Arabic_English_Vocabulary for Qasas-Un-Nabiyeen Volume Three

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  • 8/13/2019 Arabic_English_Vocabulary for Qasas-Un-Nabiyeen Volume Three



    Send! (imperative) he regained consciousness throw it! (imperative) I show you I entrust Make! Build! (imperative)

    Make for me!

    became bold they both turned back Return! Go back! You return it stayed in its place it took possession if he were sneaked alone, individually champions, heroes hate more lasting son sons, children to refuse took finished, completed completed I lean on instigated responded dared gathered strived reward, recompense bodies You make! (imperative0 hired one to love one parties, groups

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    he did well more deserving dreams brother informed

    sister I chose to take, to hold take out, expel other other made a mistake you stay behind in my place close friends

    close friends, associates close friends take off! (imperative) respect teach, educate when then permission, ear, give permission Go!

    you hurt him he intended suspect, doubt bounced back, turned back to accept feeding, to breast feed earth, land breastfeed breastfeed her I show you

    teachers you hired you hire him (imperative) tyranny, despotism to feel shy shyness use, utilize they considered me weak

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    they bought sought food she remained steadfast listen, pay attention took possession of family

    committed excess in, transgressed name counselled, consulted increased, became severe I will be strict, (verb), stricter (adjective) became origin, principle idols decayed, wasted away

    Join! (imperative), embrace, join together children I view, I survey fired I think hug hurried enemies wiser

    higher, highest dominant rich people, plural excess corrupted better, superior succeeded tide, in the form of army I entrust

    stayed accept, come forward, meet fight he plucked become convinced strong ones many, most you forced

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    why not now child we picked up tongues

    famous !God forbid he threw threw

    inspired to, towards to the limit, to a limit, as much as possible mother in front of

    protection examination, test he ordered, order woman yesterday Stay! (imperative) became possible waves that

    indeed we to be devoted Prophets wait all of you finished He saved her inclined towards sent down

    relationship lineages relationship covered over Look! blessed it parted marry, give in marriage

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    indeed types insult, humiliation paid attention to people, house hold

    or we inspired we made (them) inherit kindle for me fire kindled a fire if first, previous days your hands

    as well, too firmly believed whichever where Go to! leaders interrogative was thrown You all seek help!

    she remained steadfast forefathers I seek for you bring! gave him they two went to coming I will bring you instigated

    baked brick most ignorant You drove us out weak, servile they tortured him you persecuted you persecuted him Please show yourself to me

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    he showed him your feet legends captivity most compassionate

    destiny took over most unjust enemies Help us!

    pieces of meat, piece of liver, own children ,family are you not? he turned

    he turned towards noses He saved her rescued, relieved I see you established, started doing something you disliked I guide you I drive away, chase away

    recommend, bequeath we landed sign piece of land became cold onion he was made to faint virgin, an animal on which no load has ever been put to spend night

    desert good (showing goodness to others) state, condition harm, wrath search to change nomadism he extended love (for them)

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    cold thunderbolted blessing, mercy wilderness simplicity, naivety, naturalness

    eyesight after far vegetables to cry but town calamity dull

    misfortune builders daughter with it, with him house white (feminine) while well it jumps

    (don't) turn away you (did not) wait for, you (did not) keep it in mind ()protects them (from) you snatch it they breath it raises, it raises up the earth for cultivation comprehends him (don't) grieve me it illuminates

    repent misguided, arrogant you came to us you work for him

    regret you expressed grief and regret you order, you command,


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    she dissociated herself from she repudiates you oppose you oppose you plot

    moving about (of waves) she was strolling you come, it comes, she comes beneath talk, discuss was amazed she fears estimation to frighten

    they two drive away retreated upbringing watching left you see purified it shook infused, infiltrated

    it moves quickly (feminine) it is running they two give water to got over (them) took control you afflict (someone) eats well, eats to the full gratefulness complaining

    reach, does not reach

    became tired wondered you advise me

    learnt don't be complacent, negligence detail kissed

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    come forward her eyes find comfort they approached it jumps, hopes it plays, you play

    turn away it got damaged, spoiled received in front of seize, grab that (feminine) you demand gratitude summoning mutual calling

    calling, crying, mutual calling, summoning you call me you regret or you show remorse. you regret spoiled their living (the frog) croaks argument, finding fault with someone faced, went to turned back

    they turn back you harm or hurt him wandering became agitated third second

    earth snake, serpent eight

    became anxious, despondent a part they betrayed him, they showed hardness to him body (madness) intensified came came to you girl

