Applied Numerical Finance (ANF) - code 20247 Anna Battauz and Francesco Rotondi (FIN Dept., Bocconi) Contents (covered by lecture notes/slides): numerical techniques to solve core nancial engineering problems. 1. Trees for American and path-dependent options. 2. Continuous-time Basket and Quanto options. 3. Asset prices with jumps and European call/put options. 4. Monte Carlo methods in nancial engineering. Computer LAB classes: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) I Flexible, easily available, appreciated by employers. I VBA from basic to sophisticated tasks. Optional (you can use other languages, if you wish).

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Applied Numerical Finance (ANF) - code 20247

Anna Battauz and Francesco Rotondi(FIN Dept., Bocconi)

Contents (covered by lecture notes/slides): numericaltechniques to solve core financial engineering problems.

1. Trees for American and path-dependent options.

2. Continuous-time Basket and Quanto options.

3. Asset prices with jumps and European call/put options.

4. Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering.

Computer LAB classes: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

I Flexible, easily available, appreciated by employers.I VBA from basic to sophisticated tasks.Optional (you can use other languages, if you wish).

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Applied Numerical Finance (ANF) - code 20247

Exam Mark : 30% Assignment + 70% Final Written Exam

I Assignment: Write the code, present the preliminary results,submit the assignment at the exam date only.

I Assignments can be shared. Presentations are mandatory forattending students only, and are not graded.

B. Bignoli, RBS, London (Graduation Date: April 2015):"As a structured credit trader, my knowledge of themultidimensional Black-Scholes model, instantaneouscorrelation and jump diffusions is fundamental tocorrectly price derivatives and appropriately manageand hedge the risk of the trading book."

Thanks for the attention!An extended version of these slides is available in the teaching

section of my Bocconi personal webpage.

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(Advanced Topics)a.a. 2017/2018

Docente responsabile: Prof. Mario MassariTeaching Assistant: Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Mosconi

Dott. Francesco Nicolini

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

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Fornire una visione concreta della gestione finanziaria delle imprese(in particolare, delle imprese non finanziarie), nel contestodell’attuale situazione macroeconomica e degli attuali scenari disettore.

Approfondire i temi relativi alla gestione dell’attivo e del passivo delleimprese, con riferimento a: gestione dei Balance Sheet item; sostenibilità dell’indebitamento in una prospettiva di medio-lungo termine; pianificazione delle operazioni di ricorso al mercato.

Sviluppare una vasta gamma di applicazioni pratiche, che aiutino acreare capacità critica fondamentale per la gestione delle imprese.

20250 Financial Management (Advanced Topics)

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Il corso è caratterizzato dalla partecipazione di qualificati esponentidella business community, con l’obiettivo di discutere le modalitàattraverso le quali la direzione finanziaria affronta il contesto diincertezza e di forte dinamica del mercato.

Vengono approfonditi gli assunti ed i problemi applicativi deglistrumenti di valutazione utilizzati nella prassi professionaleinternazionale.

Lo sviluppo degli argomenti prevede l’integrazione tra: approfondimenti metodologici e conoscenze empiriche; applicazioni pratiche mediante il ricorso a case study e lavori di gruppo/individuali

con riferimento a casi specifici di valutazione.

20250 Financial Management (Advanced Topics)

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Code 20541 – Advanced Quantitative Methods for Asset Pricing and Structuring

Massimo Guidolin (Bocconi)Paola Mosconi (Banca Imi)

Bocconi UniversityMay 5, 2017

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Course Objectives

7/1/2017 2

• Investigates how multivariate quant techniques are applied to finance, with particular reference to Market risk measurement Credit risk modeling Single-name (CDS) and multi-name credit derivatives (CDOs) Counterparty credit risk (CVA) Introduction to structuring of bonds and investment certificates Pricing of multi-asset derivatives

• Students are expected to have attended Econometrics II and Derivatives II (better if passing those exams ). Basic knowledge of stochastic calculus is required.

