Appendix B - Stakeholder Groups - CSIRfred.csir.co.za/project/smelter/appendix_b_stakeholder_groups.pdf · African National Congress Lubambo Mr M African National Congress Lupondwana

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Page 1: Appendix B - Stakeholder Groups - CSIRfred.csir.co.za/project/smelter/appendix_b_stakeholder_groups.pdf · African National Congress Lubambo Mr M African National Congress Lupondwana



Page 2: Appendix B - Stakeholder Groups - CSIRfred.csir.co.za/project/smelter/appendix_b_stakeholder_groups.pdf · African National Congress Lubambo Mr M African National Congress Lupondwana

Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 1

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits 8CR Property Trust Owner Smith Mr J ACB Zenzile Mr P Action Bolt du Plessis Mr JH Addo Local Authority Councillor Jordaan Cllr J Addo/Sundays River Authority Councillor Jantjies Cllr H Addo/Sundays River Authority Councillor Lose Cllr J AECI Davies Mr AJ AEL Rabotapi Ms J Afri Coast Engineers Pty Ltd Director McGillivray Mr D African National Congress Member Antoni Mr MP African National Congress Member Aplain Mr V African National Congress April Mr T African National Congress Member April Mr MW African National Congress Banzi Mr NG African National Congress Member Bara Mr/Ms LP African National Congress Member Benelwa Mr/Ms L African National Congress Member Beni Mr/Ms M African National Congress Member Bisitti Mr M African National Congress Blaauw Ms C African National Congress Chairlady Borens Ms A African National Congress Member Bouah Mr S African National Congress Breakfast Mr Y African National Congress Conrad Mr African National Congress Cuba Mr C African National Congress Didiza Mr N African National Congress Member Dumbu Ms Z African National Congress Duvalele Mr N African National Congress Member Dwakaza Ms A African National Congress Dyantyisi Mr M African National Congress Member Elias Mr A African National Congress Member Fadana Ms V African National Congress Member Faku Mr T African National Congress Member Fani Mr N African National Congress Fezi Ms N African National Congress Funde Mr/Ms N African National Congress Gazi Mr M African National Congress Gcezengana Mr V African National Congress Member Gibe Ms N African National Congress Gulwa Mr N African National Congress Handile Mr N African National Congress Member Hani Mr M African National Congress Member Harris Ms N African National Congress Hendricks Mr L African National Congress Member Hogan Mr M African National Congress Hoyi Mr M African National Congress Human Mr JJ African National Congress Hungana Mr S African National Congress Isaacs Mr/Ms ME African National Congress Member Jacobs Mr R African National Congress Member Jacobs Ms D African National Congress Jobela Mr L African National Congress Johnson Mr T African National Congress Jwambi Ms T African National Congress Kapayi Mr/Ms MS African National Congress Member Khobo Mr M African National Congress Klaas Mr/Ms EN African National Congress Koba Mr N African National Congress Member Kobo Mr B African National Congress Koliti Mr/Ms H African National Congress Koliti Mr M African National Congress Kula Mr/Ms L African National Congress Kulati Mr K African National Congress Lama Mr M African National Congress Lamani Mr A African National Congress Leve Mr M African National Congress Member Lose Ms M African National Congress Lovis Mr M African National Congress Lubambo Mr M African National Congress Lupondwana Mr M

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 2

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress Member Mabunzi Ms N African National Congress Madakana Mr MJ African National Congress Member Madlingozi Mr T African National Congress Member Mafani Mr T African National Congress Member Magilane Mr/Ms M African National Congress Member Mahabe Ms S African National Congress Mahlaba Mr M African National Congress Mahote Mr GV African National Congress Majika Mr T African National Congress Member Majola Mr/Ms GN African National Congress Makeleni Mr N African National Congress Member Makiki Mr/Ms M African National Congress Member Makinana Mr S African National Congress Member Makoki Ms P African National Congress Member Makoni Mr C African National Congress Member Mali Ms K African National Congress Mangesi Mr/Ms K African National Congress Manini Ms T African National Congress Manyakawyaka Mr L African National Congress Maqolo Mr G African National Congress Member Marthinus Mr/Ms GI African National Congress Member Maswana Ms N African National Congress Mathenjiwa Mr B African National Congress Member Matomela Mr M African National Congress Member Matshisi Mr M African National Congress Mavata Ms P African National Congress Member Mazantsi Mr/Ms LF African National Congress Member Mazibuko Ms N African National Congress Mbanga Mr N African National Congress Member Mbete Ms V African National Congress Member Mbikanye Mr G African National Congress Member Mbomba Mr/Ms M African National Congress Mbuqu Mr M African National Congress Mbuqu Mr M African National Congress Mbuzi Mr Z African National Congress Member Mditshwa Mr V African National Congress Mdleleni Mr/Ms S African National Congress Mdunyelwa Mr P African National Congress Member Mente Mr J African National Congress Mgoantashe Mr S African National Congress Mgoqi Mr T African National Congress Mgwebi Mr L African National Congress Mhlahlo Mr T African National Congress Mjadu Mr S African National Congress Member Mjikolo Mr M African National Congress Mjuza Ms Y African National Congress Member Mkalip Mr T African National Congress Member Mkavu Ms B African National Congress Member Mkhathali Mr T African National Congress Member Mkubuwa Ms M African National Congress Mkunyane Mr Z African National Congress Mkweta Mr M African National Congress Mntushe Mr V African National Congress Member Mnyani Ms M African National Congress Member Moni Mr N African National Congress Member Mpohla Ms L African National Congress Member Mqulwana Mr/Ms SC African National Congress Mtinjama Mr/MS M African National Congress Mtywaru Ms L African National Congress Mxoli Mr/Ms Z African National Congress Member Mxosa Mr/Ms MW African National Congress Mzizi Mr P African National Congress Ncipa Mrs KB African National Congress Ndiphiwe Mr/Ms G African National Congress Ndlumbini Mr P African National Congress Ndwayana Mr N African National Congress Member Ngcivana Mr/Ms JW African National Congress Member Ngqezana Mr S African National Congress Ngwane Mr MW

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 3

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress Member Ngxangxeni Mr D African National Congress Nkohla Mr S African National Congress Member Nkonjane Mr P African National Congress Noloyiso Mr/Ms N African National Congress Nolutshungu Mr/Ms B African National Congress Member Nongubo Mr B African National Congress Noruka Mr E African National Congress Ntando Mr L African National Congress Ntlonze Mr K African National Congress Member Ntshali Ms X African National Congress Ntutwana Mr/Ms M African National Congress Nyamakazi Mr M African National Congress Nyawe Mr L African National Congress Odolo Mr N

African National Congress Deputy

Chairperson Pandle Mr/Ms L African National Congress Paul Mr N African National Congress Qoni Mr N African National Congress Qoshani Ms N African National Congress Member Qunta Mr L African National Congress Ranisi Mr T African National Congress Member Rayners Ms M African National Congress Chairperson Scritch Ms Z African National Congress Member Shungu Ms M African National Congress Member Silinga Mr M African National Congress Member Siswana Mr M

