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GasNet, s.r.o. Contents

Key Ratios (CAS) 2018 Total sales (CZK m) 14,598 Production (CZK m) 14,620 EBITDA (CZK m) 9,334 Operating result (CZK m) 6,653 Profit before taxation (CZK m) 5,646 Profit after taxation (CZK m) 4,568 Investments (CZK m) 3,666 Number of employees (FTE) 147

Wherever used in the text, the term "Company" refers to GasNet, s.r.o. Abbreviations a.s. Joint-stock company AVE Advertising value equivalent CNG Compressed natural gas DE Federal Republic of Germany DN Diamètre nominal (nominal diameter) DSO Distribution system operator EHP Enhancement Pack – SAP system function expansion ERO Energy Regulatory Office GDPR General Data Protection Regulation HR Human Resources Department ID No. Company number IT Information technology ME Ministry of Environment MEEM Methane emission estimation methods MF CR Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic MODOM Small business and residential customers MS Local network NWoW New Way of Working OHS Occupational health and safety OP Offtake point PN Pressure nominal PR Public Relations Department RFID Radio-frequency identification RS Regulating station SAP Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing SAP IS-U Sales and information system that supports utility SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition SLA Service level agreement SMS Short message service SO Business customers STL Medium pressure (pressures up to 0.4 MPa) SW Software s.r.o. Limited liability Company TWh Terawatt hour VO Key account customers VTL High pressure (pressures up to 4 MPa) VVTL Very high pressure (pressures over 4 MPa


GasNet, s.r.o. Contents

Contents 1. Statement by the Chairman of the Statutory Directors .................................................................. 4

2. Corporate Information ................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 General Information .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Information on the Statutory Bodies ................................................................................................ 6

2.3 Persons Responsible for the Annual Report and the Audit of the Financial Statements .............. 7

3. Management Report for 2018...................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Economic Results ............................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Investments ....................................................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Distribution System ......................................................................................................................... 10

3.4 Business and Communication Activities ......................................................................................... 10

3.5 Human Resources ............................................................................................................................ 12

3.6 OHS and Environmental Protection ................................................................................................ 13

3.7 Outlook ............................................................................................................................................. 14

3.8 Subsequent events .......................................................................................................................... 16

4. Financial section ........................................................................................................................ 17

4.1 Financial statements ....................................................................................................................... 17

4.2 Notes to financial statements ......................................................................................................... 22

5. Independent Auditor’s Report.................................................................................................... 36

5.1 Auditor’s Report on the Financial Statements ............................................................................... 36

6. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 ................... 38


GasNet, s.r.o. Corporate information

2. Corporate Information

2.1 General Information Business name: GasNet, s.r.o. Registered office: Klíšská 940/96

Klíše, Ústí nad Labem Postal Code 400 01

Company number: 27295567 Legal form: Limited liability company Establishment and Incorporation The innogy Group's1 distribution companies were established on 1 January 2007 to comply with the requirements of the European Union and the related amendment to the Energy Act Act aimed at the legal unbundling the part of the companies licensed to distribute gas from the joint stock companies holding the license for the gas trading. Upon the establishment of distribution companies, innogy had six regional distribution companies – in particular STP Net, s.r.o., SČP Net, s.r.o., ZČP Net, s.r.o., VČP Net, s.r.o., SMP Net s.r.o., and JMP Net, s.r.o. To simplify the structure, STP Net, s.r.o. and ZČP Net, s.r.o. merged in October 2009 into SČP Net, s.r.o., which was subsequently rebranded as RWE GasNet, s.r.o. In November 2013, VČP Net s.r.o., SMP Net s.r.o., and JMP Net s.r.o. ceased to exist by their deletion from the Commercial Register, and gas distribution in the innogy Group in the Czech Republic has been carried out by a single entity, RWE GasNet, s.r.o. the business name of which was changed to GasNet, s.r.o. effective from 1 October 2016. GasNet, s.r.o. has a registered capital of CZK 4,462,720,000. The Company’s Profile GasNet, s.r.o. distributes gas in the entire territory of the Czech Republic with the exception of Prague and South Bohemia. The Company’s Branch or Division abroad As at 31 December 2018, the Company had no branch or division abroad.

1 For the purposes of this annual report, innogy Group in the Czech Republic refers to companies innogy Česká republika a.s., innogy Energie, s.r.o., innogy Gas Storage, s.r.o., innogy Energo, s.r.o., innogy Grid Holding, a.s., GasNet, s.r.o., GridServices, s.r.o., innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o. and innogy TelNet Holding, s.r.o.


GasNet, s.r.o. Corporate information

2.2 Information on the Statutory Bodies Statutory Directors of GasNet, s.r.o. as at 31 December 2018 Jan Valenta Chairman of the Statutory Directors, CEO Date of birth: 22 November 1965 Education: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ph.D., Software Systems Membership in bodies of other companies: Member of the Board of Directors – innogy Grid Holding, a.s. Other business activities: None Dušan Malý Statutory Director, CCO Date of birth: 21 March 1974 Education: University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting MBA, ESCP-EAP, Berlin Membership in bodies of other companies: Statutory Director – innogy TelNet Holding Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board – Magnalink, a.s. Other business activities: None There were no changes regarding Statutory Directors in 2018.


GasNet, s.r.o. Corporate information

2.3 Persons Responsible for the Annual Report and the Audit of the Financial Statements

The auditor and the audit firm responsible for the audit of the Financial Statements for 2018: Audit Firm: Auditor in Charge: PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o. Petra Bočáková Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Prague Statutory Auditor, Registration No. 2253 Registered in the Register of Audit Companies with the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic under Evidence No. 021 In Prague on 1 March 2019 Person Responsible for Accounting Lucie Čejková Chief Accountant Statutory Directors Responsible for the 2018 Annual Report We, the undersigned, hereby certify that information disclosed in this Annual Report is true and that no facts of material importance have been omitted or misrepresented.


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

3. Management Report for 2018

3.1 Economic Results Revenues, Expenses, Profit The Company's financial result in 2018 was significantly affected by development of temperatures which were far below the long-term average, especially in February and March. Most significant part of revenues consists of sales of services (mainly revenues from natural gas distribution) which amounted to CZK 14,598 million. In 2018, the Company’s profit after tax amounted to CZK 4,568 million. The Structure of Assets Disregarding provisions for tangible fixed assets, fixed assets as at 31 December 2018 amounted to CZK 66,306 million, which represents an increase of CZK 33 million compared to the balance of fixed assets as at 1 January 2018. The total value of the Company's assets as at 31 December 2018 amounted to CZK 57,805 million. The amount of fixed assets is particualary affected by the volume of investments into the reconstruction of gas assets. The Structure of Liabilities Equity increased by CZK 359 million from the previous year, mainly due to an increase in retained earnings. Long-term liabilities are further impacted by deferred tax payable in the amount of CZK 5,371 million. Received prepayments for natural gas distribution accounted for a significant share of total liabilities; as at 31 December 2018, they amounted to CZK 5,082 million, which represents a year-over-year increase of CZK 182 million.

3.2 Investments Investments into tangible and intangible assets amounted to CZK 3,545 million and CZK 121 million, respectively. Overall, there was a slight decrease in investments in 2018 to compensate for the fact that the investment budget for 2017 had been exceeded. Investments (CZK million) 2018

Investments into intangible assets 121

Investments into tangible assets 3,545


Distribution system renovation 3,104

Pipeline acquisition 70

Distribution system enlargement 12

Investments into metering 209

Easements 85

Other investments 65

Total investments 3,666 * Additions posted during 2018 to fixed tangible and intangible assets' accounts excluding accounts of advances paid for fixed assets and fixed assets in the course of construction are considered to be investments.


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

The most significant part of these financial funds was invested into the renewal of distribution system (CZK 3,104 million), a fact that stems from the size of the distribution system and the time when it was built, as the construction of a part of the network began in the 1940s. Investment plans aiming at network renewal are subject to a multi-criteria assessment that mainly targets the overall optimization concept based on specific gas supply needs in a given locality. During the execution of these investment projects, the coordination of the construction work with other managers of technical infrastructure is used succesfully, which helps both to reduce costs and mitigate negative impact on residents in affected localities. A total of CZK 70 million was spent on the acquisition of new pipelines and thus the decreasing trend of acquisitions from previous years continues, which is given by the high density of the gas supply system in our distribution territory. The cost of establishing easements for gas infrastructure operated by the Company accounted for a large part of investment expenditures. In 2018, these costs amounted to CZK 85 million. Important investments into gas asset reconstruction projects:

• Reconstruction of the Lahovice – Lovosice high-pressure pipeline, Stage V, Part I + II • Reconstruction of the municipal network in Beroun – medium-pressure feed pipeline, Stage II • Reconstruction of the Starý Mateřov – Barchov high-pressure pipeline • Reconstruction of the Trotina – Semonice high-pressure pipeline • Reconstruction of the V. Němčice – Brno V DN 500 high-pressure pipeline • Reconstruction of the Uherské Hradiště – Prakšice I DN 200 high-pressure pipeline • Reconstruction of the Nová Huť – Vítkovice DN 500 high-pressure pipeline • Reconstruction of the municipal network in Olomouc – Slatinice, Stage I

In the intangible assets category, investments were mainly directed to the area of information systems security, to ensure compliance with the Cyber security Act, to complete measures for ensuring compliance with the GDPR, and to provide SW support to employees in charge of investment construction in the field. Moreover, part of the intangible investments were made into the preparation of master plans for areas of interest. During the reported year, the Company had to respond to several accidents, none of which jeopardized the security of operations. Significant in terms of affecting operations were two regulating station failures and one SCADA system failure. Thanks to maximum effort both incidents were resolved rapidly with insignificant impact on customers' convenience caused by the unavailability of gas supplies. Metering Similar to previous years, we continued fine-tuning of the metering systems at customer's offtake points in response to legislative requirements and the rules of the fully liberalized natural gas market, or changes in consumption patterns. As part of these adjustments, 943 measuring devices with remote data transmission were installed for customers from the Key Account and Business segments in 2018. Information on natural gas consumption for such equipped customers is available in real time via the web-based AVE Internet application.


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

3.3 Distribution System GasNet, s.r.o. operates its distribution system based on Gas Distribution License No. 220604925 issued on 1 January 2007, updated by the Amendment No. 029 from 20 November 2018, issued by the Energy Regulatory Office in accordance with the Energy Act No. 458/200 Coll., as in effect. There were 2,296,093 offtake points with a distribution contract in force as at 31 December 2018, while the quantity of gas distributed in the reported year amounted to 69.8 TWh. The operation of the distribution system was managed with the highest regard for the safety and reliability of gas supplies.

Overview of Operated Gas Assets 2018 2017 2016 2015 Length of operated pipelines Local networks km 42,647 42,591 42,529 42,539 Service lines km 11,110 11,092 11,089 11,076 Long-distance lines km 11,236 11,277 11,284 11,303 Transfer and very-high-pressure regulating stations pcs 55 53 57 58 High-pressure regulating stations pcs 2,767 2,751 2,771 2,788 Medium-pressure regulating stations pcs 787 801 812 835 Cadastral communities with a distribution license pcs 6,895 6,895 6,894 6,912

The Changes in the overview of operated gas assets are mainly due to optimalization measures aimed at increasing network load and, consequently, improving the efficiency of distribution. The optimalization of the distribution system with regard to the efficiency, safety, and reliability of operation resulted also in a decrease in the length of operated high-pressure pipelines, mainly due to a switch from high-pressure networks to lower pressure levels. The Corrosion Protection The Company puts emphasis on protection of very high-pressure and high-pressure steel pipelines against corrosion. Active anti-corrosion systems protect 11,080 km (98.61%) of the total length of 11,236 km of high-pressure and very-high-pressure pipeline pipelines. In 2018, the replacement of power supply units delivering protective current that are in unsatisfactory condition continued. At present, the Company has real-time operating data from more than 99% stations at its disposal.

3.4 Business and Communication Activities Business Activities The attractive and prosperous nature of the gas market is confirmed by the long-term continuing rise in the number of new gas traders. As far as gas suppliers actively involved in trading, 2018 brought an increase by almost 15% to 124 gas traders who have a distribution system service agreement with GasNet, s.r.o. The rise in the number of traders went hand in hand with supplier switching, as the number of customers who switched their supplier grew by 20.5% from 2017 to almost 242,000. This trend was mainly due to rising prices of natural gas on wholesale markets, which were logically reflected in end-customer prices charged by gas traders. Hence, it was confirmed once again that a large number of customers actively monitor the development or prices and services offered by individual gas suppliers.


