First Edition PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY HOLLY KIMSEY EVANS Happy Spring! As your new Civic Association President, it is my intention to create a community inspired by possibilities and fun. I am standing in the possibility for raising enough funds in 2017 to begin a project for neighborhood signs. The main entrance sign to be placed in the median at Chandworth and four additional street markers at Champaign, Sulkirk, Whistlestop and Riverbend. It is on my agenda to begin researching costs and create a campaign to raise the money. If every neighbor pays the $35 voluntary dues we will not need to campaign! Currently, less than 7% of neighbors donate to the Civic Association. However, moving forward our Treasurer will post the budget reports to the website. Our next newsletter in August will include renderings and costs. Safety remains a concern of the community and we will do our best to keep everyone abreast with the most recent recommendations from the Char Meck Police Department. Continues on Page 2 Page 1 BeverlyWoods.org A constant work in progress! The website is available for Treasury Reports and collection of voluntary dues, Civic Board Members and contact information, resident sponsored ads and Upcoming event details! Facebook Beverly Woods now has a Facebook page. We would love to increase the number of neighbors currently using this method to stay in touch. It is a quick and easy way to communicate. The page is exclusive to Beverly Woods residents. Can’t find the site - look for the user friendly button on the BeverlyWoods.org website. eNews It is the intention of the Civic Association to email one eNewsletter a month. This will include Crime updates from CMPD, resident sponsored ads and information on Upcoming Events. Sign up on the BeverlyWoods.org website. BEVERLY WOODS Connection | Communicate | Community

April 2017 Newsletter · 6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts COST: LIST OF STUDENT SERVICES:

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Page 1: April 2017 Newsletter · 6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts COST: LIST OF STUDENT SERVICES:

First Edition


Happy Spring!

As your new Civic Association President, it is my intention to create a community inspired by possibilities and fun. I am standing in the possibility for raising enough funds in 2017 to begin a project for neighborhood signs. The main entrance sign to be placed in the median at Chandworth and four additional street markers at Champaign, Sulkirk, Whistlestop and Riverbend. It is on my agenda to begin researching costs and create a campaign to raise the money. If every neighbor pays the $35 voluntary dues we will not need to campaign! Currently, less than 7% of neighbors donate to the Civic Association. However, moving forward our Treasurer will post the budget reports to the website. Our next newsletter in August will include renderings and costs.

Safety remains a concern of the community and we will do our best to keep everyone abreast with the most recent recommendations from the Char Meck Police Department. Continues on Page 2

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A constant work in progress! The website is available for Treasury Reports and collection of voluntary dues, Civic Board Members and contact information, resident sponsored ads and Upcoming event details!


Beverly Woods now has a Facebook page. We would love to increase the number of neighbors currently using this method to stay in touch. It is a quick and easy way to communicate. The page is exclusive to Beverly Woods residents. Can’t find the site - look for the user friendly button on the BeverlyWoods.org website.


It is the intention of the Civic Association to email one eNewsletter a month. This will include Crime updates from CMPD, resident sponsored ads and information on Upcoming Events. Sign up on the BeverlyWoods.org website.

BEVERLY WOODS Connection | Communicate | Community

Page 2: April 2017 Newsletter · 6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts COST: LIST OF STUDENT SERVICES:

First Edition

Make sure to visit BeverlyWoods.org and join our eNews distribution list. Our community police officers, Beth Jackson &

Mike Smith, with the South Division Community reminds us the #1 recommendation is to LOCK YOUR DOORS! This includes cars parked in your driveways or on the street. The quickest and easiest thing for a criminal to do is drive through the neighborhood while everyone is sleeping and check for unlocked car doors. This continues to be an issue for Beverly Woods and much of South Charlotte.

Thank you for the opportunity to positively serve our community.

With Gratitude,

Holly Kimsey Evans

CIVIC BOARD OF DIRECTORSWith respect for Dina Beelaert and Todd Dunnagan, we would like to say thank you on behalf of the neighborhood for your time invested in Beverly Woods and the Civic Association. Dina resigned as Secretary and Todd resigned as President at the end of March.

