Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals Contents Table A2.1: Strategic Policy 1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 38 Table A2.2: Strategic Policy 2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 61 Table A2.3: Strategic Policy 3 Best Start in Life - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 123 Table A2.4: Strategic Policy 4 Strong Local Economy - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 139 Table A2.5: Strategic Policy 5 Healthy, Active Lifestyles - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 175 Table A2.6: Strategic Policy 6 Cleaner, Greener, Safer - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 199 Table A2.7: Implementation - Detailed Appraisal Overview Page 226 Table A2.8: SP1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 241 Table A2.9: DM1 Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 253 Table A2.10: DM2 New Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 264 Table A2.11: DM3 Protection of Existing Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 276 Table A2.12: DM4 Private Rented Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 288 Table A2.13: DM5 Housing for Older People - Detailed Appraisal Page 301 Table A2.14: DM6 Homes for Households with Specialist Needs - Detailed Appraisal Page 313 Table A2.15: DM7 Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Hostels - Detailed Appraisal Page 325 Table A2.16: DM8 Optimising Delivery of New Homes - Detailed Appraisal Page 337 Table A2.17: SP2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal Page 351 Table A2.18: DM9 Design of Places - Detailed Appraisal Page 373 34

Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals · Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals . Contents . Table A2.1: Strategic Policy 1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Overview

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Page 1: Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals · Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals . Contents . Table A2.1: Strategic Policy 1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Overview

Appendix 2 – IIA Detailed Appraisals Contents Table A2.1: Strategic Policy 1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Overview

Page 38

Table A2.2: Strategic Policy 2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal


Page 61

Table A2.3: Strategic Policy 3 Best Start in Life - Detailed Appraisal Overview

Page 123

Table A2.4: Strategic Policy 4 Strong Local Economy - Detailed Appraisal


Page 139

Table A2.5: Strategic Policy 5 Healthy, Active Lifestyles - Detailed Appraisal


Page 175

Table A2.6: Strategic Policy 6 Cleaner, Greener, Safer - Detailed Appraisal


Page 199

Table A2.7: Implementation - Detailed Appraisal Overview

Page 226

Table A2.8: SP1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 241

Table A2.9: DM1 Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 253

Table A2.10: DM2 New Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 264

Table A2.11: DM3 Protection of Existing Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 276

Table A2.12: DM4 Private Rented Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 288

Table A2.13: DM5 Housing for Older People - Detailed Appraisal

Page 301

Table A2.14: DM6 Homes for Households with Specialist Needs - Detailed


Page 313

Table A2.15: DM7 Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Hostels -

Detailed Appraisal

Page 325

Table A2.16: DM8 Optimising Delivery of New Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 337

Table A2.17: SP2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal

Page 351

Table A2.18: DM9 Design of Places - Detailed Appraisal

Page 373


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Table A2.19: DM10 Design Quality - Detailed Appraisal

Page 386

Table A2.20: DM11 Residential Design - Detailed Appraisal

Page 399

Table A2.21: DM12 Tall Buildings - Detailed Appraisal

Page 414

Table A2.22: DM13 Efficient Use of Land - Detailed Appraisal

Page 426

Table A2.23: DM14 Listed Buildings and Structures - Detailed Appraisal

Page 442

Table A2.24: DM15 Conservation Areas - Detailed Appraisal

Page 453

Table A2.25: DM16 Conservation of Historic Environment and Natural Heritage

- Detailed Appraisal

Page 464

Table A2.26: DM17 Borough Views - Detailed Appraisal

Page 474

Table A2.27: DM18 Archaeology - Detailed Appraisal

Page 485

Table A2.28: DM19 World Heritage Sites - Detailed Appraisal

Page 496

Table A2.29: DM20 River Thames - Detailed Appraisal

Page 507

Table A2.30: SP3 Best Start in Life - Detailed Appraisal

Page 524

Table A2.31: DM21 Education Place - Detailed Appraisal

Page 538

Table A2.32: DM22 Student Homes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 550

Table A2.33: SP4 Strong Local Economy - Detailed Appraisal

Page 561

Table A2.34: DM23 Transition of Preferred Industrial Locations to Mixed Use

Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal

Page 573

Table A2.35: DM24 Office and Business Development - Detailed Appraisal

Page 586

Table A2.36: DM25 Railway Arches - Detailed Appraisal

Page 598

Table A2.37: DM26 Small Business Units - Detailed Appraisal

Page 609

Table A2.38: DM27 Town and Local Centres - Detailed Appraisal

Page 621

Table A2.39: DM28 Development Outside Town Centres - Detailed Appraisal

Page 635

Table A2.40: DM29 Protected Shopping Frontages - Detailed Appraisal

Page 647


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Table A2.41: DM30 Shops Outside Protected Shopping Frontages, Towns and

Local Centres - Detailed Appraisal

Page 659

Table A2.42: DM31 Shop Fronts - Detailed Appraisal

Page 671

Table A2.43: DM32 Betting Shops, Pawnbrokers and Pay Day Loan Shops -

Detailed Appraisal

Page 682

Table A2.44: DM33 Hotels and other Visitor Accommodation - Detailed


Page 693

Table A2.45: DM34 Pubs - Detailed Appraisal

Page 704

Table A2.46: DM35 Access to Employment & Training - Detailed Appraisal

Page 715

Table A2.47: DM36 Outdoor Advertising and Signage - Detailed Appraisal

Page 727

Table A2.48: DM37 Broadband and Telecommunications - Detailed Appraisal

Page 738

Table A2.49: SP5 Healthy, Active Lifestyles - Detailed Appraisal

Page 750

Table A2.50: DM38 Healthy Developments - Detailed Appraisal

Page 763

Table A2.51: DM39 Leisure, Arts & Culture - Detailed Appraisal

Page 775

Table A2.52: DM40 Flexible Community Uses - Detailed Appraisal

Page 787

Table A2.53: DM41 Hot Food Takeaways - Detailed Appraisal

Page 799

Table A2.54: DM42 Public Transport - Detailed Appraisal

Page 811

Table A2.55: DM43 Highways Impacts - Detailed Appraisal

Page 824

Table A2.56: DM44 Walking - Detailed Appraisal

Page 836

Table A2.57: DM45 Low Line Walking Routes - Detailed Appraisal

Page 849

Table A2.58: DM46 Cycling - Detailed Appraisal

Page 862

Table A2.59: DM47 Infrastructure Improvements - Detailed Appraisal

Page 874

Table A2.60: DM48 Car Parking - Detailed Appraisal

Page 886

Table A2.61: DM49 Parking Standards for Disabled People and the Mobility

Impaired - Detailed Appraisal

Page 899


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Table A2.62: SP6 Cleaner, Greener, Safer - Detailed Appraisal

Page 911

Table A2.63: DM50 Protection of Amenity - Detailed Appraisal

Page 925

Table A2.64: DM51 Designing out Crime - Detailed Appraisal

Page 937

Table A2.65: DM52 Open Space and Open Water Space - Detailed Appraisal

Page 949

Table A2.66: DM53 Biodiversity - Detailed Appraisal

Page 962

Table A2.67: DM54 Trees - Detailed Appraisal

Page 974

Table A2.68: DM55 Environmental Standards - Detailed Appraisal

Page 987

Table A2.69: DM56 Energy - Detailed Appraisal

Page 999

Table A2.70: DM57 Reducing Waste - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1011

Table A2.71: DM58 Land for Waste Management - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1023

Table A2.72: DM59 Environmental Protection - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1036

Table A2.73: DM60 Improving Air Quality - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1048

Table A2.74: DM61 Reducing Noise Pollution - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1061

Table A2.75: DM62 Reducing Water use and Improving Water Quality - Detailed


Page 1073

Table A2.76: DM63 Reducing Flood Risk - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1085

Table A2.77: DM64 Infrastructure - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1097

Table A2.78: DM65 Southwark CIL and Planning Obligations - Detailed


Page 1110

Table A2.79: DM66 Enforcement - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1123

Table A2.80: DM67 Compulsory Purchase Order - Detailed Appraisal

Page 1136


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Table A2.1: Strategic Policy 1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP1 outlines how housing will be of a high standard and of a good quality. One of the markers of poverty is poor housing conditions which SP1 will help to address. DM1 outlines that any affordable housing delivery must be a net increase. Housing conditions, including affordability relative to income, is an indicator of poverty which DM1 will help to address.


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DM2 outlines how building more family sized homes will address overcrowding. Housing conditions is one of the indicators of poverty, including overcrowding. DM4 One of the indicators of poverty are housing conditions, which can include housing costs and security. The provision of private rented sector (PRS) homes, with secure, longer term tenancies will help address this aspect of poverty, freeing up and reducing the cost of homes of other types for other people, including those affected by deprivation and poverty DM8 requires residential development to be within a certain range within a certain location. Exceeding the prescribed density ranges will be permitted provided a development is judged to be of exemplary residential design. This will offers the chance to maximise affordable housing provision, including family sized social rented housing, which is where we have our greatest housing need. Providing more social rented family housing will help more people out of poverty through reducing housing costs and improving existing housing conditions, including those who live in relatively high deprivation where the population has a high concentration of people from a BME background. DM4 One of the indicators of poverty are housing conditions, which can include housing costs and security. The provision of private rented sector (PRS) homes, with secure, longer term tenancies will help address this aspect of poverty, freeing up and reducing the cost of homes of other types for other people, including those affected by deprivation and poverty.


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DM5 One of the indicators of poverty is housing conditions. Elderly residents are particularly vulnerable to poor housing conditions, where sometimes a lack of a support network can inhibit the identification and addressing of housing problems, including the need for urgent repairs, fuel poverty (where people cannot afford their bills) or access to and around the house. DM5 will help to address this. DM8 requires residential development to be within a certain range within a certain location. Exceeding the prescribed density ranges will be permitted provided a development is judged to be of exemplary residential design. This will offers the chance to maximise affordable housing provision, including family sized social rented housing, which is where we have our greatest housing need. Providing more social rented family housing will help more people out of poverty through reducing housing costs and improving existing housing conditions, including those who live in relatively high deprivation where the population has a high concentration of people from a BME background.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?



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Will it result in a loss of employment land? ?

SP1 There is a risk that some employment floorspace will be lost through the development of housing, however this will need to be justified with evidence and we will be promoting the development of employment floorspace through other policies in the New Southwark Plan.

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


DM1 outlines how children in overcrowded households do worse in school. Overcrowded households occur as a result of a lack of affordable housing. DM1 will help to address this. Statistically overcrowded households are most likely to be composed of people from black or ethnic minority households. Therefore DM1 will help to address this specific need.


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DM2 Overcrowding in family households can result in children doing worse at school than their non-overcrowded peers. Our most deprived neighbourhoods have a higher concentration of residents from a Black or Ethnic Minority (BME) background. One of the indicators of deprivation is housing conditions, including overcrowding. From this, these groups have most to gain from the delivery of family sized housing, and should help to reduce overcrowding and so educational disparity between ethnic groups.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


SP1 Good quality affordable homes can be a basis from which to live a healthy life. DM1 outlines how people in overcrowded households can suffer from sleep deprivation, which can have serious health consequences. DM1 will help to address this. DM2 Overcrowding in family homes can negatively impact health, including sleep deprivation. Building more family sized homes will help address overcrowding and help facilitate healthy living.

DM3 Overcrowding in family homes can negatively impact health, including sleep deprivation. Protecting existing family sized homes will help address minimise overcrowding and help facilitate healthy living.

DM5 Specialist housing designed for older people will help them lead the lifestyles they want to lead, uninhibited by housing issues.

DM6 The provision of specialist wheelchair housing will enable people with mobility issues to live their life uninhibited by housing issues that may result from living in conventional accommodation.


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DM8 Higher densities of housing enable services, facilities and other town centres uses to be viable and sustainable in walkable neighbourhoods, contributing to the promotion of healthy active lifestyles through the built environment.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?

++ DM5 Specialist housing designed for older people will help address aspects of poverty related to housing conditions including affordability, access and fuel poverty.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

DM1 The delivery of more affordable homes benefits everyone by ensuring enough supply of affordable homes will mean less pressure on market homes, and so result in an overall reduction in housing pressure, meaning all will benefit from an improved housing quality (in which housing costs are an indicator of quality). DM2 More family housing will reduce the demand for other types of housing, indirectly increasing the likelihood of everyone’s housing need being met. DM3 Protecting existing family housing will reduce the demand for other types of housing, indirectly increasing the likelihood of everyone’s housing need being met.


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DM4 The provision of PRS housing will help to reduce the demand for other types of housing, in turn contributing to reduced housing costs, benefitting everyone's quality of housing.

DM8 Promoting housing developments at the appropriate density will mean more housing is delivered in the right places, creating neighbourhoods and homes that people want to live in.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


DM1 outlines the negative health effects of overcrowded and unaffordable housing. DM1 will help to address this. DM2 outlines how it will reduce over crowding. Overcrowding is a central aspect of housing conditions, which are an indicator of poverty. DM2 will help to address this. DM8 Higher densities around the North and middle of the borough where there are already larger town and employment centres and good transport links will increase the access to jobs for more people.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


SP1 Good quality affordable homes can improve mental health, in turn reducing the risk of social exclusion DM1 outlines the negative health effects of overcrowded and unaffordable housing. DM1 will help


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to address this.

DM2 Overcrowding can significantly impact physical and mental health. Addressing this through the provision of family homes will help improve health and reduce social exclusion. DM4 Secure rented housing with a longer term tenancy can reduce the stress and pressure of housing issues, including rent rises at the end of a shorter tenancy agreement and the subsequent relocation where necessary. Reduced stress from the provision of PRS housing will help to improve tenant's mental health and social exclusion. DM6 Meeting the currently-unmet need for specialist wheelchair housing provision will minimise housing issues that may otherwise arise should a person with mobility issues be housed in conventional housing, minimising stress and improving mental health and so decreasing the risk of social exclusion.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM8 Higher densities will help promote walking and cycling as more local facilities and services become more viable due to the demand from more people living in homes near by.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? ?

SP1 There is a risk that an increase in housing may increase exposure to poor air quality. However this effect of the implementation of this policy should be considered n conjunction with policy DM - Improving Air Quality


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DM8 Higher residential densities within Southwark will mean more people living and travelling through an area of existing poor air quality, increasing exposure. However, higher densities will mean more walkable neighbourhoods and services within walking distance, potentially reducing the need for polluting private motor vehicles such as cars.

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? +

DM8 Higher densities will mean more people, activities, services and facilities on the street and ground floors, providing more natural surveillance and reducing the opportunity for unseen criminal activity and the fear of crime.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


DM1 The delivery of more affordable homes will be a crucial part of mixed and balanced communities which will help community cohesion.

DM2 Providing family homes for families will mean communities will be composed of a range of people of different ages, including children. This will make for a stronger, more diverse community where everyone’s need is catered for. DM3 Protecting our existing family homes will ensure our communities retain a strong mix in terms of housing choice and cater for a range of housing needs.


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DM4 Secure, longer term tenancies offered through PRS housing developments will enable people to plan for the years ahead without having to worry about the termination of their rental contract or a rent increase. This will help to create a more cohesive community where people will understand that they can be safe in the knowledge they can belong to the community for a longer period of time than they would if they were renting through a standard assured short hold tenancy agreement (typically 6-12months).

DM6 Providing homes for people with mobility issues will mean that an under-represented section of society's housing need is catered for. Catering for this need will help build a stronger and more cohesive community in which everyone can feel they belong.

DM7 Due to the temporary nature of the tenants and the related reasons that tenants are often referred hostels, there is a risk that the granting of planning permission for them could create tension rather than community cohesion. However, they play a very important role in helping people with certain issues and so play a very important role in the community.

DM8 Higher densities will help more businesses, services and facilities be established as the increased population density helps them become viable. This will mean more people in walkable neighbourhoods out on the street engaging and interacting with others as they go about to make use of these local facilities and services.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality,

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?

++ DM7 Hostels and HMOs are normally administered by the voluntary and community sectors. Granting planning permission for these types of homes will help them achieve their aims of housing and helping


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diversity and community cohesion

people in need.

Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

SP1 outlines how housing types for a diverse range of needs, including family households, childless households, elderly housing, disabled housing and housing for vulnerable people. DM1 More affordable housing will enable people from different backgrounds and on different incomes, and by extension, those who live different lifestyles and who are from different communities, to live alongside each other. DM3 will increase the opportunity for families to be a component of diverse communities. DM4 PRS housing will help provide security as well as economic mobility, where they can have the option of moving away for work or other reasons. This will help a section of society that makes up a part of a diverse community. DM5 will help to support older people as an important part of the community who’s housing needs are well catered for, contributing to making them a constituent part of the wider, diverse community. DM7 Hostels and HMOs will house and help people with issues that inhibit them from leading healthy lifestyles, meaning they can start to lead healthy lifestyles and become another section of the diverse community in Southwark.


