ANVÄNDARMANUAL BRUGSANVISNING BRUKERHÅNDBOK … · 2018. 12. 10. · Ta dig gärna tid och läsa igenom de här instruktionerna för användning noggrant. För din egen och andras

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  • Genius GmbH • Im Dachsstück 8 • 65549 Limburg • Germany • www.genius.tv NDQ_IM_0718

    Gebrauchsanleitungab Seite 2

    Instruction Manual from page 11

    Mode d´emploide la page 19

    Bedieningshandleidingvanaf pagina 27

    Istruzioni per l‘usoda pag 35

    Instrucciones de usoa partir de la página 43











    Genius GmbH • Im Dachsstück 8 • 65549 Limburg • Germany • www.genius.tv NDQ_IM_0718

    Gebrauchsanleitungab Seite 2

    Instruction Manual from page 11

    Mode d´emploide la page 19

    Bedieningshandleidingvanaf pagina 27

    Istruzioni per l‘usoda pag 35

    Instrucciones de usoa partir de la página 43







  • Ta dig gärna tid och läsa igenom de här instruktionerna för användning noggrant.För din egen och andras säkerhet bör du vara extra uppmärksam på kapitlet

    med säkerhetsanvisningar samt varningarna i det här dokumentet.Behåll de här användningsinstruktionerna för framtida bruk. Se alltid till att inkludera

    användningsinstruktionerna om du överlåter produkten till en tredje part.Illustrationerna i den här instruktionsmanualen är till för att visa korrekt användning.

    Detaljer i illustrationerna kan eventuellt vara annorlunda än själva produkten.


    Förklaring av symbolerna som används:

    OBS!Om du inte följer de här anvisningarna kan skador uppstå.

    Egendomar kan skadas.11

    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.MÄRK VÄL!




    • Produkten är till för att skära mjuka livsmedel.• Produkten är endast avsedd för hushållsbruk. Den är inte lämplig för kommersiell eller industriell användning.• Produkten är inte lämplig för att: – Dela frusna livsmedel – Mala kärnor, kärnhus med mera – Hacka ben eller andra icke-ätliga delar av livsmedel• Produkten är inte lämpad att användas av barn utan en vuxen överseende av säkerhetsskäl. • Använd produkten endast på det sätt som beskrivs i instruktionsmanualen. All annan användning betraktas som olämplig.


    SKÄRBLADEN ÄR MYCKET VASSA! • Håll alltid tillbehören i plastdelarna, och vidrör aldrig skärbladen med händerna eller andra kroppsdelar under några omständigheter. Hantera produkten varsamt.• Se till att händer, hår, lösa kläder eller andra föremål inte kommer i kontakt med skärbladen.• Skär endast ingredienser genom att pressa samman produkten. Använd inte dina fingrar för att trycka livsmedel genom skärinsatserna under några omständigheter.• Använd en diskborste eller liknande redskap för att ta bort matrester från skärbladen eller skärinsatserna.


    • Håll produkten på tillräckligt avstånd från värmekällor (som spisplattor och ugnar) samt öppna lågor för att undvika att produkten skadas.• Kontrollera att produkten inte är skadad innan varje användning. Använd inte en skadad produkt eller skadade tillbehör.• Gör inga otillåtna ändringar eller reparationer av produkten.• Använd endast produkten tillsammans med originaltillbehör. Annars skadar du den och ökar risken för personskador.• Observera att skärinsatserna inte kan användas för att skära mycket hårda ingredienser, till exempe rotfrukter, oskald squash osv. Kärnor och kärnhus måste tas bort innan ingredienser-na bearbetas, och ingredienser kan även behöva skalas.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Risk för kvävning från plastfodral och påsar!Håll barn och djur borta från förpackningsmaterialet.

    • Kontrollera setet för att säkerställa att det är komplett och att ingenting har skadats under leveransen. Uppgifter om vad som ingår i det set som du har köpt finns på förpackningen eller på det separata insättsbladet.• Ta bort förpackningsmaterialet och eventuella etiketter från produkten. Syftet med förpackningsmaterialet och etiketterna är att skydda produkten under leveransen eller att göra reklam.• Rengör alla delar innan första användningen, för att ta bort eventuella rester från tillverkningen (se även ”Skötsel och rengöring”).

