DUES? THEY ARE PAST DUE! Coming March 17 th Antoinette von Grone see poster on page 5 You don’t want to miss this “Meet the Artist” INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Art at Banks 2 Happening Now 2 Art Opportunities 3 Board Members 4 MCAA Corner Gallery 2 Antoinette von Grone 5 Book Binding 6 Reservation Form 7 New Members 4 February 17 - W COLLAGE QUILTING w/ LAURA FOGG March 17 - L Meet the Artist von GRONE April 21 - W BOOK BINDING w/ URSULA PARTCH May 19 - W WATER COLOR June 16 - W PHOTOGRAPHY July 21 - L MEET THE ARTIST August 18 - C OILS September 15 - W CLASSICAL DRAWING & PAINTING October 6 - W PLEIN AIRE C: Class/Demo/Half Day L: Lecture W: Workshop/All Day 2018 Education Schedule Reminder Save the “Critique a Lot” Benefit “We had a marvelous time at Critique a Lot. Mary Monroe did a wonderful job as the Hostess/Monitor!” says Linda Talso after she and Diana Steele attended. Linda went on to say “The art work was beautiful: watercolor, acrylics and oils were represented. Some very helpful hints were given in a very kind and non- threatening environment, I think everyone went away with great suggestions to try on their pieces.” The Critique group is an excellent membership benefit however due to low attendance the Board of MCAA is considering discontinuing it. Continued on page 3 Ursula has been working with fiber all of her life, moving from utilitarian objects to artistic expression in knitting, sewing, and weaving. About 10 years ago, she took a felting workshop and the process. she relates, “was love at first sight”. Ursula has since managed to combine all of her fiber skills in a unique way and continues to marvel at the way color and texture appear like magic. “I tried my hand at binding books with textured, felted covers and have been addicted to that process ever since, making sketchbooks, Partch Ursula teaches Book Binding NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2018 journals, watercolor books, personal telephone books, photo albums, and art inspirations books” she states. Ursula instructed a felting class in 2017 that was a huge success. She was patient, attentive and her instructions were clear and concise. All attendees were excited and creative, making whatever they chose including place mats, wall hangings, purses and more. This class promises to produce beautiful results while having a fabulous time. See Page 6

Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created

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Page 1: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created



Coming March 17th

Antoinette von Grone

see poster on page 5

You don’t want to miss this “Meet the



Art at Banks 2

Happening Now 2

Art Opportunities 3

Board Members 4

MCAA Corner Gallery 2

Antoinette von Grone 5

Book Binding 6 Reservation Form 7

New Members 4

February 17 - W COLLAGE


March 17 - L

Meet the Artist von GRONE

April 21 - W




June 16 - W


July 21 - L MEET THE


August 18 - C OILS

September 15 - W


October 6 - W PLEIN AIRE

C: Class/Demo/Half Day L: Lecture W: Workshop/All Day

2018 Education Schedule


Save the “Critique a Lot” Benefit “We had a marvelous time at Critique a Lot. Mary Monroe did a wonderful job as the Hostess/Monitor!” says Linda Talso after she and Diana Steele attended. Linda went on to say “The art work was beautiful: watercolor, acrylics and oils were represented. Some very helpful hints were given in a very kind and non-

threatening environment, I think everyone went away with great suggestions to try on their pieces.” The Critique group is an excellent membership benefit however due to low attendance the Board of MCAA is considering discontinuing it. Continued on page 3

Ursula has been working with fiber all of her life, moving from utilitarian objects to artistic expression in knitting, sewing, and weaving. About 10 years ago, she took a felting workshop and the process. she relates, “was love at first sight”. Ursula has since managed to combine all of her fiber skills in a unique way and continues to marvel at the way color and texture appear like magic. “I tried my hand at binding books with textured, felted covers and have been addicted to that process ever since, making sketchbooks,

Partch Ursula teaches Book Binding


journals, watercolor books, personal telephone books, photo albums, and art inspirations books” she states. Ursula instructed a felting class in 2017 that was a huge success. She was patient, attentive and her instructions were clear and concise. All attendees were excited and creative, making whatever they chose including place mats, wall hangings, purses and more. This class promises to produce beautiful results while having a fabulous time. See Page 6

Page 2: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created

Grace Hudson Museum

“Beauty & the Beast, California Wildflowers and Climate Change”

February 10 - June 3 Displaying, award-winning Marin photographers, Rob Badger and Nita Winter’s exquisite photographs of California wildflowers that connect us to the beauty of the Golden State while raising awareness of threats that natural habitats face from climate change. Paintings will also be on display. Museum Hours: Wed - Sat. 10 - 4:30 Sun. 12 - 4:30 431 S Main St. Ukiah 707.467.2836.

