1 . MISSION OF THE MONTH: A/C & CROP WALK Doubting Poor Thomas, the disciple who doubted that Jesus had risen. He gets a bad rap. Thomas ought not be made a bad example. Thomas is simply like some of us. some of us trust more readily than others trust. It is not bad or good. It’s our wiring. It turns out that most of us are a little bit of both, at different times. Sometimes I am a doubting Thomas. Other days God is as real as my right arm. My wife is not a doubting Thomas. She does not need a lot of explanation or proof or debate like me. She is comfortable with the mystery. There are many extraordinary healings and occurrences in the stories of Jesus. She is comfortable stepping into the mystery. All of us have doubts sometimes. As an engineer, I believe in facts, evidence. I respect propositions that are logical and rational. I was trained to test everything, to depend on testable, measurable repeatable science. I have never had proof of anyone rising from death, so long ago. We cannot get facts that bring me proof of Jesus’ resurrection, 2000 years later. People who have lost loved ones in disasters, like the Malaysian airlines plane which disappeared over the ocean. they never get to see the bodies of their loved ones, and they struggle to accept their deaths, without seeing the bodies. If you are sometimes a doubting Thomas, who weighs things back and forth, don't feel badly. This can actually be your strength. Doubt, questions and probing are good qualities. Doubt is not the enemy of faith. It is its partner. Doubt makes us work harder to understand. It strengthens our faith, in a way, through our checking and critiquing. Like flint against a knife, it sharpens our faith by rubbing against it. I have doubted a lot and doubt is my muscle. I separate foolish religious ideas from sound ones through my doubt. Because of my doubt, I have found proof that Jesus lived and died. There are historical records of Jesus of Nazareth being executed in Jerusalem which are not part of the bible. I am personally convinced that the disciples and followers did experience Jesus again on Easter, in a very new way. I do not believe they would have overcome their grief and nor had the inner power to stay together and persuade more to join and spread the fledgling movement to other towns, unless they have an extraordinary experience that confirmed that the story of Jesus had to continue. But facts and propositions have their place. Approaching Christian truth in a rationalistic manner with intellectual arguments will not fill your soul, at the end of the day. Are such pursuits simply a self-seeking way of trying to get God to work on our terms and fit in our box? APRIL 2016

APRIL 2016 - St. David’s Lutheran APRIL HERALD 2016.pdfStrasser for calendar year 2015, to correctly account for his housing allowance- tabled until next meeting, Pastoral Ministry

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Page 1: APRIL 2016 - St. David’s Lutheran APRIL HERALD 2016.pdfStrasser for calendar year 2015, to correctly account for his housing allowance- tabled until next meeting, Pastoral Ministry





Poor Thomas, the disciple who doubted that Jesus had risen. He gets a bad rap. Thomas ought not be made a

bad example. Thomas is simply like some of us. some of us trust more readily than others trust. It is not bad or

good. It’s our wiring.

It turns out that most of us are a little bit of both, at different times. Sometimes I am a doubting Thomas. Other

days God is as real as my right arm. My wife is not a doubting Thomas. She does not need a lot of explanation

or proof or debate like me. She is comfortable with the mystery. There are many extraordinary healings and

occurrences in the stories of Jesus. She is comfortable stepping into the mystery.

All of us have doubts sometimes. As an engineer, I believe in facts, evidence. I respect propositions that are

logical and rational. I was trained to test everything, to depend on testable, measurable repeatable science. I

have never had proof of anyone rising from death, so long ago. We cannot get facts that bring me proof of

Jesus’ resurrection, 2000 years later.

People who have lost loved ones in disasters, like the Malaysian airlines plane which disappeared over the

ocean. they never get to see the bodies of their loved ones, and they struggle to accept their deaths, without

seeing the bodies.

If you are sometimes a doubting Thomas, who weighs things back and forth, don't feel badly. This can actually

be your strength. Doubt, questions and probing are good qualities. Doubt is not the enemy of faith. It is its

partner. Doubt makes us work harder to understand. It strengthens our faith, in a way, through our checking and

critiquing. Like flint against a knife, it sharpens our faith by rubbing against it. I have doubted a lot and doubt

is my muscle. I separate foolish religious ideas from sound ones through my doubt.