  • 14

    Instruction Manual

    3 Product components

    D Bottom blade insert

    A Cutting frame with integrated pin block

    B Top blade insert (with detent)

    F Collecting container (capacity: 200 ml)

    C Blind frame

    E Blade insert for wedges

    G Fresh-keeping lid


    A Skärram med integrerat stiftblock

    B Övre skärinsats (med spärrhake)

    C Blindram

    G Färskhetsbevarande lock

    E Skärinsats för klyftor

    F Uppsamlingsbehållare (kapacitet: 200 ml)

    D Nedre skärinsats

  • + +


    Instruction Manual

    4 Assembly/Using

    Risk of cutting injuries!

    The blades are extremely sharp. Always hold parts by the plastic and do not touch the blades with your hands or other body parts under any circumstances.

    Only cut the food by pressing the product together. Do not use your fingers to push food through the blade inserts under any circumstances.

    Ensure that the Nicer Dicer Quick is closed before you put it away.

    Store the product out of the reach of children and animals.


    CuttingHold the Nicer Dicer Quick with the product logo facing up. Push the lock mechanism forward to open up the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Now you can insert the various blade inserts or the blind frame.

    To cut thick slices first insert the blind frame and then the top blade insert. Please note that the top blade insert can only be placed on top in one direction.

    This instruction manual covers all the accessories available for the product. Details of what is supplied with the set that you purchased can be found on the packaging or the separate insert sheet. Parts that are not included in your set can of course be bought at a later date.

    I den här instruktionsmanualen beskrivs alla tillbehör som finns tillgängliga för den här produkten. Uppgifter om vad som ingår i det set som du har köpt finns på förpackningen eller på det separata insättsbladet. Delar som inte ingår i ditt set går så klart att köpa till senare.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Risk för skärskador!Skärbladen är mycket vassa. Håll alltid delarna i plastdelarna, och vidrör aldrig skärbladen med händerna eller andra kroppsdelar under några omständigheter.Skär endast ingredienser genom att pressa samman produkten. Använd inte dina fingrar för att trycka livsmedel genom skärinsatserna under några omständigheter.Se till att Nicer Dicer Quick är stängd innan du ställer undan den. Förvara produkten utom räckhåll för barn och djur.

    SKÄRAHåll Nicer Dicer Quick med produktlogotypen uppåt. Tryck låsmekanismen framåt för att öppna Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Nu kan du sätta i de olika skärinsatserna eller blindramen.

    Om du vill skära tjocka skivor sätter du först i blindramen och sedan den övre skärinsatsen. Observera att den övre skärinsatsen endast går att placera ovanpå i en riktning.

  • + +


    + +


    Instruction Manual

    To cut thin slices insert the bottom and top blade inserts lengthwise to the handle.

    To make cubes or sticks, insert the bottom blade insert crosswise and the top blade insert lengthwise to the handle (to create a mesh pattern).

    Use the blade insert for wedges to cut wedges. Always use this blade insert on its own. Never use it with other inserts.

    Om du vill skära tunna skivor sätter du i både den nedre och den övre skärinsatsen på längden i handtaget.

    Om du vill göra kuber eller stavar sätter du i den nedre skärinsatsen på tvären och den övre skärinsatsen på längden i handtaget (så att ett nätmönster skapas).

    Om du vill skära klyftor använder du skärinsatsen för klyftor. Använd alltid den här skärinsatsen för sig själv. Använd den aldrig tillsammans med andra insatser.

  • 17

    Instruction Manual

    Press both halves of the handle together to cut. If you find so-mething hard to cut, it is NOT suitable for cutting with the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    After use and before you put the Nicer Dicer Quick away, ensure that the two sides of the handle are closed and the locking mechanism is pushed back.

    Collecting container If necessary, the collecting container can be locked into place on the bottom cutting frame. When attaching the collecting container, ensure that you hear it click into place.

    4.1 Tips and tricks For storage, you can seal the collecting container with the practical fresh-keeping lid. Place the food with the cut side on the desired cutting surface. Before starting, dip the blade inserts in water. Wet blades cut more easily and require less force. During cutting, the blades are kept moist by the moisture in the food that is being cut.

    5 Care and cleaning

    CAUTION!Risk of cutting injuries due to sharp blades!

    Do not touch the blades with your hands. Always hold the inserts by the plastic.

    ATTENTION!Clean the product immediately after use to avoid the build-up of germs or mould.

    Pressa samman handtagets båda halvor för att skära. Om du stöter på något som är hårt att skära är det INTE lämpligt att skära med Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Innan du ställer undan din Nicer Dicer Quick när du är klar med att använda den bör du se till så att båda halvorna av handtaget är stängda, och att låsmekanismen trycks bakåt.

    Om det behövs så kan uppsamlingsbehållaren låsas på plats på undersidan av skärramen. När du fäster uppsamlings-behållaren ska du kunna höra att den snäpper fast.


