearrives in South Lakeland

• £100,000from the Police and CrimeCommissioner’s anti-socialbehaviour grant is allotted forCCTV cameras

South Lakeland remains one ofthe safest places to live in theUK and this year has seen a6.5% reduction in overall crime.More specifically, there has beena 7.6% reduction of theftoffences, a 27% reduction ofcriminal damageoffences, a 7%decrease of anti-social behaviour anda 20% reduction ofyouth anti-socialbehaviour.

• SLDC plans to continue withCouncil Tax freeze

• A total of 1,087 foodinspections were carried out

• SLDC received a total of3,112 environmentalprotection service requests

• SLDC took 373 private watersupply samples

• SLDC carried out 100% ofthe required risked basedEnvironmental PermitInspections to ensure certainindustries, usually those whoare historically polluting,comply with environmentalregulations

Annual Report 2013/14

In 2013/14, did youknow…?

• 82.4% of people who madean enquiry to SLDC’s contactcentre were satisfied with theservice. This is an increasefrom 74% at the beginning ofthe year.

• 45% of waste was recycled

• 72% of complaints wereresponded to within 10working days

• The council has helped 317people from becominghomeless

• Frontline members of staffand some Councillorsreceived DementiaAwareness training to helpthe council become moreDementia Friendly

• The Local Plan allocates landfor 5,277 new dwellings,35% of which must beaffordable

• SLDC dealt with a total of1,188 planning applications

• 391 food businesses wereawarded a rating of 5 on theFood Hygiene RatingScheme


JanuaryJanuary February February February February February February


14 January

• SLDC celebrates a £324,000arts grant to boost the LakeDistrict's profile


• The Big Chill Swim takesplace at Lake Windermere

attracting hundreds of openwater swimmers

• SLDC marks HolocaustMemorial Day with veryspecial event

In January 2014, the councilmarked Holocaust Memorial Dayfor the first time with a specialevent organised by SLDC inpartnership with the Lake DistrictHolocaust Project based atWindermere. The event inKendal included messages forHolocaust Memorial Day postedat the Birdcage by localschoolchildren and members ofthe community, a unique filminstallation from the ImperialWar Museum and exhibition atKendal Town Hall.

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• Cumbria PrivateLandlord Accreditation


In March 2013, the counciladopted a Landlord

Accreditation Scheme managedby the National Landlords

Association aimed at promotinggood practice in the private

rented sector. Membership tothe scheme will help landlords toincrease their knowledge of theirresponsibilities and the standard

of accommodation that theyshould be providing.

Annual Report 2013/14

• SLDC investigated 562cases of fly tipping, 27 caseswere pursued with actionagainst the identifiedoffender

• 98.39% of Council Tax wassuccessfully collected

• 98.24% of Business Rateswere successful collected

• SLDC dealt with 1,873new claims for housingbenefits

• SLDC processed 17,296changes to circumstance forhousing benefit and counciltax

February February February March March March March March MarchMarch March

• SLDC made 37 successfulinterventions to bring long-term empty homes back intouse

• 88 Disabled Facilities Grantswere provided

• 573 handyperson jobs wereundertaken

• 5,882 tonnes of glass,cardboard and plastic werecollected from the kerbside

• 4,070,820 waste collectionswere made, 99.5% of thesewere on the scheduledcollection day

• 10,365 tonnes of greenwaste were collected fromthe kerbside

• £1,000 business rates reliefagreed

On February 12, 2014 thecouncil agreed to provide raterelief of up to £1,000 to alloccupied retail properties with arateable value of £50,000 or lessin each of the financial years2014-15 and 2015-16.Properties that will benefit areoccupied properties that arewholly or mainly being used asshops, cafés and drinkingestablishments.

• Towns Alive event hosted inKendal

A Towns Alive event was held byAction for Market Towns inKendal in early February. It wasa well attended national eventwhich provided an opportunityfor networking and gaining newideas for town centreenhancement.

In South Lakeland, the councilhas continued to supportbusiness growth initiatives inGrasmere, Hawkshead,Sedbergh and Coniston togetherwith the Rural Growth Networkhubs at Clawthorpe, Ambleside,Ulverston and Sedbergh.Furthermore, the Shop FrontScheme, providing funding torevitalise the appearance ofshops, has continued to provepopular throughout the year. Theoverall empty shop rate for2013/14 is 6.70 per cent, wellbelow the North West average of20.1 per cent and the nationalaverage of 14.1 per cent.

• The second Kendal Festivalof Food takes place at the endof March


• The Local Plan Phase Onedevelopment briefsconsultations begin aroundthe district

• LAP Conference

In March 2014, the councilhosted a successful Local AreaPartnership (LAP) Conference toinspire parish councils to workmore effectively with district andcounty councillors. In the currenteconomic climate of austerity,LAPs have the opportunity toinfluence the provision ofservices which best serves theneeds of the local area.

• On Friday 21 March Rt HonDr Vince Cable attendedSouth Lakeland DistrictCouncil’s annual partner’snetworking event

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Annual Report 2013/14


Income NetExpenditure

£0 £0 £0

Neighbourhood Services 14,101.30 8,408.10 5,693.20

Strategic Planning 5,778.60 3,010.50 2,768.10

Policy and Performance 3,432.00 431.80 3,000.20

Resources 22,016.20 20,514.00 1,502.20

45,328.10 32,364.40 12,963.70

Financing Entries and Statutory Accounting Requirements -537.60

Net Increase/(decrease) in General Fund Balances & Reserves 1,058.10

SLDC Budget requirement 13,484.20

Share of Non-Domestic Rates -2,695.70

Revenue Support Grant -2,953.40

Council Tax Freeze Grant -82.90

Other General Grants -76.10

SLDC demand on Collection Fund 7,676.10

Special Expenses (parishes) / Collection Fund Deficit -6.00

SLDC Council Tax requirement 7,670.10

FinanceIncome and expenditure for 2013/14

Band D Council Tax 2013/14 Budgeted Income 2013/14