Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

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Page 1: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC.

Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Page 2: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Cross Cal Introduction

Planck cross-calibration

Intra Instrument Calibration Consistency

Photometer Spectrometer

Between modes of operation

Model Checks


Observation feedback for these models

Calibration legacy for other Observatories

Cross Instrument Calibration Consistency

Cross Observatory Calibration Consistency

* Herschel Cross Calibration Plan and Use Cases, v0.1 25/08/2010 (HERSCHEL-HSC-DOC-1720)* Herschel Cross-calibration report, drat v1.0 (HERSCHEL-HSC-REP-1935)

Page 3: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Spectral Overlaps

Diagnostic lines in routine cross-calibration programmes




HIFI – PACS: 1360-1900 GHz. Red leakage 1360-1550 GHz PACS – SPIRE: 1360-1550 GHzSPIRE – HIFI: 1400-1550 GHz & 490-1250 GHz

CII CO 13-12CO 10-9 CO 8-7 CO 6-5CO 16-15

HIFI – PACS: 157-220 m. Red leakage 190-220 m PACS – SPIRE: 193-220 mSPIRE – HIFI: 193-213 m & 240-616 m

Page 4: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Cross Comparisons: Use Cases

Single line measurements of point sources (or sources of known small size)

Line spectroscopy + single pointing

Single line measurements of extended sources

Line spectroscopy + Mapping

Broad range measurement of point sources

Broader range + single pointing

Spectral line fluxes Continuum fluxesHIFI observations with fast chop and continuum timing options enabled

...see presentations by Peter Imhof and Ivan Valtchanov

Page 5: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Single line measurements of point sources (or sources of known small size)

Line spectroscopy + single pointing

Single line measurements of extended sources

Line spectroscopy + Mapping

Broad range measurement of point sources

Broader range + single pointing

Spectral line fluxes Continuum fluxesHIFI observations with fast chop and continuum timing options enabled

...see presentation by Elena Puga

Page 6: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Single line measurements of point sources (or sources of known small size)

Line spectroscopy + single pointing

Single line measurements of extended sources

Line spectroscopy + Mapping

Broad range measurement of point sources

Broader range + single pointing

Spectral line fluxes Continuum fluxesHIFI observations with fast chop and continuum timing options enabled

...see presentation by Pierre Royer and Elena Puga. Narrow overlap limits the exercise.

Page 7: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

Name Alternative names RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) vLSR

(km/s) f160


AFGL 2688 V1610 Cyg, Egg nebula 21:02:18.78 +36:41:41.20 -34 488

CRL618 V353 Aur, Westbrook nebula

04:42:53.64 +36:06:53.40 -22 196

NGC7027 HD201272 21:07:01.59 +42:14:10.20 +25 90

NGC6302 HD 155520, Bug nebula 17:13:44.21 -37:06:15.90 -40 400

New list of common Calibration Monitoring Sources after Cross-calibration Proposal (Sep 2011):

Name Alternative names RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) vLSR

(km/s) f160


IRC+10216 CW Leo, Peanut nebula 09:47:57.38 +13:16:43.70 +26 610

VY CMa HIP 35793, AFGL 1111 07:22:58.33 -25:46:03.20 +21 137

R Dor HIP 21479 04:36:45.59 -62:04:37.80 +7 32.7

IK Tau IRC+10050, NML Tau 03:53:28.89 +11:24:21.88 +34 27.6

Ceti Mra 02:19:20.79 -02:58:39.50 +46 35.2

EP Aqr HD 207076, AFGL 2806 21:46:31.85 -02:12:45.90 -34 4.14

Additional sources belonging to the HIFI Calibration source monitoring programme (most expensive in time)

Cross Calibration Source Sample

Page 8: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals

HCalSG29 E.Puga 8


Range Spec 156--219

Line Spec CO 16-15 162.8

Line Spec CII 157.74HIFI

CO 6-5 433.56

CO 8-7 325.2

CO 10-9 260.24

CO 13-12 200.27

CO 16-15 162.8

CII 157.74


HR or CR Spec



Materialized in a Spectrometer Cross-calibration Proposal: Total of 32.7 hours of observing time for cross-calibration purposes Regular coordinated monitoring of CCMs Completion of inter-instrument comparison of additional sources

Cross Calibration Plan: Observation strategy

Position/pointing.Extended source corrections?

Page 9: Anthony Marston & Elena Puga, Herschel Instrument and Calibration Scientist Team, HSC, ESAC. Herschel Calibration Workshop: Cross-Calibration Goals



Feedback to models and better calibration through them

Determination of clear problem areas in standard processing


• PACS-S red leak using SPIRE/HIFI spectra

• HIFI continuum – which modes really do give accurate continua?