“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6 Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

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Page 1: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God

sets the lonely in families.”

Psalm 68:6

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

Page 2: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Welcome Letter

from the Chair

Dear potential candidate,

Let me first thank you for giving your time to learn more about Home for Good, the current context of our work, and our desire for a Chief Executive who can lead us forward at this exciting time in the life of our organisation.

We stand at a pivotal moment in our short history. Since establishing Home for Good as a charity in 2014, we have not stopped in our pursuit of finding a home for every child who needs one. We have benefitted from the remarkable gifts of our Founder, Krish Kandiah, who worked in tandem with our previous CEO, Phil Green. Phil finished his tenure with Home for Good earlier in 2020 and we have since taken time as a Board to consider our future and redesign the role description for the new CEO. As a Board and staff team, we are agreed that as a growing charity, we need a CEO who can bring strong leadership, build a clear strategy and drive Home for Good towards even greater impact in the years to come.

This is not just a time of leadership transition within Home for Good, but also a significant point of organisational transition. As a start-up charity, we were able to experiment with various approaches to learn and establish the most effective methods of achieving our mission. The Board now discerns this moment to be our opportunity to pivot towards greater focus as we mature our core missional model and believe we are now on the cusp of substantially greater impact. Through effective working within Home for Good and intentional collaborations and partnerships, we believe we will achieve our shared vision of every child having a home in which they can thrive.

As a Board we are committed to overseeing this crucial leadership transition and organisational development stage with courage, clarity, and God’s wisdom. Krish hopes to continue supporting the Home for Good mission in a new role to be agreed with the CEO, which will leverage his key gifts within defined areas of responsibility.

By God’s grace, we come to this moment from a position of strength. We have more reach, funding and opportunity than we have ever had before, and we want to make the most of these incredible assets for the sake of vulnerable children. In the following pages you will read about our organisation, what lies at the heart of who we are, our history, the scope of our work and partnerships, and the approach we take to accomplish our vision:

Together we can find a home for every child who needs one.

You will also read about the opportunities and challenges before us and, indeed, before you, if you should become the next Chief Executive of Home for Good.

At this pivotal point in our journey, we believe it is imperative that Home for Good:

• Significantly increases its influence to serve the cause of vulnerable children, finding homes across the UK…

• Implements a focused growth strategy that leads to a step change in impact…

• Grows our networks and partners, including strengthening the diversity and sustainability of our funding partners….

• Establishes a transformational organisational development plan…


Page 3: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

• Continues to strengthen our team and culture, never losing sight of who we are and why we exist.

As you consider this position, know that we are looking for a Chief Executive:

• whose leadership is grounded in and emanates from her or his personal faith journey in Jesus Christ – a faith journey that shapes who you are, what you do, and how you engage with and lead others;

• who can bring clarity to Home for Good’s vision, set strategic direction, and lead organisational change with courage and humility;

• who knows we cannot do this work alone, but is a leader who understands the importance of building trust and seeking mutual benefit with many diverse partners to accomplish a shared vision of finding a home for every child who needs one.

Thank you again for taking an interest in learning more about Home for Good. We are committed to prayer for all who are considering whether following Jesus leads them to our mission at this time. We hope the following pages serve your discernment.

On behalf of the Home for Good Board of Trustees, who will each be praying for you as you consider this vocation,

Alan Charter, Chair of Home for Good


Page 4: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Our vision is a home for every child who needs one. Every fifteen minutes in the UK, a child will come into care. Many will have suffered neglect or abuse, all will experience trauma and loss. Each one deserves a home where they will be loved, nurtured and enabled to thrive, whether that’s through short-term or long-term foster care, or with a new adoptive family. But more families are urgently needed to ensure all children and young people can grow up in the family and setting that is right for them.

An introduction to Home for GoodTogether we can find a home for every child who needs one.


Page 5: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Almost 100,000 children are classified as looked after in the UK, an increase of 3% on last year. More than 80% of these children need to be cared for by a foster family, yet there is a shortage of 8,600 carers, both to meet this need and to account for carers who will retire in the year ahead. More than 3,000 children are waiting for adoption in the UK, and more than a third have already been waiting eighteen months or more. Many are over the age of three – they know they are waiting.

