Annual Report of the St. Agnes Parish Council June 2012

Annual Report of the St. Agnes Parish Council June 2012 · 2012. 6. 3. · Annual Report of the St. Agnes Parish Council June 2012 . President’s Report by Elizabeth Ingle, President

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  • Annual Report of the St. Agnes Parish Council

    June 2012

  • President’s Report by Elizabeth Ingle,

    President & Chair, St. Agnes Parish Council, June 2012

    What is the role of the Parish Council? The Council by definition “...acts in an advisory position to the Pastor of the parish...” “The Pastor is mandated by the Bishop to provide pastoral care for the parish. The Council works together with the parish Pastor to build the parish as a living Christian Community.” When we come together on a bi-monthly basis we pray and discuss the activities and initiatives within our busy parish, always seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us – Fr. Piotr & your Council - to steer the parish to become a stronger home and place of worship for our parishioners today and in future. Your council is made up of numerous committees with an individual who leads their committee or who represents a group within the parish. The parish, however, is rich with many other social and service groups who tend to the needs of our community in vast ways – like the Prayer Shawl Group, the Exercise Group, those who visit our sick & shut-ins...this is an extensive list. Please take a moment sometime to explore our website and become familiar with these groups and the vital work they do to serve God by serving others. www.saintagnescatholicchurch.org These past few years have been incredibly busy! Here are just some of the highlights over the 2011-2012 Council year:

    Replacement of our original roof Establishment of a new Finance Committee and team Launch of a new fundraising program with a dual vision of (i) community building & (ii)

    revenue generation & optimization (please see the Finance Report for details) Change to our Parish Council with role additions and replacements and the shift to a bi-

    monthly meeting format Launch of a new St. Agnes Parish website in December of 2011, with now approximately

    13,000 people having visited the site over these past few months Recognition and celebration of Fr. Piotr’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination March 2011 Many events were designed to bring the community together for relationship and fellowship

    building: The Family Dinner & Dance, The Strawberry Social, The Parish Picnic, The Pasta Dinner, The Fall Welcome Social, The Christmas Bazaar, The Children’s Garage Sale, regular coffee Sunday’s...just to mention a few!

    “MISSION: POSSIBLE!”, an initiative to foster greater connection between Home, School & Church with our students brought the parish and school communities together on the Soccer field, on the Skating rink, at the Christmas Bazaar, the Yard Clean-ups and more; the students shone in volunteer opportunities in this program!

    The “St. Agnes Education Cafe” launched a few months back and will continue with events designed to serve...providing parishioners with information & education on topics of value to help them with issues faced in their everyday lives


  • And one more... In January of this year, Fr. Piotr, Tony Maruna (Finance) & myself proactively requested a

    meeting with John O’Brien, Business Administrator of the Diocese of Hamilton. We shared an update on St. Agnes Parish, our Vision for growth & the status of our initiatives. We were extended strong acknowledgement of our challenges and then from that, extensive recognition of our progress – a wonderful vote of confidence and support for St. Agnes Parish and our future.

    It is easy sometimes to get caught up in all of the “stuff” that always needs to be done, yet it is vitally important to take the time to be grateful for all that has been achieved. God is always at work and we certainly witness it if we are open to recognizing it. We can see it every day through the gifts and talents of the incredible people who volunteer in this parish. There could never be sufficient words of recognition and thanks to all of the people who care so deeply and give so continuously of their time and love of this parish. We are blessed. Thank you Fr. Piotr for your deep devotion to your role in leading us to a deeper relationship with Christ, and thank you to each and every one of you, our volunteers and to all of our devoted parishioners. I would like to close this report to you with my deepest thanks for the honour of serving you our parishioners and this parish as Parish Council President for the last two years. At our Annual General Meeting I will step down and hopefully welcome another parishioner to serve the parish in this role. It is difficult to express in words how deeply meaningful this time has been for me, to offer my efforts toward progress at this parish. Thank you for all who supported me & helped me to learn a role which was far out of my comfort zone as I took the helm at an exceptionally busy time in this parish’s history. I just prayed and remembered that God is always working on us...that we must trust and allow him to do the work He must do within each one of us. This trust fuelled me to focus on all of the possibilities ahead. Please consider lending your time and talents to our parish. It is the most wonderful growth experience, serving in gratitude for all we receive every day. Please join us at our Annual General Meeting on June 14th 7:45pm. We will at that time vote on your nominations for our new Council...raise a glass, and most importantly a prayer, in thanks for the gift of St. Agnes Parish and all of the possibilities within this wonderful community. Elizabeth Ingle, President & Chair, May 2010 – June 2012