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DM8 An increased population from an increased density will mean more businesses, services and facilities that cater for a range of lifestyles become viable.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


SP1 outlines how new homes for older people or those with mobility issues will be provided. DM5 The provision of specialist elderly housing will be designed to take account of the accessibility issues that affect the elderly. DM6 will specifically support the lifestyles of people with mobility issues, helping to contribute to diverse communities in which everyone's needs are catered for.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


SP1 specifies that infill development may occur, which could potentially be on (non-formally designated) open space on existing housing land.

DM7 The provision of accommodation offered by HMOs and hostels will enable the administrators and organisations who run and manage them to engage with the vulnerable groups who are in need. This can be considered a form of community facility provision.

DM8 Higher densities will mean more community facilities become more viable and in higher demand with an increased residential population.


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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP1 Housing provided for older people and those with mobility issues will be provided to meet their needs.

DM3 outlines how existing family sized homes will be prevented from conversion into smaller homes that would be unsuitable for families. This will positively impact children more than other groups. DM4 PRS housing will most likely positively effect younger adults more than other groups as these make up the majority of existing renters and are most likely to want to have the option of moving away for work or other reasons, while still having secure housing in their current location. DM5 will specifically cater for older people's needs. DM6 will try to provide adequate housing for people with mobility issues, and so are the largest minority group to be positively effected by the policy.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change Will it reduce C02 and other

greenhouse gas emissions? ?

SP1 There is a risk that an increase in housing may increase C02 emissions. DM8 There is a risk that there could be a net increase in C02 emissions in the short term due to an increase in the scale of building required. However, this will be balanced in the longer term as higher densities provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.


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Will it reduce energy consumption? --

SP1 There is a risk that an increase in housing will increase energy consumption. DM8 Higher densities will likely result in an increase in energy consumption, although higher densities will be more efficient than the same number of people (or habitable rooms) at a lower density (over a larger surface area).

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? ++

DM8 Higher densities will be better at addressing the urban heat island effect than lower densities with the same number of people or habitable rooms due to a larger amount of surface area of buildings for lower densities. This means that there is a larger amount of material to that can absorb and release heat radiation from the sun. Higher densities will reduce this due to a smaller amount of exposed building surface area for the same number of people or habitable rooms.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?

+ SP1 outlines that there will be development sites including on existing estates.

Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0


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IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? +

SP1 There is a risk that an increase in housing will make improving air quality harder, due to increase emissions from heating and powering of homes. DM8 There is a risk that there could be a worsening of air quality due to an increase in the population increasing the demand for polluting private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? -

DM8 Increased densities will likely result in an increase in PM10 and N02 in the short term. Longer term effects of DM8 are unknown when assessing the policy in isolation (i.e refer to DM60 - Air Quality).

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

- DM8 Higher densities may result in an increase in construction impacts in the short term as developments are built out.

Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


SP1 There is a risk that an increase in housing could increase the number of car trips.

DM2 Cars are typically favoured by families more so than single people because of the convenience they offer. There is a risk that an increase in family sized homes may increase the demand for car journeys.

DM3 Cars are typically favoured by families more so than single people because of the convenience they offer. There is a risk that the protection of family sized homes may not reduce the demand for car journeys.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?



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Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? +

DM8 Higher densities enables services, including the sustainable processing of waste, to become more viable through applying the economies of scale principle.

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


SP1 A net increase in new homes will result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal. DM8 Higher densities will result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal.

Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?

SP1 There is a risk that infill development on existing estates will take place (non-formally protected) on open space. However this is considered previously developed land.

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?

SP1 Protected open space and previously non-developed land will not be developed for housing.

Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?

++ SP1 Infill development and wholesale redevelopment will result in a higher density and a more efficient use of land.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0


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Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


DM8 If development is going to exceed density ranges then it must be judged as being of exemplary design. Part of this judgement criteria is that it must demonstrate that the development has sought to maximise the use of sustainable technologies and materials

IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


DM8 If development is going to exceed density ranges then it must be judged as being of exemplary design. Part of this judgement criteria is that it must demonstrate that the development has sought to maximise the use of sustainable technologies and materials

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?

+ DM8 specifies that we want to provide housing that responds to the local and historic context, and to retain and create places where people want to live.


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Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?

++ DM8 More people living in the same location will mean an increase in access to facilities. It will also mean that new facilities will become viable and provided.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? +

SP1 Protected open space and previously non-developed land will not be developed for housing. DM1 outlines how affordable housing must be delivered onsite. The majority of land in the borough is previously developed land, therefore DM1 indirectly encourages development on previously developed land.

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?

SP1 Infill development and wholesale redevelopment may risk some non-protected open spaces being lost, however this will be reprovided in different ways as part of new housing.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


SP1 Infill development and wholesale redevelopment may risk some non-protected open spaces being lost, however this will be reprovided in different ways as part of new housing. New housing will be better sited and linked to the surrounding areas including to green spaces.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?



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Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

SP1 The Thames flood risk zones and critical drainage areas cover the majority of the borough, therefore any housing development in Southwark will most likely be in an area at risk of flooding. DM1 The majority of land in the borough is at risk of some form of flooding, therefore there is a high probability that any affordable housing delivery will be in an area of flooding. DM2 The majority of land in Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning that new homes, including new family sized homes will most likely be in areas at risk of flooding.


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DM4 The majority of land in Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning that new homes, including new family sized homes will most likely be in areas at risk of flooding. DM5 The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding. However, elderly people are considered vulnerable users of a site and so will need to demonstrate that alternative sites of lower flood risk have been considered and, where available, chosen as the location of the development to minimise risk. DM6 The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding. However, elderly people are considered vulnerable users of a site and so will need to demonstrate that alternative sites of lower flood risk have been considered and, where available, chosen as the location of the development to minimise risk. DM7 The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning the likelihood of HMOs and hostels being located in these areas is high. DM8 The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning the likelihood of homes being located in these areas is high.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage 0


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IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing?


SP1's key objective is to improve the supply of housing, particularly quality, affordable housing. DM1 outlines the requirement for a net increase in affordable housing as a percentage of any residential development that comes forward over the life of the plan. DM4 An increase in PRS homes will reduce the demand for other types of housing elsewhere.

DM5 Housing designed specifically for older people will free up other types of homes currently occupied by older people, helping increase the availability of non-specialist housing for other people.

DM6 Housing designed specifically for wheelchair users and others with specialist housing needs will free up other types of homes currently occupied and unsuitable for wheelchair users, helping increase the availability of non-specialist housing for other people.

DM8 An increase in density will mean more homes in the same area.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


SP1 outlines how we will deliver a range of housing types to meet a diverse need.

DM1 will help increase the amount of affordable tenure homes and the affordability of homes to address the needs of local people.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and

++ DM3 Protecting existing family homes will mean a larger chance of addressing overcrowding problems.


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mental health)?

Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


DM6 Unoccupied specialist wheelchair housing will be used as temporary local authority accommodation and financial contributions paid to the council in place of on-site affordable wheelchair housing provision will help to pay for the conversion of existing social rented homes to be wheelchair accessible or otherwise suitable as specialist housing.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? ?

DM8 There is a risk that there could be a worsening of air quality due to an increase in the population increasing the demand for polluting private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?

? DM8 There is a risk that there could be a increase in private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? ?

DM8 There is a risk that with higher densities there will be more people using streets and roads either as pedestrians and cyclists or motor vehicles. This could mean an increase in the chance of collisions and accidents.


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Will it improve public transport? +

DM8 Higher densities will make public transport more viable and in demand as congestion for private motor vehicles is too much.

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM8 Higher densities will make walkable neighbourhoods more viable and walking and cycling more attractive and increase demand as congestion for private motor vehicles is too much.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


SP1 outlines how a range of housing types will be delivered, including housing for older people and others who may have mobility issues. DM5 will help older people, who can be prone to mobility issues, to access buildings and places. DM6 will help people with mobility issues, who can be prone to mobility issues, to access buildings and places

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.2: Strategic Policy 2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it help diversify the economy? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.


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Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?



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Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?



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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM9 recognises that development should allow for accessible and inclusive design for all ages and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. Public realm should be safe, attractive and ease the movement of [pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. These goals are supportive of making transport and facilities accessible. DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.


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DM18 supports development which conserves archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class One Archaeological Priority Zones, is designed to ensure the preservation of archaeological significance and assesses the archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class Two Archaeological Priority Zones.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.


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IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

DM9 provides for the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.


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DM10 supports development which utilises active design elements that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. In additional to healthcare and services, such as GPs and clinics, other environmental and social conditions are known to influence people’s health. The internal layout of buildings can be designed to encourage activity.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 supports the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm including opportunities for recreation and food growing.


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DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.


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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.

DM9 ensures the height scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape character and context.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 recognises that urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits including food growing.


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DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including food growing.

Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM9 recognises the importance of easing the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.


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DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? +

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social



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Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 encourages active, connected, strong and cohesive communities by ensuring an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street widths.

DM10 supports development utilising active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development. DM10 also supports development which existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM10 recognises that in addition to healthcare services such as GPs and clinics, other environmental and social conditions are known to influence people's health.


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Will it encourage an active, connected, strong and cohesive community?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

DM9 encourages active, connected, strong and cohesive communities by ensuring an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street widths.

DM10 supports development utilising active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development. DM10 also supports development which existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM10 recognises that in addition to healthcare services such as GPs and clinics, other environmental and social conditions are known to influence people's health.


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DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.


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IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it support active community engagement? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

DM9 encourages active, connected, strong and cohesive communities by ensuring an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street widths.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. DM9 outlines that development should ensure compliance with the Equalities Act 2010, relevant London Plan policies and Part M of the Building regulations.

DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM9 recognises the importance of easing the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration. DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.


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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 supports the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.


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DM9 supports development that ensures an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street width. DM9 supports development which provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired.

DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? +

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Will it reduce energy consumption? +

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.


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Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? +

DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm, such as helping to reduce the urban heat island effect, where urban areas become significantly hotter than rural areas in summer.

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? + DM10 supports development that implements

sustainable design and construction techniques.


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Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.

Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? + DM9 recognsies that the enhancement of areas through urban greening can create healthier places by reducing air pollution.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? +

DM9 recognsies that the enhancement of areas through urban greening can create healthier places by reducing air pollution.

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.


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Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odors?

+ DM10 supports development that implements sustainable design and construction techniques.

Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


DM10 supports development that ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?

+ DM10 supports development that implements sustainable design and construction techniques.

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?

+ DM10 recognises that sustainable design must minimise the consumption of natural resources.

Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? + DM10 recognises that sustainable design must

minimise the consumption of natural resources. IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water 0


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Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? +

DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits such as reducing the impact of surface water flooding.

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce flood risk.

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?



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Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration. Tall buildings if designed thoughtfully can be an important component in raising population density, avoiding urban sprawl and contributing to an area's regeneration.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM9 outlines that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment. DM9 supports development that ensures the height, scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape.

DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.


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DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.


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DM9 supports development which ensures buildings, public spaces and land uses are positioned according to their function, impact and use. DM9 recognises that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment so that people want to spend time in the place.

DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. Southwark has a range of different neighbourhoods and areas contributing to its local distinctiveness, and this diversity will be reflected in new development. DM12 recognises tall buildings can look out of place in their surroundings and cause unpleasant environmental effects, especially on the location's micro-climate. DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas.


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DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM12 recognises that tall buildings can look out of place in their surroundings and cause unpleasant environmental effects, especially on the location's micro-climate.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM10 supports development which implements sustainable design and construction techniques.


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IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM9 supports development that ensures the height, scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape.

DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. Southwark has a range of different neighbourhoods and areas contributing to its local distinctiveness, and this diversity will be reflected in new development.

DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.


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DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas. DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

DM18 supports development which conserves archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class One Archaeological Priority Zones, is designed to ensure the preservation of archaeological significance and assesses the archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class Two Archaeological Priority Zones.

DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.


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Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM9 recognsies that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment so that people want to spend time in the place. The principles extend to the internal design and the spaces between buildings, as well as the appearance of buildings. Developments must be designed to ensure accessibility, inclusivity and interaction regardless of disability, age or gender and to allow all to participate equally.

DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. It is important that good quality materials are used in development, which can greatly contribute to the overall impression of a building, as well as how it relates to its area. DM10 supports development which implements sustainable design and construction techniques.


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DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

DM9 recognsies that it is important to protect local character. Good public realm design is essential to help people move around the borough as it improves the streetscape, and creates a sense of place with vibrant, pleasant environments that people will take pride in and enjoy Ensuring visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities is respected.


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DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing and development which ensures new buildings and alterations to existing buildings have a reactive design solution that is specific to the site's shape, size and location. DM10 recognises that it is important good quality materials are used in development. The right materials greatly contribute to the overall impression of a building as well as how it relates to its area. DM12 outlines that the significance of a location will be defined by its proximity to the confluence of strategic routes, major public transport stations. Strategic locations and the scale of existing townscape. DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas. DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.


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DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity Will it encourage development

on previously developed land? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.


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Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.


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Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? ++

DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm such as helping to reduce the impact of surface water flooding.

DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm such as helping to reduce the impact of surface water flooding.


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DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce flood risk. DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.


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DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?

++ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.


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IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.


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Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM9 recognsies that developments must be designed to ensure accessibility, inclusivity and interaction regardless of disability, age or gender and allow all to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities.

DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.


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DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration. DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.


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Will it reduce car use? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? +

DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.


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DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM9 supports development that ensures a high quality public realm that is safe, understandable and attractive and that ease the movement of pedestrians, cyclists. DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.


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DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. Development should ensure compliance with the Equalities Act 2010, relevant London Plan policies and Part M of the Building Regulations.

DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. DM9 recognsies that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits.

DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development Will it provide enough social

infrastructure and meet local needs?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?



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Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? +

DM9 supports development which ensures a high quality public realm that is safe, understandable and attractive and that eases the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic.

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? ++

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council wants all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Table A2.3: Strategic Policy 3 Best Start in Life - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? +

SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it help diversify the economy? +

DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.


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DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?



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Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0


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IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.


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DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?



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Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.


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Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?



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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.


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Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?



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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?



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Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?



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quality of and soils

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?



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cultural assets Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?



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Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent

Will it improve the supply of housing? +

DM22 outlines that by requiring affordable housing contributions on student housing the profit incentive to built student homes in favour of conventional homes is removed, improving the Council's ability to deliver the homes Southwark needs.


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home Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?

+ DM22 outlines that adequate living space should be provided and that 10% of student rooms should be easily adaptable for occupation by wheelchair users.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it reduce car use? + DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0


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Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all. DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.4: Strategic Policy 4 Strong Local Economy - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 would improve the range of job opportunities for local people by encouraging the diversification of the local economy.

DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036, requiring around 530,000sqm of new office space. The retention of existing small and medium enterprises will support jobs and employment diversity.

DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches. DM26 recognises She’s are vulnerable to displacement by other uses and therefore need protection. Retaining and adequately managing the supply of small business units should improve the range of job opportunities.


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DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. This should encourage a range of job opportunities for local people.

DM29 supports the maintenance of a healthy balance of uses within the borough's centres which is vital to protecting the vitality and viability of centres. This will help ensure employment within these centres remains diverse.

DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.


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Will it help diversify the economy? +

SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 encourages diversification of the local economy.

DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036, requiring around 530,000sqm of new office space. The retention of existing small and medium enterprises will support jobs and employment diversity.

DM25 encourages, cheap, 'incubation' workspace for smaller businesses, helping them to grow.

DM26 recognises Sees are vulnerable to displacement by other uses and therefore need protection. Retaining and adequately managing the supply of small business units should help diversify the economy.

DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. This could aid the diversification of the local economy.


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DM29 supports the maintenance of a healthy balance of uses within the borough's centres which is vital to protecting the vitality and viability of centres. This will help ensure the local economy remains diverse

DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 could increase numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough as the policy encourages diversification and growth in businesses serving central London's economy. DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could help boost numbers of higher paid jobs in the Borough.


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DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. This diversification could increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough.

DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations.


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DM23 could reduce overall unemployment by encouraging the diversification of employment opportunities and encouraging the growth of businesses serving ventral London's economy.

DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036. DM25 encourages business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment.

DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. This policy could reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment.

DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.


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DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 could encourage the retention and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities by encouraging the diversification of employment opportunities and encouraging the growth of businesses serving ventral London's economy. Additionally, new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as schools. DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036.

DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.


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DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations.

