65 Sacred Heart Lane Reisterstown, MD 21136 Mailing address: P.O. Box 3672 Glyndon, MD 21071-3672 410-833-1696 www.shgparish.org [email protected] May 9, 2021 Sixth Sunday of Easter Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday at 4:00 PM 7:00 PM español Sunday at 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 4:00 PM español Weekday Masses Monday Friday at 9:00 AM Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM Saturday at 8:00 AM Martes a las 7:00 de la noche en español CELEBRATING CHRIST SINCE 1873 “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.”

“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

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Page 1: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

65 Sacred Heart Lane ♦ Reisterstown, MD 21136

Mailing address: P.O. Box 3672 ♦ Glyndon, MD 21071-3672



[email protected]

May 9, 2021 ♦ Sixth Sunday of Easter

Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses

Saturday at 4:00 PM • 7:00 PM español

Sunday at 7:30 AM • 9:30 AM • 11:30 AM

4:00 PM español

Weekday Masses

Monday — Friday at 9:00 AM

Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM

Saturday at 8:00 AM

Martes a las 7:00 de la noche en español


“This is my commandment:

love one another as I love you.”

Page 2: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

May 9, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

There is a well-known and wise saying: “If you want to see God laugh, tell Him your plans!” We so often think that we are in control. We plan, we save, we imagine our futures in 5 years — and we have to do these things. But so often we are short-sighted, and we don’t recognize our gifts or the people and the things right in front of our faces. This weekend, as Peter is preaching, the Holy Spirit comes down upon the Gentiles. Peter had not finished. Peter did not say the words of baptism or confirmation. He was preaching. He thought he was in control. But God took matters into His own hands and sent the Holy Spirit down upon this new group of Christians. Now all Peter had left to do was to baptize these people. It was backwards and certainly not the way he planned it, but God’s ways are different than our ways. There is no containing God’s love! Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to remain in that love, extending it to all we meet. It is not an invitation. It is not a recommendation. It is a command of Jesus. St. John furthers that belief in his letter when he says, “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God.” Notice that God does not discriminate with His love, and Jesus simply commands us to do it. What a great directive on a day when we celebrate mothers. They love unconditionally even when we are not loveable. In that, they imitate God. Happy Mother’s Day to all, and let us love one another.

Fr. Jerry Francik

All-Day Eucharistic Adoration

Our Archdiocese will soon begin celebrating the “Year of the Eucharist”. At Sacred Heart, we hope to spend this next year developing a deeper devotion as a parish to Christ through Eucharistic Adoration.

On Monday, June 7 — after we celebrate Corpus Christi — we will begin all-day Adoration on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 6:00 AM ‒ 8:00 PM. We need volunteers to make a commitment to attend Adoration in the Historic (Little) Church one hour per week. To sign up and

commit to a time period, you can use the SignUpGenius online at


or call the Parish Office at 410-833-1696 and ask for Aly Callahan.

If you are ever unable to be there for your scheduled time, please contact Aly Callahan, Pastoral Associate, at [email protected] or 410-833-1696 as soon as possible.

Sacred Heart of Glyndon Sixth Sunday of Easter


Rev. Gerard Francik


[email protected]

Rev. Brendan Fitzgerald

Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Hilario Avendaño Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry

Mr. James Nuzzo


Mrs. Aly Callahan Pastoral Associate for Administration & Office Mngr. [email protected]

Mrs. Peggy Dryden Pastoral Associate for Ministry Engagement

[email protected]

Mrs. Susan Spedden

Director of Pastorate Operations

[email protected]

Mr. Mike Frye

Dir. of Maintenance & Facilities

[email protected]

Mr. Kevin Callahan

Director of Music Ministry

[email protected]

Mrs. Katie Angerer

Music Ministry

[email protected]

Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ Coord. of Religious Education

[email protected]

Mrs. Michele Hunter Coordinator of RCIA & Adult Faith Formation

[email protected]

Ms. Susan Lea Coord. of Youth & Y.A. Ministry [email protected]

Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino


[email protected]

Mrs. Georgeann Gurkovich

Asst. Principal

[email protected]

Mrs. Lauren Noll

Asst. Middle School Principal

[email protected]

From the Pastor’s Desk

Life in the Spirit Healing Mass The Life in the Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group is sponsoring a Healing Mass on Wednesday, May 12 in the Little Church. Fr. Francis Ouma will be the celebrant. There will be anointing for those in need during Mass.

7:15 PM — Healing and keeping prayer and the Divine Mercy Chaplet

7:30 PM — Mass begins

(Please wear a mask and observe social distancing.) All are welcome! For more information, contact Shirlee Price at 410-484-4660 or [email protected].

