October 9, 1920—Pags 2 IHL JEFFERSONIAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. >OHN J. KEL.LY President THOS. P. KELLY, Sec'y PHILIP LINK, Treas. JOHN J. KELLY, JR. Vice-President THE NATIONAL BUILDING SUPPLY GO. BUILDING M A 'I RIALS DF ALL. KINDS Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc. North Avenue and Oak St. BALI I* ORF, MI CITIZENS SAVINQS BANK L- OF BAL TIM ORE CITY SotithweslCor Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. BALTIMORE. MI aomuwesioui INTERES T P.VD ON DEPOSITS ^H WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. l-H-ly Telephone, Towson 456 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort gages on Building Association Terms. Al matters strictly confidential and money advanced within 24 hours notice. GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building, Phone, St. Paul 5995 Baltimore, Md Telephone, Mt. Vernon 1293 We Recharge and Repair Any Make Or Size Battery ATTERV II O n o D o o I D 150 West Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md. I fflC TRACTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BALTIMORE AND ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTIES. 8-16 H. P, and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. fc ,T'^iX 10-20 Mogul. PLEASANT GROVE. MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN | u The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes." COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block, South of Belair Market "Mose" Puts the "Brakes Down Hard" on High Prices F it's a matter of economy, then you've got to come to "MoseTjf Old Town" to get your good money's worth. He is the only clothing man in Baltimore that makes the goods he sells, and he sells them to you at only one profit—the manufacturer's profit—which is 30 per cent, less than the same garments can he bought for in any. other retail store in the city. I Your Good Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back" The Ephraims Are Joined To Their Idols Y ES, the big downtown mo- guls, with gaudy fronts and expensive interiors, are bow- ing and scraping to goal. Like the animal that has tasted blood and wants more, they have grown fat on their wartime high prices, and still appetite is not satiated. They would charge you as much for a suit of clothes or an overcoat now as they did a year ago—and more, if they could get it. It's this class of highwaymen in the clothing business that brings it into bad repute and hurts the legitimate trade. And It's this class that "Mose" puts Ills "braises rtovvn bard" upon. He is not willing to see the innocent suffer for the sins ot the guilty. It's wrong and "Mose" de- spises a wrong. A Man Who Doesn't Wor- ship the "Golden Calf" The Best Clothing at Lowest Prices the "M™ MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN • SB" makes not only the best clothing in Balti- more, but he sells it at the lowest prices. He is so sure of its goodness —its real worth—that he says to every man who buys a suit that if it isn't as good as he says it is he can bring it back and get hi s money. That's the test—the fair way and the only way to do a square business. "Mose" has been making his* good clothes right here in "Old Town" for going on 30 years, and the best people in ."Old Town" have been wearing them' and are still at it. The suits that "Mose" adver- tises today are picked at random from his new Fall stock. There are higher priced suits than these, but for value there are none better. Come and let "Mose" fit you out in one of them. Best Suit Values in the City New Fall Suits Fine Lot Men's Fall Sack Suits; dark gray stripe patterns; coats cut round corners and lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale (T"l A A A Fine Lot Men's Brown and Blue Serge Fall Suits; round cornered sack coats; good Al- bert twill lining; pants plain d*OA A A bottoms. For this big sale only ^/LiXjAJy) Fine Lot Men's Pin Stripe Fall Sack Suits; black grounds with white stripe and black grounds with blue stripe (pretty-patterns) ; coats cut round cornered and lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff (j»OA A A bottoms. For this big sale only %p£\J»\J\J Fine Lot Men's Round Cornered Sack Suits; all new Fall goods; brown material with neat stripe and brown with pretty plaid patterns; coats and vests lined with good serge and pants with cuff bot- <£OA C\f\ toms. For this big sale only.. Cp^U.UU torn s J Fine Lot Boy's Long Pants Suits; coats cut double-breasted (latest Fall styles); plain green and gray mixtures (beautiful patterns); lined with good serge; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale only $22:50 '•$25.00 $25.00 Open Late Saturday and Monday Nights Only. o ocaoi MOSES KAHN GAY AND EAST STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. i: < > ii «• In the Lighting Studio Second Floor LEXINGTON BUILDING Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades. CONVENIKNT TERMS The Gas & Electric Co. BRANCH STORES TovHon Catonsville Hamilton Highlandtown %+£*Sfa+**4+++++**++++++++ mm M "00* u AND ©C^WIt (g® PIER- S-PRATT^ ST. BALTO. ^ef&ff**" Misis Bessie Koreman visited Misses Ida and Ruth Pitts one day the past we ok. Mrs. Tillie Gill visited her sister, Mrs. David Rhoten, and family Sun- day. Mrs. Jacob Shanklin isi spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peregoy and children, Earl a'nd Dorothy, of White House, visited at the home of Mrs. Mary M. Gill ori Sunday last. Mr. Daniel Myers, of -Boring, visited his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bohn, last. Sunday. 