1 APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER UPCOMING EVENTS and DATES @ ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL! April 5: Collaboration @ 8:30-9:15 April 5: Hot Dog Day April 5: Spell-A-Thon Pledge forms and money need to be handed in to office. April 10: PAC Meeting 7:00 PM @ RSS April 12: Collaboration @ 8:30-9:15 April 13: Last Day Gr. 7-9 Exploratory Rotation #3 April 14: Good Friday (School not in session) April 17: Easter Monday (School not in session) April 18: Final Exploratory Rotation Gr. 7-9 Begins April 19: Collaboration @ 8:30-9:15 April 18-21: Gr. 4 & 7 Satisfaction Surveys April 13: K-6 Pizza Day April 21: Earth Day (Official Day is Sat. April 22) April 24: K-6 Art Starts (9AM-10AM: Red Sky Performance) April 24: Class Photos

APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER - Rossland Summit School · 2014-04-09 · APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER UPCOMING EVENTS and DATES @ ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL! April 5: ... All students will receive an

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Page 1: APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER - Rossland Summit School · 2014-04-09 · APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER UPCOMING EVENTS and DATES @ ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL! April 5: ... All students will receive an



UPCOMING EVENTS and DATES @ ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL! April5: Collaboration@8:30-9:15April5: HotDogDayApril5: Spell-A-ThonPledgeformsandmoneyneedtobehandedintooffice.April10: PACMeeting7:00PM@RSSApril12: Collaboration@8:30-9:15April13: LastDayGr.7-9ExploratoryRotation#3April14: GoodFriday(Schoolnotinsession)April17: EasterMonday(Schoolnotinsession)April18: FinalExploratoryRotationGr.7-9BeginsApril19: Collaboration@8:30-9:15April18-21: Gr.4&7SatisfactionSurveysApril13: K-6PizzaDayApril21: EarthDay(OfficialDayisSat.April22)April24: K-6ArtStarts(9AM-10AM:RedSkyPerformance)April24: ClassPhotos

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April26: Collaboration@8:30-9:15April27/28: CanadianPlanetariumsVisitRSFurtherDatesCanBeFoundHere:https://rosslandsummit.org/rossland-summit-school-calendar/ INTERIM REPORTS Allstudentswillreceiveaninterimreportfromtheirchild’steacherinthefirstweekofMay.Thismaycomeintheformofaphonecall,emailoraninterimform.Thesearequickupdatesandwillindicateifthereareanyconcernsatthistime.Asalways,ifyouhavequestionsorconcernspleasecontactyourchild’steacher. SPRING WEATHER Asthesnowmeltsourfieldwillbecomeonelargepuddle.Studentsneedtoswitchfromsnowgeartofullrainwear.Boots,waterproofpantsandjacketwillbeneeded.Evenifitisnotrainingthestudentswillgetwetplaying outside at recess times. NOON HOUR and CROSS WALK SUPERVISORS … WE NEED YOU! Thesearepaidpositionsandimportantinensuringasafe,caringandorderlyenvironmentforourkids.Ifyouareinterested,pleaseemailMr.Vannessat:[email protected](401)

PURDY’S FUNDRAISER PICK-UP Purdy’spick-upwillhappenThursdayApril6thandFridayApril7thfrom2:30-3:30intheRSSfoyer.

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LOST AND FOUND Ourlostandfoundhasmanywinteritemspilingup.Pleasestopbyandhavealook-see.Wewillbetakingalltheitemstothethrift store on MondayApril10th.