Page 3: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

VI Domingo de Pascua — 9 de mayo de 2021 Sacramental

Bautizos: Se celebran cada segundo sábado del mes (excepto durante la cuaresma). Los padres y los padrinos requieren asistir a una clase de preparación que se realiza el tercer domingo de cada mes y los padrinos deben haber recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación cristiana (Bautizo, Con-firmación y Eucaristía). Favor llamar a la oficina para mayor información. Matrimonio: Las pare-jas que están planeando en casarse deben contactar el sacerdote o el diacono por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha planeada para este sacramento. Todas las parejas comprometidas deben de tomar el cursillo prematrimonial. Unción de los Enfermos: En caso de emergencia llamar a la oficina parroquial o a la rectoría. Por favor notificar a la oficina si sabe de alguien que se encuentre en el hospital y necesite de este sacramento. Sacramento de la Reconciliación: El sacramento de la confesión se celebra los sábados de 5:30 p.m. a 6:45 p.m.

Estimados feligreses,

Hay un dicho sabio y bien conocido: "¡Si quieres ver a Dios reír,

cuéntale tus planes!" A menudo pensamos que tenemos el control. Planeamos, ahorramos, imaginamos nuestro futuro en 5 años, y tenemos que hacer estas cosas. Pero muy a menudo somos miopes y no reconocemos nuestros dones o las personas y las cosas que tenemos frente a nosotros. Este fin de semana, mientras Pedro está predicando, el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre los gentiles. Peter no había terminado. Pedro no pronunció las palabras de bautismo o confirmación. El estaba predicando. Pensó que tenía el control. Pero Dios tomó el asunto en Sus propias manos y envió al Espíritu Santo sobre este nuevo grupo de cristianos. Ahora todo lo que le quedaba por hacer a Pedro era bautizar a estas personas. Fue al revés y ciertamente no de la forma en que lo planeó, pero los caminos de Dios son diferentes a los nuestros. ¡No hay forma de contener el amor de Dios!

El amor es lo que Jesús predica en el Evangelio. Nos dice que nos ama y luego nos pide que permanezcamos en ese amor, extendiéndolo a todos los que conocemos. No es una invitación. No es una recomendación. Es un mandato de Jesús. San Juan fomenta esa creencia en su carta cuando dice: "Amados, amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor es de Dios". Note que Dios no discrimina con Su amor, y Jesús simplemente nos manda que lo hagamos. Qué gran directiva en un día en que celebramos a las Madres. Aman incondicionalmente incluso cuando no somos amables. En eso, imitan a Dios. Feliz Día de la Madre a todos y amémonos unos a otros.

Padre Jerry Francik

Por Maria Llegamos a Jesús La obediencia y el respeto de Jesús, y cuando dice María su Madre a los sirvientes; ”Cualquier cosa que Él os diga, hacedla”. A pesar de lo que ha dicho Jesús, que es contrario a lo que le solicita, se retira María sin hablar ninguna otra palabra y su Hijo procede a cumplir el deseo de su Madre, dice san Cirilo. ”Se convirtió en una prueba de profunda deferencia que este Hijo divino tiene a los deseos de su Madre”. Y así fue, obedecieron los sirvientes al decirles Jesús; ”Llenad las tinajas de agua, y las llenaron hasta arriba y entonces les dijo: ahora sacad y llevad al maestresala, y le llevaron”…Y grata sorpresa; ”Cuando la probo el maestresala probó el agua convertida en vino, cuya procedencia ignoraba-aunque lo conocían los sirvientes que habían sacado el agua, llamó al novio y le dijo: Todo el mundo sirve primero el buen vino, y después, cuando han bebido bien, el menos bueno, pero tú has conservado el buen vino hasta este momento”… Tenemos una bella y excelsa Madre que ve siempre nuestras miserias, sufre por ellas más que nosotros, y tiene en sus manos la voluntad de su Hijo; por su intersección ante Él, ella atenderá nuestras penas y ruegos, porque es el Vaso de la preciosa Gracia por el que nos llevará a su Hijo Jesús.

del escritorio del pastor

Primera Eucaristía Los estudiantes de las clases de español de educación religiosa recibirán su Primera Eucaristía en las misas de español de las 4:00 pm el domingo 9 de mayo y el domingo 16 de mayo. Algunos de estos niños también serán bautizados. Si asiste normalmente a esta misa, tenga en cuenta que la asistencia será mayor de lo normal y los asientos pueden ser más limitados.

Page 4: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

May 9, 2021

We Welcome the Newly Baptized

Joshua Francisco Diaz Garrido, Justin Antonio Manchame Gonzalez, Odette Alaia Manchame Gonzalez, Ayobami David Oyedeji, Damilare Helen Oyedeji, Keysha Lisbeth Peralta Gonzalez

Pray for the Repose of the Souls of the Faithful Departed

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Eva Brown, Thomas Dougherty, Sandy Gamber, Elizabeth King, Joan Manno

Please Remember the Sick in Your Prayers

Jessica Acosta, Lucy Angerer, Todd Beaty, Mary Ellen and Mike Berry, Kelli Bollinger, Georgeanne Bond, Kathe Brown, Abby Renehan Cafiero, Robert Conrad, Patricia Davis, Maria Ekavhiare, Theresa Eyler, Devon Girouard, Joyce Guilfoy, Troy Heiner, Gerry Kleiman, James Laitta Sr., Loretta McCusker, Scott Moser, Elaine Ortiz, Doris Petrovich, Jeremy Puckett, Selina Savineli, Judy Schaefer, Mel Serio, Bud Shearer, Kim Foster Sherin, Ryan Shriver, George Stifler, Robert Townsend Jr.