3. John E. Kemp visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pitts on Sunday. Christopher Koreman visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koreman last Sunday. The Epworth League rally held at this place last Sunday was q; SUCl o MT. ET.W. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alban and family, and Mrs. Thdiia Hill-spent Sun- day with relatives is Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. William Wells and faru'ly spent Sunday -.* ith the lattfer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anna- cost, of Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover and daug-hter spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garrett, of Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bull, of Bal- timore, sipent Sunday with Mrs. Philip Lawson. Miss Verna Wells is visiting- rela- tives in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Miller and i family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, of Wiseburg. Mrs. Flora Baker spent Tuesday in Baltimore. political meeting in Cooper's School- house on Saturday evening, October 16, at 8 o'clock, to wnie i the pub ic is cordially invited. Promnent lady and gentlemen speakers will be pres- ent and a string orchestra, from Bal- timore will furnish m.usic. All kinds of refreshments will be on sale. CHASE. The Vincent dahla show was very much of a success. The dahlias seem- ed more beautiful than ever, especially the decorationsi There were thous- and of visitors on Sunday. As the weather was not favorable for visitors on Thursday and Friday the church's part (the fes'tval) did not prove as great a success as- in fo - mer \ Mr. William Crabbe, of the Anti- Saloon League, had charge of the ser- vices at Ebenezer last Sunday. Mr. and Airs. E. J. Meeks spent last Tuesday at Laurel visiting relatives. Mrs. . Keech and Mrs. Cooper, of sylvania, have returned home from a visit to their sons, at the home of Mr. E. J. Meeks. Miss Edith Hoffman, Mr. James Asher and Mr. Paul Price were visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Earle last Sunday. McCORMICK iVowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers. Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of r \ omato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc. WISEMAN-DOWNS COMPANY, Inc. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, GASOLINE ENGINES 34 E. PRATT STREET I Near Light Street Baltimore,'Md. ||f ______ . ' ss * GRANITE. EVA A. Sunday School at the U. B. Church tomorrow morning at 9.30 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret. Buell, ofl) Baltimore, I interesting talk and on Thursday the is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Mary | Rev. Frank Sellman, of Baltimore, had | Mr. Edward Anzmans, Jr., of Balti- more, motored to Granite on Sunday. Misses Bertha and Annie Lemmer- man, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Miller, of Jackonville, Fla., were the guests last Sunday of Miss Anne Grant. Mrs. Mil- ler was formerly Miss Fannie Evans, of Granite. Missi Mary Shearer, of Baltmore, is visiting Jier cousin, Miss Bessie Peach. Most of the women of Granite regis- tered and seem ready to do tneir share to elect the best man. HARRISONYJXLE:. Revival services are in progress at Ward's Chapel. On Tuesday evening the Rev. E. . P. Fellenbaum gave an Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting Buelll Mrs. Rachel Martin and Mrs. Frank- lin Martin were guests on last Sunday -of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, of Foreston. Miss Melvina Hoffman was the week- end guest of Miss Lillian Sparks, ge of the service, .^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Roslyn Sunshine Society met at the home of Mrs. Paul, of Harrison- ville. Mr. Thomas Farmer and brother, Walter Farmer, have returned to their Poster, of i city home after spending the summer in the country. Mrs. Mary Elliott is visiting her sis- - Mr. S. J. Messersmith and family ter, Miss Cecila Elliott, of White Hall, have returned to the city. Miss Josephine Hoffman and Mr. Ed- Mrs. Fannie Granger is a patient at win Holloway, of Baltimore, visited a Baltimore hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hoffman last Sun- ! o^— SALEM. ______________• GRAVE RUN. D o u o D New Fall Suits Fine Lot Men's Blue Heavyweight Unfin- ished Worsted Suits; lined with pure wool serge; sizes 36 to 46; pants with d » Q T AA cuff bottoms. For this big sale »p^/0»\J'U Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Brown Un- finished Worsted Suits; lined with good serge; pants with cuff bottoms For this big sale only . . . . Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Cheviot Suits; lined throughout; coats cut plain; sizes 35 to 46; pants with cu ff[(?OC (\C\ if_4 bottoms. For this big sale only up___/D«Uv/ w Fine Lot Men's Double-Breasted 3-Button Coat Sack Suits; brown and blue materials with large invisible plaids (H. M. Stockton Mills Cloth; beautiful goods) ; coats have broad lapels and bell sleeves; 3 buttons on sleeves; lined with good Albert Cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale only ,.