• Exam: empirical group assignment (with presentation) in Excel/VBA or Matlab; a final multiple choice exam

Code 20541– Advanced Tools for Risk Management and Asset Pricing

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7/1/2017 3

• Alternative measures of dependence in finance : Copulas and dependence; Gaussian, t and Archimedean copulas; simulation of copulas; fitting copulas to empirical financial data [M. Guidolin]

• Credit modeling: structural models and reduced form/intensity models [P. Mosconi]

• Single name credit derivatives (CDS) [P. Mosconi]• Multi name credit derivatives (CDOs) [P. Mosconi]• Counterparty credit risk (CVA) [P. Mosconi]• Financial risk management and regulation [P. Mosconi]• Principles of structuring: equity protection structures; exotic

options and barriers and their applications in structuring [M. Guidolin]

• Structured products on baskets of underlying assets [M. Guidolin]• The role of structured securities and portfolios of derivatives in

portfolio management [M. Guidolin]Code 20541 – Advanced Tools for Risk Management and Asset Pricing

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Fixed Income(Advanced Method)

Exam Code 20251 - 1st Semester

Teacher 1 Gianluca FusaiAffiliation Dipartimento SEI, Universita degli Studi del Piemonte

Orientale, andCass Business School, Faculty of Finance, London

web page www.cass.city.ac.uk/experts/G.Fusai@ [email protected]

Teacher 2 Massimo MoriniAffiliation Head of Interest Rates, Credit and Inflation Models at

Banca IMI Intesa San Paolo, Milano@ [email protected]

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General Content


(a) Present the latest achievements in the term structure modeling for pricingand hedging interest rate derivatives.

(c) Large emphasis is devoted to the implementation of the models with labsession.

(c) It provides you with an interesting blend of competencies in finance,quantitative techniques, computing and even accounting and regulatoryinnovations.

Prerequisities: Basic knowledge of

(a) The course is quantitatively oriented, but financial and practical issues will begreatly discussed.

(c) Concepts like bond, coupon schedule, term structure, yield to maturity,duration.

(b) Derivative products (forward, futures and options) and their pricing viano-arbitrage (cash-and-carry, Black-Scholes formula);

(c) Stochastic calculus: arithmetic and geometric Brownian motion, Ito’s lemma.

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Main Topics

1 Interest rate products: FRA, Eurofutures, Swaps, Caps, Floors, Swaptions,Bond Options, CMS, non-maturiyng deposits, Structured Products.

2 Learning how to bootstrap the term structure of interest rates out of marketquotes.

3 Learning how to bootstrap and use the volatility surface to price structuredproducts.

4 How to cope with stochastic interest rates. The change of numerairetechnique and the market Black formula.

5 Advanced Interest Rate Modelling: short rate models, Heath-Jarrow-Mortonmodel, forward Libor market model, forward swap market model, smilemodelling, Monte Carlo simulation.

6 Fixed Income in the last decade:

Counterparty credit risk and CVA of interest rate derivativevs

The multicurve problem: Collateral and OIS discounting.

Negative Rates and transformations of the central Black Formula.

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Exam Policy

Same modalities for attendants and not-attendants students.

Written exam: numerical and theoretical questions. You can choose

1 Two mid-term examinations (closed books)

mark = 0.6× highest + 0.4× lowest,

or2 A Final Examination (closed books) at the end of the course is planned and is

based on the entire course.

Not-Compulsory coursework on pricing and hedging a portfolio ofstructured products

Groups of 1-3 persons.Deadline around second week of January.Maximum of 3 points to be added to the written exam.Software (your own choice): Excel, VBA, Matlab, Latex.Database: Bloomberg.

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Code# 20252a.y. 2017-2018

Barbara Rindi

Barbara Rindi: 20252 Information and the Architecture of Financial Markets (a.y.2017-2018)

Information and

the Architecture of Financial Markets

Course Presentation

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• Investigates the pricing process under explicit trading rules

• Studies how different trading mechanisms affect the price formation process

• Transaction costs

Objectives: help regulators to optimally design financial marketsteach market participants how to optimally trade

Market Microstructure

Barbara Rindi: 20252 Information and the Architecture of Financial Markets (a.y.2017-2018)

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Course Outline:

I. How do Financial Markets Work Regulatory Issues

II. Theory Empirical Predictions, Policy Implications

III. Empirical evidence High Frequency Data to Test

Model Predictions

Barbara Rindi: 20252 Information and the Architecture of Financial Markets (a.y.2017-2018)

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How a Limit Order Book worksMarket Structure:

• Trading Sessions and Execution Systems• Trading Rules• Orders• Market Participants• Price Monitoring

Regulatory Debate:• High Frequency Trading (HFT)• Dark Pools• Trading Fees• Tick Size (U.S. Tick Size Pilot - Oct2016)

Markets and Regulatory Issues

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Theoretical Models of Market Microstructure

Dealer Markets

Auction markets

Theory of Limit Order Book (LOB) High Frequency Trading Dark Pools Tick Size Regulation Trading Fees


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• Attending Students: written examination

• Non Attending Students: Essay


Barbara Rindi: 20252 Information and the Architecture of Financial Markets (a.y.2015-2016)

