, ....... ------- - ARGELANDER, FRANK A.

ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

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Page 1: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

,.......------- -


Page 2: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

,, unitP-<1 '' Ar_::<'llt-1.nder family

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Page 3: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

ut>ranoHureau,N Y vana•'

Page 4: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of
Page 5: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

Conference Relations Abtent From F1el~,'.,,,2-~,//,/f.2¥,

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Page 6: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

:I I

v:ill you please fill in such questions as are applicable and return to W.W. Reid, Department of News Service, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 150 J:i'ifth Avenue, New York 11, N ,y. The in:t'ormation will be available for news­paper releases where you are s-::iea~inB, and for other news use.

Name: Clara Elizabeth Argelander [ /Jw, ~U-·7<..-/2, /1.) Permanent American Address: 1108 ?aster St. Evanston, Illinois

Where Born: Cleveland, Ohio

Parents names: Jfr, and ::rs. Henry Schleman (deceased)

Schools :_Qolleges - Degrees (years)

Ba l<hdn \·:al lace .:::o l lege 19le B.A.

What work ("where? when?) between school and missionary seryice:

~~ ~nu--

When app?inted

~ ~

a missionary (or deaconess or pastor): 1919

If ordained, when? where? by?

When did you first .eo into mission work? whore stationed?

1919 Married to F'. Argelanrler in Shanghai,'::hina 1919

Places of eervice -- types of work -- institutions -- years, etc:

Ho!'leroaker in China Al so teacher. Stationed in China 1919 to 1931 Japan 1927-25 China 1937-lil

Liberia 1947-50 Austria 1951-56

ServAd in various capacities as dormitory matron, directing kitchen and dinir.;; room, tee.chine; v::iriou<J subjccte in missj.on schools at hon•e and ,_ abroad . ~- r W.......-t.. - .........,.~ . ~- I- .,_,,..._.ye_

~ ~ . _,_~ - J...:a: ... : o ~ "i..v~ . ~-c~


~ ~ ~-~~~~~.iv Fo:rei~n lan~uages S])Oken; other talents:

Chinese and German

Pny bocks written? special research? please describe:

Deccription of your special work on field (needs of people, opportunities, numbers reached, plans for future, etc,) Anything else of interest to church people or newspaper readers:

Page 7: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

-----------------------------------------------------------· -


Collins Pensio Fund ------------------- --------Mrs. Lyp.ia _phao - Roo~404 Area Secretary - --------- ------ Dr,•~ Eilgene Stockw Room 17 Education and Cult4V on -------------------- --~~Miss Virginia Henry_ Ro 130S _

\_Library -------;;:~~-::::::-: _ --------:.::-::"'.:-------:,'!',- •" -HI.•• x.r~u ParaJil - om 1312 Mall Room ---7----------- --;;;-.;;:;;;-_____________ ,.-:.:;___ cul J • ltoarigUe oom 1468 Medical Secr.,t&ry -----------------------... -·;. _______ Ir. • Betts ~- om 1$36 Social Secur'it7 -------------------.:-----------Ml'. !4ui1 Httgb.88-'/' - Room · 03 Associate •ecretary -------------------------------Mrs. M. Webster - Room 1$.35 Methodist Woman Magazine --------------------------Miss Carol Herb i - Room 13Qig News Department -----------------------------------Mr. Leonard Perryman- Room 1346 Recording Secretary--------------------------------M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of address:


Mrs. Frank A. Argelander (Clara E) Sechsbauser Strasse 56/7 Vienna, Austria

Harry Greenberg As&istant Treasurer HG :le -~-'I 20/b~


Deceased (Survived by husband)


December 19 :1 1969

Page 8: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of


(1890 u 1975)

"Neither death, nor life •••• shall-be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 8: 38, 39.

In his 1974 New Year Letter to .his friends·; the Rev·. l?rank Argelander wrote: "Because of Him life 'has been worth living and I lbok in confidence to that fu.ture existence for which t.his earthly life is but a. preparatory schooling."

This "future existence" began for him 011 Augui:;t 23, 1975 when he passed away in a hospital near the home of his daughter in Chesterland, Ohio, In tbe August issue o:f the ROBINCROF.r REPORTER, we quoted ?J.r. Argela.nder as saying ·that he was • "reluctantl,.v leaving" for several months 1 vacation and would "miss his cozy room and the 1 leisure table 1 as well as the kindness and good will shown him at. Robj.ncro:f't," Robj.ncro:f't will surely nliss him - this gentle, good humored man with his tremendous concern for the future of' the world and an especial :rega.:rd fo:r young peopJ.e.