Because of my doubt, I have found proof that Jesus lived and died. There are historical records of Jesus of

Nazareth being executed in Jerusalem which are not part of the bible. I am personally convinced that the

disciples and followers did experience Jesus again on Easter, in a very new way. I do not believe they would

have overcome their grief and nor had the inner power to stay together and persuade more to join and spread the

fledgling movement to other towns, unless they have an extraordinary experience that confirmed that the story

of Jesus had to continue.

But facts and propositions have their place. Approaching Christian truth in a rationalistic manner with

intellectual arguments will not fill your soul, at the end of the day. Are such pursuits simply a self-seeking way

of trying to get God to work on our terms and fit in our box?

APRIL 2016

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There is another kind of knowing and assurance, which is equally powerful. The knowledge of the heart. Faith

is mostly a trust, a desire, gratitude, a holding onto Christ in our own unique way. Faith is a leaning on Christ,

seeing Jesus in our own mind’s eye. Spiritual truth is more intuitive, trusting, desiring, and depending. It is

personal, not something which you debate with another.

Your own life is a strong witness to the reality of God. As you look back on your life, do you sense God’s hand

has been involved, during a difficult period? Have you not received many blessings in your life? Do you sense

Christ meeting you when you are on your knees, with the bread and wine?

Do not imagine that spiritual truth is somehow weaker than head truth. There are many instances of people

believing in things that have no scientific evidence. Even atheists have heart truth as well, even though some

deny it

For example, when a baby is born, the parents have a sense of wonder and gratitude. They believe the infant is a

gift. It is beyond something they could make themselves. A gift comes from someone, somewhere...They

cannot prove this, but they believe it. An unchurched, lawyer friend once told me at a party about the birth of

her child, and her overwhelming sense of gratitude, but she did not know who to say thank you to.

When I was married, I remember thinking just before speaking our vows, "what am I doing? I know we love

each other, but I have no proof of the future. How can I promise fidelity and loyalty for the rest of my life? Am

I crazy?" So, I gulped, and took a step of faith, believing on the strength of our relationship so far. The

oncologist tells me of a cancer patient who lived years longer than he ever expected, apparently because of her

sheer belief and will power that she was not supposed to die quite yet. You see, like these two examples,

sometimes our belief is strong enough to affect our reality.

When I fail, or suffer, or fall badly short in meeting others’ expectations, I believe that I will get back up again.

I have no proof that I can, but I trust it nonetheless. Blaise Pascal, the French philosopher, wrote that we know

the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart. The heart has its reasons of which reason knows not. It is the

heart which experiences God, and not the reason.

Jesus said to Thomas "blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe." Well, that’s us, most days. By

simply showing up at worship, you are saying something personal. Perhaps “Christ Jesus, today I want to

believe more strongly, like I used to." or "Jesus, help my weak faith to become more real for me." The good

news is that Christ will always meet you. right. where. you. are.

Pastor Arden

New Youth Committee

I am seeking a few people to join me in thinking about the ways we can help high schoolers continue to grow in

faith and connect with each and with St David's. If you are interested in working with me, please let me know.

We are aiming to form a Youth committee. Adults and high schoolers welcome. Thanks, Pastor Arden

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At the Council meeting--------------- Old Business - Scholarship award New Business - Officer Nomination

President - Lynn Benov

Vice President - David Lynam

Secretary - Jo Ann Justus

Treasurer - Anne Anderson Treasurer - Insurance policies renewed in February, Ann had broker review-policies have good coverage and

rates were good. Old Business - Request for determining amount for future Scholarship awards- tabled for next meeting-must

review provisions. Mission of the Month

March - Heat and Habitat for Humanity

April - Heat and CROP Walk Calendar Clearing - Delegates for the Synod Assembly, May 19, 20 &21- Anne Anderson, Lynn Benov &