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• Lecture notes• Journal articles• de Jong F. and Rindi B. (2009) “The Microstructure of Financial

Markets”, Cambridge University Press.• Harris L. (2003) “Trading & Exchanges”, Oxford University Press,

Chapters 4, 5, 6.• Johnson B. (2010) “Algorithmic Trading & DMA”, Myeloma Press.• Hasbrouck J. (2007) “Empirical Market Microstructure.” New York,

Oxford University Press.• “Guide to new Trading System Issue 6.0 ∙ May 2013 -M I T 2 0 1 - B I T

- M I L L E N N I U M E X C H A N G E”

Reference Material

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Proff. Sandro Frova e Marco Tanzi Marlottiaa 2017-2018

primo semestre, secondo anno

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n° Giorno Aula Ore Tema1 07/09/2016 14 10:30 Presentazione corso. Il ruolo degli intangibili e l'evoluzione dei sistemi economici moderni. Evidenze.2 09/09/2016 14 08:45 Intangibili, vantaggio competitivo sostenibile, valore3 14/09/2016 14 10:30 Definizione, identificazione e classificazione

4 16/09/2016 14 08:45Le diverse finalità. Approfondimenti su PPA e impairment. Avviamento ed impairment delle principali società italiane: problematiche ed evidenza empirica.

5 21/09/2016 14 10:30 I metodi di valutazione: logiche e formule (costi, risultati, mercato)6 23/09/2016 14 08:45 Le fonti. Le difficoltà pratiche nella valutazione degli intangibili7 28/09/2016 14 10:30 GRUPPI - Formazione, materiale e istruzioni8 30/09/2016 14 08:45 GRUPPI - La scelta del/dei metodi. Discussione.

9 05/10/2016 14 10:30 Fonti e difficoltà pratiche

10 07/10/2016 14 08:45 (segue) Fonti e difficoltà pratiche. I tassi di royalty: le radici economiche

11 12/10/2016 14 10:30 Costo del capitale: alcuni aspetti particolari

13 26/10/2016 14 10:30 Gli intangibili nelle situazioni di crisi14 28/10/2016 14 08.45 Interbrand e altre fonti/metodologie di valutazione dei marchi

15 02/11/2016 14 10.30La valutazione delle attività immateriali nei processi di PPA (tematiche valutative affrontate dai principi contabili; aspetti affrontati nella prassi operativa)

16 04/11/2016 14 08.45Affrontare la valutazione degli intangibili: le competenze di business/industry e le modalità di analisi dei business plan

17 09/11/2016 14 10.30 Le variabili fondamentali: costo del capitale.18 11/11/2016 14 08.45 Le relazioni fra intangibili, performance e valore di mercato

19 16/11/2016 14 10.30 GRUPPI - Lavoro: impostazione del lavoro di gruppo e modalità di raccolta delle informazioni20 18/11/2016 14 08.45 GRUPPI - Lavoro: elaborazione dei dati prospettici per l'analisi valutativa21 23/11/2016 14 10.30 GRUPPI - Lavoro: individuazione del costo del capitale22 25/11/2016 14 08.45 GRUPPI - Lavoro: quantificazione del valore - Sintesi valutativa e reporting23 30/11/2016 14 10.30 GRUPPI - Presentazione risultati e confronti24 02/12/2016 14 08.45 GRUPPI - Presentazione risultati e confronti

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ObiettiviformatividelcorsoObiettivoprimariodelCorsoèintrodurreglistudentichevoglionointraprendereunacarrieralavorativa nel settore assicurativo, nell’asset management, nell’investment banking e nelcapitalmarketsaiprofilifinanziaritipicidellecompagniediassicurazionesullavita.


Esercitazioni inaula, studiodi casi, simulazioni suPCed interventi dapartedioperatoridiprimariebanchediinvestimentoedassetmanagersinternazionaligarantisconoillegametranozioniteoricheedoperativitàreale.

Temiaffrontatiduranteilcorso• Lecaratteristichefinanziariedellecompagniediassicurazione

• Leregolediriferimentoperilsettoreassicurativovita:

o ilbilanciolocalGAAP

o ilbilancioIFRS

o lenuoveregoleSolvencyII

• L’attivitàdiportfoliomanagement:lacostruzionediunportafoglioinlogicaLDI

• L’attivitàdifinancialengineering:l’utilizzodiderivaticomplessiinlogicaALM

• L’attivitàdiriskmanagement:levariabilichiaveelalorodeterminazione

• Lavalutazionedellecompagniediassicurazionedalpuntodivistadelmanagement,deiequityanalyst,degliM&Aadvisoredellesocietàdirating



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E’ prevista una prova scritta finale più lavori intermedi individuali e di gruppo durante ilcorso.Laprovafinalenoncomprendeargomentioggettodilavoriintermedi.