  • The Annual Report:

    This report contains a summary report from the members of the St. Agnes Parish Council to give

    parishioners a greater understanding of the role, the highlights of the accomplishments over the year

    and a sense of the direction for the committee in the future. We hope by understanding the role we

    can also inspire more of our parishioners to get involved in your Council and help to shape our parish

    going forward.

    *We are unfortunately missing a few reports in this package (Pastoral Assistant, St. Agnes School &

    Maintenance), but will have them available for the evening of the Annual General Meeting June 14th.


    St. Agnes Parish Council 2011- 2012

    Pastor: Fr. Piotr Machnacki SAC

    President & Chair: Elizabeth Ingle

    Finance Co-Chairs: Tony Maruna & Greg Frost

    Support team: Janet Levis &

    Maureen Ross

    Church Administration: Judy Kerr

    Pastoral, Liturgy: Ed MacIntosh

    Recording Secretary: Rachel Trump

    Communications: Alfie Scozzaro

    CWL: Anne McKellar

    Hospitality Marilynne Feeney

    St. Vincent de Paul: Eva Huschilt

    Maintenance Group reports to Council

    School Reps:

    St. Agnes: Koni Klaming &

    Becky Dmitrienko

    St. Matthew: Mary Scott

    St. Luke: Laura Moniz

  • Finance Report

    Tony Maruna, Greg Frost, Co-Chairs Finance Committee

    The role of The Finance Committee: The Finance Committee is an integral part of the Parish, and is

    required under the Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The primary responsibility of this committee

    is to assist the pastor with the monetary controls and financial management of the parish.

    This has given us an opportunity to provide guidance, and focus on areas where we can improve as an organization,

    and address the key priorities of the day

    (ii) In 2011-2012 the main accomplishments were:

    Establishment of new team for committee

    Established a credit facility of $275,000 with Diocese to assist with major capital expenditures

    for Parish.

    Major Roof Replacement Completed with Conestoga Roofing.

    Census introduced for update on parish members/marketed through church and schools.

    Meeting with Diocese office to review state of the Parish, plan for future

    Annual report, with address to parish

    Set up of Pre authorized payment for donations.

    Set up new signing authority (2 to sign on cheques)

    Open of new bank account infrastructure fund raising, and track loan payments.

    Improved communication through Website, Bulletin updates, Education Café’s/Workshops

    designed to provide valuable information on many topics of interest to our Parish such as

    Charitable Giving, Bullying, Estate Planning, Health and Wellness

    (iii) In 2012 - 2013 this committee will be is recommended to:

    Expand the committee to 4 -6 volunteers to expand ideas, and the volunteer work involved.

    Regular marketing of Pre authorized

    Report weekly budget vs actual in bulletin for full transparency

    Set up quarterly reviews of financial reports

    Review of all operating costs, efficiencies.

    Encourage a strategic plan to engage the school population and raise the profile of the Parish

    in the community.

    Encourage data base mining with information from Census to seek out volunteers, and build a

    network within the Parish to build the future of the Parish.

    Update 3 year plan for maintenance and repairs on building, with special attention to: Lower

    Roof repairs required in Spring 2012, Furnace upgrade – pumps, Windows replacement


    Succession Planning for future staffing needs.