Pastor Strasser. Communications and Petitions - none Pastor Arden Strasser - Cannot lose young families and children, struggle retaining Confirmands, need

committee dedicated to this age group, Pastor requested authorization to create Youth Committee with his

assistance and established budget-Council approved. Rev. Juanita Hilsenbeck is a retired ordained minister-

Council would appreciate receiving a report if she is willing. Resolution to permit compensation paid to Pastor

Strasser for calendar year 2015, to correctly account for his housing allowance- tabled until next meeting,

Pastoral Ministry Agreement was presented and agreed to- appropriate parties will sign. Finance - TD bank is charging fees for paper statements- Anne had this month’s fees waived but will have to

meet with the Bank’s Manager for future fees. Education - Committee reviewed PJ party; Shrove Tuesday Carnival-all went well let’s do them again! Souper

Supper- raising funds for LuHi meal packing Saturday February 27th , rescheduled Confirmation Lock-in to

March 5th , PBJ event March 13TH between services room 2, Palm Sunday children will process into Sanctuary

then stay for children’s message, Easter Sunday- children will roll the “rock” and carry in the banner-children’s

message and alleluias opened Easter Funfest-March 27th between services. Property - No meeting, still working on the lighting, met with Electrician. Fellowship - LBS will host 2/14 since Education did first Sunday Fellowship. Preschool - had meeting 1/21/16- will request meeting notes. Nominating - no meeting- Anne Anderson, Lynn Benov, Nick Ewen, Janis Garone- Lynn cannot rerun, this is

the end of her second term.

Respectfully submitted,

Jo Ann Justus, Secretary.

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He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!

Now that we have celebrated His death into life, we look forward to the rebirth of the world around us as Spring

draws near.

Our worship schedule has been modified for the last week as we continue to follow the road to the cross, but

now we can return to a more familiar routine. Worship services will be held on Saturday evenings at 5:30 P.M.

and again on Sunday mornings at 9:00am along with Sunday Church School, and at 11:00am, all services with

Holy Communion. Be sure to stop by the Fellowship hour in the Fellowship Hall between the two Sunday

morning services for coffee, cake and conversation.

On Sunday April 3rd there will be a youth event as the Confirmation class will make peanut butter and jelly

sandwiches from 10-11:00am to help feed the hungry and again on April 10th the youth will be going to

LuHi to assist in the meal packing for Haiti and other areas where there is a food shortage. On Saturday April 16th the author James Reston will be at the church to discuss his book about Martin Luther at 6:30pm, please check the bulletin for further details. CROP Walk this year will be held on Sunday April 24th beginning at 1:00pm at St. David’s parking lot. Please be sure to sponsor someone for this event, if you need more info call the church office or see Maddie Brower after church services. COME HOME WHERE PEOPLE CARE Respectfully submitted, Worship Committee


This month the children will be doing some mission work while having fun. They will learn that everyone is

good at something and that people with disabilities can do lots of the same things they can do. They will learn

bicycle safety while raising money for sick children at St. Jude Children Hospital. They will hop for the Long

Island Muscular Dystrophy Association and help even more children. We are having more special guests this month as the dogs and their owners from the Suffolk Obedience

Training Club show off what they’ve learned and teach us a few things. Also Mr. Milton, father of Emily and

Grace, will show us his bagpipes.

Of course we will be learning a lot too especially about spring. We will plant seed and watch them grow. We

will learn about the water cycle, and weather.

In May we will be having our annual clothing drive so please keep us in mind during your spring cleaning.


Robin Lever,

Preschool Director

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Make a difference by making PBJ Sandwiches(Donations of Bread, Peanut Butter and Jelly are appreciated but all you need to bring is your helping hands)

Date: Sunday, April 3rdTime: 10 am – 11 amLocation: St. David’s Sunday School

Your helping hands can feed someone !

John 13: 34-35 Love one another as I have loved you

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Men’s Luncheon will meet again on April 12th at 12:00pm. Please meet us at the Corner


Help Wanted, No Experience Necessary. Will train: ushers, greeters, lectors, communion assistants, flexible

schedule- Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Compensation and benefits are out of this world! No need to

send your resume just call – Jo-Ann Justus 541-7127 or e-mail [email protected]

Have you looked at our website recently? You can catch-up on all that is going on at St.

