“Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter” Mar 2005

“Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

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Page 1: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 1

“Everyone’s Sunrider


Mar 2005

Page 2: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 2

Addiction is an unhealthy relationship between a person and a mind-altering substance or experi-ence that renders that person unable to quit. Alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking are col-lectively known as chemical dependencies. Proc-ess or activity addictions like gambling, over-working, eating disorders, and sexual excesses are considered clean or non-chemical dependen-cies.

Addiction is a disease of the extreme. If one's in-terest in a particular substance, activity, or per-son is pursued moderately and integrated into real life, it may not be a problem. The problem is in becoming preoccupied to the point that we are using the substance, relationship, or activity to avoid intolerable reality or to sidestep the chal-lenges and responsibilities of everyday life.

One of the first indicators of addiction is the impulse to ig-nore the problem and hope it will go away. Another typical indicator is the creation of logi-cal explanations--rationalizations--to explain one's behavior. We use such defensive maneuvers to avoid facing the reality of the situa-tion.

Other key indicators of addic-tion are preoccupation with the activity and a driven ness to engage in it. Addicts are often se-cretive about their activity and deceptive when discovered. By contrast, moderation and integra-tion into real life mark a behavior as healthy. As previously noted, the tendency to make a single substance, person, or process one's sole source of meaning, identity, and value is a sign of un-healthy dependence.

Isolation and unreality typify addiction. The nar-rower one's focus and the more removed from real life and real relationships one's behavior, the greater the likelihood that he or she is devel-oping an addictive disorder. This is especially true for non-chemical dependencies like compul-sive worrying, caretaking or control,

workaholics, cyberspace addictions, etc.

In practical terms, addiction is any activity peo-ple make highest priority in their life when they do so to their own detriment or the detriment of the people closest to them and when they con-tinue to do so in the face of adverse conse-quences, like the loss of family, job, freedom, or health.

People graduate from healthy to addictive behav-ior when they begin to neglect important social, occupational, or relational responsibilities. Their behavior becomes increasingly unmanageable. They make futile attempts to regain control--cutting up credit cards (which is not necessarily a bad idea) in order to curtail excessive spending or not drinking before dinner to avoid alcohol-ism. Such attempts to control generally fail. Eventually, everything yields to the obsession. All activities are scheduled around it. Addicts cannot predict how much they will consume or how long they will "use" once they've taken the first dose of whatever they're hooked on. They're powerless to stop even though they know they're hurting themselves. Research indicates that the

inability to quit is a by-product of changes in the brain brought on by the use of the drug itself.

Why risk addiction?

Why would anyone want to risk getting addicted in the first place? The answer is simple: drinking, drugging, shoplifting, having love affairs, and other mind-altering experiences are rewarding, relaxing, stress-

relieving. They make people feel good. The chemical activity in the brains of people who are in the first flush of romance or entrepreneurs who are making swift business deals is essen-tially the same as if they were high on cocaine or heroin.

Once people begin a mind-altering activity, they can easily become addicted. Their life becomes increasingly unmanageable. In the early stages of addiction, most users have an uncanny ability to justify what they're doing and to blame others for their actions, which greatly confuses the is-sue. They rationalize and minimize the negative impact of their behavior.

How To Recognize An Addiction

Page 3: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 3

Food addiction is a disease characterized by ob-session with weight and body image.

Food addiction is similar to drug and alcohol ad-diction. Very often for a food addict, refined sugar, flour and fats become what alcohol is to the alcoholic, or cocaine to the cocaine addict.

When eating food in this group, the addict sets the phenomenon of "craving" into motion. Like the drug addict, the food addict experiences withdrawal when attempting to cut down on foods that trigger cravings. They can experience both physical and emotional withdrawal such as tremors, cramps, depression, teary periods and self-hatred which leads to self abuse.

Binge Eating Disorder (compulsive overeating)

Binge eaters are part of the eating disorders con-tinuum. They are unable to control their food intake and repeatedly attempt to lose weight by dieting. While there may be some initial success at weight loss, the weight is ultimately gained back, plus additional pounds. Fluctuations in weight and medical complications, such charac-teristics of this disease.

