AP Stats Song

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AP Stats Song

Since I came into class on the very first day, we were looking at

histograms and boxplot displays.

We studied measures of center, shape and spread, I had a lot of new terms spinning around in my


We found median and mean and something new…..An extreme

value caused a skew, An extreme value caused a skew.

“A” plus “BX” will change medians and means Because they measure central tendancy But that “A” won’t

mess with the standard dev.To change the spread just multiply by “B”, To change the spread just

multiply by “B”

Probability was a mystery, until we learned about dependency. I’d use

a tree diagram if it was really tough, or a venn diagram if that

wasn’t enough.

Then the law of large numbers made it clear to me That inference

is based on probability That inference is based on


Remember the conditions for normalcy Are N times P, and N

times one minus PIf they’re not bigger than the

number ten, We need a bigger sample to try again, We need a

bigger sample to try again

Making an inference with legitimacy, Requires SRS and

checks for normalcy We like the t-distribution when sigma’s unknown, Its degrees of freedom are N minus

one. I’ll write out what the AP readers need to see But I’ll check

my calculations on the 83,I’ll check my calculations on the 83

I’ll articulate conclusions from the value of T, Or compare the values

of alpha and P Remember the procedures for using T, It really doesn’t matter if N is more than

forty, It really doesn’t matter if N is more than forty

Designing an experiment is really the key To getting some results

with validity We assign a treatment group with randomization

A block design will help reduce the variation

Undercoverage, non-response, and poorly worded questions Are forms of bias that require our attention Forms of bias that require our


So remember correlation is not causation For the latter we need experimentation Also r-squared is percent of variation Explained by

the least squares regression equation, Explained by the least

squares regression equation