First United Methodist Church of Orange The Forum Volume 84 issue #4 April 2015 Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Join us for Easter Services Sunrise Service 6:30 a.m. Traditional Easter Service 10:30 a.m. Children’s Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the 10:30 service

April forum

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First United Methodist Church of Orange Church Newsletter

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Page 1: April forum

First United Methodist Church of Orange

The Forum Volume 84 issue #4 April 2015

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Join us for Easter Services

Sunrise Service

6:30 a.m.

Traditional Easter Service

10:30 a.m.

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt

immediately following the 10:30 service

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A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, Here Comes Easter, with its powerful message resurrection; a message at one and the same time both astonishing and hopeful. What a time for celebration! Yet we Christians must remember that for those who follow Jesus the Easter news is not the culmination of the story…Easter is just the beginning! For Christ has sent the promised Holy Spirit upon his church, and through the Holy Spirit we are empowered to continue the works and ministry of Jesus in the world. Indeed, he told us “greater things than these will you do.” (John 14:12) Many years ago, just after I was ordained, I attended a large conference on evangelism and church growth, sponsored by the United Methodist Church. I remember one of the key speakers, Dr. Eddie Fox, asking whether a church should primarily strategize for OUTREACH (neighborhood canvass, service ministries, mission work, etc.) or grow people first through NURTURE (healing, visitation, teaching, prayer ministries, fellowship). Some at the conference maintained that a church can never properly reach out and grow until its members are first made whole in Christ; why invite people to visit if the church community isn’t well? Others said that no true wholeness in Christ could never be achieved through such introspection; only by reaching out to others could the church expect to find its “true purpose” and grow in authentic ways. The discussion was quite lively until some asked Dr. Fox directly: “How about it? Is it more important to reach out or look inward and nurture our own first?” He responded by asking his own rhetorical question: “Is it more important to breath in or breath out?!” After the laughter died down, Dr. Fox added “There is an answer you know: it’s most important to do whatever you didn’t do last!” Life in the Holy Spirit is all about rhythm. When God spoke and the world made, it became an active, ongoing, living creation. Across the canvass of time our lives are spread, and in the midst of time itself can be discerned a sacred rhythm designed by God. It is a balancing act of time spent in play, rest, worship, work, solitude and community. We are creatures of choice, to be sure. We pursue activities and inactivity alike whenever we decide, and usually on our own terms, but God has graciously provided within the creation a sacred rhythm and order for the times of our lives - if only we will listen attentively to God’s call and direction. The season of Eastertide concludes with the day of Pentecost - a celebration of the sending of the Holy Spirit upon God’s church. This year, beginning on Pentecost Sunday, our congregation will be undertaking a 21 season of prayer as the opening step of helping our congregation listen more carefully to God’s voice and leadership. We’re counting on everyone’s participation, and the will be specific details soon, but for now a simple prayer: May we find ourselves - both individually and as a church together - breathing in and breathing out, then in again and out again…according to the design and direction of our loving God.

See you in Church (that’s the drawn-in breath), Pastor Bill

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The Forum


When we joined First United Methodist Church of Orange, we promised to support the church with our . . .

Prayers Please keep the following people in your prayers continually . . .

Marilyn Allen, Gene Bakenhus, Nancy Bjorkland, Diane Brown, Ken Brown, Jay Farrell, Bonnie Goodrich, Carol Hilton, Rob Kaiser, Shirley Katz, Cybil Low, Helen Martin, Mary McKenerick, Bob Meyer, Jackie McCraken, Meg Murray, Carol Nameth, Jane Parra, Nick Rogers, Jim Salling, Jerry Schaper, Charles Schroeder, Shirley Somers, Patricia Stone, Rita Suthers, Florence Towers, Karla Turner, Nena Williams, Betty Wisely.


Average attendance for the 1st quarter of 2015


Gifts 1st Quarter of 2015 Giving

Income $109,782.00 Budget $108,015.00 Expenses $107,428.00 Budget $104,736.00

Service Are you interested in helping out the church by being a volunteer?

Here are a few of the areas where you can help out: Ushers Albert Coussa 714-667-7813 Greeters Carol Rathbun 714-532-8365 Office Volunteer Joyce Claussen 714-633-4934 Handyman Church Office 714-532-6363

Witness Coming Soon . . . Inspirational Stories from people like you!