DM23 outlines that the Council wishes to take this opportunity to increase the number of jobs and businesses and help regenerate areas such as the Old Kent Road. DM 23 recognises that It is important for new business space to meet the needs of occupiers. This reflects changing demand for business space across the borough. While demand for land for manufacturing and large scale warehousing and logistics is declining, demand for space which services central London's economy is increasing.


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DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036, requiring around 530,000sqm of new office space.

DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

DM26 recognises Sees are vulnerable to displacement by other uses and therefore need protection. Retaining and adequately managing the supply of small business units should help diversify the economy. It is important that units are flexible and designed to meet the needs of local businesses.

DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. This diversification could assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses.


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Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could help reduce poverty in those areas and communities /equalities groups most affected by poverty.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.


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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure including pedestrian and cycle networks and the proposed Bakerloo line extension.

DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM25 outlines that railway arches add character and are interesting places for shops, cultural and community uses and restaurants.

DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.

DM34 recognsies that many pubs make a strong contribution to the historic character of an area, particularly through historic and architectural features of the building itself and by historical and cultural connection to the local area. This could promote and enable tourism opportunities.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? +

SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations.


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DM23 outlines that the policy may result in the loss of net employment land, however this will reflect the changing patterns of employment (i.e. move away from manufacturing and large scale warehousing and logistics to service industries which have higher employment densities

DM24 outlines that evidence suggests around 47,000 new office jobs will be created up to 2036, requiring around 530,000sqm of new office space. The retention of existing small and medium enterprises will support jobs and employment diversity.

DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

DM30 will aid the protection of A class employment land use outside protected shopping frontages, town and local centres.

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as schools.

DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.


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DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population.

DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. This diversification could provide opportunities to improve skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.


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Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as schools.

DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could help improve employee education / training programmes.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.


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Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

+ DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as health facilities.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as health facilities. DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced

+ DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.


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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM25 encourages smaller businesses by encouraging the development of affordable workspace, helping them to grow. Encouraged activities include business uses (B Use Classes), retail (A Use Classes) and community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services while also encouraging the diversification of economic activity within these areas. This should improve access to jobs for all and otherwise contribute to a reduction in poverty.


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DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


DM27 outlines that town and local centres provide important services and facilities for the borough's residents and should be the main focus for new developments for town centre uses. The council's aim is to increase the amount of shopping space in centres and improve the choice of goods and services. DM27 also recognsies other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes will help make them more vibrant and sustainable places. Furthermore DM27 outlines that proposals should not harm the amenities of surrounding occupiers or result in a concentration of uses that harms the character of an area.

Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?

+ DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as schools and health facilities.


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DM34 recognsies that pubs help to support social and cultural well being by providing a place for social interaction within the community.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? ++

DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure and enhancements to pedestrian and cycle networks. DM23 identifies the potential for a Bakerloo line extension to drive growth and regeneration.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? +

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?



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Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure including the public realm, the enhancement of pedestrian and cycle links and improvements to the open space network. DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations. DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure including the public realm, the enhancement of pedestrian and cycle links and improvements to the open space network. DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross) should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres. DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel. DM34 recognsies that pubs help to support social and cultural well being by providing a place for social interaction within the community.


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IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


DM25 encourages, cheap, 'incubation' workspace for smaller businesses, helping them to grow. This could include the voluntary and community sectors.

DM37 Recognises that digital connectivity is an important utility. Effective communications networks are vital in the efficient operation of business and home life, and have benefits for safety and security.

Will it support active community engagement? +

DM27 encourages other activities in town and local centres including community and cultural facilities. DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

DM34 recognsies that pubs help to support social and cultural well being by providing a place for social interaction within the community.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure including reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks. DM23 identifies the potential for a Bakerloo Line extension to drive growth regeneration.


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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in infrastructure including public realm and improvements to the open space network and social infrastructure such as schools and health facilities.

DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches. DM27 encourages other activities in town and local centres including community and cultural facilities.

DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross) should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT


SP4 outlines that Southwark Council will work to ensure the borough have a strong local economy where all residents benefit. The Council intends to bring more opportunities for people in Southwark to find work, get into training and achieve their aspirations.


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groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

DM26 recognises that Sees represent the majority of businesses in Southwark, providing jobs for local people and opportunities for business start-ups and self-employment. This could be positive for different groups of people affected by the policy by promoting local businesses to the benefit of the local community.

DM27 should benefit different groups of people by strengthening town and local centres. DM33 supports proposals for new hotels, particularly those which contribute to employment growth and offer employment opportunities for local people.

DM34 recognsies that pubs help to support social and cultural well being by providing a place for social interaction within the community.

DM35 would help to deliver the Council's Economic Wellbeing Strategy (2012-20) objective to overcome barriers to employment as it promotes a targeted approach to improve employment participation within Southwark and promote an entrepreneurial approach to business, especially amongst young people.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it militate against the urban heat island effect? 0


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Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches. DM27 could encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair by encouraging development in local and town centres.

DM29 supports the maintenance of a healthy balance of uses within the borough's centres which is vital to protecting the vitality and viability of centres. This will help encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair within town and local centres.

Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02?


Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odors?



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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross) should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres. By strengthening town centres this policy encourages a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car.

DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?

+ DM25 promotes the re-use of railway arches. This could lead to a reduced need for development elsewhere.

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and

Will it result in the loss of open or previously 0


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enhance the quality of and soils

undeveloped land?

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


DM23 outlines that the aim of the Old Kent Road AAP and site allocations is to intensify development. DM24 outlines the need to promote the creation of new jobs alongside ensuring that there is a supply of sites and premises for businesses to grow. The approach is to focus on the Central Activities Zone and town centres to either retain or reprovide employment unless there is no demand. This will retain diversity and encourage new small, medium and large businesses. DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches. DM27 could promote the effective use of previously developed land and buildings within local and town centres be encouraging diverse activities and uses such as offices, community uses and new homes.

DM29 supports the maintenance of a healthy balance of uses within the borough's centres which is vital to protecting the vitality and viability of centres. This will help promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings.

Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM23 aims to increase the number of jobs and businesses and help regenerate areas such as the Old Kent Road. It is important new business space suits the needs of occupiers. New mixed use neighbourhoods will be encouraged.


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DM24 outlines the need to promote the creation of new jobs alongside ensuring that there is a supply of sites and premises for businesses to grow. The approach is to focus on the Central Activities Zone and town centres to either retain or reprovide employment unless there is no demand. This will retain diversity and encourage new small, medium and large businesses. DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches.

DM26 recognises Sees are vulnerable to displacement by other uses and therefore need protection. Furthermore DM26 encourages the consideration of the feasibility of clustering non-residential uses in single use buildings (horizontal mixed use).

DM27 outlines that other activities and uses, such as offices, community facilities, cultural uses and new homes could help make town and local centres more vibrant and sustainable places.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and

+ DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches. They would also add character and are interesting places for shops, cultural and community uses and restaurants.


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of landscape and townscape

visual amenity? DM27 outlines that new development should be concentrated in town and local centres where proposals would not harm the amenities of surrounding occupiers or result in a concentration of uses that harms the character of the area.

DM29 supports the maintenance of a healthy balance of uses within the borough's centres which is vital to protecting the vitality and viability of centres. This will aid the conservation and enhancement of the local landscape, townscape character and visual amenity.

DM31 recognises that shop fronts and signage make important contributions to the appearance of our town centres and shopping parades.

DM36 recognises that signage is essential to the economy and often provides necessary and important information. Signage can have a disproportionate impact on the environment and must be carefully controlled to avoid detriment to streetscape.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?

+ DM31 recognises that shop fronts and signage make important contributions to the appearance of our town centres and shopping parades.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?



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IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?

+ DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches. They would also add character and are interesting places for shops, cultural and community uses and restaurants.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?

+ DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements in the open space network.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?

+ DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.

IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity Will it encourage

development on previously developed land?


DM23 outlines that the aim of the Old Kent Road AAP and site allocations is to intensify development. DM24 outlines the need to promote the creation of new jobs alongside ensuring that there is a supply of sites and premises for businesses to grow. The approach is to focus on the Central Activities Zone and town centres to either retain or reprovide employment unless there is no demand. This will retain diversity and encourage new small, medium and large businesses. DM25 encourages the re-use of railway arches.


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DM26 recognises Sees are vulnerable to displacement by other uses and therefore need protection. Furthermore DM26 encourages the consideration of the feasibility of clustering non-residential uses in single use buildings (horizontal mixed use).

DM27 could encourage development on previously developed land by encouraging development in local and town centres.

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?

+ DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?

+ DM23 outlines new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, and open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?

+ DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?



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Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone

Will it improve the supply of housing? + DM27 encourages other activities and uses including

new homes.


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with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?

+ DM27 encourages other activities and uses including new homes.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements in the open space network and public transport, cycling infrastructure. DM27 should reduce the number of trips made to places further away and in doing so boost the local economy.

DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross), should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres. By encouraging development in existing centres DM28 supports development at established and well located localities.


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Will it reduce car use? +

DM23 outlines the potential for improved transport links, such as the proposed Bakerloo line extension and reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks. DM27 should reduce the number of trips made to places further away and in doing so boost the local economy.

DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross), should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres. By strengthening town centres this policy could contribute to a reduction in car use.

DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


DM23 outlines the potential for improved transport links, such as the proposed Bakerloo line extension and reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks. DM27 should reduce the number of trips made to places further away and in doing so boost the local economy.


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DM28 discourages development outside town centres. Large developments over 1,000 sqm (gross), should provide an impact assessment and demonstrate that they would not harm the vitality and viability of centres or planned investment in centres. By strengthening town centres this policy could contribute to a reduction in the number and length of journeys undertaken by car. DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? ++ DM23 outlines the potential for improved transport

links, such as the proposed Bakerloo line extension.

Will it promote walking and cycling? ++

DM23 outlines the potential for reinforcing pedestrian and cycle networks. DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


DM30 recognises that local shops are important for local communities. They can provide a convenient service to help make people feel part of a community and do their shopping without difficult or expensive travel.


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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


DM23 outlines the potential for improved transport links, such as the proposed Bakerloo line extension and reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks. DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements in the open space network.

IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development Will it provide enough social

infrastructure and meet local needs?


DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in new infrastructure. Including the quality of the public realm, reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks, improvements in the open space network and social infrastructure such as schools and health facilities.

DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches. DM27 encourages other activities and uses including community facilities. DM34 recognsies that pubs help to support social and cultural well being by providing a place for social interaction within the community.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?

+ DM25 encourages community facilities (D use Classes) in railway arches.

Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? +

DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in new infrastructure. Including the quality of the public realm, reinforcement of pedestrian and cycle networks, improvements in the open space network and social infrastructure such as schools and health facilities. DM23 outlines that the Bakerloo extension could help drive growth and regeneration.


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Will it provide enough green infrastructure? +

DM23 outlines that new mixed use neighbourhoods will require significant investment in social infrastructure such as improvements to the open space network.


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Table A2.5: Strategic Policy 5 Healthy, Active Lifestyles - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


DM39 will improve the range of job opportunities for local people by enabling employment in the leisure, arts and cultural sectors.

DM47 Major transport infrastructure improvements will help provide access to jobs and employment for people.

Will it help diversify the economy? ++

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


DM38 will help to reduce unemployment through access to health care and living a healthy life will ensure a better chance of employment.

DM40 Community facilities can provide spaces for training, education and learning which will help reduce unemployment.

DM47 Increasing access to jobs and employment through transport infrastructure will reduce unemployment.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


DM39 The greater the amount of leisure, arts and cultural facilities in the borough the greater the opportunity for training and employment. This has significant potential in some of our more deprived communities where the creative economy is currently growing.


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Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP5 One of the measures of poverty and deprivation is physical and mental health as well as the condition of a community’s housing. Some of the neighbourhoods in Southwark have high levels of deprivation and poverty. Providing more community health facilities, enabling voluntary organisations to take root and improving housing conditions will help tackle this.

DM38 Social interaction and exercise will have a positive impact on all groups, but particularly those vulnerable to illness including the elderly and children.

DM39 has the potential to reduce poverty through increased access to arts, leisure and cultural facilities which can enhance wellbeing and provide training and employment opportunities. This is particularly relevant in some of Southwark's more deprived communities where a cultural and arts scene is continuing to grow.

DM40 Flexible community uses will enable people from different groups and backgrounds to use the same space, meaning an efficient use of land and an increased opportunity for service provision.


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DM41 One of the markers of poverty is physical health, which is partially determined by a healthy diet. DM41 seeks to limit the health impact of hot food takeaways, which will improve health and so reduce poverty.

DM42 Public transport is a relatively cheap and accessible way to move around. An improvement in public transport has the potential to have significant benefits for deprived communities.

DM44 Promoting walking will enable new and better routes to services and facilities between communities, including deprived communities.

DM45 Opening up low line walking routes will enable new routes to services and facilities between communities, including deprived communities.

DM47 Major transport infrastructure improvements will help provide access to jobs and employment for people.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


SP5 Promoting walking and cycling through the delivery of walking and cycling routes and good urban design that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists will improve access to low cost transport opportunities.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


DM38 Indoor and outdoor sports and health facilities will attract tourist who are visiting London for the enjoyment of sport related events.

DM42 Adequate public transport capacity will enable local, national and international visitors to access the boroughs tourist and cultural sites and for people to access employment in these sectors by public transport.


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Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


DM38 Sports facilities will enable the opportunity for learning new sports and physical activities.

DM39 Arts and cultural institutions and organisations are generally able to offer and manage training and workshops for local people.

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?

++ DM38 Physical activity and exercise has been proven to have a positive effect on individuals and groups educational achievement by improving concentration.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


DM39 Access to arts, leisure and culture is an important part of overall wellbeing.

DM41 Part of healthy living includes a healthy diet. The majority of hot food takeaways sell food cooked in oil and high in fat. Limiting hot food take ways will offer the opportunity to improve the diets and overall health, particularly of young people.

DM43 requires that development minimises the demand for private car trips. This would have the secondary benefit of making walking and cycling more attractive options for personal transport, which are healthier ways to move around than private cars.

DM44 will help encourage walking which is a healthy way to move around


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DM45 Low line walking routes will help encourage walking which is a healthy way to move around. DM47 Public transport and walking and cycling infrastructure will help promote healthy active lifestyles.

DM48 seeks to minimise car use, which should indirectly make walking, cycling and public transport more attractive.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


DM38 The creation of new and improved health and sports facilities will also create jobs as a secondary effect.

DM42 Adequate public transport capacity will enable access to health and social facilities and for people to access employment in these sectors by public transport.

DM44 Opening up an improving walking routes will enable new routes to services and facilities between communities, health and social care facilities.

DM45 Opening up low line walking routes will enable new routes to services and facilities between communities, health and social care facilities. DM47 Improved transport infrastructure will help open up access to social and health care facilities.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?



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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?

++ DM41 One of the factors of poverty is physical health, which is partially determined by diet. DM41 will help to improve healthy eating and so overall health, particularly of young people.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


DM38 Physical activity and exercise has been proven to have a positive effect on mental health.

DM40 Community facilities can provide important spaces for socialising and learning, participation in which can help improve mental health and reduce social exclusion.

DM41 A healthy diet is proven to contribute to positive mental health, which DM41 seeks to encourage by limiting hot food takeaways.

DM42 Better public transport will help people access friends and family, support networks and health facilities, improving mental health and reducing the chance of social exclusion.

DM44 Improving existing and creating new walking routes will help encourage walking which is a healthy way to move around.


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DM45 Low line walking routes will help encourage walking which is a healthy way to move around. DM46 Cycling is a good way to exercise which has benefits for mental health. DM47 Increasing access to jobs will help reduce social exclusion.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? ++

DM38 The healthiest ways to move around include walking and cycling, which DM38 seeks to encourage as a recreational and healthy activity. In addition, walking and cycling can also be seen as a non-polluting form of transport. DM42 Public transport is still largely polluting, however over time this will likely change, as Southwark currently has one hydrogen bus route. Furthermore, public transport is considerably less polluting than private motor vehicles where the energy and fuel required to transport the same number of people is significantly greater. In this respect, DM42 promotes non-polluting forms of transport. DM48 seeks to minimise car use, which should indirectly make walking, cycling and public transport more attractive.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


DM42 Good public transport services will make it more attractive for people to use, helping establish the modal shift away from private motor cars, which contribute significantly to congestion and poor air pollution.

DM43 seeks to minimise private motor vehicle use, which contribute to congestion and poor air quality.


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DM44 Walking routes will generally be away from main roads, where pollution levels are highest. This will encourage people to walk away from main roads where possible, reducing exposure to air pollution.

DM45 The low line walking routes currently identified and proposed are generally away from main roads, where pollution levels are highest.