    TIPS OCH TRICK• Vid förvaring kan du stänga uppsamlingsbehållaren med det praktiska färskhetsbevarande locket.• Placera ingredienserna med den skurna sidan på den skäryta som önskas.• Doppa skärinsatserna i vatten innan du börjar. Våta skärblad skär lättare och kräver mindre kraft. Fukten i ingredienserna som skärs gör att skärbladen hålls fuktiga under skärarbetet.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.MÄRK VÄL!

    Risk för skärskador på grund av vassa skärblad! Vidrör aldrig skärbladen med händerna. Håll alltid insatserna i plastdelarna.

    Rengör produkten omedelbart när den har använts, för att undvika att bakterier och mögel samlas.

  • 18

    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.

    • Montera isär produkten innan rengöring. Ta bort alla insatser och uppsamlingsbehållaren från Nicer Dicer Quick.• Använd inte slipande rengöringsmedel eller slipande eller vassa rengöringsdynor (stålull, disksvampar).• Låt alla delar torkar innan du ställer undan dem.• Alla delar utan skärblad kan diskas i det övre facket i diskmaskinen. Välj ett ekonomiprogram eller standardprogram. Undvik program med hög temperatur (som desinfektionsprogram eller grytprogram).• Vi rekommenderar att du diskar alla delar som har skärblad för hand, för att bevara bladens skärpa och kvalitet.

    Obs! En del frukter och grönsaker kan ge fläckar på plastdelarna (till exempel rödbetor). Om uppsamlingsbehållaren diskas ofta i diskmaskin kan det påverka materialets genomskinlighet. Det är normalt och det är inget att bekymra sig om. Det begränsar inte funktionaliteten.



    När du rengör produkten ska du aldrig vidröra sidan med de vassa skärbladen.Om matrester fastnar mellan skärbladen kan du vrida skär- insatsen så att den är vänd med den slöa sidan uppåt, och försiktigt ta bort matresterna med en diskborste.

    Rengör det integrerade stiftblocket noggrant med en disk- borste. Se till att borsta noggrant genom de lodräta, vågräta och diagonala fördjupningarna.

    AVFALLSHANTERINGOm produkten och/eller dess tillbehör inte längre kan användas ska den/de kastas i hushålls- soporna. Kommunens sophanteringsbolag kan avfallshantera produkten och dess tillbehör.

    Förpackningsmaterialet kan återvinnas. Kasta förpackningen på ett miljövänligt sätt via återvinningsplats/miljöhus.

    Om du har några frågor angående enheten eller reservdelar/tillbehör får du gärna kontakta din lokala återförsäljare.


    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.

  • Læs brugsanvisningen grundigt igennem før ibrugtagning.Vær særlig opmærksom på afsnittet om sikkerhedsanvisninger og

    advarslerne i dette dokument for egen og andres sikkerhed.Gem vejledningen til senere brug. Vedlæg altid vejledningen, hvis

    produktet overdrages til en tredjepart.Illustrationerne i denne brugsanvisning tjener som en skematisk

    fremstilling af korrekt brug. De kan variere fra det faktiske produkt.



    ADVARSEL!Overhold altid sikkerhedsanvisningerne for at undgå personskade.

    Der kan forekomme skade på inventar.11

    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.BEMÆRK!




    • Produktet må kun benyttes til skæring af bløde fødevarer.• Produktet er kun til brug i private husholdninger. Produktet er ikke til kommerciel eller industriel brug.• Produktet er ikke egnet til: - Behandling af frosne fødevarer - Rivning af kernehuse, sten, osv. - Hakning af ben eller andre ikke spiselige fødevarer• Tilbehøret må ikke anvendes i mikroovn eller almindelig ovn.• Produktet er ikke beregnet til brug af personer med fysiske, sensoriske eller psykiske handikap og personer uden den nødvendige viden, med mindre de bliver instrueret og over-våget af en voksen, der er ansvarlig for deres sikkerhed, og får klar vejledning om, hvordan produktet skal anvendes.• Brug kun produktet, som det er beskrevet i denne brugsanvisning. Al anden brug betragtes som ukorrekt.


    RISIKO FOR PERSONSKADE FRA SKARPE KNIVE • Knivene er ekstremt skarpe! Hold altid fat i plasten på tilbehøret, og berør aldrig knivene med hænderne. Brug altid produktet med omtanke.• Hænder, hår, løst tøj eller andre genstande må ikke komme i berøring med knivbladene.• Skær kun fødevarerne ved at presse produktet sammen. Brug aldrig fingrene til at skubbe fødevarerne gennem knivene.• Brug en opvaskebørste eller lignende til at fjerne fødevarerester fra knivblade eller skæreindsatser.