Michele Gaffo, Global Head of ALM and Strategic Asset Allocation e Member of theInvestmentMangementBoard,AllianzZE;ChiefInvestmentOfficer,AllianzItalia.




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INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE FINANCE 20265Prof. C.M. Pinardi - Prof. M.T. Petrova

• Foundations of the international financial management: objectives, role, players

• The foreign exchange market, exchange rates determination and using derivatives to manage FX risk

• Management of transaction, economic and translation exposure: theory and practice

• Raising finance in the international bond and equity markets; global cost of capital.

• Investment and financing decisions in an international environment (Trade Finance, FDI, cross border M&A, private equity)

• Multinational Tax Management

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REAL CASE STUDIESRisks associated with a FDI in emerging markets. Case Study Liwa Plastic: define country risk and choose the debt financing optionInternational Bond Markets Placements. Case Study Isolante K-Flex: define the rating of global bond issuesPlacements International Equity markets. Case Study Fincantieri: Initially the 2014 IPO was an unsuccess but recently it turnaround. Find the current cost of equity and discuss this MNC’s equity and growth strategyGlobal Equity markets and Small Businesses. Case Study Safe Charge: define the IPO price of a small business to be quoted at the LSECross Border M&A, Private Equity. Case Study Lavazza-Carte Noire Acquisition: define financial and economic impact of the deal

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EXAMS AND GRADINGGrading will be based on a written mid term and final exam, based on 22 multiple choice questions and 3 open questions. If a student fails, scores a low grade or misses the first optional partial exam they can choose to take the general (cumulative) attending students’ exam. All subsequent exam sessions will be based exclusively on textbook chapters indicated in the syllabus. Attending students are also required to submit case reports of the cases discussed in class (to be completed individually or in a group of not more than 3 students). Attending students’ exams are based only on the topics covered in class. Up to two additional points added to the final grade may be given for active participation (including completing four case studies work).

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Structured and project Finance AY 2017/2018


20439 Structured and Project Finance

Prof. Stefano GattiProf. Andrea Fabbri

Academic Year 2017-2018

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Structured and project Finance AY 2017/2018


Course contents

Project and infrastructure financing:– Project finance as a network of contracts– risk analysis and risk management– valuation of deal’s bankability– the evolution of the business: infrastructure funds and project


Asset-backed securitization: – types and features;– cash vs syntetic securitizations– the rating of securitization deals

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Structured and project Finance AY 2017/2018


Course contents

Students’ valuation– Final written exam for both attendant and nonattendant

students. – No mid-term exam is scheduled

“Assignment program” for attending students– Groups of students work on 2 case studies.– Average mark obtained in the two case studies count for 40%

of the final exam mark.

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Financial Risk Management nelle Aziende

Cesare Conti* e Riccardo Bua Odetti**

Presentazione dei corsi opzionali dei bienni “CLEFIN/Finance” 5 maggio 2017

* Università Bocconi, Dipartimento di Finanza

** Partner e Responsabile della Practice di Financial Risk Management presso PWC

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Premessa, obiettivo, taglio e sbocchi professionali

• Premessa: la dimensione del rischio ha valenza strategica ed entra a pieno titolo nel business

plan. Per cui le decisioni di financial risk management sono necessariamente «integrate» con le decisioni strategiche di investimento e di finanziamento.

• Obiettivo: comprendere il «processo» di financial risk management nelle aziende, processo che contempla anche (ma non solo) l’utilizzo dei prodotti derivati.

• Taglio: l’obiettivo è perseguito mediante un mix equilibrato di:

• basi teoriche sui drivers economici del processo di financial risk management; • competenze tecniche, manageriali, regolamentari e contabili; • discussione di casi e perizie proposte dai docenti e da testimoni qualificati.

• Sbocchi professionali: il corso completa le competenze di diverse figure professionali che

operano nelle aziende (Board Members, CFO e Tesorieri) e negli intermediari finanziari (investment bankers, debt advisors, operatori del private equity) così come presso gli auditors esterni (nell’ambito della practice di financial risk management) e le società di consulenza indipendenti specializzate nel financial risk management.