David’s! You can get back issues of The Herald; see the Worship Assistants Schedule

(Ushers, Greeters, Assisting Ministers, Communion Assitants, Lectors and Acloytes) and if

you can’t make it to church services, you can read the News & Notes and the Calendar

schedule for the week. Go to: www.stdavidslutheran.net

Come and Work Out With Lois Gaiti. Are you having trouble moving your body, do you feel blah?

Come down to our exercise classes. Help yourself and help your Church too. The classes will get your body

moving and stretched. You do as much as you can.

Aerobics: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Low impact increases cardio vascular efficiency, flexibility and tones

your body.

Stretch and Tone: Every Wednesday at 10:00am.

We use chairs for balance and sit on to do various exercises. The exercises are designed to increase your

flexibility. So Again, help yourself and help our Church. All donations collected go directly to St David’s.

Wear sneakers, comfortable clothing, a water bottle and light weights. Also bring a mat for the aerobics classes.

Should you have any questions or concerns please call me (Lois Gaiti) at (516) 798-615.

Upcoming King David Fellowship Calendar: Please mark your calendars. The next scheduled get-to-gether

is as follows. Thursday, March 31st & Sunday, April10th at 1:00pm. FOOD…FUN…MUSIC… 32 New York

Ave. Massapequa. RSVP Gloria Thorsen hostess 799-8517 or Rev. Juanita & Walt Hilsenbeck 541-5624. All

are welcomed.

Soup Supper Thanks We want to thank those who provided food and prizes for our Soup Supper on February 27th. We raised $800

for the spring youth hunger outreach project. It was a fun evening.

We extend our deep thanks to Bestever Bakery, D&D Auto Clinic, O'Halloran Chiropractic, which are all

Massapequa businesses & our friend Robert Hilsenbeck.

Our Social Ministry Committee invites you to a church fundraiser on Saturday, May 7, at Applebee’s

Restaurant on Sunrise Highway in Bellmore from 8 to 10 AM. Our youth will also wash your car in the parking

lot for a free will donation. Tickets for the grand breakfast (orange juice, pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee/tea)

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are only $10, $5 for kids 12 & under, free for children under 2. Tickets will be on sale after worship. Walk ins

are also welcome. Come on out!

Help us to maintain regular communication with you and provide you with good pastoral care by keeping our

office up date with your current address and contact information. Also, please let the office know if…

a baby is born in your family.

you wish to be baptized or have a child baptized

you wish to learn about Sunday School or confirmation programming.

you wish to be married.

you wish to be prayed for.

you would like to learn about joining St David’s.

you are ill or hospitalized

you wish to receive communion at home

you need a ride to worship.

a family member dies

Electronic Giving Are you not so good at remembering your offering envelopes or your checkbook? Do you go out of town

regularly for a few weeks at a time? Do you want to simplify your giving? Did you know that St David’s offers

electronic giving? With a simple process, your offering can be transferred automatically from your bank

account or credit card once each month. It’s easy. At the bottom of the left column of our website front page is

a blue button labeled DONATE. When you click it, you are taken through a menu where you create an online

profile with your address, account number, and offering amount. Your information is safe and secure and you

have full control to stop or change your offering at any time. If you choose to enter your frequent flier credit

card, you can even earn miles with your offering. If you have any questions, just ask Treasurer Anne Anderson.





DATE TOPIC, THEME VERSE HOST CHURCH PASTOR LEADER Gather MAGAZINE IS Apr 29, 2016 Keep On Keeping on Faith, Syosset Pr. Katrina Foster April 2016, Session

May 27, 2016 An Intergenerational lesson St. John’s Bellmore Pr. Laurie Cline May 2016, Session 1

Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 2 pm

Plattduetsche Park Restaurant (1132 Hempstead Tpk, Franklin Square 11010) Free luncheon open to all

Thrivent members (and one guest per member).

