1 My name is Jackie Dyer and I am a resident of Dover, Delaware, School Road, Commissioner Brad Eaby’s district. On May 9, 2015, at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon a person was bitten across the street from our house. I went outside and assisted the individual and brought them into our yard to have a seat and wait on the ambulance. Our dog, a dark brown brindle Lab/Bull Mastiff mix, Sequence was off of her chain and playing in the yard with our kids. The individual started hollering, “Your dog bit me”. At that time we brought Sequence around and showed the individual the dog and they stated that it was not our dog, but a yellow dog. While on the 911 call, the individual also stated it was a yellow dog. The ambulance arrived and took the individual to the hospital to be treated for a bite. Later that day around 4:30- 5:00 p.m. the SPCA (Kent Count/First State/Delaware Animal Care & Control) arrived to take a statement. We informed Officer Hoyle that a yellow dog was in our yard because our dog was in heat and we chased it out several times and that it was in fact the dog that bit the individual. She took our statement and asked if we could try and get a picture of the dog. About an hour later the yellow dog resurfaced and we were able to get a picture of the dog in our back yard. I called Hoyle and informed her and she returned to see the yellow dog’s picture and I gave her a copy. She took all of our information down including the shot records of our dogs and our dog’s names and left. May 11, 2015 On May 11, 2015 Officers Hulse and Schnares came to the house to follow up because apparently Hoyle is new and inexperienced according to them. At this time we went over the same statement four to five times. The officers took pictures of our dog and then told us that we had until 5:30 p.m. that day to get new collars and doghouses for our dogs. It was just Mother’s Day weekend and we had a lot of left over food so we gave it to the dogs in metal trays. According to the officers, the trays had to go immediately. The dogs had played tug of war with one of the doghouse pillows so cotton was around them on the ground and we had to have that picked up too. Around 6pm, Schnares came back and checked the collars and I informed her that I ordered the doghouses and they would arrive by Monday, May 18. She took more pictures and then asked for my paperwork (rabies vaccinations) again saying that the dog’s numbers are mixed up. She called Hulse who told her to bring my papers into the office. This is the last time I saw my dog’s vaccination records. On this day, while at my home, Schnares pulled out her billy club, snapped it and threatened to hit my little dog in the head for yipping.

Another complaint of retaliation by KCSPCA/FSAC/DEACC

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It NEVER stops with the people employed by the contracted dog control facility in Delaware and the director.This just happened in Kent County, but the continuous questionable actions by Kent County SPCA/First State Animal Center/Delaware Animal Care & Control and the silent nod given by the powers that be in this state MUST stop. Dog control in Delaware is OUT OF CONTROL!Just when I thought NOTHING could shock me about that place, this complaint did. This URL is of the May 26, 2015 Kent County Levy Court Business Meeting where this issue was brought to the commissioners attention. The public comments begin at the 1:10 mark.http://mediasite.co.kent.de.us/Mediasite/Play/f90095211a734810ab6337d23b2cf2d61dA copy of the home surveillance video showing the yellow dog run past and across street to the complaining individual and Dyer's dog beginning to run and then turning around and returning to their home can be viewed at the below URL.https://vimeo.com/128941610