    • Hold en passende afstand fra varmekilder (f.eks. kogeplader og ovne), og åben ild for at undgå beskadigelse af produktet.• Kontroller, om produktet er beskadiget før hver brug. Brug ikke et beskadiget produkt eller beskadiget tilbehør.• Fortag ikke modifikationer, reparationer eller ændringer af produktet.• Brug kun produktet med originalt tilbehør, ellers kan det blive beskadiget og øge risikoen for personskade.• Bemærk, at knivindsatserne ikke egner sig til meget hårde fødevarer, som gulerødder, uskrællet squash eller lignende. Kernehuse og sten skal fjernes før anvendelsen, og fødevarerne skal pilles/skrælles.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Plastikemballage og plastikposer udgør en kvælningsfare!Hold børn og dyr væk fra emballagen.

    • Kontroller sættet for at sikre, at det er komplet, og at det ikke er blevet beskadiget under transporten. Oplysninger om det, der er leveret sammen med sættet, står på emballagen eller på den medfølgende seddel inden i emballagen.• Fjern emballagen og beskyttelsesmærkater på produktet påsat for beskyttelse under transporten, eller mærkater, der tjener som reklame.• Rengør alle dele før ibrugtagning for at fjerne eventuelle restprodukter fra fremstillingen (Se også Pleje og rengøring).

  • 14

    Instruction Manual

    3 Product components

    D Bottom blade insert

    A Cutting frame with integrated pin block

    B Top blade insert (with detent)

    F Collecting container (capacity: 200 ml)

    C Blind frame

    E Blade insert for wedges

    G Fresh-keeping lid


    A Knivindsats med integreret låsetap

    B Øvre knivindsats (med udløserknap)

    C Blindramme

    G Opbevaringslåg

    E Knivindsats til både

    F Beholder (kapacitet: 200 ml)

    D Nederste knivindsats

  • + +


    Instruction Manual

    4 Assembly/Using

    Risk of cutting injuries!

    The blades are extremely sharp. Always hold parts by the plastic and do not touch the blades with your hands or other body parts under any circumstances.

    Only cut the food by pressing the product together. Do not use your fingers to push food through the blade inserts under any circumstances.

    Ensure that the Nicer Dicer Quick is closed before you put it away.

    Store the product out of the reach of children and animals.


    CuttingHold the Nicer Dicer Quick with the product logo facing up. Push the lock mechanism forward to open up the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Now you can insert the various blade inserts or the blind frame.

    To cut thick slices first insert the blind frame and then the top blade insert. Please note that the top blade insert can only be placed on top in one direction.

    This instruction manual covers all the accessories available for the product. Details of what is supplied with the set that you purchased can be found on the packaging or the separate insert sheet. Parts that are not included in your set can of course be bought at a later date.

    Denne brugsanvisning dækker alt tilbehør, der fås til dette produkt Oplysninger om det, der er leveret sammen med sættet, står på emballagen eller på den medfølgende seddel inden i emballagen. Dele, der ikke medfølger i sættet, kan selvfølgelig tilkøbes.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Risiko for snitskader!Knivene er ekstremt skarpe! Hold altid fat i plasten, og berør aldrig knivene med hænderne.Skær kun fødevarerne, når produktet er presset helt sammen. Brug aldrig fingrene til at skubbe fødevarerne gennem knivene.Sørg for, at Nicer Dicer Quick er lukket, før du sætter den på plads. Opbevar produktet utilgængeligt for børn eller dyr.

    SKÆRINGHold Nicer Dicer Quick med produktlogoet opad. Skub låsemekanismen frem for at åbne Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Nu kan du isætte de forskellige knivindsatser eller blindrammen.

    Isæt blindrammen først og derefter øvre knivindsats for at skære tykke skiver. Bemærk, at øvre knivindsats kun kan placeres i toppen i en retning.

  • + +


    + +


    Instruction Manual

    To cut thin slices insert the bottom and top blade inserts lengthwise to the handle.

    To make cubes or sticks, insert the bottom blade insert crosswise and the top blade insert lengthwise to the handle (to create a mesh pattern).

    Use the blade insert for wedges to cut wedges. Always use this blade insert on its own. Never use it with other inserts.

    Isæt knivindsatserne i top og bund i håndtagets længderetning for at skære tynde skiver.

