Ngugi Farewell to Political Activism Farewell to Political Activism By Mukoma Ngugi Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Tutor: Mrs. J. Hylton-Chambers ID#: 620019278 Stream#: 34 ID#: 620019278 Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Stream#: 34


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Page 1: Answers

Ngugi Farewell to Political Activism

Farewell to Political ActivismBy Mukoma Ngugi

Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Tutor: Mrs. J. Hylton-Chambers ID#: 620019278Stream#: 34

ID#: 620019278 Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Stream#: 34

Page 2: Answers

Ngugi Farewell to Political Activism

Please type your responses to the following questions.

1. What essay topics could lead different student-researchers to read Ngugi(2007)?

Use the following focus words to help you write at least six potential topics.

i. Challenges experienced by political activists in Africa.

ii. Roles of political activitsts in devloping stratigies to better the lives of


iii. Reasons for social problems faced by the African continent and there impact

on the future of the country.

iv. Solutions to the impact of non performing political activists in Africa.

v. Impacts of capitalist exploitation on the mental health of the future

generation in Africa.

vi. Benefits of improving the living conditions for Africans.

2. What is the writer’s main idea and how do you feel about the writer having this concern/viewpoint/belief? The writers main idea in the article is to show how the actions taken by the

political activist to solve the problems in Africa are flawed. I agree with the

writer to some extent because the methods being used are flawed yes but at the

ID#: 620019278 Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Stream#: 34

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Ngugi Farewell to Political Activism

same time nothing more can be expected of them since they treat Africans as

leas than human beings, this kind of treatment is in no way just or humane.

3. At whom is the passage aimed and how do you feel about this issue being

aimed at them? This passage is aimed at political activists,philantropist,NGO activists,world

bank officials. I feel like the issue is being aimed at them because they are the

ones trying to rectify the problems that are happening in Africa by using various

methods but at the same time their methods are flawed and they do not address

the problems of the Africans in a humane way.

4. Where could this information have been published and how do you feel about

its appearance in that publication context?This information could be published in a a e-journal where it would reach

people internationally and enlighten them on the problem at hand. I feel that if it

is published in an e-journal then people outside of Africa would be able to

understand what the political activist are doing and and show them what role

they can play to help in the development of the African nations.

5. The writer believes that the following strategies relied on by political activists

do not solve African problems adequately.

o Mounting anti-corruption campaigns

ID#: 620019278 Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Stream#: 34

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Ngugi Farewell to Political Activism

o Increasing foreign aido Opening of markets and asking for greater transparencyo Holding save the African-Child campaigns

o Hosting world summits/ live aid rock concerts

Do you share the writer’s sentiments? Explain why you do or do not. Include in

your response:(a) Previous experiences (either from watching documentaries, reading books

on the issue, listening to discussion programmes, or further reading

undertaken since reading this article)(b)Your belief on whether the writer provided adequate information or not to

support his view(c) Rhetorical notions such as author (whose work you are responding to),

audience, context.

I share the same opinion as the writer according to similar articles I have

read these solutions are reffered to as band aid solutions they do not

effectively solve problems faced by africans. they might solve the problems

to some extent but the real root causes of these problems are not dealt with.

The writer also provided enough information to supported his view because

he showed the readers how political activists have tried these strategies more

than once and they do not solve the problems.

ID#: 620019278 Name: Tommy-Lee Thompson Stream#: 34