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My name is Jackie Dyer and I am a resident of Dover, Delaware, School Road, Commissioner Brad Eaby’s district. On May 9, 2015, at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon a person was bitten across the street from our house. I went outside and assisted the individual and brought them into our yard to have a seat and wait on the ambulance. Our dog, a dark brown brindle Lab/Bull Mastiff mix, Sequence was off of her chain and playing in the yard with our kids. The individual started hollering, “Your dog bit me”. At that time we brought Sequence around and showed the individual the dog and they stated that it was not our dog, but a yellow dog. While on the 911 call, the individual also stated it was a yellow dog. The ambulance arrived and took the individual to the hospital to be treated for a bite. Later that day around 4:30- 5:00 p.m. the SPCA (Kent Count/First State/Delaware Animal Care & Control) arrived to take a statement. We informed Officer Hoyle that a yellow dog was in our yard because our dog was in heat and we chased it out several times and that it was in fact the dog that bit the individual. She took our statement and asked if we could try and get a picture of the dog. About an hour later the yellow dog resurfaced and we were able to get a picture of the dog in our back yard. I called Hoyle and informed her and she returned to see the yellow dog’s picture and I gave her a copy. She took all of our information down including the shot records of our dogs and our dog’s names and left. May 11, 2015 On May 11, 2015 Officers Hulse and Schnares came to the house to follow up because apparently Hoyle is new and inexperienced according to them. At this time we went over the same statement four to five times. The officers took pictures of our dog and then told us that we had until 5:30 p.m. that day to get new collars and doghouses for our dogs. It was just Mother’s Day weekend and we had a lot of left over food so we gave it to the dogs in metal trays. According to the officers, the trays had to go immediately. The dogs had played tug of war with one of the doghouse pillows so cotton was around them on the ground and we had to have that picked up too. Around 6pm, Schnares came back and checked the collars and I informed her that I ordered the doghouses and they would arrive by Monday, May 18. She took more pictures and then asked for my paperwork (rabies vaccinations) again saying that the dog’s numbers are mixed up. She called Hulse who told her to bring my papers into the office. This is the last time I saw my dog’s vaccination records. On this day, while at my home, Schnares pulled out her billy club, snapped it and threatened to hit my little dog in the head for yipping.


May 13, 2015 On May 13, 2015, Hulse and Hoyle were sitting at Byler’s Store waiting for us to come home. I pulled into the store parking lot so that they could talk to Mrs. Pam who had witnessed the event, but unfortunately she was not at work. Hulse then said he would be right over to our home. Approximately 30 minutes later he came to our house with two Delaware State Police officers and took possession of/seized our dog Sequence, stating that the individual down the street (after he spoke with them) said that it was our dark brown brindle dog that had bitten them and Sequence was being seized for a 10 day quarantine hold (which they later said changed to a seven day hold). Hulse wanted me arrested on the spot. They had me sign three sets of papers and took Sequence. Then the officer says he is there for another matter and begins to say that per Hulse we are not in their system for any shots and we do not have the correct paperwork and it wasn’t issued from them. That’s when I informed Officer McCann that I can get him a copy of my check and my kids even went into full details of the shot visit. Hulse signed the papers as a witness but never once even listened to anything I said and didn’t even read my statement. I went on to inform him that the incident was caught on our home surveillance video and that you can clearly see our dog never left the yard and the yellow dog is on video. He didn’t want to view the video and left. May 14, 2015 On May 14, 2015, I emailed Officer McCann the copy of the check and went to meet with him and show him all of my other paperwork because apparently Hulse gave him copies of my 2012 records. But in 2012 they had not yet changed their name and did not have a picture logo on their shot records, which the officer found very interesting and is paying Hulse a visit to explain the difference. May 15, 2015 On May 15, 2015, I called and spoke to Hulse’s Supervisor Cpt. Walburton. She did not want to hear anything that I had to say and told me to save the video for court. She stated she was late for a meeting and hung up on me. Mrs. Pam spoke to Hulse and he didn’t want to hear what she had to say about the incident. Hulse kept asking her was she sure about what she seen and why is she helping me. Hulse said he would put Mrs. Pam’s statement in his report. May 16, 2015 On May 16, 2015 I finally was able to make contact with Kevin Usilton who at first seemed very receptive to my call and couldn’t believe the treatment and how my records disappeared. I also told him of prior contact I had with Hulse through KCSPCA in another capacity (see below). Usilton appeared surprised and stated he was not aware of any screening or personnel records. He asked me to bring him the copy of my check and


