related to this theme (20 resources in data.bnf.fr) Broader concept (1) Langues sémitiques occidentales septentrionales Narrower concept (6) Araméen samaritain (langue) Mandéen (langue) Néo-araméen occidental (dialecte) Néo-araméen oriental (dialecte) Syriaque (langue) Turoyo (langue) Related Terms (13) Araméen (langue) -- Vocabulaire Concordances araméennes Correspondance araméenne Dictionnaires araméens Emprunts araméens Grammaire comparée -- Araméen (langue) Incantations araméennes Inuence sur l'araméen Inscriptions araméennes Littérature araméenne Araméen (langue) Topic : Araméen (langue) Source le : RAMEAU Field : Langues Variant subject headings : Araméen biblique (langue) Araméen classique (langue) Langues araméennes Data 1/11 data.bnf.fr

Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

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Page 1: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

related to this theme (20 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Broader concept (1)

Langues sémitiques occidentales septentrionales

Narrower concept (6)

Araméen samaritain (langue) Mandéen (langue)

Néo-araméen occidental (dialecte) Néo-araméen oriental (dialecte)

Syriaque (langue) Turoyo (langue)

Related Terms (13)

Araméen (langue) -- Vocabulaire Concordances araméennes

Correspondance araméenne Dictionnaires araméens

Emprunts araméens Grammaire comparée -- Araméen (langue)

Incantations araméennes Influence sur l'araméen

Inscriptions araméennes Littérature araméenne

Araméen (langue)

Topic : Araméen (langue)

Source file : RAMEAU

Field : Langues

Variant subject headings : Araméen biblique (langue)Araméen classique (langue)Langues araméennes




Page 2: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Manuscrits araméens Noms de personnes araméens

Versions araméennes

Documents on this topic (185 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Videos, films (1)

Les derniers Assyriens (2005)

Books (184)

Aramaic Ezra and Daniel (2019) Targum Song of songs and late Jewish literaryAramaic (2019)

Hebraisch-aramaisches Glossar zum judischen Rechtin der Antike (2019)

HBL Tadmor (2018)

Haʾaramiyt hababliyt wmaswret hateqst sel haTalmwd (2018)

Hebraisches und aramaisches Worterbuch zu denTexten vom Toten Meer Band 1 (2017)

Introduction to Aramean and Syriac studies (2017) From ancient manuscripts to modern dictionaries (2017)

Neue Aramaische Studien (2017) Dictionnaire d'hébreu et d'araméen bibliques (2017)

La langue de Jésus (2016) Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomasticsvolume IV (2016)

NIV exhaustive Bible concordance (2016) L'aramaico antico (2016)

The Neo-Aramaic dialect of the Assyrian Christians ofUrmi (2016)

Śapah ʾahat wdbariym ʾahadiym - hamiylwn (2015)

Dictionary of Qumran Aramaic (2015) A cultural history of Aramaic (2015)

A grammar of the Christian Neo-Aramaic dialect ofDiyana-Zariwaw (2015)

Nitʿey ʾiylan (2014)




Page 3: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Texts of various contents in Christian PalestinianAramaic (2014)

A dictionary of Christian Palestinian Aramaic (2014)

Die aramaischen Texte aus Tall Sëh Hamad/Dur-Katlimmu/Magdalu (2014)

Konzise und aktualisierte Ausgabe des Hebraischenund aramaischen Lexikons zum Alten Testament (2013)

Greek indicative verbs in the Christian PalestinianAramaic gospels (2013)

La versification en Soureth (araméen contemporain) (2013)

Le Jeûne de Ninive (2012) An introduction to Egyptian Aramaic (2012)

Pirqey ʿiywn baʿibriyt hahadasah wbaʿaśiyyah bah (2012)

A comparative dialectical study of genitiveconstructions in Aramaic translations of Exodus (2012)

Lswnwt riʾswniym (2012) Studies in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic (2011)

A grammar of Qumran Aramaic (2011) Hebräisches Evangelium und synoptischeÜberlieferung (2011)

A Greek - Hebrew-Aramaic two-way index to theSeptuagint (2010)

Studies in the syntax of Targum Jonathan to Samuel (2010)

Aramaic in postbiblical Judaism and early Christianity (2010)