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

The quantity of supplier switches carried out last year testifies to the full functionality of the liberalized gas market in the Czech Republic. Occasionally, the high competition on the market causes the bankruptcy of a gas trader. As in the past, one such situation had to be resolved through a fast gas supplier switch in the reported year. Because the bankruptcy concerned one of the major gas traders, nearly 8,000 customers were affected. Affected customers were informed of the situation by e-mail and SMS. A notice announcing the end of company’s business operations was posted on the DSO website and intensive efforts were made to take the necessary steps to ensure that none of the customers was disconnected from gas supplies. In the end, all of the affected offtake points were transferred to the official supplier of last resort or to a new supplier selected by customers with no interruption in supplies. Data on the use of the DOS Online Service application, the main communication channel between the distribution system operator and network users, are consistent with the abovementioned increase in the number of traders during the year 2018. Even though logins to the application did not reach the 2017 levels, nearly 138,000 is the second highest value ever recorded and represents 378 logins per day on average. The constantly growing use of the application is evidenced especially by 382,000 gas distribution applications filed by users, which represents 1,047 applications per day, a 14.4% year-over-year increase. Likewise, traders used the application to enter a record-high quantity of nearly 206,000 meter readings (564 meter readings per day on average), 11% more than in 2017. No significant amendments, which would require major changes in processes, were made in gas supply sector legislation in 2018. One of the main events that affected processes and information systems was the implementation of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the purpose of which is setting the stricter rules for the protection of personal data. The entry into force of the GDPR on 25 May 2018 necessitated modifications of information systems. Starting on that date, we began obtaining "Personal Data Processing Consents" in connection with the collection of biometric data from customers subscribing their signature using a tablet in filing an application for and entering into a distribution system connection agreement. At the same time, the rules for personal data processing were reviewed to ensure compliance with the GDPR. The main prioritiy especially includes ensuring the lawful, fair, and transparent processing, minimizing the volume of processed personal data, and reducing the time during which personal data are stored. Because of the large extent of the issue, GDPR implementation is dealt with using a separate project which will continue also in 2019. As at 31 December 2018, there were 2,296,093 offtake points, which represents 1,774 year-over-year decrease. The quantity of distributed gas decreased by approximately 4.4% to 70 TWh mainly due to a higher average temperature during the heating season in 2018 compared to 2017 (+0,7 °C above long-term average). In 2018, the SAP IS-U customer information system underwent a planned upgrade that was necessary to maintain full support from the producer of the SAP system and to introduce selected new functions. The planned upgrade was preceded by preparations, which included overall testing of the affected functions. Because of its extensive nature, implementation had the form of an EHP project. Another effort that concerned the information system was Clean Up, a project aimed at optimalization of the system to maintain stable performance and database manageability. The ongoing implementation of new products and processes as part of the continuous development of information systems increases the volume of managed data, and optimization is therefore required to ensure the efficient functioning


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

of the information system. Despite the fact that both of the above projects were extensive, all modifications were carried out without complications and without adverse impact on customers. Communication Activities We continued to place strong emphasis on providing information to gas market participants and facilitating communication in a simple and efficient manner. A new feature introduced in 2018 was the launch of a service generating SMS informing users of unplanned distribution system shutdowns, when customers are first notified when an accident or shutdown occurs and subsequently after gas supply is restored. In the wake of the implementation of a mobile application allowing MODOM customers to submit data on gas consumption at their offtake points in a convenient manner, including control self-metering or metering for the purpose of extraordinary invoicing, a feature has been created that distributes e-mail/SMS notices that inform customers who switch their supplier that meter readings can be submitted using the mobile application. The penetration tests of the DSO Online Service application were made this year in order to verify security measures protecting the portal from unauthorized entry and attacks targeting linked information systems. The penetration tests proved that existing security features are consistent with current standards. Minor adjustments were performed to further improve interface security. Modifications were made in the process of submitting applications and contracts for entry into distribution system connection agreements in the MODOM segment in the Gas Distribution Online application, which mainly serves for filing applications for network connection in all customer segments, for the approval of non-gas construction projects, for the review of available capacity, and vector data assessments and demarcation requests. Where applicable, a connection agreement is now generated for users applying for a new connection in an automated manner within 15 seconds. Agreements are entered into via a web-based interface. In 2018, this method was used to submit 19,965 distribution system connection applications. The new feature has accelerated the process for entering into a connection agreement and improved convenience for the users applying for the connection of their properties to the gas supply system. Throughout the year, business partners received targeted information on planned changes, new functions, modifications, and, where applicable, restrictions in the functionality of the customer information system and the web-based application. There is a continuous effort to pay close attention to maintaining a non-discriminatory approach and to complying with both general and gas supply sector legislation and the Equal Treatment Program of distribution system operator, GasNet, s.r.o.

3.5 Human Resources Employees In 2018, the Company had a full time equivalent of 147 employees. Wages In 2018, wages developed in accordance with the Company's business strategy and the remuneration rules and wage increase principles agreed in the Collective Agreement signed for the years 2018-2020, as amended. At the beginning of the year, the Company implemented a new remuneration system, which had been prepared in the previous year. The new system is modern, transparent, fair, motivating and


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

competitive. It allows rewarding employees for special achievements and above-average performance, emphasis can be placed on rewards for the fulfillment of long-term goals. Staff Training In 2018, the Company focused on management- and orientation-related topics, of which all members of the Company’s middle management have been trained. As in the past, emphasis is placed on staff development through position rotations. Employee Structure by Achieved Education as at 31 December 2018

Education Vocational Post-

secondary Secondary

school University Total (%) 0,7 % 2,0 % 32,9 % 64,4 % 100,0 % Employee headcount as at 31 December 2018 1 3 49 96 149

Social Policy The Company fulfilled obligations arising under the Collective Agreement for the years 2018-2020 and all its annexes. Employee Benefits The Company creates reserves for unused vacation, extra pay, and bonuses provided to employees as well as for employee benefits to which workers are entitled under the Collective Agreement. The Company makes regular contributions to the government-run pension scheme. Moreover, the Company makes contributions for employees’ supplementary retirement savings through payments to independent pension funds.

3.6 OHS and Environmental Protection One of the Company’s highest priorities, environmental protection is reflected in all aspects of the Company's operations, processes, and decisions. The Company is committed not only to complying with legislative requirements, but also to continually improving employees’ awareness of environmental issues

0,7 % 2,0 %

32,9 %64,4 %

Education Structure in the Year Ended 31 December 2018

Vocational Post-secondary Secondary University


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

and to providing them with knowledge of the impact of their activities and the Company’s operations on the environment. Likewise, contractors are required to perform work in an environmentally responsible manner. The Company's long-term target is to upgrade technologies to reduce the volume of produced emissions. During 2018, investments were made into reconstructions and upgrading technologies at selected gas transfer stations. State-of-the-art technologies were deployed as part of modernization projects. In addition, investments were made into the construction of features reducing noise produced by assets and the installation of solar panels for the generation of electricity. In 2018, the total investment costs in the amount of CZK 35 million were incurred in connection with this target. The Company has concluded environmental contracts with the MF CR, which are used to cover costs incurred for the settlement of environmental liabilities, which arose prior to privatization. In April 2018, the remediation of pollution caused by coal gas production by the Company's state-owned predecessor began in a non-saturated zone of a site in Uherské Hradiště. Pollution is removed at the expense of the government. The relevant public contract was awarded by the Czech Ministry of Finance, and the project is overseen by the Ministry of Environment. The remediation process will be completed by 31 December 2021. In 2018, remediation began on land owned by the Company in the Javorník cadastral community, where the commitment to eliminate environmental pollution originating in the past lies with a different legal entity.

3.7 Outlook Following the announcement of the companies RWE AG and E.ON SE, made on 11 March 2018 regarding an agreement under which RWE AG is to sell E.ON its 76.79% stake in innogy SE and the two companies are to trade other assets, preparations will be made in 2019 for the anticipated future integration of innogy and E.ON. At the same time, a decision of the European Commission is expected, as the transaction is being assessed from the viewpoint of economic competition. All of the Company's activities will mainly focus on improving the safety and reliability of natural gas supply to customers, taking into account economic aspects. In the next year, approximately CZK 3,200 million is planned to be invested into network renewal projects. All network reconstruction projects are planned based on an assessment of the technical condition of pipelines and in accordance with network capacity calculations and supported by the long-term forecasts of the gas consumption development in given localities. A high standard of operating safety will be maintained through the ongoing elimination of technical risks during planned network renewal projects. A contribution in this regard is made by a predictive model that selects gas assets to be reconstructed based on experience with the development of defects in specific facilities and helps allocate funds in an effective manner with the aim of reducing the incidence of leaks to a minimum. The financial aspects of network operation will be thoroughly considered in the planning of all investment ventures. All investment projects must be executed in conformity with an effort to increase the long-term competitiveness of natural gas as an energy source for the upcoming decades. These efforts will mainly consist of improving the efficiency of distribution, thus optimizing network operating costs vis-à-vis the distributed quantity of gas. As regards the development of the distribution system, the goal is to support projects aimed at increasing efficiency and reducing costs in individual localities, including residential buildings and industrial facilities,


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

and to focus on ventures of strategic importance, such as building of CNG stations. Likewise, strong emphasis is placed on “dormant service lines”, where the objective is to slow down their increasing trend and to gradually restore their service. A new trend is expected – the connection of biomethane stations into the distribution system, and the injection of biomethane. We are already preparing for this activity and we are expecting its gradual dissemination in the upcoming years. The Company strives to play its part in paving the way to a better future and pays attention to “greening” natural gas. In 2019, the first biomethane production facility is planned to be connected to the distribution network. At the same time, the Company monitors the latest trends in biomethane use and modern production technologies. As in previous years, the Company concentrates on the use of IT technologies to ensure efficient data collection, processing, and archivation. Considering the large volume of stored and processed data, the Company will continue to focus on activities aimed at making internal processes better and more efficient through the development of information technologies and information systems. The Company will continue the trend of using IT technologies in an efficient and effective manner. In line with this objective, the Company plans to install smart metering systems capable of communicating online at selected offtake points within the next three years. The relevant offtake points will be selected strictly so as to ensure that economic benefits outweigh the higher cost of this type of metering devices. As regards research and development, a number of projects that focused on testing technologies with regard to their use in practical applications were completed in the year 2018. One of them was a technology that facilitates exact search and localization of pipelines and service lines in the field using so-called markers. Both technologies, an active technology based on radiofrequency identification (RFID) and a passive technology that relies on orthogonally tuned circuits, have already been deployed in real-world operations. Another important area was a comprehensive analysis of construction and reconstruction technologies using trenchless methods. The creation of a database of the most promising technologies and methodologies for the use in operations significantly improved the decision-making matrix for selecting the most suitable method in specific localities. A pilot project was executed to test the German Primus-Line technology on a high-pressure DN250, PN25 pipeline in Adamov. Plans for 2019 include the deployment of the egeLiner/egeplast technology on a medium-pressure DN300 pipeline in Hradec Králové. The expected growth of the importance of renewable energy sources in Europe creates new requirements for the use of alternative sources of gas based on biomethane, synthetic methane, hydrogen, and their mixtures. In the near future, quality management will be of key importance for the safe and reliable supply of heating gas to end customers. As regards research and development, the Company has been able to join the J-Net French project executed by ENGIE, which focuses on developing a new generation of gas metering systems that rely on nanotechnologies (sensors). The goal of the project is to integrate a smart technology into existing metering devices, capable of using a single processing step to measure gas composition (nano-chromatograph or optical analyzer) with regard to as many as eight basic components and the calorific value, and to assess the combustion characteristics of a specific gas (Wobbe index). In 2019, tests will be completed and steps initiated to deploy the technology in commercial use. In the European context, activities will continue in the wake of the outcome of the GERG project executed in 2018 with a view to improving the accuracy of methane emissions from the distribution system. The European project Methane Emission Estimation Methods (MEEM) will be boosted using real-world tests


GasNet, s.r.o. Management Report for 2018

on pipelines in operation. The objective will be to calculate and set the so-called emission factor for leaks that occur in the operation of the distribution system. In 2018, the regularly organized process of monitoring new technologies and developments on the energy market as well as target areas for the preparation and assignment of new research projects continued. Cooperation was deepened at the international level within the European energy area. Another phase of exchange of the results of research and development was completed with the recently established French corporation RICE (GRTGaz); the efforts will continue in 2019.

3.8 Subsequent events Within the framework of internal restructuring of the RWE resp. innogy Groups, a 50.04% stake in innogy Grid Holding, a.s. owned by innogy Česká republika a.s. was transferred on 22 February 2019 to RWE Czech Gas Grid Holding B.V. This transaction is not mentioned in Note 16 Subsequent Events of the Notes to financial statements as the Financial statements were approved by the management of the Company on 8 February 2019. No other events with a major impact on the assessment of the Company’s business had occurred by the date of this Annual Report.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

4. Financial section

4.1 Financial statements BALANCE SHEET

(in thousand Czech crowns)







31. 12. 2018 31. 12. 2017









TOTAL ASSETS 1 116 041 047 (58 236 123) 57 804 924 57 087 953 B. Fixed assets 3 109 475 653 (58 035 261) 51 440 392 50 416 228

B. I. Intangible fixed assets 4 886 352 (685 456) 200 896 178 920 B. I. 2.

B. I. 2. 1.

B. I. 2. 2.

B. I. 4.

B. I. 5.

B. I. 5. 1.

B. I. 5. 2.

Royalties 6 682 062 (537 227) 144 835 116 437

Software 7 680 256 (535 518) 144 738 116 315

Other royalties 8 1 806 (1 709) 97 122

Other intangible fixed assets 10 203 883 (148 229) 55 654 52 403

Advances paid and intangible fixed assets in the course of construction 11


- 407 10 080

Advances paid for intangible fixed assets 12

- - - 2 231

Intangible fixed assets in the course of construction 13

407 - 407 7 849

B. II. Tangible fixed assets 14 108 589 301 (57 349 805) 51 239 496 50 237 308 B. II. 1.

B. II. 1. 1.

B. II. 1. 2.

B. II. 2.

B. II. 5.

B. II. 5. 1.

B. II. 5. 2.

Land and constructions 15 100 776 811 (52 499 295) 48 277 516 47 382 692

Land 16 132 011 - 132 011 131 385

Constructions 17 100 644 800 (52 499 295) 48 145 505 47 251 307

Equipment 18 7 148 358 (4 850 510) 2 297 848 2 242 391

Advances paid and tangible fixed assets in the course of construction 24

664 132 - 664 132 612 225

Advances paid for tangible fixed assets 25 15 692 - 15 692 20 572

Tangible fixed assets in the course of construction 26

648 440 - 648 440 591 653

C. Current assets 37 6 559 111 (200 862) 6 358 249 6 670 764

C. I. Inventories 38 1 683 - 1 683 1 822

C. I. 1. Raw materials 39 1 683 - 1 683 1 822

C. II. Receivables 46 6 557 168 (200 862) 6 356 306 6 667 906 C. II. 2.

C. II. 2. 1.

C. II. 2. 2.

C. II. 2. 3.

C. II. 2. 4.

C. II. 2. 4. 4.

C. II. 2. 4. 5.

C. II. 2. 4. 6.

Short-term receivables 57 6 557 168 (200 862) 6 356 306 6 667 906

Trade receivables 58 268 061 (200 862) 67 199 22 570

Receivables - subsidiaries and controlling parties 59

754 104 - 754 104 970 402

Receivables - associates 60 664 804 - 664 804 589 320

Receivables - other 61 4 870 199 - 4 870 199 5 085 614

Short-term advances paid 65 139 471 - 139 471 148 058

Estimated receivables 66 4 730 223 - 4 730 223 4 937 231

Other receivables 67

505 - 505 325

C. IV. Cash 75 260 - 260 1 036

C. IV. 1.

C. IV. 2.

Cash in hand 76 - - - 7

Cash at bank 77 260 - 260 1 029

D. Prepayments and accrued income 78 6 283 - 6 283 961

D. 1.

D. 3.

Prepaid expenses 79 6 256 - 6 256 921

Accrued income 81 27 - 27 40


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

BALANCE SHEET - continued

(in thousand Czech crowns)




