Arctic Environmental Issues Icebergs and Mount Lefroy By Lawren Harris

Arctic Environmental Issues Icebergs and Mount Lefroy By Lawren Harris

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Arctic Environmental Issues

Icebergs and Mount LefroyBy Lawren Harris

A canary in a coal mine…

Source: The Daily, (2000) University of Washington. On line edition: http://archives.thedaily.washington.edu/2000/112100/opinion.html [accessed November 15th, 2003]

Learning Outcomes

• Show how this region is especially vulnerable to climate change.

• Use “climate change in the artic as a way of illustrating the (hopefully) complementary nature of traditional ecological knowledge.

• Show how this region is vulnerable to industrial pollution.

• Use the treaty negotiation dealing with industrial pollution as a case study showing how “non-state actors” can help find global solutions.

Climate change

Climate Change: Inuit Observations

Autumn freeze-up occurs up to a month later than usual.

(IISD, 2000)

Satellites show a 3%-per-decade reduction in area.

BBC, 2001. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/131100


Climate Change: Inuit Observations

The multi-year sea-ice is smaller and now drifts far from the community in the summer, taking with it the seals upon which the community relies for food.

Photo Copyright 2000 - Scott McGuire ([email protected]) Used with permission.


Climate Change: Inuit Observations

In the winter the sea-ice is thin and broken, making travel dangerous for even the most experienced hunters.

Copyright © 2001 - 2003   Paul WardUsed with permission

Climate Change: Inuit Observations

Hot weather in the summer is melting the permafrost and causing large-scale slumping on the coastline and along the shores of inland lakes.

S. Yu. Parmuzin: http://www.grida.no/prog/polar/bsc/fig12.htm [accessed November 15th, 2003]

Scientific Observation: Thinning Sea Ice

Author of graphic: Philippe Rekacewicz Organization : UNEP-GRID, Arendal, Norway. Sources : International Permafrost Association. Date of creation : February 2001

Scientific Observation: Permafrost

Author of graphic: Philippe Rekacewicz Organization : UNEP-GRID, Arendal, Norway. Sources : International Permafrost Association. Date of creation : February 2001

Changes in Permafrost Depth

A Feed-Back

"The Arctic is a traditional sink of carbon, but with a warming of the tundra, it becomes a source of carbon, and becomes a primary positive feedback [on climate],"

Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of Colorado in Boulder

Increased CO2

Warming temperatures

Melting Permafrost

Learning Outcomes

Show how this region is especially vulnerable to climate change.

Use “climate change in the artic as a way of illustrating the (hopefully) complementary nature of traditional ecological knowledge.

• Show how this region is vulnerable to industrial pollution.

• Use the treaty negotiation dealing with industrial pollution as a case study showing how “non-state actors” can help find global solutions.

DDT and Silent Spring



Persistent Organic Pollution

• PCBs: – Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) chemically

stable, fire resistant, insoluble in water, but are soluble in fatty substances.

– PCBs were used extensively as insulators in electrical equipment.

• DDT:– dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.– Cheap insecticide. – Used extensively after WWII until 1960s in agriculture,

forestry and combating mosquito born diseases.

POPs and the Arctic

UNEP GRID-Arendal Author : Philippe Rekacewicz Organization : UNEP-GRID, Arendal, Norway. Sources : Macdonald and Bewers 1996, Sugden 1982. Date of creation : 1997


Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 106, Number 2, February 1998, on line edition. http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/qa/106-2focus/focus.html [Accessed November 15th, 2003]

DDT and PCBs: the evidence

• Reproductive failure in birds of prey (thin egg shells).

• In some areas 40-65% of women have levels of PCBs in their blood that are up to 5 times higher than the guidelines.

• Some studies link these with attention span and memory problems in children.



TimePix. http://www.nhc.rtp.nc.us:8080/tserve/nattrans/ntwilderness/essays/carsonb.htm.

The response

• International Treaty Banning use and manufacture of:– “dirty dozen” highly toxic chemicals, (DDT

and PCBs).

• The story of how we got this treaty is an excellent illustration of how different types of institutions can work together.

Canada’s Interest

• Lots of Arctic• Inuit Vulnerable• Domestic sources

of POPs already limited

The Process

• Science, science, science.– Physical evidence of problem (1980s).

• POPs on UN’s Regional European agenda.– Regional POPs protocol.

• POPs on UN Environment Programme’s Agenda.• Multi-lateral Negotiations (1998).• Final Treaty 2001 signed in Stockholm.• Needs 50 countries to ratify it.

Stakeholder Input

Before each of the five sets of negotiations Cdn government held stakeholder consultations.Inuit communities and NGOs played a crucial role.