.. Sacred Heart of Glyndon Sixth Sunday of Easter


Rev. James Proffitt

Parish Office Hours

Monday – Friday:

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 1:15 – 4:30 PM

Mailing Address: Sacred Heart Parish

P.O. Box 3672 Glyndon, MD 21071-3672

Phone Numbers

Parish Office / Rectory 410-833-1696

[email protected]

Hispanic Ministry 410-830-1862

Financial Office 410-833-4933

Sacred Heart School 410-833-0857

Religious Ed. Office 410-833-8515

Youth Ministry 410-833-7639

Convent 410-526-1327

Bulletin Deadline Announcements are due one week before the requested bulletin date. Send notices to [email protected].

Scripture Readings for

May 16: The Ascension

of the Lord

Acts 1:1-11 Ps 47:2-3, 6-9 Eph 1:17-23 Mk 16:15-20

Jesus commis-sions his disciples to baptize in his name, reminding them that he is always present through his Spirit (3). Having ascended to his Father amid cries of gladness (Ps), we are to be his witnesses (1) for we have been gifted with his Spirit of wisdom and revelation (2a). Let us, therefore, live in a manner worthy of the call we have received (2bc).

Mass Schedule Sunday, May 9 — Sixth Sunday of Easter

7:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

9:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

11:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

4:00 PM Sp. Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Hilario

Monday, May 10

9:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

7:00 PM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

Tuesday, May 11

9:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

7:00 PM Sp. Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

Wednesday, May 12

9:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

Thursday, May 13

9:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

7:00 PM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Proffitt

Friday, May 14 — Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle

9:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

Saturday, May 15

8:00 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

Saturday Vigil, May 15

4:00 PM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

7:00 PM Sp. Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

Sunday, May 16 — Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

7:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Brendan

9:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

11:30 AM Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

4:00 PM Sp. Mass Mother’s Day Novena Fr. Francik

Page 5: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

Our Stewardship

Weekly Offering —May 2, 2021

Offertory ............................................................. $16,497.51 Envelopes ............................................................ $14,600.00 Loose ..................................................................... $1,897.51

Maintenance .......................................................... $3,329.00 Mother’s Day Novena .............................................. $700.00 Catholic Education ................................................... $195.00 Poor Box (St. Ann’s) .................................................. $81.00

Electronic Fund Contributions 4/26/21 – 5/02/21 (Not included in above total)

Offertory (includes those who give monthly) ...... $10,497.05

Maintenance ............................................................. $777.00 Poor Box ................................................................... $628.08 Catholic Education ................................................... $231.00

The second collection next weekend will be for Catholic Communications.


Mother’s Day Novena Thank You

Thank you to all who contributed to our Mother’s Day Novena in honor or memory of their loved ones. The Book of Remembrance with the names of the donors and those honored will be available in the week ahead.

Miss Shirley’s Café Drive-Through Event

Friday, May 14 • 4:45 ‒ 5:45 PM

Support Sacred Heart and local restaurants — call and pre-purchase your meal and then “drive-through” at Sacred Heart to pick it up! All orders will be fully cooked prior to pick-up.

How to order:

1. Look through the Miss Shirley’s menu (found at www.shgparish.org/events/shirley-05-14-21 and in the digital version of this bulletin) and choose what you would like to order.

2. Call 410-889-5272 X 4 and ask for a manager to place your order and pay over the phone. Be sure to mention Sacred Heart!

3. Then pick up hassle-free on Friday, May 14 from 4:45 ‒ 5:45 PM on the school-side parking lot in front of the Parish Center.

The order deadline is 2:00 PM on Wednesday, May 12. Please order early! We will cut off orders before the deadline if we reach capacity.

A $5 charge per order will be added and donated in full back to Sacred Heart.

Page 6: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

May 9, 2021 Sacred Heart of Glyndon Sixth Sunday of Easter

Parish Outreach and Social Justice

Our Daily Bread: Volunteer Needed The parish’s Our Daily Bread ministry is looking for a volunteer “receiver” to collect the casseroles and dry goods that are supplied by parishioners to feed the hungry in Baltimore City. We need help with the collections at the door to the school kitchen on the 4th Tuesday evening of every even-numbered month (June, August, etc.) from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. If you can assist us during that time period, please contact Mark Grabenstein at 410-654-0414 or [email protected]. Thank you!

Unemployed? Underemployed? Don’t Know Where to Start?

