1 “Amazing Amazon: How Everyday Authors Are Easily Rising to the Top of Amazon” Claire Knowles, Responsible for Making Four Books Amazon #1 Bestsellers Interviewed by Donna Kozik

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“Amazing Amazon: How Everyday Authors Are Easily Rising to the Top of Amazon”

Claire Knowles, Responsible for Making

Four Books Amazon #1 Bestsellers

Interviewed by Donna Kozik

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Intro: DK:

- My special Teleseminar guest is Claire Knowles; and there is a reason why I say “special.”

- If you are an author, what would you say if you knew that YOU could take your book, to Amazon Best Seller status? Wouldn’t that be special?

- What, in your imagination, could that do for you? How would that differentiate you and your business?

- And if you are an author-to-be, with a book still percolating within you, or if you’ve just started to write your book, my guest’s information will also be awareness-raising….and right on time for you!

- My guest is Claire Knowles. She started her author-journey with my Write A Book in a WeekEnd in September 2012. She gained her author moniker with her book called, “Lights On! Illuminations to Move Your Life Forward.”

- She took her own advice, and not only moved her Lights On book to Amazon best-seller status---but went on to write her second book (also in a Write a Book in a Weekend in January 2013) and then took that one too, to Amazon Best-seller status. Her second book is a business Human Resources book called, “Can You See Them Now? Elephants in our Midst.”

- If that was not enough, Claire became the driving force to take her husband’s two books to Amazon best-seller status, as well. And one of those books, believe it or not, was 11 years old. Yes, you heard me correctly.

- So if you think that your book, no matter how long ago it was birthed and copyrighted can’t become an Amazon best-seller, better think again! My guest, Claire Knowles has done it!

- Additionally, she has helped another profuse author (Gunilla Norris) to take her latest release, “Sheltered in the Heart” to Amazon best-seller status too. And she is currently advising another author as he prepares for a re-launch.

- So how did this happen? How do you take a book from being thought-about…to being birthed to being an Amazon best-seller? Pure luck? (I don’t think so! There are certain capacities, including the will to move things forward that Claire exemplifies.)

- Claire is here (tonight/this afternoon) to tell us Her story and to share with you what she has learned. (Welcome, Claire).

CK: Thank you, Donna. I’m so pleased to be with you and your listening audience. DK: - For those of you who recognize Claire’s name, perhaps it is because I’ve shared Claire’s picture and her story in many of my Write A Book in a Weekend sessions----because it is so very unique----and her story epitomizes the “determination” a would-be author needs…..to be successful within the Write-A-Book in a Weekend program.

- Thanks for being here to share your story and your expertise, Claire.

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- PLUG: And, by the way, for my listeners out there, Claire has a special gift for you and we will be talking about that later in this program. You won’t want to miss out on her free gift to you… “Tips for Taking Your Book to the Top”…the journey to Amazon Best-seller status. So stay tuned to hear more on this.

- And, I also need to make sure that I share this at the front-end…..Of course, it

makes logical sense that if you are going to try and get YOUR Book to become an Amazon best-seller, that you actually have a completed book in your hand. Right? That’s only part-right. I’m sure that Claire will underscore for you that the information she has to share, (including what is in her gift to listeners tonight) applies ALSO to those would-be-authors….those who are planning to write a book, or are actually writing their book! And that is because having the benefit of the focused questions, and getting the clarity and congruence that Claire’s tips offer….has an across—the-board benefit!

Part I CK:

- Thank you, Donna. - Before we went live tonight, Donna and I chatted about how it was that I got

started down the path of writing a book. It is an important piece of my story so I’ll start with that.

- I’d been writing a feature article every month for over 10 years for an on-line Woman’s Magazine, called Western New York Women.com. I also wrote for Washington Woman Magazine and New Awakenings. I had free rein to write about anything within the realm of women’s concerns; so I did. In fact, I still write a feature column for the on-line magazine.

- After having presented a Leadership session at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg FL for students in the Program for Experienced Learners, one of the women came up to me afterwards and asked, “Mrs. Knowles, have you ever put everything you’ve written into one place? She asked because I’d brought a number of published articles with me. I had not. But that one question nudged me forward…..I was not even sure I could find all that I’d written on my computer!

- They say that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives. Such is how it was for me. I’d been listening to a webinar in which Donna Kozik was the guest speaker and as I listened I decided that I had a book to write. I signed up for Write A Book In a Weekend….and I was so glad that I did!