African National Congress Assistant Secretary Sokhiya Mr M

African National Congress Member Sonjica Mr Z African National Congress Sonti Ms B African National Congress Sowazi Mr A African National Congress Member Stevens Ms E African National Congress Stimele Mr Z African National Congress Tana Mr/Ms J African National Congress Tshakweni Mr L African National Congress Tshetsha Mr/Ms VN African National Congress Vermaak Mr EP African National Congress Vusani Mr T African National Congress Vusani Mr K African National Congress Watani Mr M African National Congress Wellington Mr R African National Congress Williams Mr H African National Congress Xolani Mr K African National Congress Xolani Mr M African National Congress Member Yatani Ms N African National Congress Member Zibula Mr S African National Congress Member Zinto Ms NC African National Congress Member Zweni Ms L African National Congress - Addo Apolisi Mr Z African National Congress - Addo Majali Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Addo Nyamakazi Mr LK African National Congress - Addo Scritch Mr M African National Congress - Addo Tambo Mr V African National Congress - Coega Bangani Mr/Ms NI African National Congress - Coega Feni Mr/Ms CV African National Congress - Coega Chairperson Maledu Mr J African National Congress - Coega Pepese Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Coega Scheepers Mr/Ms E African National Congress - Despatch Bisu Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Blaauw Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Blaauw Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Boltina Mr J African National Congress - Despatch Geza Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Despatch January Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Jelwane Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch July Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Despatch Khohlakala Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Kona Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Kuba Mr/Ms M

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 4

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress - Despatch Maranjosa Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Despatch Maranjosa Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch Matebese Mr V African National Congress - Despatch Mateto Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Despatch Mfengu Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Despatch Mphali Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Despatch Mqloma Mr S African National Congress - Despatch Msitshana Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch Nqikashe Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch Ntamo Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Nyoka Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch Nyoka Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Despatch Peta Ms J African National Congress - Despatch Peta Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Despatch Pieter Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Despatch Speelman Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - Despatch Thambuxolo Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Despatch Vaaltyn Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Despatch Xola Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - Khayamnandi Banzi Mr L African National Congress - Khayamnandi Bolting Mr M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Booi Mr/Ms FW African National Congress - Khayamnandi Bunu Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Khayamnandi Davids Mr/Ms MP African National Congress - Khayamnandi Dayimani Mr M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Eric Mr D African National Congress - Khayamnandi Gwadela Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Khayamnandi Gwija Mr/Ms CP African National Congress - Khayamnandi Jack Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Khayamnandi Kula Mr/Ms TM African National Congress - Khayamnandi Kulani Mr/Ms NE African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mabulu Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mabulu Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Madonci Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Makana Mr K African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mathulu Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Khayamnandi Matshisi Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mdayi Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mengu Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mens Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mnyamezeli Mr African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mwaculi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Khayamnandi Mzazela Mr S African National Congress - Khayamnandi Ncamiso Mr M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Ndevu Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Khayamnandi Nkwali Mr/Ms NP African National Congress - Khayamnandi Ntamo Mr/Ms K African National Congress - Khayamnandi Pieter Mr/Ms A African National Congress - Khayamnandi Rawula Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Khayamnandi Sokale Ms J African National Congress - Khayamnandi Temba Mr/Ms G African National Congress - Khayamnandi Tempi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Khayamnandi Tose Mr/Ms ME African National Congress - Khayamnandi Tshitsha Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Khayamnandi Vena Mr/Ms SN African National Congress - Khayamnandi Wanty Mr S African National Congress - Khayamnandi Williams Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Khayamnandi Xola Mr H African National Congress - Khayamnandi Yoli Mr N African National Congress - Khayamnandi Yoli Mr M African National Congress - Khayamnandi Zondani Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Khayamnandi Zonke Mr/Ms TE African National Congress - Khayamnandi Zwelandile Mr N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Adams Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Kwazakhele August Mr S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Belu Mr S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Buthelezi Mr N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Cacela Mr R African National Congress - Kwazakhele Classen Mr/Ms F

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 5

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress - Kwazakhele Dobela Mr S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Dyantyi Mr S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Faas Mr N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Gayi Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Kwazakhele Gedze Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Gomomo Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Gweka Mr H African National Congress - Kwazakhele Jawila Mr/Ms African National Congress - Kwazakhele Jokani Mr W African National Congress - Kwazakhele Joxo Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Jozela Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Kwazakhele Kanzi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Kate Mr T African National Congress - Kwazakhele Klassen Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Lobese Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Lombo Mr B African National Congress - Kwazakhele Madikane Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Magcotsho Mr K African National Congress - Kwazakhele Magqala Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Makama Mr M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mali Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Kwazakhele Masala Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Masitshana Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Kwazakhele Matomela Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mboyi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mbunyiiza Mr S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mckonie Ms L African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mdliva Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mgimza Mr T African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mkoto Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mongwele Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Mtabazi Mr/Ms Y African National Congress - Kwazakhele Nciza Ms A African National Congress - Kwazakhele Nginza Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Kwazakhele Ngqeshe Mr D African National Congress - Kwazakhele Ngxokwana Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Nkebe Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Kwazakhele Nkosi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Nonimba Mr/Ms NV African National Congress - Kwazakhele Ntantiso Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Kwazakhele Panga Ms P African National Congress - Kwazakhele Plaatjie Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Qekema Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Kwazakhele Sibugashe Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Kwazakhele Sifani Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Kwazakhele Siphango Mr F African National Congress - Kwazakhele Solomon Mr/Ms DM African National Congress - Kwazakhele Zuma Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Bana Mr E African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Boyce Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Davids Ms M African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Gamtolo Mr/Ms TT African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Gqabi Mr/Ms VN African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Jacobs Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Joni Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Made Mr/Ms W African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Mlolomba Mrs African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Ndyaneli Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Pepeto Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Seeland Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Sinayida Mr/Ms NE African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Skosana Mr/Ms S African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Solomon Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Langa Civil Society Twalingla Mr/Ms D African National Congress - Motherwell Dondashe Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - Motherwell Ganga Ms P African National Congress - Motherwell Memani Mr M African National Congress - Motherwell Mfuduka Ms M African National Congress - Motherwell Msayi Mr T

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 6

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress - Motherwell Peteni Mr/Ms NM African National Congress - Motherwell Royi Mr S African National Congress - Motherwell Seti Mr B African National Congress - Motherwell Seyisi Ms V African National Congress - Motherwell Sikani Mr M African National Congress - New Brighton Bavuma Mr M African National Congress - New Brighton Bonga Mr/Ms ZW African National Congress - New Brighton Didiza Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - New Brighton Dloto Mr/Ms M African National Congress - New Brighton Faku Ms J African National Congress - New Brighton Gangla Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - New Brighton Hans Mr B African National Congress - New Brighton Hoza Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Jack Ms NJ African National Congress - New Brighton Kepe Ms J African National Congress - New Brighton Khame Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Koom Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Krweda Mr/Ms V African National Congress - New Brighton Letom Mr/Ms K African National Congress - New Brighton Longo Mr A African National Congress - New Brighton Lumka Mr M African National Congress - New Brighton Macaleni Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Makgatho Mr C African National Congress - New Brighton Mankahla Mr ME African National Congress - New Brighton Matanse Mr/Ms P African National Congress - New Brighton Matiwane Ms F African National Congress - New Brighton Maweni Mr T African National Congress - New Brighton Maxhela Ms W African National Congress - New Brighton Mazondiva Mr/Ms S African National Congress - New Brighton Mbengashe Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Mdoda Mr O African National Congress - New Brighton Menong Mr/Ms D African National Congress - New Brighton Mfunda Mr/Ms X African National Congress - New Brighton Mguca Mr B African National Congress - New Brighton Mkalali Ms B African National Congress - New Brighton Mkonto Mr/Ms T African National Congress - New Brighton Mlakalaka Mr B African National Congress - New Brighton Msila Ms S African National Congress - New Brighton Musa Mr/Ms M African National Congress - New Brighton Ncarashe Ms E African National Congress - New Brighton Ndlovu Ms P African National Congress - New Brighton Ndongeni Mr/Ms M African National Congress - New Brighton Ngcobo Ms E African National Congress - New Brighton Nonceba Mr/Ms S African National Congress - New Brighton Nqandu Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Nqwata Mr/Ms M African National Congress - New Brighton Pandle Mr/Ms V African National Congress - New Brighton Radasi Mr/Ms N African National Congress - New Brighton Sakube Mr/Ms X African National Congress - New Brighton Shawuza Mr/Ms M African National Congress - New Brighton Silayi Mr/Ms T African National Congress - New Brighton Sobantu Mr S African National Congress - New Brighton Somngcuka Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - New Brighton Tutu Mr/Ms JV African National Congress - New Brighton Vukemini Ms J African National Congress - Uitenhage April Mr/Ms W African National Congress - Uitenhage Banana Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Uitenhage Blaauw Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Uitenhage Blaauw Mr G African National Congress - Uitenhage Gamade Mr E African National Congress - Uitenhage Genu Mr S African National Congress - Uitenhage Madlanu Mr T African National Congress - Uitenhage Matabese Mr E African National Congress - Uitenhage Matshisi Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Uitenhage Mbusi Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Uitenhage Mfo Mr/Ms Y African National Congress - Uitenhage Mkhetshana Mr O African National Congress - Uitenhage Mlalandle Mr W African National Congress - Uitenhage Ncetezo Mr/Ms N