  • Office Administration: Judy Kerr

    As secretary/office administrator I do my best to co-ordinate / liaison with Parish Council and other parish groups in

    whatever way possible. Your St. Agnes Parish Office is usually buzzing with activity. On a daily basis we handle:

    Requests for Mass Intentions and Mass Cards

    Compose and publish a weekly bulletin and find advertisers for the reverse of our bulletin

    Assist all parish groups with inquiries, advice, photocopying, bulletin inserts or announcements

    Assist young parents with registering their child for Baptism, meet and assist young couples preparing for Marriage and meet with families to plan a funeral for their loved one as well as record all sacraments received by individuals in our Parish Registers

    Assist the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal by meeting with individuals who are seeking a Declaration of Nullity of their Marriage or wish a convalidation of a Marriage.

    Communicate with the Diocese and other parishes, organizations or individuals who have activities, workshops, celebrations, etc. that might be of interest to you

    Order supplies for the sacristy: Altar Breads, Candles, Wine

    Co-ordinate community outreach for pastoral care such as visits, Holy Communion and Anointing of the sick, elderly, shut-in or those in the hospital

    Liaison with our three schools regarding liturgical celebrations such as Feast Day celebrations, Advent and Lenten Liturgies & Reconciliation services

    Handle calls from the less unfortunate in our community who need assistance from our St. Vincent de Paul organization or need to make contact with other social / counseling agencies

    We pay the bills, keep the books, make out the financial and spiritual reports for the Diocese and keep individual records of Sunday Offering envelopes so we can send out your yearly receipts.

    plus much more…..

    Thank You to our faithful office volunteers: Tom Wunder & Berg Bergman who count the Sunday Offering every

    week and Janet Levis, Maureen Ross, Mary Ellen Lahn and Debbie MacIntosh

  • Fundraising Chair

    Report by: Alfie Scozzaro-Renon

    The primary responsibility of the Fundraising Chair is to develop and lead the execution of a fundraising

    strategy for the Parish. The Fundraising Chair works closely with the Parish Council and volunteers from

    across the parish to implement and track of the success fundraising activities.

    In 2011-2012 we:

    * Researched, developed, and presented an annual fundraising strategy for St Agnes Parish, reviewed

    with the Business Administrator of the Diocese of Hamilton in January 2012

    * Oversaw special events including:

    -Poinsettia Sales

    -Christmas Bazaar

    -Pasta Dinner

    -Children’s Garage sale

    * Oversaw the transition to & the new co-ordination of the bingo program

    * Assisted with the design & launch of the new Census program

    *Assisted in the engagement of new volunteers

    In 2012 - 2013 this committee will be recommended to:

    * Audit the current fundraising plan and special event initiatives

    * Identify event chairs to run special events

    * Recruit volunteers

    * Identify and contact local businesses that might be interested in becoming sponsors

    * Write funding grants

    * Implement a direct mail campaign

    * Implement a stewardship plan for major donors

    * Work with Bingo coordinator

  • Communications Chair

    Report by: Alfie Scozzaro-Renon

    Accountable to: Parish Council President

    Provides effective communication for the parishioners of St. Agnes Parish. In collaboration with the

    Parish Council, this position coordinates the generation and distribution of internal and external (public)

    information to support the activities and growth of St Agnes Parish.

    In 2011-2012 we:

    * Issued quarterly Parish Council Newsletter to keep the parish well informed of activities and initiatives

    of the council

    * Launched a new website

    * co-ordinated biographies & photographs of Parish Council

    * Grant writing

    * produced event communication flyers

    In 2012-2013 this committee is encouraged to:

    *further develop the website as a growing resource for our parishioners

    *continue to produce the quarterly newsletter

    *pursue grant writing

    *expand our communication efforts to generate more volunteer recruitment and reach out to attract and

    welcome new parishioners

  • CWL - Parish Council Annual Meeting June 14, 2012

    Submitted by Anne McKellar

    Past President, St. Agnes CWL

    The Catholic Women's League is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to

    holiness through service to the People of God. We have strived to fulfill this calling with our many

    activities this past year.