International Opposition

Malaria versus DDT

“Malaria kills over one million people, mainly children, in the tropics each year, and DDT remains one of the few affordable, effective tools against the mosquitoes that transmit the disease. … the scientific literature on the need to withdraw DDT is unpersuasive, and the benefits of DDT in saving lives from malaria are well worth the risks.”

Commentary in Nature Medicine.

6(7) July 2000, pp. 729-732

Malaria: the evidence

• 250-400 million cases/a worldwide.

• 1 million deaths world wide.• Used to be wider spread but

has now been eradicated from the North (Italy WWII had Malaria, Ontario in 19thC had it too).

National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disordershttp://www.nidcd.nih.gov/news/releases/02/10_21_02.htm

2/5 of the world’s population is at risk.

Image courtesy of the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, PATH. See: http://www.malaria-vaccines.org.uk/1.shtml [November 20th, 2003]

Malaria and DDT: the evidence

• After spraying (early 1960s) Malaria had dropped from 2.8 million cases and 7300 deaths to 17 cases and no deaths.

• After banning DDT Sri Lanka had 500,000 cases of malaria (1969).

Sri Lanka

DDT use and Malaria

Attaran, et al. (2000). Balancing risks on the backs of the poor. Nature Medicine 6(7). 729-732. Online http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nm/journal/v6/n7/full/nm0700_729.html&filetype=PDF. [Accessed November 20th, 2003].

History of DDT Use




How much DDT?

• Agricultural Use in the 1960s.– Dusting a single 100-hectare cotton field can require

more than 1,100 kg of DDT over 4 weeks.

• Malaria Control in the 2000s.– Spot spraying on interior surfaces.

– Half a kilogram /year can treat a large house.

• Guyana could be treated using the same amount of DDT as would be have been used on 0.4km2 of cotton.

Stakeholder Participation in POPs Treaty

“When measures to control the use of DDT became controversial and pitted North against South, we stated clearly that Inuit would refuse to be party to an agreement that threatened the health of others. Having been decimated by smallpox and other introduced diseases in the early years of the 20th century, we sympathized acutely with those in tropical lands losing thousands of people per year to malaria.”

Sheila Watt-CloutierPresident of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference.

http://www.ourplanet.com/imgversn/124/watt.html [November 20th 2003].

Breaking the logjam

“The Inuit insisted on a convention that would address the public health concerns of mothers in all parts of the globe.”

Ken Mcartney.DFAIT, Canada.

http://www.ligi.ubc.ca/_conferences/110402env-sec/media/Conference%20Summary.pdf [November 20th, 2003].

Stockholm Convention Finalized on 23 May, 2001.

• 120 Countries signed.

• Terms of convention stated that it would come into force 90 days after the 50th country ratified it.

Signatories in green and Parties in red


Post-Soviet Era: new opportunities for cooperation

• New opportunities for Arctic circumpolar cooperation emerged in the late 1980s…

• Environmental cooperation was identified as a first step in promoting comprehensive security in the region…

This logic holds true for other regions

• New Economic Partnership for African Development (NEPAD).– Mandate to develop new socio-economic development

strategy for Africa www.nepad.org

• Nile Basin Initiative– Originally electric and water interests now broader

mandate: http://www.nilebasin.org/

• Mekong River Council– To promote co-management in Mekong river:


Why Regional Governance?• UN System ineffective

since it can’t/doesn’t impose sanctions for environmental problems

• Gorbichav proposed green helmets has gone nowhere.

• WEO discussion have gone nowhere

• UNEP has tiny funding base.

Why Regional Governance?

• Environmental problems fall outside of nation states

So…in conclusion

• Regional governance offers:– Something with more direct contact between a

smaller number of states than the UN. – Can be organized on biophysical/ecological

lines. – Can focus on addressing the problems within a

region rather than having the mandate to deal with a specific problem.

References for more information

• http://www.grida.no/prog/polar/bsc/index.htm (module web page)

• http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/qa/106-2focus/focus.html (paper on health)

• http://www.grida.no/inf/news/news01/news09.htm UNEP press release on permafrost

• http://www.grida.no/arctic.htm (UNEP’s Arctic Page)

• http://www.iisd.org/casl/projects/inuit_video.htm (IISD’s video page)

Learning Outcomes

Show how this region is especially vulnerable to climate change.

Use “climate change in the artic as a way of illustrating the (hopefully) complementary nature of traditional ecological knowledge.

Show how this region is vulnerable to industrial pollution.

Use the treaty negotiation dealing with industrial pollution as a case study showing how “non-state actors” can help find global solutions.