Arduino Language File for NotepadPlusPlus

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I don't remember where I found this, so sorry for the lack of credit. Rename the file as a .xml and then follow the instructions below.-------------------------------Open N++Go To Language > Define your Language > Import > Arduino_Language_0.2.0.xmlCopy APIs to "your n++ path"/Notepad++/plugins/ Go to Settings > Preferences > Auto-Completion and enable funtion completion & function parameters hintHAVE FUN!

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000000 { } - ! " # % ( ) * , / [ ] ^ | + < = > 1/* 2*/ 0// abs accept acos analogRead analogReference analogWrite asin atan atan2 attach attached attachInterrupt autoscroll available begin beginPacket beginTransmission bit bitClear bitRead bitSet bitWrite blink blinkVersion BSSID callbackFunction ceil char class clear click Client close connect connected constrain cos createChar cursor degrees delay delayMicroseconds detach detachInterrupt digitalRead digitalWrite direction disconnect display EEPROM encryptionType end endPacket endTransmission Ethernet EthernetClient EthernetServer exists exp File find findUntil Firmata floor flush gatewayIP getResult getSocket highByte home int16_t int32_t int64_t interrupts IPAddress isListening isPressed Keyboard leftToRight LiquidCrystal listen localIP log loop lowByte macAddress map max micros millis min mkdir Mouse move NewSoftSerial noAutoscroll noBlink noCursor noDisplay noInterrupts noTone onReceive onRequest open overflow parseFloat parseInt parsePacket peek pinMode position press print printFirmwareVersion println printVersion processInput prog_char prog_int16_t prog_int32_t prog_int64_t prog_int8_t prog_uchar prog_uint16_t prog_uint32_t prog_uint64_t prog_uint8_t prog_void PROGMEM pulseIn radians random randomSeed read readBytes readBytesUntil readMicroseconds receive register release releaseAll remoteIP remotePort remove requestFrom rightToLeft rmdir round RSSI scrollDisplayLeft scrollDisplayRight SD seek send sendAnalog sendDigital sendDigitalPort sendDigitalPortPair sendString sendSysex Server Servo setBitOrder setClockDivider setCursor setDataMode setFirmwareNameAndVersion setFirmwareVersion setSpeed setTimeout setup shiftIn shiftOut sin size speed SPI sq sqrt SSID status step Stepper stop stringCallbackFunction subnetMask sysexCallbackFunction systemResetCallbackFunction tan tone transfer uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t uint8_t version WiFi WiFiClient WiFiServer Wire write writeMicroseconds goto typedef sizeof NULL delete catch namespace operator const_cast static_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast using typeid and and_eq bitand bitor compl not not_eq or or_eq xor xor_eq boolean break byte case char class const continue default do double else false float for if int long new null private protected public return short signed static String switch this throw try true unsigned void while word Serial Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 ANALOG_MESSAGE ANALOG_PORT BIN CHANGE DEC DEFAULT DIGITAL_MESSAGE END_SYSEX EXTERNAL FALLING FILE_READ FILE_WRITE HALF_PI HEX HIGH INPUT INPUT_PULLUP INTERNAL INTERNAL1V1 INTERNAL2V56 LOW LSBFIRST MAX_DATA_BYTES MSBFIRST OCT OUTPUT PI PWM REPORT_ANALOG REPORT_DIGITAL REPORT_VERSION RISING SERIAL_5E1 SERIAL_5E2 SERIAL_5N1 SERIAL_5N2 SERIAL_5O1 SERIAL_5O2 SERIAL_6E1 SERIAL_6E2 SERIAL_6N1 SERIAL_6N2 SERIAL_6O1 SERIAL_6O2 SERIAL_7E1 SERIAL_7E2 SERIAL_7N1 SERIAL_7N2 SERIAL_7O1 SERIAL_7O2 SERIAL_8E1 SERIAL_8E2 SERIAL_8N1 SERIAL_8N2 SERIAL_8O1 SERIAL_8O2 SET_PIN_MODE SPI_CLOCK_DIV128 SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 SPI_CLOCK_DIV32 SPI_CLOCK_DIV4 SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 SPI_CLOCK_DIV8 SPI_MODE0 SPI_MODE1 SPI_MODE2 SPI_MODE3 START_SYSEX SYSTEM_RESET TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS TOTAL_PORTS TWO_PI