Collection of donations of new baby items for Lutheran Social Services, New Life Center (bring a gift bag of

unwrapped baby items. Most needed: receiving blankets, pacifiers, baby bottles, diapers, diaper bags, bibs,

socks, shampoo, baby wash and infant toys)

Luncheon is FREE BUT a reservation must be made in advance (space limited) email name, address & phone #

to: Gina O’Connor to reserve a spot: [email protected] phone 718-478-3960.

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As we prepare for the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, come hear acclaimed author James Reston speak about the critical months of Martin Luther, defending himself from heresy, hiding from his enemies in Wartburg Castle, and writing down some of his most significant ideas, all while the early Reformation could still have been crushed. We’ll hear how Luther refined his theology in ways that would guarantee the survival of Protestantism. Luther devoted himself to biblical study and spiritual contemplation; and he held together his fractious reform movement from afar. Reston presents an earthy, gripping

portrait of the Reformation's architect, revealing him at his most productive, courageous, and profound. We'll provide a soup supper and listen to the author of the new book, Luther's Fortress: Martin Luther and His Reformation Under Siege. James Reston, Jr. is the author of sixteen books, including the international bestseller Warriors of God. A senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center, he lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland. There is no cost. Come join us for this engaging presentation intended for the interested lay person (pastors, too).

Special Presentation

“The Reformation Under Siege”

Saturday, April 16, 2016 630 - 8 pm

St David’s Lutheran Church Massapequa Park, NY

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With thanks to all who remembered or honored their friends and loved ones with gifts to our funds this month:

Memorial Fund :

In Loving Memory Of:

Helen Brickner, Magdalena Brickner, Christian Brickner, Helen Jehle , Arthur Jehle,

Helena Edwards, Robert Edwards, John Algeo, June Algeo, Richard Brederhorst,

Terry Bredehorst, Nicholas Ewen, Lenore Ewen, Norman Han sen, Raymond Hayes,

Al Madison, David Madison, Bob Roth, John Schildt. by Christian (Chris) Brickner.

In Loving Memory Of: Mrs. Glatthaar by Pauline Gulotta and Maria Thoresz ,

Ruth and Ed White Sr. By Ginny and Edward, Neuhaus, Scholtz by Christian (Chris) Brickner.

Eleanor Alf by Claudia Bossen,

In Loving Memory Of: (Dad) Walter Wilson, (Mom) Dorothy Wilson,

and Sister of Dorothy Wilson and God Mother of Candice Bruder Helen Zito

by James Bruder & Candice Wilson Bruder , Ernest Peterson by Robert Peterson

& Marilia Arguedas, Loved Ones by G. Duswalt.

In Thanksgiving

To Our Church Family who have always been there for us, through our joys and sorrows.

By Bill and Diane McMahon

In Thanksgiving for:

Virginia Brickner, Dr. Christian Brickner, David Brickner, Dr. Christain Andrew Brickner,

Troy Brickner, Nicholas Brickner, Pat brederhorst, Debbie Roth, Mo Roth, Ester Hansen,

Connie Schildt, Ted Ho, Linda Mulligan, Joe Mulligan, Jea n Kane, Pastor Arden Strasser.

by Christian (Chris) Brickner.

In Thanksgiving for the Organ Fund: by Kathleen Furka

In Thanksgiving for:

St. Marks, Trini ty, St David’s, Pastor’s Meyers, Strasser, Bond by Christian (Chris) Brickner.

Deacon Florence Poeschke and Robert (Bob) Michaelis, Sunday School Teachers

and Children’s, Church Council , Choirs Adult and Young Adult Choir, Led By the Spirit ,

Organist , Ushers, Parishiners, Connie & Chris Schildt, Pat Brederhorst,

Linda & Joe Mulligan, Doris & John Niesen, Jean Kane, fred Muller, Debbie & Mo Roth,

Lynn Benov, Debbie Geis, Nick & Jill Ewen, Vi Madison, Ester Hansen, Bill Kauff, Evelyn

