Answer each question on a new blank Word document – you can look-up answers you don’t know on the Internet 1.List 3 common graphic file extensions. 2.Which vocabulary term is “any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image” (as on a television or computer screen) 3.What does CMYK stand for in regards to printing?

Answer each question on a new blank Word document – you can look-up answers you don’t know on the Internet 1.List 3 common graphic file extensions. 2.Which

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Answer each question on a new blank Word document – you can look-up

answers you don’t know on the Internet

1. List 3 common graphic file extensions.2. Which vocabulary term is “any of the small

discrete elements that together constitute an image” (as on a television or computer screen)

3. What does CMYK stand for in regards to printing?

Questions 4 – 6 Identify each of the following symbols as they relate to digital photography




7. Identify which of the following files are image files



For each of following software programs in the first column match it to the type of work it

produces in column2

8. Photoshop

9. Premiere Pro

10. Garageband

11. Flash

12. Fireworks

A. Digital Video editing & creation

B. Bitmap & Vector Graphics Editor

C. Music Editing & creationD. Used to create

animation, games & Internet applications

E. Graphics Editor that has an Elements and Lightroom version.

13. Which picture best follows the “Rule of Thirds

Photo 1 Photo 2

14. The two pictures below lack and important quality of a good photo, what is

that quality?

15. What is the name of the software we use in this class to store and organize photographs as well as

create basic slideshows?

-Double check all your answers. Be sure your name is on your paper and in the file name. Turn in your document to

Docushare for grading.