t ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE Lesson 1 Get to know the tools/Make a circuit (14 minute video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X8d_r0p92U Estimated time: 20-30 minutes Concepts What is a circuit? Ground and power, transducers, circuits in series, current, parallel circuits

ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can

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Page 1: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can



Lesson 1

Get to know the tools/Make a circuit (14 minute video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X8d_r0p92U

Estimated time: 20-30 minutes


What is a circuit? Ground and power, transducers, circuits in series, current, parallel circuits

Page 2: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


A simple Circuit that turns the light on when we push the button. Power runs from the 5V (5 volt) on the arduino to the positive (+) rail on the breadboard, up the wire to the pushbutton, when the pushbutton is pressed, it sends power to the LED, through the resistor, back down the wire to the negative rail (-) and back to the GND (ground) pin on the Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out.

Extra: Can you make Parallel and series circuits? A circuit in series needs every button to be pressed A circuit in parallel needs only one button to be pressed. When would you use each type of circuit?

Page 3: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Lesson 2 Spaceship Interface (7 minute Video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JoQvT1oEdA Estimated time: 20-30 minutes


Introduction to arduino programming, variables, loops, board setup, if then/else loop,


Page 4: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


/* Project 2 - Spaceship Interface

Created 13 September 2012

by Scott Fitzgerald


This example code is part of the public domain */

// Create a global variable to hold the

// state of the switch. This variable is persistent

// throughout the program. Whenever you refer to

// switchState, you’re talking about the number it holds

int switchstate = 0;

void setup(){

// declare the LED pins as outputs




// declare the switch pin as an input



void loop(){

// read the value of the switch

// digitalRead() checks to see if there is voltage

// on the pin or not

switchstate = digitalRead(2);

// if the button is not pressed

// blink the red LEDs

if (switchstate == HIGH) {

digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // turn the green LED on pin 3 on

digitalWrite(4, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 4 off

digitalWrite(5, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 5 off


// this else is part of the above if() statement.

// if the switch is not LOW (the button is pressed)

// the code below will run

else {

digitalWrite(3, LOW); // turn the green LED on pin 3 off

digitalWrite(4, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 4 off

digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // turn the red LED on pin 5 on

// wait for a quarter second before changing the light


digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // turn the red LED on pin 4 on

digitalWrite(5, LOW); // turn the red LED on pin 5 off

// wait for a quarter second before changing the light




Page 5: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Lesson 3 Love-o-meter (14 minute video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJPKuGF4lRE Estimated time: 20-30 minutes


Digital and Analog pins, input components,analog read, for loop, multiple if statements

Page 6: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


by Scott Fitzgerald

// named constant for the pin the sensor is connected to

const int sensorPin = A0;

// room temperature in Celcius

const float baselineTemp = 20.0;

void setup(){

// open a serial connection to display values


// set the LED pins as outputs

// the for() loop saves some extra coding

for(int pinNumber = 2; pinNumber<5; pinNumber++){


Page 7: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


digitalWrite(pinNumber, LOW);



void loop(){

// read the value on AnalogIn pin 0

// and store it in a variable

int sensorVal = analogRead(sensorPin);

// send the 10-bit sensor value out the serial port

Serial.print("sensor Value: ");


// convert the ADC reading to voltage

float voltage = (sensorVal/1024.0) * 5.0;

// Send the voltage level out the Serial port

Serial.print(", Volts: ");


// convert the voltage to temperature in degrees C

// the sensor changes 10 mV per degree

// the datasheet says there's a 500 mV offset

// ((volatge - 500mV) times 100)

Serial.print(", degrees C: ");

float temperature = (voltage - .5) * 100;


// if the current temperature is lower than the baseline

// turn off all LEDs

if(temperature < baselineTemp){

digitalWrite(2, LOW);

digitalWrite(3, LOW);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

} // if the temperature rises 2-4 degrees, turn an LED on

else if(temperature >= baselineTemp+2 && temperature < baselineTemp+4){

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, LOW);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

} // if the temperature rises 4-6 degrees, turn a second LED on

else if(temperature >= baselineTemp+4 && temperature < baselineTemp+6){

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

} // if the temperature rises more than 6 degrees, turn all LEDs on

else if(temperature >= baselineTemp+6){

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, HIGH);




Page 8: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Lesson 4 Light Theremin (video 12 min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57S3dylfw3I Estimated time: 20-30 minutes

Page 9: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Page 10: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can



Arduino Starter Kit example

Light Theremin

This sketch is written to accompany Project 6 in the

Arduino Starter Kit

Created 13 September 2012

by Scott Fitzgerald


This example code is part of the public domain


// variable to hold sensor value

int sensorValue;

// variable to calibrate low value

int sensorLow = 1023;

// variable to calibrate high value

int sensorHigh = 0;

// LED pin

const int ledPin = 13;

void setup() {

// Make the LED pin an output and turn it on

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

// calibrate for the first five seconds after program runs

while (millis() < 5000) {

// record the maximum sensor value

sensorValue = analogRead(A5);

if (sensorValue > sensorHigh) {

sensorHigh = sensorValue;


// record the minimum sensor value

if (sensorValue < sensorLow) {

sensorLow = sensorValue;



// turn the LED off, signaling the end of the calibration period

digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);


void loop() {

//read the input from A0 and store it in a variable

sensorValue = analogRead(A5);

// map the sensor values to a wide range of pitches

int pitch = map(sensorValue, sensorLow, sensorHigh, 50, 4000);

// play the tone for 20 ms on pin 8

tone(6, pitch, 20);

// wait for a moment



Page 11: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Lesson 5 Safecracker

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQxAvhNnMeo Estimated time: 20-30 minutes


Servos, if then statements/map function. Trimpot or potentiometer: This type of

component allows us to change the resistance on the component by turning the knob or

screw. A common use for these types of component are volume controls.

Page 12: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


Page 13: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can


#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

int potpin = 0;

int rawval;

int val;

const int Led1=6;

const int Piezo=4;

int combone=50;

void setup()



pinMode(Led1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(Piezo, OUTPUT);

pinMode(potpin, INPUT);





void loop()



rawval = analogRead(potpin);


val = map(rawval, 0, 1023, 0, 179);

Serial.print(" ");




if (val == combone) {


tone(4, 100, 25);




digitalWrite(Led1, LOW);


Page 14: ARDUINO DRIVERS LICENCE - CODE REDLANDS · Arduino. Because the LED only needs 1.7 volts, we use the resistor to protect it from getting too much power and burning out. Extra: Can