Individuals with binge eating disorders often find that their eating or weight interferes with their relationship, their work and their self-esteem. Due to the repeated failures to control

their food intake, they may be also give up all dieting efforts, thus becoming depressed and anxious.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is a potentially devastating dis-ease which is characterized by periods of binge eating followed by attempts to prevent weight gain through purging behaviors.

If addictions do reappear in the form of food ob-sessions and cravings, you're probably indulging

too much in the foods that got you into trouble to begin with. The vicious cycle of hyperinsu-linism and resultant low blood-sugar levels—combined with the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation. When you go back to bread, fruit or fermented foods, you may suddenly discover that you must have these foods, that no day or meal feels right without them. Observe yourself care-fully. You are engaged in a real

battle for self-control as your defenses crumble. You'll notice that the need that develops is genu-inely physical. It isn't simply that you know pasta tastes good, and you'd like to have it. No, your body absolutely roars with anxiety and passion for that pasta. You are under its spell. When this happens, you'll know. Such addictions aren't shameful; they're physical, biochemical, metabolic—and that's precisely why you must avoid them. Most of you already know that for a significant portion of your life, excessive quantities of carbohydrates have been stronger than you.

What Is Food Addictions?

Page 4: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 4

Prenatal exposure to nicotine appears to inflict last-ing damage that may leave the brain vulnerable to further injury and addiction upon later use of the drug, according to animal research conducted by Duke University Medical Center pharmacologists. The researchers found in rat studies that exposure to nicotine in fetal development alters the brain struc-tures and brain cell activity in regions critical to learning, memory and reward.

In turn, those changes influence nicotine's effects on the brain dur-ing adolescence, a time when many smokers first take up the habit, the team found. The study in rats might provide a biological explanation for the high incidence of smoking among teens whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, the re-searchers said.

"Teens whose mothers smoked dur-ing pregnancy can show signs of nicotine dependence and with-drawal after just a handful of ciga-rettes," said Theodore Slotkin, professor of pharma-cology, psychiatry and neurobiology at Duke. "Our study suggests a biological mechanism to explain that."

Two papers describing the findings will appear in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

While maternal smoking rates have dropped in re-cent years, approximately 25 percent of individuals in the U.S. have mothers who smoked during preg-nancy, Slotkin said. Epidemiological studies by other researchers have shown that such maternal smoking leaves children prone to smoke as adolescents, re-gardless of whether the parental smoking continues during childhood.

"The best of these studies rule out socioeconomic and other factors and point toward something spe-cial about exposure to nicotine during the prenatal period," Slotkin said.

In search of a biological explanation for the pat-tern, the Duke team administered nicotine or pla-

cebo to pregnant rats. The offspring then received a secondary exposure to the drug or placebo during adolescence via implanted osmotic minipumps de-signed to produce blood nicotine concentrations typi-cal of smokers.

The rats exposed to nicotine before birth suffered loss of brain cells and a decline in brain activity that persisted throughout adolescence and into adulthood, the team found.

When given doses of nicotine for a two-week period as adolescents, the earlier exposed rats showed a weaker brain response in circuits using acetylcholine - a natural chemical messenger that plays a critical role in learning and memory - as compared to rats that did not experience the prenatal exposure. Nicotine's activity in the brain stems from its ability to mimic acetylcho-line. The earlier exposure also wors-ened the decline in brain activity during nicotine withdrawal and led to an increase in the amount of brain

cell injury induced by the drug, they reported.

"The current study suggests that the lasting neuro-toxic effects of prenatal exposure to nicotine from maternal smoking during pregnancy may worsen the long-term consequences of adolescent smoking - ef-fects that may increase the likelihood that an individ-ual will take up and keep smoking," Slotkin said.

Specifically, the team explained, the reduced re-sponse of acetylcholine systems in the adolescent brain following prenatal exposure might lead teens to self-administer nicotine in an attempt to replace the brain's functional loss. Furthermore, that deficient brain response might drive higher cigarette consump-tion.