At the Banks


Savings Bank of Mendocino East Road, Redwood Valley GARY COLSON

West America Bank 319 East Perkins, Ukiah SHARON FENTON

Savings Bank of Mendocino 1100 Airport Park Blvd, Ukiah DAVE KOOYERS

Schat’s Courthouse Bakery 113 West Perkins, Ukiah CATHERINE LAIR If you are interested in exhibiting at the banks, and are a paid-up member of MCAA, contact Barbara Ware at 707.743.1520 or email her at: [email protected]

Now Showing in February… In Memoria

Jim Colling

You are invited to come and celebrate

Jim Colling’s wonderful

contribution to our artist community

at the Corner Gallery February 3

Reception, 5pm-8pm Jim tried his hand at many things during his life, but art remained his passion until the very end. He told his cardiologist he didn’t want to talk about his heart…but wanted to talk about ART! Always a straight-shooter, Jim somehow managed to put together a rag-tag group of artists called the Ukiah Valley Artists Co-op in 2008 and convince them it was possible to put their art out to the public…. even without a gallery. He started the first (and only) Art Faire and Studio Tour in Ukiah and continued to urge his group to think big, bigger and better. He worked hard and was not afraid to take chances, always figuring that if something didn’t work out, at least he had tried. He often worked on two paintings at a time, scooting back and forth on his chair between his easels. In recognition of his talent, vision and tenacity, please come and see the pieces that his wife, Dot, and daughter, Karen, have selected.

Jim Colling at his easel,

sometimes painting at two easels

at once.


Willits Center for the Arts

“Ursula Partch, Natural Assemblages”

February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created for the benefit of many participants in the web of life. This installation of dyed and manipulated knitted, woven, and felted fiber explores some of these common accumulations. Pop-Up Jewelry Sale local jewelry artisans will feature their most artistic adornments. Hours: Wed – Sun, 11-5 71 East Commercial St. Willits, 707.459.1724

Ukiah Art Center

“Quick Draw 2.0”

First Friday Art Walk February 2, from 5 to 8pm. Drawings and demonstrations. Join us for the second year of artists behaving creatively. Local artists will man their drawing pads with charcoal or pencils in hand and draw. A model will be featured in the gallery. Local artists will draw for three hours during art walk. It's fun to see the different styles. Artists will also have some of their own work on display. Refreshments served. 201 S. State St. Ukiah CA 707.391.8057

MCAA Artists at Corner Gallery

“Jim Denham & Polly Palecek”

February 2 - January 2 First Friday Opening: February 3, 5 - 8pm. Jim: “My life as an artist-began by drawing at an early age, by the third grade I was drawing Disney characters. The teacher posted the drawings around the room. In my early teens I was sketching movie stars. By high school I wanted to be a professional artist but was also drawn to science, attended college and taught science in high school for 33 years while teaching I continued to paint-so here I am still painting.” Polly: “Leonardo da Vinci said that "True creativity involves the ability to combine observation with imagination, thereby blurring the border between reality and fantasy. A great painter depicts both." I am grateful that my life and the stars have aligned to allow me the freedom to explore my creativity, my reality, and my imagination, thereby enriching my life. I have and had many teachers, friends, and aspects of nature that have mentored, supported and inspired me... I paint...therefore I am!” 201 S. State St., Ukiah 707.391.8057

Page 3: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created

“Members attending the January session do not want to see it go away” says Linda. You can help by attending these sessions therefore letting the Board know that the Critique group is viable. Svetlana Artemoff says, “This is a superb opportunity to learn from your peers and get some help with your paintings. The non-judgmental, non-competitive environment gently supports and nourishes our growth as artists. No matter how long you've been painting, you can always learn something new!” The Critique Group which meets on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 to Noon at 401 W. Mill St. in Ukiah. There is a modest fee of $2.00 per session. Please show your support for this membership benefit by attending the next session.