Row c

31. 12. 2018 31. 12. 2017



TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 82 57 804 924 57 087 953

A. Equity 83 23 381 568 23 022 579

A. I. Share capital 84 4 462 720 4 462 720

A. I. 1. Share capital 85 4 462 720 4 462 720

A. II. Share premium and capital contributions 88 714 686 714 686

A. II. 2.

A. II. 2. 1.

Capital contributions 90 714 686 714 686

Other capital contributions 91 714 686 714 686

A. III. Other reserves 96 13 166 963 13 166 963

A. III. 2. Statutory and other reserves 98 13 166 963 13 166 963

A. IV. Retained earnings / Accumulated losses 99 468 771 -

A. IV. 1. Retained earnings or accumulated losses (+/-) 100 468 771 -

A. V. Profit / (loss) for the current period 102 4 568 428 4 678 210

B. + C. Liabilities 104 34 308 218 33 944 834

B. Provisions 105 151 926 410 983

B. 2.

B. 4.

Income tax provision 107 67 801 345 600

Other provisions 109 84 125 65 383

C. Liabilities 110 34 156 292 33 533 851

C. I. Long-term liabilities 111 26 104 302 25 458 582

C. I. 4.

C. I. 6.

C. I. 7.

C. I. 8.

C. I. 9.

C. I. 9. 3.

Trade payables 117 523 540

Liabilities - subsidiaries and controlling parties 119 10 068 298 9 861 133

Liabilities - associates 120 10 052 202 9 845 367

Deferred tax liability 121 5 371 304 5 222 238

Liabilities - other 122 611 975 529 304

Other liabilities 125 611 975 529 304

C. II. Short-term liabilities 126 8 051 990 8 075 269 C. II. 3.

C. II. 4.

C. II. 6.

C. II. 7.

C. II. 8.

C. II. 8. 3.

C. II. 8. 4.

C. II. 8. 5.

C. II. 8. 6.

C. II. 8. 7.

Short-term advances received 131 5 081 592 4 899 178

Trade payables 132 970 621 1 336 163

Liabilities - subsidiaries and controlling parties 134 1 030 118 859 339

Liabilities - associates 135 399 680 399 680

Liabilities - other 136 569 979 580 909

Liabilities to employees 139 5 032 5 056

Liabilities for social security and health insurance 140 2 667 2 639

Taxes and state subsidies payable 141 396 656 384 758

Estimated payables 142 165 365 188 169

Other liabilities 143 259 287

D. Accruals and deferred income 147 115 138 120 540

D. 1.

D. 2.

Accrued expenses 148 90 373 88 047

Deferred income 149 24 765 32 493


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section


(in thousand Czech crowns)






Accounting period

2018 2017

1 2

I. Sales of products and services 1 14 597 553 14 817 786

A. Cost of sales 3 5 164 345 5 249 225 A. 2. Raw materials and consumables used 5 1 211 541 1 378 629 A. 3. Services 6 3 952 804 3 870 596

C. Own work capitalised 8 (21 844) (23 075)

D. Staff costs 9 134 579 134 914 D. 1. Wages and salaries 10 97 579 97 322 D. 2. D. 2. 1. D. 2. 2.

Social security, health insurance and other social costs 11 37 000 37 592 Social security and health insurance costs 12 32 280 33 212 Other social costs 13 4 720 4 380

E. Value adjustments in operating activities 14

2 672 993 2 693 434 E. 1.

E. 1. 1.

E. 1. 2.

Value adjustments of fixed assets 15 2 680 587 2 707 405 Depreciation, amortisation and write off of fixed assets 16

3 671 587 3 698 405 Provision for impairment of fixed assets 17 (991 000) (991 000)

E. 3. Provision for impairment of receivables 19 (7 594) (13 971)

III. Operating income - other 20 54 796 67 054

III. 1. Sales of fixed assets 21 7 013 23 823 III. 2. Sales of raw materials 22 73 116 III 3. Other operating income 23 47 710 43 115

F. Operating expenses - other 24 49 280 73 474 F. 1. Net book value of fixed assets sold 25 3 975 9 176 F. 3. Taxes and charges from operating activities 27 5 220 5 141 F. 4. Operating provisions and complex prepaid expenses 28 18 742 18 482 F. 5. Other operating expenses 29 21 343 40 675

* Operating result 30 6 652 996 6 756 868 VI. Interest and similar income 39 2 844 2 918 VI. 1. Interest and similar income - subsidiaries or

controlling party 40

1 617 1 635 VI. 2. Other interest and similar income 41 1 227 1 283 J. Interest and similar expenses 43 1 009 373 986 140 J. 1. Interest and similar expenses - subsidiaries or

controlling party 44

505 611 493 688 J. 2. Other interest and similar expenses 45 503 762 492 452 VII. Other financial income 46 3 4 K. Other financial expenses 47 409 260

* Financial result 48 (1 006 935) (983 478)

** Net profit / (loss) before taxation 49 5 646 061 5 773 390

L. Tax on profit or loss 50 1 077 633 1 095 180 L. 1. Tax on profit or loss - current 51 928 567 981 223 L. 2. Tax on profit or loss - deferred 52 149 066 113 957

** Net profit / (loss) after taxation 53 4 568 428 4 678 210

*** Net profit / (loss) for the financial period 55 4 568 428 4 678 210 Net turnover for the financial period 56 14 655 196 14 887 762


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

Statement of changes in equity For the year ended 31 December 2018

Note Share capital Other capital

funds Statutory and other reserves

Retained earnings


As at 1 January 2017 4 462 720 1 681 800 13 166 963 3 157 577 22 469 060

Distributions from funds - (967 114) - - (967 114)

Dividends/profit distribution paid

- - - (3 157 577) (3 157 577)

Net profit for the current period

- - - 4 678 210 4 678 210

As at 31 December 2017

4 462 720 714 686 13 166 963 4 678 210 23 022 579

Dividends/profit distribution paid *

- - - (4 209 439) (4 209 439)

Net profit for the current period

- - - 4 568 428 4 568 428

As at 31 December 2018

4 462 720 714 686 13 166 963 5 037 199 23 381 568

* Based on the Netting Agreement between the Company and the Shareholder dated 31 May 2018 the liability towards the sole Shareholder resulting from dividends paid in 2017 in the amount of CZK 414,000 thousand was netted off with a loan received from innogy Česká republika a.s.,CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. and CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l. (see also Notes to financial statements, Note 7 Equity).


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

Cash-flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2018




Accounting period

2018 2017

1 2

Cash flows from operating activities

Net profit on ordinary activities before tax 5 646 061 5 773 390

A. 1.

A. 1. 1.

A. 1. 2.

A. 1. 3.

A. 1. 5.

A. 1. 6.

Adjustments for non-cash movements: 3 704 397 3 691 697

Depreciation and amortisation of fixed assets 3 671 587 3 698 405

Change in provisions (979 852) (986 487)

Profit from disposal of fixed assets (3 038) (14 648)

Net interest expense 1 006 529 983 222

Other non-cash movements * 9 171 11 205

A * Net cash flow from operating activities before tax and changes in working capital

9 350 458 9 465 087

A. 2.

A. 2. 1.

A. 2. 2.

A. 2. 3.

Working capital changes: 450 468 (144 204)

Change in receivables and prepayments 163 872 (126 332)

Change in short-term payables and accruals 286 457 (18 655)

Change in inventories 139 783

A ** Net cash flow from operating activities before tax 9 800 926 9 320 883

A. 3. Interest paid (1 007 046) (983 928)

A. 4. Interest received 2 858 2 924

A. 5. Income tax paid (1 206 366) (960 917)

A *** Net cash flow from operating activities 7 590 372 7 378 962


Acquisition of fixed assets (4 196 970) (4 069 203)


Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 7 013 23 823


Loans to related parties (151 091) 326 032

B *** Net cash flow from investing activities (4 341 048) (3 719 348)

C. 1. Change in long- and short-term liabilities 82 655 126 660

C. 2.

C. 2. 5.

C. 2. 6.

Changes in equity: (3 795 439) (3 504 691)

Direct payments from funds - (347 114)

Dividends paid ** (3 795 439) (3 157 577)

C *** Net cash flow from financing activities (3 712 784) (3 378 031)

Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents (463 460) 281 583

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year (77 843) (359 426)

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (541 303) (77 843) * Other non-cash movements within cash flow from operating activities include mainly accounts receivable write-offs. ** Based on the Netting Agreement between the Company and the Shareholder dated 31 May 2018 the liability towards the sole Shareholder resulting from dividends paid in 2017 in the amount of CZK 414,000 thousand was netted off with a loan received from innogy Česká republika a.s.,CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. and CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l. (see also Notes to financial statements, Note 7 Equity). ***?


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

4.2 Notes to financial statements

1. General information

1.1 Introductory information about the Company GasNet, s.r.o. (“the Company”) was incorporated on 2 June 2006 by the Regional Courtin Ústí nad Labem, Section C, Insert 23083 and has its registered office at Klíšská 940/96,400 01 Ústí nad Labem, the Czech Republic. The Company’s primary business activity is gas distribution. The identification number of the Company is 272 95 567. The sole shareholder of the Company is innogy Grid Holding, a.s. (further referred to as the “Shareholder”). The Company is not a shareholder having unlimited liability in any undertaking. The Statutory Directors as at 31 December 2018 and 2017 were as follows: Name Position Date of appointment Jan Valenta Chairman of the Statutory Directors 1 July 2015 Dušan Malý Statutory Director 1 December 2016 Following the announcement made by the companies RWE AG and E.ON SE on 11 March 2018, on the agreement, by which RWE AG would sell its 76.79% share in innogy SE to the E.ON Group, and the companies would also exchange other parts of assets, the preparatory works on the supporting documentation for the decision of the European Commission, which must assess the whole transaction from the competition perspective, were ongoing in 2018. The decision of the European Commission is expected in the course of 2019. At the same time, the mapping of the needs and possibilities of the expected future integration of the innogy and E.ON companies took place.

2. Regulatory framework The activity of gas distribution company (the Company), which is in principle a "natural monopoly", is regulated by an independent regulatory body, which is the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). There were several changes in the leadership of this office during 2018. As at 1 August 2018, Mr. Vratislav Košťál was appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic to the position of the Chairman of the ERO Council. As at 30 November 2018 the ERO Council Chairman Vratislav Košťál decided to resign. As of today, the ERO Council has four members. The regulation of the Company is conducted by determination of the overall level of allowed revenues (the Revenue Cap) and a subsequent calculation of tariffs for distribution services for particular customer. These distribution prices are annually published in a price resolution. Prices for the year 2018 were included in the “Price resolution of the Energy Regulatory Office No 5/2017 of 21 November 2017, on regulated prices related to gas supply”. The year 2018 was the third year of the fourth regulatory period, which was initially set as a three-year period for years 2016-2018, however on 11 January 2018 the ERO issued “The principles of price regulation for the period 2016-2018 with the extended effective period until 31 December 2020”. This act extended the existing regulatory period for additional two years. The year 2020 will most likely be the last year of the fourth regulatory period.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

In the autumn of 2018, the ERO launched a discussion with regulated entities in the electricity and gas industries on the arguments of the regulatory mechanisms for the subsequent fifth regulatory period. The discussions will be ongoing until the end of May 2019. A public consultation process should take place in the autumn of 2019 and it will be concluded at the end of 2019. It can be assumed that the new regulatory period will last five years and will start in 2021. In the spring of 2018, the ERO sent a protocol on the results of cost control to the Company related to the allowed costs in 2012 and 2013. In line with the provisions of the Control Act the Company filled an objection against the conclusions of the protocol which were subsequently resolved by the ERO. The ERO did not carry out any other controls in the remaining of 2018.

3. Accounting policies

3.1 Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the Czech Republic relevant for large companies and have been prepared under the historical cost convention (except as disclosed below).

3.2 Intangible and tangible fixed assets All intangible (and tangible) assets with a useful life longer than one year and a unit cost of more than CZK 60 thousand (CZK 10 thousand) are treated as intangible (and tangible) fixed assets. Purchased intangible and tangible fixed assets are initially recorded at cost, which includes all costs related to their acquisition. Own work capitalised is recorded at cost. Assets received as gifts are recorded at replacement cost against other operating income account as at the date of receipt. Assets acquired with a subsidy from municipalities are valued at costs decreased by the subsidy received. Intangible and tangible fixed assets contributed to the Company by innogy Energie, s.r.o. as at 1 January 2007 are recognised at replacement costs determined by the expert valuation and are depreciated over their estimated useful lives. Intangible and tangible (except for land which is not depreciated) fixed assets are depreciated applying the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives as follows: Intangible fixed assets Estimated useful lifeSoftware 36 monthsRoyalties 72 months Tangible fixed assets Estimated useful lifeBuildings and constructions 14 - 50 yearsPlant, machinery and equipment 7 - 20 yearsFurniture and fittings 3 yearsGas network 40 years The depreciation plan is updated during the useful life of the intangible and tangible fixed assets based on the expected useful life change. Unused assets are exceptionally depreciated.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

Repairs and maintenance expenditures of tangible fixed assets are expensed as incurred. Technical improvements of constructions greater than CZK 40 thousand per year, equipment greater than CZK 10 thousand and distribution systems regardless of the amount are capitalised. Tangible fixed assets with a unit cost of more than CZK 2 thousand and less than CZK 10 thousand are treated as inventory and are expensed upon consumption. The Company's management assesses at each balance sheet date whether there were any events or changes in circumstances that would indicate that the carrying value of assets is greaterthan its estimated recoverable amount. A provision for impairment is created when the carrying value of an asset is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

3.3 Receivables Receivables are stated at nominal value less a provision for doubtful amounts. A provision for doubtful amounts is created on the basis of an ageing analysis and an individual evaluation of the credit worthiness of the customers. Receivables from related parties have not been provided for.

3.4 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, stamps and vouchers and cash in banks, including bank overdrafts. Cash equivalents are short-term highly liquid investments that can be exchanged for a predictable amount of cash and no significant changes of value over time are expected. Cash equivalents are, for example, deposits with a maturity of less than 3 months from the date of acquisition and liquid debt securities traded in public markets. The Company uses a so-called cash-pooling within the group. A receivable (liability) that arises from cash-pooling is presented in the Cash-flow statement as part of the item Cash and Cash equivalents. If the liability arising from cash-pooling represents a form of financing, then it is not presented in the Cash-flow statement as part of the item Cash and Cash equivalents. The Company has prepared a Cash-flow statement using the indirect method.