    Isæt nedre knivindsatsen og øvre knivindsats, så de danner et gittermønster til terninger eller stave.

    Brug knivindsatsen til både. Brug altid denne knivindsats alene. Brug den aldrig sammen med andre indsatser.

  • 17

    Instruction Manual

    Press both halves of the handle together to cut. If you find so-mething hard to cut, it is NOT suitable for cutting with the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    After use and before you put the Nicer Dicer Quick away, ensure that the two sides of the handle are closed and the locking mechanism is pushed back.

    Collecting container If necessary, the collecting container can be locked into place on the bottom cutting frame. When attaching the collecting container, ensure that you hear it click into place.

    4.1 Tips and tricks For storage, you can seal the collecting container with the practical fresh-keeping lid. Place the food with the cut side on the desired cutting surface. Before starting, dip the blade inserts in water. Wet blades cut more easily and require less force. During cutting, the blades are kept moist by the moisture in the food that is being cut.

    5 Care and cleaning

    CAUTION!Risk of cutting injuries due to sharp blades!

    Do not touch the blades with your hands. Always hold the inserts by the plastic.

    ATTENTION!Clean the product immediately after use to avoid the build-up of germs or mould.

    Tryk begge halvdele af håndtaget sammen for at skære. Hvis du synes, at noget er svært at skære, er det IKKE egnet til skæring i Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Sørg for, at begge sider af håndtaget sidder fast, og at låse- mekanismen er skubbet tilbage efter brug og før den sættes på plads.

    Om nødvendigt kan beholderen låses på plads i bundrammen. Sørg for, at du hører beholderen klikke på plads, når du sætter den på.


    TIPS OG TRICKS • Det praktiske låg kan sættes på beholderen før opbevaring.• Placer fødevaren med snitfladen på den ønskede snitte-/skæreflade.• Dyb knivene i vand, før du går i gang. Våde knive skærer nemmere og kræver ikke så mange kræfter. Mens du skærer, holdes knivene fugtige af væden i den fødevare, der snittes/skæres.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.OBS!

    Risiko for snitskader på grund af skarpe knive!Berør ikke knivene med hænderne. Hold altid i plasten på indsatserne.

    Rengør produktet straks efter brug for at undgå opbygning af bakterievækst eller mug.

  • 18

    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.

    • Skil produktet ad før rengøring. Tag alle indsatser og beholderen af Nicer Dicer Quick.• Brug ikke skrappe eller slibende rengøringsmidler eller skuresvampe.• Alle dele skal være helt tørre, før opbevaring.• Alle dele uden knive tåler opvaskemaskine. Vælg et øko- eller standardprogram. Undgå programmer med høje temperaturer (som f.eks. desinfektionsprogrammer eller programmer til gryder og pander).• Vi anbefaler at alle dele med knive vaskes op i hånden for at bevare kvaliteten og skarpheden på langt sigt..Bemærk: Plastdelene kan tage farve af nogle frugter og grøntsager (f.eks. rødbeder). Hyppig maskinopvask af beholderen kan påvirke materialets gennemsigtighed. Det er normalt og begrænser ikke funktionaliteten.



    Berør aldrig siden med de skarpe knive, når du rengør produktet. Hvis der sidder madrester fast mellem knivene, drejes knivindsatsen, så den vender opad med den stumpe side, og fjern madresterne forsigtigt med en opvaskebørste.

    Rengør den indbyggede låsetap grundigt med en opvaskebørste. Sørg for at børste de lodrette, vandrette og diagonale riller grundigt.

    BORTSKAFFELSEHvis produktet og/eller tilbehøret ikke længere kan anvendes, skal det bortskaffes i henhold til de lokale regler. Produktet kan også bortskaffes ved afhentning af storskrald.

    Emballagen er genanvendelig. Bortskaf emballagen på en miljøvenlig måde eller aflever den på genbrugsstationen.

    Hvis du har spørgsmål om produktet, reservedele eller tilbehør, bedes du kontakte din lokale forhandler.


    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.

  • Ta deg tid til å lese nøye gjennom denne brukerhåndboken. For din egen og andres sikkerhet, må du være spesielt nøye med

    sikkerhetsinstruksjonene og advarslene i dokumentet. Behold denne brukerhåndboken til senere bruk. Hvis du gir produktet videre til andre, er det viktig at du alltid legger ved brukerhåndboken.

    Illustrasjonene i denne brukerhåndboken er kun ment som en skjematisk fremstilling av riktig bruk. De kan ha detaljer som skiller

    seg fra det originale produktet.