- I knew exactly what I was going to do …. When that weekend was to come. I was going to take the best of my articles and write a book which was a compendium of my articles. My book, Lights On!...Illuminations to Move Your Life Forward was about to be birthed. I was so excited. And ready for that weekend!

DK: But you didn’t go into that WABinWkEnd alone, did you?

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CK: - NO, I didn’t. About 6 weeks before the weekend, I asked my husband to utilize this opportunity weekend too…to write the book that was just bursting to be written by him. He agreed and he began to put his “thoughts together” in anticipation of the WABinWkEnd. As a consultant in industrial-type- businesses around the Leadership of safety, he had lots of expertise to share. DK: Here’s the point, folks, that Claire’s story turns to extraordinary. Tell us what happened next. CK: Story Essentials: My husband and I had been working in Texas early in the week going into that fateful WaBk-in-WkEnd…it had been very hot at that time and we’d been doing a lot of walking in a large manufacturing operation, spending a lot of time outside, in the heat. I thought I’d recovered well and was really looking forward to the book-writing weekend. But on the Friday morning of that Weekend, (the Big Day) I woke up not feeling well…..very fatiqued…feeling exceptionally blahhhh! I was torn on what to do…yet I felt bad enough that I knew I needed to be checked out. We went to the local walk-in clinic and after an EKG, the physician there told my husband,…..Either we’re calling an ambulance right now….or we’re calling ahead and you’re driving her to the heart center in St. Petersburg…..but she is Not going back home. OMG….(we both thought)… Whatever were we going to do with the book-writing stuff? Once at the hospital, it became clear; I needed to stay put as they scheduled an angiogram for my heart and vascular elements for first thing on Monday morning. In the meantime, I was to stay calm, and essentially on “bed rest.” We knew, per the cardiologist, that come Monday, I would be a candidate for either stents or for more involved heart-related procedures. But at this juncture “we were embarking on a long wait….while they continued to monitor my situation. My husband and I were “in disbelief” that all this had transpired so quickly. I, of course, was somewhat sedated during this time of being “under observation.” And my husband, was beside himself that this situation was occurring….he was worried sick about me….and what all was to yet unfold in our future…the uncertainty was huge. But Donna Kozik…..to the Rescue! After all the initial tests, I settled into the hospital bed and the hospital routine. Dick returned to our home and retrieved our computers and all our pertinent files. While we ended up just being a tad late for the WABinWkEnd Friday check-in, Donna soon found out “why.” We sent her a picture of us…showing me in my bed, wearing the hospital gown, with Dick, the computers on our laps, and the medical equipment and IV’s ….what a crazy, crazy situation this was! My husband, Dick, needed this Book-writing project to keep his mind off of me! And while I tried to write, and actually did write a couple new chapters, most of my effort was on getting my book organized---becoming clear on the flow of it. Still I didn’t have

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a lot of clarity. Dick, however, was laser-focused on his work….and YES, he did finish his book that weekend! The real quirky piece from this weekend was our definitely having to “mute” ourselves on the WABkinWkEnd calls….because of all the medical equipment buzzers, and bells and such. We were trying to “fully participate” with all that we could…yet the nurses and aides, who were continually monitoring me, were totally perplexed on, How could these two people be doing these conference calls like this all weekend? Don’t they understand the seriousness of all this? Why are they adding this stress to their situation? But alas, the stress was not with our participation….our participation actually was our “stress release!” We asked the aide to take our picture so that we could share our Situation with our book-writing comrades….and that picture (as I’d described) has now become a hallmark of WriteABookInAWkEnd participants…..the big caption of …..”Here’s to Claire & Dick….determined, resourceful, persistent…..all the way through! DK: So Dick finished his book and actually had his “in hand” in that very next week. Please share what happened for you, Claire, both with your hospital stay and your book: CK: There are happy endings to this story. First I ended up having two stents during the angioplasty, and I left the hospital a much-improved, heart-pumping author-to-be. And, I finished the book 3 months later, pressed the send button on December 23rd…..just before Christmas….on my way to Done4YouPublishing… and achieving my author moniker! What a thrill! DK: - As I’d said earlier, the glory of this part of her story is clearly Claire’s determination to not let a hospital stay stop her (or her husband) and to ultimately complete her/their books! This kind of determination shows grit extraordinaire! PART II DK: - Claire, your book (Lights On!) went on Amazon in April 2012 and by early December you had an Amazon best-seller. How did that happen? CK: - While at a conference, Donna, I met a woman who asked me whether I’d ever considered doing a book launch. I did not really know what one was, nor what was entailed. (But I was about to learn!!!!) While I’d done some book signings, I knew nothing about a book launch. She and I spoke several times. Thereafter I met with her for a half day for a strategy