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PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL – P.A.C. News A reminder that if you have any feedback, or any great ideas for the RSS PAC please do not hesitate to contact us using our new email address: [email protected] Check out our facebook page for updates and events! RSSPAC-Rossland Summit School CHANGEOFDATEfornextmeetingto:Monday,April10at7pmintheRSSLibraryPACmeetingminutesarepostedontheSchoolswebsitehttps://rosslandsummit.orgOurfirstannualSPELL-A-THON...toraisemoneyfortheschoolCafeteriaRejuvenationProject.AllformsandmoneymustbehandedintotheschoolbyWednesday,April5th.THEPRIZEforthetopparticipating/fundraisingclassandtopfundraisingstudentineachclass(andonefriend)willbeabletoattendamoviescreeningofWillyWonkaintheschoolauditorium.ThemoviescreeningwilltakeplaceduringschoolhoursonThursday,April13th.Popcornwillalsobeprovided.EverystudentwhoparticipatesintheSpell-A-Thon,andraisesatleast$5inpledges,willreceiveasmall,foilwrappedchocolatewiththechancetowinagoldentickettothemoviescreeningforthemselvesandonefriend.ChocolatesaregenerouslydonatedbytheMountainNuggetChocolateCompany(MNCC)ABIGTHANKYOU!!MNCCareprovidingchocolatesthataredairy-free,gluten-free,andnut‐free,butthatareproducedinafacilitywherenutsarepresent.IfyourchildhasdietaryrequirementswhichnecessitateanalternativetothechocolateprovidedbyMNCC,pleasecontacttheRSSPACviaemailatrosslandsummitschoolpac@gmail.com.

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Gratitude Grams From Thursday April 6th through to Thursday April 13th, Gratitude Grams will be for sale in the school library on lunch hour only. 50 cents each or 5 for $2. Gratitude Grams help encourage the spread of kind words and thanks by sending little messages to fellow students and staff. How it works: Students purchase blank notes to take away and fill out. They later return them to the Gratitude Mailbox located on the counter at the Office/Reception. Each Gratitude Gram will be delivered with one small foil wrapped chocolate egg (nut free). Deliveries are made to classrooms just before lunch each day. Sample messages: § Thankyouforsharingyoureraserwithme§ Forthatfunnyjokeyousharedthatmadeusalllaugh§ Justforbeingyou§ [drawapicture]§ Etc Note: Wednesday April 12th is the last day to purchase Grams. All completed Grams must be in the Mailbox by the end of recess/break on Thursday April 13th for final delivery before lunch.

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Page 8: APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER - Rossland Summit School · 2014-04-09 · APRIL 2017 NEWSLETTER UPCOMING EVENTS and DATES @ ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL! April 5: ... All students will receive an


FOODSTORE:MostofAprilisstillavailable,pleasehavealookandseeifyoucanhelpout.Thankyou!!Hereisthelink:http://doodle.com/poll/tifd6t45trerrumsAnyQuestionscontactLesliePaulatlesterviv@gmail.com Sexual Health Parent Info Evening: The first of two parent presentations hosted by DPAC and SD20. Tuesday April 4th from 6-9 in Webster Elementary Library. Open to all parents/guardians in SD20. Kristen will also be presenting this information in Castlegar in May (specific date/school location TBD). For more info on the "Askable Adult" session you can visit the OSH site https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/education/askable-adult

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ROSSLAND SUMMIT SCHOOL IS A PEANUT AND ALLERGY AWARE SCHOOL: FOODS CONTAINING TREE NUTS ARE NOT TO BE CONSUMED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Within our school community there are several students who have a potentially life-threatening allergy (anaphylaxis) to foods, predominantly to peanuts and tree nuts (eg. almond, cashew, hazelnut, pistachio).

In consultation with Interior Health, we feel the best way to reduce the risk of accidental exposure to these students is to respectfully ask for the co-operation of the parents/guardians within RSS to:

A: Not send peanut butter or products with peanuts or tree nuts listed in the ingredients.

B: Encourage your child to respect the severity of the situation, which in some cases is life- threatening.

C: PARENTS! If you decide to send in treats (birthdays etc.) you MUST notify your child’s teacher in advance!

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supported by:

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1 | P a g e

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 6:00pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm)

Our answering machine is always on, Please feel free to leave a message anytime.

The office will be CLOSED on the following dates:

� Monday April 17th Easter Monday

� Monday May 22nd Victoria Day

Sue Mc & Kathy have a Regional Meeting in Penticton in June….