Critique Continued from Page 1

“All About Hats”

This show is in conjunction with Women's History Month. Artist members of the public are invited to create actual hats or two-dimensional wall pieces with representations of hats. For all pieces entered, there is a non-refundable $25 entry fee for the first piece, and a $10 fee for each additional piece. ACU retains a 40% commission on all sales. This is a juried show, so it is possible that all entries will not be accepted. Entry forms will be available at the Corner Gallery during the month of February.

"Art for the Garden"

Art Center Ukiah is sponsoring a fundraising show in April. Begin planning now to create a unique piece of garden art to donate to the month-long silent auction. This fundraiser is in place of the "Chair Affair" and "Clock Art" events that ACU has hosted in the past and all proceeds will go to the Art Center. Art must be able to withstand outdoor placement, items are not to be paintings of gardens, only items that can be placed in gardens. Entry forms will be at the Corner Gallery during the month of March. For more information and entry forms email [email protected]

Art Center of Ukiah 201 S. State Street

Ukiah CA 707.391.8057

Call for Entries The First “Meet the Artist” Event

OPPORTUNITIES… page 3 Page 3

Two Murals

Sue Ellen Parkinson discusses her art with David Burton, the new Grace Hudson Museum Director.

Ukiah Art Center Located in the back of the Corner Gallery, features monthly themed shows open to all artists. Some of them are Juried. Following are the themes for upcoming months. February: Drawing & Demos March: “All About Hats” April: Garden Art & Auction May: High School Photography October: Art from the Ashes. For more information and entry forms email: [email protected]

Sue Ellen Parkinson was a wonderful first start of our new “Meet the Artist” series. She presented her background leading up to this “icon” phase of her work and kept everyone mesmerized by her creativity. If you missed it, the next one is March 17th with Antoinette von Grone; and it portends to be equally fabulous and inspiring. Sign up now!

Visit Mendocino County

“The Almost Fringe Festival”

Celebrating creativity from artsy to agrarian throughout the county. Including visual and performing arts, spoken word, culinary arts as well as other fun pastimes that people enjoy in the springtime including nature walks, seaside activities, fringy farm stays, or anything slightly (or overtly) quirky that will pique the interest of tourists. Begin thinking creatively and and call with your “Almost Fringe” offering. For those wanting to participate, but unsure what to do, Mendocino County Tourism Council can help! -If you have a venue but don't know what to do, they will brainstorm with you about possibilities. -If you're an artist but don't know of a venue, they will take your info to pass along to potential places. MCTC also offers funds of up to $2,500 for qualifying events. For criteria for funding and an application go to www.mendocinotourism.org/opportunities/ There you'll also find a link to sign-up! [email protected]

Two semi-finalists have been selected from a field of eleven entrants to do a large mural on the north wall of the Conference Center. Both artists have chosen themes that use the natural beauty of our county as the backdrop, one focusing on indigenous animals and the other depicting the human history of our area. A finalist has been chosen to create a piece of wall art, in the entrance of the library. The theme will be based on Pomo basket designs. The mural project is the result of years of work on many fronts: A Public Art Policy adopted by the City Council, a community fundraiser, a matching grant, and solicitation for input regarding images for the first set of murals. A local Impact grant was awarded through the California Arts Council to match the locally generated funds.

Page 4: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created

PO Box 517 Ukiah, Ca 95482

Members are Up to…

Open Studio Open Studio is run on a drop-in basis at the Grace Hudson Museum. For information, call Tommie Thornhill at 707 621-2091. Members pay $4.00 and non-members pay $5.00. Meets on Mondays, 10 am - to 2 pm.

Svetlana Artemoff… Helped Don Pagano celebrate his 95th Birthday. “MCAA members sure miss him as our Critique Chairman, he was an inspiration to us all. His hat says "Make America Paint Again" and the small button reads, Pagano for President. His daughter, Cheryl Currey, makes beautiful jewelry, so Don's creative abilities have definitely been passed along. Don still paints each and every day...probably what keeps him going.”