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session, of sorts. (Her name was Diana Needham, of Needham Business Consulting in Raleigh-Durham NC). - Because my book was for women, exuded positivism, and was pointedly about moving forward with one’s Lights On!, she felt that there was a niche for this book and encouraged me forward to find it. I did. Because my book was clearly about empowering women, the YWCA was a wonderful organization with which to share the proceeds from the book launch sale and to be an impetus for more people to want to participate. - In the next six months, I did a lot, lot, lot of work—engaging a lot of people to to help me, and to commit to helping me in this endeavor. I learned about how to launch a book that was totally unknown; to an audience that was un- defined; needing to have endorsers, partners, affiliations, and support; without much $, and without much of a following. My Constant Contact business email list at that time numbered about 350 people. I did not have much of a Linked-in presence. I did not have a website specific to this book, nor a book FaceBook page. I had no idea of what I was doing. - But slowly, I saw how the puzzle pieces came together, and the “why” of needing to have this sort of “all-encompassing launch”…..I didn’t have the resources to do it on my own. And if I wanted to achieve “Amazon best-seller status, I had to find the means of connecting with enough people to all purchase my book on the same day. I needed to have many people affirm that they would recommend it to their peeps….and ask them to purchase it….all on the same day! It was that interval of time that was so crucial. And to get there required massive communication efforts. - So I did what was required of me. I found the partners, sought the endorsements, did the bidding, created the necessary platforms and on December 6th, 2012, Lights On! achieved Amazon Best-seller status at 1:00 pm. By midnight it had climbed to #13 and I was so pleased. It stayed in best-seller territory for over 9 days.

- It was a big, big effort. And I was tremendously happy! - Today you can go to Amazon to see this “best-seller” label, or my Lights On

Book F/B page and my Lights On Book website….what a tremendous experience that turned out to be.

- DK: If I remember correctly, Claire, after your second book, “Can You See Them Now? Elephants in our Midst” was loaded on to Amazon, it very quickly became an Amazon best-seller…..but you did not go through that type of an encompassing book launch. Is that right? CK: - That’s correct, Donna. And that is a most important point to make. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to pursuing Amazon best-seller status. It is totally book-dependent. By that I mean, the questions of who is it written

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for? and where is that market?....and to what are they searching answers are three hugely important questions to have answers…..no matter where you are in the process! (These same questions are the questions a would-be author, or a person who is in the process of writing a book, would want to be fully versed…..For Whom is it written? Where is that market of readers? And What answers are they seeking or what problems can you solve for them?) - For my second book, “Can You See Them Now? Elephants in our Midst”, the book was specifically written for Human Resource Managers and Supervisors in the business world. So recognizing that, I targeted ,over the course of one weekend, four different Linked-in discussion groups and joined in those discussions, as an expert in the field---which I am, around the topic of “toxic workplaces and how to deal with them.” The Linked-in groups were groups of HR managers, Training Managers, Women business owners and Supervisory networks. In each one, I joined in the discussion and referenced the new book----as different from posting a promotion about the new book. It was those focused discussion boards, with the right audience, and speaking from the expertise element, and providing suggested answers to the specific dilemmas under consideration that raised the status of this new book. At times I actually quoted from the book to supplement my input into the discussions. - I should point out that these are all large groups, three with 40,000 or more members. So do the math: if just 1% of those able to see the discussion board -- were intrigued enough to follow the link to Amazon to purchase the book -- that’s a good size number. DK: So that is what happened! A targeted audience with the specific desire to seek out an answer, that you as an expert, were able to provide! And Voila… a book sale….many book sales! And collectively, it was enough to put your new book into Amazon best-seller territory. CK: And even more than that, Donna. Continuing to use Social Media, the Linked-in discussion boards, Facebook promotions, and targeted Announcements, this Elephant book of mine actually held best—seller status for over 2-1/2 months. That is a tremendous response. I continue to watch it’s ranking and I notice that when I’ve had the opportunity to do a large speaking engagement, or do an impactful radio show, that this book can easily pop back up into best-seller territory. It is sensitive to promotions when the audience is right! And that is an essential learning for your listening audience. DK:

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- I’d like to take this time to also share with our listeners that you and your husband both utilized “Done 4 You Publishing! “ in order to bring your books into the world in the appealing way that you wanted.