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The tombs of many of the world’s greatest leaders are awe-inspiring wonders characterized by elegant architecture, impressive epithets, eternal flames and beautiful surroundings. I can remember this from the times I visited the pyramids in Egypt, or saw Lenin’s Tomb in Russia. In most cases, no expense was spared to memorialize the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, in spite of their magnificence, these tombs all share one common characteristic---they are all still occupied! By contrast, Jesus was buried in an unpretentious tomb that was not prepared exclusively for Him (to my surprise, when I visited, it now even sits next to a vast bus stop station in Jerusalem). No person carved it out with the intention of persevering His memory. And yet today, the empty tomb of Jesus remains as mute testimony of His victory over sin and death. His simple tomb assures us that through faith in the risen Jesus, people can experience forgiveness of their sins and a new and everlasting life. The Apostle Paul wrote that Jesus was “the firstborn from the dead” (Colossians 1:18). In other words, He was the first person to be raised from the dead without dying again. He is alive today, reigns supreme, and is worthy of our unrivaled love and loyalty. Paul believed that the gospel is at the center of our faith, and the cross and the empty tomb are at the center of the gospel. In his letter to the church at Corinth, he wrote: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Paul said that what he had received was rooted in history or “according to the Scriptures.” The death of Christ was foretold in “the Scriptures” (for example, Isaiah 53:5-12). Many men died at the hands of the Romans, but His death was “for our sins.” And, Jesus “was raised” — the perfect tense in Greek indicates that He remains raised from the dead. His resurrection is a past event with results continuing to the present. This Easter, we remember His resurrection and victory over the grave. Along with Christ-followers around the world, we also reflect on and rejoice in the fact that He is alive and reigns supreme. As you remember, reflect, and rejoice in the resurrection and on the meaning of Easter, keep these things in mind and take a moment to lead your family in praise and thanksgiving for all that Jesus did to make a way for us to be reconciled to God.

E = Easter is about an empty tomb that offers hope to those with empty lives. A = Easter is about an announcement that Jesus is alive. S = Easter is about God’s offer of salvation to all who believe. T = Easter is about the triumph of Jesus over death. E = Easter is about the joy that we can experience every day. R = Easter is about our responsibility to share the good news that Jesus is alive. Christ is risen indeed! I look forward to seeing you and your family here on Easter morning! Grace and Peace, Peter Joseph (M.Div) Director of Faith Formation First United Methodist Church of Orange

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The Forum

The next Confirmation class takes place on Sunday, April 26th, from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Cellar. The evening’s topic will be: Grow in Resurrection Faith - Means of Grace.

“The God Squad” Youth Fellowship for 6th – 12th grades

April 5th Easter Sunday & Easter Egg Hunt

April 12th at 5:30 p.m. Youth Group and Bible Study

in the Youth Cellar

April 26th Youth Parents Only Meeting 12 noon at Wahoo’s Tacos

The God Squad Going to Boomers from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Peter Joseph

Director of Faith Formation

Email: [email protected] Cell: 714-473-8086

Office: 714-532-6363 x203

Please take note that Peter is now in the church office Tuesday through Friday


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April 9, 2015, 11:30 am

For our April meeting, Orange Mayor Teresa “Tita” Smith will be our speaker. Tita is a seventh generation California native; born at St. Joseph’s Hospital and is a lifelong resident of the City of Orange. Tita has made a large impact on the City of Orange by being involved in city government for nearly three decades: she founded the Old Towne Preservation Assn. to prevent demolition of the historic neighborhood; she served as the Founding President of the Pitcher Park Community Foundation; volunteered 33 years at the Orange International Street Fair; and served on the YWCA Advisory Board, Orange Public Library Community Liaison, Holiday Hope Committee, Orange Senior Center Board, and various non-profit fundraising endeavors throughout Orange. She was director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at Holy Family Cathedral from 1978-1992. Tita ran for City Council because her heart belongs to Orange; she was Mayor from 2012-2014. Tita is fully invested in Orange and committed to the success of our City and is an experienced community leader. It is a pleasure to have her share her experiences with us.

Plan now to join us on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:30 am, in Messenger Hall. All ladies are welcome.

RETREAT RECAP The weekend of February 27 - March 1 was a special time when 39 women came together to share time with each other. Our theme was “Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Faith: Reigniting the Power of Faith in Our Lives” led by Dr. Julia ‘Judy’ Johnson. In group sessions, we became reacquainted with some very ordinary women of the Bible and their significant impact through the extraordinary faith they exhibited. We truly were blessed in feeling God’s presence among us. Our bond as sisters deepened and we returned home refreshed.