Home for Good believes the Church is ideally placed to ensure that every child and young person has the loving home they need and to be a welcoming and supportive community to all looked after and adopted children and the families who care for them. Throughout the Bible we are reminded of God’s heart for the vulnerable, particularly those without a family to love and protect them. As God’s children, adopted into His great family, we are called to care for the vulnerable, to defend those unable to defend themselves, and to seek justice on their behalf.

Our faith is at the heart of all we do and fuels our work, forming the foundation of our vision, which we call spiritual pacesetting. Our Biblical mandate to care for the vulnerable, extend hospitality and seek justice motivates and compels Home for Good to action, providing the framework for our role in influencing society and mobilising the Church, and driving us to provide excellent services for all.

Through our influencing work we seek to:

• change the hearts and minds of governments, policy-makers and influencers towards our collective responsibility to vulnerable children and the role of the Church

• reform the system so that every child has a home in which they can thrive and a family for life

• engage the media to change the conversation around the issues that affect vulnerable children

Through our mobilising work we seek to:

• raise awareness of the need within the UK Church and change the narrative around fostering and adoption

• inspire Christians to play their part for vulnerable children and stand with Home for Good

• empower and release churches and champions to provide welcome, support and understanding for families who care

Through our delivery work we seek to:

• provide services and create resources that will inform and equip individuals in their journey to foster or adopt

• offer programmes that motivate and train churches to be supportive communities for families who care for vulnerable children

• develop innovative pilots that offer solutions to ingrained and perceived insurmountable problems


Page 6: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Ethos StatementTogether we can find a home for every child who needs one.

Home for Good is a movement of individuals and churches who believe that every child should have a safe and loving home where they can thrive. We are a national charity dedicated to inspiring and resourcing this network of individuals and churches as they make the Home for Good vision a reality.

We believe the Church community is well placed to step forward to offer homes to children in care, and wrap around in support of foster, adoptive and kinship caring families. We therefore aim to change the culture in churches throughout the UK to make caring for vulnerable children a significant part of their life and ministry.

We believe that all people of faith should be treated fairly during the assessment process and we are committed to working in partnerships with voluntary and statutory agencies, local and central government partners and other organisations to effectively achieve our aims. We are generous and inclusive as we build relationships across diverse church networks and society groups.

We also advocate and engage at all levels of Government to bring systemic change that will benefit all children who are in or who have experienced the care system. We are committed to collaboration and innovation to create solutions and catalyse transformation.

Home for Good is focused on the Christian Church, but our intention is that our work will be of benefit to people of all faiths, and none.

Our values Our two core values are the twin threads that run through every aspect of our work. All that we do is shaped by, built upon, and fueled through being child-focused and faith-rooted.


Children and young people will always be at the heart of Home for Good. We are passionate about finding a great home for every child who needs one, where they will be loved and nurtured and enabled to thrive. We affirm the infinite value and believe in the potential of every child. We will do all we can to advocate on their behalf, championing their needs and celebrating their successes, ensuring their voices are heard.


Our Christian faith inspires, motivates and encourages us to act and to believe that change is possible as we stand firmly on a strong theological foundation and commit to prayer for every aspect of our work. We will hold on to faith amidst setbacks and challenges and step out in faith to act. We are open about our faith and recognise the potential in the Church to make a difference, but we do not expect preferential treatment and are keen to work in partnership with those of other faiths and of no faith.


Page 7: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

Our Equal Opportunities Policy includes facility for justifying that certain posts have an occupational requirement that they be occupied by people who can demonstrate a personal Christian faith. Our Volunteer Policy places the same requirement on certain volunteer roles.

Where this is the case prospective staff or volunteers would be asked to confirm that they assent to a statement of faith, which is summarised through the Nicene Creed.

We also expect our Champions and Local Movements to ascribe to this statement of faith.

Our principles for workingWe are innovative

We seek new and creative solutions. We see opportunities and possibilities. We are dynamic and responsive. We dream about what could be and then we intentionally plan, develop and create all that is needed to get there.

We are relational

Within our team, across our organisation and throughout our networks, we value relationship and believe in the synergy of collaboration. We dream together, we make decisions together and we work together. We celebrate diversity, respect differences and are generous with our ideas.