Finding a job is difficult and time-consuming. A new Sacred Heart ministry has been established with the goal of assisting those seeking a new or better job. The ministry is named after Saint Cajetan, a little-known saint who is the patron saint of the unemployed. We offer assistance to job seekers by identifying job search techniques; providing help in writing resumes; offering interviewing tips with dress and etiquette advice;

and offering practice sessions for interviewing. Our goal is to help you prepare yourself for the hiring process and to be successful in identifying and getting the job you want. To find out more, please email [email protected] or call the Parish Office.

Laudato si’ Year for the Catholic Church

To commemorate the fifth anniversary of his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis designated the period between May 24, 2020 and May 24, 2021 as “Laudato Si’ year for the Catholic Church”. We are in the last few weeks now!

Inner peace is closely related to care for ecology and for the common good because, lived out authentically, it is reflected in a balanced lifestyle together with a capacity for wonder which takes us to a deeper understanding of life. Nature is filled with words of love, but how can we listen to them amid constant noise, interminable and nerve-wracking distractions, or the cult of appearances? Many people today sense a profound imbalance which drives them to frenetic activity and makes them feel busy, in a constant hurry which in turn leads them to ride rough-shod over everything around them. This too affects how they treat the environment. (LS #225)

• Noise, distractions, frenetic activity, and constant “hurry” are impediments to inner peace. What can you do to slow down and create quiet spaces in your busy life?

Jessica Meredith Jacobsen Memorial 5K Run

Please “save the date” for the 14th annual Jessica Meredith Jacobsen Memorial 5K Run and Fun Walk on Saturday, September 18 at 8:00 AM at Immaculate Conception Church (112 Ware Ave. in Towson). This race is organized by the Knights of Columbus Council #4011 (Fr. O’Neill Council) in Lutherville and memorializes Jessica Meredith Jacobsen, who died tragically in 2007 as a result of domestic abuse. The event supports The House of Ruth, the Catholic School Tuition Assistance Fund, and Fr. O’Neill Charities. You can register at www.runsignup.com (search for “Jessica Jacobsen 5K”).

Sacramental Ministry


Third Saturdays at noon and within any weekend Mass. Parents must attend a preparation class (offered monthly). Contact the Religious Education Office at 410-833-8515 for more details and to arrange for Baptism.


Confessions are heard in the Main Church on Saturdays from 3:00 – 3:45 PM (English) and 5:30 – 6:45 PM (Spanish) and on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. They are also available by appointment. Addi-tional opportunities are provided during Advent and Lent.


Couples planning to be married should contact a priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date and sign up for a marriage preparation program. Do not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.

Communion to the Sick For the hospitalized or homebound who are unable to attend Mass and wish to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office.

Page 7: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

Parish Life

Parent Baptism Preparation The monthly baptism preparation class will be held on Monday, May 10 at 7:00 PM in Room 104. This one-time class is for parents who are having their first child baptized at Sacred Heart or whose last child was baptized here more than four years ago. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by contacting Sister Cecilia at [email protected] or 410-833-8515.

To help you focus on the class, it is highly recommended that you find child care during the class time. For more details about baptisms, visit www.shgparish.org/baptism.

Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

The Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal began on May 4 and continues for nine consecutive Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Little Church. It will conclude with the novena

prayers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday, June 29. All are welcome to participate on Tuesday evenings!

High School Faith Formation Student registrations for the high school 2021-2022 SOURCE and Confirmation programs will be available in the early summer of 2021!

Best Years Group Best Years has now moved to electing officers for the coming year (2021-22). The list of nominated officers has been sent by email to our members. Nominations are now closed. All members are asked to vote only if they are opposed to the nominees (vote “no”). Please send your vote to Bert Tromble at [email protected] or call him at 410-861-6532 by Saturday, May 22. For members who do not have email, please contact a member who uses email so that your vote can be counted.

We will hold an outdoor meeting and installation of officers on Wednesday, June 2 at 1:00 PM at Sandymount Park pavilion in Finksburg. Regular meetings will resume in September in the Mother Seton Room! More information will be available later in the summer.

Pray the Rosary at Sacred Heart

We invite you to pray the Rosary with us on weekdays at 8:15 AM in the Little Church. The Virgin Mary has asked us to pray the Rosary every day, and it is a wonderful way to start your daily journey! The Rosary brings you peace, joy, and comfort.

If you can’t make it on weekdays, consider joining us for the Rosary at 8:30 AM on Saturdays after the 8:00 AM Mass. All are welcome!

These Men They Call Knights Immaculate Lady Council #5208 of the Knights of Columbus is looking for good Catholic men to join our ranks — acting on the principles of charity, unity,

fraternity, and patriotism. We are engaged behind the scenes of many parish activities and in serving the wider community. If you are looking to grow as a Catholic man while putting your faith into action, look no further than the Knights of Columbus! For more information, contact Dave Clement (Grand Knight) at 443-340-0931 or [email protected] or visit www.shgparish.org/kofc.