Lopopolo. By Christian (Chris) Brickner

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RECOVERING: Esther (Palm) Hanser, Lucy Pena, Annette O’Brian, Giselle Hubbert, Josephine Reno, Regina Altenburger, Al Madison, Kevin, Maddy, Joshua and mom Donna, Christine O’Gara, Kathleen Casimir Karlinski, Gloria S., Maribel M., Vivian, Dr. Jean

Robinson, Dominick, Kerry Copeland, Alyson Bruu, Jean Kane, Len Schiede, Debbie Martin, Joe Heberlein, Loretta Buzanga, Marie Wilson, Nicholas Peter Lagravinese, Debbie Roth, Ted Ho, Chris Brickner, Elsie Von Durring, Gayle Wertz, Eric Anderson, Alfred & Francis Fesefeldt, Charles & Carol Klein, Wilbur Kaulf, Dorothy Petersen, Esther Hansen, Susan Mast

Trinder, Mildred Ulrich, Louise Landkammer, Connie Schildt, Ed & Emma Schneider.

We continue to pray for our armed forces as they continue to stand in harm’s way in Iraq, Afghanistan,

and Africa and throughout the world. May God bless them and their families.

Names will remain on the list until the end of each month. If prayers are still requested

for the following month, please advise Mary Ann in the office at the beginning of each month. +THOSE WHO MOURN THE PASSING OF: Jack Rallo, Beatrice Meyers, Frank Zacchino, Doris Glatthaar, Keith Dunn, Fran Hickey, William Schirmacher, James McGuire, June Algeo, Eleanor Alf, Norman Bossen, John Fuller, Yanet Rojas,

Marge Garrett.

Pray For our Staff:

Rev. Dr. Arden Strasser Pastor Mary Ann Ho Office Administrator

Robert Michaelis Deacon

Florence Poeschke Deacon

Janet Pinto Organist, Saturday

Bethany Porter Organist/Choir Dir.

Janis Garone LBS Director

Domingo Rojas Custodian

Patricia McCarthy Deaf Min. /Signer

Karen Corbett Parish Nurse

Jill Ewen Parish Nurse

Julie Meier Sun. School Director

JoAnn ReySundaySchoolCoDirector/Pianist

Pray for our Preschool Staff:

Robin Lever Preschool Dir . /Teacher

Ruth DeSilva Preschool Teacher Asst.

Colleen Smith Preschool Teacher

Linda Patrissi Preschool Sub/Mommy & Me

Communion Teacher

Confirmation Teachers

Debbie Geis 6 t h & 7 t h grade

Pastor Arden Strasser 8th & 9 t h grades

Pray For: Led By the Spirit & Adult Choir

& Young Choir

Pray For: Our Confirmation teachers

Rev. Dr. Arden Strasser, Pastor 7 t h 8 t h & 9 t h

Debbie Geis: 6 t h

Pray For our Lay Leaders:



Worship/Personnel/Scholarship/Craft Fair


JoAnn Justus Worship/Secretary/Personnel

Anne Anderson, Council/Treasurer /Advisory

& Planning/Finance/Craft Fair/Lay Minister

Janis Garone Deaf Min/ Fellowship/Personnel

J ill Ewen Council/Socia l Ministry/Education

Nominating/Craft Fa ir

Nick Ewen Council/ Fellowship/Finance/


David Lynam Council/Property/SafeEnvir.


Mark Corbett Finance/Property/Personnel

Maddie Brower Deaf Ministry/Nominating/

Craft Fair/Socia l Ministry

Keith Ryan Endowment/Evangelism

Tom Ho Advisory & Planning

Chris Lewis Advisory & Planning

Keith Ryan

The Herald

The monthly newsletter of

St. David's Lutheran Church

April 2016

Mission Statement

We are called in Christ: +To Live faithfully +To make Disciples + To show God's love to all Submissions for May

Herald due by

April 15th.

Editor: MaryAnn Ho ([email protected] )

Please pray for our Military men and women,


Chief Corpsman Craig Williams

Sr. Airman Emily Volz

Airman Carl Seaman Marine Lance Corporal Christopher Buckley