Arab-Israeli Conflict

Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Arab-Israeli Conflict. United Nations Divides Palestine. 1947 Separate Jewish and Arab States Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza Strip: Arab Areas May 1948: Israel proclaims independence. Immediately attacked by 5 Arab Nations. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon Jordan and Iraq - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Arab-Israeli Conflict

Arab-Israeli Conflict

Page 2: Arab-Israeli Conflict

United Nations Divides Palestine 1947 Separate Jewish and

Arab States Golan Heights, West

Bank and Gaza Strip: Arab Areas

May 1948: Israel proclaims independence

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Immediately attacked by 5 Arab Nations Egypt, Syria, Lebanon Jordan and Iraq Poorly organized:

Israel survives Cease fire: Golan

Heights to Syria, Jordan: West Bank and Egypt: Gaza strip

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Since 1948: Arab and Israelis: 3 more major wars Egypt takes control of Suez Canal: from

British and French owners: Israel attacks Egypt: gains canal but returns later

Arab guerillas launch small scale attacks into Israel and Israel raids Arab lands

1964: PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) formed to defeat Israel and create independent state

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1967: 6 day war Israel takes over

Golan, West Bank and Gaza Strip

Sinai also taken Palestinian refugees

increase in Lebanon and Jordan

PLO leader: Arafat

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Terrorism Escalates Hijacked airplanes Munich Olympic

games: Palestinians kill Jewish athletes

1973: Egypt and Syria attack Israel: US helps Israel: Oil stopped by Arab countries

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1978: Camp David Accords Sadat: Egypt, Begin:

Israel and Carter:US Egypt recognizes Israel Israel gives back Sinai

peninsula Discuss need for

Palestinian state Most Arab leader oppose Two years later Sadat


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Lebanon PLO launches attacks

on Israel Israel invades

Lebanon: remains until 2000

Refuge camps attacked by Christian militia

Israel condemned

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1980: 10 year border dispute Iraq and Iran Shatt al Arab region: Shia’s in Iran

encouraging unrest by Shia’s in Iraq

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IntifadaPalestinians revolt against Israel

military rule in West Bank and Gaza

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Reversal for PLO Recognizes Israel’s

right to exist Ready to negotiate

with Israel for peace in return for the creation of an independent state

Will decrease the violence

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1990s: Radical leaders called Taliban control AfghanistanLimit women’s rights and shelter


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1991: Persian Gulf War Iraq invades Kuwait for

oil Iraq launches Scud

missiles at Israel hoping to ignite a regional conflict

Coalition forces including Saudi Arabia join to defeat Saddam

Fires of Kuwait

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Peace Negotiations: 1993 Rabin: Israel, and

Arafat: PLO Plan to give back land

to the Palestinians in PLO recognize Israel’s

right to exist Rabin is assassinated Violence

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Wye River Agreement: 1998

Israelis troop withdrawals from Israeli held areas of West Bank and

Gaza Strip

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Second Intifada Numerous attacks

through Israel, West Bank and Gaza: Israelis retaliate

Israel reoccupies most West Bank Cities and construct barriers in the West Bank

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The West Bank: Political and Physical Geography

Fig. 6-16: Political control of the West Bank has been split between Palestinians and Israelis (though under overall Israeli control). The West Bank includes many of the higher altitude areas of the region.

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Peace agreements: 2005 Remove Jewish settlements and Israeli

troops from the Gaza Strip An independent Palestinian state is

established. Hamas gains influence in Gaza Terrorist groups continue to upset the

region: Jewish settlers refuse to leave the West Bank

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Israel: Stop the violence we will give you the land

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Palestinians: Give us the land we will stop the violence