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Materiale didattico e modalità di esame

Materiale didattico: • Frequentanti: libro di testo, letture, slides e casi disponibili su Learning Space; • Non frequentanti: libro di testo e letture. Modalità di Esame. • L’esame è scritto. In ciascun appello sono previste due prove distinte: una per

frequentanti e l’altra non frequentanti, basate sul rispettivo materiale didattico; • La prova scritta prevede: a) domande del tipo vero/falso con risposta da

motivare brevemente; b) domande aperte; • I frequentanti possono:

• effettuare un lavoro di gruppo, che è facoltativo e che è sostitutivo di una domanda aperta;

• effettuare una prova intermedia a metà corso.


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Introduzione al corso

Prof. Maurizio Dallocchio

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Il numero di operazioni concluse ogni anno è molto significativo, in costante crescita dopo la crisi globale…

…l’M&A rappresenta un elemento chiave della strategia d’impresa per creare valore, crescere, mantenere e ottenere vantaggi competitivi

Perché un corso sui temi dell’M&A

Market share in global M&A in Q1-Q4 2016

Fonte: Mergermarket - Global and regional M&A: 2016

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…Ogni operazione richiede la capacità di comprendere e gestire un universo di informazioni sempre più complesso e multidisciplinare… …al contempo, in ogni operazione, un numero significativo di attori specializzati cooperano in modo sempre più sofisticato e competitivo…

Perché un corso sui temi dell’M&A (segue)

Molte figure professionali, interne alle aziende coinvolte o loro consulenti, sono interessate quotidianamente da operazioni di


Per ognuna di esse la comprensione delle dinamiche e dei processi che le regolano è imprescindibile

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Mettere a disposizione degli studenti conoscenze accademiche e professionali per: Attraverso un’impostazione interdisciplinare, per tenere conto dei diversi profili rilevanti (finanziari, strategici, amministrativi, fiscali, legali e di management) Il corso prevede un’alternanza di esemplificazioni, casi, testimonianze, esercitazioni e presentazioni degli studenti

Obiettivi del corso

1. Gestire efficacemente le operazioni di M&A in ambito domestico e internazionale

2. Comprendere le caratteristiche degli interventi da attuare per ottenere una reale creazione di valore per l'investitore (industriale o finanziario)

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Articolazione dei contenuti affrontati AREE TEMATICHE PRINCIPALI ARGOMENTI SPECIFICI

Parte I Introduzione

• Origine delle operazioni

• Finalità perseguite dalle parti

• Meccanismi di creazione del valore

• Dimensioni del fenomeno

Parte II Valutazione

• Introduzione alla valutazione in ottica di M&A

• I principali metodi di valutazione applicati all’M&A

• Fattori che influenzano il valore (i.e. sinergie e premio di controllo)

Parte III Strumenti e processi

• Il processo di M&A (buy/sell side)

• Il ruolo dei principali attori (financial advisor, consulenti legali, esperti di due diligence)

• Tecniche di negoziazione

Parte IV Alternative di finanziamento

• coniugare i principi base del finanziamento d'impresa ad i contesti di finanza straordinaria

• IPO e aumenti di capitale

Parte V Il ruolo degli investitori istituzionali

• Il private equity

• Il venture capital

• Gli hedge fund

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• “Mergers & Acquisitions”

M. Dallocchio, G. Lucchini, M. Scarpelli

EGEA, 2015

• Slide e note didattiche (rese disponibili su learning space).

Materiale didattico

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Per frequentanti: • Unica prova scritta a fine corso. I candidati dovranno scegliere di

rispondere a: • 4 su 5 domande aperte • 15 su 18 domande multiple choice

• Assignment di gruppo (max. 2 punti da sommare alla valutazione

della prova scritta) Per non frequentanti: • Unica prova scritta a fine corso. I candidati dovranno scegliere di

rispondere a: • 4 domande aperte • 15 domande multiple choice

Modalità di valutazione

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Introduzione al corso

Prof. Maurizio Dallocchio Prof. Maurizio Leonardo Lombardi

Prof. Claudio Battistella

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Perché sceglierlo?

L’attenuarsi dello stato di grave tensione del Paese, sebbene ancora all’interno di un quadro economico difficile, non ha permesso un riassorbimento dei fenomeni di crisi e ristrutturazione aziendale, protagonisti indiscussi degli ultimi anni. Le difficoltà incontrate necessitano di essere indagate approfonditamente per affrontare meglio il futuro economico, in ottica di crescita e prospettiva.


Fonte: Osservatorio su fallimenti, procedure e chiusure di imprese - Cerved (Dicembre 2016)

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“Gestione della crisi” e

“ Risanamento aziendale”

continuano ad essere i temi più

ricorrenti nel presente delle

imprese italiane...