DM47 The list of infrastructure projects listed in DM47 all relate to walking, cycling and public transport. These forms of transport have the potential to reduce poor air quality through encouraging modal shift away from private car use.

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? ++

SP5 Through encouraging walking and cycling and leading healthy active lives in general, Southwark’s population will feel safer from dangerous traffic, pollution and the dangers of poverty and deprivation.

DM38 Outdoor activities will provide natural surveillance as a secondary benefit.

DM39 Arts, cultural and leisure uses can contribute to street activity, and so natural surveillance, by being part of the day time, evening and night time economy. This will improve safety and security as more people are active on the street.

DM40 Community facilities that are multipurpose and shared spaces will mean people using the buildings more than if they were for a single use or not shared. This will increase the number of people using the space at different times of the day and so provide a sense of activity, security and natural surveillance.


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DM43 Minimising the use of private motor vehicles will make places feel safer. DM44 Improving existing and creating new walking routes will encourage more people to walk, improving street vitality and providing more natural surveillance. DM45 Currently, the accessible routes along arches are generally not well used meaning there is a lack of activity and natural surveillance. The low line walking routes will help to address this as a secondary benefit of the policy proposal.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of walking and cycling through urban design that means way finding is easy. This will mean more people on the street and more “natural surveillance” and so a reduced fear of crime

Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


SP5 The promotion of walking and cycling as the best means of getting around will result in a public realm and facilities that makes people using the street feel at ease and that it is designed for them.

DM43 Minimising private motor vehicle use will reduce the impact of pollution, congestion and dead spaces created by parked vehicles, improving the public realm.

DM48 Car parking within the visible public realm (i.e. on the street or on ground floor or surface level) can have a detrimental impact on the vitality of the public realm by creating visual and physical barriers that do not contribute to the liveliness of cities.

Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and ++ SP5 A healthier population will result in a more

cohesive population.


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cohesive community? DM38 will help foster social interaction between people and communities, and contribute to community cohesion.

DM48 Restricting car parking, both within developments and the public realm will make walking, cycling and public transport more attractive and reduce the number of people in cars which will help people be healthier, contributing to a more cohesive community.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?

++ DM39 Arts and cultural institutions and organisations are sometimes voluntary or community-based. DM39 will help to support such organisations.

Will it support active community engagement? ++

SP5 Through promoting and protecting voluntary organisations, as well as improving health and wellbeing through improving the condition of our housing stock, this will mean residents will have more time and energy to be engaged in their community.

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

SP5 We are trying to improve the health of the population by promoting healthy lifestyles. More healthy lifestyles will mean a healthier population who are free from the constraints of ill health to choose from a diverse range of lifestyles that suits them. DM47 Better transport connections will help Southwark’s diverse communities thrive.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?

++ SP5 We will do this by promoting walking and ensuring the public realm caters for the elderly and other sections of society who may have mobility issues.


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DM42 Public transport built has to conform to accessibility laws by law. Promoting public transport will increase the accessibility for people with mobility issues, such as the elderly and disabled.

DM44 specifies that new and improved walking routes will improve access for all, particularly for the elderly and others with mobility issues.

DM45 The low line walking routes will improve access for all, including the elderly and others with mobility issues. DM46 requires an appropriate amount of cycle parking spaces for accessible bicycles and tricycles. DM49 sets out requirements for disabled parking spaces, enhancing transport accessibility for disabled users.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?

++ DM48 Restricting car parking in the public realm will reduce physical barriers and help people, particularly children, the elderly and mobility impaired, move around more freely and encourage social interaction.


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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP5 Promoting healthy active lifestyles incorporates a form of positive discrimination where we actively try to cater for certain sections of society that are usually overlooked, for example the elderly, the disabled and the ill.

DM38 Sport and health facilities will benefit children, the elderly and disabled the most, as these are the groups who are most vulnerable to ill physical health. DM40 will help create healthy, inclusive communities that enable social cohesion. This will be particularly important for groups such as those from deprived areas, which have a higher proportion of residents from a BME background, children and older people, where loneliness, due to a lack of services and facilities such as community space, can affect health. DM42 Elderly and disabled groups will benefit from good public transport. This is because public transport built and operated has to conform to accessibility standards by law.

DM43 requires that vehicle movements during the construction phase of a development must reduce the danger of vehicles to vulnerable road users, which would include children, the elderly and the mobility impaired.

DM44 More walking routes will help the elderly, mobility impaired and children as they will be able to walk safely away from main roads where they would be more vulnerable to traffic accidents.


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DM45 More walking routes will help the elderly, mobility impaired and children as they will be able to walk safely away from main roads where they would be more vulnerable to traffic accidents.

DM46 requires an appropriate amount of cycle parking spaces for accessible bicycles and tricycles which will benefit the elderly and mobility impaired who are often overlooked in terms of cycle provision.

DM47 Through encouraging walking, cycling and public transport DM47 will help to reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions.

DM48 Restricting car parking in the public realm will reduce physical barriers and help people, particularly children, the elderly and mobility impaired, move around more freely and encourage social interaction.

DM49 will enhance transport accessibility for the disabled and mobility impaired.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? ++

SP5 Healthy active lifestyles will promote walking and cycling, and help make homes warm dry and safe, reducing energy bills and buildings’ energy demand. DM42 Good public transport services will make it more attractive for people to use, helping establish the modal shift away from private motor cars, which contribute C02 and greenhouse gas emissions considerably more than public transport relative to capacity.

DM43 seeks to minimise private motor vehicle use, which contribute to c02 and greenhouse gas emissions. This will reduce c02 and greenhouse gas emissions.


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DM44 will help to indirectly reduce c02 emissions through promoting walking as an attractive, convenient and safe way to get around.

DM45 will help to indirectly reduce c02 emissions through promoting walking as an attractive, convenient and safe way to get around. DM48 seeks to restrict car parking to a heavier extent than previous car parking policies, helping to reduce C02 emissions relative to previous policy limits. DM49 There is a risk that the provision of car parking for the disabled will increase C02 emissions, however, this will be dependant on the site and the previous amount of car parking on the site.

Will it reduce energy consumption? +

SP5 Making homes warm, dry and safe will reduce the need to manually heat buildings and so reduce energy consumption.

DM42 Good public transport services will make it more attractive for people to use, helping establish the modal shift away from private motor cars, which contribute fuel and energy consumption to a much greater extent than public transport relative to capacity.

DM43 Reducing private motor vehicle use will reduce the consumption of fuel and energy.

DM44 By promoting new and improved walking routes and encouraging walking, this should reduce car use which will reduce energy consumption as a secondary effect.


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DM45 By promoting the low line walking routes and encouraging walking car use should reduce energy consumption as a secondary effect.

DM46 Promoting cycling through generous cycle parking infrastructure will help to encourage modal shift away form private car use, reducing fuel and energy consumption.

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

DM42 This may be possible in future years. However this is not dependant on DM42. DM48 seeks to increase the number of electric vehicle charging points, helping to reduce fuel consumption from conventional cars.

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? ++

SP5 By making our council homes warm, dry and safe we can re-use existing buildings rather than demolishing and rebuilding them. DM40 seeks to provide multiple community and health facilities within the same space.

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?

++ DM40 seeks to retain community facilities except where there is no demand.


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Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

SP5 Protecting and enhancing our green spaces and promoting community food growing will help improve our biodiversity.

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? ++

SP5 Indirectly, through making our council homes warmer, dryer and safer which will reduce emissions and so improve air quality.

DM44 Encouraging walking by improving existing and creating new walking routes should effect an indirect modal shift away from private car use which will improve air quality.

DM45 Encouraging walking by implementing low line walking routes should effect an indirect modal shift away from private car use which will improve air quality.

DM46 Cycling is a non-polluting form of transport. Encouraging cycling through generous cycle parking provision will help achieve modal shift away from private cars which pollute air. This should improve air quality.

DM48 The provision of car parking will not likely improve air quality while conventional fossil fuel engines are still in use. However, the level of car parking permitted through development will improve on previous policy limits, though stricter levels of permitted car parking and provision of electric vehicle charging points and car clubs.


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DM49 The provision of car parking spaces has the potential to encourage car use which could increase pollution caused by car use. However, car parking levels will be appropriate to the scale of the development. There is also the chance that car parking levels will be reduced relative to the previous use of the site.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? ++

SP5 Through making our council homes warm, dry and safe we will reduce energy consumption which will reduce emissions.

DM42 Good public transport services will make it more attractive for people to use, helping establish the modal shift away PM10 and N02 to a much greater extent than public transport relative to capacity.

DM43 Private motor vehicles contribute to air borne pollutants including PM10 and N02. Reducing private motor vehicles will reduce these pollutants.

DM48 Relative to previous policy limits, DM48 will help to reduce emissions. However, car parking provision will still have the potential to enable demand for car travel, and so contribute to emissions of PM10 and N02.

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

+ DM43 Through requiring minimal vehicle movements during the construction phase of a development, DM43 will reduce dust, noise, vibration and odours caused by construction vehicle movements.

Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of ++ SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of walking and



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journeys made by car? DM42 Good public transport services will encourage a reduction in car use. DM48 Due to the restrictive car parking levels specified in DM48, a reduction in the amount and length of car journeys is highly likely. DM49 Providing car parking will risk increasing the amount and length of journeys made by car, however DM49 is fulfilling an important need for a section of society who are not able to travel as freely as others.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?



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quality of and soils Will it promote the re-use of

previously developed land and buildings?

++ DM45 The land for low line walking routes is currently under-utilised and is ready to be incorporated fully into the public realm for everyone’s benefit.

Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM48 Minimising car parking in the public realm is an efficient use of space as it enables space to be used for other more productive or socially beneficial uses such as pedestrian space or usable floor space.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM39 seeks to encourage public art projects which have the potential to improve the relationship between buildings and streets and other types of urban spaces that contribute to townscape character. DM44 Walking is one of the best ways to appreciate and move around the city. Promoting walking will ensure urban design and architecture takes this into account. DM48 Street level car parking can have a negative effect on the public realm. Restricting this type of car parking will have a beneficial effect on the townscape.


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Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?

+ DM48 Electric vehicle charging points can be considered a part of sustainable design.

IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets Will it promote the historic

environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM39 Southwark is London's most historic borough. Therefore there is a high possibility that the arts, leisure and cultural provision may focus on history and heritage, promoting a better understanding of the borough's historic environment.


DM45 The railway arches that the low line walking routes would be based upon and designed around are historic assets which have come to define the character of parts of the borough. The viaducts that run from London Bridge to Greenwich are particularly historic, being one of the longest and oldest railway viaducts in the world.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM45 Railway viaducts have traditionally acted as boundaries to communities and severed districts in Southwark. The low line walking routes will respect this diversity and distinction while improving connections.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations

++ SP5 Access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations can have a major effect on physical and mental health and wellbeing.


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and facilities? DM40 Community facilities can act as important spaces in providing the opportunity to engage with the arts and culture. DM44 More and better walking will increase access to leisure, sporting and cultural destinations. DM45 More and better walking routes along the borough’s railway viaducts will increase access to leisure, sporting and cultural destinations.

DM47 Increasing transport infrastructure will help increase access to leisure, sporting and cultural destinations and facilities.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


DM44 More and better walking routes along and through the borough will increase access to green space which has previously been less accessible because of a lack of walking routes.

DM45 More and better walking routes along and through the borough’s railway viaducts will increase access to green space which has previously been less accessible because of the barrier-like nature of railway viaducts..

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?

+ SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of providing community food growing opportunities and improving our green spaces, both of which could improve our biodiversity.

Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?

0 SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of providing community food growing opportunities which could form new habitats.

Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? -- DM39 The majority of the borough is in an area at

risk of some form of flooding.


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flooding DM44 The majority of the borough is within an area at risk of some forms of flooding. DM45 The proposed low line walking routes are all mostly within the Thames Flood Zone 3, i.e. the highest risk zone. DM46 The majority of Southwark’s land is in an area of flood risk.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?

+ SP5 It will specifically help meet the local need for council homes of a decent standard that need to be warm, dry and safe.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to

0 SP5 Providing warmer, safer and dryer council homes will mean they are future proofed to be lived in for the next generation of council tenants.


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meet changing needs?

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? ++ SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of walking and cycling and public transport.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? ++

SP5 Indirectly, through the promotion of walking and cycling which prioritises pedestrians and cyclists, making accidents with other road traffic less likely.

DM44 New and improved walking routes have the potential to provide safe alternative pedestrian and cyclist-friendly routes away from main roads where road accidents are more common

DM45 The low line walking routes have the potential to provide safe alternative pedestrian and cyclist-friendly routes away from main roads where road accidents are more common.

DM46 The implementation of the Southwark spine and “quietway” cycle network will help provide a safer alternative route away from motorised road traffic, including heavy goods vehicles, which can be dangerous for cyclists.


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DM47 has the potential to reduce accidents however this will depend the detailed implementation of the infrastructure projects listed, which will rely on adherence to other policies within the New Southwark Plan.

Will it improve public transport? ++

DM44 Encouraging walking through new and improved routes may cause a modal shift from public transport to walking. This would relieve existing pressure on the public transport network.

Will it promote walking and cycling? ++

DM43 Through minimising private vehicle trips walking and cycling will be seen as an attractive way to move around the borough.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?

++ DM48 Restricting surface level car parking in the public realm will help aid mobility by preventing parked cars that inhibit mobility.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?

++ DM48 requires development that includes car parking in town centres for retail and leisure uses is accessible for everyone, and not just those using the retail or leisure facilities.

Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? ++ SP5 Particularly for walking and cycling.

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.6: Strategic Policy 6 Cleaner, Greener, Safer - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


DM51 will help provide buildings and spaces that are safe and well designed, helping attract businesses to establish and locate in Southwark.

DM55 Buildings with high environmental standards are popular with businesses due to reduced artificial heating and cooling requirements and because of the opportunity to enhance their corporate social and environmental responsibility reputation.


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DM56 Buildings developed with a high level of sustainability such as zero carbon, CHP connection and renewable energy generation are popular with businesses due to the reduced bills and enhance corporate social and environmental responsibility reputation.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP6 Promoting access to green space, improving health and access to services and employment through walkable neighbourhoods and cycling and public transport, as well as energy efficient buildings with reduced bills will help alleviate poverty and increase opportunities amongst Southwark's most deprived communities.

DM52 One of the indicators of poverty is access to open and green space. Southwark has some deprived neighbourhoods identified for regeneration. DM52 outlines that major development must provide new green and open space with multiple benefits.

DM55 Buildings with high environmental standards will result in reduced bills, meaning a reduction in fuel poverty for people living in Southwark's most deprived neighbourhoods, which have a high concentration of people from BME backgrounds.

DM56 requires that development that does not achieve carbon savings targets on site should be off set off site. This could involve retrofitting existing social housing which house of our most deprived residents. This would reduce energy bills and give the buildings a longer life.


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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


SP6 We will prioritise walking, cycling and public transport and concentrate services, shops and facilities in town centres within walkable neighbourhoods to maximise accessibility for the borough's population.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


SP6 Through prioritising walking, we will make our popular tourist sites and cultural attractions as accessible and successful as they can be, helping them continue to be significant employers in the borough.

DM50 The control of visual, noise and odour impacts of development will mean Southwark can be a welcoming place for visitors, people working in the tourism industry and residents.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?

+ DM52 People who have access to green and open space do better in education. DM52 will help continue and expand this positive relationship.

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?



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IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


SP6 Protecting and enhancing our open and green spaces and biodiversity and habitats will ensure they can be used for recreation, leisure and sport for the existing and future generations, providing access to nature and biodiversity, cleaner air sporting facilities all of which will help enable the borough's population to lead healthy active lifestyles.

DM52 Access to open space is a crucial aspect of living a healthy life, enabling the opportunity for sports, leisure and recreation.

DM60 seeks to achieve improved air quality. Improved air quality has the potential to have significant positive health impacts.

DM61 Avoiding significant noise and managing noise in general will enable people to live their lives uninhibited by ill effects that can result from noise, including negative health.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?

++ DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities for food growing.


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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

SP6 New housing will be designed and built to high standards, meaning they will last longer than previous, more recent generations of housing stock, improving the resourcefulness of the borough. However, we need to wait for the national government to lead on their proposed direction for the sustainable design and construction of new homes, as this has only been referred to briefly in a white paper (see “Fixing the foundations: creating a more prosperous nation,” July 2015). We will continue to promote and deliver the retrofitting and improving the suitability of existing homes through retrofitting.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP6 We will help to reduce poverty through the retrofitting of existing homes bringing the cost of energy bills down, saving our residents money.

DM56 Due to CHP energy supply being more efficient and less wasteful than conventional energy supply, energy bills will be reduced and so reduce the chance of poverty, particularly fuel poverty, for lower income households.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?