Frank Argelander was born in Brooklyn on Apr:i.l 29,. 1890 of German parentage, His child~ hood "~s drab and shadowed by poverty and lack of opportunity, At the age o:f eleven he dropped out of grade school and worked at var:l.ous jobs for the next twelve years. When he was 18~ a great change took place in him by a religious experience which re­sulted j.n his return to schoollr.g. He graduated :from Baldwin-Wallace College, Borea, Ohio in 1918 and went to CM.ri.a that saJ'.lle year.

He was privileged to spend mariy active years as a Dlissionary t,eacher ano preacher on four continents in different ~ations - China and Japan, Georgia and Mississippi in the USA, Liberia in West Africa and Austria in Europe, His wife 1 Clara; to whom he was married 50 years, shared these experiences with him. They had five children,

He retired f':rou1 active service in 1957 and lived in Greencastle, Indiana before com)ng to California in 1965. He lived in Claremont prior tu comj.ng to Robincroft on January 15 1 1972. He has traveled extensivel__y both :ln the Unj.ted States and abroad since becoming a resident here.

Also in the New Year Letter he concludes with this poem:

'.L'he Christ who caine to break the ba:rr:ie1·s c1own 1 Set up by 'barren creeds,

Across the globe l'':rom %.one to zone 1

Like sunlight he proceeds •••• He came to give the world ts starved heart

The perfect love it needs,

"Like surJ.ight he proceeds , • , "

The time for a menorial service at Robincroft will be announced.

Page 9: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of




; i . l'I'


P. EWALD . 1534 ROSE C. 1423 Re HOLSTEIN 1312

C. CORSITT. 1548 L. PERSONS 1400 • M. PARSELL 1372

I, Bevins· 1528 M. MAN HANS A AURBAKKEN 1546


PLEASE RECORD 'l'lll~ i•'OT,UlWTNG Cl!l\NGR #fif/iitJtflitl;{J.f#foF WORLD DIVISION RETIRED MISSIONARY ----------------· ---------·----- .

Rev. Frank A. Argelander Meyer Hall 30 275· Robincro:rt Drive Pasadena, cAlif, 91104

per Ltr. 8/28/75 Robincro:rt Abby westenberg Administration Secty 275 Robincro:rt Drive Pasadena, Calif. 91104

~··-·- . . . ' .... -· ~·--


DECEASED 8/23/75




Page 10: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of


The Reverend Frar.k A. Argele,nder has be en a mi asio ra ry to

China for the past fove years, serving under the Board of Foreign

Missicns of the l.fethodist Episcopal Church at Kiukiang. His mission in

sts. ticn is/a city situated 450 miles fror;; Shanghai on the XE-ai.ixe

Yantze River and is the center of the porcelain and silk industries

of that part of interic:r China. At Kiu.kie.ng~ which meo.ns in Chinese

"Nine Rivere 11 , the l.!ethodist mission establishment embraces schools

of several kinds unde ~ the Women' e Fo:ce ignY, lJi s,;ionary Society,

William Nast College and the '.''uter-of-1.ife Hospital maintained "by

the Board of Fo1•eign Missions. Tw:;nty-seven white missionaries are

at wo1·k ttere in their various specia,lties, many of them engaged in

sduca tional work on the faculties of the different mission schools.

The results of r11iissicn work a.t Kiukiang 1 ;. ccording to re1101'ts to

he::::5.quart2rs is 11 limi te:i only by funds and the titrAngth of the 111issl. on

,, ta ff 11 • · '.r. Ar~; lander is 2.cti v-ely <tS300i a teJ. ~i: OX' farr.i liar 111 th

tbs entire oreration ar~xzxe at Kiui..iang of the ms:iu~:mfilliei:i r.1any-sided

taek of establishing the Christianrelie;ion ins. heathen landJ a:avt

o:rg2.ni zir..:_S a n~: tti ve churot and. eJuoa ting leaders frOlli .::~mon~ the}.:/:

converts the~selvee.

Page 11: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

V,ill you please fill in such questions as are applicable and return to W.W. Reid, Department of News Service, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N .Y. The information will be available for news­paper releases where you are e~esking, end for other~~-u"'-se-"'".~~~~~~~·~~~~

Nair.e: r' " - I' ~ l- • '··) ' ' v . .i. ,.;.J:_ .... ~~- \-';J,..,J,-,L

Permanent American Address:

Where B0rn: ..i1·; ·-~lJ 11, .•• .1. •

.. ~~J.·.i.l C~),l...:.::JJ

Parente names: ~ ) v!) :1 ~ c .';)r~s ·.i ~· r:i.J.1.~

Schools - Colleges - Degrees (years) '"'1 ~ ~ .. , i. n - ·"' l .ri n ~ rt ~ 1 1.. ...., ..... .... ~ .... ., ..... ... ~ • . , - 1 ....... ~. c .... J ,j... ' 0 •