Perché sceglierlo? - Il confronto con la realtà

Fonte: Osservatorio su fallimenti, procedure e chiusure di imprese - Cerved (Dicembre 2016)

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E’ importante comprendere non solo lo stato di crisi in cui versa

un’azienda, ma soprattutto i segnali premonitori dello stesso.

L’analisi, lo studio e le scelte operative, vengono condotte da team

specializzati che cooperano in sinergia per comprendere le problematiche e

prospettare le relative soluzioni alle aziende in difficoltà.


Società in distress Advisor finanziari

Advisor legali

Banche finanziatrici

Altri stakeholders

Advisor industriali

Commissario giudiziale


Perché sceglierlo? - Gli attori coinvolti

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Obiettivi del corso

Permettere agli studenti di acquisire conoscenze accademiche e

professionali che consentano loro di:

comprendere e gestire efficacemente le situazioni di crisi aziendali, sia in ambito domestico che internazionale

analizzare e attuare le operazioni e procedure straordinarie per portare a termine efficacemente ristrutturazioni aziendali

valutare le opportunità per gli investitori derivanti dai titoli di società in crisi

attraverso un’impostazione interdisciplinare che riesce ad analizzare e a

tener conto non solo dei profili legali legati alle singole fattispecie

esaminate, ma anche di quelli finanziari, strategici, fiscali e manageriali.


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Articolazione dei contenuti



Parte I

• Le modalità di gestione della crisi in Italia. • Le soluzioni offerte nel contesto italiano. • L’Indipendent Business Review (IBR). • Casi pratici di attestazione. • Un accordo privatistico ex art. 67 Legge Fallimentare (r.d 16

marzo 1942, n. 267) e soluzioni alternative. • Un accordo di ristrutturazione dei debiti ex art. 182-bis Legge

Fallimentare (r.d 16 marzo 1942, n. 267).

Parte II

• Le crisi di sistema nella storia dell’economia e della società:

l’esperienza italiana e i risultati di alcune ricerche. • Pianificazione e programmazione aziendale come antidoto contro

le crisi. • Il concetto di riserva di elasticità.

Parte III

• Le peculiarità del processo valutativo di un’azienda distressed. • L’utilizzo degli strumenti ibridi di finanziamento nella gestione delle

crisi aziendali. • Il Real Estate: un punto critico nella gestione delle crisi aziendali.

Le valutazioni immobiliari. • Fondi di Private Equity e investimenti in imprese in distress

finanziario. • Logiche di investimento in titoli distressed.

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Modalità di valutazione


Unica prova scritta a fine corso composta da 10 domande a scelta

multipla e 3 domande aperte (a scelta su 5 opzioni)

Assignment di gruppo

Non Frequentanti:

Unica prova scritta a fine corso composta da 10 domande a scelta

multipla e 3 domande aperte ( a scelta su 5 opzioni)


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Materiale didattico

"Crisi d'impresa e Ristrutturazione del Debito Procedure, Attori, Best Practice ", V. Capizzi

Testimonianze d’aula

Lucidi e note didattiche


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Psychology, Economic Analysis, and Behavioral Finance

Fall 2017

Nicola Gennaioli

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• Homo Economicus: perfectly calculating unemotional maximizer

• Last 30 years: many documented anomalies- Individuals often save too little- Risk attitude are unstable (buy lotteries and insurance)- Expectations are suboptimal (systematic errors)- Stock returns are predictable, law of one price does not hold

• Behavioral Economics approach to anomalies:- Introduce psycholgy in economic models- Explain market behavior, experiments, and inform policy

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Behavioral Finance

• Documents major anomalies in asset price behavior- Inefficient markets

• Uses psychology to understand these anomalies:- Why arbitrage is limited- Why markets are inefficient the specific way they are

• Important Implications for:- Optimal Investing- Social Value of Financial Markets- Government Policy

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This Course

• Outline major anomalies of individual behavior (4 lectures)

• Present psychologically founded models that account for them (4)

• Show how these models have been used to study field data (6)

• Behavioral Finance (10)

Prerequisites: probability, linear regression, utility maximization, basic micro and finance

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20253International Financial Markets



Manuela Geranio, Finance Dep. Università Bocconi

Alessandra Franzosi, Borsa Italiana-LSEG

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The course aims to provide an integrated view ofinternational financial markets and the financialmanagement of multinational firms.

Focus is on the currency markets (spot, fwd andmain derivatives), international capital markets(eurocurrency, bonds & equities) and maininternational players and marketplaces (ESG,international exchanges, ..)

