Another Day and Another Reason to Mourn for Our Country

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  • Another day and another reason to mourn for our country

    It is a beautiful Sunday morning. I am not going to church today and I chose to enlighten myself on the current state of the nation.

    Today is the 963rd day since this UhuRuto government was sworn in. To put it to perspective, it has been 2 years, 7 months, and 21 days. Something is good and bad about this day. If I add 1 before 963, it becomes 1963. This is the year that apparently, the government was to change hands from the hands of the colonialists to the hands of the Africans. That most Africans were expectant of this year because it was to restore their hope, dignity, and heritage. Only this did not happen. The white man, being smarter than Africans, decided to give power to Africans, unfortunately, there were two types of Africans, the freedom fighters and the sellouts. It may no difference who became the leader of the new African nation; sellout or freedom fighter, the colour of the skin was enough. The darker he was, the better he was in the eyes of the disorganized Africans. The white man chose to give the power to an African.

    It was not quite yet proven which side he (the African who formed the black government) really was. The fact that he was schooled in the ways of the colonialists is enough to tell me that he did not deserve to lead such a young nation. This is not even the problem partly because I believe that No one truly deserves nothing, it is in making yourself worthy of the position that you truly deserve the honour. Did Jomo Kenyatta deserve the honour of leading this great nation? That is debatable. The first president ought to be the founding father, see Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Kuan Yew Lee. Was he the founding father? Was he worth it? What exactly did he stand for? I heard he told people to burry their hands in the sand (Meaning to work hard). Land was the only thing that was available, in which Kenyans would work hard on. What did he do with the land, grabbed it, and when he had just grabbed, he grabbed some more. When the people thought he was through, he grabbed even more. After grabbing, it was not enough, he called his sellout friends (none was a freedom fighter) to run his first cabinet. They

  • included the Kianos, Koinanges, Gichurus, Nyagas: the very families that have dominated Kenyan politics, economics, and social circles to date. That is impressive, but what have they done with our nation? Did they deserve the honour to lead this great nation? That was history; good or bad, history has this tendency to repeat itself. We should ask ourselves whether our history is worth repeating.

    During these 963 days, the UhuruRuto government has done many many many things. They have done this many things either knowingly or unknowingly. First, their winning of election was a masterstroke of political propaganda, mastery of dark arts and opportunism. They combined a team of hungry, smart, technical, and suave Kenyans. The Oloos, the Sakajas, the Itumbis among others had the hunger, the determination, the character, and the strategy to win an election. Immediately after winning the election, the Sakajas became legislators and government mandarins. Their drive for hunger and success abated, and they developed new hunger for power, influence, and money. The ones formidable team, which protected the Uhururuto off their misgivings slowly minding for themselves. What we are left with, is the president careless in his demeanor and devoid of political mistakes. As a Kenyan, it is easy to see yourself muddled in the Kenyas ho8shit until eternity. Despite many opportunities being dished out by such ineptitude, the opposition, just like the executive lack the drive or urgency. After all, they all also want power to influence, enrich, and command. They have no reason to lead this nation; all they want is to lead it. Whatever the direction, they do not care.

    So let us look at what the UhuRuto government has done for the people of Kenya. The people of Kenya in my opinion refer to the people who need the government. In their watch, the SGR was commissioned at a cost of 320 billion. This money was enough to lay down an electric rail, instead of an already outdated technology of standard gauge railway. The problem is that, at a cost of 320billion, the SGR just passes through the same place the other railway line passed. So nothing much will change, really. They commissioned a massive NYS program that is losing hundreds of millions of taxpayers money. The agenda is valid, but the execution, a near disaster. Money generally paid to the so-called faceless

  • individuals. We all know them, in fact, they are the names I mentioned at the beginning of this rant, just that they have diversified a little to the usual Maseno school, Alliance, Mangu old boys to include Saint Marys and the likes. They have managed to mute opposition and make them useless in the face of national politics by propagating the political divide (making some sections of their supporters hoggish banter out of their mouth defending them). Only one other regime was unable to silence opposition, that of their predecessor. All the other useless regimes (read Moi era and Jomo Kenyatta) muted opposition; it is just that this regime uses different methods.

    On the other hand, let us look at the things they ought to do using their manifesto. They promised us equality. Equality means fairness in whatever aspect of engagement. It involves reaching out to the disadvantaged so that they can access basic needs in life. They could have prioritized agricultural production, instead, despite the CS for Agriculture being suspended, it is as if the expectant Kenyans, eat at the mercy of the government, the CS minister is not replaced immediately. Since one of the sure way of escaping poverty is getting relevant education, the government has insisted on the same old methods. In the meantime, we have 20, 000 graduates with BA and B.Sc. general which no one really hires such professionals. On the other hand, courses like Law, Business, Accounting, health practitioners like nursing, and engineering remain only for the few. To make it even more suitably mediocre, the President has refused to honour a court order. In his words, We wont, we cant. 14 million learners are at the mercy of his hardline stance, which is clearly misguided, politically incorrect, and ignoramus. Courtesy of the overwhelming lack of governance and good will politically of otherwise, the teachers will strike, their counterparts in higher education will strike, those in the civil service and everyone else. During this government, constitutional commissions are useless and members of parliament are above the law. Now there is this ambitious project of the Last mile that aims to put electricity wires in all rural homes. I call them wires because I do not know how you cannot sustain current demand for electricity in the existing grid and you want to double the grid network. I expect very many wires, with no electricity. During this regime, GDC lied to the

  • government (I do not know who exactly) that they produced 70MW, but only produced 20MW. That kind of deficit is impossible to hide in the grid. During this regime, when the prices of crude oil were dropping all over the world, our very own commission adjusted prices upwards to benefit the market players. That was very convenient. Just recently, the vehicle inspection tender was awarded to a company already delisted by Japan (where is incorporated). Wheelbarrows are costing 109K each, footbridges 15M, Gates 7M, and bodaboda sheds 2.5m. Leaders are launching anything they can get their hands onto from KPLC posts, bursary awarding, and even their second first ladies.

    I may have a litany of things that can, may or should happen or not happen in Kenya. I have always asked, does Uhuru Kenyatta think he will be remembered in Kenya? Does he think he has done anything for Kenyans? For those thinking he does can they tell me what would happen to Kenya if we did not have a government. I think nothing really would happen. In this jungle that we are in, the politically correct are protected, while the hardworking Kenyans are undermined, bullied and sucked up if they prove too good. The country has not stopped being a hotbed of rogue doctors, corruption, and ineptitude. But I guess when you need drip to meet delegations paying courtesy calls, most of this things will surely not bother you.

    The questions I want to ask myself are many. Can I trust that the government is working for the good of me, the same way I am working hard for the good and betterment of my life? Can I trust that the web of one shitty government to another will one day end? If the opposition had gimmicks, the Waiguru NYS saga could be a gimmick, what of the Ruto sagas? Are they still gimmicks? Think about all the sagas, and they all go quiet. All of them, Irrespective of their magnitude. They always go quiet. Name anything in Kenya, however big, the only thing that lasts are the negative repercussions. The rest always go quiet. Justice is never served. Why then should citizens be loyal to the government. If services are sold to the taxpayer, why do I need a government? Every piece of paper by the government is getting shittier every day. A government issued certificate is not proof of authenticity. What is this government? If I register today for a government service,

  • following the right channels, I need a lawyer to verify documentation and make follow-up through a letter of introduction to the issuing authority. Why then do I need the certificate if it is that useless?