Wisdom Sayings from

the Sisters of St. Joseph

‒ Sisters Cecilia, Karen, and Mary Beth

Maxim 78: Treat embarrassment

and criticism as opportunities

to grow.

Weekend Outdoor Options for Mass As we continue to emerge from our pandemic quarantine, we would like to safely welcome all in our community back to campus for Mass. We are offering outdoor seating (weather permitting) at the 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Sunday morning Masses — with a speaker system to hear our services.

• Bring your own lawn chair or use one provided!

• You can spread out and socially distance.

• Communion will be brought out to you.

For those of you who have been reluctant to sit inside with others, this is for you!

Page 8: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

May 9, 2021 Sacred Heart of Glyndon Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sacramental Ministry

Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays: 6‒9 PM

(Musical praise: 7‒8 PM)

First Fridays: 4‒5 PM (Holy Hour for Life)

Anointing of the Sick In case of emergency, call the Parish Office at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated twice per year.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

“Thirsting for God?” Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition who is thirsting for what it means to become Catholic?

Do you know someone already Catholic but has not yet received Confirmation and Communion? They may be thirsting, too! The Rite of Christian Initia-tion of Adults (RCIA) is a place to ask questions and seek understanding.

The RCIA is a Church rite for adults pursuing the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church. If you, or someone you know, are interested or would like more information, please contact Michele Hunter at 410-833-1696 or

[email protected].

Parish Ministry Spotlight

Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” ‒ Jeremiah 1:5

The Respect Life Committee is Sacred Heart Parish’s pro-life, pro-family organization committed to the sanctity of all human life from natural conception to natural death by promoting the teaching of the Catholic Church through education, outreach, and prayer. We are a very active and passionate group, and people of all ages are invited to join our events and activities where we spread respect for the sacredness of every human life!

Holy Hour for Life during Eucharistic Adoration — First Fridays, 4:00 ‒ 5:00 PM We pray and sing for life every month while adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Rosary Walk — First Saturdays, 10:00 AM With the Legion of Mary, we process behind a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and pray the Rosary for respect for life, peace in our world, and special prayer intentions.

Spiritual Adoption — Each October we invite parishioners to “spiritually adopt” a precious preborn baby by praying for the child every day for nine months. We display posters at church showing the miraculous development in the womb and organize collections of baby supplies for local pro-life pregnancy centers.

Outreach at FutureCare Cherrywood Nursing Home — We visit and sing with the residents every month (during normal times; we can’t wait to return in person!) and share Christ’s love by making and delivering cards/pictures for them throughout the year.

Rosary for Life and Planning Meetings — We meet virtually for prayer and planning (during COVID) on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 ‒ 8:00 PM.

• Prayerful sing-alongs • 40 Days for Life prayer campaigns • Chastity education

• Fundraisers for pro-life pregnancy centers and housing programs

• Contacting legislators to support pro-life laws and oppose any laws against life

Please help us with your input and ideas to promote a culture of life in our community! For more information or to join our Respect Life Committee, contact Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852 or [email protected]. You can also follow us on Instagram at respectlifeshg.

Reminder: Carnations for Mother’s Day

The Respect Life Committee is selling carnations for Mother’s Day after most Masses this weekend (May 8/9). All proceeds will benefit the Center for Pregnancy Concerns.

Page 9: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

First Eucharist at Sacred Heart

Congratulations to all of the children who received

their First Eucharist this past week! This includes

the students from Sister Cecilia’s RCIC class who

were baptized in addition to receiving their First

Eucharist. May each of these children come to

know God’s great love for them as they continue to

receive Jesus in the Eucharist many, many times.

The students in the Religious Education Spanish

classes will receive their First Eucharist at the

4:00 PM Spanish Masses on Sunday, May 9 and

Sunday, May 16. Some of these children will also

be baptized.

If you normally attend this Mass, please note that

attendance will be higher than normal and seating might be more limited.

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Saturday, May 22 • 7:45 AM – 1:15 PM • West Room

Final drive at Sacred Heart until late 2021

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Giving blood means

giving hope and courage to patients anxiously awaiting the chance to live

healthy, full lives. Hospitals and patients are in constant need of blood

donors; most of us will need blood in our lifetime. Your donation can save or sustain up to 3 lives! Healthy donors are

encouraged to book an appointment with the Red Cross for our next parish blood drive at www.redcrossblood.org/give.

The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation

eligibility guidance regarding COVID-19 vaccinations.

If you receive a vaccine, knowing the name of the

manufacturer (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) is important

in determining your eligibility. In most cases, there’s

no deferral time if you receive a vaccine.

We can always use volunteers! If you can donate some time and volunteer

at the blood drive for a few hours, please send an email to [email protected].

Page 10: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to



Friday, June 4th

We welcome Young Adults from 18-35! Give usyour feedback for planning future events and

get to know the young adult community at SHG.