3.5 Foreign currency translation Transactions denominated in a foreign currency are translated and recorded at the rate of exchange ruling as at the transaction date. Cash, receivables and liabilities balances denominated in foreign currencies have been translated at the exchange rate published by the Czech National Bank as at the balance sheet date. All exchange gains and losses on cash, receivables and liabilities balances are recorded in the income statement.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

3.6 Provision Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made.

3.7 Revenue recognition Revenues from distribution fees represent the majority of the Company's revenues. Distribution revenues are divided into several customer categories. The Company distributes gas to the users of distribution system. Natural gas distribution to customers for categories high-volume (“V”) and middle-volume (“SO”) is billed to particular traders on a monthly basis based on measured consumption. Gas distribution to low-volume categories (“MO”) and households (“DOM”) is billed to particular traders periodically, when the consumption reading is performed at least once every 14 months for each customer. Revenues from MO and DOM categories consist of actually billed revenues and revenues from so called “unbilled distribution" (see note 6 Receivables). The amount of unbilled distribution is calculated from the total amount of distributed gas in the particular year based on past behaviour of individual customers and is valued based on the valid price resolution of Energy Regulatory Office.

3.8 Related parties The Company’s related parties are considered to be the following: • parties, which directly or indirectly control the Company, their subsidiaries and associates; • parties, which have directly or indirectly significant influence on the Company; • members of the Company’s or parent company’s statutory and supervisory boards

and management and parties close to such members, including entities in which they have a controlling or significant influence.

Material transactions and outstanding balances with related parties are disclosed in Note 11 Related party transactions and balances.

3.9 Leases The costs of assets held under both finance and operating leases are not capitalised as fixed assets. Lease payments are expensed evenly over the life of the lease. Future lease payments not yet due are disclosed in the notes but not recognized in the balance sheet. Assets acquired through finance lease are recognized in the balance sheet as tangible fixed assetsafter the termination of the lease and transfer of ownership rights to the Company and are depreciated over their estimated useful lives.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

3.10 Interest expense Interest expense on borrowings to finance the acquisition of intangible and tangible fixed assets are capitalised during the period of completion and preparation of the asset for its intended use. Other borrowing costs are expensed.

3.11 Deferred tax Deferred tax is recognized on all temporary differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the balance sheet and its tax base. Deferred tax asset is recognized if it is probable that sufficient future taxable profit will be available against which the asset can be utilised.

3.12 Subsequent events The effects of events, which occurred between the balance sheet date and the date of preparation of the financial statements, are recognized in the financial statements in the case that these events provide further evidence of conditions that existed as at the balance sheet date. Where significant events occur subsequent to the balance sheet date but prior to the preparation of the financial statements, which are indicative of conditions that arose subsequent to the balance sheet date, the effects of these events are quantified and disclosed, but are not themselves recognized in the financial statements.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

4. Intangible fixed assets


1 January 2018

Additions / transfers


31 December 2018

Cost Software 585,836 95,930 (1,510) 680,256 Other royalties 1,806 - - 1,806 Other intangible fixed assets 209,357 25,539 (31,013) 203,883 Advances paid for intangible fixed assets 2,231 (2,231)1 - - Intangible fixed assets in the course

of construction





Total 807,079 111,796 (32,523) 886,352 Accumulated amortisation Software 469,521 67,507 (1,510) 535,518 Other royalties 1,684 25 - 1,709

Other intangible fixed assets



(30,903) 148,229 Total



(32,413) 685,456 Net book value




1 January 2017

Additions / transfers


31 December 2017

Cost Software 489,647 96,189 - 585,836 Other royalties 1,701 105 - 1,806 Other intangible fixed assets 191,264 18,093 - 209,357 Advances paid for intangible fixed assets 2,603 (372)1 - 2,231 Intangible fixed assets in the course

of construction








- 807,079 Accumulated amortisation Software 359,026 110,495 - 469,521 Other royalties 1,661 23 - 1,684

Other intangible fixed assets



- 156,954 Total



- 628,159 Net book value


178,920 1 The item Additions/transfers for intangible fixed assets in the course of construction is represented by additions in the amount of CZK 114,027 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 129,680 thousand) and transfers in the amount of CZK (121,469) thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK (123,412) thousand).

The item Additions/transfers related to advances paid is represented by no additions (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 4,952 thousand) and transfers in the amount of CZK (2,231) thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK (5,324) thousand).


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

5. Tangible fixed assets


1 January 2018

Additions / transfers


31 December 2018

Cost Land 131,385 931 (305) 132,011 Constructions excluding gas network 2,992,341 64,296 (17,819) 3,038,818 Gas network 94,864,180 3,016,875 (275,073) 97,605,982 Equipment 6,805,135 470,624 (127,401) 7,148,358 Advances paid for tangible fixed assets 20,572 (4,880)1 - 15,692 Tangible fixed assets in the course

of construction









108,589,301 Accumulated depreciation Constructions excluding gas network 1,199,950 112,409 (16,911) 1,295,448 Gas network 33,548,264 3,052,309 (262,726) 36,337,847





4,850,510 Total




42,483,805 Provision


(991 000)

14,866,000 Net book value




1 January 2017

Additions / transfers


31 December 2017

Cost Land 129,341 2,455 (411) 131,385 Constructions excluding gas network 2,926,779 88,959 (23,397) 2,992,341 Gas network 91,819,532 3,294,919 (250,271) 94,864,180 Equipment 6,408,664 469,430 (72,959) 6,805,135 Advances paid for tangible fixed assets 20,545 271 - 20,572 Tangible fixed assets in the course

of construction









105,405,266 Accumulated depreciation Constructions excluding gas network 1,101,456 113,837 (15,343) 1,199,950 Gas network 30,731,027 3,066,651 (249,414) 33,548,264





4,562,744 Total




39,310,958 Provision


(991 000)

15,857,000 Net book value


50,237,308 1 The item Additions/transfers for tangible fixed assets in the course of construction is represented by additions in the amount of CZK 3,602,104 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 3,763,444 thousand) and transfers in the amount of CZK (3,545,022) thousand

(as at 31 December 2017: CZK (3,844,367) thousand). The item Additions/transfers related to advances paid is represented by additions in the amount of CZK 30,194 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 22,661 thousand) and transfers in the amount of CZK (35,074) thousand

(as at 31 December 2017: CZK (22,634) thousand). A provision was created to revaluated tangible fixed assets as at 31 December 2007 set as a difference between the net book value of tangible fixed assets and their estimated recoverable amount. The provision was calculated using the method of discounted future cash flows generated by the fixed assets. The provision represents a decrease in rate of return of the Company’s assets. The change in the provision for tangible fixed assets in 2017 and 2018 reflects mainly the decrease in net book value of the revaluated tangible fixed assets, resulting from the accounting depreciation of these assets in 2017 and 2018.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

The Company did not use any assets under finance lease as at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017. In 2018 interest costs amounting to CZK 11,190 thousand (2017: CZK 9,153 thousand) were capitalized into the value of fixed assets and became part of tangible fixed assets in categories Constructions excluding gas network, Gas network and Equipment.

6. Receivables Receivables can be analysed as follows:


31 December 2018 31 December 2017 Trade receivables - current 15,013 15 580

- overdue

253,048 215 447 Total trade receivables

268 061 231,027 Receivables - subsidiaries/ controlling parties

- current 754,104 970 402 Receivables - associates - current 664,804 589 320

Other receivables

- current

4,870,199 5 085 614 Total short-term receivables

6 557 168 6,876,363 Provision for doubtful receivables

(200 862) (208,457) Total net book value of receivables

6 356 306 6,667,906

Receivables from subsidiaries / controlling parties represent cash equivalents from cash-pooling in the amount of CZK 88,235 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 380,140 thousand), which bear interest of 0.150% and a short-term loan granted to the company innogy Česká republika a.s. in the amount of CZK 665,869 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 590,262 thousand) with interest rate of 0.150% in both years. Receivables from associates represent short-term loans granted to the companies CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. in the amount of CZK 465,203 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 412,382 thousand) and CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l. in the amount of CZK 199,601 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 176,938 thousand) with interest rate of 0.150% in both years. Unsettled receivables as at 31 December 2018 have not been secured and none of them are due after more than 5 years. Other receivables include mainly receivables from unbilled gas distribution in the amount of CZK 4,674,226 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 4,768,466 thousand) and advances paid for the purchase of energy and gas in the amount of CZK 139,340 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 147,922 thousand). The Company has no receivables nor contingent assets which are not included in the balance sheet.

7. Equity The Company is fully owned by innogy Grid Holding, a.s. with its registered office in Prague 10 Strašnice, the Czech Republic. The ultimate holding company is RWE Aktiengesellschaft, incorporated in Altenessener Str. 35, 451 41 Essen, Germany. The Company innogy SE with the registered office at Altenessener Str. 35, 451 41, Essen, Germany, prepares the consolidated financial statements of the smallest group of entities of which the Company forms a part as a subsidiary.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

The Company RWE Aktiengesellschaft with the registered office at Altenessener Str. 35, 451 41 Essen, Germany, prepares the consolidated financial statements of the largest group of entities of which the Company forms a part as a subsidiary. The consolidated financial statements of the smallest group of entities of which the Company forms a part as a subsidiary can be obtained at the registered office of innogy SE and the consolidated financial statements of the largest group of entities of which the Company forms a part as a subsidiary can be obtained at the registered office of RWE Aktiengesellschaft. The Company is fully governed by the new Corporations Act and opted not to create a reserve fund as allowed in the Company’s foundation documents. The Shareholder approved the financial statements for 2017 and decided about the allocation of profit earned in 2017 of CZK 4,678,210 thousand on 18 May 2018. On 31 May 2018 the Company paid out the share on profit for 2017 in the amount of CZK 3,795,439 thousand to the sole shareholder innogy Grid Holding, a.s. Based on the Netting Agreement between the Company and the Shareholder dated 31 May 2018 the liability towards the sole Shareholder resulting from dividends paid in 2017 in the amount of CZK 414,000 thousand was netted off with a loan received from innogy Česká republika a.s. in the amount of CZK 207,166 thousand, from CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. in the amount of CZK 144,734 thousand and from CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l.in the amount of CZK 62,100 thousand. Until the date of preparation of these financial statements, the Company has not proposed a distribution of the profit earned in 2018.

8. Provisions


Income tax net of advances

Other Total Opening balance as at 1 January 2017


46,901 372,194 Charge for the year 981,302 56,905 1,038,207 Released in the year (80) (10,898) (10,978) Used in the year (325,213) (27,525) (352,738)

Tax advances - netting


- (635,702) Closing balance as at 31 December 2017

345,600 65,383 410,983 Charge for the year 928,554 43,742 972,296 Released in the year - (9,841) (9,841) Used in the year (345,600) (15,159) (360,759)

Tax advances - netting


- (860,753) Closing balance as at 31 December 2018

67,801 84,125 151,926

Other provisions in the amount of CZK 84,125 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 65,383 thousand) include mainly provisions for liabilities arising from identified business risks. Advances for the income tax in the amount of CZK 860,753 thousand paid by the Company as at 31 December 2018 (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 635,702 thousand) were netted off with the provision for income tax in the amount of CZK 928,554 thousand created as at 31 December 2018 (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 981,302 thousand). For an analysis of the current and deferred income tax see Note 14 - Income tax.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

9. Payables, commitments and contingent liabilities Payables can be analyzed as follows:


31 December 2018 31 December 2017 Trade payables - current 969,730 1,334,129

- overdue 891 2,034 Liabilities - subsidiaries/controlling parties - current 1,030,118 859,339 Liabilities - associates - current 399,680 399,680

Other payables:

- current

5,651,571 5,480,087 Total short-term liabilities

8,051,990 8,075,269 Trade payables 523 540 Liabilities - subsidiaries/controlling parties 10,068,298 9,861,133 Liabilities - associates 10,052,202 9,845,367 Other long-term payables 611,975 529,304

Deferred tax liability

5,371,304 5,222,238 Total long-term liabilities

26,104,302 25,458,582 Total short-term and long-term liabilities

34,156,292 33,533,851 The Company draws long-term loans in the amount of CZK 20,120.5 million (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 19,706.5 million) of which CZK 10,068.3 million (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 9,861.1 million) from innogy Czech Republic a.s. which is presented under the long-term liabilities item Liabilities – subsidiaries and controlling party, CZK 7,034.1 million (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 6,889.4 million) from CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. and CZK 3,018.1 million (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 2,956.0 million) from CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l. which are presented together as a long-term liability within Liabilities – associates line. These loans have a maturity of 5 to 12 years (as at 31 December 2017: 6 to 13 years) and bear interest rates between 2.758% and 5.550% in both years. In addition to these long-term loans, the Company also has the following short-term loan agreements concluded with company’s innogy Česká republika, a.s., CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. and CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l

• Assets under construction facility agreement – the total loan framework of this agreement is CZK 1,400 million and is used for investment purposes during construction until the capitalization of fixed assets. These loans are always drawn for a period of 1 year, the actual amount of credit line drawn as at 31 December 2018 was CZK 800 million with the interest rate iof 2.870% (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 800 million with the interest rate of 1.620%).

• Working capital facility agreement - an agreement under which short-term operating loans can be drawn. The credit limit is CZK 1,000 million, currently it is not drawn.

In addition to the long and short-term loans the Company is financed through the internal cash-pooling, which includes also innogy Česká republika a.s., GridServices, s.r.o. and innogy Grid Holding, a.s. Liabilities from cash-pooling bear an interest rate of 0.150%.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

Short-term liabilities – subsidiaries/controlling parties include a liability from cash-pooling to GridServices, s.r.o. in the amount of CZK 629,798 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 459,019 thousand) and short-term loan granted to innogy Česká republika a.s. based on the above mention Assets under construction facility agreement in the amount of CZK 400,320 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 400,320 thousand). Short-term liabilities – associates include a short-term loan provided based on the above mention Assets under construction facility agreement by CGN Holdings S.a.r.l. in the amount of CZK 279,680 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 279,680 thousand) and CGN Holdings 2 S.a.r.l in the amount of CZK 120,000 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 120,000 thousand). Other short-term payables include mainly advances received from unbilled gas distribution in the amount of CZK 5,081,592 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 4,899,178 thousand), payables from unbilled distribution of services in the amount of CZK 165,365 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 188,169 thousand) and liability from value added tax in the amount of CZK 395,583 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 379,827 thousand). Other long-term payables represent mainly long-term part of liabilities due to municipalities arising from the acquisition of gas network in the amount of CZK 231 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 231 thousand) and non-current deposits received from customers in the amount of CZK 611,744 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 529,073 thousand). Trade and other payables have not been secured against any assets of the Company. Payables due after more than 5 years as at 31 December 2018 amounted to CZK 15,580,971 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 19,706,671 thousand). The amount of CZK 15,580,800 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 19,706,500 thousand) represents long-term loans and the amount of CZK 171 thousand (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 171 thousand) represents liabilities from the purchase agreements. Capital commitments contracted by the Company were CZK 2,313,861 thousand as at 31 December 2018 (as at 31 December 2017: CZK 1,966,495 thousand). Management of the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities as at 31 December 2018.