Exposure To Nicotine In Womb May Set Stage For

Later Addictions

Page 5: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 5

Calli & Fortune Delight

Calli is a very powerful deep tissue cleanser. Its ingredients were used in ancient China for their ability to produce mental clarity. When an ordinary herb or tea bag is produced, the plant is just ground up and put into a capsule or tea bag,

which is why you have to steep an ordinary tea bag for so long. Calli may be in tea bag form, but is isn’t anything like ordinary tea! CALLI – Follow the concentration process, the nutri-ent complex powder for each Sunrider formula is put into capsules or packets. In the case of Calli, this powder is sprayed, or bonded, onto “carrier leaves.” The instant these leaves hit the water, the powder begins to disperse. Many ingredients in Calli have been histori-cally used to:

• Dissolve arthritic deposits, break down plaque in hardened arteries

• Leach out heavy metals, break up cysts, neutralize free radicals

• Helps remove parasites, improve liver function, aid in fat metabo-lism,

• Increase energy, strengthen diges-tion, and improve nervous system function.

• It’s main ingredient, Camellia sinensis, contains polyphenols, which research shows to function as antioxidants to help reduce the risks of some cancers. Other re-search suggests that polyphenols can help reduce harmful choles-terols.

Begin by steeping one tea bag in a quart of boiled water for five minutes. Then start with one or two cups per day after mealtime. Use only during the day at first. Once you have developed a feel for using this tea, experiment with concentration and amount. Do not put it in the microwave or use alu-

minum. People with large amounts of stored drug or toxic deposits, or the severely ill should begin using Calli in very dilute amounts. It can cause cleansing re-actions in some people. Calli comes in several deli-cious flavors: Regular, Mint and Cinnamon. Calli Night helps you relax at night so you can sleep bet-ter. Fortune Delight Fortune Delight cleanses the digestive and urinary tract. It nourishes the body and increases energy and stamina. Not a diuretic or laxative. Many no-tice a lift in energy when drinking this beverage. Increase the concentration of the tea and the amount you use as your system adjusts to it. Tastes

great cold or hot. Mix 1 bag to one glass or up to 1 quart of water, stir and you can add Sunectar or Sunny-Dew Drops for balancing your blood sugar and for a sweet taste. Fortune Delight is useful as an aid to weight loss, as it is a fat cleanser.

FORTUNE DELIGHT – Dr. Chen tells us that the vegetables in Fortune Delight are a good source of chlorophyll. In addition to its many nourishing bene-fits, Fortune Delight is rich in electrolytes (which is great for athletes) and it also may help the body cleanse toxic build-up of any calcified inorganic min-eral deposits.

Both Calli & Fortune Delight formulas are green tea based and have high amounts of catechins, powerful antioxidants to protect the body from free radicals!

Replace your Coffee, Tea and Sodas with Calli and Fortune Delight! And Drink LOTS!

Guide to Nutritional Health With Sunrider


Page 6: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 6

Assimilaid • Part of the QUINARY which nour-

ishes the Digestive systems • Nourishes functions associated

with the digestion and assimilation of food

• Gives relief from pain, cramping, vomiting, nausea, gas, indigestion, gastric ulcers, gastritis, colic and stomach disten-tion

• Improves the body's ability to extract maximum nutritional benefits from food

• Improves sleep • Gives stronger liver function • Improves appetite • Gives better complexion

Beauty Pearl • Helps with mood swings • Moderates and stabilizes

natural processes of the hormone system for both men and women

• Helps PMS symptoms and hot flashes

• Helps men feel more centered and able to deal with anger

• Helps control acne and other hormone-related skin conditions

• Contains Korean Ginseng which nourishes the muscles, and benefits the nervous systems

• Contains Royal Jelly which nourishes the skin • Contains amino acids or protein, pantothenic acid,

B Vitamins and other minerals • Contains Chrysanthemum Flower Extract which

is known for its anti-infection, anti-inflammatory and cell nourishing properties.