RSVP to [email protected]



Page 11: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

®Order by 2 PM on May 12th!

Delivering Shirley’s Signatures for Easy Pickup!

Thanks to Sacred Heart Parish for providing a safe pick-up space.A $5.00 charge per order will be added & donated in full back to Sacred Heart.

HOW TO ORDER:1. Look over our Sacred Heart Parish Menu, available at: MissShirleys.com/uploads/file/SacredHeart.pdf

2. Call (410) 889-5272 X 4 and ask for a Manager to place your order & pay over the phone. Be sure to mention Sacred Heart!

3. Pick up your order from the parish on the date & time listed above.

Friday, May 14th4:45 – 5:45 PM




Sacred Heart Parish63 Sacred Heart Lane, Glyndon, MD 21071

2:00 PM on Wednesday, May 12th

Coconut Cream Stu�ed French ToastAs seen on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Get Your Grits OnAs seen on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Southern Slammer SandwichBest Breakfast Sandwich in America, Restaurant Hopsitality

Get Sh�ley’s inthe Sub�bs...at

Sa�ed He�t!

Page 12: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

Voted Maryland’s Favorite Restaurant

- Restaurant Association of MD


GUACAMOLE DEVILED EGGSTopped with Sliced Fresh Avocado,Pico de Gallo, Cajun Avocado Crema &Crispy Tortilla Strips 8.

PEACH & BROWN SUGAR DONUTSHouse-Made Peach Donuts with Brown SugarGlaze & Cobbler Crumble, drizzled with OrangeVanilla Glaze 7.18. for Box of 6 Donuts


EVERYTHING BUT THE BAGELCREAM CHEESE BISCUITSHouse-Made Apple Cinnamon Jam & Whipped Herb Cream Cheese 9.16. for Box of 6 Biscuits

MANGO LEMON BISCUITSHouse-Made Mango Lemon Curd 9.16. for Box of 6 Biscuits

GRANDPA’S CORNBREADHouse-Made Peppadew-Jalapeño Butter,dusted with Cajun Spice 8.





CHICKEN ‘N CHEDDAR GREEN ONIONWAFFLESFried Benne Seed Buttermilk Boneless Breast ofChicken Pieces & a Honey Mustard Aioli drizzleon Cheddar Green Onion Wa�es with PeppadewJalapeño Butter, dusted with Cajun Spice 19.- As seen on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

SOUTHERN SLAMMER SANDWICH Fried Green Tomato, Applewood-Smoked Bacon,Avocado Mash, White Cheddar Cheese & FriedEgg on Pumpernickel & choice of: Stone GroundGrits with Diced Bacon or Shredded Potato &Onion Hash Browns 16.- Best Breakfast Sandwich in America, Restaurant Hospitality

GET YOUR GRITS ON Served Shirley’s Style Jumbo Blackened Shrimp or Blackened Salmonon Fried Green Tomatoes, Stone Ground Gritswith Diced Bacon & Roasted Corn Emulsion,dusted with Cajun Spice* 23.- As seen on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

CUBAN HUEVOS SANDWICHApplewood-Smoked Ham, BBQ Pulled Pork,Swiss Cheese, Fried Egg, Pickles & CreoleMustard on Ciabatta, dusted with Cajun Spice &choice of: Stone Ground Grits with Diced Baconor Shredded Potato & Onion Hash Browns 16.

GRAVY TRAIN SOUTHERN SKILLETFried Buttermilk Boneless Chicken BreastPieces on a House-Made Everything Biscuit,Collard Greens with Ham, Stone GroundGrits with Diced Bacon, ChesapeakeChicken Sausage Gravy & Cheddar Cheese,topped with Sunny Side Up Egg, dustedwith Cajun Spice* 17.

FIESTA ‘N SIESTA SKILLETGrilled Chicken, Shredded Potato & Onion HashBrowns, Red & Yellow Peppers, Sliced Jalapeños,White Cheddar Cheese, Pico de Gallo, CajunAvocado Crema & Crispy Tortilla Strips, toppedwith Sunny Side Up Egg 18.

COCONUT CREAM STUFFEDFRENCH TOASTChallah Bread dipped in Egg Mix, stu�ed withCoconut Cream Cheese & Flaked Coconut,garnished with Diced Strawberries, BrûléedBananas, Cinnamon & Powdered Sugar 17.- As seen on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives


Brunch Reinvented!

H�se Specialties

Wake Up Your Taste BudsGriddle CakesBest Pancakes in the Country Food Network



or WAFFLES (4 Mini) 13.

Choice of:

CINNAMON DANISH with Cream Cheese Icing






CHALLAH FRENCH TOASTWith Cinnamon & Powdered Sugar 14.

Add:Fresh Strawberries & House-Made Whipped Cream 4.House-Made Whipped Cream 2.Fresh Banana, Blueberries or Strawberries 2.Chocolate Chips 2.