10. Revenue analysis Revenue from sales of own products and services were as follows:


2018 2017 Revenues from gas distribution - VO and SO categories 5,398,241 5,298,947 - MO category 2,198,554 2,377,752 - DOM category 6,976,168 7,117,522


24,590 23,565 Total sales of own products and services




GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

11. Related party transactions and balances All material transactions with related parties are presented in this note. Additional information relating to the transactions not under standard market conditions and which is necessary to understand the overall financial situation of the Company are disclosed. (CZK’000)

2018 2017

Revenues Sales of goods 1,993 1,520 Sales of services 5,652,401 6,054,747 Interest income 2,844 2,918


827 1,594 Total


6,060,779 Costs Material and energy consumption 434,650 335,361 Services 3,716,075 3,595,224 Interest expense 1,006,665 983,786


6,205 6,379 Total



The following related party balances were outstanding as at:


31 December 2018 31 December 2017 Receivables Trade receivables 1,075 1,793 Other receivables 2,120,903 2,371,703

Loans receivable/cashpooling

1,418,908 1,559,722 Total

3,540,886 3,933,218 Liabilities Liabilities to companies within the consolidation group 13,878,495 13,544,998 Out of which:

- Trade payables 556,370 560,319 - Loans payable/cashpooling 11,098,416 10,720,472 - Other payables 2,223,709 2,264,207

Liabilities to associates 10,451,882 10,245,047 Out of which:

- Loans payable

10,451,882 10,245,047 Total

24,330,377 23,790,045 Other receivables with related parties include mainly receivables from unbilled gas distribution and prepayments for balance differences and technological gas consumption. Other liabilities with related parties include mainly advances paid for the purchase of energy and gas. Non-monetary benefit in the form of accident insurance was provided to the Statutory Directors and other members of the management in the total amount of CZK 41 thousand (2017: CZK 40 thousand), above standard health care in the amount of CZK 97 thousand (2017: CZK 100 thousand), and also a contribution to pension scheme in the amount of CZK 62 thousand (2017: CZK 61 thousand). Company cars for private use with the purchase price of CZK 4,320 thousand (2017: 4,094 thousand) are provided to the Company’s management.


GasNet, s.r.o. Financial section

12. Fees paid and payable to the audit company The information relating to the fees paid and payable for services performed by the audit company is included in the consolidated financial statements of the parent company innogy SE.

13. Employees 2018 2017

Average number of management 2 2

Average number of other staff 145 158

Total number of management and other staff 147 160

(CZK’000) 2018 2017

Wages and salaries 97,579 97,322 Social security costs 32,280 33,212

Other social costs 4,720 4,380 Wages and salaries total 134,579 134,914

The Company’s management includes members directly reporting to the Statutory Directors. Statutory directors are not employed by the Company. Other transactions with the Company’s management are described in Note 11 Related party transactions and balances.

14. Income tax The income tax expense analysis:



2017 Current tax expense 928,554 981,302 Deferred tax expense 149,066 113,957

Adjustment of prior year tax expense based on final CIT return

13 (79) Total income tax expense


1,095,180 The current tax analysis:



2017 Net profit before taxation 5,646,061 5,773,390

Decrease in provision for fixed assets (991,000) (991,000) The difference between tax and accounting depreciation/amortisation 206,465 343,150

Other tax non-deductible expenses and tax non-allowable revenues

26,963 40,425 Tax base 4,888,489 5,165,965

Gifts (1,269) (1,028) Reduced tax base 4,887,220 5,164,937 Corporate income tax at 19 % 928,572 981,338

Discount for employment of disabled employees

(18) (36) Corporate income tax at 19%

928,554 981,302

The deferred tax was calculated at 19% (the rate enacted for 2017 and subsequent years).


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

6. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 6.1 Report on Related Party Transactions in 2018 This Report on transactions carried out during the fiscal year 2018 between the Company and controlling parties and between the Company and other parties controlled by the same controlling parties has been prepared by the Statutory Directors of GasNet s.r.o. ("Company") in accordance with Section 82 et seq. of Act 90/2012 Coll. on Business Corporations and Cooperatives (Business Corporations Act), as in effect, insofar as such parties are known to the Company. The Report is attached to the Company's 2018 Annual Report. The Company's shareholders have the right to review the Report at the same time and under the same conditions as the Financial Statements.

6.2 Structure of Relations The Company is a member of the RWE Group. The Company is subject to an integrated management system within the meaning of Section 79 of the Business Corporations Act, where at least one key area or activity of the Group's business is coordinated and managed in an addressed manner with the aim of promoting the Group's long-te rm interests in line with uniform Group-wide policies. Information on the Company's membership in the RWE Group is published on the Company's website.

a) Controlling Parties

In the last fiscal year, from 1 January 2018 to 3 December 2018, the Company was controlled by the following controlling parties:

i. Directly - innogy Grid Holding, a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 –

Strašnice, Company No. 24310573, the sole member of the Company ii. Indirectly

- innogy Česká republika a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 – Strašnice, Company No. 242 75 051

- innogy Zweite Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- innogy SE, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- RWE Downstream Beteiligungs GmbH, with registered office at Huyssenallee 2, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- RWE Aktiengesellschaft, with registered office at Altenessener Str. 35, 45141 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany, the top managing company

From 4 December 2018 to 13 December 2018, the Company was controlled by the following controlling parties:

i. Directly - innogy Grid Holding, a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 –

Strašnice, Company No. 24310573, the sole member of the Company


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

ii. Indirectly - innogy Česká republika a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 –

Strašnice, Company No. 242 75 051 - innogy Beteiligungsholding GmbH, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen,

Federal Republic of Germany - innogy Zweite Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128

Essen, Federal Republic of Germany - innogy SE, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic

of Germany - GBV Vierunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH, with registered office

at Huyssenallee 2, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany - RWE Aktiengesellschaft, with registered office at Altenessener Str. 35, 45141 Essen, Federal

Republic of Germany, the top managing company From 14 December 2018 to 31 December 2018, the Company was controlled by the following controlling parties:

i. Directly - innogy Grid Holding, a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 –

Strašnice, Company No. 24310573, the sole member of the Company ii. Indirectly

- innogy Česká republika a.s., with registered office at Limuzská 3135/12, 100 98 Prague 10 – Strašnice, Company No. 242 75 051

- innogy Beteiligungsholding GmbH, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- innogy Zweite Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- innogy International Participations N.V., with registered office at 5211AK 's-Hertogenbosch, Willemsplein 4, Kingdom of the Netherlands

- innogy SE, with registered office at Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- GBV Vierunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH, with registered office at Huyssenallee 2, 45128 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany

- RWE Aktiengesellschaft, with registered office at Altenessener Str. 35, 45141 Essen, Federal Republic of Germany, the top managing company

The Statutory Directors are aware of no other parties exercising control over the Company.

b) Other Controlled Parties

The Company has requested the above controlling parties to provide a list of other parties controlled by the same controlling parties in the last accounting period. This Report has been prepared based on information provided by such parties and based on other facts known to the Company's Statutory Directors. The structure of relations between controlled and controlling parties as at 31 December 2018, i.e. the last day of the reported accounting period, is shown in Annex 1 to this Report.


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

c) Role of the Controlled Party

In the framework of the RWE Group, the Company's business mainly consists of gas distribution, electricity generation, lease of residential and commercial real estate, manufacture, trade, and services not listed in Annexes 1 and 3 to the Trade Licensing Act, installation, repair, inspection, and testing of gas assets, and filling vessels with gas.

d) Means and Methods for Exercising Control

The controlled party was controlled by the controlling party through the general meeting, the powers of which were exercised by the controlling party as a sole member exercising the powers of the general meeting of the controlled party.

6.3 Overview of Transactions In the last accounting period, the Company completed the following legal act at the behest or in the interest of the related parties referred to in Section 1 of this Report, which involved assets in excess of 10% of the Company's equity reported in the last Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, e.g. 2,338,157 thousand CZK: distribution of dividends.

6.4 Overview of Mutual Agreements In the last accounting period, whether in the entire course or during a part thereof, contractual arrangements arising under the agreements listed in Annex 2 existed between the Company and the related parties referred to in Section 1 of this Report.

6.5 Assessment of Losses and Settlement Thereof In the reported accounting period, the Company incurred no losses as a result of the transactions disclosed in this Report.

6.6 Benefits and Detriments of Relations with Related Parties During the reported accounting period, the Company benefited from its membership in the RWE Group. In that regard, the Company has access, in view of the specialization of other RWE Group companies, to know-how support in essentially all areas of its business, where such support is provided on a Group-wide basis and concerned such areas as Occupational Safety, Network Maintenance, HR, PR, Accounting, Data Protection, and Legal Services. Further, the Company benefits from centralized procurement of information technologies, both hardware and software, and access to customize IT solutions developed for the RWE Group. No less importantly, the Company takes advantage of the centralized provision of various services, such as procurement, contact center services, asset management, fleet management, etc. An important area where the Company benefits from its membership in the Group is financing, where the Group-wide financing scheme provides funding stability. The Company is aware of no detriments arising from its membership in the RWE Group. The Company has identified no risks arising from relations between parties within the RWE Group.


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

Annex 1: Structure of relations between controlling and controlled persons as at 31 December 2018



Company name Country Com







e %

0 RWE Aktiengesellschaft Germany

1 RWE Power Aktiengesellschaft Germany 100.00 100.00 2 KMG Kernbrennstoff-Management Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 3 URANIT GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 2 Mingas-Power GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 2 RV Rheinbraun Handel und Dienstleistungen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Agenzia Carboni S.R.L. Italy 100.00 100.00 4 TCP Petcoke Corporation USA 50.00 50.00 2 Rheinische Baustoffwerke GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 KÜCKHOVENER Deponiebetrieb GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Germany 50.00 50.00 3 KÜCKHOVENER Deponiebetrieb Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 3 Kieswerk Kaarst GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 3 Kieswerk Kaarst Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 2 Carl Scholl GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Kraftwerk Buer GbR Germany 50.00 50.00 2 Schluchseewerk Aktiengesellschaft Germany 50.00 50.00 2 Société Electrique de l'Our S.A. Luxembourg 40.43 40.43 2 CARBON Climate Protection GmbH Austria 50.00 50.00 2 CARBON Egypt Ltd. Egypt 49.00 49.00 2 RWE Power Climate Protection GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Power Climate Protection China GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Power Climate Protection Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. Thailand 0.00 100.00 4 RWE Power Climate Protection Clean Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. China 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Power Climate Protection Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. Thailand 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Australia Pty. Ltd. Australia 100.00 100.00 1 RWE Generation SE Germany 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Technology International GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Technology Tasarim ve Mühendislik Danismanlik Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Technology UK Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Power Climate Protection Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. Thailand 0.00 100.00 3 RWE Power International Ukraine LLC Ukraine 100.00 100.00 2 Grosskraftwerk Mannheim Aktiengesellschaft Germany 40.00 40.00 2 ROSOLA Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Alzenau KG Germany 100.00 100.00 2 SALUS Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Leipzig KG Germany 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Generation UK Holdings Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Generation UK plc United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Cogen UK (Hythe) Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Markinch Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Ingen!us Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 Electra Insurance Limited Bermudas 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Cogen UK Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 Transpower Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Generation NL Participations B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

3 RWE Personeel B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Generation NL Corner Participations B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 3 Energy Resources Holding B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 Energy Resources Ventures B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 5 Sustainable Energy Technology Fund C.V. Netherlands 50.00 50.00 4 Energy Resources B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Generation NL B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Generation Belgium N.V. Belgium 100.00 100.00 4 Vliegasunie B.V. Netherlands 59.52 59.52 4 RWE Belgium BVBA Belgium 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Eemshaven Holding II B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Generation Belgium N.V. Belgium 0.00 100.00 4 RWE Belgium BVBA Belgium 0.00 100.00 3 RWE Generation NL Personeel B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 2 Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Bergkamen A beschränkt haftende OHG Germany 51.00 51.00 2 SRS EcoTherm GmbH Germany 90.00 90.00 1 Alfred Thiel-Gedächtnis-Unterstützungskasse GmbH Germany 50.00 100.00 1 RWE Pensionsfonds AG Germany 100.00 100.00 1 RWE Supply & Trading GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading CZ, a.s. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Trading Services GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Catalina-Cypress Holding Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 2 RWEST PI Bras Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 2 Edgware Energy Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading Asia-Pacific Holdings PTE. Ltd. Singapore 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Supply & Trading China Holdings PTE. Ltd. Singapore 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Trading Americas Inc. USA 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading Participations Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading Asia-Pacific PTE. LTD. Singapore 100.00 100.00 3 PT Rheincoal Supply & Trading Indonesia, PT Indonesia 0.20 100.00 3 RWE Supply & Trading (India) Private Limited India 0.01 100.00 3 RWE Supply and Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd China 100.00 100.00 2 PT Rheincoal Supply & Trading Indonesia, PT Indonesia 99.80 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading (India) Private Limited India 99.99 100.00 2 RWE SUPPLY TRADING TURKEY ENERJI ANONIM SIRKETI Turkey 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading CZ GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 RWEST PI WALDEN HOLDING LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 RWEST PI LNG 1 LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 RWEST PI WALDEN 1 LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 WALDEN GREEN ENERGY LLC USA 74.00 74.00 2 RWEST PI FRE Holding LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 First River Energy LLC USA 40.00 40.00 2 RWEST Middle East Holdings B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 2 PI E&P Holding Limited Cayman Islands 100.00 100.00 3 PI E&P US Holding LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 Ascent Energy LLC USA 49.80 49.80 2 RWE Trading Services Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Supply & Trading Switzerland S.A. Switzerland 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Dhabi Union Energy LLC United Arab