CK: - Yes, that is correct. We felt that we wanted to have our books, look good, feel good, and be presented to the world in good ways. We were not disappointed….in fact, we continue to get compliments on their quality and appeal. (Thank you, Donna and Team for that professionalism.) DK:

- After your books became best-sellers you then embarked on the marketing maneuver to try and take your husband’s books to best-seller status too. And you succeeded. I was happily surprised to see the newspaper clipping that you had shared, Claire, of you and your husband (Dick Knowles) having a household with four best-sellers! “Wedded Wordsmiths write best sellers!”….was the newspaper headline! How neat is that!

- Can you share how that came about? CK:

- Certainly, Donna. And I must emphasize that each of these two books became Amazon best-sellers using different approaches than the two ways I described earlier. For Dick’s business book, written especially for business people who work in the field of industrial safety and who are responsible for workplace safety and the leadership of safety, I utilized a targeted approach. We marketed this book, not as a focused one or two day event, but over the course of a week which included Dick speaking several times at a regional ASSE Safety conference with handouts on the importance of this new book to changing safety culture to better safety results and fewer injuries, as well as conference program advertising—which we’d invested in, and follow-up emails to attendees promoting the book. The amount of repeated “touch” was sufficient to put this book, which was categorized in an obscure leadership category, into best-seller category. Again, it was highly focused to a targeted group seeking specific answers. But rather than using Linked-in or Social Media, we utilized a focused conference of a targeted audience, specific presentations, hand-outs, follow-up emails and advertising---touching the select audience several times, within a short week’s timeframe.

DK: - I love the “tips” you are sharing with us, Claire. (PLUG: I’m so pleased that you’ve prepared your “Tips for Taking Your Book to the Top” as a surprise bonus (?) for our Listeners tonight too.) Your willingness to “just move forward and make things happen”…..different ways…..with each book…..is tremendously inspiring! I can’t wait to hear how you managed the 4th book to Amazon best-seller status. In fact, isn’t it this next book that you actually

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took to being not just an Amazon best-seller, but to be an Amazon #1 best seller? CK:

- Yes, Donna, that’s correct. My husband’s book, that I’ll describe for you now, was actually 11 years old. It was called “The Leadership Dance” and had been copyrighted in 2002. It was the type of book that was text-book-like….a book ahead of its time….a book that had appeal to a specific group of intellectually-minded people interested in the scientific field of chaos and complexity, yet who had an interest in the business interface of applying complexity to business organizations. It was considered in those circles as an “introductory classic.” I knew that this book had appeal and that it should be in many business libraries in their section for learning about complexity theory as it applies to leadership. It is a growing field of study.

- I wanted to honor my husband for his 78th birthday; so I began an earnest email campaign; and over the course of about a month I contacted many, many individuals, (over 100) people who knew my husband in the professional sense, plus several networks that promote leadership and complexity, and in sum, I reached out to a targeted group of like-minded people. I then did what every good marketer does….. I ASKED them each to buy a book on Dick’s specific birthday and to honor him in that way. (Again….a targeted approach to a specific day to purchase the book on Amazon; and I provided them with the link). I further asked that if, when they purchased the book, that if they did not want to keep it, if they would instead, donate the book to their local library for the business/complexity leadership sections and thus further the knowledge development of this field of study. Or, to even buy a second book to contribute to this important and emerging field of business study.

- So, I created a larger-than-life reason to buy this book. I followed up as the special day got closer. And yes, the book sold. What a tremendous birthday gift that was….to have an 11-year old book become an Amazon #1 best seller on one’s 78th birthday and to have left a legacy at the same time. I couldn’t have been more pleased.

DK: - Wow, what lessons there are in that story: Being willing to ASK; honing in on the specific audience; appealing to a higher motive; providing a means to honor your husband”….and you forged forward….expecting good results. And people rallied to be part of it. Wonderful! CK: And writing the follow-up thank-you’s was a very pleasant undertaking that both Dick and I enjoyed. Part IV: DK:

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- So you and your husband were both engaged in Write A Book in a Weekend as well as Done 4 You Publishing. And after that, you went on to market your books such that you can now claim “Amazon Best-seller Status!”