Served with Whipped Butter & Grade A Pure MapleSyrup, dusted with Powdered Sugar.Substitute: Gluten-Free Pancakes +3. V+ GF

CHURRO PANCAKESButtermilk Pancakes coated in CinnamonSugar & drizzled with Chocolate Sauce,dusted with Powdered Sugar 13.

Pancake of the Month


COOKIES 'N CREAM CHEESECAKESTUFFED FRENCH TOASTChocolate Cookie Cheesecake Filling,garnished with Chocolate Cookie Crumbs,Chocolate Sauce & Whipped Cream, dustedwith Powdered Sugar 17.

French Toast of the Month



Brunch ProteinsBENNE SEED FRIED CHICKEN (3 pieces)with Honey Mustard Aioli 8.



CRANBERRY MAPLETURKEY SAUSAGE 5.- Created just for us by local Logan’s Sausage Company

CHESAPEAKE CHICKEN SAUSAGE 5. - Created just for us by local Logan’s Sausage Company


I want th�ds!

AVO “COBBO” TOAST Avocado Mash, Diced Applewood-SmokedBacon, Sliced Hard Boiled Egg, Red GrapeTomatoes, Red Onion & Goat Cheese Crumbleson Multigrain Toast, drizzled with House-MadeCreamy Buttermilk Ranch, garnished withFresh Chives & Everything Bagel Seasoning 12.

BWI BREAKFAST BANANA SPLITOrganic Vanilla Yogurt with a Whole Banana,Strawberries, Blueberries & Pineapple,topped with House-Made Granola 12.

Light� SideMANGO VANILLA OATMEALSteel Cut Oats, Tri-Colored Quinoa, Vanilla, Agave & Coconut Milk, toppedwith Diced Mango, Organic VanillaYogurt & House-Made Granola 9.





Page 13: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

Brunchin’ 7 Days A




POPPY’S FRIED CHICKEN CLASSICFried Buttermilk Boneless Chicken BreastPieces, White Cheddar Cheese, Red &Yellow Tomato, Mixed Greens & Pickleswith House-Made Creamy ButtermilkRanch & Bu�alo Sauce on a Potato Roll 17.

COLD SPRING LANECALIFORNIA CHICKEN “BLT”Grilled Chicken, Applewood-Smoked Bacon,Red & Yellow Tomato, Mixed Greens, AvocadoMash & Citrus Aioli on Ciabatta 17.

PARK PLACE POWERHOUSEAvocado Mash, Mixed Greens, Cucumber,Red & Yellow Tomato, Red Onion &Shredded Carrots with Herb CreamCheese on Multigrain 14.

Choice of: Collard Greens with Ham, Smokin’ Macaroni Salad, Orzo Pasta Salad, Mixed Greens with Balsamic Poppyseed

Vinaigrette, Broccoli Salad or Black-Eyed Pea Succotash. Substitute: Gluten-Free Bread +2. Seasonal Fruit Medley +2.

Sandwiches, Oh My


*Consuming raw or undercooked animal foods may increase your risk of a foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Consult your physician or public health o�cer for further information.• Our seating policy has been limited for social distancing measures. We are currently not able to seat parties larger than 6. Tables cannot be pushed together nor may highchairs be added to the end of tables, unless a 6 ft space still exists.• Parties will be seated when all members are present at the host station during peak business hours.• Outside beverages, food, cakes or balloons may not be brought into or consumed on the premises.• Strollers are not permitted in dining area.• Please speak to the manager regarding any known food allergies prior to ordering. Miss Shirley's Cafe will use reasonable e�orts to prevent the introduction of the allergen of concern into the food through close attention during our sourcing, preparation and handling processes. However, it is ultimately up to the guest to use his or her individual discretion to make an informed choice regarding whether to order any particular items. Miss Shirley's Cafe cannot guarantee that allergens may not have been introduced during another stage of the food chain process or, even inadvertently, during preparation. We do not have separate kitchens to prepare allergen-free items or separate dining areas for guests with allergies or intolerances.

Consumer Advisory Information:


V+ Vegan**KEY: V Vegetarian* GF Gluten-Free

*Vegetarian items may contain eggs or dairy products, please informyour server of any dietary restrictions. **Cross Contact.

Signature Dish

COVID-19 WarningWe have taken enhanced health and safety measures—for Guests, Team Members, & Vendors. You must follow all posted instructions while on premises of Miss Shirley’s

Cafe. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe

illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and Guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

While on premises of Miss Shirley's Cafe you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. Help keep each other healthy.

D�ate Meals toF�st Resp�d�s!MissShirleys.com/DonateMeals

Sh� Gifts!MissShirleys.com/Gifts

@MissShirleys #MissShirleys

Get Social!