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 7

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress - Uitenhage Ncobo Mr S African National Congress - Uitenhage Ndinisa Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Uitenhage Ndinqeye Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Uitenhage Ngibe Mr V African National Congress - Uitenhage Ngqamfana Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Uitenhage Nogumpula Mr/Ms SG African National Congress - Uitenhage Noyila Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Uitenhage Qebe Mr/Ms P African National Congress - Uitenhage Sihoyaya Mr S African National Congress - Uitenhage Tose Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Uitenhage Van Roodt Mr D African National Congress - Uitenhage Vanda Mr M African National Congress - Uitenhage Webb Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Uitenhage Yako Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Uitenhage Zitho Mr F African National Congress - Uitenhage Uitenhage Cllr Hote Cllr S African National Congress - Zwide Dayile Mr/Ms NP African National Congress - Zwide Feni Mr/Ms F African National Congress - Zwide Funde Mr M African National Congress - Zwide Gonana Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Zwide Gotyana Mr/Ms TR African National Congress - Zwide Gqobisa Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Zwide Gxalela Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Zwide Koliti Mr/Ms L African National Congress - Zwide Kom Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Zwide Made Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Zwide Madika Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Zwide Manxanga Ms V African National Congress - Zwide Manzana Mr M African National Congress - Zwide Mbele Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Zwide Mfecane Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Zwide Mlanjana Mr/Ms X African National Congress - Zwide Mtati Mr T African National Congress - Zwide Nango Ms M African National Congress - Zwide Ncedo Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Zwide Ndesi Mr/Ms Z African National Congress - Zwide Nomamfene Mr/Ms Q African National Congress - Zwide Nondzube Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Zwide Ntlaki Mr/Ms SR African National Congress - Zwide Rala Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Zwide Sizani Mr/Ms V African National Congress - Zwide Sizani Mr/Ms N African National Congress - Zwide Sonti Mr W African National Congress - Zwide Sota Mr/Ms T African National Congress - Zwide Tusheni Mr M African National Congress - Zwide Vani Mr/Ms B African National Congress - Zwide Xantii Mr/Ms M African National Congress - Zwide Zinzile Mr/Ms P African National Congress Alliance Despatch Lawu Mr T African National Congress Branch Committee Member Ngele Mr/Ms GM African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Binqela Ms P African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Blou Mr M African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Gcezengana Mr M African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Gqozo Ms B African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Hadi Mr M African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Kolosa Mr/Ms SC African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Koya Mr T African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Mataka Mr/Ms KC African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Mbotyi Mr W African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Menzi Mr C

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 8

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Mgwanza Mr O African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Ndzima Ms X African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Ngcume Mr T African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Nkewu Mr M African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Nogaya Mr P African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Nyamakazi Mr M African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Quluba Ms N African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Skepe Mr/Ms NE African National Congress Branch Executive Committee Member Vizinto Mr T African National Congress Media Department Mboyi Ms N African National Congress Office Kwanini Mr/Ms F African National Congress Office Odolo Mr/Ms JN African National Congress Office Smandla Mr/Ms Z African National Congress Organiser Bambiso Mr/Ms P African National Congress PE Region Dano Mr M African National Congress Provincial Coordinating Officer Ngcaba Mr S African National Congress Regional Executive Committee and Member of Provincial Legislature Makgato Mr J African National Congress SA Communist Party Oliphant Mr TJ African National Congress Secretary Tanda Mr/Ms DN African National Congress Ward Committee Member Njongi Ms N African National Congress Women's League Dladla Ms N African National Congress Women's League Klaas Mrs TS African National Congress Women's League Kula Ms N African National Congress Women's League Member Madwara Mr/Ms MS African National Congress Women's League Mahlahla Mr B African National Congress Women's League Mashicila Ms N African National Congress Women's League Mazondwa Ms N African National Congress Women's League Mtwalo Ms Z African National Congress Women's League Ndzenza Ms N African National Congress Women's League Ngqiqhi Ms Y African National Congress Women's League Nxoti Ms X African National Congress Women's League Member Shumpa Mr/Ms TC African National Congress Women's League Member Tshaka Ms V African National Congress Women's League Tsotsi Ms M African National Congress Women's League Zaze Mr/Ms N African National Congress Women's League - Addo Mabele Mrs African National Congress Women's League - Despatch Dondashe Mr/Ms B African National Congress Women's League - Despatch Memani Mr/Ms N African National Congress Women's League - Despatch Xola Mr/Ms R African National Congress Women's League - Khayamnandi Lubengo Mr/Ms X African National Congress Women's League - Khayamnandi Matiso Mr/Ms N African National Congress Women's League - Khayamnandi Vaaltein Mr/Ms N African National Congress Xaba - Langa Civil Society Bana Mr/Ms N African National Congress Youth League Member Benelwa Mr/Ms T African National Congress Youth League De Vos Mr Z African National Congress Youth League Duda Mr M African National Congress Youth League Feni Mr M African National Congress Youth League Gaska Mr L African National Congress Youth League Ketse Mr T African National Congress Youth League Madela Ms X African National Congress Youth League Madela Mr S African National Congress Youth League Madikane Mr/Ms N

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 9

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits African National Congress Youth League Mazitshana Mr X African National Congress Youth League Mbelekane Mr M African National Congress Youth League Ndayo Mr L African National Congress Youth League Ndevu Mr V African National Congress Youth League Ngcangca Mr X African National Congress Youth League Nkatsha Mr A African National Congress Youth League Tshikila Mr M African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Blaauw Mr M African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Fihlani Mr/Ms S African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Jacobs Mr/Ms V African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Ntantiso Mr/Ms N African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Vena Mr/Ms V African National Congress Youth League - Despatch Xholla Mr/Ms T African National Congress Youth League - Khayamnandi Lolonga Mr/Ms S African National Congress Youth League - Khayamnandi Madakana Mr/Ms T African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage Jafta Mr/Ms L African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage Milanzi Mr T African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage Milanzi Mr/Ms A African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage Mooi Mr/Ms JM African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage Semele Mr/Ms MT African National Congress Youth League - Uitenhage September Mr/Ms Z African National Congress Youth League - Zwide Mahlakahlaka Mr/Ms M African National Congress Youth League - Zwide Skepu Mr/Ms B African National Congress/SA Communist Party Member Ngalo Mr/Ms S African National Congress/SA Communist Party Member Nyati Mr/Ms MA African National Congress/SA National Civics Organisation Member Fibi Ms L African National Congress/SA National Civics Organisation Member Ngxngxasi Mr D Albany Museum Gerhard Mr M Aluminium Federation of Southern Africa Paterson Dr T Amanzi Packhouse Niven Mr C Anti Waste Rathbone Mr A Anton Bok & Associates cc. Bok Mr A Apprised Agriculture (PTY) Ltd Arcadia School Davids Mrs Argyrakis & Associates Argyrakis Mr/Ms D Aselon Southwood Mrs P Atlas Plant Hire Depot Manager Balchin Mr J AWL - Addo Joni Mrs N Azanian Peoples Organisation - Despatch Gqirana Mr/Ms X Bateman Swart Ms C