Each of the above mentioned markets will bestudied from a theoretical/descriptive point ofview followed by practical applications with thehelp of simulations and case studies.

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Course Outline (I)Session Instructor Topic

1 AF Course introduction. Balance of Payments

2 AF International monetary Systems.Case on THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE RENMINBI*

3 AF Exchange rates spot and forward markets

4 AF International parity conditions: purchasing power parity

5 AF International parity conditions: interest rate parities

6 AF Determinants of floating exchange rates: theoreticalmodels

7 AF Testimonial on FX trading from Unicredit

8 MG Foreign Exchange Exposure and Management

9 MG Hedging exchange rate risk (case study: GENERAL MOTORS PART I)

10 MG Hedging exchange rate risk (case study: GENERAL MOTORS PART II)

11 MG Exchange Rate Derivatives : from plain vanillato exotic structures

12 AF Summary and exercises

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Course Outline (II)Session Instructor Topic

13 MG International banking and money market

14 MG Syndicated Loans (testimonial from Mediobanca)

15 MG Case Study on syndicated loans (FINANCING ALIBABA'S BUYOUT*)

16 MG International bond markets: current trends and practices. Cross currency swaps.

17 MG Case study on international and sukuks bonds (EMIRATES AIRLINE*)

18 MG A focus on Islamic Finance

19 MG International Equity markets. ADR and their characteristics

20 MG Case study on equity markets (MELCO CROWN ENTERTAINMENTS*)

21 AF ESG Investments and Active Investors.

22 MG Global consolidation of stock exchanges

23 MG Case study on stock exchanges M&A (BORSA ITALIANA-LSE)

24 MG Fintech, blockchain and international securities’ markets

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Assessment method

The exam is written

Attending students can split the exam into two parts, amidterm examination and a final examination (each ofthem weighting 40% on final grade) or simply have onegeneral exam at the end of the course (weighting 80% offinal grade). In both cases attending students exam willfocus on material discussed in class as well as bookchapters indicated in the syllabus. Active classparticipation and group works (evaluated by peers) willweight 20% of final grade.

Not attending students can only take the general examon the whole book.

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Milan 05 May 2017

Davide Maspero

Università Bocconi – Finance Department

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20248 Asset management – Course contents

1. Improvements over traditional MV Allocation: resampling and Black/Littermanmodels

2. Dynamic asset allocation models

3. Exchange risk management

4. Alternative asset classes

5. The active vs. passive management debate; automated advisors

6. Factor investing; risk parity portfolios

7. Risk management of asset management portfolios

8. Behavioural biases; should investors buy or sell insurance on their portfolios ?

205 May 2017

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20248 – Course organization

24 sessions, including 4 Info sessions and 3 sessions with industry experts

No textbook; online collection of compulsory and optional articles

Evaluation: Attending students: 50% groupwork + 50% final written test Non-attending students: 100% final written test

Groupwork divided into 2 parts: style analysys and performance/risk evaluation on an assigned mutualfund

Groupwork only valid for winter session 2017/2018

21 May 2016 3

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1. Docenti: Stefano Zorzoli (docente responsabile; Università «Luigi Bocconi») e Giacomo Nocera («Audencia Business School», Nantes)

2. Argomenti del programma: banche (16 lezioni) e compagnie di assicurazione (8 lezioni)

3. Principale oggetto di analisi (parlando a titolo di esempio della parte “banche”): valutazione dello “stato di salute” (alias “performance”) di una banca o di un gruppo di banche o dell’industria bancaria di un paese/area, in termini di redditività, solvibilità, efficienza operativa, rischi in atto, equilibri gestionali, considerando la specificità dell’attività svolta da una banca e le possibili caratteristiche operative, quali il grado di specializzazione, la dimensione, l’articolazione territoriale

4. Dati di input: informazioni pubbliche (bilanci, informativa societaria obbligatoria, dati statistici di settore, altro ...)