• Beneficial for cell nourishment and assimilation of other vitamins and minerals. Enables the body to assimilate and ingest all-important calcium more efficiently

• Improves skin texture and skin conditions

ESE ESE - A supplement that provides "food for thought", a unique blend of herbal concen-trates complementing the body's ability to maintain focus and clarity. A grouping of whole foods which are regen-

erative and specific to strengthening the function of the body's central nervous system. The body's ability to concentrate and focus on the task at hand, whether that be study, competition, or sleep, is strengthened. There are no chemical-type side effects such as drowsiness or hyperactivity. ESE is a food to calm and allow full mental capacity to focus clearly. Drug and alcohol withdrawal can be minimized. (For when your thoughts are scattered...start one sentence and can't finish...helps bring thoughts together!)

• Helps us to be at “ease” or cope with stress • Nourishes the central nervous system • Helpful to feed the neuro-transmitters in the

brain, helping our thought messages to get to where they are meant to go

• Very good for hyperactive children or nervous adults or someone with a stressful lifestyle

• Good for students studying for exams • Called a brain food • Helps to have a more restful sleep, especially

when taken with Calli Night tea • Helps with mental clarity and seems to improve

our mental powers to focus and concentrate • May help some older people who seem confused

and forgetful • Good food for thought processes

Prime Again • Part of the QUINARY which nour-

ishes the endocrine system • Nourishes functions associated with

activity and performance, including activities of communication integra-tion associated with the endocrine and nervous system

• Relief of allergies, including hay fever • Stronger muscles • Improved nervous system response • Greater ability to handle stress • Reduction of wrinkles • Relief of premenstrual syndrome • Improved drive and energy • Improved emotional stability

Page 7: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 7

TOP Contains herbs which nourish the body so it can better maintain mental and emotional balance. This food helps the body balance the brain chemistry which can help the body to reduce dis-comfort. This formula can strengthen the body from the shoulders up. • Relief of drug withdrawal symp-

toms and can help relieve migraine headaches.

• Helps nourish endorphins in the brain. Thought processes.

(For when someone is uptight.. intolerant and "set" in their thinking; rigid)

• Nourishes the central nervous system • Nourishes the brain, more specifically the lower

lobe of the brain called the Occipital. This part of the brain has the ability to produce endorphins which is a natural pain killing hormone

• Is a natural pain reliever; helps deal with pain. Won’t take away severe pain, but helps you deal with the pain.

Electrosport • Helps replenish fluids,

electrolytes and minerals lost during strenuous activity

• Effective mineral source • Provides defense against free radicals • Contains a synergistic combination of easily as-

similated minerals including calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, chromium and selenium

• Most popular forms of mineral supplements to-day are indigestible by the human body. With Electrosport, Sunrider has developed a concen-trated, stable and highly assimilable liquid min-eral supplement

• Is an electrolyte refresher • Helps fight free radicals in the body that damage

cells and organs. A recent issue in Time Maga-zine stated: “Free radicals are cellular renegades. They wreak havoc by damaging DNA, altering biochemical compounds, corroding cell mem-branes and killing cells outright. Such molecular mayhem, scientists increasingly believe, plays a

major role in the development of many ailments. Many researchers are convinced that the cumula-tive effects of free radicals also underlie the grad-ual deterioration that is the hallmark of aging in all individuals, healthy as well as sick.”