Billiton Aluminium Projects Engineering

Manager Light Mr W Bird Life SA Allan Mr D BirdLife Eastern Cape Brett Mr P BKB Burger Mr/Ms W Black Management Forum Bucwa Mr L Black Management Forum - Coega Maweni Mr N

Blue Circle/La Farge Area Co-ordinator Kilian Mr L

Bluewater Bay Ratepayers Blacklaws Mr A Bohlweki Environmental Director Boswell Mr J Bopite Engineering Geologists cc. Fischer Mr G Bosho Steel (Ballast Nedham) Bakker Mr N Branch Executive Committee SA National Civics Organisation Fundam Mr XW Burden Consultants Burden Mr/Ms J Bureau of Industrial Liaison Gilbert Mr P C&M Consulting Engineers Albertyn Mr C C&M Consulting Engineers Janse van Rensburg Mr/Ms F c/o Office of the Premier, Eastern Cape Province Kondlo Mr S

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 10

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits

Cacadu District Council Environmental Health Officer Baily Mr D

Cacadu District Council Director, Health

Services Chabula Dr

Cacadu District Council Disaster

Management Hopo Mr S Cacadu District Council Langman Mr D Cacadu District Municipality Mntwapi Ms K Cacadu District Municipality Saunders Mr/Ms E Cacadu District Municipality Whitebooi Mr/Ms P Cacadu Municipality Manager Pillay Mr DM Cadbuild System Bredell Mr C Cape Fastner Supplies Du Plessis Mr B Cape Gate Du Toit Mr HJ Cape Recife Environmental & Educational Trust Chairman Catering and Allied Workers Union Msingizane Mr T Centre for Dolphin Studies Cockroft Mr V Cerebos Hill Mr P Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Lentoor Mr K Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Mabote Mr S Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Mapela Mr S Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Matsha Ms J Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Mereko Mr S Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Mkoto Ms C Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Ndabambi Mr MA Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Nelani Mr G Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Nzanzeka Mr D Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Rewu Mr M Chemical Energy Paper Printing and Wood Allied Workers Union Skosana Mr/Ms M

Civil Society Forum

Civic & Ratepayers

Sector Green Mr M Civil Society Forum Juku Mr/Ms T Civil Society Forum Loonat Ms M Civil Society Forum Noncembu Mr/Ms N Civil Society Forum Nyoni Mr A Civil Society Forum Petros Mr B Civil Society Forum Sinethemba Mr/Ms M Civil Society Forum Sitembu Mr B Civil Society Forum Siwa Ms M Civil Society Forum Varma Mr/Ms D Coastal Livstock & Farming cc. Owner Mote Mssrs P&T Coega Development Corporation Hartle Mr R Coega Development Corporation Koza Mr T Coega Development Corporation Leese Mr/Ms P Coega Development Corporation Raimondo Mr J Coega Development Corporation Tiya Mr K Community Environment Network Mkumatela Ms R Community Environment Network Nkone Ms L Community Environment Network Nkumenbe Mr/Ms N Community Environment Network Tabata Mr/Ms N Community Environment Network Tebete Mr/Ms N Community Environment Network Integrated Environmental Management Cohen Dr M Community Police Forum - Khayamnandi Baba Mr/Ms T Creche - Khayamnandi Ntamo Mr/Ms T CSIR Button Mr/Ms SC

CSIR Environmental Assessment & Hounsome Mr R

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Appendix B, page 11

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Management

CSIR Lochner Mr P CSIR Maqxwalisa Mr D CSIR Munster Ms F CSIR Environmentek Heather-Clark Mr S Deloitte & Touche Sharwood Mr C Democratic Alliance Member Billet Ms M Department of Civil Engineering, PE Technicon Long Proff SS Department of Economic Affairs Environment and Tourism Scarr Mr N Department of Economic Affairs Environment and Tourism Struwig Mr A Department of Economics UPE Hosking Mr S

Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

Chief Air Pollution Control

Officer Lloyd Mr M

Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Air Pollution

Control Officer Pillay Mr R Department of Health & Welfare Williams Mr/Ms M Department of Water Affairs & Forestry Cox Mrs M

Department of Water Affairs & Forestry

Senior Water Pollution Controll

Officer Mzamo Mr T Department of Welfare Beer Mr/Ms S Department of Welfare Jam-Jam Mr L Department of Welfare Libala Mr/Ms M Department of Welfare Nell Ms S Department of Welfare Nokwe Mr/Ms C Department of Welfare Paul Ms S Department of Welfare Schnetter Mr S Department of Welfare September Mr M Department of Welfare Toyiya Mr TK Department of Welfare Zondani Mr K Dept of Housing and Local Gov. Ingram Mr/Ms CI Dept of Housing and Local Gov. Schmidt Mr/Ms J.P

Dept of Housing,Local Government and Traditional Administrative

Secretary Msi Mr/Ms L Dept of Zoology UPE Sims-Castley Ms R Dept. Economic Affairs, Environment & Tourism Deputy Director Els Mr L Dept. Housing & Local Government Stupart Mr D Dept. Mineral & Energy Affairs Director Carr Mr J Dept. Mineral & Energy Affairs Van As Mr J Dept. of Water Affairs Couldridge Mr S Despatch Ntantiso Mr/Ms N Development Forum Uitenhage November Mr/Ms Y Development Forum Uitenhage Saki Mr/Ms G Diya Construction Tabata Mr M Dun Roven Citrus Le Roux Mr A Eagle Freight Hendersen Mr/Ms G Eagle Freight Thomas Mr/Ms H East Cape African Chamber of Commerce Headbush Mr/Ms K East Cape African Chamber of Commerce Mahlulo Mr K East Cape African Chamber of Commerce Titus Mr P East Cape Master Builders Association Liebenberg Ms A East Cape Tourism Board George Mr J East Cape Tourism Board Jackson Mr B East Cape Wild Bird Society Patrick Mr P Eastern Cape Clean Air Initiative Co-Chair Illenberger Mr W

Eastern Cape Province

Minister Economic Affairs,

Environment & Tourism Godongwana Mec E

Eastern Cape Province

Minister, Agriculture & Land Affairs Mamase Mec. M

Eastern Cape Province

Minister Public Works & Transport Masualle Mec. P

Eastern Cape Province Minister Housing

& Local Nkwinti Mec. G

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Appendix B, page 12

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Government

Eastern Cape Province Premier Stofile Premier A Easy Sector Ngxovu Mr L ECBA Captain Ms XM ECBA Gojela Mr FA ECBA Labithi Mr P ECBA Mangcangaza Mr N ECBA Mkhosana Mr M ECBA Mkwetshana Mr K ECBA Mzwanam Mr M ECBA Ndimba Mr Z ECBA Silengile Ms NA Enduleni Estates Ferreira Mr E Enviro Boosters Tiem Mr/Ms X Enviro Boosters - Addo Meeting Dyakala Mr/Ms N Envirobooster Bisa Mr/Ms Z Environmental Impact Management, DEAT Deputy Director Gordan Mr M Environmental Rights Association Martindale Mr R EnviroServ Waste Management (Pty) Ltd McMullan Mr S