Special thanks go to Judy for her leadership and love and caring so freely shared. We also thank Sandy Wilson planning and making retreat time available for us. Our time was additional blessed by sharing of music led by Bonita Chavis and Sylvia Coussa. Also, thanks to Julie Connell and Janet Kobs for planning the activities for our night of fun and games – all had a wonderful time amidst much gaiety and laughter. Thank you everyone for your participation which made for an absolutely fantastic weekend.

TEA AT TWO FELLOWSHIP The former “Daytime Fellowship” group has a new name: Tea at Two Fellowship. They meet the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm in the Fireside Room and welcome newcomers. The next two meetings will be April 7th and May 5th. See you there.

RUTH CIRCLE Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. at the house of Jackie Hanson (413 E. Maple Ave, Orange). Mona Ward will be co-hostess and Florence Towers will offer devotions. Our guest, Rusty Eramo, will share her experiences as a missionary nurse in Africa. She also served in Christian Education, Teaching and Translation Ministry. Guests are always welcome to attend.

April 7 Mission Team Meeting 9:30 a.m. Library April 7 Tea at Two Fellowship 2:00 p.m. Fireside Room April 9 UMW Luncheon Meeting 11:30 a.m. Messenger Hall April 28 Ruth Circle 7:30 p.m. Jackie Hanson’s

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The Forum


COMMUNICATIONS DEADLINES Newsletter Articles are now due the 21st of each month for the following month, turn into Carol Rathbun ([email protected])

Vital Connections and News & Notes are due Wednesday at 12 noon of each week, turn into Carol Rathbun ([email protected])

Church e-blasts/Website Posts for events need to be turned in a month before the actual event, turn into Peter Joseph ([email protected])

Social Media Posts (Facebook or Twitter) can be turned in at anytime into Peter Joseph ([email protected])

Order of Worship/Liturgy is due in the church office by Monday at 6 pm of each week, turn into either Peter Joseph ([email protected]) or Carol Rathbun ([email protected])

RED and BLACK SWEETHEART’S BASH 2015!!! Thank you to all who participated, attended and supported the Sweetheart’s Bash 2015! Special thanks go to our Master of Ceremonies, Packy McFarland, the gifted talents of the Combined Sanctuary and SkyWord Choirs, the FUMCO Hand Chime Choir under the direction of Sylvia Coussa, Margaret Beyer, Aaron To, Marilyn Moore, Sean Wilson, Dale Towers, Timothy Schubert, Shannon McFarland and Jo-seph Schubert who accompanied and blessed us with his talent on the organ. Thank you Pastor Bill for your words of welcome to the Bash. Your beautiful vocal rendition of “Our Town” by Randy Newman was well received by all. We missed Mike Short, but send our blessings to his family. What a treat to have a dance floor and the Villa Park Jazz Ensemble in Messenger Hall! Thank you Nate Wisely for organizing the flooring. What a fine group of young musicians under the direction of Chuck Jay, who played music of the 40’s and 50’s. I was gratefully amazed at the number of FUMCO members who danced and enjoyed the evening. A special thank you to Bill Utter and Davis Swanson on sound. To the choir members and church members who donated their time, the delicious desserts and basket items. All funds go to support the FUMCO music program. Bonita Chavis, Bash Coordinator

Newcomer’s Fellowship x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�x�

We missed you last month, but Newcomer’s Fellowship will be getting together again on Saturday, April 25th at 6pm in Messenger Hall for dinner and a presentation by the Homesteaders. Come fellowship with us and learn about all the fun activities enjoyed by the Homesteaders! RSVP to the church office by April 20th. Question? Contact Bonnie Joseph ([email protected]) for more information.

Men’s Lunch and Bible Study

led by Wayne Nash Tuesday, April 14th

at 12:00 noon in Messenger Hall RSVP to Wayne Nash, 714-606-2343

or Nate Wisely, 714-348-3483 by Sunday, April 12th

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Lunchbags for the Homeless Thanks to your generous donations our lunch bag program is doing great! The word has gotten out and we are serving more people than ever. Items needed to fill the bags include: Vienna sausage, Beanie Weenie, granola bars, individual applesauce/fruit cups, small boxes of raisins, cheese & crackers, peanut butter & crackers or any other item that would fit nicely into a sack lunch. All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated. Please place your donated items in the specially marked collection bins in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.