    Veiledning til symbolene som brukes:

    OBS!Hvis du ikke følger disse instruksjonene, kan det føre til skader.

    Skade på eiendom kan oppstå.11

    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.VIKTIG!




    • Produktet er ment å brukes til å kutte myke matvarer.• Produktet er kun ment for private husholdninger. Det passer ikke til kommersiell bruk eller til bruk i bedrifter.• Produktet passer ikke til: – Kutting av frosne matvarer – Maling av steiner, kjerner osv. – Kutting av bein eller annen ikke-spiselig mat• Tilbehøret kan ikke brukes i mikrobølgeovn eller stekeovn.• Produktet er ikke beregnet for voksne eller barn med utilstrekkelige fysiske, sensoriske eller mentale ressurser eller som har liten erfaring med kjøkkenutstyr, med mindre de er under oppsyn av en kvalifisert person som påtar seg ansvar for deres sikkerhet, eller de har fått grundig instruks fra en slik person om hvordan produktet skal brukes.• Bare bruk produktet slik det er beskrevet i brukerhåndboken. All annen bruk anses som feil bruk.


    SKADERISIKO PGA. SKARPE KNIVER • Knivbladene er ekstremt skarpe. Hold alltid tilbehør i plastenden og ikke berør knivbladene med hender eller andre kroppsdeler under noen omstendigheter. Håndter produktet med varsomhet.• Hold hender, hår, løse klær eller andre objekter unna knivbladene.• Maten må bare kuttes ved å trykke produktet sammen. Ikke bruk fingrene til å presse maten gjennom knivinnsatsene under noen omstendigheter.• Bruk en oppvaskbørste eller et lignende verktøy til å fjerne matrester fra knivbladene eller knivinnsatsene.


    • Hold produktet borte fra varmekilder (f.eks. komfyrer eller ovner) og åpne flammer for å unngå å skade produktet.• Kontroller produktet for skader hver gang du skal bruke det. Aldri bruk et skadd produkt eller skadd tilbehør.• Modifiseringer, reparasjoner eller endringer av produktet må ikke utføres.• Bruk bare produktet med originaltilbehøret. Bruk av annet tilbehør kan skade produktet og øker risikoen for skade.• Vær oppmerksom på at knivinnsatsene ikke kan skjære opp harde matvarer som gulrøtter, uskrelt squash eller liknende. Kjerner og steiner må fjernes før kutting, og det kan hende at matvarer på skrelles.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Kvelningsrisiko fra plastomslag og plastposer.Hold barn og dyr unna emballasjen.

    • Kontroller utstyret for å forsikre deg om at det er komplett og ikke er blitt skadet under forsendelsen. Informasjon om hva som sendes med produktet du kjøpte, finnes på emballasjen eller det separate følgeskjemaet.• Fjern emballasjen og eventuelle etiketter festet til produktet for beskyttelse under transport eller til markedsføringsformål.• Rengjør alle deler før første gangs bruk for å fjerne eventuelle produksjonsrester (se også Vedlikehold og rengjøring).

  • 14

    Instruction Manual

    3 Product components

    D Bottom blade insert

    A Cutting frame with integrated pin block

    B Top blade insert (with detent)

    F Collecting container (capacity: 200 ml)

    C Blind frame

    E Blade insert for wedges

    G Fresh-keeping lid


    A Ramme med integrert festeblokk

    B Innsats for øvre knivblad (med sperrehake)

    C Blindramme

    G Oppbevaringslokk

    E Knivinnsats for biter

    F Oppsamlingsbeholder (kapasitet: 200 ml)

    D Innsats for nedre knivblad

  • + +


    Instruction Manual

    4 Assembly/Using

    Risk of cutting injuries!

    The blades are extremely sharp. Always hold parts by the plastic and do not touch the blades with your hands or other body parts under any circumstances.

    Only cut the food by pressing the product together. Do not use your fingers to push food through the blade inserts under any circumstances.

    Ensure that the Nicer Dicer Quick is closed before you put it away.

    Store the product out of the reach of children and animals.


    CuttingHold the Nicer Dicer Quick with the product logo facing up. Push the lock mechanism forward to open up the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Now you can insert the various blade inserts or the blind frame.

    To cut thick slices first insert the blind frame and then the top blade insert. Please note that the top blade insert can only be placed on top in one direction.

    This instruction manual covers all the accessories available for the product. Details of what is supplied with the set that you purchased can be found on the packaging or the separate insert sheet. Parts that are not included in your set can of course be bought at a later date.

