Appendix A Pay Salary Scale 2013-14 Grade Spine point range Salary Range SC1 5 to 11 £12,435 £14,880 SC2 10 to 13 £14,013 £15,598 SC3 14 to 17 £15,882 £16,998 SC4 18 to 21 £17,333 £19,317 SC5 22 to 25 £19,817 £21,734 SC6 26 to 28 £22,443 £23,945 SO1 29 to 31 £24,892 £26,539 SO2 32 to 34 £27,323 £28,922 POA 33 to 36 £28,127 £30,311 POB 36 to 39 £30,311 £33,128 POC 39 to 42 £33128 £35,784 POD 43 to 45 £36,676 £38,422 POE 46 to 49 £39,351 £42,032

Appendix A Pay Salary Scale 2013-14 Grade Spine point ...€¦ · Appendix A Pay Salary Scale 2013-14 Grade Spine point range Salary Range SC1 5 to 11 £12,435 £14,880 SC2 10 to

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Appendix A

Pay Salary Scale 2013-14

Grade Spine point range Salary Range

SC1 5 to 11 £12,435 £14,880

SC2 10 to 13 £14,013


SC3 14 to 17 £15,882


SC4 18 to 21 £17,333


SC5 22 to 25 £19,817


SC6 26 to 28 £22,443


SO1 29 to 31 £24,892


SO2 32 to 34 £27,323


POA 33 to 36 £28,127


POB 36 to 39 £30,311


POC 39 to 42 £33128


POD 43 to 45 £36,676


POE 46 to 49 £39,351


Appendix B

Chief Executive Salary scales

Level 1.4.2008 1.4.2013

Level 1 £102,750 103,778

Level 2 £106,346 107,409

Level 3 £109,943 111,042

Level 4 £113,025 114,155

Allowances Lease car/cash alternative level 4 & MFA

Directors salaries Level 1.4.2009 1.4.2013

1 £69,595 70,291

2 £72,634 73,360

3 £75,471 76,226

4 £78,510 79,295

5 £81,042 81,852

6 £83,575 84,411

Allowances Lease car level 4/cash alternative & MFA

Assistant Director salary scales

Level 1.4.2009 1.4.2013

1 £56,040 £56,600

2 £59,154 £59,746

3 £62,267 £62,890

4 £65,380 £66,034

Allowances Lease car level 3/cash alternative & MFA

Service Managers

Level 1.4.2008 1.4.2013

1 £43,587 44,022

2 £46,700 47,167

3 £49,813 50,311

4 £52,927 53,456

Allowances Lease car level 3/cash alternative & MFA

Appendix C


POLICY STATEMENT INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Council recognises that change is an inevitable part of the continuous drive to improve

service delivery and sets out in its Employment Stability Agreement the detailed mechanism for managing staffing changes.

1.2 Inevitably processes to reduce or change staffing arrangements result in the early termination

of employment for some staff whether on a voluntary or compulsory basis. 1.3 This Policy should be used in conjunction with the Employment Stability Agreement where

reductions in staffing are necessary. 1.4 Early termination refers to termination before the normal retirement date under the Local

Government Pension Scheme. 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1 The objectives of this policy are to ensure that:

Early termination of employment is managed fairly and consistently.

The council’s pension discretionary powers are managed fairly and consistently.

That the requirements of the pension and discretionary payments regulations 2013 are met.

To provide written clarification of the circumstances in which, and the criteria against which redundancy payments and pension enhancements will be made.

To operate as a good employer in accordance with the Council’s Corporate Strategy. 3. SCOPE This policy applies:

In respect of early termination on grounds of redundancy; to all permanent Gravesham Borough Council employees and those employed on fixed term contracts.

In respect of pension entitlements: to all Gravesham Borough Council employees who are members of the scheme and all ex Gravesham Borough Council employees who have deferred benefits within the scheme.