Altsemitische Metrik (2010)

Retrograde Hebrew and Aramaic dictionary (2010) Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomasticsvolume III (2010)

Verbal festivity in Arabic and other semitic languages (2010)

The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Challa (2010)

The verbal system of the Aramaic of Daniel (2009) Milwn ʾaramiy-ʿibriy ʾAriyʾel (2009)

Tapsiyriym sel piywtiym, qiynwt wʾazharwt, bniybeyʾaramiyt hadasah sel Yhwdey Kwrdiystaʾn (2009)

Lishan didan, targum didan (2008)

Aramaic in its historical and linguistic setting (2008) The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Urmi (2008)

The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Betanure (provinceof Dihok) (2008)

Hebraismen in den aramäischen Texten vom TotenMeer (2008)

The verbal system of Biblical Aramaic (2008) A glossary of Targum Onkelos (2008)

The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar (2008) Saʿarey laswn (2007)




Page 4: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Languages of Iraq, ancient and modern (2007) Manuel d'épigraphie hatréenne (2007)

Sacred speakers (2006) A grammar of biblical Aramaic (2006)

Die Zauberschalentexte in der Hilprecht-Sammlung,Jena, und weitere Nippur-Texte anderer Sammlungen (2005)

Mehqariym bswmrwnwt, bʿibriyt wbʾaramiyt (2005)

Grammatica di aramaico biblico (2005) Textes araméens de la mer Morte (2005)

The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Koy Sanjaq (IraqiKurdistan) (2004)

The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Sulemaniyya andHalabja (2004)

L'araméen des manuscrits de la Mer Morte 1 (2004) Esbozo de historia de la lengua aramea (2004)

Tempus, Aspekt und Modalität im Reichsaramäischen (2004)

De l'aramaïque en Occident (2004)

¿ Esperó Jesús un fin del mundo cercano ? (2003) An introduction to Aramaic (2003)

ʿIywniym bʿibriyt, bʾaramiyt wbilswnwt haYhwdiym (2003)

A grammar of Egyptian Aramaic (2003)

Compendious and Complete Hebrew and ChaldeeLexicon to the Old Testament (2003)

A dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of theByzantine period (2002)

Aramaic documents from Egypt (2002) ʾAramiyt babliyt bmaswret Teyman (2002)

The neo-Aramaic dialect of Qaraqosh (2002) ʾAramiyt miqraʾiyt (2002)

A Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dictionary (2002) A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of theTalmudic and Geonic periods (2002)

Karozoutha (2001) Mehqariym blašwn H. - T. - Y (2001)

Biblical Hebrew, biblical texts (2001) ʾWsar kiynwyey ʿwbdiym basiprwt haTalmwdwhaMidras (2001)

Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) The world of the Aramaeans (2001)

Die syro-aramäische Lesart des Koran (2000) The Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old TestamentV (2000)

Materialien einer althebräischen Datenbank (2000) Der neuostaramäische Dialekt von Bespin (ProvinzMardin, Südostturkei) (2000)




Page 5: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

La langue de Jésus (1999) The Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old TestamentIV (1999)

A grammar of neo-Aramaic (1999) Linguistic peculiarities in the Aramaic magic bowltexts (1999)

Haʿibriyt whaʾaramiyt bmagaʿ bitqwpat hatanaʾiym (1999)

From a spoken to a written language (1999)

Dictionnaire d'hébreu et d'araméen bibliques (1998) A grammar of Egyptian Aramaic (1998)

Les inscriptions de la Perse achéménide (1997) The Neo-Aramaic dialect of Jilu (1997)

Huellas de arameo en los Evangelios y en lacatequesis cristiana primitiva (1997)

Das althebräische Verbalsystem aus aramäischerSicht (1997)

Seper miliym (1996) The Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old TestamentIII (1996)

Mehqariym balaswn haʿibriyt wbilswnwt haYhwdiym (1996)

Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum AltenTestament Supplementband (1996)

Targumic and cognate studies (1996) Dayqaʼ namiy (1996)

Dictionnaire araméen-hébreu-français (1996) Palmyrene Aramaic texts (1996)

The Aramaic language in the Achaemenid period (1995)

The Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old TestamentII tet-ʿayin (1995)

Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum AltenTestament Lieferung V (1995)

The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon (1995)

Dizionario di ebraico e aramaico biblici (1995) Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum AltenTestament (1995)

"Le livre de Daniel" (1994) Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Mlahsô (1994)

The Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old TestamentI ʼalep-het (1994)

Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomastics II (1994)

La Palestine à l'époque perse (1994) Lexicon aramaicae Veteris Testamenti (1994)

Textbook of Aramaic documents from ancient Egypt 3 (1993)

Altaramäische Grammatik der Texte des 7. und 6.Jahrhunderts v. Chr (1993)

Aramaica (1993) The Aramaic of Daniel in the light of Old Aramaic (1992)




Page 6: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Milwn ʾaramiy-ʿibriy lTalmwd babliy (1992) Grammar for Gemara (1992)

Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax (1991) Mehqariym bsiprwt haTalmwd wbilswnwt semiywt G. (1991)

The practical Talmud dictionary (1991) The Balaam text from Deir ´Alla re-evaluated (1991)

The language of the New Testament (1991) Dictionnaire d'hébreu et d'araméen bibliques (1991)

Grammatik des Christlich-Palästinisch-AramäischenTeil 1 (1991)

A dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of theByzantine period (1990)

Die Sprache der Ahiqarsprüche (1990) A grammar of the Palestinian Targum fragments fromthe Cairo Genizah (1990)

Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum AltenTestament Lieferung IV (1990)

A reader's Hebrew-English lexicon of the OldTestament (1989)

Textbook of Aramaic documents from ancient Egypt 2 (1989)

Accentuum Hebraicorum liber unus (1989)

Grammaire d'araméen biblique (1988) Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt- undreichsaramäischen Inschriften aus Vorderasien (1988)

Diqdwq dliyšan ʼaramiy ʼw hakasdaʼah Chaldaicagrammatica (1988)

ʿArwk Dictionarium Chaldaicum (1988)

Mehqariym blašwn B. - G (1987) Grammaire du palmyrénien épigraphique (1987)

Textbook of Aramaic documents from ancient Egypt 1 (1986)

Karozoutha (1986)

Diqdwq haʾaramiyt hagliylit liśpat haTalmwdhayrwšalmiy whamidrašiym (1986)

The Aramaic language (1986)

" Und Jesus sprach " (1985) Dirāsāt fī al-luġatayn al-suryāniyyaẗ wa-al-ʿarabiyyaẗ (1985)

Midrašiym baʼaramiyt yhwdey Kurdiystan lparašiywtwayehiy, bšalah wyitrw (1985)

Genèse de l'araméen d'empire (1985)

Studies in Papyrus Amherst 63 (1985) Genèse de l'araméen d'empire 1 (1985)

The Apocalypse and Semitic syntax (1985) Die Aramaïschen Texte vom Toten Meer (1984)

Les Langues de la Bible (1983) Altaramäische Grammatik, (1983)




Page 7: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Aramaic texts from North Saqqâra with somefragments in Phoenician (1983)

The Aramaic versions of the Achaemenianinscriptions, etc. [1]. - 1 (1982)

A Targumic Aramaic reader (1981) Die Nabatäer (1981)

A Wandering Aramean (1979) Vorfragen zur Christologie 1 (1978)

A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic texts (1978) Guilielmi Gesenii... Thesaurus philologicus criticuslinguae Hebraeae et Chaldaeae Veteris Testamenti (1977)

Studies in Aramaic inscriptions and onomastics (1975)

Documents araméens d'Égypte (1972)

Short grammar of biblical Aramaic (1972) Diyqdwq halaswn haʾaramiyt sel haZwhar (1971)

Materialy po aramejskoj dialektologii Tom 1. - Vyp. 1 (1965)

Wilhelm Gesenius' Hebräisches und aramäischesHandwörterbuch über das alte Testament (1962)

A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testamentwith an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaicbased on the Lexicon of William Gesenius astranslated by Edward Robinson,... (1951)

Das aramäisch-mittel-persische Glossar Frahang-i-pahlavik im Lichte der assyriologischen Forschung (1941)

Aramäisch-neuhebräisches Handwörterbuch zuTargum, Talmud und Midrasch (1938)