0 SP6 Creating walkable neighbourhoods that also cater for public transport and cycling will partially be achieved through high density and mixed use development.

Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?

+ DM52 outlines that major development must provide open space and green links with multiple benefits including opportunities for food growing.


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DM56 could potentially increase locally produced food depending on how carbon emissions savings are achieved, and how any amount not achieved is off set, which could be through urban greening that is used for food growing.

Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


SP6 Promoting denser, walkable neighbourhoods that foster community cohesion and improving public transport accessibility will help to improve mental and physical health and reduce social exclusion. DM50 Development's visual, noise and smell impacts can have a significant impact on people's amenity. Protecting this amenity will result in improved mental health and reduce the risk of social exclusion. DM51 Well designed, safe buildings and spaces will help people feel secure and reduce stress and help improve mental health and reduce social exclusion.

DM52 Open and green space can have a significant positive impact on mental health and help reduce social exclusion through providing opportunities for sports, leisure and recreation.

DM61 Noise can have serious detrimental effects on mental health. DM61 will help to address this

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM52 Open and green spaces will help encourage walking and cycling as polluting motor vehicles are not generally permitted in protected open and green spaces.

DM60 requires implementation of measures to improve air quality in Air Quality Focus Areas. Measures may include electric vehicle (EV) charging points.


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Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


SP6 Both directly, through requiring new sustainable buildings retrofitting for existing buildings and indirectly, through the promotion of walking, cycling and public transport, which in turn should reduce private car use. DM50 will reduce exposure to poor air quality where the cause of poor air quality are offensive smells. DM52 Greenery, particularly certain types of trees, can significantly improve air quality through consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Open spaces also allow poor air quality trapped in city streets and roads to escape away from people on the ground. DM53 Green roofs and brown roofs will help improve air quality. DM54 Trees can be an important part of improving air quality, as they consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making the air cleaner. However, they must be the right type of trees in the right location, as some trees can cause pollutants to form that would otherwise not occur. Some species with a large enough canopy cover can also trap pollutants at street level and prevent the dissipation of pollutants. DM55 High environmental standards, including BREEAM levels, may include boilers and plant which produce a certain amount c02 emissions which will improve air quality.

DM56 Building more energy efficient buildings, using cleaner and less wasteful energy supply and using renewable energy will reduce emissions and so reduce exposure to poor air quality.


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DM57 One factor of poor air quality can be smell, which can be effected by inadequate waste management. DM57 will ensure this potential impact is suitably managed, reducing exposure to poor air quality.

DM58 Depending on the scale, type and location of a waste management facility, there is a risk that air quality could be negatively impacted from a new waste facility. However, DM58 requires that new facilities must not adversely impact amenity, therefore this will not happen.

DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities to reduce air pollutants through urban greening.

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? ++

SP6 More people walking and cycling through well designed, legible streets will result in more "natural surveillance," improving security and safety.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


SP6 Part of being a greener and more sustainable borough will include well designed public realm and facilities that is built to last, in terms of both quality of materials and design for ease and cost of maintenance, as well as for people across the different stages of their lives, meaning a young family with small children and push chairs and older people or others with potential mobility issues.


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Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


SP6 The combination of walkable neighbourhoods with good provision and access to green space and sustainable buildings (meaning reduced energy bills and less need to demolish them in later years) will help contribute to a strong, cohesive community.

DM51 Reducing the opportunity for the instance of crime and the fear of crime through good design should encourage a cohesive community.

DM57 Inadequate waste provision can have a negative impact on the public realm and public amenity. DM57 will help manage this to ensure no negative impacts arise.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

SP6 Increasing the walkability of our neighbourhoods, reducing bills through energy efficient buildings and providing, maintaining and enhancing open and green spaces will mean the population will be free to pursue their own lifestyle in the context of a thriving, diverse and healthy borough. DM52 Green and open spaces can help people improve their health through sports, leisure and recreation, enabling them to lead lifestyles uninhibited by ill health.


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DM60 seeks to achieve improved air quality. Improved air quality has the potential to have significant positive health impacts. This will enable people to live a diversity of lifestyles uninhibited by ill health caused by poor air quality.

DM61 Avoiding significant noise and managing noise in general will enable people to live their lives uninhibited by ill effects that can result from noise and be part of and have the opportunity to engage in a diverse community.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM52 will improve access to open and green spaces.

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


DM51 outlines the importance of a permeable street network that is easy to navigate.

DM59 Remediating contaminated land and removing hazardous substances from sites will enable development that creates new buildings, streets and spaces that connects communities that were once severed by plots of contaminated land or sites that contained hazardous substances.


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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


DM51 will have a particularly positive impact on physically vulnerable groups such as older people, the mobility impaired or children.

DM56 Elderly people and young children will benefit as people more vulnerable to the negative effects of poor air quality, i.e. ill health. Some of Southwark's more deprived neighbourhoods have a higher concentration of people from a BME background. One of the measures of deprivation is fuel poverty (i.e. not being able to afford energy bills). New development that adheres to the Mayor's energy hierarchy has the potential to positively effect people from a deprived background more so than others. In Southwark this is statistically more likely to be people from a BME background.

DM60 Vulnerable users of streets and buildings such as children and the elderly will benefit the most of the implementation of DM60. This is because the effects of poor air quality can be most acute in these groups.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change Will it reduce C02 and other

greenhouse gas emissions? ++

SP6 Emissions will be reduced through requiring new and existing buildings to be built to a high environmental standards, as well as promoting walking, cycling and public transport over the private car.


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DM52 Parks and open spaces have the potential to mitigate the effects of poor air pollution, as well as improving poor air quality through allowing poor air quality to escape. greenery that consumes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

DM54 Trees consume carbon dioxide and so can help reduce C02 concentrations. DM55 High environmental standards, including BREEAM levels, seek to minimise greenhouse gas emissions. DM58 There is significant potential for new waste management facilities to reduce C02 and greenhouse gas emissions by sustainably processing waste, including re-using waste material, recycling waste material and capturing energy from waste material. Southwark's currently protected waste management facility has various recycling facilities. DM60 requires developments to achieve or exceed air quality neutral standards. This takes into account C02 emissions from plant and traffic generated by development.

DM62 Re-suing water on site where possible will reduce energy, and so C02 emissions, where water is pumped from large scale water infrastructure.

Will it reduce energy consumption? ++

DM54 The canopy cover provided by trees can also act as shading for buildings in the summer, minimising solar gain and reducing the need for internal air conditioning.


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DM55 High environmental standards, including BREEAM level "Excellent" will seek to reduce energy consumption. DM58 Southwark's currently protected waste management facility reduces energy consumption through using re-suing waste material as fuel in conjunction with Lewisham's SELCHP. Any new waste management facilities would need to incorporate a similar sustainable waste management strategy. DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities for urban greening, which can have the secondary effect of minimising solar gain and so reduce the need for artificial air conditioning, reducing energy consumption.

Will it use renewable sources of energy? ++

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


DM52 More greenery in open spaces and on buildings that consumes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen will help mitigate the effects of man-made climate change such as hotter drier summers and warmer winters. DM54 Trees can provide natural cooling through providing shade, helping people cope with hotter summers.

DM56 Buildings will be designed to be energy efficient as the first stage of the Mayor's energy hierarchy, minimising the need for artificial cooling in the summer and artificial heating in the winter.

Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? ++

DM52 Urban greening, including green open spaces on the roofs and terraces of buildings can help mitigate the urban heat island effect.


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DM53 Green roofs and brown roofs will help mitigate the urban heat island effect.

DM54 Trees can provide shade meaning buildings do not absorb as much heat as they would if they were not there. This means that buildings absorb less heat and so also release less heat, meaning the urban heat island effect is reduced.

DM60 requires developments within our Air Quality Focus Areas to deliver measures to improve air quality. This could include green roofs and walls, which will have a secondary effect of minimising the urban heat island effect.

DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities for urban greening, which can have the secondary effect of minimising solar gain and so reduce the need for artificial air conditioning, reducing energy consumption.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? ++

SP6 This will be achieved through requiring existing buildings to be retrofitted with sustainability measures and protecting and enhancing our green and open spaces for existing and future generations to enjoy. DM54 requires that trees of a certain value should be retained and enhanced.

DM56 Combined heat and power, as a the second stage of the Mayor's energy hierarchy, re-uses waste heat for energy generated from conventional energy generation.


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DM57 requires that the waste management hierarchy be applied during construction. This involves (in order of preference) preventing waste arising, re-suing waste materials in their current state, recycling waste materials to use in another state and extract energy from waste materials before considering landfill. DM59 Through the remediation of contaminated land and removal of hazardous substances from sites, land will be able to be re-used for development that was previously not possible.

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? ++

DM52 Open spaces, particularly green open spaces can provide habitat for biodiversity. DM54 A secondary effect of trees are that they provide habitat for animals, and sometimes, other plants, enhancing biodiversity.

DM59 Remediating contaminated land and removing hazardous substances from sites will enable biodiversity and habitats to be created.

DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities for urban greening which can form habitat for biodiversity.

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Will it improve air quality? ++ DM53 Green roofs and brown roofs will help improve

air quality.


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Southwark DM54 Trees can be an important part of improving air quality, as they consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making the air cleaner. However, they must be the right type of trees in the right location, as some trees can cause pollutants to form that would otherwise not occur. Some species with a large enough canopy cover can also trap pollutants at street level and prevent the dissipation of pollutants. DM58 requires that any negative impacts of the construction process are reduced and mitigated, including any negative impacts on air quality.

DM60 outlines how developments must be air quality neutral. This means that developments must not exceed emission benchmarks for physical plant (which is responsible for managing and maintaining a buildings mechanical processes such as heating and cooling) or the traffic demand that the development is likely to generate. This means that for a development on a derelict site, air quality could in fact worsen due to development. However, this impact must be considered alongside the need to deliver new homes and create jobs, and the air quality neutral policy means that the impact is less due to the required benchmarks.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? ++

DM52 will help reduce the concentration of PM10 and N02 in areas of high concentration that are near green spaces.

DM56 Through minimising carbon emissions from the heating and powering of buildings air quality will be improved, including a reduction of pollutants such as PM10 and N02.


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DM58 requires that any negative impacts of the construction process are reduced and mitigated, including any negative impacts resulting from the movement of construction vehicles that may increase pollutants such as PM10 and N02.

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

++ DM54 Trees can act as barriers to noisy activity and dissipate loud noises. However, there is also the risk that trees in the wrong places could trap dust.

Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


DM57 The reduction of waste during construction will be achieved through the application of the waste management hierarchy. Adequate waste facilities in built-out developments will ensure the reduction of waste is encouraged.

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?

++ DM57 The waste management hierarchy and the facilities provided in completed developments will help to minimise the production of household and commercial waste.

Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? ++

DM57 requires the application of the waste management hierarchy, which promotes the sustainable management of waste. DM62 Grey water is a waste product that DM62 encourages the re-use of.

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


SP6 A net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal may be a risk due to the pressure of an increasing population that Southwark is experiencing. This pressure is predicted to continue. However we will seek to minimise the population's impact on water supplies and sewage systems.


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DM62 The level of increase of net demand will depend on the level of new homes and jobs created in the future. However, DM62 is seeking to reduce water consumption as much as possible.

Will it encourage the re-use of water? ++

DM57 Water can be a waste product, therefore the application of the waste management hierarchy can apply to water during the construction phase of a development.

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?

++ DM57 Water can be a waste product, therefore the application of the waste management hierarchy can apply to water during the construction phase of a development.

Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? ++

DM52 outlines that major development must provide open and green space with multiple benefits including the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs). The protection of existing open green spaces will ensure surface run-off is minimised. DM53 Green roofs and brown roofs will reduce surface run off.

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?

++ SP6 We will actively protect and enhance existing designated open space and previously undeveloped land.

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density

++ DM53 calls for green roofs and brown roofs, maximising biodiversity habitat while minimising ground coverage.


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development? DM59 Freeing up contaminated land and removing hazardous substances from sites will enable development to come forward, helping us re-use land and prevent building on open space or other currently-well utilised land.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? ++

DM58 requires that any new waste management facilities will need to be in the optimum location, which would partially be determined by its impact on soil quality, as well as impact on amenity.

DM63 SUDs technologies can have the potential to remove pollutants from water, preventing them from infiltrating soils and the ground water.

Will it improve soil quality? ++ IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


SP6 Promoting walkable neighbourhoods through denser developments with more active frontages and accessible and easy-to-navigate public realm will contribute positively to an enhanced townscape.

DM57 Adequate waste facilities in development will mean townscape and visual amenity will be conserved and enhanced.

DM59 This is likely to be an indirect effect of DM59 regarding contaminated land and hazardous substances, where such sites are often an eyesore. The remediation and removal of these sites and substances will allow for new development to come forward that contributes positively to the townscape and character.


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Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM54 Trees can have positive effects on the townscape through emphasising or deemphasising positive or negative architectural and spatial traits and provide shading, or visual rhythm to a street scene.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?

++ DM60 can be considered a constituent part of sustainable design.

IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?

++ DM57 requires the application of the waste management hierarchy. The waste management hierarchy can be considered an integral part of a sustainable construction strategy.

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


SP6 Providing walkable neighbourhoods will allow for the visual amenity and spatial diversity of communities to best be appreciated by walking through well designed, uncluttered streets.

DM54 outlines that certain types of trees, especially of a high value to the community and add character must be retained.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations

+ SP6 Parks and other green and open spaces will be protected and enhanced, providing opportunities for leisure and sports.


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and facilities? DM52 Leisure and sporting facilities are often located in open and green spaces.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity Will it encourage

development on previously developed land?


SP6 Protecting existing open spaces will mean development will need to occur on previously developed land. DM52 protects open and green spaces, meaning development should generally be on other types of previously developed land.

DM58 requires that any new waste management facilities will need to be in the optimum location, which would partially be determined whether the land is previously developed land or not.

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?

++ SP6 Improving walking and cycling routes and improving existing and providing new green links to open and green spaces will connect areas deficient in open space.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?

+ SP6 A range of play spaces for children and young people will be protected and provided through new and existing open green spaces.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?

++ DM53 outlines that planning permission will be granted if development includes improved green links.


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Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


DM59 Remediating contaminated land and removing hazardous substances will enable habitats to be established and biodiversity to improve.

DM63 The implementation of SUDs as part of DM63 will provide opportunities for urban greening which can form habitat for biodiversity.

Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

SP6 Development will most likely be in an area at risk of flooding from the Thames (although currently protected by the Thames Barrier and flood defence walls or in an area at risk of surface water flooding. These areas cover the majority of the borough and so is largely unavoidable, particularly due other constraints such as protected open space and a deficit of developable sites in areas of low-to-no flood risk.

DM58 The majority of the borough's land is at risk of some form of flooding, either from the River Thames or surface water flooding. Southwark's currently protected waste management facility is in an area of flood risk, and any new facility would likely be in an area of flood risk also.

DM63 The majority of Southwark’s land lies within an area at risk of some form of flooding. DM63 seeks to reduce

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


SP6 Through the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and good design we can manage the risk of flooding to people, buildings and spaces. DM52 Green spaces can reduce surface run off, helping to minimise flood risk. DM53 Green roofs and brown roofs will reduce surface run off and so reduce the risk of flooding. DM54 Trees can reduce surface water run off and so reduce the risk of surface water flooding.

DM55 A secondary effect of including greenery for sustainability purposes in new development is that surface run off will be reduced, minimising the risk of surface water flooding.


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DM60 requires developments within our Air Quality Focus Areas to deliver measures to improve air quality. This could include green roofs and walls, which will have a secondary effect of reducing surface run off, minimising the risk of flooding.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


DM53 Minimising surface run off through the use of green roofs and brown roofs is a central part of sustainable urban drainage systems.

DM54 Reducing surface water run off is a crucial aspect of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs). DM54 will help to reduce surface run off through the provision of trees.

DM60 requires developments within our Air Quality Focus Areas to deliver measures to improve air quality. This could include green roofs and walls, which will have a secondary effect of reducing surface run off, minimising the risk of flooding. Reducing surface run off is a key aspect of sustainable urban drainage systems.

IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?



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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?

++ SP6 Noise pollution will be managed and mitigated through good design.

Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


SP6 Retrofitting existing buildings and requiring new buildings to have high environmental standards will mean they can last longer by incorporating sustainable design, enabling them to last longer and minimising the need to demolish them.

DM56 Minimising the carbon emissions embedded in new housing will future proof them meaning they will not need to be demolished and redeveloped because they are old and inefficient in relation to energy consumption, heating and powering.