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    maker sitting they both argue with you, put pressure on you reward, award hungry

    powerful might very much dispute, altercation, controversy new bravery, audacity locust try, experiment courage, boldness

    companions group handsome increased in madness wing shielf army armies, soldiers madness

    madness the foolish ones openly ignornace generation I come to you you brought, you came his desire urged him people of town

    inability to speak, stammer guards it was rightful (for) dream it caught up with them, it reached them it caught up with them, it reached them love ropes

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  • 8/13/2019 Arabic_English_Vocabulary for Qasas-Un-Nabiyeen Volume Three


    he fell down myths wood fear argument, enmity, fight

    greenery mistake our mistakes occurred, came to mind you feared release behind leave! Leave!

    Leave! Let go! by suffocation he frightened them option tents disloyalty, treason, betrayal good, benevolence pride,vanity, vainglory house

    plight you planned entered stations, levels called pulverized indicate, point to animals melt

    leave me! Let me to---- let me, allow me to

    humiliation that dociles sin went he lamented, mourned

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    fourth one who returns, gives back one who turns something away, one who averts anchored he saw

    he saw, he thought nourish, mentor foster child hope return foot man two men mercy, have mercy on

    he returned we returned, we gave back stoicism, plainness discrete, mature, guided period of breastfeeding breast fed child nose bleed thundered displeasure

    lifted, elevated leniency, mildness threw (at) them threw competition wind, air went away receding, disappearing snub, rebuff

    marriage adonrment, decoration held, obstructed tribe The one who covers magician sixth walked, proceeded, marched

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    radiant, manifest the time, the hour help travelled drove

    asked insult, curse, swear reason precede, pre-empt they two preceded or pre-empted paths path cloud magic

    magicians innocence, simplicity, naivety secret making its way as if in a tunnel ascendancy, sway fortunate, successful foolishness, impertinence foolishness fell down

    give water drunk ones become silent one who is extremely drunk, the drunk intoxication power, control conducted accept to allow

    heard you (have) named we will return it we will slaughter, massacre years arrows arrow it decieved, it led astray

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    evil bad consequence straight path market chief

    ladies state, condition he will reach us he became tired we are bored, we have become tired they went into too much detail, they became strict young became old shore, beach

    sense of smell sense of smell consult, seek advice affair affair grew up (to be a young man) encourage, embolden, spur harm police

    legislate occupation interceded compassion misery, distress complain by hanging eagerness thorn

    misfortune fault, spot old man, teacher thing fainting cried, shouted give both of them company to prey

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    obediently length for the duration of the course, throughout the path pure mud

    oppressor dominant dominant shadow shade very dark, darkness oppression become manifest patron, supporter

    they crossed he reproached lentils high calf, veal helpless, unable lived defender, protector protector

    he punished him wise deal with, treat became stubborn you enslaved servants worship slavery ancient

    wondered, surprised wonder inability, to be unable was unable to, became helpless enmity

    justice enemy aggression, injustice

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    excuse know, recognize veins power made determination

    strong perhaps ten stick, staff sticks bestowal great intellects, minds he knew

    became high, claim greatness know elevation on, upon knowledgeable from, about near crookedness refuge

    eye, spring eyes strangers, foreigners he was overcome its water went down winner, dominant, triumphant dust strange, stranger I make it faulty

    anger, became angry lid, covering forgive boy to overcome cloud sheep rich

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    misled without anger transgression so, then

    you have been tested look at that old fugitives, running away immoral, unchaste, sinner bright yelow opened, victory, opening investigate he investigated

    they searched young man, youths pride run away victim, prey panic, scare corruption became rampant not to speak of, let alone

    suckling child needy thought deeply he thought deeply those who are laughing, enjoying art benefits garlic, wheat in

    in himself, himself mice it threw out cucumber fought decisive he said she said

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    stood up stood up Coptics kissed (verb),accepted (verb), before (preposition) accept