•, And a Very Fine Lot of Men's Double Breasted 3 and 3 Button Coat Sack Suits; pretty brick brown material with neat pin stripe—newest Fall patterns (Howard &. Jones' Mills goods) ; coats with bell sleeves and half lined with good alpaca; pants cut with narrow legs and cuff bot- d*Q A AA toms. For this big sale only.. *pO\/»Uv/ Sunday School and class meeting to- ^^^^H morrow morning, beginning a t 9.30 The harvest home and rally day ser- o'clock, vices held last Sunday were excellently! We are glad, to see Mrs. Jane Mc- rendered and were much appreciated Comas is able to get around after be- bv the large audience. Rev. D. M. i ing cdnfined to her home for some time Dibble made as interesting address. with a broken ankle. The harvest products were donated to Mr. and Mrs. Finest Emeretts ot the pastor - ' I Pittsburgh, have been visiting at the The Ka * n ^' . Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fowble home of Mr. and Mrs,. George Lippy on j Mr. and Mrs. Amos Armacost and last Tuesday evening. Everyone spent family, of Towson, spent Sunday with an enjoyable evening, daring which , Miss Marie Armacost. refreshments were served. omas and F. Mar- Miss Mabel Stiffl?er spent the week-: tin and. family were guests of Mr. and end with Miss Florence Miller. Robert Roysiton last Sunday af- | Mrs. Mox Lahner, of Baltimore, and te^nnon. her son, Ellwood, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Fowble. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fowble are rtaining relatives and friends from Pittsburgh. Mrs. George Albon has returned horao after sipending a few days' in Hagers- town. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and fam- ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wisner on Sunday.. s. Theodore Shearer and Miss Mattie Shearer were visitors last Sat- urday to relatives, in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heivy entertain- ed the following guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Emert Keys and Mrs. Bertha Baublitz, of Warren; Mrs. Dora Baublitz and children, of Hampstead; Mrs. M. Baublitz and grandson, Gar- field; Lillian and Leina Gardner and Mr. Charles Stroh, of Cockeysville. WADE'S Gasoline DRAG SAW Cuts 25 Cords A Day Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides. When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it ont» log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycle engines of only 3 horse power with valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is Compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it. Cuts a 40-inch log infiveminutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way. It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw. The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and ' one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood. Money back without question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk. HEUI.KJVR \THKIt DRUG CO., Towson, Md. For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street Maryland Baltimore 6-26-52w u o D COOPERS. The Patron,s Club wast reorganized last Tuesday evening with the follow- ing officers for the ensuisg year: Pres- ident, Mr. Clifton Elisor; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Wooten; secretary, Miss, Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Guy K. Stifler. Refreshments) were sold to the amount of $16.90. Money -was appropriated for the purchase of victrola records and pictures. The ladies of this.- community have registered and are eagerly reading and listening to all data on the cur- rent issues at s,take. To further post them oh the same they are holding a D WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until She Tried Cardui.—Says " Result Was Surprising."—Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.—"My back was so weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of Cardui. "My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting it for me "I saw after taking some Cardui . . . that I was improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from' weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for it." Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Since it has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui if troubled with womanly ailments. For sale everywhere. E.83 The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Worth More. Farm values increase immediately when Selden Farm Trucks are inl 65called. A speeding-up of every operation begins—more work is done daily and at a lower cost than before. More land can be planted, bigger crops can be raised and transported to the market or shipping point quicker and cheaper. Profits are multi- plied. More is accomplished with fewer men about the place. Labor short- age ceases to be a handicap when Selden Farm Trucks go to work. Selden Farm Truccks are equipped with pneumatic tires, which assure positive traction on any road or farm surface, and provide greater comfort for the driver and maximum protection to perishable crops and live stock. The "In-Built Quality" construction of Selden Farm Trucks is per- fectly adapted to farm requirements. Considering the long service ren- dered by these sturdy farm models and their comparatively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced trucks manufactured today. WRITE for further information on the Selden FARM Truck and the Selden ALL-PURPOSE FARM B0D7 (five different types of bodies in one). Learn how to increase the value of your farm. Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD. Phone, Mt. Vernon 1140 Selden Motor Trucks All Worm Drive