CK: - Yes! Our journey started with you Donna, and continued forward with You and Your Team! I can remember, at the time of signing up for Write A Book in a Weekend of whether or not I’d really have a book, or we’d have books, by the end of the weekend. What we found was that we absolutely needed the impetus that this WABinWkEnd opportunity afforded us….to focus….and make it happen. In hindsight, it was a pivotal point in our becoming authors! (Notwithstanding the hospital stay!) I urge anyone in your listenting audience to really pay attention to the WriteABookin-a-Wkend call to action….it is a superb way to get your thinking aligned and your book underway! Then, utilizing Done 4 You Publishing, was the best way for us to truly manifest our books, quickly, yet with quality and appeal. We were tremendously happy with the appeal factor of our books. We continue to get compliments on them. - Fast-forward, now that we are Amazon best-selling authors, we have something that is very, very important. And that is “Differentiation”. For example….Being able to claim “Amazon best-seller status” or being able to market my book, or market my speaking engagements, or my consulting and claim” two-time best-selling author is a “Sit up and take notice”-type of thing.

- Having Speaker Sheets that I can disseminate to organizations or networks or businesses I’m targeting that show “that I’m an Amazon-best-selling author” is a real thrill. It sets me apart. And I think that is hugely important in this competitive world.

- For me, it is NOT about the book, though. This is about lifting myself up …to new thresholds…new opportunities….new capacities….to become who I am ultimately still supposed to be….even at age 66….I know that there’s more to do. And the book, and Amazon best-seller status, are a means to lift me up across the edge of that next step. That’s how I see it!

DK: - That’s what I like about you, Claire, and that I want my listeners to notice. The personal and professional strengths that you brought to not only writing your books, manifesting them, but then taking them to Amazon Best-Seller Status need to be highlighted: Strengths like, determination, persistence, being able to see the longer-range picture, patience, fortitude, and stick-to- itiveness. Being able to do this without bowing to health concerns, without regard to age, but rather to believe that tomorrow is another huge opportunity day…. One you are ready to seize. I love that!

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- I agree. To go back to my growing up days, my Dad always called me a good “plodder”…..I just keep plodding along….Working it through and then On to the next thing…and I’m a happy plodder! And a persistent one. I think that persistence….not giving up…..is a strong trait of mine ….and a good quality to have as an author….when seeking to move forward with one’s book. I think that having the “courage to believe in yourself” is important to the outcome as well. I hold high expectations that things will turn out….and then they usually do!

- I also encourage your audience to pay attention to their inner instincts. To be able to listen to one’s inner teacher….(which is the basis of the word, “intuition”)….to pay attention to what is it that they need to put on paper and then with a dose of “inner will” to make it happen!


- Having a complete strategy is a key piece, I would expect, of moving to Best-seller status. And I ‘m sure there is process to follow as well. Just like there is an overall flow and sequencing to our WABinWkEnd and Done4YouPublishing .

- Strategically, you would be holding high expectations too; and probably needing to be a good plodder….to follow the strategy!

CK: - Even if your book is not yet a book….rather, still a plan in your head, or if it is starting to be written—but not yet finished, please note that there is a benefit to having the “big picture” knowledge about the eventual steps to move it forward to best-seller status…it becomes a lot more doable…..if you’ve thought it through at the front end…..things can go so much more smoothly for you!

- Every book is different, as far as the strategy that needs to be employed to raise the awareness of the book’s availability and to entice the right audience to want to purchase it. The first part of the strategy is to recognize that “One Size Does NOT fit all. I wish I could say that there is a magical formula to success, but that is not so.

- As I’ve shared earlier, the methods chosen to promote your book may be very different than those I have used for mine, and that is because each book is different…different subjects…different audience….different messages so each will appeal to a different target audience and in different ways. That’s why a front-end strategy session to really figure that out is first and foremost. For example, Donna, here are some strategy questions I’d be asking:

- What type of book is it? - Is there a targeted, specific, ideal audience? - What specific problem does your book answer? For whom?

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- How well known are you? - Does your book have a theme that is shared/appreciated by a special group,

organization or agency? - Do you have any partners that you can rely upon to help you? - Do you have support of your family? - Are you able to budget commensurately with the required effort? - Will you need a coach or an accountability partner to stay on track? - Are you willing to purchase some books yourself? How much skin are you

willing to put in the game? - How much time/effort can you devote to the effort? - Do you yet have, and what are your platforms like? Website presence;

Linked-in, F/B, E-zine lists? In sum, a strategy session helps you figure out various approaches…from full launches, to social media endeavors, to focused audiences, to specific maneuvers into connecting with your intended audience of potential buyers. DK: - All of this information has been so very helpful….I’ve learned a lot being the host for this teleseminar tonight. I understand what you mean by the “strategy you choose is highly book-dependent!” CK:

- I often share this piece of advice, Donna: Treat this best-seller journey as a Project Manager would…complete with timelines, necessary action-steps, milestones, course corrections, target completions.