CCRR Hours will be REDUCED for the Week of June 5th to 8th

Monday – Thursday 10am-3pm Closed for lunch from 12-1pm

Program Staff:

Sue McIntosh – Program Coordinator Kathy Morrish – CCRR Assistant Coordinator

Sue Benedict – CCRR Worker Lacey Hill – Strong Start Facilitator

In This Edition: Pg. 2 Professional Development & Workshops Pg. 3 Distance Professional Development Pg. 4 FAIR & Community Programming Pg. 5 May is Child Care Provider Month/ New Care Provider Pg. 6 Raising Brilliant Children Pg. 7, 8 Guidelines for Parent-Child Communication Pg. 9 Easter Egg /Earth Day Pg. 10 Mother’s Day/ Father’s Day/ Aboriginal Day Pg. 11 April/May Calendars Pg.12 June Calendar/ Teddy Bear Picnics

Trail & Castlegar CCRR Program

Address: 2079 Columbia Ave. Trail, BC V1R 1K7 Phone: (250) 364-2980 or Toll Free: 1-800-223-8966

E-mail: [email protected] Websites: www.childcarechoices.ca & www.trailfair.ca

A Program of: the Trail Family & Individual Resource Centre Society Funded by: the Province of British Columbia

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If you have any questions about this program, visit www.SmartSAVER.org or call the West Kootenay Early Years Office at: 1-866-551-KIDS (5437).


You must have a social insurance number for yourself and your child to apply: The nearest Service Canada location for a SIN application is at: 1101 Dewdney Avenue, Suite 101 Office Hours: Trail, BC Tuesday – Thursday

8:30 – 4:00 (closed from 12:00 – 1:00pm) Open an RESP Account Online: Start your RESP and Canada Learning Bond application at: www.StartMyRESP.ca/UWBC

This allows you to start the application online. When you apply you will be given the option of setting up your RESP at a selected institution. A representative from your selected bank will be in touch with you shortly to complete the process at your local branch.

Also, you may go directly to your preferred financial institution. We recommend that you confirm that your financial institution offers free set up and no annual fees, as well as no required contributions.

For every application using SmartSAVER’s online process, SmartSAVER will contribute $25 to Success By 6® for early childhood programs in your community.

That’s it. You’ve set your child on a path to a prosperous future!


What if your child doesn’t attend post-secondary education? You keep the interest, after paying income taxes, plus any personal contributions with no tax withheld. Your financial institution will withhold the government grants and return them to the government.

Do I have to pay tax on any interest or revenue earned? Taxes are paid by the recipient, likely at a very low rate as they are a student.

Voluntary contributions to an RESP may be eligible for 20%, 30% or 40% matching grants from the Federal Government, depending on your family income level.

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$3,200 for your child’s future education is available with no personal contributions required!


• Every child in BC, born 2006 or later, can get a one-time $1200 BC Training & Education Savings Grant.

• Kids in BC also have free money waiting to get their education savings started through the Canada Learning Bond. If your child was born 2004 or later and your net family income is less than $45,000, your child may be eligible to receive up to $2000.00.

• Only 37% of eligible Kootenay-Columbia families have applied for their Canada Learning Bond! Without an RESP kids miss out on the government grants that they are entitled to.


• Children with some savings are 50% more likely to attend post-secondary education. • This is truly free money to start your child’s education fund, even if you do not

contribute money of your own. • RESPs are flexible. A child can use the money in their account to pursue a wide

range of educational options.


• All you need is to have a Social Insurance number for your child and primary caregiver and to open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

• Parents can apply for an RESP online at: www.StartMyRESP.ca/UWBC or visit their local bank or credit union.


• Money in an RESP can be used for university, college, trades school, hairdressing school or any other approved education institution or school.

• An RESP does not have to be opened by a parent- it can be opened by a relative, public caregiver or even a friend.

• RESPs collect interest every year to add to the original amount • RESPs can be kept open for 36 years.

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