aomuwesioui MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWNmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1... · North Avenue and Oak St. BALI I* ORF, MI CITIZENS SAVINQS BANK L-OF BAL TIM ORE CITY SotithweslCor

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Page 1: aomuwesioui MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWNmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1... · North Avenue and Oak St. BALI I* ORF, MI CITIZENS SAVINQS BANK L-OF BAL TIM ORE CITY SotithweslCor


>OHN J. KEL.LY President


JOHN J. KELLY, JR. Vice-President


D F ALL. KINDS Cement, F r o n t Brick, Creosote S ta ined Shingles, Roofing, Sewer

Pipe, Lime, Plaster , E tc .

North Avenue and Oak St. BALI I* ORF, MI


BAL TIM O R E C I T Y SotithweslCor Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. BALTIMORE. MI aomuwesioui INTEREST P.VD ON DEPOSITS ^ H

WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County

COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. l-H-ly Telephone, Towson 456

LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort gages on Building Association Terms. Al matters strictly confidential and money advanced within 24 hours notice.

GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building,

Phone, St. Paul 5995 Baltimore, Md

Telephone, Mt. Vernon 1293

We Recharge and Repair Any Make Or Size Battery



n o

D o o



150 West Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md.


8-16 H. P, and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 H. fc, T'^iX 10-20 Mogul.


M O S E S KAHN OF OLD T O W N | u The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes."

COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block, South of Belair Market

"Mose" Puts the "Brakes Down Hard" on High Prices

F i t ' s a ma t t e r of economy, then you 've got to come to "MoseTjf Old T o w n " to get your good money ' s wor th . He is the only clothing man in Balt imore t h a t makes the goods he

sells, and he sells them to you a t only one profit—the manufac tu re r ' s profi t—which is 30 p e r cent, less t h a n the same garments can he bought for in any. other re ta i l store in the city.


Your Good Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back"

The Ephra ims Are Jo ined

To Their Idols

YES, the big downtown mo­guls, with gaudy fronts and expensive interiors, are bow­

ing and scraping to goal. Like the animal tha t has

tasted blood and wants more, they have grown fat on their wart ime high prices, and still appetite is not satiated.

They would charge you as much for a suit of clothes or an overcoat now as they did a year ago—and more, if they could get it.

I t ' s this class of highwaymen in the clothing business tha t brings it into bad repute and hur t s the legit imate t rade.