DM60 Incorporating measures that improve buildings’ contribution to poor air quality will future proof them. This means they won't have to be demolished and redeveloped due to contributing to poor air quality as soon as they would otherwise be without the implementation of DM60.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM51 outlines how signage will make the public realm and public transport more attractive and safer to use.

DM52 will encourage walking and cycling through the provision of green and open space in which motor vehicles will not be permitted. DM54 Trees have the potential to reduce car use through making walking and cycling more attractive.


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Will it reduce car use? +

SP6 The promotion of walking and cycling, particularly cycling infrastructure, will encourage people to shift from private motor vehicles and provide well designed streets that will minimise conflict between road users.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?

+ DM54 Trees have the potential to reduce car use through making walking and cycling more attractive.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? +

DM51 With more people encouraged to use walking and cycling and public transport, with well designed and safe public realm the number of road traffic accidents should reduce.

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM60 Providing cleaner air for the borough through the implementation of DM60 will encourage people to walk and cycle. Currently poor air quality is legitimately cited as a reason that some people avoid partaking in both.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?

+ SP6 Promoting walking and cycling will be achieved through accessible, uncluttered urban design that is easy to use for people of all abilities and backgrounds.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-



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development location of services?

Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? ++

DM58 protects our existing waste management facility, an existing piece of important piece of physical infrastructure, and sets out requirements for any new waste management facilities, which will also form an important part of Southwark’s physical infrastructure.

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? ++ DM54 will help provide a constituent part of green



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Table A2.7: Implementation - Detailed Appraisal Overview

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation Will it improve the range of

job opportunities for local people?


DM64 Ensuring the appropriate kind and amount of infrastructure is in place will enable more development to come forward, resulting in more jobs during construction of both the infrastructure itself, the construction of development and in the built out development if it contains land uses that employ people (i.e. non-residential uses). DM65 Providing affordable business space will increase the range of employment opportunities in the borough.

Will it help diversify the economy? ++

DM65 Provision for affordable business space will help small businesses form a constituent part of Southwark's diverse local economy in the borough.

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?

++ DM65 Providing affordable business space will increase the range of employment opportunities in the borough, in turn reducing the chance of unemployment.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?

++ DM64 New and improved infrastructure will mean places are more accessible to employees. This will mean business will want to locate in places where there is good infrastructure.


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DM65 Particularly for small businesses.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


DM65 The list referred to under "infrastructure" in DM65 will help to provide a range of services and facilities that in high demand from protected groups, including play space for children, child care and emergency services. Climate change mitigation and adaption measures could also include retrofitting social housing to be energy efficient, reducing the cost of energy bill which would prevent older people suffering from fuel poverty.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

++ DM64 Infrastructure often comes in the form of public transport infrastructure which, although has high initial costs to build, is relatively cheap to use for passengers.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?

++ DM64 Better infrastructure means better connected arts, cultural and sporting facilities, helping Southwark take advantage of its many tourism opportunities.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? ?

DM64 This will depend on the individual project and site characteristics and context. However, DM64 specifies that we will seek to explore opportunities for shared services, and when looked at in conjunction with other policies in the New Southwark Plan (for example DM13: Efficient Use of Land) this is very unlikely. DM66 may potentially result in a loss of unlawful employment space not fit for purpose and that would not be given planning permission were the development subject to the planning permission process.


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IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?

++ DM65 lists "construction placements and training" and "Employment contribution (operation phase)."

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

++ DM65 The provision of open space and sports and recreation facilities (as listed under "infrastructure" in DM65) will help promote healthy and active lives.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?

++ DM65 lists health, child care and emergency services under "infrastructure."

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?



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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

DM66 Enforcement action may be taken against unlawful development where the quality of accommodation is poor and does not meet the council's standards. Taking this kind of accommodation off the market through enforcement action will result in the overall quality of accommodation in the borough being improved.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


DM66 Some types of unlawful development will have enforcement action taken against them because they do not adhere to the council's standards. This type of development, for example, overcrowded accommodation has the potential to negatively impact on occupier's physical and mental health. Enforcing against this type of development has the potential to improve the occupier’s physical and mental health when finding more suitable premises or accommodation.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? ++

DM64 Infrastructure can include walking and cycling routes, which are non-polluting, and public transport, which is more efficient than private motor vehicles.


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Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


DM64 makes reference to consolidating servicing of buildings, aiming to reduce the number of heavy goods vehicle (HGVs) and other delivery and servicing vehicle trips. This will reduce pollution caused by these types of vehicles. DM65 Through introducing measures for climate change adaption and mitigation and spending on public transport.

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? ++

DM64 Consolidating servicing arrangements will mean less motorised vehicles on the roads, which will make roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?

++ DM65 refers to providing affordable business and work space. This would be particularly beneficial for organisations within the voluntary and third sector.

Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

DM65 lists facilities for older people and children and affordable homes and business space, as well as sports and leisure facilities.


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Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?

++ DM65 This would be achieved through public realm investment, as listed under "infrastructure."

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM64 Infrastructure often comes in the form of public transport infrastructure, which, although has high initial costs to build, is relatively cheap to use for passengers. DM65 This would be achieved through public transport investment and other types of investment, as listed under "infrastructure."

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?

++ DM65 Land uses and spaces that encourage interaction are listed in DM65, such as play space, community space, education, sport leisure and open space and more.

How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?



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IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change Will it reduce C02 and other

greenhouse gas emissions? ++

DM64 Providing more public transport capacity through infrastructure delivery will make it a more attractive option than driving a private motor vehicle, in turn reducing carbon emissions. Consolidating servicing trips will also reduce emissions.

DM65 This would be achieved through investing in measures to adapt and mitigate climate change, as listed in DM65.

Will it reduce energy consumption? ++

DM64 Promoting public transport by investing in infrastructure and minimising servicing vehicle trips will reduce fuel and energy consumption.

Will it use renewable sources of energy? ++

DM65 This would be achieved through investing in measures to reduce energy consumption as listed in DM65.

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? ++

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? ++

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


DM64 specifies that development needs to consider water infrastructure requirements and any necessary upgrades. Any upgrades or extension in capacity has the potential to be as sustainable and resource efficient as current technology and industry standards allow.

Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? ++


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IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark Will it improve air quality? ++

DM64 Encouraging public transport through infrastructure investment as well as minimising servicing vehicle trips will have a positive effect on air quality.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? ++

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

++ DM65 Construction and logistics plans and monitoring will aim to achieve this.

Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?

++ DM64 Particularly vehicle servicing trips.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?

++ DM65 Construction management plans will seek to achieve this.

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


DM64 Upgrading water supply and waste infrastructure will likely be required due to existing capacity limits, meaning development will increase the demand. DM65 may potentially result in a net increase in demand for water and sewage disposal, however this would be dependant on the development.

Will it encourage the re-use of water? ++ DM65 This will be achieved through climate change

adaption and mitigation measures.


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Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? ++

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?

++ DM64 requires developments in concentrated areas to explore shared servicing arrangements. This will enable land, particularly servicing infrastructure such as loading bays and servicing roads to be minimised.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?

++ DM65 This would be achieved through public realm investment, as listed under "infrastructure."

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?



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Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?

++ DM66 specifies that enforcement action will be taken against unauthorised development, particularly where it affects listed buildings.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?

++ DM64 Public transport infrastructure investment will increase access to facilities and services, including arts, cultural and sports destinations.

++ DM65 This would be achieved through sports, leisure’s, arts and recreation investment, as listed under "infrastructure."

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?



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corridors and biodiversity

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?

++ DM66 There is the potential for enforcement action to be taken against unlawful development that has caused harm to protected habitats and species.

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan ++ DM65 This would be achieved through investment in

biodiversity, as listed under "infrastructure."


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(BAP) targets? DM66 There is a risk that enforcement action could reduce the supply of housing by stopping the operation of overcrowded accommodation. However this type of accommodation having enforcement action taken against it would be because it was not up to the council's standards and would not have got planning permission. Taking this type of accommodation from the boroughs housing supply would be a positive impact.

Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

DM64 The majority of the borough is in an area at risk of some form of flooding. Therefore any infrastructure improvements is highly likely to be in such an area.

++ DM65 The majority of the borough is in an area at risk of some form of flooding, therefore any of the development or investment referred to in DM65 will mostly be in an area at risk of flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?

++ DM65 This will be achieved through climate change adaption and mitigation measures.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?



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DM64 Investment in all types of infrastructure will mean increased and improved capacity, either for transport, water, energy demand or other types. This will mean that more housing will be able to be accommodated in the borough.

IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++ DM65 will have a particularly postive effect on

affordable housing.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?

++ DM65 This would be achieved through climate change adaption and mitigation measures, which could include retrofitting existing homes.


DM66 Enforcement action taken against residential development that is unsafe or causes (or the occupiers are subject to) harm to amenity and does not have planning permission will help prevent homes that are not healthy.

Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?

++ DM66 Enforcement action will likely result in improved design quality. This is because one of the reasons action is taken is because of poor design quality that breaches our planning policies.


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IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? ++ Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? ++

Will it improve public transport? ++

Will it promote walking and cycling? ++ DM64 Investment in walking and cycling

infrastructure will encourage walking and cycling.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


DM64 Public transport infrastructure built in the current day needs to adhere to accessibility standards. Therefore improved public transport infrastructure will mean better accessibility for people with mobility problems.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?



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infrastructure to support existing and future development

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? ++

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? ++


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Table A2.8: SP1 Quality Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?

+ SP1 outlines how housing will be of a high standard and of a good quality. One of the markers of poverty is poor housing conditions which SP1 will help to address.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? ?

There is a risk that some employment floorspace will be lost through the development of housing, however this will need to be justified with evidence and we will be promoting the development of employment floorspace through other policies in the New Southwark Plan.

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

+ Good quality affordable homes can be a basis from which to live a healthy life.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?

+ Good quality affordable homes can improve mental health, in turn reducing the risk of social exclusion.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


There is a risk that an increase in housing may increase exposure to poor air quality. However this effect of the implementation of this policy should be considered n conjunction with policy DM - Improving Air Quality.


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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

SP1 outlines how housing types for a diverse range of needs, including family households, childless households, elderly housing, disabled housing and housing for vulnerable people.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?

++ SP1 outlines how new homes for older people or those with mobility issues will be provided.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?

? SP1specifies that infill development may occur, which could potentially be on (non-formally designated) open space on existing housing land.


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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

+ Housing provided for older people and those with mobility issues will be provided to meet their needs.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? ? There is a risk that an increase in housing may

increase C02 emissions. Will it reduce energy consumption? ? There is a risk that an increase in housing will increase

energy consumption. Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?



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Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?

++ SP1 outlines that there will be development sites including on existing estates.

Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? ? There is a risk that an increase in housing will make improving air quality harder, due to increase emissions from heating and powering of homes.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?

? There is a risk that an increase in housing could increase the number of car trips.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?

-- A net increase in new homes will result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal.

Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0


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Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?

-- There is a risk that infill development on existing estates will take place (non-formally protected) on open space. However this is considered previously developed land.

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?

++ Protected open space and previously non-developed land will not be developed for housing.

Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?

++ Infill development and wholesale redevelopment will result in a higher density and a more efficient use of land.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape



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Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and

Will it encourage development on previously ++ Protected open space and previously non-developed

land will not be developed for housing.


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improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

developed land?

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?

? Infill development and wholesale redevelopment may risk some non-protected open spaces being lost, however this will be reprovided in different ways as part of new housing.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Infill development and wholesale redevelopment may risk some non-protected open spaces being lost, however this will be reprovided in different ways as part of new housing. New housing will be better sited and linked to the surrounding areas including to green spaces.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The Thames flood risk zones and critical drainage areas cover the majority of the borough, therefore any housing development in Southwark will most likely be in an area at risk of flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++ SP1's key objective is to improve the supply of

housing, particularly quality, affordable housing.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?

++ SP1 outlines how we will deliver a range of housing types to meet a diverse need.


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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?

++ SP1 outlines how a range of housing types will be delivered, including housing for older people and others who may have mobility issues.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green



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IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.9: DM1 Affordable Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?

++ DM1 outlines that any affordable housing delivery must be a net increase. Housing conditions, including affordability relative to income, is an indicator of poverty which DM1 will help to address.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


DM1 outlines how children in overcrowded households do worse in school. Overcrowded households occur as a result of a lack of affordable housing. DM1 will help to address this. Statistically overcrowded households are most likely to be composed of people from black or ethnic minority households. Therefore DM1 will help to address this specific need.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

++ DM1 outlines how people in overcrowded households can suffer from sleep deprivation, which can have serious health consequences. DM1 will help to address this.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space,



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woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

The delivery of more affordable homes benefits everyone by ensuring enough supply of affordable homes will mean less pressure on market homes, and so result in an overall reduction in housing pressure, meaning all will benefit from an improved housing quality (in which housing costs are an indicator of quality).

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?

++ DM1 outlines the negative health effects of overcrowded and unaffordable housing. DM1 will help to address this.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of

Will it improve safety and security? 0


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crime and the fear of crime

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?

+ The delivery of more affordable homes will be a crucial part of mixed and balanced communities which will help community cohesion.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

More affordable housing will enable people from different backgrounds and on different incomes, and by extension, those who live different lifestyles and who are from different communities, to live alongside each other.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and



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severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction? How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0


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IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?



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Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0

IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?



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cultural assets Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


DM1 outlines how affordable housing must be delivered onsite. The majority of land in the borough is previously developed land, therefore DM1 indirectly encourages development on previously developed land.

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats



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protected by international and UK law? Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The majority of land in the borough is at risk of some form of flooding, therefore there is a high probability that any affordable housing delivery will be in an area of flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++ DM1 outlines the requirement for a net increase in

affordable housing as a percentage of any residential


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everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

development that comes forward over the life of the plan.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?

++ DM1 will help increase the amount of affordable tenure homes and the affordability of homes to address the needs of local people.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0


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Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.10: DM2 New Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal IIA Objectives

Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?

++ DM2 outlines how building more family sized homes will address overcrowding. Housing conditions is one of the indicators of poverty, including overcrowding.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


Overcrowding in family households can result in children doing worse at school than their non-overcrowded peers. Our most deprived neighbourhoods have a higher concentration of residents from a Black or Ethnic Minority (BME) background. One of the indicators of deprivation is housing conditions, including overcrowding. From this, these groups have most to gain from the delivery of family sized housing, and should help to reduce overcrowding and so educational disparity between ethnic groups.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

+ Overcrowding in family homes can negatively impact health, including sleep deprivation. Building more family sized homes will help address overcrowding and help facilitate healthy living.


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Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

More family housing will reduce the demand for other types of housing, indirectly increasing the likelihood of everyone’s housing need being met.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?

+ DM2 outlines how it will reduce over crowding. Overcrowding is a central aspect of housing conditions, which are an indicator of poverty. DM2 will help to address this.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?

++ Overcrowding can significantly impact physical and mental health. Addressing this through the provision of family homes will help improve health and reduce social exclusion.


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Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


Providing family homes for families will mean communities will be composed of a range of people of different ages, including children. This will make for a stronger, more diverse community where everyone’s need is catered for.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0


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Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?

? Cars are typically favoured by families more so than single people because of the convenience they offer. There is a risk that an increase in family sized homes may increase the demand for car journeys.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use 0


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of water?

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?



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Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The majority of land in Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning that new homes, including new family sized homes will most likely be in areas at risk of flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?

++ More family homes will reduce the likelihood of overcrowding as families have an increased chance of finding suitable accommodation with enough space.

Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?



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IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0


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Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.11: DM3 Protection of Existing Family Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

+ Overcrowding in family homes can negatively impact health, including sleep deprivation. Protecting existing family sized homes will help address minimise overcrowding and help facilitate healthy living.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

Protecting existing family housing will reduce the demand for other types of housing, indirectly increasing the likelihood of everyone’s housing need being met.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all 0


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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?

++ Protecting our existing family homes will ensure our communities retain a strong mix in terms of housing choice and cater for a range of housing needs.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++ DM3 will increase the opportunity for families to be a

component of diverse communities. Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

++ DM3 outlines how existing family sized homes will be prevented from conversion into smaller homes that would be unsuitable for families. This will positively impact children more than other groups.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0


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Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?

? Cars are typically favoured by families more so than single people because of the convenience they offer. There is a risk that the protection of family sized homes may not reduce the demand for car journeys.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0


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IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?



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and townscape Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?



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IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?



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Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?



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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?

+ Protecting existing family homes will mean a larger chance of addressing overcrowding problems.

Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?



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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.12: DM4 Private Rented Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


One of the indicators of poverty are housing conditions, which can include housing costs and security. The provision of private rented sector (PRS) homes, with secure, longer term tenancies will help address this aspect of poverty, freeing up and reducing the cost of homes of other types for other people, including those affected by deprivation and poverty.