What work (where? when?) between school and missionary service:

, '"'l" J.. ;- v

3 'i°·)l""· --~;t · ri ::· "'ci;) il :-.• ·' ·.-:it '1 : ·re 'i'l ·.~ 0il l cl 'r,~

When aup?irited a _mis_eionary (or deaconess or pastor): ·"Vt- Jii1L. .t ...- J ..':!.1.i.1.~;. 1~;110

If ordained, when? where? by? ..._l- .. ~i1...i. __ l\.,J. ... , ...:c .. i.1.:i .. 1-JJ _,J.~111 1 .. ..1:.

i-)20 ~·!hen did ycu first co into mission work? wher~stationed?

1910 in L: n~u;,,~ Sci:' J ,1, , :•rrn:Li .. , .::r,in.·. 1919 .. i 11 i > ; "'"" t ; ) l l ';~, , . ; i 1~ '.·. i: 11~ , :: r. in r.

Places of f'ervice -- tyµea of work ~- inetitutj.ons -- years, etc:

. .-1.::: tl

i l i 1 ·· .. · "' t. ; ; 11. ·. 0 , ., 'r ch · r .. ; ~ tr~. <\ 1J. r 'r, l 1 l " - '.7":: , l ::i::::.:: - j 1

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Fore:i~n lanrwar:;ee s11oken; other talents: ~],, '-" J ...... !J.

/.ny bocks written? srecial research? please descr:!.be: ;:!.;··.~: 1 i;. _L [C.i..:::l. ; ....... ·::: .. ~l.! J .. , .. l~ ..i..~: .-;fl~

,. .. . J . I.

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Description of your special work on field (needs of people, opportunities, reoched, plans for future, etc,) Anything else of interest to church or news:f)aper readers: -. ,, · .i ' ' ·. r·~ :r .: 11'. .; - .·.' i ~. ·1 ~ 1 lJ. i

· : i a ·. ; i1 ~ .... . J.,., r .i. -~ . ! : --: . • . : -~ r· 1 ~ .1 <:; • • • .i. t1 l .:' t .. · .. ~ . ) - ·

numbers people

Page 12: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

.. . '.' . 'v ,& I ' .J.. ) •. · .. J..'·) u ~--1 "'bi" , •• 1 - '

l • ,• . n ! ,n 1?32

What work (where? when?) between school and missionary service: j 'i •)]""• '>'lt. rin· "'C!'1) il 1"/"' ·.:it.h ; YC '.-{~{ '·" •)il 1 ('l ]' .· .. . ..

When aup?inted a mi~sionary (or deaconess or pastor):

If ordained, when? where? by? J..1..t .. ~iu .. :.iV ... Lt .. ' J!~ill--.. VJ

i .i20 firet ~ into miss: on work? where stationed?

\ .... ....... 1 ...J. ·-· ... J.

When did you 1910 in L: n~u;,,~ Sc,1) »l, , : 1.nirin~, J1;ln,\ 1919 .. illic.• ;:~-st, :::)11 'l:Y• .;i11~:i: i~._:, ".:<.inr

Places of t"ervice -- types of work -- institutions -- years, etc: il1i·0 ·• ··"."t. ;,..,11··- ", 'i"P:Jh 'l' ~· •• ~ tr~, "ur·r, 1'J.'.1_'.);',11?.'.!-31

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.. , ..J. _ IJ, J " .............. ' " ' .. l ... •' t1'i

ForejGn languages spoken; other talents:

Any books written? special research? please describe: Jccr.s :'.. Jn,.,l :rLicl _.., .i. .. .r C·~lJ.J C; .. .; .. "'.) -r·:=: ltJ .·r--.rli "l'- ..

-·· \,. p lnt 1 .~. :-. t.. .:;. l!. J' : :c .'.. ) .1 - "); . - 1 ) - \ l ) ., .1 ~. ·:~ ~ l l_

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Description of your s:pec:!.al work on field (needs of people, opportunities, renched, plans for future, etc,) Anything else of interest to church or newspaper readers: ··r .. ·,' ' .. r·- ., '· .... ! : . ·; '" < 1.~ t

numbers people


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Page 13: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

w. W. Reid Joard of Missions and Church Extension

of the Methodist Church 150 Fi~h Avenue, New York, 11, N.Y. released upon receipt

The Rev. Frank A. Argelander, president of the College of West Africa,

Eonrovia, Liberia, and a former missionary-educator in China, will be the guest-

speaker at on

• Mr. Argelander, now on furlough in the United States,

will speak on his experiences of recent years in Liberia, the oldest mission field

of the ilethodist Church.