And It's this class tha t "Mose" puts Ills "braises rtovvn bard" upon.

He is not willing to see the innocent suffer for the sins ot t he guilty.

I t 's wrong and "Mose" de­spises a wrong.

A Man W h o Doesn ' t Wor­ship the "Golden Calf"

The Best Clothing at

Lowest Pr ices




• SB" makes not only the best clothing in Balti­more, but he sells it a t

the lowest prices. He is so sure of i t s goodness

—its real worth—that he says to every man who buys a suit tha t if it isn't as good as he says i t is he can br ing i t back and get h i s money.

That ' s the test—the fair way and the only way to do a square business.

"Mose" has been making his* good clothes r ight here in "Old Town" for going on 30 years, and the best people in ."Old Town" have been wearing them' and a re still a t i t .

The sui ts t ha t "Mose" adver­tises today are picked at random from his new Fal l stock.

There are higher priced suits than these, but for value there are none better .

Come and let "Mose" fit you out in one of them.

Best Suit Values in the City New Fall Suits

Fine Lot Men's Fall Sack Suits; dark gray stripe patterns; coats cut round corners and lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale (T"l A A A

Fine Lot Men's Brown and Blue Serge Fall Suits; round cornered sack coats; good Al­bert twill lining; pants plain d * O A A A bottoms. For this big sale only ^/LiXjAJy)

Fine Lot Men's Pin Stripe Fall Sack Suits; black grounds with white stripe and black grounds with blue stripe (pretty-patterns) ; coats cut round cornered and lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff ( j »OA A A bottoms. For this big sale only %p£\J»\J\J

Fine Lot Men's Round Cornered Sack Suits; all new Fall goods; brown material with neat stripe and brown with pretty plaid patterns; coats and vests lined with good serge and pants with cuff bot- < £ O A C\f\ toms. For this big sale only . . C p ^ U . U U torn s J

Fine Lot Boy's Long Pants Suits; coats cut double-breasted (latest Fall styles); plain green and gray mixtures (beautiful patterns); lined with good serge; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale only




Open Late Saturday and Monday Nights Only.

o ocaoi


i: < >

ii « •

In the Lighting Studio Second Floor


Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades.


The Gas & Electric Co.

BRANCH STORES TovHon Catonsville Hamilton





"00* u AND

©C^WIt (g® PIER- S-PRATT^ ST. BALTO. ^ef&ff**"

Misis Bessie Koreman visited Misses Ida and Ruth Pi t ts one day the past we ok.

Mrs. Tillie Gill visited her sister, Mrs. David Rhoten, and family Sun­day.

Mrs. Jacob Shanklin isi spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peregoy and children, Earl a'nd Dorothy, of White House, visited at the home of Mrs. Mary M. Gill ori Sunday last.

Mr. Daniel Myers, of -Boring, visited his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bohn, last. Sunday.

3. John E. Kemp visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pit ts on Sunday.

Christopher Koreman visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koreman last Sunday.

The Epworth League rally held at this place last Sunday was q; SUCl

o MT. ET.W.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alban and family, and Mrs. Thdiia Hill-spent Sun­day with relatives is Pennsylvania.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wells and faru'ly spent Sunday -.* ith the lattfer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anna-cost, of Trenton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover and daug-hter spent Sunday with the lat-ter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garrett, of Corbett.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bull, of Bal­timore, sipent Sunday with Mrs. Philip Lawson.

Miss Verna Wells is visiting- rela­tives in Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Miller and i family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, of Wiseburg.

Mrs. Flora Baker spent Tuesday in Baltimore.

political meeting in Cooper's School-house on Saturday evening, October 16, a t 8 o'clock, to wnie i the pub ic is cordially invited. Promnent lady and gentlemen speakers will be pres­ent and a s t r ing orchestra, from Bal­timore will furnish m.usic. All kinds of refreshments will be on sale.


The Vincent dahla show was very much of a success. The dahlias seem­ed more beautiful than ever, especially the decorationsi There were thous­and of visitors on Sunday.