    In 2011-2012 we:

    Celebrated special Masses such as a Cemetery Mass, Volunteer Masses, Enrolment of new members, Installation of the executive, Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Crowning of Mary and

    a Mass at the Carmel of St. Joseph. We led the Stations of the Nativity, Stations of the Cross, and

    several Rosaries. We presented pendants to our First Communion students, crosses to our

    Confirmandi, Spiritual Growth awards to grade 8 students and a Christian Leadership award to a

    graduating student from St. David's.

    Learned more about our faith and issues that affect it at our Lenten Retreat with the other Waterloo parishes (this year it was held at St. Michael's), through presentations by the Carmelite nuns, the

    Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate and Sister Jocelyn Monette, as well as at our convention and

    regional meetings. We informed members about Right to Life issues, pertinent Bills and motions in

    parliament, and encouraged them to write the various levels of government. We signed our white

    ribbon against pornography and sent it to our MP.

    Supported our shut ins with flowers and visits, and our deceased members with Masses, honour guards, and prayer services. We also served at luncheons for parishioners.

    Served the parish at Coffee Sundays, confirmation reception, Anointing of the Sick, Stephen Woodworth's talk, the "2000 Hail Marys to the Blessed Virgin Mary" day, as well as several other


    Supported many deserving charities, as well as our parish roof fund, and our Lending Library. We also purchased supplies for the church kitchen.

    Enjoyed each other's company and made new friends at our dinner out, card party, and Sunday tea.

    In the next year we intend to continue to offer our members Faith, Fun and Fulfillment. We will participate

    in parish events to the best of our abilities.

  • St. Vincent de Paul

    Report by: Eva Huschilt

    A brief overview of St.Vincent de Paul:

    It is a universal association of Catholic lay people to serve the poor.

    The basic parish groups are connected with regional, provincial and

    national councils & approximately 100 countries worldwide.

    Here at St.Agnes:

    1.we deliver food to needy families living in our geographical area.

    2.We provide vouchers to SVP Thrift Store in Cambridge.

    3. On an emergency basis assist with payment of utility & rent bills &

    give out bus tickets.

    4. We also help with Marillac Place. a shelter for homeless young women &

    their babies, with monthly donations towards their mortgage which is held

    by Kitchener/Waterloo Particular Council.

    5. Christmas Hamper Project: Angel Tree, toys from K of C, teen gifts from

    St.David's students, turkeys, Zehrs vouchers for a Christmas dinner.

    These activities are made possible by your generous financial donations on

    last weekend of each month. You may use envelopes for $5 or more & a tax

    receipt can be issued.

    We also are grateful to our 3 elementary schools for their food drives

    which help to stock our pantry. Gene McCarthy weekly picks up

    fresh/frozen/non perishable food items from the FoodBank to which we pay

    an annual fee of $520. Even with all this, there are times when our

    shelves are quite bare & we welcome your food donations which can be left

    at any time in the wooden box in the church vestibule.

    We have approximately 150 families on our list (200 adults & about 200

    children). Some families call for assistance monthly, others less


    Our monthly deliveries average between 25-37 calls, serving 35-65 adults, 25-65 children.

    Our membership is comprised of 19 members & we welcome new members. No

    experience is necessary, just a willing heart. We meet briefly on the first Monday of each month.

  • Hospitality Committee

    Report By: Marilynne Feeney

    Hospitality strives to refresh the body following Holy Mass and for

    special occasions. It is our hope to take further assistance

    from parish families wishing to lead coffee Sundays and various

    other parish functions.

    I wish to offer the Hospitality convener position to another

    parish member.

    I will set up the refreshments for the annual parish meeting

    June 14

    there are several parish individuals and families who are

    willing to assist the new convener in presenting various events

    We have lead coffee and cookies following Sunday Masses, as well as

    Cake, coffee and juice following Holy Saturday Mass. Assisted with the

    planning and presentation of pasta suppers, Christmas bazaar.