FRIENDLY CENTER’S HYGIENE ITEM DRIVE This is a great way to help provide basic needs for families that are struggling to get by. Suggested items are: toilet paper, laundry detergent, toothbrush & toothpaste, diapers & baby needs, hairbrush & combs, deodorant, shampoo and soap. You can bring these items to the church and drop them off in the specially marked bin in the Narthex or take them directly to the Friendly Center, 147 W. Rose Ave., Orange CA 92867

The Easter Bunny would like to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Friendly Center’s Easter Baskets. Thanks to all the donations from our congregation and the energy of the United Methodist Women, we were able to fill 100 Easter Baskets for the Friendly Center’s Spring Fun Days. It is caring people like you that make it possible for us to reach out to needy families within our community. Thank you again for your support in this great outreach program. Joyce and Helen .

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The Forum

April Birthdays

1 Shirley Hoggatt 3 Penny Cline

Dana Seelig

4 Debbie George

Helen Huston

Katie Hicks (Short)

8 Carole Carlson 9 Joe Meersman

11 Danika Dickerson

Vicki Short

12 David Dunlap

Marti Lester

Gerald Rapp

14 David Bastin

Aaron Tardie

15 Sarah Sturgeon

19 Nathaniel Kiger

20 Mildred Hall

26 Cindy Wilson

28 Carl Carlson

29 Irma Hunsinger


Prayer & Praise Requests

Prayers for Anita Kelly’s niece, Cathy Hacket, who has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Prayers for Mary Bell, who has an open wound that is not healing.

Prayers for Ken Smith, a friend of Buzz & Judy Reynolds who is in St. Joe’s.

Prayers of comfort for Glenn & Bonnie Goodrich, whose son, Jerry Lee Goodrich, passed away on Friday, March 13th.

Prayers of comfort for former pastor Dick Kendall following his wife’s , Sue Kendall, passing.

Prayers for Diane Brown, who was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

Prayers for Mary Lee Henderson, a friend of Mary Lou Taylor, who is on hospice due to blood clot in lung.

x� Prayers for Ruth Gerry’s brother, Don Finch, who has lung cancer.

x� Prayers of healing for Nick Rogers who has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and will likely be undergoing surgery soon.

x� Prayers for Mark & Penny Franz. Mark has cancer connected to his liver, kidney and gland.

x� Prayers for Helen Martin who is having breathing problems and is in intensive care at Garden Grove Hospital.

x� A big Thank You to the congregation for all the Easter Baskets put together and given to the Friendly Center

x� Wishing Ada Landes a very Happy 90th Birthday!

x� Prayers for our shut-ins, the homeless, the hungry, the sick, the lonely, the unemployed, our military so far from home and all the others not mentioned, but known in our hearts.

3 Herman & Mildred Hall 11 Bob & Cindy Wilson 19 Art & Mary Lou Benjen 24 Mike & Vicki Short 27 Wayne & Donna Nash


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Outreach Ministries of First UMC, Orange

FAMILY PROMISE Casey Crosbie, Exec. Dir. 714-353-0428

FUNCO Parent operated child-care Becky Billingsly, Coordinator 714-944-7156

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Orange Co. Central 714-556-4555 Meets Monday and Friday evenings in room 205

NARANON Meets Thursday evenings in room 205

HOMEWORK HOUSE Marcia Marcinko, Director 714-694-0965

161 South Orange St. Orange, CA 92866

Phone 714-532-6363 Fax 714-532-5496 www.fumco.org

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30 a.m. ......... Choir Rehearsal 9:00 a.m. .. Adult Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ..... Coffee/Fellowship 10:30 a.m. .................... Worship

Sunday School for ages 4-6th grade following the

Word for Children.

United Methodist Youth Sunday Fellowship

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays

Office Staff Telephone Extensions: Dial 532-6363 and extension: Pastor 206 Rev. Bill Johnson

Administration 201 Karen Mendoza, Administrative Secretary 216 Carol Rathbun, Communications Secretary

Programs 203 Peter Joseph, Director of Faith Formation

Mike Short - Director of Music Sylvia Coussa - Bell Choir Director Joe Schubert - Organist

The deadline for the May edition of

The Forum

will be April 21st