As the weather was not favorable for visitors on Thursday and Friday the church's par t (the fes'tval) did not prove as great a success as- in fo -mer \ •

Mr. William Crabbe, of the Anti-Saloon League, had charge of the ser­vices at Ebenezer last Sunday.

Mr. and Airs. E. J. Meeks spent last Tuesday at Laurel visiting relatives.

Mrs. . Keech and Mrs. Cooper, of sylvania, have returned home

from a visit to their sons, a t the home of Mr. E. J. Meeks.

Miss Edith Hoffman, Mr. James Asher and Mr. Paul Price were visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Earle last Sunday.

McCORMICK iVowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers.

Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of r\ omato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc.



Near Light Street Baltimore,'Md. ||f ______ . 'ss*



Sunday School a t the U. B. Church tomorrow morning at 9.30 o'clock.

Mrs. Margaret. Buell, ofl) Baltimore, I interesting talk and on Thursday the is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Mary | Rev. Frank Sellman, of Baltimore, had |

Mr. Edward Anzmans, Jr., of Balti­more, motored to Granite on Sunday.

Misses Bertha and Annie Lemmer-man, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Miller, of Jackonville, Fla., were the guests last Sunday of Miss Anne Grant. Mrs. Mil­ler was formerly Miss Fannie Evans, of Granite.

Missi Mary Shearer, of Baltmore, is visiting Jier cousin, Miss Bessie Peach.

Most of the women of Granite regis­tered and seem ready to do tneir share to elect the best man.


Revival services are in progress at Ward's Chapel. On Tuesday evening the Rev. E. . P. Fellenbaum gave an

Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting

Buelll Mrs. Rachel Martin and Mrs. Frank­

lin Martin were guests on last Sunday -of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, of Foreston.

Miss Melvina Hoffman was the week­end guest of Miss Lillian Sparks,

ge of the service, . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Roslyn Sunshine Society met at

the home of Mrs. Paul, of Harrison-ville.

Mr. Thomas Farmer and brother, Walter Farmer, have returned to their

Poster, of i city home after spending the summer in the country.

Mrs. Mary Elliott is visiting her sis- - Mr. S. J. Messersmith and family ter, Miss Cecila Elliott, of White Hall, have returned to the city.

Miss Josephine Hoffman and Mr. Ed- Mrs. Fannie Granger is a patient at win Holloway, of Baltimore, visited a Baltimore hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hoffman last Sun- ! o ^ —

SALEM. ______________• GRAVE RUN.

D o

u o


New Fall Suits Fine Lot Men's Blue Heavyweight Unfin­

ished Worsted Suits; lined with pure wool serge; sizes 36 to 46; pants with d » Q T A A cuff bottoms. For this big sale » p ^ / 0 » \ J ' U

Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Brown Un­finished Worsted Suits; lined with good serge; pants with cuff bottoms For this big sale only. . . .

Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Cheviot Suits; lined throughout; coats cut plain; sizes 35 to 46; pants with c u f f [ ( ? O C (\C\ if_4 bottoms. For this big sale only up___/D«Uv/ w

Fine Lot Men's Double-Breasted 3-Button Coat Sack Suits; brown and blue materials with large invisible plaids (H. M. Stockton Mills Cloth; beautiful goods) ; coats have broad lapels and bell sleeves; 3 buttons on sleeves; lined with good Albert Cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. For this big sale only ,.•,

And a Very Fine Lot of Men's Double Breasted 3 and 3 Button Coat Sack Suits; pretty brick brown material with neat pin stripe—newest Fall patterns (Howard &. Jones' Mills goods) ; coats with bell sleeves and half lined with good alpaca; pants cut with narrow legs and cuff bot- d*Q A A A toms. For this big sale only . . * p O \ / » U v /