  • St. Luke Catholic School

    Report by: Laura Moniz , School-Parish Representative

    St. Luke’s Year 2011/2012 At A Glance:

    We have a new principal – Robert Dalley who has been a wonderful addition to St. Luke’s. He is firm but

    fair and easily approachable. We continue to have dedicated staff who care about the well being of our


    Approximately half of our 650 students have registered St. Agnes as their home parish.

    The greening committee has done a wonderful job planning, planting and tending to our new school yard.

    Many other schools have inquired about our process.

    We have been approved for an addition, which is to accommodate the all day every day Kindergarten

    starting in September and hopefully eliminate all of our 7 portables. The construction should begin in

    June/July and end in December if on schedule. The OWL daycare will remain in our school and function as

    in the past.

    Our lunch programs continue to be a success with our school supporting 8 children. We have many

    extracurricular programs within the school that are running well including our WE DAY team.

    Our sacramental programs ran smoothly with the help of Mr. Ed, the sisters and Father Piotr. Thank you

    very much. The children and parents appreciate all your efforts and blessings.

    We have had some technology updates with brite links in each classroom, new printer and computers, and


    Parent council has supported the rosary guild, pancake Tuesday breakfast and angel fund, as well as

    purchased resin statues of Mary for 35 classrooms, are in the process of planning a religious mural, and are

    involved in many other activities throughout the year.

    I am Laura Moniz the St. Luke School Representative. Please feel free to talk with me at any time.

  • St. Matthew School

    Annual Report

    Mary Scott

    Role of the Committee:

    As the Parish Representative I try to provide communication between St. Matthew Catholic Elementary School and

    St. Agnes Parish.

    In 2011-2012-

    St Matthews Continued our tradition of generosity through active fundraising in the school Year. Some of the Charities that we supported were the St. Vincent De Paul Society, Hats on for Africa , the Out of the Cold Program as well as having a Me to We Committee which organized various activates. We also participated in the Mission Possible Activates.

    Through School Masses and Celebrations such as Meet the Teacher Open House, Family Barbeque and Volunteer Social through out the year we invited others to participate in our school Community.

    Our School Council had another successful fundraiser and used the money raised in a number of ways to benefit our students such as Team Uniform Replacement, Repair on the Courtyard, Classroom Busing Costs and to the Grade 2 Parish Retreat, Subsidizing the School Agendas, Anti-Bullying Programs and Materials in support of our School Climate Committee and programs such as Scientists in The Classroom to name a few.

    St. Matthew School fully participated in Anti-Bullying Awareness Week and continues to promote this with activities such as our Monthly Assembly with a virtue theme, Peaceful Home/Peaceful School Kits and the PALS program.

    In 2012-2013

    It is my wish that the relationship between the Parish and the school continues to strengthen. St Matthews is

    fortunate to have a committed and receptive Principal and Pastoral Team.

    I would hope that the level of involvement between the parents and the parish will improve and with continued

    incentives and activites this will happen.

  • Health Committee Report for Annual Meeting, June 2012 Report By: Teresa Milton The role of the Health Committee is to bring forward information about various health topics to our Parish Community. The information will be delivered in a variety of formats, from: presentations with guest speakers, courses, printed materials available in the vestibule and books for loan from the lending library. We hope to have topics that will appeal to all age groups and health issues. In 2011-2012 we:

    were involved in the 4 Waterloo Parishes Health Committee to organize events for our communities at large including:

    Facing Death, Discovering Life – October 2011 Topics presented were: ethical issues and respect for the person in end-of-life decisions, Catholic funerals,

    and what to expect at the funeral home. Depression, More Than the Blues - There is Help, There is Hope – May 2012

    Speakers enlightened us on: recognition, assessment and treatment of depression in all age groups (and in particular, the elderly), as well as a personal journey with and through depression

    In 2012-2013 this committee is recommended to:

    Host a health topic at our St. Agnes Church (to be determined – suggestions welcomed)

    Bring a First Aid/CPR course to our parish for the upcoming Fall to anyone wanting to learn what to do in emergency situations, big or small, as well as for those wanting a refresher course.

    Yours in Health, Teresa Milton