EP Agricultural Union

Action Committee

Member Pietersen Mr CJ EP Herald Rogers Mr G Erica House van Rensburg Mr/Ms C Eskom Takalani Mr R Eskom v d Kooy Mr F Ethiopia Orthodox Church - Khayamnandi Frans Mr/Ms G Ewemasenze - TLC office Dulwana Mrs VV Ewemasenze - TLC office Ntayana Mr C Ewemasenze - TLC office Tanda Mr N Ewemasenze - TLC office Thabatha Mr L Ewemasenze - TLC office Yona Mr/Ms K Exporters Club of SA, Eastern Cape Chairman van Oudheusden Mr R Ext 28 Williams Mr E Factory Perseverence Heimann Mr J

Fire & Emergency Services Acting Assistant

Director Hill Mr Fire & Emergency Services Mangena Mr M First National Bank De La Harpe Mr J First National Bank Howell Mr M Food and Allied Workers Union Breakfast Mr D Food and Allied Workers Union Mdlela Mr/Ms V Food and Allied Workers Union Memani Mr S Food and Allied Workers Union Mlunguzi Mr H Food and Allied Workers Union Mpambani Mr M Food and Allied Workers Union Stokwe Mr C Food and Allied Workers Union Tshona Mr S Franco Trading Francis Mr G Friends of the Beachfront Chairperson Schwartz Dr P Gardneri Investments (PTY) Ltd Royle Ms C GBA Mazim Ms N Global Development & Consulting cc Meiring Mr H Govan Mbeki Forum Ndema Mr S Gqebera Development Trust Co-ordinator Peter Mr S Grass Master Holmes Mr W Health & Welfare Yoyo Mr/Ms N HEHAWU Anthony Ms S Helenvale ANC Hendriks Ms M Helenvale ANC Issacs Mr M Helenvale ANC Kayser Ms P Helenvale Resource Centre Claasen Ms D Hougham Park Oysters De Keyser Mr C Human Rights Trust Director Riordon Mr R ILDP - SBU UPE Mhlabeni Mr M IMATU Fitchet Mr S IMATU Van der Westhuizen Mr L IP du Preez Eng Cont/ Ibhayi Eng Cont du Preez Mr IP Ithuba Lethu Dingele Mr M Ithuba Lethu Jolingana Mr MB

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Appendix B, page 13

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Ithuba Lethu Nogqala Mr P Ithuba Lethu Ntotha Mr M Ithuba Lethu Mr J & S labour Brokers (Uitenhage) Msutwana Mr/Ms N J & S labour Brokers (Uitenhage) Tsewu Mr/Ms Z John Price Estates Dubb Mr E John Price Estates. Price Mr J

Kantor Legal Services cc

Labour, Environmental &

Constitutional Law Kantor Mr P

Khayamnandi Nyoka Mr/Ms M Khayamnandi S Centre Matebese Mr W Khayamnandi S Centre Menze Mr C KS Centre Khayamanadi Calata Mr/Ms M KS Centre Khayamanadi Puwana Mr/Ms M Lafarge SA Barwood Mr A Lafarge SA Garner Mr K Lafarge SA Ndlwana Mr P

Lafarge SA (PTY) Ltd PE Business Unit

Manager Des-Fountain Mr RC Lambson's Hire Ferreira Mr JW Landowner Mona Mr A Langa Civil Society Ndimba Mr/Ms B Lawson's Hire v d Berg Mr C LC Consulting Albertyn Mr A LW Lake & Sons Tankatara Lake Mr L LW Lake & Sons Tankatara Lake Mr G LW Lake & Sons Tankatara Lake Mr P LW Lake & Sons Tankatara Lake Mr KS Marine Growers Owner Muller Mr C Marine Mammal Institute Klages Mr N Metroplan Allison Ms B Metroplan Ndzombane Mr N Mimosa Farms Vermaak Mr C Mineral and Energy Matthews Mr I.P Mining and Beneficiation Small Business Unit Project Manager Jorter Mr JA

Ministry Environmental Affairs and Tourism Administrative

Secretary Siganga Mr S MJ McQuade & Associates McQuade Mr/Ms MJ MMK Architects Milne Mr G Moeller Electric McLean Mr D Moni Builders Moni Mr K Moorehouse Consulting Moorehouse Ms S Motherwell Community Development Forum Beja Mr S Motherwell Youth Development Forum Nodwele Mr X Motherwell Youth Development Forum Shoba Mr M N & N Services Skeates Mr N N&V Blignaut Mr/Ms V N&V Jenis Blignaut Mr/Ms BS Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Bandeza Mr N Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Barendse Mr/Ms SN Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Belewa Mr N Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Browers Mr E Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Cawe Mr D Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Felix Mr T Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Fete Mr S Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Fillies Ms H Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Goliath Mr D Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA July Mr A Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Klaas Mr J Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Lloyd Mr E Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Lupondwana Mr T Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Majeke Mr S Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Malahla Mr/Ms X Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mapela Ms J Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Maqungo Mr/Ms M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Matsolo Mr/Ms Z Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mfecane Mr P

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Appendix B, page 14

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mngini Mr M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Molato Ms E Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mqayi Mr S Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Msingizana Mr M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mtana Mr E Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mtati Mr P Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mtshiselwa Mr O Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mtwisha Mr S Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Mtyeku Mr K Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Ncotoyi Mr M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Ngqiyaza Mr B Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Njikelana Mr N Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Nkwenkwezi Mr X Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Nodongwe Ms P Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Nyameka Mr XE Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Nyembana Mr N Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Pienaar Ms A Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Pillay Mr M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Sandi Mr L Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Seale Mr G Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Sotashe Mr N Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Speelman Mr Z Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Vece Mr M Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Verryne Mr P Natioanl Union of Metal Workers of SA Zokufa Mr Z

National Department of Environmental Affairs c/o Vincent

Matalani Moosa Minister V National Dept. of Environmental Affairs Director Fourie Mr W National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Calata Mr PM National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Dick Ms L National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Dingaan Mr/Ms TP National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Farrat Mr M National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Gwashu Mr S National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Jack Mr A National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Kosana Mr V National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Macauley Ms M National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Magxwalisa Mr M National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Mpepo Mr/Ms M National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Mtati Mr/Ms S National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Mxube Mr L National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Namba Ms N National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Ngwangu Mr L National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Nobebe Ms N National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Nyembana Mr W National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Poyo Mr/Ms NJ National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Sididi Ms N National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Steyn Ms E National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Van Rooyen Ms R National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Venfol Ms N National Education Health and Allied Workers Union Zazini Ms E National Ingrediant Suppliers Manager Chandler Mr L

National Ports Authority

Chief Engineer- Head Office

Johannesburg Burggraaf Mr A

National Ports Authority - Head Office JHB

Manager- Environmental

Research & Best Practices Greyling Ms L

National Ports Authority of SA Project Manager

Haul Road Brown Mr D National Ports Authority of SA Chait Mr S National Ports Authority of SA Dunjwa Ms V National Ports Authority of SA Govender Mr S National Ports Authority of SA Matchett Mr C National Ports Authority of SA Mhlaluka Mr/Ms S

National Ports Authority of SA

Executive Manager :

Environment Mondi Ms M

National Ports Authority of SA Environmental

Manager Ndlovu Mr T

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Appendix B, page 15

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits National Ports Authority of SA Thamange Ms T National Ports Authority of SA Van Amstel Mr N NEBSU Tsoaela Mr P

Nedcor Van der Oudeheenden Mr/Ms R

Nedcor Van Oudhensden Mr R Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Biyana Cllr MW Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Councillor Bungane Mr ML Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Clingham Mr/Ms M Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Desi Mr F Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Faku Mayor N Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Councillor Kondile-Mlonzi Cllr LP Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Councillor Kuscus Cllr M

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Councillor Ward

9 Lovemore Cllr A Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Mamcotwa Mr AM Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Cllr Mbewu Mr A Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality NMMMHousing Mc Hugh Ms L