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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Secure rented housing with a longer term tenancy can reduce the stress and pressure of housing issues, including rent rises at the end of a shorter tenancy agreement and the subsequent relocation where necessary. Reduced stress from the provision of PRS housing will help to improve tenant's health.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of



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the community?

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

The provision of PRS housing will help to reduce the demand for other types of housing, in turn contributing to reduced housing costs, benefitting everyone's quality of housing.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?



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Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Secure rented housing with a longer term tenancy can reduce the stress and pressure of housing issues, including rent rises at the end of a shorter tenancy agreement and the subsequent relocation where necessary. Reduced stress from the provision of PRS housing will help to improve tenant's mental health and social exclusion.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


Secure, longer term tenancies offered through PRS housing developments will enable people to plan for the years ahead without having to worry about the termination of their rental contract or a rent increase. This will help to create a more cohesive community where people will understand that they can be safe in the knowledge they can belong to the community for a longer period of time than they would if they were renting through a standard assured shorthold tenancy agreement (typically 6-12months).


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IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

PRS housing will help provide security as well as economic mobility, where they can have the option of moving away for work or other reasons. This will help a section of society that makes up a part of a diverse community.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?



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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


PRS housing will most likely positively effect younger adults more than other groups as these make up the majority of existing renters and are most likely to want to have the option of moving away for work or other reasons, while still having secure housing in their current location.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To Will it improve air quality? 0


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improve air quality in Southwark

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?



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quality of and soils

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?



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IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The majority of land in Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning that new homes, including new family sized homes will most likely be in areas at risk of flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++ An increase in PRS homes will reduce the demand for

other types of housing elsewhere.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?



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IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?



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Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.13: DM5 Housing for Older People - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


One of the indicators of poverty is housing conditions. Elderly residents are particularly vulnerable to poor housing conditions, where sometimes a lack of a support network can inhibit the identification and addressing of housing problems, including the need for urgent repairs, fuel poverty (where people cannot afford their bills) or access to and around the house. DM5 will help to address this.


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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

++ Specialist housing designed for older people will help them lead the lifestyles they want to lead, uninhibited by housing issues.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?

++ Some types of specialist older peoples housing can include facilities such as communal spaces for eating and socialising and washing facilities.


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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

Providing more elderly people housing will help to free up other housing stock currently occupied by the elderly, freeing up non-specialist homes for other people.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?

+ Specialist housing designed for older people will help address aspects of poverty related to housing conditions including affordability, access and fuel poverty.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?



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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

DM5 will help to support older people as an important part of the community, whose housing needs are well catered for, contributing to making them a constituent part of the wider, diverse community.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?

++ The provision of specialist elderly housing will be designed to take account of the accessibility issues that affect the elderly.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?



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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

++ DM5 will specifically cater for older people's needs.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?



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Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?



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Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?



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Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding Will the development be in

an area at risk of flooding? -

The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding. However, elderly people are considered vulnerable users of a site and so will need to demonstrate that alternative sites of lower flood risk have been considered and, where available, chosen as the location of the development to minimise risk.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? +

Housing designed specifically for older people will free up other types of homes currently occupied by older people, helping increase the availability of non-specialist housing for other people.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?



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infrastructure to support existing and future development

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.14: DM6 Homes for Households with Specialist Needs - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?

++ The provision of specialist wheelchair housing will enable people with mobility issues to live their life uninhibited by housing issues that may result from living in conventional accommodation.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Meeting the currently-unmet need for specialist wheelchair housing provision will minimise housing issues that may otherwise arise should a person with mobility issues be housed in conventional housing, minimising stress and improving mental health and so decreasing the risk of social exclusion.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all 0


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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


Providing homes for people with mobility issues will mean that an under-represented section of society's housing need is catered for. Catering for this need will help build a stronger and more cohesive community in which everyone can feel they belong.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

DM6 will specifically support the lifestyles of people with mobility issues, helping to contribute to diverse communities in which everyone's needs are catered for.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

++ DM6 will try to provide adequate housing for people with mobility issues, and so are the largest minority group to be positively effected by the policy.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0


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Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0


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IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?



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and townscape Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and

Will it encourage development on previously 0


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improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

developed land?

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding Will the development be in

an area at risk of flooding? -

The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding. However, elderly people are considered vulnerable users of a site and so will need to demonstrate that alternative sites of lower flood risk have been considered and, where available, chosen as the location of the development to minimise risk.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++

Housing designed specifically for older people will free up other types of homes currently occupied by older people, helping increase the availability of non-specialist housing for other people.


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to live in a decent home Will it contribute towards

increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


Unoccupied specialist wheelchair housing will be used as temporary local authority accommodation and financial contributions paid to the council in place of on-site affordable wheelchair housing provision will help to pay for the conversion of existing social rented homes to be wheelchair accessible or otherwise suitable as specialist housing.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public 0


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Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.15: DM7 Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Hostels - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of

Will it improve safety and security? 0


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crime and the fear of crime

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


Due to the temporary nature of the tenants and the related reasons that tenants are often referred hostels, there is a risk that the granting of planning permission for them could create tension rather than community cohesion. However, they play a very important role in helping people with certain issues and so play a very important role in the community.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Hostels and HMOs are normally administered by the voluntary and community sectors. Granting planning permission for these types of homes will help them achieve their aims of housing and helping people in need.

Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

Hostels and HMOs will house and help people with issues that inhibit them from leading healthy lifestyles, meaning they can start to lead healthy lifestyles and become another section of the diverse community in Southwark.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


The provision of accommodation offered by HMOs and hostels will enable the administrators and organisations who run and manage them to engage with the vulnerable groups who are in need. This can be considered a form of community facility provision.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


Hostels and HMOs often take in people who have certain issues and are referred to them by the authorities. This includes vulnerable people who may suffer from drug and alcohol addiction, domestic abuse, antisocial behaviour or asylum seekers. Hostels and HMOs will help meet the need for the housing of these vulnerable groups.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0


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Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0


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IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?



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and townscape Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and

Will it encourage development on previously 0


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improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

developed land?

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning the likelihood of HMOs and hostels being located in these areas is high.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?



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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green



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IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.16: DM8 Optimising Delivery of New Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?



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Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


DM8 requires residential development to be within a certain range within a certain location. Exceeding the prescribed density ranges will be permitted provided a development is judged to be of exemplary residential design. This will offers the chance to maximise affordable housing provision, including family sized social rented housing, which is where we have our greatest housing need. Providing more social rented family housing will help more people out of poverty through reducing housing costs and improving existing housing conditions, including those who live in relatively high deprivation where the population has a high concentration of people from a BME background.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0


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Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Higher densities of housing enable services, facilities and other town centres uses to be viable and sustainable in walkable neighbourhoods, contributing to the promotion of healthy active lifestyles through the built environment.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

Promoting housing developments at the appropriate density will mean more housing is delivered in the right places, creating neighbourhoods and homes that people want to live in.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?

++ Higher densities around the North and middle of the borough where there are already larger town and employment centres and good transport links will increase the access to jobs for more people.


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Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

Higher densities will help promote walking and cycling as more local facilities and services become more viable due to the demand from more people living in homes near by.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


Higher residential densities within Southwark will mean more people living and travelling through an area of existing poor air quality, increasing exposure. However, higher densities will mean more walkable neighbourhoods and services within walking distance, potentially reducing the need for polluting private motor vehicles such as cars.

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? +

Higher densities will mean more people, activities, services and facilities on the street and ground floors, providing more natural surveillance and reducing the opportunity for unseen criminal activity and the fear of crime.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?



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Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect, strong and cohesive community?


Higher densities will help more businesses, services and facilities be established as the increased population density helps them become viable. This will mean more people in walkable neighbourhoods out on the street engaging and interacting with others as they go about to make use of these local facilities and services.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? ++

An increased population from an increased density will mean more businesses, services and facilities that cater for a range of lifestyles become viable.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?

++ Higher densities will mean more community facilities become more viable and in higher demand with an increased residential population.


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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change Will it reduce C02 and other

greenhouse gas emissions? ?

There is a risk that there could be a net increase in C02 emissions in the short term due to an increase in the scale of building required. However, this will be balanced in the longer term as higher densities provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it reduce energy consumption? --

Higher densities will likely result in an increase in energy consumption, although higher densities will be more efficient than the same number of people (or habitable rooms) at a lower density (over a larger surface area).

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?



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Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? ++

Higher densities will be better at addressing the urban heat island effect than lower densities with the same number of people or habitable rooms due to a larger amount of surface area of buildings for lower densities. This means that there is a larger amount of material to that can absorb and release heat radiation from the sun. Higher densities will reduce this due to a smaller amount of exposed building surface area for the same number of people or habitable rooms.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark Will it improve air quality? +

There is a risk that there could be a worsening of air quality due to an increase in the population increasing the demand for polluting private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? -

Increased densities will likely result in an increase in PM10 and N02 in the short term. Longer term effects of DM8 are unknown when assessing the policy in isolation (i.e. refer to DM60 - Air Quality).

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

- Higher densities may result in an increase in construction impacts in the short term as developments are built out.


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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? +

Higher densities enables services, including the sustainable processing of waste, to become more viable through applying the economies of scale principle.

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?

-- Higher densities will result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal.

Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?



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Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


If development is going to exceed density ranges then it must be judged as being of exemplary design. Part of this judgement criteria is that it must demonstrate that the development has sought to maximise the use of sustainable technologies and materials


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IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


If development is going to exceed density ranges then it must be judged as being of exemplary design. Part of this judgement criteria is that it must demonstrate that the development has sought to maximise the use of sustainable technologies and materials

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?

+ DM8 specifies that we want to provide housing that responds to the local and historic context, and to retain and create places where people want to live.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?

++ More people living in the same location will mean an increase in access to facilities. It will also mean that new facilities will become viable and provided.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? --

The majority of the land within Southwark is at risk from some form of flooding, meaning the likelihood of homes being located in these areas is high.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? ++ An increase in density will mean more homes in the

same area.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?



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IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? ?

There is a risk that there could be a worsening of air quality due to an increase in the population increasing the demand for polluting private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


There is a risk that there could be a worsening of air quality due to an increase in the population increasing the demand for polluting private car use. However, higher densities will provide a basis to shift to walkable neighbourhoods, cycling and public transport and away from the motor car.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? ?

There is a risk that with higher densities there will be more people using streets and roads either as pedestrians and cyclists or in motor vehicles. This could mean an increase in the chance of collisions and accidents.

Will it improve public transport? +

Higher densities will make public transport more viable and in demand as congestion for private motor vehicles is too much.

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

Higher densities will make walkable neighbourhoods more viable and walking and cycling more attractive and increase demand as congestion for private motor vehicles is too much.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?



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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.17: SP2 Revitalised Neighbourhoods - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

Will it help diversify the economy? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.


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Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?



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Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.


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Will it result in a loss of employment land? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work.

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?



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IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population Will it promote and facilitate

healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?



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Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?



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Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.


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Will it support active community engagement? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. The Council will ensure residents and neighbourhoods prosper from growth by introducing a new diversity standard to ensure people from every community are included when decisions are made.


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IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it militate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction 0


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maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

and operation/occupation?

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0


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IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.


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Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.


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Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect 0


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priority species?

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?



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IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.


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Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Using the borough's unique position in central London to benefit local residents, encouraging innovative development of spaces to provide new Council and other affordable homes, jobs, schools, shops and places to work. The Council will encourage residential development above shops to enliven town centres. Homes are being built rapidly, with most of the change taking place in the north and centre of Southwark, predominately in Elephant and Castle, Canada Water, East Walworth, Blackfriars Road, Bankside and along the River Thames.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0


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Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-



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location of services?

Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? +

SP2 aims to revitalise neighbourhoods to make them places we can all be proud to live and work. The Council recognises that Southwark is a borough with a proud heritage and a great future, with one of the most ambitious regeneration programmes in the country. Policies will enhance local distinctiveness and heritage-led regeneration by requiring the highest possible standards of design, creating attractive, healthy and distinctive buildings and places. This will be supported by providing green infrastructure and opportunities fro healthy activities and improving streets and public places between buildings.


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Table A2.18: DM9 Design of Places - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?



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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM9 recognises that development should allow for accessible and inclusive design for all ages and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. Public realm should be safe, attractive and ease the movement of [pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. These goals are supportive of making transport and facilities accessible.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


DM9 provides for the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.

Will it improve access to health and social care 0


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treatment for all sectors of the community? Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


DM9 supports the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm including opportunities for recreation and food growing.

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

DM9 ensures the height scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape character and context.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?

+ DM9 recognises that urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits including food growing.

Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? + DM9 recognises the importance of easing the

movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?



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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?

++ DM9 supports development that ensures high quality public realm that is safe, understandable and attractive.

Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


DM9 encourages active, connected, strong and cohesive communities by ensuring an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street widths.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

DM9 encourages active, connected, strong and cohesive communities by ensuring an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street widths.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. DM9 outlines that development should ensure compliance with the Equalities Act 2010, relevant London Plan policies and Part M of the Building regulations.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM9 recognises the importance of easing the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic.


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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


DM9 supports the provision of opportunities for formal and informal play. The provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


DM9 supports development that ensures an urban grain and layout that takes into account and improves existing patterns of development and movement, permeability and street width. DM9 supports development which provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?



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Will it militate against the urban heat island effect? ++

DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm, such as helping to reduce the urban heat island effect, where urban areas become significantly hotter than rural areas in summer.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? + DM9 recognises that the enhancement of areas through urban greening can create healthier places by reducing air pollution.

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? +

DM9 recognises that the enhancement of areas through urban greening can create healthier places by reducing air pollution.

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?



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or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? +

DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits such as reducing the impact of surface water flooding.

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0


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IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM9 outlines that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment. DM9 supports development that ensures the height, scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM9 supports development which ensures buildings, public spaces and land uses are positioned according to their function, impact and use. DM9 recognises that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment so that people want to spend time in the place.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?

+ DM9 supports development that ensures the height, scale, massing and orientation of development responds positively to the existing townscape.


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cultural assets

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


DM9 recognises that it is important to take the principles of urban design into consideration when designing new development, in order to ensure that new development improves the environment so that people want to spend time in the place. The principles extend to the internal design and the spaces between buildings, as well as the appearance of buildings. Developments must be designed to ensure accessibility, inclusivity and interaction regardless of disability, age or gender and to allow all to participate equally.

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM9 recognises that it is important to protect local character. Good public realm design is essential to help people move around the borough as it improves the streetscape, and creates a sense of place with vibrant, pleasant environments that people will take pride in and enjoy Ensuring visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities is respected.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?

++ DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?

+ DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

IIAO13: To protect and improve open

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?



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spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?

+ DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?

++ DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?

+ DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits, providing opportunities for recreation including formal and informal play.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? ++

DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm such as helping to reduce the impact of surface water flooding.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm such as helping to reduce the impact of surface water flooding.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?



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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM9 recognises that developments must be designed to ensure accessibility, inclusivity and interaction regardless of disability, age or gender and allow all to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities.

Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM9 supports development that ensures a high quality public realm that is safe, understandable and attractive and that ease the movement of pedestrians, cyclists.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. Development should ensure compliance with the Equalities Act 2010, relevant London Plan policies and Part M of the Building Regulations.


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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


DM9 supports development that provides accessible and inclusive design for all ages, and especially for people with disabilities or those who are mobility impaired. DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits.

IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? +

DM9 supports development which ensures a high quality public realm that is safe, understandable and attractive and that eases the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic.

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? ++

DM9 recognises that the provision of urban greening and green infrastructure can deliver multiple amenity and environmental benefits within buildings and the public realm.


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Table A2.19: DM10 Design Quality - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be 0


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exploited and employment created? Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population Will it promote and facilitate

healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


DM10 supports development which utilises active design elements that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. In additional to healthcare and services, such as GPs and clinics, other environmental and social conditions are known to influence people’s health. The internal layout of buildings can be designed to encourage activity.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of

Will it improve safety and security? 0


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crime and the fear of crime

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?

+ DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. It is important that good quality materials are used in development.

Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


DM10 supports development utilising active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development. DM10 also supports development which existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM10 recognises that in addition to healthcare services such as GPs and clinics, other environmental and social conditions are known to influence people's health.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?

++ DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

++ DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that



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meets local needs?

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?

++ DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

++ DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? + DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce

energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Will it reduce energy consumption? + DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce

energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.


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Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? +

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? + DM10 supports development that implements

sustainable design and construction techniques.

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, reduce flood risk and pollution, ensure the avoidance of internal overheating, minimise the urban heat island effect and the creation of adverse local climatic conditions.

Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? +

DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. DM10 supports development which ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?

+ DM10 supports development that implements sustainable design and construction techniques.


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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?

+ DM10 supports development that ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?