Media Library: Lynn Graves-Gulyash 707.489.0251 [email protected]

Bank Shows Barbara Ware 707.743.1520 [email protected]

Open Studio: Tommy Thornhill 707.467.0266 [email protected]

Webmaster: Linda Hicks [email protected]

Messenger: Svetlana Artemoff 707.462.3279 [email protected]

Critique-a-Lot: Mary Monroe 707.380.7396 [email protected] Historian Irene McFarland 707.462.3559 [email protected]

Board Members: President: Diana Steele 707.743.2256 [email protected]

Vice President: Linda Talso 707.621.3155 [email protected]

Past President: Vacant Treasurer/Membership Toni Onori 707.462.1705 [email protected]

Secretary: Mary Monroe 707.380.7396 [email protected]

At Large Members Svetlana Artemoff 707.462.3279 [email protected]

Ursula Partch 707.459.7054 [email protected]

Cathy Monroe 707.710-0540 [email protected]

Polly Palecek 707.462.0246 [email protected]

Newsletter: Kathleen Gordon-Burke 707.391.8469 [email protected]

Publicity Karen Golden 713.240.3686 [email protected]

Education Programs: Rhonda Kyrias 707.467.9651 [email protected]

Committee Chairs: Newsletter Assistant: Lisa Robinson 707.367.2520 [email protected]

Corner Gallery Display: Kathleen Gordon-Burke 707.391.8469 [email protected]

Jeannette Carson, Polly Palecek, Kathleen Gordon-Burke… attended a phenomenal week-long ICON retreat at Mt Tabor, a Monastic Order of Monks and Priests, with Father Damian as our most loving teacher. The lessons were amazing and joyful, the food was out of this world, and the retreat was spiritually inspiring.


BRENDA MOBLEY 707.391.7867 [email protected] JOHN WINTERS 415.900.9754 [email protected] ELLIE TAESALI 707.472.7546 [email protected]

If you have a change of

address, phone or email, please notify Toni Onori


page 4 Mendocino County Art Association Newsletter

Longtime member Don Pagano celebrates 95 creative years.

Polly left and missed the

photo. Jeanette

Carson and Kathleen Gordon-

Burke display their

icons with instructor,

Father Damian.


Open Studio

Returns to

Grace Hudson


Page 5: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created


Antoinette von Grone

MCAA is pleased to present Antoinette von Grone for the second in a series of “Meet the Artist” presentations at the Grace Hudson Museum. She will talk about how she became a fine art artist through or despite studying textile and fashion design and how she ended up in Boonville. She will speak about the different styles and subjects and techniques in which she works and what the background is for those choices. She plans on bringing a few actual paintings as well as her portfolio for viewing. She will also play a video after the lecture for those who are interested in her animal rights advocacy activities and how they weave into her current paintings.

March 17 Saturday


11:00 - 12:30

Grace Hudson Museum

431 Main St, Ukiah


Members & Non-Members


Contact Diana Steele 707.743.2256

[email protected]

“Meet the Artist”

Page 6: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created

April 21

Saturday 2018 10:00 to 2:00

Grace Hudson Museum

431 S. Main St, Ukiah


$25.00 non-members Enrollment limited to 15


The materials fee includes one hand felted cover and paper to make one book. Materials to make additional books can be purchased at the workshop.

REGISTRATION Members: February 1

Non-members: March 11 Registration closes: April 7

Cancel by March 24 for full refund

TO REGISTER Email Cassie Gibson [email protected]

or call Rhonda 707 467-9651

[email protected]



Make a one-of-a-kind artistic book of your choice: • a journal or dry medium sketch book w/ blank 100lb paper • a watercolor sketch book with 140lb watercolor paper • a book with your existing writing or art work Book sizes will be either 4 1/2” x 6” or 5” x 7”. Ursula will provide hand-felted book covers, 100lb dry medium paper, 140lb watercolor paper, and all other supplies needed. You bind the book with Ursula’s guidance using a long stitch or a simple Asian 4-hole stitching method. If you wish, bring your existing artwork or writing to make a personal piece of art.




Page 7: Antoinette von Grone - John Wright...Assemblages” February 2 February 3 - 25 Opening Reception, February 3, 7pm Accumulations are all around us in the natural world, seemingly created