The following legislation is relevant and has been taken into account in the drawing up of this policy;

The Equalities Act 2010

Local government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013

LGPS (Transitional Provisions, Savings and amendments) Regulations 2014

The part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment Regulations 2000 (Amendment) Regulations 2002

The Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002

Employment Rights Act 1996

5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Service Managers/ Directors will:

Make suitable arrangements to ensure the implementation of this policy. Ensure that issues relating to early retirement and pension benefits are discussed when

necessary. Act fairly, consistently and openly in all situations where early termination of employment

is a possibility. 5.2 Human Resources will:

Provide training, guidance and support to line managers in implementing this policy

Provide advice to managers throughout all situations which may result in early termination of employment.

5.3 Responsibility for Early Retirement, “Efficiency” and Flexible Retirement decisions.

The responsibility for granting early retirement, “efficiency” and flexible retirement will be based on the submission of a fully costed business case by the relevant Director with support from the Director, Communities and delegated as follows: All employees below Directors level Management Team Directors and Head of Financial Services Chief Executive Chief Executive Cabinet

6. Link to Council and HR Business Plans 6.1 One of the 5 strategic objectives of the council is “Managing the council’s business efficiently”.

Inevitably this will mean that there will be a need for the organisation to change over time and the requirements for staff in particular roles at particular times may also change. This policy provides a framework that will ensure that compensation where employment is terminated early is dealt with fairly and in line with current legislation and pension regulations.

SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS 1.0 GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1.1 Early Retirement, pension enhancements and redundancy payments will be;

Applied in a fair and consistent manner

Decided on the basis of fully costed implications, both immediate and future, to the Council and the pension fund.

Dependent on the resource, expertise and skill needs of the council. 2.0 REDUNDANCY AND RETIREMENT ON “EFFICIENCY” GROUNDS. 2.1 Redundancy payments will be calculated by using the Government’s statutory redundancy

payment calculator formula for those who are made redundant or leave on the grounds of the efficiency of the service. This may be accessed by clicking on the following link - http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/@employ/documents/digitalasset/dg_177260.pdf

There are, however, two additional rules which apply to all Council employees. (a) Redundancy payments will be based on an employee’s actual weekly pay, and are not

subject to the limit in the statutory scheme. (ii) As a result of the Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local

Government) (Modification) Order 1999, an employee is entitled to receive a redundancy payment based on all continuous local government and related service). This also means that, if an employee who has been given notice of redundancy receives an offer (made prior to the date of redundancy) of suitable alternative employment in local government or a related service, to commence within four weeks of their date of termination, there will be no entitlement to a redundancy payment.

2.4 The council has the discretion to award additional pension, up to the limit defined in the

regulations to an active member or, within 6 months of leaving the scheme, to a member who was dismissed on grounds of redundancy or business efficiency.

2.5 Additional levels of compensation, provided by the revised regulations will not normally be

agreed, unless there is an overall benefit to the authority. In such cases the relevant Director and the Director, Communities will submit a fully costed business case to the Management Team, Chief Executive or Cabinet as laid down in paragraph 5.3 of the Policy statement.

2.6 Additional levels of compensation will be calculated with regard to the circumstances of the

individual case and in particular the employee’s loss of income as a result of his/her dismissal. 2.7 The payment of additional compensation in redundancy situations or retirement in the “efficiency of the service” will only be considered where the following apply;

There are no redeployment opportunities which the employee could reasonably be required to take up,

The employee agreeing that his/her termination settlement is in full and final settlement of any potential claims against the Council in respect of the termination,

The termination rendering sufficient revenue savings that, using the council’s approved formula, its capital cost has been restored, at the latest, during the year in which the employee’s sixty fifth birthday falls, and

The Director, and the Director, Communities agree that the proposed staff structure and termination settlement are reasonable in the circumstances of the case and particularly service provision and the employee’s individual circumstances, including loss of income, as a result of termination.

2.6 Additional levels of compensation will not exceed 104 weeks salary as provided for in the

revised discretionary Compensation Regulations.

Further information on the redundancy process is given at Appendix A & B

3.0 FLEXIBLE RETIREMENT 3.1 The concept of flexible retirement was introduced by the LGPS Regulations 2006. It applies to

scheme members aged 55 or over who with their employers consent, reduce the hours of the job they continue to hold and/or change to a lower graded job. They may then elect to receive immediate payment of all or part of the benefits they had earned in the scheme prior to the date of change.