We are excited to introduce the 2017 Civic Board of Directors and look forward to hearing from other neighbors interested in volunteering for our community.

President - Holly Kimsey Evans

Vice President - OPEN

Treasurer - Beale Pope

Secretary - Rachel Ware

Social & Event Coordinator - Megan Schmitt

Grounds & Entrance Coordinator - OPEN

Communication Coordinator - OPEN

Beverly Woods will have a neighborhood meeting at the end of August (time and location TBD). The goal of our next meeting will be to fill the spaces on the board, general information and review & vote on the entrance sign renderings. You must donate in order to vote! The Civic Board of Directors (CBOD) meet quarterly and as necessary. These meetings are open to all BW residents. If you plan to attend & address the CBOD, please let us know in advance. Meeting Minutes will be posted on the BW website after the meeting.

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Civic Association

Our Civic Association is formed by a voluntary group of resident


Our main objective is to achieve common neighborhood goals by

providing the neighborhood with a common voice,

empowering our members to take part in the decision making

process that affects us all in addition to organizing social activities and improvement

projects for the neighborhood. 

You can become involved by registering as a member of the

association, paying annual dues, attending meetings and

volunteering your time for activities and events.  

 There are no Covenants and

Restrictions on file at the Register of Deeds.


March 12- November 5

Did you change ALL your clocks?

This is also a great time of year to remember to change the batteries in your Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Fire Alarms.

Page 3: April 2017 Newsletter · 6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts COST: LIST OF STUDENT SERVICES:

First Edition

IMPORTANT DATES Keep up with the Beverly Woods eNews and look out for the

following upcoming holidays and events:

Mother’s Day - May 14

Memorial Day - May 29

Last Day of School for CMS - June 9

Father’s Day - June 19

First Day of Summer - June 21

Independence Day - July 4




1 year ad in BW hard copy newsletter (4), 1 year Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 1 year of eNews (8 emails), 1 year of Facebook Ad posts &

recognition at all BW Civic Association sponsored events (3)

COST: FULL SIZE: $1,200, 1/2 SIZE: $950 & 1/4 SIZE: $700


6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts

COST: FULL SIZE: $600, 1/2 SIZE: $475 & 1/4 SIZE: $350


1 time ad in BW hard copy newsletter, 1 month Web ad on BeverlyWoods.org, 1 time eNews & 1 month of Facebook Ad posts

COST: FULL SIZE: $250, 1/2 SIZE: $150 & 1/4 SIZE: $75


6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts


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If you would like to know how to get involved with Beverly Woods, please contact any member of the BW Civic Board of Directors. Volunteer information can be found on the BW website under the ‘Civic Association’ tab on the top of the home page. We are also looking for News Contributors to assist the BW Communication Coordinator. News can be shared via email. A little effort from many makes for a great community!

Page 4: April 2017 Newsletter · 6 mo ad in BW hard copy newsletter (2), 6 mo Web ads on BeverlyWoods.org, 6 mo of eNews (4 emails) & 6 mo of Facebook Ad posts COST: LIST OF STUDENT SERVICES:

First Edition

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The Beverly Woods Newsletter is going to become a quarterly

publication. We are committed to promoting community involvement and to improving the quality of life

for Beverly Woods residents.

The First Edition publication was made possible by Holly & Deanna

Evans who have been your neighbors since 2012. The Evans’ live on Lovett Circle with their three


Future publications will be made possible by the hard work of

volunteers, dues collected and the contributions of our advertisers.

Many thanks to our printing company, Copy Express,



BW Easter Egg Hunt was held on Sunday, April 2nd and was a huge

success. The Easter Bunny rode in on a purple Harley, DJ Betty kept the energy high with music and every child left with a basket of

goodies! The Civic Association had the most residence donate to the

fund. Thank you to Dina and Carol for allowing us to use their yards

again this year!