SMOKIN’ MACARONI SALADCavatappi Pasta, Hard Boiled Egg, Celery,Carrots, Red Pepper, Green Onions & SmokedPaprika Aioli, dusted with Smoked Paprika 5. ORZO PASTA SALADOrzo, Red Grape Tomatoes, Cucumber, Chickpeas,Red Onion, Garlic, Parsley & Citrus Vinaigrette 5. BROCCOLI SALADApplewood-Smoked Bacon, Red Onion,Golden Raisins & White Cheddar Cheese 5. SEASONAL FRUIT MEDLEYGrapes, Pineapple, Strawberries, Blueberries,Honeydew & Cantaloupe 9.

MIXED GREENSDiced Tomato & Balsamic Poppyseed Vinaigrette 5.

Shirley’s Side KicksSTONE GROUND GRITSWITH DICED BACONApplewood-Smoked Bacon, Mascarpone& Heavy Cream, garnished with Chives &Tomato 5. *Grits without Bacon available upon request


BLACK-EYED PEA SUCCOTASHBlack-Eyed Peas, Roasted Corn, Red Pepper& Chives in a Red Wine Vinaigrette 5.













(Serves 4-6 people)

Package includes: Buttermilk Pancake Batter Cream Cheese Icing Cinnamon Danish Sauce & Cinnamon


(Serves 4-6 people)

Package includes: Buttermilk Pancake Batter Fresh Blueberries & Strawberries Raspberry Purée

S�ps & Salads

Packages come with Ingredients & Instructions to

make Miss Shirley's Signature Pancakes at home!

All packages include Grade A Pure Maple Syrup,

Whipped Butter & Powdered Sugar.



Family Meals Serves up to 4 people

DEVILED EGG PLATTERS (Half & Half) 6 Traditional & 6 Chicken “BLT” Deviled Eggs 22.

6 Traditional & 6 Bu�alo Shrimp Deviled Eggs 25.

6 Chicken “BLT” & 6 Bu�alo Shrimp Deviled Eggs 29.

DEVILED EGG PLATTERS 12 Traditional Deviled Eggs 18.

12 Chicken “BLT” Deviled Eggs 26.

12 Bu�alo Shrimp Deviled Eggs 32.



Includes: 16 pieces of Benne Seed Fried Chicken 1 qt. of Smokin' Macaroni Salad 1 qt. of Collard Greens with Ham 8 pieces of Grandpa's Cornbread Honey Mustard, BBQ Sauce & Peppadew Butter


SMASH BURGERTwo Angus Beef Patties, Pimento & CheddarCheeses, Red & Yellow Tomato, ShreddedLettuce & Red Onion on a Potato Roll 17.

Sandwich of the Month

Roland Park • 513 W Cold Spring Lane

Inner Harbor • 750 E Pratt StreetAnnapolis • 1 Park Place

No Cash Payments. We accept Chipped Credit Cards ONLY.

• Miss Shirley’s Cafe strictly adheres to all laws regarding the service of alcohol, including checking identification. We only accept U.S. vertical driver’s licenses with manager’s approval. Minors aren’t allowed to consume or taste alcoholic beverages.• A maximum of 3 alcoholic beverages will be served per guest per day. Shots will not be served.• For parties of six or more, a 25% gratuity is suggested. • We are committed to providing eco-friendly products to protect our planet.• A maximum of six split or separate checks are accepted per party.• Prices and selections subject to change without notice.

Hours: 8 am - 3 pm

BWI • Concourse A(Airport has smaller menu & extended hours)

SHIRLEY’S TRADITIONALVEGETABLE CRAB SOUPLump Crab Meat, Roasted Corn, GreenBeans, Stewed Tomatoes, Old Bay, Beef& Crab Stock 10. for Bowl / 24. for 1 qt.

SUMMER CITRUS SALADGrilled Salmon, Grapefruit & OrangeSegments, Roasted Onion, Goat CheeseCrumbles, Red Grape Tomatoes & SunflowerSeeds on Mixed Greens & Bibb Lettuce,with House-Made Citrus Vinaigrette 21.

ANSELA’S SOUTHERNCHOPPED SALADApplewood-Smoked Bacon, Black-EyedPeas, Red Grape Tomatoes, Red Onion,Roasted Corn, Pimentos, Pickled Okra,Bleu Cheese, Avocado Slices & Trio ofHouse-Made Croutons on Mixed Greens& Iceberg Lettuce, with Creamy SmokedTomato Vinaigrette* 18.



Page 14: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600, or write P.O. Box 13103, Baltimore, MD 21203 - © 2021


Easy Movers inc.MOVING & STORAGEJOSEPH P. GEIPE & SONS107 Wabash Ave., Glyndon


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Page 15: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600, or write P.O. Box 13103, Baltimore, MD 21203 - © 2021


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Page 16: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” · 2021. 5. 9. · Love is what Jesus preaches about in the Gospel. He tells us that He loves us and then asks us to

For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600, or write P.O. Box 13103, Baltimore, MD 21203 - © 2021


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MHIC# 136510