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Chief Town

Planner Mercer Mr J Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Mgwanza Mr E Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality City Engineer Msiwa Mr MZ Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Cllr Mtanga Mr MC Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Councillor Mtyapa Cllr T Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Naran Cllr B Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Cllr Ndube Mr M

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality

Chairperson, Executive Committee Ngcete Mr M

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality CEO Richards Mr G Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Sihlwayi Ms N Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Smit Mr A

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality

Cllr St Georges Strand & Jooste

Park Tabata Cllr S Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Tokota Mr MB Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Trent Cllr E Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Basson Mr RD Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Dastile Mr M Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Feren Mr G Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Matabiele Mr/ms M Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Mtana Mr L Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Odeyan Mr M Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage Seyisi Mr MT Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality - Uitenhage CEO Van Appel Mr C Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality CEO Despatch CEO Pretorius Mr A Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Nature Conservation Manager Martin Dr P Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Uitenhage Cronje Mr JT Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Uitenhage Town Engineer Govoni Mr Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Uitenhage Griesel Mr/Ms S Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Uitenhage Kopo Mr R New National Party The Chairperson Mr Newhope Consulting Ticket Mr M Nicro Maveca Mr L

NMMM & EP Shore Anglers Association Transport Division De Klerk Mr A

Nokolo Builders Nokolo Mr A

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Appendix B, page 16

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Nokwindla Constr Sobhekwa Ms N Nomatamsanqa P/School Makasi Mr/Ms N Norman Myers Attorney & Notary Attorney Myers Mr NM Northern Areas Development Trust Hoggons Ms J Nukakamma Canoe Trail Richards Mr B Okuselwandle Fishing Jokazi Mr E Outspan Manager Cook Mr B Pan African Congress Huhu Mr S

Patensie Citrus Managing Director

The Managing Director

PE F&S Claassen Mr D PE Ratepayers Association Bulbring Mr W PE Ratepayers Association (PERRA) Trader Mr C PE Regional Chamber of Commerce Barnes Ms S PE Regional Chamber of Commerce CEO Da Costa Mr A PE Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Gibbs Mr M PE SANCO Martins Mr L PE Transitional Rural Council Stokes Ms A PE TRC & Coega Chairperson Mafana Cllr T POPCRU Ditala Mr M POPCRU Titus Mr K Port Elizabeth Museum Smale Mr MJ

PPC Mananger Waste

Solution Jorgensen Ms N PPC Minnaar Mr A PPC Mitchell Mr C PPC Prinsloo Mr D

PPC Technical Director Van Dam Mr P


Group Environmental

Manager Williams Ms N PRDP Dayile Mr/Ms M PRDP Medlawu Mr/Ms N Progressive Wire Strydom Mr D Protea Place of Safety Rossouw Ms/Mr J

Provincial Dept. of Environment Affairs

Deputy Permanent Sectretary Mbengashe Ms M

Provincial Planning & Board Chairperson Smout Dr M Rape Crisis - Khayamnandi Slatsha Mr C Ratepayers Association Southwood Mr A Rhodes University Keulder Mr F Riverside Construction Luiters Mr J Rode Builders Rode Mr P Ruco Projects Smit Mr K SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Bosch Ms H SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Goss Ms N SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Kusana Mr T SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Maseti Mr E SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Mayinje Mr I SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Punana Mr R SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Rolo Ms A SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Smith Ms S SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Tikise Mr B SA Clothing Textile and Workers Union Zinco Mr M SA Communist Party Member Befile Mr V SA Communist Party Member Ciki Mr/Ms MM SA Communist Party Dlala Mr/Ms K SA Communist Party Dukwe Mr M SA Communist Party Member Elgin Mr F SA Communist Party Fumba Mr/Ms O SA Communist Party Funde Mr/Ms N SA Communist Party Grootboom Mr/Ms DT SA Communist Party Jinikwe Mr/Ms EL SA Communist Party Kinana Mr M SA Communist Party Kolisi Mr L SA Communist Party Kutta Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party Lukwe Mr G

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Appendix B, page 17

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits SA Communist Party Member Majadu Mr T SA Communist Party Majola Mr S SA Communist Party Maleki Mr MK SA Communist Party Matthews Soya Mr M SA Communist Party Mfunda Mr/Ms AC SA Communist Party Moyeni Mr D SA Communist Party Mtanga Mr/Ms A SA Communist Party Mzwandile Mr/Ms SA Communist Party Ncaphayi Ms L SA Communist Party Ncxiiho Mr S SA Communist Party Ndongeni Mr/Ms N SA Communist Party Ngcongcobela Mr N SA Communist Party Ngxito Mr/Ms S SA Communist Party Member Nqikela Mr M SA Communist Party Ntuntwana Mr TM SA Communist Party Quma Mr Z SA Communist Party Sigcu Mr/Ms J SA Communist Party Sobantu Mr/Ms N SA Communist Party Soci Mr/Ms S SA Communist Party Sonkwala Mr N SA Communist Party Swepu Ms N SA Communist Party Tambo Mr/Ms Z SA Communist Party Tambo Mr/Ms MO SA Communist Party Tenana Mr J SA Communist Party Tikana Mr/Ms S SA Communist Party Member Tshana Mr M SA Communist Party Wayile Mr Z SA Communist Party Zombe Mr/Ms AK SA Communist Party - Khayamnandi Soul Mr V SA Communist Party - Uitenhage Nqai Mr/Ms L SA Communist Party PE Adem Mr/Ms Z SA Communist Party PE Calvert Mr/Ms J SA Communist Party PE Clay Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Conway Mr/Ms JA SA Communist Party PE Cqona Mr S SA Communist Party PE Dlabathi Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Dunjwa Mr/Ms L SA Communist Party PE Elson Mr A SA Communist Party PE Fillis Mr M SA Communist Party PE France Mr/Ms T SA Communist Party PE Hermans Mr/Ms ME SA Communist Party PE Jamda Mr C SA Communist Party PE Kalvin Mr/Ms N SA Communist Party PE Makasi Mr C SA Communist Party PE Mapu Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Mkunqwana Mr/Ms S SA Communist Party PE Mlonzi Mr/Ms MR SA Communist Party PE Mokonenyane Mr/Ms L SA Communist Party PE Mpofu Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Mrara Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Mtongana Mr/Ms V SA Communist Party PE Nkala Mr W SA Communist Party PE Nkolongo Mr/Ms M SA Communist Party PE Ntola Mr/Ms T SA Communist Party PE Ntshalaba Mr/Ms S SA Communist Party PE Prince Mr R SA Communist Party PE Rockman Mr C SA Communist Party PE Rubusana Mr/Ms T SA Communist Party PE Sandi Mr/Ms ND SA Communist Party PE Tinnie Mr G SA Communist Party PE Toto Mr/Ms VG SA Communist Party PE Yiba Mr/Ms MM SA Communist Party Zwide Mkosi Mr/Ms T SA Democratic Teachers Union Abdol Mr H SA Democratic Teachers Union Cacela Mr/Ms F SA Democratic Teachers Union Cenga Ms N SA Democratic Teachers Union Dici Mr R SA Democratic Teachers Union Doro Mr/Ms VA SA Democratic Teachers Union Lamani Mr M

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Appendix B, page 18

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits SA Democratic Teachers Union Lukwe Mr G SA Democratic Teachers Union Matiwane Ms B SA Democratic Teachers Union Mbambaza Ms L SA Democratic Teachers Union Mjijwa Mr/Ms NS SA Democratic Teachers Union Mkhonjeni Mr M SA Democratic Teachers Union Mkoto Mr M SA Democratic Teachers Union Mtshukwana Mr T SA Democratic Teachers Union Nogaga Mr A SA Democratic Teachers Union Ntshinga Ms N SA Democratic Teachers Union Plaatjie Mr B SA Democratic Teachers Union Rala Mr/Ms A SA Democratic Teachers Union Rayi Mr S SA Democratic Teachers Union Tshoko Mr/Ms TM SA Democratic Teachers Union Vambe Ms C SA Democratic Teachers Union Zonyani Ms L