Emirates 24.50 49.00

2 RWE NSW PTY LTD Australia 100.00 100.00 3 LDO Coal Pty. Ltd. Australia 47.40 47.40 3 Fassi Coal Pty. Ltd. Australia 47.40 47.40 1 Metzler MI-G50 RWE AG Germany 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

1 RWE Nuclear GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl GmbH Germany 80.00 80.00 2 Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH Germany 75.00 75.00 2 RWE Nuclear Beteiligungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 RD Hanau GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Kernkraftwerke Lippe-Ems Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 5.25 99.25 2 Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-OHG der RWE Nuclear GmbH und der PreussenElektra GmbH Germany 87.50 87.50 3 Kernkraftwerke Lippe-Ems Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 94.00 99.25 2 Gemeinschaftswerk Hattingen Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 52.00 52.00 2 Kernkraftwerk Lingen Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 1 GBV Einunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 E & Z Industrie-Lösungen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 1 GBV Zweiunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 GBV Fünfunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 GBV Sechsunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 GBV Siebenunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 GBV Achtunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 1 GBV Dreiunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 1 Trinkaus Secondary GmbH & Co. KGaA Germany 42.86 42.86 1 RWE Generation UK Holdings Limited United Kingdom 0.00 100.00 2 RWE Generation UK plc United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 1 Rhenas Insurance Limited Malta 100.00 100.00 1 BGE Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft für Energieunternehmen mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 GBV Siebte Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Rhenas Insurance Limited Malta 0.00 100.00 1 Decadia GmbH Germany 50.00 100.00 1 GBV Vierunddreißigste Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 innogy SE Germany 76.79 76.79 3 Lechwerke AG Germany 74.87 89.87 4 Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Bayerische Bergbahnen-Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 Wendelsteinbahn Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Wendelsteinbahn Verteilnetz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Untere Iller Aktiengesellschaft Germany 40.00 40.00 5 Mittlere Donau Kraftwerke AG Germany 40.00 40.00 4 LEW Anlagenverwaltung Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 5 RL Beteiligungsverwaltung beschr. haft. OHG Germany 49.00 100.00 6 enviaM Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 40.00 100.00 7 envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Germany 19.99 58.57 8 envia TEL GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 GKB Gesellschaft für Kraftwerksbeteiligungen mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Metzler enviaM MI178 Germany 100.00 100.00 8 envia SERVICE GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 9 Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Fernwärmeversorgung Zwönitz GmbH (FVZ) Germany 50.00 50.00 8 Wärmeversorgung Wachau GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 8 Heizkraftwerk Zwickau Süd GmbH & Co. KG Germany 40.00 40.00 8 Energieversorgung Guben GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 8 Netzgesellschaft Grimma GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 8 enviaM Erneuerbare Energien Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Energieversorgung Marienberg GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 8 WEK Windenergie Kolkwitz GmbH & Co.KG Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Lößnitz Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

9 Lößnitz Netz Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 enviaM Beteiligungsgesellschaft Chemnitz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Stadtwerke - Strom Plauen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 8 Verteilnetz Plauen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Sandersdorf-Brehna Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 27.60 49.00 8 Oschatz Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 74.90 74.90 9 Oschatz Netz Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 VWS Verbundwerke Südwestsachsen GmbH Germany 97.85 97.85 9 Südwestsächsische Netz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 enviaM Neue Energie Management GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Windkraft Hochheim GmbH & Co. KG Germany 90.00 90.00 8 Windpark Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Windenergie Frehne GmbH & Co. KG Germany 41.03 41.03 8 SEG Solarenergie Guben Management GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 WKH Windkraft Hochheim Management GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 enviaM Zweite Neue Energie Managment GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 WGK Windenergie Großkorbetha GmbH & Co.KG Germany 90.00 90.00 8 A/V/E GmbH Germany 25.90 76.10 8 envia THERM GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 9 VEM Neue Energie Muldental GmbH & Co. KG Germany 50.00 50.00 8 bildungszentrum energie GmbH Germany 74.50 100.00 8 NRF Neue Regionale Fortbildung GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 EVIP GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Stadtwerke Bernburg GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 8 Stadtwerke Merseburg GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 8 Stadtwerke Roßlau Fernwärme GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 8 Stadtwerke Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 8 Technische Werke Naumburg GmbH Germany 47.00 47.00 8 Wärmeversorgung Mücheln GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 8 MITGAS Mitteldeutsche Gasversorgung GmbH Germany 75.39 75.40 9 Erdgasversorgung Industriepark Leipzig Nord GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 9 Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Gas mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 9 Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Gas HD mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 9 Sandersdorf-Brehna Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 21.40 49.00 9 A/V/E GmbH Germany 25.10 76.10 9 bildungszentrum energie GmbH Germany 25.50 100.00 6 RL Besitzgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Lechwerke AG Germany 15.00 89.87 4 Wärmeversorgung Schwaben GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 LEW Service & Consulting GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Metzler F55 LEW (EWA) Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Stromnetz Günzburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Stromnetz Günzburg Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Bayerische-Schwäbische Wasserkraftwerke Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 62.20 62.20 4 LEW Verteilnetz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 LEW Netzservice GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 LEW Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Elektrizitätswerk Landsberg GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Überlandwerk Krumbach GmbH Germany 74.60 74.60 5 LEW TelNet GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Peißenberger Wärmegesellschaft mbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Rain Biomasse Wärmegesellschaft mbH Germany 69.90 69.90 4 Bayerische Ray Energietechnik GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Stromnetz Gersthofen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

4 Lech Energie Verwaltung GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Lech Energie Gersthofen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Stromnetz Friedberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 3 rhenag Rheinische Energie Aktiengesellschaft Germany 66.67 66.67 4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Neunkirchen-Seelscheid mbH & Co. KG Germany 1.00 49.00 4 RHENAGBAU Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 4 GkD Gesellschaft für kommunale Dienstleistungen mbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Energieversorgung Niederkassel GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 e-regio GmbH & Co. KG Germany 42.96 42.96 4 MAINGAU Energie GmbH Germany 26.12 46.59 4 KVK Kompetenzzentrum Verteilnetze und Konzessionen GmbH Germany 74.90 74.90 4 energienatur Gesellschaft für Erneuerbare Energien mbH Germany 44.00 44.00 4 Rhein-Sieg Netz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Stadtwerke Siegburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 5 Hennef (Sieg) Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 5 Gasnetzgesellschaft Windeck mbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Westerwald-Netz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Heizungs- und Sanitärbau WIJA GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 energy4u GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gemeindewerke Windeck GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 4 A/V/E GmbH Germany 25.10 76.10 3 Rheinkraftwerk Albbruck-Dogern Aktiengesellschaft Germany 77.00 77.00 3 OIE Aktiengesellschaft Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Consulting GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy International Middle East United Arab

Emirates 49.00 49.00

4 innogy Consulting & Ventures Americas, LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 EWV Energie- und Wasser-Versorgung GmbH Germany 53.72 53.72 4 Wärmeversorgung Würselen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 GREEN Gesellschaft für regionale und erneuerbare Energie mbH Germany 39.16 49.16 4 Windpark Eschweiler Beteiligungs GmbH Germany 59.18 59.18 5 innogy indeland Windpark Eschweiler GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 100.00 6 innogy indeland Windpark Eschweiler Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 EWV Baesweiler Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 4 EWV Baesweiler GmbH & Co. KG Germany 45.00 45.00 4 Green Solar Herzogenrath GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 4 Regionetz GmbH Germany 49.20 49.20 5 STAWAG Infrastruktur Simmerath GmbH & Co.KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 STAWAG Infrastruktur Simmerath Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 STAWAG Infrastruktur Monschau GmbH & Co.KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 STAWAG Infrastruktur Monschau Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 STAWAG Abwasser GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Business Services Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Gastronomie GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Innogy Renewables UK Holdings Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy Stallingborough Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy Renewables UK Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Harryburn Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 ML Wind LLP United Kingdom 51.00 51.00 5 Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Limited United Kingdom 50.00 50.00 5 Rowantree Wind Farm Ltd. United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Kiln Pit Hill Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Bristol Channel Zone Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Channel Energy Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

5 Innogy GyM 2 Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 10.00 50.00 5 Innogy GyM 3 Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 10.00 50.00 5 Innogy GyM 4 Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 30.00 50.00 5 Triton Knoll HoldCo Limited United Kingdom 59.00 59.00 6 Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Parc Ynni Cymunedol Alwen Cyfyngedig United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Holdings Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 59.00 59.00 5 Bilbster Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Causeymire Two Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Knabs Ridge Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Carnedd Wen Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Lochelbank Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Novar Two Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 The Hollies Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Burgar Hill Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Rhyl Flats Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 50.10 50.10 5 Goole Fields II Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Clocaenog Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Italia s.p.a. Italy 100.00 100.00 4 Fri-El Anzi Holding s.r.l. Italy 51.00 51.00 5 Fri-El Anzi s.r.l. Italy 100.00 100.00 4 Fri-El Guardionara Holding s.r.l. Italy 51.00 51.00 5 Fri-El Guardionara s.r.l. Italy 100.00 100.00 4 Andromeda Wind s.r.l. Italy 51.00 51.00 4 Wind Farm Deliceto s.r.l. Italy 100.00 100.00 3 Emscher Lippe Energie GmbH Germany 50.10 50.10 4 ELE Verteilnetz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 ELE-RAG Montan Immobilien Erneuerbare Energien GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 ELE - GEW Photovoltaikgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Metzler J55 ELE (TKE) Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Innogy Business Services UK Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 Innogy Renewables US LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy US Renewable Projects LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy Energy Marketing LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy Energy Services LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 IRUS Wind Holdings LLC USA 100.00 100.00 5 IRUS Wind Development LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Kimberly Run LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Lampasas Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Mahanoy Mountain, LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Mason Dixon Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Mud Springs Wind Project LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Pe Ell North LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Pryor Caves Wind Project LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Sunrise Wind Holdings, LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Terrapin Hills LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Hardin Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Trireme Energy Development III, LLC USA 100.00 100.00 7 Cassadaga Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

6 Baron Winds LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Blueberry Hills LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Bowler Flats Energy Hub LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Buckeye Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Champaign Wind LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 EverPower Maine LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 EverPower Ohio LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 EverPower Solar LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 EverPower Wind Development, LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Highland III LLC USA 100.00 100.00 6 Horse Thief Wind Project LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 IRUS Solar Holdings LLC USA 100.00 100.00 5 IRUS Solar Development LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Aqua GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Zagrebacke otpadne vode d.o.o. Croatia 48.50 48.50 4 SHW/RWE Umwelt Aqua Vodogradnja d.o.o. Croatia 50.00 50.00 4 RWW Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH Germany 79.79 79.79 5 Stadtentwässerung Schwerte GmbH Germany 48.00 48.00 3 Alfred Thiel-Gedächtnis-Unterstützungskasse GmbH Germany 50.00 100.00 3 envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Germany 0.00 58.57 3 "Finelectra" Finanzgesellschaft für Elektrizitäts-Beteiligungen AG Switzerland 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Gas Storage NWE GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft gGmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Kaskasi GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Westnetz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Stadtwerke Dülmen Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 3 FSO Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 3 Stadtwerke Düren GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 4 Leitungspartner GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 EnergieRevolte GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 FSO GmbH & Co. KG Germany 50.00 50.00 3 Stadtwerke Dülmen Dienstleistungs- und Beteiligungs-GmbH & Co. KG Germany 50.00 50.00 3 VSE Aktiengesellschaft Germany 51.37 51.37 4 VKB-GmbH Germany 50.01 50.01 5 energis GmbH Germany 15.41 71.94 6 GNEE Gesellschaft zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien mbH Freisen Germany 49.00 49.00 6 Stadtwerke Merzig Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 49.90 49.90 6 Stadtwerke Saarlouis GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 SSW - Stadtwerke St. Wendel GmbH & Co KG. Germany 49.51 49.51 6 WWW Wasserwerk Wadern GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 Wasserzweckverband der Gemeinde Nalbach Germany 49.00 49.00 6 FAMIS Gesellschaft für Facility Management und Industrieservice mbH Germany 25.10 100.00 7 AWOTEC Gebäude Servicegesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 48.00 48.00 7 Bäderbetriebsgesellschaft St. Ingbert mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 7 COMCO MCS S.A. Luxembourg 100.00 100.00 6 SchlauTherm GmbH Germany 75.00 75.00 6 Gemeindewerke Namborn, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 49.00 49.00 6 Kommunale Dienste Marpingen Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 49.00 49.00 6 KDT Kommunale Dienste Tholey GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 KEN Geschäftsführungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 50.00 50.00 6 KEN GmbH & Co. KG Germany 46.45 46.45 6 KWS Kommunal-Wasserversorgung Saar GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 KSP Kommunaler Service Püttlingen GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 6 SSW Stadtwerke St. Wendel Geschäftsführungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.52 49.52


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

6 Stadtwerke Wadern GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 TWE Technische Werke der Gemeinde Ensdorf GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 TWL Technische Werke der Gemeinde Losheim GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 6 TWM Technische Werke der Gemeinde Merchweiler Gesellschaft mit

beschränkter Haftung Germany 49.00 49.00

6 TWS Technische Werke der Gemeinde Saarwellingen GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 7 Netzwerke Saarwellingen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 WVL Wasserversorgung Losheim GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 6 WWS Wasserwerk Saarwellingen GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 Gas- und Wasserwerke Bous - Schwalbach GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 Stadtwerke Dillingen/Saar GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 6 SWL-energis Netzgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Germany 50.00 50.00 6 SWL-energis-Geschäftsführungs-GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 6 energis-Netzgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 VSE Agentur GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 VOLTARIS GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Fernwärmeversorgung Saarlouis- Steinrausch Investitionsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Energie-Service-Saar GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Windpark Perl GmbH Germany 42.00 42.00 4 Windpark Losheim-Britten GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Windpark Wadern-Felsenberg GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Windpark Büschdorf GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 energis GmbH Germany 56.53 71.94 4 FAMIS Gesellschaft für Facility Management und Industrieservice mbH Germany 74.90 100.00 4 Energy Ventures GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 prego services GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Artelis S.A. Luxembourg 90.00 90.00 5 VSE NET GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 EuroSkyPark GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 5 Cegecom S.A. Luxembourg 100.00 100.00 4 VSE-Stiftung Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Bildung, Erziehung,