We are hopeful

We are optimistic and focus on what can be done to find solutions. We recognise that fostering and adoption are not easy and will be honest about challenges and frustrations, yet we seek to be a catalyst for change and make a positive difference in every situation.

We are excellent

We are professional, invest in training and ensure a good level of understanding. We are eager to learn from those with experience and expertise. We enable people to play to their strengths and always go above and beyond.

Home for Good was initially a campaign of Care for the Family, the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service and Evangelical Alliance before formalizing as an organisation in 2014. Home for Good has chosen the Nicene Creed as our statement of faith:


Page 8: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Context of this appointment

Since first imagined ten years ago, Home for Good has evolved from a vision to a conversation, to a campaign, and then a charity that has the needs of vulnerable children at its heart.

As we approach the six-year mark as an established charity, we are sharpening our focus, maturing our model, increasing in effectiveness, and gearing up for a season of step change.

We are ambitious to catalyse a surge in impact because we are passionately committed to making the greatest possible difference in the lives of vulnerable children in every part of the UK.

Our team are excellent, passionate and committed to our cause. Our quality resources and services are unique within the sector and meeting a need within the Church. Our voice is strong and influential, speaking into policy, the media and the sector. Our internal culture and operating model is innovative and agile, poised to respond and find solutions. Our brand is becoming established and our reach is increasing. We have strong international links and seek to be generous and open-handed with what God has given us.

You will find a highly motivated and committed Board, ready for a leader with vision to sharpen and refine our focus and build on our firm foundations. We are praying for a leader who will nurture our values-led culture and care for the development and flourishing of our staff, our network of champions, and all the children, families, churches and partners we connect with in pursuit of our mission.

As CEO of Home for Good, you will bring both energy and wisdom to the process of organisational development and growth. You will steward our financial resources with excellence, leveraging our capacities to make the largest meaningful difference to achieving our vision to find a home for every child who needs one.


In the last year…• Our resources were used

by more than a thousand churches

• Our enquiry line supported 1410 people

• Our mailing list grew to more than 8000 subscribers

• Our team spoke in 160 churches

• Our network expanded to over 400 local active champions

• Our social media reached 2.6 million people

Page 9: Appointment of Chief Executive Officer · giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through

Home for Good’s new CEO will help us look forward, asking the big questions to focus our work where the greatest impact can be achieved, such as:

• How can Home for Good best advance our mission in these next five years?

• What strategy will most effectively align our energies and resources to greatest effect?

• What organisational size, structure, and defined scope of services will deliver our strategy and make the most difference to children who need a home and families seeking to foster or adopt?

• What are the boundaries of our operations, and where should we focus?

• What systems and processes are appropriate for our next stage of growth?

• What are the best team structures and key roles needed to achieve our aspirations?

• How can we continue to develop our collaboration with others?

• Which partners should we work with? How can we ensure we are good partners?

• How should we finance our mission?

• What is our message to the Church? To Government?

The Trustees of Home for Good are excited about the challenges and ambitions implicit in these and many other big questions, and we are committed to working with and supporting the CEO in fulfilling these ambitions.


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CEO Purpose and Priorities

The CEO will be an individual who combines a passion for serving vulnerable children through the local church with a passion for running an organisation as a beacon of excellence amongst charities and local government partners.

The CEO will provide the purposeful leadership to deliver the expansion and continuous improvement of Home for Good, whilst ensuring the organisation remains true to being faith-rooted, with Christ at our centre.

The CEO will bring the missional drive required for Home for Good to deliver its services with excellence, whilst always stretching to pioneer into new areas.

You will be a persuasive communicator who can influence decision makers and build enduring partnerships with churches, charity partners, local and central government partners and potential donors.

You will have exceptional levels of drive and tenacity to deliver increased impact and growth across the UK.

You will do this through envisioning and aligning the team of senior leaders responsible for various functions within the organisation.


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It will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer to lead us in four key areas:

Vision and Strategy

• Working closely with the Board and team, articulate a clear and compelling vision and inspire all stakeholders towards it.

• Anticipate political and social changes to ensure that Home for Good is responding to the real needs of vulnerable children, families and local government with agility.

• Innovate new ways of engaging and serving families and evaluate the sustainability of different business models.

• Develop and execute plans for UK wide reach with an impactful and agile operating model.