- Your Project can be in Phases. Phase 1 is to Write Your Book….Phase 2 is to Publish Your Book and Phase 3 is to take your book as high up into the right market rankings as you can. And on your “special book-to-the-top-day” be sure to be prepared to stay up late, continually capturing Amazon sales status. Celebration comes when your book enters a bestseller status for your category and you rise above #50 and stay there or rise even higher for as long as you can hold it there!

- Though it sounds like a lot…..it is. And I will underscore for you that IT IS A WORTHWHILE JOURNEY!

DK: - Claire has a special (bonus, downloadable gift for you. “Tips to Take Your Book to the Top…the Route to Amazon’s Best-Seller Status.” I urge all of our listeners to take advantage of this free gift. Claire’s contact information is included (in it) as well. - But just for the record, Claire, and with my true appreciation for being my guest in this teleseminar, please share how people can reach you.

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CK: _ Through my website ClaireEKnowles.com or by email at [email protected] DK: So here is how you can download the free gift from Claire, called “Tips to Take Your Book to the Top!” You’re going to love these tips…the route to Amazon’s Best-Seller Status. (Thank you, Claire for creating this just for this Tele-seminar’s participants.). (How to)______________________________________________________________________________________ CK: Yes the “Tips to Take Your Book to the Top” is a multi-page E-packet that helps you get clear on your path to best-seller differentiation….tips like having the right mindset, believing in yourself, Various pathways open to you, important strategies and platforms and methods to consider. It is my “thank you” for participating in this teleseminar! DK: Thank you again, Claire! - But wait! There’s more! I’ve asked Claire to do something else for you and I think that if you’re that person who is just about ready to go with taking your book further, OR if you’re that person that wants to know what it will take---even if you’re not there yet, then please listen to this! Claire has created her “To the Top Success Booster” which is a two-part program. And a high-value offer for just $97! If you’ve ever thought about What You Need to Know Next? How Can I Get On the Clear Path to Best-Seller Status with my own Book…then this is something to especially take notice of…. Claire’s 2-part program includes a personalized 30 minute Readiness/Evaluation Phone-Strategy-Session (with Claire) PLUS and in-depth, leading-edge, downloadable, “Smart-Guide to the Top…with the Questions that Matter!” If you’re wondering if you are ready to move forward with your book and let the world benefit by your knowledge-gifts… If you want to contribute your knowledge into the world on a larger scale..and have the benefit of best-seller differentiation…. If you are serious about having a workable, doable strategy to move your work forward and you are ready to begin but you are not quite sure how….or if you want to see what’s possible and to lay out the next steps….then this $97 To the Top Success Booster…A Readiness/Evaluation Strategy Session with Claire Knowles along with receiving the “Smart Guide to the Top…with the Questions that Matter”….is yours to go after…..! CK: Yes, if you want to have clarity on the process, coherence on how all the pieces seem to fit together, and have your specific questions answered for your next

Page 14: “Amazing Amazon: How Everyday Authors Are Easily Rising to ...writewithdonna.com/amazon/AmazingAmazonTranscript.pdf- After having presented a Leadership session at Eckerd College


steps…then this is the most affordable package…It is your “To the Top Success Booster!” DK: _So first, a reminder…..you do get then “free gift download from Claire” just for being part of this tele-seminar today. That is the “Tips to Take You Book to the Top!” (by downloading at www.MeetWithClaire.com) Yet….if you’re hot to trot and ready to really move forward and want to understand how ready you really are…then this next offer by Claire….a high value for just $97 is so worth your signing up for….You’ll get both a 30 minute phone Readiness/Evaluation Strategy Session with Claire plus the “Smart-Guide to the Top…with Questions that Matter!” Claire’s only request is that you have filled out the Smart-Guide as much as you can before your Strategy Session is held…that way, you’ll get the very best personalized wisdom! Wow! Your own….Smart-Guide to Best-seller status and 30 minutes on the phone with Claire. How neat is that? How do You sign up for this special offer? Go to www.MeetWithClaire.com DK: So, let’s see…..

- We’ve got….1, your free bonus gift to download just for being on this program!

- We’ve got….2, Claire’s $97 value-offer to really get fired up! By signing up for this $97 dual offer…..the personal readiness/evaluation strategy session with Claire (by phone) plus your own “Smart Guide to Best Seller Status”…with the questions that matter”, you will really get a To the Top Success Booster! And you can sign up for this $97 offer by…