Kunst und Kultur mbH Germany 100.00 100.00

4 Metzler K55 VSE (SALUTE) Germany 100.00 100.00 4 VSE Verteilnetz GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Projecta 14 GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 SHS Ventures GmbH & Co. KGaA Germany 50.00 50.00 4 Windpark Nohfelden-Eisen GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 4 VSE - Windpark Merchingen VerwaltungsGmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 VSE - Windpark Merchingen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Stadtwerke Geldern GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 iSWITCH GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy IT Magyarország Kft. „v.a.” Hungary 100.00 100.00 3 Stadtwerke Meerbusch GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 3 PRENU Projektgesellschaft für Rationelle Energienutzung in Neuss mit beschränkter

Haftung Germany 50.00 50.00

3 Konsortium Energieversorgung Opel beschränkt haftende oHG Germany 66.67 66.67 3 Stadtwerke Radevormwald GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 3 Rheinland Westfalen Energiepartner GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Energiepartner Projekt GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Energiepartner Solar Kreuztal GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 4 GREEN Gesellschaft für regionale und erneuerbare Energie mbH Germany 10.00 49.16 4 Energiepartner Elsdorf GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 4 Energiepartner Kerpen GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Energiepartner Dörth GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Energiepartner Niederzier GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

3 FAMOS - Facility Management Osnabrück GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 Nordsee Windpark Beteiligungs GmbH Germany 90.00 90.00 3 eprimo GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 enervolution GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 4Motions GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Innogy Venture Capital GmbH Germany 74.90 74.90 3 Innogy Renewables Technology Fund I GmbH & Co. KG Germany 78.31 78.31 3 Moravske Hidroelektrane d.o.o. Serbia 51.00 51.00 3 innogy Windpark Bedburg Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 3 innogy Windpark Bedburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 3 RL Beteiligungsverwaltung beschr. haft. OHG Germany 51.00 100.00 3 innogy Middle East & North Africa Ltd. United Arab

Emirates 100.00 100.00

3 BEW Netze GmbH Germany 61.00 61.00 3 Kavernengesellschaft Staßfurt mbH Germany 50.00 50.00 3 Mainzer Wärme PLUS GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 3 Greenplug GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 Green Gecco Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 3 Green Gecco GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 innogy Titz Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 An Suidhe Wind Farm Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Süderdeich Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Hörup Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Lüneburger Heide Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Seabreeze II GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 3 NRW Pellets GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 AS 3 Beteiligungs GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 3 innogy Seabreeze II Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Renewables Beteiligungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Georgia Biomass Holding LLC USA 5.00 100.00 5 Georgia Biomass LLC USA 100.00 100.00 3 Georgia Biomass Holding LLC USA 95.00 100.00 3 innogy Netze Deutschland GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Neunkirchen-Seelscheid mbH & Co. KG Germany 48.00 49.00 4 NiersEnergieNetze GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 NiersEnergieNetze Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Gasnetzgesellschaft Wörrstadt Verwaltung mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Verwaltungsgesellschaft Scharbeutzer Energie- und Netzgesellschaft mbH Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Scharbeutzer Energie- und Netzgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Dorsten Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Verwaltungsgesellschaft Dorsten Netz mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gas-Netzgesellschaft Rheda-Wiedenbrück GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gas-Netzgesellschaft Rheda-Wiedenbrück Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Strom-Netzgesellschaft Kreisstadt Bergheim GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Betzdorf GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Strom-Netzgesellschaft Bedburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gas-Netzgesellschaft Bedburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Bedburg Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gemeindewerke Bissendorf Netze GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gemeindewerke Bissendorf Netze Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 5 Gas-Netzgesellschaft Kolpingstadt Kerpen Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Kreisstadt Bergheim Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Strom-Netzgesellschaft Elsdorf GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Elsdorf Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Neuenhaus Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Neuenhaus mbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Recklinghausen Netzgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 4 Recklinghausen Netz-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Energie Mechernich GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Energie Mechernich Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Schwalmtal mbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Stromverwaltung Schwalmtal GmbH Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Rheda-Wiedenbrück GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gasnetzgesellschaft Wörrstadt mbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Rheda-Wiedenbrück Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Maifeld GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Maifeld Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Verwaltungsgesellschaft Energieversorgung Timmendorfer Strand mbH Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Energieversorgung Timmendorfer Strand GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Energieversorgung Horstmar/Laer GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Südwestfalen mbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Südwestfalen Netz-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Hüllhorst GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Werne Netz GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Netzgesellschaft Horn-Bad Meinberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Gasnetzgesellschaft Warburg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 4 Ense Netz Verwaltung GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Oer-Erkenschwick Netz Verwaltung GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Stromnetzgesellschaft Windeck mbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Renewables Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Solar Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Park Wiatrowy Elk Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Park Wiatrowy Msciwojów Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Park Wiatrowy Smigiel I Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Park Wiatrowy Gaworzyce Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Eko-En 1 Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Piecki Sp. z o.o. Poland 51.00 51.00 4 Park Wiatrowy Dolice Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 3 Energie Schmallenberg GmbH Germany 44.00 44.00 3 innogy indeland Windpark Eschweiler GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 100.00 3 Stadtwerke Kirn GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 innogy Metering GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Gasgesellschaft Kerken Wachtendonk mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 innogy TelNet GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Beteiligungsgesellschaft Werl mbH Germany 51.00 51.00 3 EnergieServicePlus GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 EfD Energie-für-Dich GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 FUCATUS Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Recklinghausen

Kommanditgsellschaft Germany 94.00 94.00

3 Qualitas-AMS GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Wind Onshore Deutschland GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Infrastrukturgesellschaft Netz Lübz mit beschränkter Haftung Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Mistral Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Lengerich Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Bergheim Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Sommerland Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Brise Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Primus Projekt GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

4 innogy Evendorf Windparkbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Windpark Nordsee Ost GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 WKN Windkraft Nord GmbH & Co. Windpark Wönkhausen KG Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Biomasseheizkraftwerk Schameder GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Windpark Garzweiler GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 4 Innogy Windpark Jüchen A44n Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 Innogy Renewables Ireland Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 4 Curns Energy Limited Ireland 70.00 70.00 4 Dromadda Beg Wind Farm Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 4 Cloghaneleskirt Energy Supply Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 4 Bray Offshore Wind Limited Ireland 50.00 50.00 4 Kish Offshore Wind Limited Ireland 50.00 50.00 4 Highfield Storage Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 3 Windpark Paffendorf GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 3 Belectric Solar & Battery GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Adensis GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 BELECTRIC GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 BELECTRIC JV GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 PV Projects GmbH & Co. KG (i.L.) Germany 50.00 50.00 6 PV Projects Komplementär GmbH (i.L.) Germany 50.00 50.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Herlheim GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Herlheim Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Sonnenstrom GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Sonnenstrom Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Sonnenkraft Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Oberspiesheim GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Oberspiesheim Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Meuro GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Solarkraftwerk Meuro Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Reinsdorf GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Reinsdorf Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Götz Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm Netzanschluss GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm Netzanschluss Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Stromertrag GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Stromertrag Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm PV-Finanzierung GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Tramm PV-Finanzierung Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Photovoltaikprojekt Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Sonneneinstrahlung GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy Sonneneinstrahlung Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Groß Dölln Infrastruktur GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Photovoltaikkraftwerk Groß Dölln Infrastruktur Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy PV-Sonnenanlage GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Climagy PV-Sonnenanlage Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Focal Energy Photovoltaic Holdings Limited Cyprus 49.50 49.50 5 Ciriè Centrale PV s.a.s. (s.r.l.) Italy 99.90 100.00 5 Santa Severa Centrale PV s.a.s. (s.r.l.) Italy 99.90 100.00 5 Sunpow 1 Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 Korproject Energy Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 Warsun Project Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 WK Solar Project Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

5 Belectric Inc. USA 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 1 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 1 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 2 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 2 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 3 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 3 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 4 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 4 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 5 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 5 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 6 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 6 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 7 GmbH & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 5 SP Solarprojekte 7 Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 BELECTRIC PV Dach GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric International GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 hoch.rein Beteiligungen GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric Photovoltaic India Private Limited India 91.60 100.00 6 Sunrise Energy Generation Pvt. Ltd. India 100.00 100.00 5 Jurchen Technology India Private Limited India 90.00 100.00 4 Jurchen Technology GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Jurchen Technology India Private Limited India 10.00 100.00 5 Jurchen Technology USA Inc. USA 100.00 100.00 4 Padcon GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Solar Holding Poland GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric Photovoltaic India Private Limited India 8.40 100.00 5 Belectric Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 Sun Data GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric Australia Pty. Limited Australia 100.00 100.00 5 Peg Project #1 Pty Ltd Australia 100.00 100.00 5 Peg Project #2 Pty Ltd Australia 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric France S.à.r.l. France 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric PV 5 (SARL) France 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric PV 9 (SARL) France 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric PV 10 (SARL) France 100.00 100.00 5 SVFR 12 (SAS) France 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric Israel Ltd. Israel 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric Italia s.r.l. Italy 100.00 100.00 5 Ciriè Centrale PV s.a.s. (s.r.l.) Italy 0.10 100.00 5 Santa Severa Centrale PV s.a.s. (s.r.l.) Italy 0.10 100.00 4 Belectric Inversiones Latinoamericana S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric Chile Energia Fotovoltaica LTDA Chile 1.00 100.00 6 El Tamarugo (SpA) Chile 100.00 100.00 6 El Algarrobo (SpA) Chile 100.00 100.00 6 El Pimiento (SpA) Chile 100.00 100.00 6 El Chañar (SpA) Chile 100.00 100.00 6 El Solar (SpA) Chile 100.00 100.00 6 Proyecto Tabalongo Solar S.p.A. Chile 100.00 100.00 6 Proyecto Rio Putaendo S.p.A. Chile 100.00 100.00 5 Inversiones Belectric Chile LTDA Chile 99.00 100.00 6 Belectric Chile Energia Fotovoltaica LTDA Chile 99.00 100.00 5 Belectric Mexico Fotovoltaica S.de R.L. de C.V. Mexico 99.00 100.00 4 Belectric Espana Fotovoltaica S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

5 Inversiones Belectric Chile LTDA Chile 1.00 100.00 5 Quintana Fotovoltaica SLU Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Alvarado Solar S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Gazules I Fotovoltaica, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Gazules II Solar, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Jerez Fotovoltaica S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Las Vaguadas I Fotovoltaica S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Las Vaguadas II Solar S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 El Navajo Solar, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Clavellinas Solar, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Proyectos Solares Iberia I, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Proyectos Solares Iberia II, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Proyectos Solares Iberia III, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Proyectos Solares Iberia IV, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Proyectos Solares Iberia V, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 4 Belectric Gulf Limited United Arab

Emirates 49.00 49.00

4 Belectric Solar Ltd. United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Storage Facility 1 Ltd. United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 BELECTRIC Solar Power, S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 5 Belectric Mexico Fotovoltaica S.de R.L. de C.V. Mexico 1.00 100.00 3 DigiKoo GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy e-mobility US LLC USA 100.00 100.00 4 Broadband TelCom Power, Inc. USA 100.00 100.00 4 Recargo Inc. USA 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Charge Tech GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy e-Mobility Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Innovation GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy New Ventures LLC USA 100.00 100.00 5 KnGrid, Inc. USA 41.83 41.83 5 Free Electrons LLC USA 100.00 100.00 5 pear.ai Inc. USA 40.00 40.00 4 INNOGY INNOVATION CENTER LTD Israel 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Ventures GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 easyOptimize GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 MotionWerk GmbH Germany 59.70 59.70 5 ucair GmbH Germany 94.93 94.93 5 Veiligebuurt B.V. Netherlands 49.90 49.90 5 Conjoule GmbH Germany 64.50 64.50 5 Lemonbeat GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 Fresh Energy GmbH Germany 62.50 62.50 5 WeAre GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 5 Basking Automation GmbH Germany 46.44 46.44 5 Visualix GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 5 innogy Ventures Vermögensverwaltung 6 GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Innovation Berlin GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Innovation UK Ltd. United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 3 bremacon GmbH Germany 48.00 48.00 3 innogy Commodity Markets GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Rheinhessen Beteiligungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Direkt GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 RWE Dhabi Union Energy LLC United Arab

Emirates 24.50 49.00

3 Decadia GmbH Germany 50.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

3 innogy Neunte Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Zehnte Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Elfte Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy eMobility Solutions GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Dreizehnte Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Vierzehnte Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 enermarket GmbH Germany 30.00 60.00 3 Stadtwerke Kamp-Lintfort GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 3 Livisi GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 AVU Aktiengesellschaft für Versorgungs-Unternehmen Germany 50.00 50.00 3 Gemeindewerke Everswinkel GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 3 Stadtwerke Lingen GmbH Germany 40.00 40.00 3 Centrale Hydroelectrique d'Oussiat S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 Energies Charentus S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 Energies France S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Centrale Hydroelectrique d'Oussiat S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Energies Charentus S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Energies Saint Remy S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Energies VAR 1 S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Energies VAR 3 S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 SAS Île de France S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 4 Energies Maintenance S.A.S. France 100.00 100.00 3 Energies Saint Remy S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 Energies VAR 1 S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 Energies VAR 3 S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 SAS Île de France S.A.S. France 0.00 100.00 3 INVESTERG - Investimentos em Energias, Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais,

Lda. Portugal 100.00 100.00

4 SOLARENGO Energia, Unipessoal, Lda. Portugal 100.00 100.00 4 LUSITERG - Gestão e Produção Energética, Lda. Portugal 74.00 74.00 5 ATBERG - Eólicas do Alto Tâmega e Barroso, Lda. Portugal 40.00 40.00 3 BTB-Blockheizkraftwerks, Träger- und Betreibergesellschaft mbH Berlin Germany 100.00 100.00 4 Energienetze Berlin GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy Spain, S.A.U. Spain 100.00 100.00 4 Eólica de Sarnago, S.A. Spain 47.04 51.60 4 Generación Fotovoltaica De Alarcos, S.L.U. Spain 100.00 100.00 4 General de Mantenimiento 21, S.L.U. Spain 100.00 100.00 4 Hidroeléctrica del Trasvase, S.A. Spain 60.00 60.00 4 Danta de Energías, S.A. Spain 98.65 98.65 5 Eólica de Sarnago, S.A. Spain 4.52 51.60 5 Infraestructuras de Aldehuelas, S.A. Spain 39.18 100.00 4 Explotaciones Eólicas de Aldehuelas, S.L. Spain 95.00 95.00 5 Infraestructuras de Aldehuelas, S.A. Spain 60.82 100.00 3 MITGAS Mitteldeutsche Gasversorgung GmbH Germany 0.01 75.40 3 ESK GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 3 innogy International Participations N.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Finance B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Benelux Holding B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Renewables Benelux B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 6 innogy Offshore Wind Netherlands B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Offshore Wind Netherlands Participations I B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power B.V. Netherlands 50.00 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power C.V. Netherlands 50.00 100.00 7 innogy Offshore Wind Netherlands Participations II B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