the video. Two copies of the video were taken to the SPCA for Usilton. Both copies disappeared. After this phone contact I never heard from him again and he refused my husband’s and my calls. May 16, 2015 On May 16, 2015, the doghouses arrived and I called and left Schnares a message informing her they had been put up. I want to clarify I NEVER received correction notices from the SPCA for the dog collars, doghouses, metal food trays or pillows. In fact, the SPCA never bothered to come back to inspect the doghouses they required us to purchase. May 20, 2015 On May 20, 2015 I called the SPCA ten (10) times trying to get Mr. Usilton on the phone to see if he watched the video and what time could I pick up my dog, Sequence. My husband called twice and was finally connected to Hulse. Hulse stated he watched the video and it didn’t make a difference. Later that day, we went to pick up our dog and Hulse had put a cash only stipulation on our account. When I asked the lady why she said he doesn’t have to give a reason. I asked her to call him and Kevin and find out why they told me they were not calling anyone and that I was to pay the cash or leave. At this time myself and the three ladies at the counter began to have a heated debated at which time they called the Camden Police and said I refused to leave. I waited for the officers and explained to them about the cash only stipulation and they wouldn’t take my card for payment and wouldn’t wait for me to go to the ATM and get payment. He went in and spoke to them and came out and told me to come back in the morning with a smile, cash, my birth certificate and may be even a pint of blood because they (the “customer service” women) do not like me for some reason and were going to make me do everything the hard way. May 21, 2015 On May 21, 2015, we again went to pick up Sequence and the same lady that was being the “smartest” was there and tried to wait on me. I informed the other attendant that I did not wish to have any contact with her and would wait for her. We finally picked our dog up. Sequence has lost a lot of weight, has patches missing out of her and has Kennel Cough. We brought this to their attention and were told that it was bound to happen and to take her to a vet. We were also forced to sign papers releasing the SPCA from any liability in order to reclaim our dog. Since then our dog is very withdrawn and still will not eat. She is going to the vet, which is costing even more money.


To date (not including veterinarian fees) the costs I have incurred for SPCA kenneling fees, ANOTHER rabies vaccination, new doghouses, new collars, etc is $384.90. I should NOT have had to pay any of this if the SPCA had done their job correctly and actually investigated this situation. I feel strongly that I have been robbed by your contracted vendor and should be reimbursed by someone. I feel this entire situation is retaliatory action against me because of my prior interactions with Lt. Hulse at KCSPCA. When Hulse first arrived at my home on May 11th, he asked me if I remembered him and I said no. He smirked. Hulse has made this personal and is punishing my dog and my family because in 2006 before Murray and Elaina Goldthwaite (former director and his wife) left they had implemented drug screens. I was the collector at which time I observed Hulse receiving a water bottle with yellow substance in it from a Vet Tech Assistant. I confiscated the bottle and informed Elaina that he would have to be a “direct observation” at which time my male assistant went into the bathroom with him and observed his void. Hulse’s drug screen came back positive for Marijuana and he was reprimanded AND demoted. It wasn’t until Hulse went to the individual’s house that was bitten and spoke to them that it turned from the stray yellow dog that you can clearly see in the video to my dark brown brindle Sequence. Hulse has put every block in the way to hinder the truth from coming out and has made myself, my family and especially my children very upset through this entire ordeal. Hulse is clearly abusing his supervisory discretion and is not being held accountable for any of his actions. Jacqueline Dyer 302 Link to May 26, 2015 Kent County Levy Court Business Meeting. Public comments begin at approximately 1:10 mark: http://mediasite.co.kent.de.us/Mediasite/Play/f90095211a734810ab6337d23b2cf2d61d


My dog, Sequence, a female dark brown brindle Lab/Bull Mastiff mix, before the SPCA.


The yellow dog seen in video running across street prior to my dog appearing and turning around. He came back later and we were able to get a photo.


Screenshot of yellow dog in my home surveillance video.

Screenshot of my dog Sequence in video.


Email correspondence with Schnares.


Our old wooden doghouses had to be replaced according to KCSPCA/FSAC/DEACC.


New doghouse (one of two). We never received correction notices from SPCA. We were just told we had to buy new doghouses.


Dyer & KCSPCA/FSAC/DEACC Documents (Files can be sent separately forclarity).