    slaughter, kill fight killed, murdered, victim appreciate, value came near apple of the eye strike, beat centuries, generations town, city

    hardness he narrated story intend palace walking step by step palaces complete, accomplish, oradin cut, interrupted

    sat down heart hearts little, few moon lice compulsion, force, subjugation nation, people nation, people, community

    strong it was said greatness was she was, it was as if they were liver

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    pride, glory big hide many like that

    disliked respectable, honorable people, nobles dislike deny, disbelieve sponsor, become guardian all, everyone spoke, conversed with never dogs

    like (the example of) quiver for arrows stars how no it is inevitable you female dont' grieve you female don't fear you continue to

    don't be deceived don't kill no offence can hardly make it clear, can hardly explain or express for its sake, for the sake of I will surely crucify you I will surely cut because for what, for which

    suitable I will surely make you stayed milk so that she feels happy tongue, language kindness doll

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    perhaps so that I, perhaps I

    indeed for you, your but

    when will not benefit us did not remain did not deny did not know did not reach did not apologize, did not offer an excuse were not guided to why

    I will not be for him, his for them, their I owe them. They have right on me play, plaything for me, my that he reward you he was not they were not

    so that he becomes gentleness so that not if in place of cracked those who turn their backs guilty, sinful bitter

    covered healthy, without blemish, perfect stubborn those who take heed, those who learn lesson covered

    those who make false accusations was given, gifted, granted those who are given respite

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    reformer fate, destiny fate deceptive, beguiler, misleading to pass by

    oppressed with treatment, dealing miracle bewitched corrupter artcile, statement staying of an honorable guest holy, blessed

    close associate you played a trick, you plotted chiefs dresses reproach thrower king queen kings

    colorful from who are you from opposite sides to gift since those who turn to fear cradle, smooth, flat, plane, level

    despicable, worthless, insignificant promises topic certain, sure field term, appointed time before appointed time , appointed time

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    Save me! it became rare, it was rare scattered (its) ashes He held a private conversation with him township

    call difficulty, crisis, calamity, tribulation difficulty, calamity that falls down people spectator, onlooker achieve he slept Prophet we follow

    we take save made impure save me

    you have been saved remorse, to regret dew we brought you up took off, withdrew

    women nurtured, brought up fatigue help, he helped help clean, pure shoe yes ran out, exhausted soul, spirit, breath pecked the broke (covenant) ant townships

    it was called fee, rent ridicule, derision

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    these two to stir up, to awaken, to excite guide one who guides applause, exclamation, cheer

    shouted calmness scowled them (they, the dogs) growled at them defeat like this interrogative there, at that place he

    abasement, humiliation dsire, love, passion she and they were guided valey agreed, approved weak, feeble punishment

    find alone, lonely, one and only, unique, single, private bid farewell ministers minister reach country promise, he promised warning

    insolence dignity He saved her shameless, rascal, rude, brazen occurred, happened, fell I fell you in your hand stood, paused attorney, witness

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    he gets rid of he remembers (they)consder as dirty they show piety they received

    (did not ) give up pays attention he strolls he moves orphan instigates did not find it flows did not despair ,

    remains hungry warns to attend, that he should attend , he transposes, encompasses he lives he acts haphazardly he frightened it appears hand

    treats him knows he leaves calls they both invite or call he slaughters leaves he goes he hopes

    he returns he likes he throws

    he sees he intends they crawl asks get tired

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    he will make you viceroys seeks help gives water

    remains quiet they both proceed

    keep occupied suffers will afflict you they shout they both warmed wastes, allows to waste they host both of them becomes narrow he makes manifest

    they mess up they learnt lesson, they heeded believed promises he promises counts, started counting he warns you, he promises you he disobeys me


    they bend (before), they lower themselves before he lives make heedless of others

    he panics they kill (the bugs with their nails) he says if he was about to, almost he hides

    he hides, concelas they deny or disbelieve me

    water is possible, is not possible right hand he warns them rescues them does not forget

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    he helps starts out,

    he enjoys it breaks guides me

    he faces consoles him, sympathises with him he advises them to be patient turn back day did not lose hope , he despaired