Sunday School and class meeting to-^ ^ ^ ^ H morrow morning, beginning at 9.30

The harvest home and rally day ser- o'clock, vices held last Sunday were excellently! We are glad, to see Mrs. Jane Mc-rendered and were much appreciated Comas is able to get around after be-bv the large audience. Rev. D. M. i ing cdnfined to her home for some time Dibble made as interest ing address. • with a broken ankle. The harvest products were donated to Mr. and Mrs. F ines t Emeret ts ot the pastor - ' I Pit tsburgh, have been visit ing at the

The Ka *n^' . Society met a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fowble home of Mr. and Mrs,. George Lippy on j Mr. and Mrs. Amos Armacost and last Tuesday evening. Everyone spent family, of Towson, spent Sunday with an enjoyable evening, dar ing which , Miss Marie Armacost. refreshments were served. omas and F. Mar-

Miss Mabel Stiffl?er spent the week-: tin and. family were guests of Mr. and end with Miss Florence Miller. Robert Roysiton last Sunday af- |

Mrs. Mox Lahner, of Baltimore, and te^nnon. her son, Ellwood, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Fowble.

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fowble are rtaining relatives and friends from

Pittsburgh. Mrs. George Albon has returned horao

after sipending a few days ' in Hagers-town.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and fam­ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wisner on Sunday..

s. Theodore Shearer and Miss Mattie Shearer were visitors last Sat­urday to relatives, in Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heivy entertain­ed the following guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Emert Keys and Mrs. Bertha Baublitz, of Warren; Mrs. Dora Baublitz and children, of Hampstead; Mrs. M. Baublitz and grandson, Gar­field; Lillian and Leina Gardner and Mr. Charles Stroh, of Cockeysville.

WADE'S Gasoline DRAG SAW Cuts 25 Cords A Day

Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides.

When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it ont» log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycle engines of only 3 horse power with valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is Compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it.

Cuts a 40-inch log in five minutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way.

It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw.

The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with • abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and ' one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood.

Money back without question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER or o ther itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk.


For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer

Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street

Maryland Baltimore 6-26-52w

u o



The Patron,s Club wast reorganized last Tuesday evening with the follow­ing officers for the ensuisg year: Pres­ident, Mr. Clifton Elisor; vice-presi­dent, Mrs. Wooten; secretary, Miss, Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Guy K. Stifler. Refreshments) were sold to the amount of $16.90. Money -was appropriated for the purchase of victrola records and pictures.

The ladies of this.- community have registered and are eagerly reading and listening to all data on the cur­rent issues a t s,take. To further post them oh the same they are holding a



Missouri Lady Suffered Until She Tried Cardui.—Says " Result Was Surprising."—Got Along

Fine, Became Normal and Healthy.

Springfield Mo.—"My back was so weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was not well at any time," says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of Cardui. "My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting it for me

"I saw after taking some Cardui . . . that I was improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person.

"Later I suffered from' weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for it."

Thousands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Since it has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui if troubled with womanly ailments.

For sale everywhere. E.83

The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Worth More.

F a r m values increase immediately when Selden F a r m Trucks are inl 65called. A speeding-up of every operat ion begins—more work is done daily and at a lower cost t h a n before.

More land can be planted, bigger crops can be raised and t ranspor ted to the m a r k e t or shipping point quicker and cheaper. Profits a re multi­plied. More is accomplished wi th fewer men about the place. Labor short­age ceases to be a handicap when Selden F a r m Trucks go to work .

Selden F a r m Truccks a re equipped wi th pneumat ic t i res, which assure positive t rac t ion on any road or farm surface, and provide grea te r comfort for the dr iver and maximum protect ion to perishable crops and live stock.

The " I n - B u i l t Q u a l i t y " construction of Selden F a r m Trucks is per­fectly adap ted to farm requirements . Considering the long service ren­dered by these s tu rdy farm models and the i r comparat ively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced t rucks manufac tured today.

W R I T E for fur ther information on the Selden F A R M Truck and the Selden A L L - P U R P O S E F A R M B 0 D 7 (five different types of bodies in one) . Learn how to increase the value of your farm.

Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE


Phone, Mt. Vernon 1140

Selden Motor Trucks All Worm Drive