8 Oranje Wind Power B.V. Netherlands 25.00 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power C.V. Netherlands 25.00 100.00 7 innogy Offshore Wind Netherlands Participations III B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power B.V. Netherlands 12.50 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power C.V. Netherlands 12.50 100.00 7 innogy Offshore Wind Netherlands Participations IV B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power B.V. Netherlands 12.50 100.00 8 Oranje Wind Power C.V. Netherlands 12.50 100.00 6 innogy Windpower Netherlands B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Windpark Kattenberg B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Windpark Zuidwester B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Aktivabedrijf Wind Nederland B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Windpark Oostpolderdijk B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Windpark Eekerpolder B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 6 innogy Solar Netherlands B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 5 Essent N.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 6 Essent Nederland B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Powerhouse B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Powerhouse Energy Solutions S.L. Spain 100.00 100.00 7 Essent IT B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Essent Retail Energie B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Energiewacht Groep B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 GasWacht Friesland Facilities B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Energiewacht Facilities B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Volta Limburg B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Volta Solar B.V. Netherlands 95.00 95.00 9 Volta Service B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Volta Energycare N.V. Belgium 100.00 100.00 9 Volta Solar VOF Netherlands 60.00 60.00 8 Essent Belgium N.V. Belgium 0.01 100.00 8 Kemkens B.V. Netherlands 49.00 49.00 8 Geas Energiewacht B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Energiewacht N.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 EGD-Energiewacht Facilities B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Energiewacht West Nederland B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Energiewacht installatie B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Isoprofs B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Isoprofs België BVBA Belgium 100.00 100.00 8 Essent EnergieBewust Holding B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 It's a beautiful world B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 IsoFitters BVBA Belgium 100.00 100.00 10 Nederland Isoleert B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Nederland Schildert B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Nederland Schildert Rijnmond B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Nederland Verkoopt B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Hof Promotion B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Installatietechniek Totaal B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Licht Groen B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Improvers B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Improvers Community B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Konnektor B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 10 Certified B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Energiewerken B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 ZonnigBeheer B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

9 EWIS BV Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Tankey B.V. Netherlands 42.50 42.50 7 Essent Energie Verkoop Nederland B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Energiedirect B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Essent Belgium N.V. Belgium 99.99 100.00 7 Essent Energy Group B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 WTTP B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 Essent Sales Portfolio Management B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 8 Essent CNG Cleandrive B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 9 Esta VOF Netherlands 50.00 50.00 8 Essent Rights B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Business Services Benelux B.V. Netherlands 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Polska S.A. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Polska Solutions Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 Fundacja innogy w Polsce Poland 100.00 100.00 5 Foton Technik Sp. z o.o. Poland 50.42 50.42 5 innogy Polska IT Support Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Polska Operations Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Polska Development Sp. z o.o. Poland 100.00 100.00 4 RWE-EnBW Magyarország Energiaszolgáltató Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság Hungary 70.00 70.00 4 innogy South East Europe s.r.o. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Solutions s.r.o. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 4 Východoslovenská energetika Holding a.s. Slovakia 49.00 49.00 5 Východoslovenská energetika a.s. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 5 Východoslovenská distribucná, a.s. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 5 innogy Slovensko s.r.o. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 5 VSE Call centrum, s.r.o. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 5 VSE Ekoenergia, s.r.o. Slovakia 100.00 100.00 4 RWE Hrvatska d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 5 Novenerg limited liability company for energy activities Croatia 50.00 50.00 5 RWE Ljubljana d.o.o. Slovenia 100.00 100.00 6 Energenti plus d.o.o. Slovenia 100.00 100.00 5 RWE Energija d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 5 RWE Plin d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 5 Koprivnica Opskrba d.o.o. Croatia 75.00 75.00 5 Koprivnica Plin d.o.o. Croatia 75.00 75.00 5 Montcogim - Plinara d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 6 MONTCOGIM-KARLOVAC d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 6 MONTCOGIM-SISAK d.o.o. Croatia 100.00 100.00 4 Budapesti Elektromos Muvek Nyrt. Hungary 55.25 55.25 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Energiakereskedo Kft. Hungary 50.00 100.00 5 Budapesti Disz- es Közvilagitasi Korlatolt Felelössegü Tarsasag Hungary 50.00 50.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Energiaszolgáltató Zrt. Hungary 70.00 100.00 5 ELMU DSO Holding Korlátolt Felelosségu Társaság Hungary 100.00 100.00 6 ELMU Halozati Eloszto Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Ügyfélszolgálati Kft. Hungary 70.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Telco Kft. Hungary 65.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Energiatároló Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Solutions Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 4 Eszak-magyarorszagi Aramszolgáltató Nyrt. Hungary 54.26 54.26 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Energiakereskedo Kft. Hungary 50.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Energiaszolgáltató Zrt. Hungary 30.00 100.00 5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Ügyfélszolgálati Kft. Hungary 30.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

5 ELMU-ÉMÁSZ Telco Kft. Hungary 35.00 100.00 5 ÉMÁSZ Halozati Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 4 Npower Group Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Innogy Solutions Ireland Limited Ireland 100.00 100.00 5 Npower Northern Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Business and Social Housing Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Octopus Electrical Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Northern Supply Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Npower Direct Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Npower Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Plus Shipping Services Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 PS Energy UK Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 RUMM Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Commercial Gas Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Financial Services Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Gas Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 5 Npower Yorkshire Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Npower Yorkshire Supply Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 6 Scarcroft Investments Limited United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 4 Kärntner Energieholding Beteiligungs GmbH Austria 49.00 49.00 4 innogy Limondale Sun Farm Holding Pty. Ltd. Australia 100.00 100.00 5 Limondale Sun Farm Pty. Ltd. Australia 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Hillston Sun Farm Holding Pty. Ltd. Australia 100.00 100.00 4 Innogy Renewables Australia Pty Ltd. Australia 100.00 100.00 4 Plum Energie S.A.S. France 51.00 51.00 4 Enchant Solar 1 Inc. Canada 100.00 100.00 4 Enchant Solar 2 Inc. Canada 100.00 100.00 4 Enchant Solar 3 Inc. Canada 100.00 100.00 4 Enchant Solar 4 Inc. Canada 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Renewables Canada Inc. Canada 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Zweite Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 5 enviaM Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 60.00 100.00 5 envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Germany 38.58 58.57 5 innogy Beteiligungsholding GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 6 Süwag Energie AG Germany 77.58 77.58 7 Syna GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Süwag Vertrieb AG & Co. KG Germany 100.00 100.00 8 enermarket GmbH Germany 30.00 60.00 7 KEVAG Telekom GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 7 Kommunalwerk Rudersberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Kommunalwerk Rudersberg Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Leutenbach Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Leutenbach GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Metzler G55 Süwag (STEWA) Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Stromnetz Verbandsgemeinde Katzenelnbogen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Stromnetz Verbandsgemeinde Katzenelnbogen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Untermain EnergieProjekt AG & Co. KG. Germany 49.00 49.00 7 STROMNETZ VG DIEZ Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Stromnetz VG Diez GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Kommunale Netzgesellschaft Steinheim a. d. Murr GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 MAINGAU Energie GmbH Germany 20.47 46.59 7 Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 8 Windenergiepark Heidenrod GmbH Germany 45.00 45.00 8 Wasserversorgung Main-Taunus GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

8 SolarProjekt Mainaschaff GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 8 Wärmeversorgung Limburg GmbH Germany 50.00 50.00 7 KAWAG AG & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 KAWAG Netze GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 KAWAG Netze Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Netzgesellschaft Korb Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Korb GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Murrhardt Netz AG & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Energie BOL GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Bühlertal GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Ottersweier GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Netzgesellschaft Lauf GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.90 49.90 7 Energiegesellschaft Leimen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 74.90 74.90 7 Energiegesellschaft Leimen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 74.90 74.90 7 Süwag Vertrieb Management GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Bioenergie Kirchspiel Anhausen Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Bioenergie Kirchspiel Anhausen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 7 Stromnetz Hofheim GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 7 Stromnetz Hofheim Verwaltungs GmbH Germany 49.00 49.00 7 EnergieRegion Taunus - Goldener Grund - GmbH & Co. KG Germany 49.00 49.00 8 EnergieRegion Taunus - Goldener Grund Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Bioenergie Bad Wimpfen Verwaltungs-GmbH Germany 100.00 100.00 7 Bioenergie Bad Wimpfen GmbH & Co. KG Germany 51.00 51.00 7 Stromnetz Neckargemünd GmbH Germany 49.90 49.90 6 innogy Ceská republika a.s. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy TelNet Holding, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 8 Magnalink, a.s. Czech republic 85.00 85.00 8 CERBEROS s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 8 HELIOS MB s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Gas Storage, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Grid Holding, a.s. Czech republic 50.04 50.04 8 GasNet, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 8 GridServices, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Energo, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 8 CNGvitall s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 7 innogy Energie, s.r.o. Czech republic 100.00 100.00 4 innogy Hungária Tanácsadó Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 5 innogy solutions Kft. Hungary 100.00 100.00 2 RWE Enerji Toptan Satis A.S. Turkey 100.00 100.00 2 RWE & Turcas Güney Elektrik Üretim A.S. Turkey 69.80 69.80 3 RWE & Turcas Dogalgaz Ithalat ve Ihracat A.S. Turkey 100.00 100.00 1 GfV Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Germany 100.00 100.00 2 Alte Haase Bergwerks-Verwaltungs-Gesellschaft mbH Germany 100.00 100.00


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

Annex 2: Overview of Mutual Agreements between the Company and Related Parties in Effect in the Last Accounting Period

Contracting party Agreement type/subject matter Quantity

innogy Česká republika a.s. Master Agreement for Service Level Agreements for Information Technologies and Electronic Communications


Agreement for Service Level for Information Technologies and Electronic Communications 1

Amendments 1 and 2 to Agreement for Service Level for Information Technologies and Electronic Communications


Master Agreement for Service Level Agreements for Accounting and Taxation 1

Service Level Agreement for Accounting and Taxation 1

Amendment 1 to Service Level Agreement for Accounting and Taxation 1

Personal Data Processing Agreement 4

Commercial Lease Agreement 4

Amendments 1 – 4 to Commercial Lease Agreement 4

Amendments 1 – 13 to Commercial Lease Agreement 13

Amendments 1 – 10 to Commercial Lease Agreement 10

Amendments 1 – 11 to Commercial Lease Agreement 11

Agreement on Lease of Non-Residential Premises 1

Amendments 1 – 3 to Agreement on Lease of Non-Residential Premises 3

Commercial Sublease Agreement 2

Amendment 1 to Commercial Sublease Agreement 1

Cash-Pooling Facilities Agreement 1

Amendment No. 1 to Cash-Pooling Facilities Agreement 1

Insurance Premium Payment Agreement 1

Trademark Use Consent 1

Electricity Supply and Cost Distribution Agreement 3

Master Agreement for Service Level Agreements for Facility Management, Fleet Management, and Procurement


Service Level Agreement for Facility Management, Fleet Management, and Procurement 1

Master Agreement for Service Level Agreements for Corporate Services 1

Service Level Agreement for Corporate Services Amendments 1 – 2 to SLA for Corporate Services

1 2


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

Agreement for Entry into Purchase Contract and Easement Agreement 1

Agreement for Entry into Purchase Contract and Agreement for Entry into Easement Agreement 1

Purchase Contract and Easement Agreement 1 Agreement for Entry into Easement Agreement 1 Easement Agreement 1 Distribution System Connection Agreement 1 Service Level Agreement for Corporate SAP Systems 1

Amendments 1 – 2 to Service Level Agreement for Corporate SAP Systems 2

Restated Assets Under Construction Facility Agreement 1

Restated Working Capital Facility Agreement 1

Restated Long Term Shareholder Loan Facility Agreement 1

Restated Deposit Line Agreement 1 Amendment No. l to Restated Deposit Line Agreement 1

Agreement to Relocate Gas Connection and Part of Gas Offtake Device 1

One Way Real Cash-Pooling Agreement 1 RWE Supply & Trading CZ, a.s. Gas Transport Agreement 1

Amendments 1 – 5 to Gas Transport Agreement 5 innogy Gas Storage, s.r.o. Service Level Agreement for Gas Recirculation 2 Electricity Supply and Cost Distribution Agreement 1 Agreement for Entry into Easement Agreement 1 innogy Energo, s.r.o. Agreement on Connection Terms, on Cooperation and

Coordination in Gas Asset Procurement, and on Future Purchase Agreement


Distribution System Connection Agreement 38 Line Relocation Agreement 1 Purchase Contract 9 Agreement for Entry into Easement Agreement 27 Easement Agreement 17

Gas Asset Lease Agreement 1 innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o. Amendment 1 – 3 to Service Level Agreement for

Services Provided by innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o. 3

Master Agreement for Entering into Service Level Agreements for Services Provided by innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o.


Personal Data Processing Agreement 1 Service Level Agreement for Services Provided by innogy Zákaznické služby, s.r.o. 1

GridServices, s.r.o. Cash-Pooling Establishment Agreement 1 Amendments 1 – 3 to Cash-Pooling Agreement 3 Agreement on Lease of Non-Residential Premises 1


GasNet, s.r.o. GasNet, s.r.o. Report on Relations between Related Parties as at 31 December 2018 Accounting Period

Amendments 1 – 23 to Agreement on Lease of Non-Residential Premises 23

Agreement on Termination of RWE Corporate Agreement – Gas Volume Meters 1

Partnership Agreement 1 Agreement on the Discharge of Obligations 1 Contract for the Provision of Technical Services 1

Amendment 1 to the Contract for the Provision of Technical Services 1

Master Agreement for Entry into Contracts for the Provision of Technical Services 1

innogy Energie, a.s. Agreement on Bundled Electricity Supply Services 1

Agreement on Bundled Gas Supply Services for Internal Consumption and Distribution System Losses 1

Amendments 1 – 4 to Agreement on Bundled Gas Supply Services for Covering Internal Consumption and Distribution System Losses


Rebranding Costs Billing Agreement 1 innogy Grid Holding, a.s. Liability Assumption Agreement 1

Cash-Pooling Facilities Agreement 1

Amendments 1 and 2 to Cash-Pooling Facilities Agreement 2

Agreement on Contribution to Other Capital Funds 1