    Brukerhåndboken dekker alt tilbehøret som er tilgjengelig for dette produktet. Informasjon om hva som sendes med produktet du kjøpte, finnes på emballasjen eller det separate følgeskjemaet. Deler som ikke er inkludert i settet, kan selvfølgelig kjøpes senere.



    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.

    Risiko for kuttskader.Knivbladene er ekstremt skarpe. Hold alltid deler i plastenden og ikke berør knivbladene med hender eller andre kroppsdeler under noen omstendigheter.Maten må bare kuttes ved å trykke produktet sammen. Ikke bruk fingrene til å presse maten gjennom knivinnsatsene under noen omstendigheter.Kontroller at Nicer Dicer Quick er lukket før du setter den bort. Oppbevar produktet utenfor rekkevidde for barn og dyr.

    KUTTINGHold Nicer Dicer Quick med produktlogoen oppover. Trykk låsemekanismen forover for å åpne Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Nå kan du sette inn de forskjellige knivinnsatsene eller blindrammen.

    Hvis du vil kutte tykke biter, setter du først inn blindrammen og deretter knivinnsatsen øverst. Vær oppmerksom på at knivinnsatsen øverst bare kan plasseres øverst i én retning.


  • + +


    + +


    Instruction Manual

    To cut thin slices insert the bottom and top blade inserts lengthwise to the handle.

    To make cubes or sticks, insert the bottom blade insert crosswise and the top blade insert lengthwise to the handle (to create a mesh pattern).

    Use the blade insert for wedges to cut wedges. Always use this blade insert on its own. Never use it with other inserts.

    Hvis du vil kutte tynne biter, setter du inn knivinnsatsene nederst og øverst langs med håndtaket.

    Hvis du vil lage terninger eller strimler, setter du inn den nedre knivinnsatsen på tvers og den øvre knivinnsatsen på langs med håndtaket (for å lage et rutemønster).

    Bruk knivinnsatsen for båter til å kutte båter. Denne knivinnsatsen må alltid brukes alene. Den må aldri brukes med andre innsatser.

  • 17

    Instruction Manual

    Press both halves of the handle together to cut. If you find so-mething hard to cut, it is NOT suitable for cutting with the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    After use and before you put the Nicer Dicer Quick away, ensure that the two sides of the handle are closed and the locking mechanism is pushed back.

    Collecting container If necessary, the collecting container can be locked into place on the bottom cutting frame. When attaching the collecting container, ensure that you hear it click into place.

    4.1 Tips and tricks For storage, you can seal the collecting container with the practical fresh-keeping lid. Place the food with the cut side on the desired cutting surface. Before starting, dip the blade inserts in water. Wet blades cut more easily and require less force. During cutting, the blades are kept moist by the moisture in the food that is being cut.

    5 Care and cleaning

    CAUTION!Risk of cutting injuries due to sharp blades!

    Do not touch the blades with your hands. Always hold the inserts by the plastic.

    ATTENTION!Clean the product immediately after use to avoid the build-up of germs or mould.

    Trykk begge halvdeler av håndtaket sammen for å kutte. Hvis du finner noe hardt å kutte, er det IKKE mulig å kutte det med Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Etter bruk og før du setter Nicer Dicer Quick bort, må du kontrollere at begge sidene av håndtaket er lukket og at låsemekanismen er skjøvet tilbake.

    Ved behov kan oppsamlingsbeholderen låses på plass på den nedre kutterammen. Når du fester oppsamlingsbeholder må du passe på at du hører at den klikker på plass.


    TIPS OG TRIKS• Du kan forsegle beholderen med det praktiske lokket, som holder maten frisk.• Plasser maten med siden som skal kuttes på den ønskede kuttoverflaten.• Før du begynner, skal du dyppe knivinnsatsene i vann. Våte knivblad skjærer raskere og trenger mindre kraft. Under kuttingen vil knivene holde seg våte på grunn av fuktigheten i maten.




    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.VIKTIG!

    Risiko for kuttskader på grunn av skarpe knivblader. Ikke berør knivbladene med hendene dine. Hold alltid knivinnsatsene i plastdelen.

    Rengjør produktet umiddelbart etter bruk for å unngå oppbygning av bakterier eller mugg.

  • 18

    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.

    • Demonter produktet før rengjøring. Ta alle innsatser og beholderen ut av Nicer Dicer Quick.• Ikke bruk sterke eller skurende rengjøringsmidler eller kluter.• La alle deler tørke godt før du setter dem bort.• Alle deler uten knivblader kan vaskes i den øvre kurven i oppvaskmaskin. Velg et økonomi- eller standardprogram. Unngå høye temperaturer (f.eks. program for sterilisering eller grytevask).• Vi anbefaler håndvask av deler som inneholder knivblader for å opprettholde kvaliteten og skarpheten på lang sikt.