3.2 It is the Council’s policy to consider flexible retirement requests only where there is no

detrimental effect on the service and after full consideration of any financial implications. 3.3 If consent is given it is not the councils general policy to waive any actuarial reduction unless

there are exceptional circumstances. 3.4 The Council’s policy on Flexible Retirement is laid out in detail at appendix C. 4.0 VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT FROM AGE 55 Waiving actuarial reductions pertaining to the 85 year Rule

4.1 The LGPS regulations 2013 introduced a new provision whereby those retiring after 31 March 2014 may voluntarily retire between the ages of 55 and 60 without requiring their employers consent.

4.2 Individuals who choose to voluntarily retire and have protections under the former 85 year

rule, these will not automatically apply. 4.3 The 2013 regulations allow the council to ‘switch back on ‘ the 85 year rule protections. 4.4 It is not the council’s general policy to make use of this discretion, unless there are clear

financial or operational advantages. 5.0 WAIVING OF ACTUARIAL REDUCTIONS There are a number of occasions when an individual requests payment of their pension

benefits and there may be a reduction in the benefits due to early payment. 5.1 Active Members

Where a member has voluntarily requested their pension to be paid from age 55, their benefits will be actuarially reduced, regardless of if or when they would have reached the 85 year rule. The council has discretion to waive all or part of these reductions.

Where flexible retirement has been agreed and the benefits are to be actuarially reduced the council has the discretion to waive this reduction.

5.2 Deferred Benefit Members A deferred benefit member can request payment of their deferred benefit before their normal

retirement age. The requirement for employer consent is dependent on various factors:

If the member left on or before 31 March 1998, the deferred benefit can be put into payment between the ages of 55 and 60 with the council’s consent on compassionate grounds. The cost would be met by the council.

If the member left between 1 April 1998 and 31 March 2014, the deferred benefit can be put into payment between the ages of 55 and 60 with the councils consent. If the member would have met the 85 year rule before the age of 60 then the cost will be met by the council. In some circumstances there is a partial member reduction and partial council cost. If the member did not meet the 85 year rule their benefit will be reduced. The council has the discretion to waive any reduction on compassionate grounds.

If the member left after 1 April 2014, the deferred benefit can be put into payment from age 55 without the council’s consent. Any reduction for early payment will be met by the member; however the council has the discretion to waive the reductions.

5.3 If the council uses its discretions as detailed above there will be a cost to the council. 5.4 It is not the council’s general policy to waive any actuarial reductions applied to benefits paid

early or where a scheme member has previously been awarded a deferred benefit. 5.5 Where a request has been made for the early payment of benefits for compassionate

reasons, full consideration must be given to the guidelines* contained in the Kent Scheme of Conditions of Service. Payment may only be made after agreement by the relevant responsible group/person, as laid down in paragraph 5.3 of the policy statement, on the recommendation of the relevant Director, and the Director, Communities. Gravesham Borough Council will be responsible for any additional costs deriving from the decision to release benefits prematurely in compassionate circumstances.

*These guidelines state that the circumstances must be exceptional and would not reasonably be expected to prevail, i.e. the occurrence of a disaster or accident etc. Financial hardship alone would not normally be deemed sufficient.

6.0 FUNDING OF ADDITIONAL PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS 6.1 Regulation 16, of the Local government Pension Scheme 2013, covers the payment of

additional pension contributions for when a member wishes to increase their pension and to cover the contributions for lost pension when a member has been on authorised unpaid leave of absence, such as child related leave or a sabbatical etc.

6.2 It is not the council’s general policy to fund in full or part additional contributions where a

scheme member wishes to purchase additional annual pension contributions.

6.3 This does not apply where a scheme member has a period of authorised unpaid leave of absence, such as child related leave or a sabbatical and elects, within 30 days of returning to work, to pay additional contributions to cover the amount of pension lost during the period of absence. In this instance the council are required to contribute 2/3rds of this cost.

6.4 If the scheme member elects to pay the additional contributions outside of the 30 day limit, the full costs will be met by the scheme member.

6.5 Where it has not been possible to provide the scheme member with the information needed in order for them to make their election, then an extension of the 30 day deadline will be given, and then they must return their election form within 30 days of the information being provided.