+ DM10 supports development that implements sustainable design and construction techniques.

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?

+ DM10 recognises that sustainable design must minimise the consumption of natural resources.

Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? + DM10 recognises that sustainable design must

minimise the consumption of natural resources. IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? + DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce

flood risk. IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. Southwark has a range of different neighbourhoods and areas contributing to its local distinctiveness, and this diversity will be reflected in new development.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?

++ DM10 supports development which implements sustainable design and construction techniques.

IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing. DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. Southwark has a range of different neighbourhoods and areas contributing to its local distinctiveness, and this diversity will be reflected in new development.


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Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


DM10 recognises that good design is a key aspect of making places better for people. It is important that good quality materials are used in development, which can greatly contribute to the overall impression of a building, as well as how it relates to its area. DM10 supports development which implements sustainable design and construction techniques.

Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing and development which ensures new buildings and alterations to existing buildings have a reactive design solution that is specific to the site's shape, size and location. DM10 recognises that it is important good quality materials are used in development. The right materials greatly contribute to the overall impression of a building as well as how it relates to its area.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?



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spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


DM10 supports development that ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved. DM10 also supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?

+ DM10 recognises that sustainable design must reduce flood risk.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?

+ DM10 supports development which ensures high standards of design with commensurate consideration given to visual appearance, composition, aesthetics and detailing.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? ++

DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?

++ DM10 supports development which ensures accessibility and inclusive design for all.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.


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IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


DM10 supports development which utilises active design principles that are fitting to the location, context, scale and type of development and ensures existing patterns of pedestrian and cycling movement are taken into account and improved.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.20: DM11 Residential Design - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?


Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be 0


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exploited and employment created? Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population Will it promote and facilitate

healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? ++

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?

++ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including food growing.


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Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?


IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? +

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?



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Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? +

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?



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use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.


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Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including habitat creation.

IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? +

DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?

+ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?

++ DM11 supports development which encourages communal amenity space designed to provide multiple benefits including SUDs.

IIAO15: To provide

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0


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everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?



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Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.

Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0


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Will it provide enough green infrastructure? ++

DM11 recognises good quality housing helps to improve the health, safety, amenity and quality of life of current and future residents. Southwark has an aging population and the Council want all residents to be able to stay in their homes throughout different phases of their life into old age. It is important that family housing provides private amenity space to ensure that children have somewhere safe to play. Communal play areas are important for children, parents and carers to exercise and socialise.


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Table A2.21: DM12 Tall Buildings - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people?

+ DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?

+ DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?

+ DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?



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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups?



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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?



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Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?



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Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0


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IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration. Tall buildings if designed thoughtfully can be an important component in raising population density, avoiding urban sprawl and contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?

+ DM12 recognises that tall buildings, if designed thoughtfully, can be an important component in contributing to an area's regeneration.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?

- DM12 recognises tall buildings can look out of place in their surroundings and cause unpleasant environmental effects, especially on the location's micro-climate.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?

- DM12 recognises that tall buildings can look out of place in their surroundings and cause unpleasant environmental effects, especially on the location's micro-climate.


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Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM12 outlines that the significance of a location will be defined by its proximity to the confluence of strategic routes, major public transport stations. Strategic locations and the scale of existing townscape.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land?


Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people 0


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and their property?

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it reduce car use? 0


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Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? +

DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM12 outlines that tall buildings will be located in Southwark's Regeneration Areas or major town centres. This is where the highest transport accessibility levels and densities are located and where there is the greatest opportunity for regeneration.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0


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Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.22: DM13 Efficient Use of Land - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.


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Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0


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Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?



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Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?



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Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.


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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and 0


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warmer winters?

Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?



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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0


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IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0


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IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?



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Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity Will it encourage development

on previously developed land? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that urban land is a vital, finite resource that must be efficiently used to reduce pressure on rural land and open spaces. In Southwark, increasing density in the Central Activities Zone, Opportunity Areas and major town centres is a key requirement for the sustainable use of land.

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?



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IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce car use? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.


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Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it promote walking and cycling? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?



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IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? +

DM13 supports development which ensures the underutilisation of sites is avoided, does not reasonably compromise the development potential of legitimate activities on neighbouring sites and makes adequate provision for servicing, circulation and access to, from and through the site. DM13 recognises that by increasing the number of people who visit, work and live in an area, more services and infrastructure can be supported thereby reducing the need to travel and contributing to the vitality of an area.

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.23: DM14 Listed Buildings and Structures - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?



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Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce 0


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Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.


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IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

IIAO6: To reduce

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0


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contributions to climate change

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial 0


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arising as a resource


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0


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IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?



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Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


DM14 recognises Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. Historic features can define local character, environment, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?



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infrastructure to support existing and future development

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.24: DM15 Conservation Areas - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?



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Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce 0


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Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion,

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?



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equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources 0


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of energy?

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable 0


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processing of waste?

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?



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landscape and townscape Will it improve the relationship

between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM15 recognises the importance of Southwark's built heritage as a community asset and will seek the adequate safeguarding of this asset. These areas help define local character, providing a sense of place and enriching the townscape. The Council is keen to encourage a high quality of design in conservation areas.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, 0


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cultural and arts destinations and facilities? Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, and open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?



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Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared 0


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existing and future development

community use and co-location of services? Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.25: DM16 Conservation of Historic Environment and Natural Heritage - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment



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Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0


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Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social

Will it help support the voluntary and community 0


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inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0


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contributions to climate change

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial 0


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arising as a resource


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?

+ DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.


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landscape and townscape

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?

+ DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?

++ DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?

+ DM16 recognises that historic assets help define the local character, provide a sense of place and enrich the townscape.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in 0


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corridors and biodiversity

areas of deficiency?

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?



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IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?



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by car Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.26: DM17 Borough Views - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and



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access to locally produced food?

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive 0


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public realm and other public facilities? Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled



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people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?



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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?



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Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM17 recognises that Borough views are significant views and panoramas that make a positive contribution to experiencing Southwark's position in London. Development that fails to enhance the significance of views is to be avoided.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect 0


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priority species?

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0


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everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a 0


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disability to access buildings and places? Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.27: DM18 Archaeology - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


DM18 supports development which conserves archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class One Archaeological Priority Zones, is designed to ensure the preservation of archaeological significance and assesses the archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class Two Archaeological Priority Zones.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?



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Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?



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Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?



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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0


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Southwark Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?



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Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM18 supports development which conserves archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class One Archaeological Priority Zones, is designed to ensure the preservation of archaeological significance and assesses the archaeological resource commensurate to its significance within Class Two Archaeological Priority Zones.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?



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Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?



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Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older



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Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?



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Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.28: DM19 World Heritage Sites - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and



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access to locally produced food?

Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive 0


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public realm and other public facilities? Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled



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people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?



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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?



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Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM19 supports development which sustains the significance of World Heritage Sites, including views in, out and across the sites and ensures the better understanding and appreciation of their Outstanding Universal Vale, integrity and authenticity.

Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect 0


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priority species?

Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0


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everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a 0


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disability to access buildings and places? Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.29: DM20 River Thames - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and rising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active 0


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health of the population

lifestyles amongst different groups? Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0


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IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and rising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?



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How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and rising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?



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Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? +

DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?



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Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?



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Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?



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Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0


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vulnerability to flooding

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.

Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


DM20 recognises that the strategic importance and unique character of the River Thames needs to be maintained and enhanced to enable the use and enjoyment of the Thames for all. The River Thames and its hinterland comprise the Thames Policy Area. This makes an important historical and environmental contribution to Southwark and London enabling significant recreation, tourism, nature conservation and open space provision. This is a busy tourist area, which is environmentally sensitive and subject to intense development pressure. Access and maintenance to the river is important to achieve this, along with repair of and raising of the river defence wall and expansion of the pathway to incorporate drainage and flood mitigation.


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Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public 0


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Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.30: SP3 Best Start in Life - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? +

SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.


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Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.


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Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?



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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the

Will it improve safety and security? 0


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incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?



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Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0


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change Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise,

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?



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re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0


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IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts 0


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IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?


Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?



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Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?



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Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0

Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?


Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?



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IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


SP3 aims to give all our young people the best start in life in a safe, stable and healthy environment where they have the opportunity to develop, make choices and feel in control of their lives and future. The Council believes in giving all our young people the best start in life. We will establish a new childcare Commission bringing together experts, parents, providers and employers to find new ways to guarantee care and early education. In schools the Council aims to make sure there are enough primary and secondary places for all.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.31: DM21 Education Place - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? +

DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it help diversify the economy? +

DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.


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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?


Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Will it help reduce skills shortages? ++

DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.


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Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?


Will it improve the quality of housing for all? 0

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?



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Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it improve safety and security? 0

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? 0

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?



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Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?


Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that meets local needs?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?

+ DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses.

IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of 0


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Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?


Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0

Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0


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Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0

IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?



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Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?


IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities)



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across the area?

Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?



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Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?


IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? 0

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?


IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?


Will it reduce car use? 0 Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?



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Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


DM21 recognises that education facilities significantly enhance the economy and contribute to regeneration by complementing existing uses. Education facilities will be expanded and enhanced to meet the needs of a growing population and giving our population the best start in life.

Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0


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Table A2.32: DM22 Student Homes - Detailed Appraisal

IIA Objectives Criteria for assessment Score Comment

IIAO1: To tackle poverty and encourage wealth creation

Will it improve the range of job opportunities for local people? 0

Will it help diversify the economy? 0

Will it increase the numbers of higher paid jobs in the borough?


Will it help reduce overall unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment?


Will it encourage the retentions and/or growth of local employment and training opportunities in the most deprived areas?


Will it assist in providing land and buildings of a type required by businesses, for a range of employment uses?


Will it reduce poverty in those areas and communities/equalities groups most affected by poverty?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it promote and enable tourism opportunities to be exploited and employment created?



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Will it result in a loss of employment land? 0

IIAO2: To Improve the education and skill of the population

Will it provide opportunities to improve the skills and qualifications of the population, particularly for young people and adults?


Will it help improve employee education/training programmes?


Will it help reduce skills shortages? 0

Will it help reduce disparity in educational achievement between different ethnic groups?


IIAO3: To Improve the health of the population

Will it promote and facilitate healthy living and active lifestyles amongst different groups?


Will it improve access to health and social care treatment for all sectors of the community?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets (e.g. green space, woodlands, recreation and sports facilities, allotments for recreation, exercise and access to locally produced food?



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Will it improve the quality of housing for all? +

DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it improve access to jobs for all and otherwise reduce poverty?


Will it encourage a range and mix of land uses that underpin local health, for example, avoiding over concentration of hot food takeaways in one location?


DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it help to facilitate the supply and availability of locally produced food?


Will it help improve mental and emotional health, reducing social exclusion?


Will it promote non-polluting forms of transport? 0

Will it reduce exposure to poor air quality across all groups? 0

IIAO4: To reduce the

Will it improve safety and security? 0


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incidence of crime and the fear of crime

Will it incorporate measures to reduce crime and the fear of crime, including anti-social behaviour?


Will it provide for a well maintained and inclusive public realm and other public facilities?


Will it encourage an active and connect strong and cohesive community?


IIAO5: To promote social inclusion, equality, diversity and community cohesion

Will it help support the voluntary and community sectors?


Will it support active community engagement? 0

Will it support a diversity of lifestyles and communities? +

DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it promote accessibility for those people who are elderly or disabled?


Will it improve access to low-cost transport and other facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it help sustain the provision of community facilities and open space that



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meets local needs?

Will it facilitate connection of existing communities, i.e. layout and movement which avoids physical barriers and severance and land uses and spaces which encourage social interaction?


How will different groups of people be affected by the option or policy – including black and minority ethnic communities, women, disabled people, LGBT groups, older people, young people, children and faith groups?


IIAO6: To reduce contributions to climate change

Will it reduce C02 and other greenhouse gas emissions? 0

Will it reduce energy consumption? 0

Will it use renewable sources of energy? 0

Will it help local people cope with hotter drier summers and warmer winters?


Will it mitigate against the urban heat island effect? 0

Will it encourage the re-use of resources? 0

Will it encourage water efficiency and drought resilience?



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Will it encourage the re-use or improvement of buildings and land that are vacant, under utilised or in disrepair?


Will it maintain or enhance biodiversity? 0

IIAO7: To improve air quality in Southwark

Will it improve air quality? 0 Will it help to reduce emissions of PM10 and N02? 0

Will it minimise construction impacts such as dust, noise, vibration and odours?


Will it encourage a reduction in the amount and length of journeys made by car?


IIAO8: To avoid waste and maximise, re-use or recycle waste arising as a resource

Will it promote the reduction of waste during construction and operation/occupation?


Will it minimise the production of household and commercial waste?


Will it promote sustainable processing of waste? 0

IIAO9: To encourage sustainable use of water resources

Will it result in a net increase in the demand for water and foul sewage disposal?


Will it encourage the re-use of water? 0

Will it maximise use of rainwater or other local water supplies?


Will it reduce discharges to surface and ground water? 0


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IIAO10: To maintain and enhance the quality of and soils

Will it result in the loss of open or previously undeveloped land?


Will it promote the re-use of previously developed land and buildings?


Will it use land effectively and efficiently, including mixed use and higher density development?


Will it encourage the remediation of land identified as potentially contaminated?


Will it prevent further contamination of soils? 0

Will it improve soil quality? 0 IIAO11: To protect and enhance quality of landscape and townscape

Will it conserve and enhance local landscape and townscape character and visual amenity?


Will it improve the relationship between different buildings, streets, squares, parks and waterways and other spaces that make up the townscape character?


Will it have a negative impact on important strategic/local views?


Will it incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques?



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IIAO12: To conserve and enhance the historic environment and cultural assets

Will it promote the historic environment and also contribute to better understanding of the historic environment?


Will it promote high quality design and sustainable construction methods?


Will it respect visual amenity and the spatial diversity of communities?


Will it maintain or increase access to leisure, sporting, cultural and arts destinations and facilities?


Will it improve leisure, sporting, cultural and arts provision?


IIAO13: To protect and improve open spaces, green corridors and biodiversity

Will it encourage development on previously developed land? 0

Will it improve the quality and access to open spaces in areas of deficiency?


Will it provide a range of play spaces for children and young people?


Will it maintain, enhance and create green infrastructure assets and networks (e.g. green space, woodlands, public rights of way, open recreation and sports facilities) across the area?



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Will it help and improve biodiversity in the area overall and in particular avoid harm to species and habitats protected by international and UK law?


Will it protect and enhance natural habitats and protect priority species?


Will it encourage the creation of new habitats, including through the provision of additional open space and green roofs?


Will it help achieve the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets?


Will it help protect and provide opportunities for creating/enhancing/improving sites designated for their nature conservation value/biodiversity at local and national levels?


IIA014: To reduce vulnerability to flooding

Will the development be in an area at risk of flooding? 0

Will it minimise the risk of and from flooding to people and their property?


Will it protect and improve flood defences and allow them to be maintained?


Will it promote the use of sustainable urban drainage systems?



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IIAO15: To provide everyone with the opportunity to live in a decent home

Will it improve the supply of housing? +

DM22 outlines that by requiring affordabel housing contributions on student housing the profit incentive to built student homes in favour of conventional homes is removed, improving the Council's ability to deliver the homes Southwark needs.

Will it contribute towards increasing the range of housing mix, sizes, tenures and affordability to meet the identified current and future needs of all social groups and local residents, including older households?


DM22 recognises that allowing too much student accommodation will restrict the Council's ability to deliver more family and affordable housing. By requiring an element of affordable housing or a contribution towards affordable housing from student housing development the Council can work towards meeting the strategic need for student accommodation and the local need for affordable homes including affordable homes.

Will it deliver “healthy homes” (e.g. in relation to warmth, overcrowding, noise and mental health)?


Will it improve overall design quality, including flexibility of stock to enable it to evolve to meet changing needs?

+ DM22 outlines that adequate living space should be provided and that 10% of student rooms should be easily adaptable for occupation by wheelchair users.

IIAO16: To promote sustainable transport and minimise the need to travel by car

Will it encourage development at locations that enable walking, cycling and/or the use of public transport and connected to local services and facilities?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it reduce car use? + DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.


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Will it reduce the number and length of journeys undertaken by car?

+ DM22 seeks to ensure that the development of student housing has an excellent public transport accessibility level.

Will it reduce road traffic accidents? 0

Will it improve public transport? 0

Will it promote walking and cycling? 0

Will it allow people with mobility problems or a disability to access buildings and places?


Will it improve the connections across the area to local services, places of employment and green infrastructure?


IIAO17: To provide the necessary infrastructure to support existing and future development

Will it provide enough social infrastructure and meet local needs?


Does the proposal explore opportunities for shared community use and co-location of services?


Will it provide enough physical infrastructure? 0

Will it provide enough green infrastructure? 0