Satzlehre der aramäischen Sprache des babylonischenTalmuds (1928)

Das Aramäische im Buche Daniel (1926) Grammaire de la langue soureth ou chaldéen vulgaire (1912)

A manual of the Aramaic language of the BabylonianTalmud (1910)

Lexicon manuale hebraicum et chaldaicum in veteristestamenti libros (1847)

Authors linked with this theme (111 resources in data.bnf.fr)

Auteur du texte (109)

Arman Akopian Terry Allan Armstrong

Meir Ayali (1913-2001) Guido Baltes




Page 8: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Moshe Bar-Asher Simeon D. Baumel

Walter Baumgartner (1887-1970) Yosef Ben-Rahamim

Bernard-Marie (franciscain séculier) Roberto Bertolino

Klaus Beyer (1929-2014) Stefan Bombeck

Douglas N. Busby Jean Cantineau (1899-1956)

Cyril F. Carr (1949-1982) Maurice Carrez (1922-2002)

Konstantin Grigorʹevič Cereteli (1921-2004) Edward Morgan Cook

John A. Cook (1968-....) Eleonora Cussini

Gustaf H. Dalman (1855-1941) Benjamin Davidson (18..?-1871)

Benjamin Davies (1814-1875) Haim Dihi

Erich Ebeling (1886-1955) Éphrem (saint, 0306?-0373)

Jacob Nahum Epstein (1878-1952) Frederick Mario Fales

Steven Ellis Fassberg Joan Ferrer i Costa

Joseph A. Fitzmyer (1920-2016) Margaretha Louise Folmer

Samuel Ethan Fox Yitzhak Frank

Giovanni Garbini (1931-2017) José Miguel García Pérez

Wilhelm Gesenius (1786-1842) Isaac Gluska

Giulia Francesca Grassi Frederick E. Greenspahn

Holger Gzella Daniel J. Harrington

Gisela Hellenkemper Salies Mariano Herranz Marco (1928-2008)

Delbert R. Hillers (1932-1999) Volker Hug

Marcus Jastrow (1829-1903) Otto Jastrow

Alger F. Johns Hannu Juusola

Menahem Zevi Kaddari (1925-2011) Yechiel Kara




Page 9: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Geoffrey Khan Ludwig Köhler (1880-1956)

Ingo Kottsieper Renaud Jean Kuty

Caspar Levias (1860-1934) Tarsee Li

Edward Lipiński Andrew W. Litke

Jerome Alan Lund Christoph Luxenberg

Pietro Magnanini Johann Maier

Muhammad Maraqtin Jean Margain (1931-2012)

Max Leopold Margolis (1866-1932) Kerstin Mayerhofer

Ezra Zion Melamed (1903-1994) Mark Robert Meyer

Shelomo Morag (1926-1999) Matthew Morgenstern

Christa Müller-Kessler Takamitsu Muraoka

Heleen Murre-van den Berg Hezy Mutzafi

Lidia Napiorkowska Pier Paolo Nava

Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) Pierre Perrier

Bezalel Porten Stanley E. Porter

Danielle Prades Elisha Qimron

Margo Hope Rees Philippe Reymond

Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Bonn, Allemagne Jacques Rhétoré (1841-1921)

Wolfgang Richter (1926-2015) Wolfgang Röllig

Franz Rosenthal (1914-2003) Yona Sabar

Ibrāhīm ʿAbbūd al- Sāmarrāʾī (1923-2001) Ruth Sander

Ursula Schattner-Rieser Michel Schlesinger (1898-1949)

Günther Schwarz Judah Benzion Segal (1912-2003)

Michael B. Shepherd Jasmin Sinha




Page 10: Araméen (langue) · A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (2002) Compendious Syriac grammar (2001) Karozoutha (2001) The world of the Aramaeans

Daniel Sivan Michael Sokoloff

Christian Stadel Johann Jakob Stamm (1910-1993)

Zdravko Stefanovic Josef Tropper

Sven Peter Vleeming Eljakim H. Wajsberg

J. W. Wesselius

Réalisateur (1)

Robert Alaux

Compilateur (1)

Daniel M. Gurtner

See also

In BnF (1)

Equivalent record in Catalogue général