5. Output – obiettivo: redazione di un report finanziario, sulla base delle best practices del settore della financial analysis, a beneficio dei “clienti esterni” (per esempio: gli investitori) o a uso interno (come nel caso delle analisi di benchmarking o delle analisi di vigilanza)

6. Materiali: lucidi a cura dei docenti, parti di libri di testo, paper scientifici

7. Esame: prova scritta a domande aperte + assignment individuale facoltativo e in grado di eventualmente di incrementare il punteggio finale del 5%-10% (da definire). 1

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Cod. 20576


Instructor: Anna E. Omarini

Department of Finance

Bocconi University ([email protected])

Course Description The aftermath of the global financial crisis together with the digital disruption are undergoing important changes and challenges to banks. Given that these changes will continue over the next years, looking ahead, banks are improving and transforming themselves over the short and long run, also drawing a particular attention to their economics. There are multiple challenges in incorporating innovation into their organizations, including aligning innovation with strategic priorities, building capabilities to ensure agile development and prototyping, as well as commercializing solutions. It is essential to understand that the pace of change in financial services seems only to be increasing–as does the urge for the industry to react. The forces shaping this change have led the industry to reconsider the role of finance, more as an “enabler” than a provider of financial products and services. The influence from new non-bank competitors and the increasing number of financial technology firms (FinTechs) is growing in the market. The FinTech phenomenon has evolved from startups that want to take on and beat incumbents, to a broader ecosystem of different businesses looking in many cases for partnerships with financial institutions. The main opportunities for FinTech are first found in retail financial services, particularly in payments, money transfers, lending, investment management, raising capital and robot advisers, and is expected to expand in the coming years. The aim of the course is to provide an adequate representation of the actions, tools, and the critical factors needed to create value in banking, and foster banks on how to prevent them from being disintermediated. During the course, we will approach the main changes accruing in the market, both endogenous (regulation, market integration, competition, decline in interest rates, etc.), and exogenous (the digital revolution and the FinTech phenomena, demographic trends, etc.) which have been shaping the industry for some time. To start with, we briefly illustrate the traditional functions of a bank, then we move on to the FinTech phenomenon to highlight the current digitalization streams in banking and how digital trends are reshaping the business models in the market. Furthermore we discuss how banks adapt their service offerings and consider new entrants. There are factors that pose challenges both to FinTech companies and incumbents (existing financial institutions). Differences in management and culture, as well as regulatory uncertainty and legacy technology limitations, are identified by both as being major challenges to working together.

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Course Objectives The setting of the course is interdisciplinary, to take account of the different profiles relevant to managing both the banks and the FinTech companies as business services. Given that the course is focused on providing professional knowledge and effective tools, and in order to pursue these goals, we assume a dual perspective of analysis, namely: - Those working within banks (especially retail banks) and FinTech companies, and - Those who, for various reasons, are called to collaborate with banks as external partners (consultants, technology vendors, and others). Course Content Summary The course aims to achieve three levels of cognitive objectives: 1. Understanding the banking business, with a focus on retail and private market segments, in order to:

• Define the main scope and content. • Recognize its core aspects relevant to the market and its development. • Outline the competition (incumbents versus FinTech companies). • Outline market trends in Europe and other foreign markets.

2. Understanding how to manage a banking business effectively so as to:

• Explore how the business models work. • Define their balances (economic and financial). • Outline the organization dimension and the main management levers.

3. Achieving an integrated vision of the banking business, taking account of the changes that are taking place at the technological, consumer and regulatory levels. The main goals are to:

• Define and understand the regulatory framework at both national and international level for banks and FinTech companies.

• Assess the evolution in the consumption of banking and financial services and its impact on

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Real Estate Finance code 20261

Academic Year 2017-2018

Armando BorghiGiacomo Morri Paolo Benedetto

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33Real Estate Finance - code 20261

Course overview

• «Under all is the land»: introduction to real estate & finance• Main topics

– Real Estate Market and Players– Real Estate Investments & Valuation – Real Estate Financing – Indirect investments: Funds & REITs

• From theory to practice– Financial models for real estate– Group work & assignments– Guest speakers

• Attending students exam on case studies and individual exam

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44Real Estate Finance - code 20261

Course contents: detailed topics

• Real Estate Market and Players

• Economic models: space & capital markets

• Principles of Real Estate Investments & Financial Valuation

• Cap rate and Discount rate in the real estate

• Real estate valuation & Feasibility study

• Real estate Financing

• Real estate funds & REITs

• Asset, Property and Facility Management

• Property companies valuation and acquisition

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55Real Estate Finance - code 20261

Final Exam

Attending Students• Delivery of all intermediate cases

• Group level valuation • 20% on final mark

• Final case study • Group level valuation• 20% on final mark

• Written final Exam on notes, slides and selected reference: no textbook is required

• Individual level valuation• 60% on final mark• 30 multiple choice questions (3

answers, only 1 correct answer, no penalties for wrong answers)

• 45 minutes

Non-attending Students• Written Exam• Textbook:

• Property Finance: An International Approach (Wiley 2015) by Giacomo Morri & Antonio Mazza, Part I only (Part II is not required)

• Selected readings that will be published on the course website

Contacts & inquiries: [email protected]