• An excellent source of easily assimilated antioxi-dants (which work by preventing free radicals from oxidizing or damaging healthy cells and tissues). Research has concluded that antioxidants can effectively neutralize free radicals

NUPLUS One of the finest products we have available to us is NUPLUS. NUPLUS is an incredible food composed of twenty-three plant sources that give incredible energy because of the “SYNERGISTIC” balance of the nutrients within those combinations of whole food sources. The re-sponse in the body to NUPLUS is due to the energy in each individual plant and the formulas Mr. Chen has used to combine those individual plants. From the standpoint of nutrition, we have herbal plant sources highly nourishing, combined in a formula completely complementary of each other; therefore we receive complete total nutrition. NUTRITION IS ENERGY, energy gives us peak levels of stamina, vitality and longevity. Because it is so highly nour-ishing, easy to absorb and digest, NUPLUS provides nutrients to help feed all the body systems at the same time. NUPLUS is as close as we will ever come to what can be called “THE PERFECT FOOD”. Your body is a major manufacturing plant, to run this plant you need a constant source of “Raw Materials” or nutrition. To produce a quality product, you need QUALITY, not QUANTITY, and that is exactly what NUPLUS provides – concentrated QUALITY nutri-tion. When you consider nutrition you need to realize how important vitamins and minerals are. When we take vitamins, we think of taking pills and so forth, so we use isolated chemicals that the health food indus-try has come up with. These work for a short time just as any chemical substitute under therapeutic value would where you are treating only the symptoms or conditions. But quite simply, you want to get your vitamins from whole foods and concentrated whole food sources, vitamins and minerals in their natural state, synergistically balanced to function to the maxi-mum potential in the body. Whole vitamins and min-erals cannot be manufactured. We need to eat the

Page 8: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 8

proper whole foods to receive these in the appropriate form to be fully assimilated by the body. You must keep in mind that supplements, which are available in tablets, capsules, liquids and so forth, are not food substances. Even though they may be de-rived, isolated or synthesized from living plants, they are not complete. When you put an isolated vitamin or mineral in your body, your body needs to reorgan-ize it and that takes energy and other nutrients to do that. You are actually wasting valuable nutrients that could be doing what they should to feed your body by using them to break down vitamins and minerals that will only be partially useable. It just makes good common sense to get your vitamins and minerals form whole food sources. Bottom line: You will find that NUPLUS is a very valuable product to your overall state of health and regeneration, so it should be part of your daily diet.


• A general feeling of well being • Quick recovery from illness • Better assimilation of nutrients • High energy levels • Reduced cravings for unwhole-

some foods • Improved ability to overcome

addiction • Reduced cholesterol

• Reduced blood pressure Action Caps Designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic processes, Ac-tion Caps help you burn calories more efficiently. Based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, Ac-tion Caps work with the body’s systems to process food.

Quinary In Keeping with the Chinese tra-dition and the philosophy of Regeneration, daily maintenance of the body with proper nutrition is key to preventing physical malfunction. Dr. Chen created Quinary as a convi-ent way to keep the body’s five major systems in balance. People who have been addicts or alco-holics for a period of time usually have developed severe glandular weakness and nutritional deficiencies. It takes at least several months to re-generate their glands and build up their nutritional reserves. During this time, strong nutritional and metabolic support is needed!! These formulas mentioned in this newsletter are excellent sources to help you to regain your health and help you to fill the void of poor nutri-tion.

While you are on the road to re-covery from addiction, please add these foods to your everyday rou-tine. Your journey may feel long, but, it will be the best journey you will take for yourself and your loved ones. Good Health to you!!

Page 9: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 9

“Let’s Talk Business!

Start Your own business! It is your Open door to



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• Building purchase or lease

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• Subway $ 87,000 to $220,000

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• Sign A Rama $135,000 to $140,000

• UPS Store $145,000 to $250,000

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One Million Dollars



Or. . . . . Your own Sunrider Business!

Register With Sunrider as an Distributor: And Purchase Starter Pack $140 Purchase Business aids: $50 Catalogs $20 Business Cards $75 CD Business Cards from Bob Goshen $109 Training on how to use all of the above $ Free

Start. .

You make the choice!

Less Than $500 for your own Sunrider business!

Page 10: “Everyone’s Sunrider Newsletter”formerfatguy.com/pdfs/Indepth-14-Addictions.pdf · the possibility of specific food allergies or intolerances—can create an addictive situation

Prepared by an Independent Sunrider Distributor. It is not the author’s intent to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 10

“It’s Going to Be A Wonderful Sunrider Day!”

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