SA Environment Project Executive Director Tennille Mr N

SA Institute Medical Research NEHAWU Ndlebe Mr S SA Municipal Workers Union Fedana Mr M SA Municipal Workers Union Jim Mr V SA Municipal Workers Union Madubedube Mr/Ms N SA Municipal Workers Union Mafani Mr N SA Municipal Workers Union Mahala Mr A SA Municipal Workers Union Malalo Mr K SA Municipal Workers Union Menze Mr L SA Municipal Workers Union Nini Mr M SA Municipal Workers Union Skweyiya Mr N SA Municipal Workers Union Twani Mr V SA Municipal Workers Union - Khayamnandi Ciwadela Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation Addomsi Mr M SA National Civics Organisation Member Boyce Ms L SA National Civics Organisation Bozo Mr JP SA National Civics Organisation Budaza Mr/Ms T SA National Civics Organisation Cacela Mr P SA National Civics Organisation Dama Mr J SA National Civics Organisation Member Dambuza Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Dambuza Mr N SA National Civics Organisation Daniels Mr H SA National Civics Organisation De Bruin Mr C SA National Civics Organisation Dyanti Ms A SA National Civics Organisation Dzeya Mr/MS S SA National Civics Organisation Gamble Mr B SA National Civics Organisation Gexa Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Gotyana Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Member Gqabi Mr T SA National Civics Organisation Gqamand Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Hliso Ms G SA National Civics Organisation Jamjam Mr L SA National Civics Organisation Jantjies Mr T SA National Civics Organisation Johnson Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Jusiwa Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation Klaas Ms L SA National Civics Organisation Klaas Mr M SA National Civics Organisation Kobese Mr P SA National Civics Organisation Koli Mr B SA National Civics Organisation Krabie Mr M SA National Civics Organisation Lepela Mr/Ms IW SA National Civics Organisation Madida Mr/Ms SA National Civics Organisation Maji Mr/Ms Z SA National Civics Organisation Majikela Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation Makinana Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Malawi Mr M SA National Civics Organisation Mali Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Member Manakaza Ms P SA National Civics Organisation Manakaza Mr N SA National Civics Organisation Mandela Mrs M SA National Civics Organisation Maqakaza Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation Martin Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Matebese Mr TN

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Appendix B, page 19

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits SA National Civics Organisation Matsaba Mr/Ms E SA National Civics Organisation Matsini Mr J SA National Civics Organisation Mayekiso Mr E SA National Civics Organisation Mbuthumi Mr K SA National Civics Organisation Mdoda Mr T SA National Civics Organisation Mei Mr J SA National Civics Organisation Molutsi Mr/Ms G SA National Civics Organisation Moyakhe Mr E SA National Civics Organisation Mpeqeko Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Mtshatsheni Mr/Ms G SA National Civics Organisation Ndlaleni Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Ndlebe Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Ndunana Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Ngaphe Ms A SA National Civics Organisation Ngoma Mrs N SA National Civics Organisation Ngona Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Ngumbela Mr N SA National Civics Organisation Nobadula Ms M SA National Civics Organisation Peter Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Phillip Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Rasmeni Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation Sam Ms M SA National Civics Organisation Sampson Mr G SA National Civics Organisation Shongwe Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Siga Mr F SA National Civics Organisation Silwana Ms M SA National Civics Organisation Sinuka Mr N SA National Civics Organisation Smile Mr/Ms Z SA National Civics Organisation Member Sweli Mr S SA National Civics Organisation Tala Ms H SA National Civics Organisation Tshice Mr/Ms ZT SA National Civics Organisation Tshingana Mr A SA National Civics Organisation Van Wyk Mr H SA National Civics Organisation Vena Ms I SA National Civics Organisation Vena Mr N SA National Civics Organisation Vena Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Williams Mr/Ms T SA National Civics Organisation Witbooi Mr J SA National Civics Organisation Xali Mr/Ms Z SA National Civics Organisation Yali Mr/Ms X SA National Civics Organisation Zangani Mr D SA National Civics Organisation Zingani Mr D SA National Civics Organisation - Khayamnandi Bongani Mr W SA National Civics Organisation - Khayamnandi Geza Mr P SA National Civics Organisation - Khayamnandi Mzwandile Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - Khayamnandi Punani Mr/Ms A SA National Civics Organisation - Khayamnandi Xola Mr S SA National Civics Organisation - Kwazakhele Sundu Mr G SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Baatjies Mr S SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Bisa Mr/Ms P SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Geswindt Mr P SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Matros Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Ngoqo Mr A SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Ngqond Mr/Ms S SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Nkombisa Mr/Ms S SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Pieterson Mr K SA National Civics Organisation - Langa Civil Society Pinini Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - New Brighton Nteto Mr B SA National Civics Organisation - New Brighton Skosana Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation - PE Bana Mr/Ms MN SA National Civics Organisation - PE Bele Mr/Ms XC

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 20

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits SA National Civics Organisation - PE Dunjana Mr/Ms P SA National Civics Organisation - PE Fesi Mr/Ms MN SA National Civics Organisation - PE Kakana Mr/Ms E SA National Civics Organisation - PE KamKam Mr/Mr DM SA National Civics Organisation - PE Madlingosi Mr/Ms J SA National Civics Organisation - PE Manxiwa Mr/Ms MS SA National Civics Organisation - PE Manzi Mr/Ms T SA National Civics Organisation - PE Matenjiwa Mr/Ms PN SA National Civics Organisation - PE Mbengashe Mr/Ms KM SA National Civics Organisation - PE Metula Mr T SA National Civics Organisation - PE Mrausi Mr/Ms DE SA National Civics Organisation - PE Ndabambi Mr/Ms B SA National Civics Organisation - PE Ngalonkulu Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - PE Ngani Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - PE Ntiwanamibi Mr/Ms SG SA National Civics Organisation - PE Siwisa Mr/Ms S SA National Civics Organisation - PE Zanzeka Mr/Ms H SA National Civics Organisation - PE Zozi Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - Uitenhage Jantjies Mr/ms IJ SA National Civics Organisation - Uitenhage Kamteni Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - Uitenhage Mnweba Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation - Uitenhage Nelami Mr X SA National Civics Organisation - Uitenhage Sikweyiya Ms EN SA National Civics Organisation Despatch Calata Mr B SA National Civics Organisation Despatch Tola Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation Despatch Tolah Mr/Ms T SA National Civics Organisation Despatch Xola Mr/Ms Z SA National Civics Organisation PE Befile Ms M SA National Civics Organisation PE Bobo Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation PE Dlamini Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE Dlanga Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE The Secretary Gotyi Mr R SA National Civics Organisation PE Grootboom Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation PE Jonga Mr/Ms T SA National Civics Organisation PE Kom Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE Kondile Mr T SA National Civics Organisation PE Kosi Mr/Ms GE SA National Civics Organisation PE Kota Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation PE Kozi Ms E SA National Civics Organisation PE Lande Mr/Ms M SA National Civics Organisation PE Madikane Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE Makinana Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation PE Makotyana Mr/Ms NV SA National Civics Organisation PE Mapuma Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE Memani Ms L SA National Civics Organisation PE Mjakuca Mr/Ms N SA National Civics Organisation PE Mlomo Mr/Ms L SA National Civics Organisation PE Msutu Mrs LC SA National Civics Organisation PE Ndinisa Mrs NR SA National Civics Organisation PE Ngcezula Mr/Ms E SA National Civics Organisation PE Ngqondi Mr/Ms V SA National Civics Organisation PE Nomawisile Mr/Ms D SA National Civics Organisation PE Ntoba Mr/Ms K SA National Civics Organisation PE Sitonga Mr/Ms S SA National Civics Organisation PE Chairperson Tofile Mr M SA National Civics Organisation PE Tuswa Ms L SA National Civics Organisation PE Yawa Ms E SA National Civics Organisation PE Zicwele Mr/Ms M