7.0 RIGHT OF APPEAL EARLY RETIREMENT/PENSION DECISIONS 7.1 Appendix C sets out the rights of appeal and the process for lodging such an appeal against a

decision not to grant flexible retirement. 7.2 Employees who are dissatisfied with other early retirement decisions made in accordance with

this policy also have the right of appeal and may be accompanied to the meeting to consider their appeal, by their union representative or a work place colleague.

7.3 Any employee, wishing to exercise this right of appeal should do so in writing to the Director,

Communities within 5 working days of receipt of written confirmation of the manager’s decision.

7.4 The appeal will be heard by a panel of members and wherever possible this appeal will be

held within 10 days of the employee notifying their wish to appeal. 7.5 Following the appeal, the employee should be advised of the final decision in writing within 5

working days of the appeal hearing. 7.6 Should there not be a satisfactory outcome from the above procedure then there is a further

right of appeal through the Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure. Initially, an employee should write with details of the dispute to;

Yunus Gajra Pension Section 2nd Floor Brenchley House Week Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1RF If you disagree with this decision you may refer your complaint for consideration by Kent County Council as the Administering Authority of the Kent Pension Scheme.


8.1 This policy will be deposited with the Kent County Council and they will be kept fully informed

of any amendments.

Appendix D

Partnership Supplements

It has been agreed between both authorities that a partnership supplement will be paid to an officer who is taking on joint responsibilities between the two authorities. The supplement is based upon a percentage of the officer’s salary (excluding oncosts) and will be agreed at one of the following rates:

0% The officer is taking on no additional responsibilities and is purely providing a support service to the other authority.

3% The officer is providing resilience in order to assist the authority in ensuring the delivery of its service.

5% Shared service or joint-management arrangement. The initial partnership supplement to be provided to an officer based upon them taking on additional managerial roles across both authorities.


Following the review of the shared service or joint-management arrangement (which will take place after the partnership has operated for six-months), a review of the partnership supplement will be undertaken. The senior managers at both sites will decide if the partnership has been successful and if so, an increase in the partnership supplement is required. Similarly, if the partnership has not been successful or requires further development, it can be agreed to keep the supplement at 5% pending a further review.


The agreed partnership supplement should be built into the business case and future costings, based upon the partnership being successful. In terms of resilience work, the supplement should be built into the day rate calculation where applicable.

Appendix E


Proposed scale of fees for District/Borough and Parish Council elections held on or after 1st

April 2013

ITEM 2013


Proposed 2014

£ % increase

1. For each Presiding Officer at a Polling Station – single election


199.22 1.00

2. For each Presiding Officer at a Polling Station – combined election or difficult station due to local circumstances (at the discretion of the Returning Officer)

242.32 244.74 1.00

3. For a Presiding Officer who acts as a supervisor at a Polling Place where there is more than one Polling Station



(additional) £9.66


4. Presiding Officer travel (see note 4 below) 13.52 13.66 1.04

5. For each Poll Clerk at a Polling Station – single election


119.53 1.00

6. For each Poll Clerk at a Polling Station – combined election (at the discretion of the Returning Officer)

146.52 147.99 1.00

7. Poll Clerk travel (see note 4 below) 7.86 7.94 1.02

8. Supervising Officer – for every 10 polling stations overseen

197.25 199.22 1.00

9. For each Presiding Officer, Poll Clerk and Supervising Officer attending training

43.78 44.22 1.01

10. For each training session provided by the Returning Officer to Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks


170.78 1.0

11. For the delivery of official Poll Cards by hand 0.34

Up to 2nd class postage rate


12. For the employment of persons in connection with the counting of votes, clerical and other assistance required by the Returning Officer – for each 500 electors (or part) in a contested election


69.7 1.00

ITEM 2013


Proposed 2014

£ % increase

13. For the employment of persons in connection with the preparation, issue and opening of postal ballot papers – for every 100 (or part) postal ballot papers issued. (Further resources may be needed to meet the effects of the Electoral Administration Act 2006)

67.63 68.31 1.01

14. For each recount of the votes – for each 500 electors (or part) (see note 3 below)


4.10 1.01

15. Travel of staff in connection with the counting of votes (at the discretion of the Returning Officer – see note 4 below)