• Evaluate progress against strategic objectives and strengthen a culture of transparency, accountability and high performance.

People Leadership

• Model compassionate, Christ-centred leadership and further integrate our values into our culture and practice.

• Draw together staff and partners from all Christian denominations and unite them under the vision of Home for Good.

• Develop, align and empower our team, ensuring that they have the resources necessary to excel together and in their individual roles as functional leads.

Growth of Partnerships, Funding and Profile

• Leverage Home for Good’s excellent programme delivery record to further establish our stature and profile with local government and other statutory bodies as a partner of choice.

• Contribute to increasing Home for Good’s voluntary income through church partnerships and strategic fundraising relationships.

• Personally represent Home for Good in the media, public arena and in wider Christian circles.

Organisational Development

• Develop the appropriate infrastructure and income to deliver Home for Good’s mission and growth ambitions.

• Evaluate and manage financial, operational, reputational and other risks, and ensure compliance with all legal and safeguarding requirements.

• Develop, manage and evaluate the health and performance of the Leadership Team and their respective areas of responsibility.


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Person Specification

This post is subject to an occupational requirement that the holder be a practising Christian under Part 1 of Schedule 9 to the Equality Act 2010. We are seeking an individual who will excel in five areas of leadership:

Spiritual Leadership

• Understanding of and alignment with Home for Good’s mission, vision, ethos and values, with a passion for serving vulnerable children through the local church.

• Demonstrating a living and integrated Christian faith, firmly rooted in loving God and obeying his desire to welcome in the orphan.

• A mature disciple and follower of Jesus with godly character.

• Prayerful and able to inspire others to prayer.

Personal Leadership

• Showing self-awareness of their own gifts and limitations.

• Emotionally intelligent, relational and authentic, yet prepared to make tough decisions and have hard conversations.

• Confident to lead change and growth.

• Strong personal discipleship and accountable relationships within a faith community to enable resilience.

• Hold yourself and others to a high standard of excellence.

People Leadership

• Team builder, making excellent hires and then empowering staff to grow in their expertise and authority.

• Able to nurture spiritual growth amongst individuals and teams.

Representational Leadership

• Able to build and nurture purposeful relationships with leaders in the UK church.

• Able to influence externally, across different professional, social and faith contexts.

• Able to inspire faith and confidence in those around them.

• A credible influencer with a relational approach that resonates with our diverse range of stakeholders.

Strategic Leadership

• Able to create strategic clarity, defining objectives appropriate for each season of our development and helping everyone find their place within this unified purpose.

• Confidence to be operationally decisive, with experience of managing budgets and a geographically dispersed mission.

• Proven experience of negotiating and influencing at a senior level.

• A proven record of getting things done on time and on budget.

• Demonstrable ability to work effectively with Boards and senior colleagues.


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Terms and Conditions

The role is full time and will need regular access to London, where we have a central hub, but will allow for flexibility around working arrangements. Part time (0.8) working would be considered.

The salary will be in the region of £70,000-80,000 F.T.E. dependent on experience.

The package also includes a 7% employers’ contribution to a pension, 25 days annual leave, plus public holidays and other benefits.

How to Apply

Home for Good is working with Macaulay Search to conduct this appointment process. Please send your application to [email protected]. The deadline for the receipt of applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 29th July 2020.

Your application should comprise:

• a covering letter of no more than one and a half pages, outlining your motivation and relevant experience for the role. Please specify clearly how your Christian faith is related to all aspects of your working life

• CV, including educational and professional qualifications and a full employment history

• daytime, evening and/or mobile telephone numbers and email address (to be used with discretion)

A first round of interviews will be held on 7th August. Finalist candidates will give presentations to the Board on 18th August, followed by second round interviews on 20th or 24th August. Interviews will take place via video-link or in person (TBC).

Thank you for your interest in the work of Home for Good. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Macaulay Search using the above email address should you have any questions regarding this appointment process. For more information about Home for Good and our story, please see our website here.


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facebook.com/home4gd @home4gd @homeforgood.org.uk

Registered charity no. 1158707 (England and Wales) SC046972 (Scotland). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 9060425.

w: homeforgood.org.uk t: 0300 001 0995

e: [email protected] a: 176 Copenhagen Street, London, N1 0ST