SA National Parks

Animal Ecologist, Scientific Services Castley Dr G

SA Rail Commuter Corporation de Beer Mr T SA Rail Commuter Services Hahn Mr CRP SA Transport Allied Workers Union Bontsi Mr/Ms W.V SA Transport Allied Workers Union Kutu Mr T SA Transport Allied Workers Union Majenge Mr M SA Transport Allied Workers Union Mxokozeli Mr T SA Transport Allied Workers Union Sinama Mr H SA Transport Allied Workers Union Van Heerden Mr R

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 21

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits SAB Institute for Environmental & Coastal Mang. Newman Mr B SAFCEC Warnock Mr/Ms I SANCO - Uitenhage Mahlulo Mr M Sani Tech Jacobsen Mr R Sani Tech Rumbelow Mr E SBT Konstruksie Tait Mr Scietific Services (Inlands Parks) Manager Knight Dr MH SECUFU Gxulwana Mr L SEEFF Properties Maree Mr G Selmar Schonland Herbarium Dold Mr T Setplan Olivier Mr M Sharwoods Sharwood Mr JR Simunye Enterprise Rudlin Ms N Simunye Enterprises Smith Ms A Simunye Environment Damons Ms A Simunye Environment Thalla Ms M Soweto Clinic Ndweyane Mr/Ms M

Spoornet Operations Manager Fox Mr T

St Croix Development Co. Exley Mr J Steeldale du Toit Mr S Steeledale Bester Mr/Ms LR Sundays River Citrus Co-operative Husselmann Mr JH Sundays River Citrust Co-operative General Manager Gibbs Mr W Swartkoppen (Farm North of Coega) Roux Mr W Swartkops Mbujoza Mr PK Swartkops River Rides Grundlingh Mr D T S Builders Madolo Mr S Talbot & Talbot Talbot Mr F Talbot + Talbot Talbot Ms J Tenebrosa Lodge (PTY) Ltd Terrestrial Ecology Research Unit Director Kerley Dr G Terrestrial Ecology Research Unit UPE Boshoff Dr A Tomago Aluminium Company Manager Brooks Mr W Tomie Building Constr Gwaqu Mr M Tourism Port Elizabeth De Kock Mr G Ubuntu Environmental Cekisani Mr M UCT Library, Government Publications Collinson Ms A Uitehage Town Council Town Engineer Meintjes Mr R Uitenhage Health Schnetler Mr H Uitenhage LG Annel Mr CV Uitenhage TTD Nel Mr P Unemployed Workers Union of SA Mafika Mr S Unemployed Workers Union of SA Njokweni Mr/Ms M Unemployed Workers Union of SA Nkombisa Mr/Ms N Unemployed Workers Union of SA Qanda Mr/Ms C Unemployed Workers Union of SA Sihlahla Mr SK Uniting Reformed Church - Khayamnandi Ncamiso Mr/Ms L University of Port Elizabeth Finnemore Ms M University of the Witwatersrand School of Law Webster Ms G UPDEF -Langa Civil Society Pram Mr M Urban Services Group Crooijmans Ms H Urban Services Group Felix Mr C V3 Consulting Engineers Jack Mr M Van Der Riet Architects van der Riet Mr C Van der Walt Attorneys Van Der Walt Ms A Vista University Mlomo Mr R VRN Steel Barnes Mr GD VRN Steel Da Costa Mr M VRN Steel Mynhardt Mr N VRN Steel Schmidt Mr M w b forum Gqirana Mr M Ward 38 Jackson Mr S Ward 38 Jama Mr B Ward 38 Kondile Mr M Ward 38 Mabombo Mr S Ward 38 Mpinga Mr M Ward 38 Paraffin Mr R Ward 42 Boweka Mr M

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 22

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Ward 42 Pana Mr Z Ward 5 D Forum - Uitenhage Stoffel Mr/Ms S Ward 54 Matabese Mr L Ward Committee Bless Mr/Ms MW Ward Committee Vena Mr/Ms NP Ward Councillor Carous Mr R Warman Africa Nock Mr D Warman Africa West Mr J Water Quality DWAF Eastern Cape Regional Director Lucas Mr A WESSA EP Reeves Mr B Wicklow Trust Wicklow Trust River Bend Price Mr M Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Chalmers Ms J

Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Director

Conservation Cooper Mr K Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Hunt Ms V Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Jeffrey Mr C Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Logie Mr C Wildlife & Environment Society of SA Schumann Dr E

Wildlife & Environment Society of SA, PE Regional Manager Davies Ms D

Wildlife & Environment Society SA Dechant Mr T

Wildlife & Environment Society, PE Environmental

Officer Stewart Mr W Women in Construction - Uitenhage Mbekisa Ms N Women in Construction - Uitenhage Mdoda Ms G Women in Construction - Uitenhage Sihlulo Ms E WRF Nkayi Mr S Youth Project - TLC Office Mzizi Mr S Zwarkops Trust Mc Williams Mr R Zwartkops Trust Adshade Mr A Zwartkops Trust Coulridge Ms J Zwartkops Trust Finn Ms J Zwartkops Trust Girdlestone Ms E Zwartkops Trust Killian Mr L Zwartkops Trust Lindop Mr T Zwartkops Trust Chairman McWilliams Mr R Zwartkops Trust Pearson Mr R Zwartkops Trust/Aloes Environmental Cmt Hoffman Ms S Zwartkops Trust/WESSA Rump Mr A N Zwica Trust - Zwide Misi Mr/Ms V Zwide Community Active Trust Manager Balfour Mr T ABET Tutor Baiwa Mr G Ward Councillor Bona Mr J Camagu Mr MO

Crews Mr & Mrs D

Business Doctor Cublde Mr R Cull Mr P Doubell Mr M Du Preez Mr T Engels Mr/Ms R Fember Mr/Ms T Ferreira Mr C F Friel Mr S Gomomo Ms V Co ordinator Gxasheka Mr Z Harrington Mr G Hewitt Mr H Hiles Ms C


River/Colchester Hoffman Mr B Horsburgh Mr Jacobs Mr V Johnson Mr L Katshiwe Mr S Kolisile Ms NM Linhart Mr H Long Mr & T

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Interested and Affected Parties and Stakeholders Groups

Appendix B, page 23

Organisation Capacity Surname Title Inits Mrs

Lukwe Mr V Madasi Mr V Mafu Mr/Ms N Makhaza Mr/Ms Z Maqanda Ms T Martin Mr S Ward 21 Comm Matiwane Mr M Matyana Mr S Mbiyabo Mr T Mc Gregor Mr RGM McEwan Mr D McMaster Ms A Metiwane Mr/Ms N Mkavy Mr BE Nangu Mrs N Newington Ms H Nondi Mr V Nqinqi Mr B Gradima Nyaba Mr W Z O'Conner Mr I Pantshwa Ms B Plaatjies Mr MR Potgieter Mr/Ms I Pupuma Mr D Sampies Mr M Scholtz Mr L Sidumo Mr/Ms AF Stander Mr/Ms U Turkstra Mr J Tyombo Mr/Ms L v d Merwe Mr C Von Wildemann Mrs RE Witbooi Mr GG