7.86 7.94 1.02

16. For clerical and other assistance required by the Returning Officer at an uncontested election – for each 500 electors (or part)

18.77 18.96 1.01

17. Payment to the District/Borough for the use of Council staff to support the Returning Officer in the conduct of elections as follows:

(a) contested election – (i.e. without District/Borough) for each 500 electors (or part) (b) contested joint election (i.e. with District/Borough) – for each 500 electors (or part)







18. Payment to the District/Borough for the use of Council staff at an uncontested election – per uncontested election (see note 5 below)

14.74 14.89 1.02

19. Returning Officer’s fee for the conduct of elections as follows:

(a) contested District/Borough OR Parish election – for each 500 electors (or part) (b) contested joint District/Borough AND Parish election – for each 500 electors (or part) (c) uncontested District/Borough election – single fee (d) uncontested Parish election – single fee













Appendix F Gravesham Borough Council Organisation Chart Chief Executive to Service Manager 31.1. 2015

Number of employees whose remuneration in 2013-14 was £50,000 or above in brackets of £5,000

Remuneration Band Number of Employees in Band

£ 50,000 - £ 54,999 0

£ 55,000 - £ 59,999 6

£ 60,000 - £ 64,999 4

£ 65,000 - £ 69,999 2

£ 70,000 - £ 74,999 4

£ 75,000 - £ 79,999 0

£ 80,000 - £ 84,999 0

£ 85,000 - £ 89,999 0

£ 90,000 - £ 94,999 3

£ 95,000 - £ 99,999 0

£100,000 - £104,999 0

£105,000 - £109,999 0

£110,000 - £114,999 0

£115,000 - £119,999 0

£120,000 - £124,999 1

Total 20

Details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is between £50,000 - £150,000 2013-14

Position Services & Other Responsibilities Remuneration Band No. of Staff

Chief Executive Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer responsible for all elections

£120,000 - £124,999 527

Director, Communities Public Health, Recreation, HR, Legal, Property, Community Safety, Elections

£ 90,000 - £ 94,999 147

Director, Finance & Environment Finance & Environmental Services £ 90,000 - £ 94,999 254

Director, Housing & Regeneration Housing, Housing Contracts, Planning Regeneration & Policy £ 90,000 - £ 94,999 121

Ass. Director, Communities Environmental Health, Community Safety £ 70,000 - £ 74,999 38

Ass. Director, Finance Finance & Section 151 Officer, Revenues & Benefits £ 70,000 - £ 74,999 57

Ass. Director, Governance & Law. Director, Monitoring Officer, Legal Services & HR £ 70,000 - £ 74,999 15

Ass. Director, Housing Housing, Housing Contracts £ 70,000 - £ 74,999 82

Ass. Director, Environment Waste Management, Housing Maintenance, Transport £ 65,000 - £ 69,999 146

Service Manager, IT IT Head of shared service with Tonbridge & Malling £ 65,000 - £ 69,999 14

Ass. Director, Corporate Performance Audit, Performance & Fraud £ 60,000 - £ 64,999 12

Service Manager, Accounting Accounting for Environmental Services £ 60,000 - £ 64,999 5

Service Manager, Customer & Theatre Customer Services The Woodville Theatre, Gateway Services £ 60,000 - £ 64,999 36

Service Manager, Regeneration & Policy Planning Regeneration & Policy £ 60,000 - £ 64,999 14

Service Manager, Economic Development Economic Development, Property, Visitor Information, £ 60,000 - £ 64,999 31

Service Manager, Communities Public Health, Recreation Services £ 55,000 - £ 59,999 14

Service Manager, Finance Financial Services £ 55,000 - £ 59,999 23

Service Manager, Revenues & Benefits Revenues & Benefits £ 55,000 - £ 59,999 35

Service Manager, Development Management Planning Development & Enforcement £ 55,000 - £ 59,999 18

Service Manager, Parking & Amenities Parking, Cemetery services, Allotments, Emergency Planning £ 55,000 - £ 59,999 15

This information is published in accordance with the guidance associated with the code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data

transparency (2014).