    Merk: Enkelte typer frukt og grønnsaker kan misfarge plastdelene (f.eks. rødbeter). Regelmessig vask av oppsamlingsbeholderen i vaskemaskin kan føre til at plasten ikke lenger er gjennomsiktig. Dette er normalt og ikke en grunn til uro. Det begrenser ikke funksjonaliteten.


    Når du rengjør produktet, må du aldri berøre siden med de skarpe knivene.Hvis matrester sitter fast mellom knivene, kan du vri på knivinnsatsen slik at den peker oppover med den butte siden og forsiktig fjerne matrestene med en oppvaskbørste.

    Rengjør det integrerte skjæregitteret nøye med en oppvaskbørste. Sørg for at børsten kommer til overalt.

    KASSERINGDersom produktet og/eller tilbehør ikke lenger kan brukes, skal de ikke kastes i husholdnings- avfallet. De må kastes i henhold til kommunens regler for avfallshåndtering.

    Emballasjen kan resirkuleres. Avhend emballasjen på en miljøvennlig måte og ta den med til resirkulering

    Hvis du har spørsmål om enheten eller reservedeler/tilbehør, kan du ta kontakt med den lokale forhandleren din.


    Instruction Manual

    Dismantle the product before cleaning. Remove all inserts and the collecting container from the Nicer Dicer Quick.

    Do not use sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads. Allow all parts to dry thoroughly before putting them away. All parts without blades can be cleaned in the top basket of the dishwasher. Select an economy or stan-dard programme. Avoid high-temperature programmes (such as sanitising or pot/ pan cycles).

    We recommend hand-washing any parts that contain blades to preserve quality and sharpness over the long term.

    Note: Some types of fruit and vegetables can stain the plastic parts (e.g. beets). Frequent cleaning of the collecting container in a dishwasher can affect the material’s transparency. This is normal and not a cause for concern; it does not limit the functionality.

    Cleaning the blade insertsWhen you’re cleaning the product, never touch the side with the sharp blades.If food residue is caught between the blades, twist the blade insert to face upwards with the blunt side and carefully remove the food residue using a dishwashing brush.

    Cleaning the pin blockClean the integrated pin block thoroughly with a dish brush. Make sure you brush carefully through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal recesses.

    6 DisposalIn the event that the product and/or accessories can no longer be used, they should be disposed of with the household rubbish. It can be disposed of by the municipal waste management services.

    The packaging material can be recycled. Dispose of the packaging in an environmentally friendly way and take it to your recycling site.

    If you have any questions about the device or spare parts/accessories, please contact your local retailer.


  • Lue käyttöohjeet huolellisesti.

    Itsesi ja muiden käyttäjien suojelemiseksi, lue erityisen huolellisesti luku turvallisuusohjeet ja varoitukset. Säilytä nämä käyttöohjeet

    myöhempää käyttöä varten.

    Muista aina sisällyttää mukaan myös käyttöohjeet, jos luovutat tuotteen kolmannelle osapuolelle.

    Tässä käyttöohjeessa esitetyt kuvat on tarkoitettu havainnollistamaan oikeaa käyttöä. Niissä voi olla yksityiskohtia, jotka eroavat alkuperäisestä tuotteesta.


    Käytettyjen symboleiden merkitykset:

    VAROITUS!Näiden ohjeiden noudattamatta jättäminen voi johtaa loukkaantumiseen.

    Omaisuusvahinkoja voi tapahtua.11

    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning .....................................................................................................................................17 6 Disposal .....................................................................................................................................................18


    Please take the time to read through these instructions for use carefully. For your own protection and that of others, please pay particular attention to the safety instructions chapter and the warnings contained in the document.Keep these instructions for use for future reference. Always be sure to include the instructions for use if giving the product to a third party.The illustrations in this instruction manual are intended as a schematic representation of correct use. They may have details that differ from the original product.


    Guide to the symbols used

    CAUTION!Failure to follow these instructions may lead to injury.

    ATTENTION!Damage to property may occur.


    Instruction Manual

    1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS ....................................................................................................11 1.1 Proper use .........................................................................................................................................12 1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................12 2 Before first use ........................................................................................................................................13 3 Product components ................................................................................................................................14 4 Assembly/Using .......................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Tips and tricks....................................................................................................................................17 5 Care and cleaning ...............................