Mr. Argelander first entered the missionary service of the t:ethodist Church

in 1918, after twelve years of business eXJ erience in New York and in Cleveland. He

\~as assigned that year to the ,/illiam Nast College in Kiukiang, Kiangsi Province,

China, and his China mission service which ended in 1940 was all in that city and in

its environs. During the period, he was at various times professor of Bible and of

;~nglish in the College, principal of the primary school, district missionary organ-

izine churches and schools in the villages and towns surrounding Kiukiang, <md treas-

urer of the liethodist mission 0 For a period he was also principal of the School for

.4merican Children in 'l\.mgchow, North China. i\ihile home in America, he was for a

period on the faculty of Mto Zion School, Mt. Zion, Georgia.

In 1947, J:r. Argelandcr was recommissioned a missionary of the Methodist

Church and assigned to the principalship of the oldest educational institution of the

2.oard of l"issions overseas -- the College of \Jest .f..frica. This institution was

founded by Methodism's first overseas missionary, the Rev. Melville B. Cox in 1832.

Although it has had its 11ups and dm .. ns 11 throtigh the century because of the illness

of missionary principals due to !ionrovia 's clmate, it has been the school at which

inost of the republic's ablest leaders have been trained.

Er. Argelander was born in Brooklyn, Jl!.Y., and was educated at Baldwin-Walluce

College, Garrett Biblical Institute, and Union Theological Seminary. -- 50 --

Page 14: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of



i· I• i

W. W. Reid Board of Missions of the Methodist Church 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N,y. released upon receipt

Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Argelander, wife of the Rev. Frank A. Argelander,

missionary of the Methodist Church recently returned from five years of service in

Austria, will be the guest-speaker at

on • She will speak on the work of the

Methodist Church among refugees from Hungary who fled into Austria after the up-

rising against the communists -- a refugee service of clothing, feeding, and shel-

tering in which Mrs. Argelander and her husband had active part.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Argelander have been missionaries on three continents,

and have also served churches in the United States. Born in Cleveland, Ohic:, Mrs.

Argelander (then Miss Schleman) was educated at Baldwin Wallace College where she

met her future husband. She taught in Royalton High School, Parma, Ohio, then (in

1919) went to China, and was married in Shanghai to Mr. Argelander. Together they

served in China for 17 years, in Japan for one; then, after missionary service was

ended in China by the communists, they spent four years in Liberia, Africa, where

Mr. Argelander was president of the College of l;est Africa in Monrovia, Liberia,

For the past six years they have been in Vienna, Austria.

During all these years Mrs. Argelander was both a homemaker and a teacher.

She 1-:orked especially among the women of China and of Liberia; and son1etimes she

was in charge of dormitories, an<'! directed the activities of the kitchen and the

dining rcO!:is. All cf these skills came intC' later gC'cd service •.hen she undert,cc·k

to make homes and tr> give food and clothing tr refugees 1-Jho fled frnn the c"mmunists

in Hungary.


Page 15: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

I I I l J .l


W, W. Reid Board of Missions of the Methodist Church 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y. released upon receipt

Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Argelander, wife of the Rev. Frank A. Argelander,

missionary of the Methodist Church recently returned from five years of service in

Austria, will be the guest-speaker at

on • She will speak on the work of the

Methodist Church amC'ng refugees from Hungary who fled into Austria after the up-

rising against the communists -- a refugee service of clothing, feeding, and shel-

tering in which i')rs. Argelander and her husband had active part.

Both Mr. and l'irs. Argelander have been missionaries on three continents,

and have also served churches in the United States. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs.

Argelander (then Miss Schleman) was educat~d at Baldwin Wallace College where she

met her future husband. She taught in Royalton High School, Parma, Ohio, then (in

1919) went to China, and was married in Shanghai to Mr. Argelander. Together they

served in China for 17 years, in Japan for one; then, after missionary service was

ended in China by the communists, they spent four years in Liberia, Africa, where

Mr. Argelander was president of the College of West Africa in Monrovia, Liberia.

For the past six years they have been in Vienna, Austria.

During all these years hrs. Argelander was b0th a ho:rr.emaker and a teacher.

She worked especially among the women of Chim1 and or Liberia; o.nd sor:ctimes she

was in charge of dormitcries, and directed the activities of the kitchen and the

dininE rooms. All of these skills came intr· later geed service -:·:hen she undertc('k

to make hcmes and tr:- give food and clothing to refugees who fled frcm the communists

in Hungary.


Page 16: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

';J, W, Reid Board of Missions of the Methodist Church 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y. released upon receipt

A veteran missionary of the Methodist Church -- who has served in educa-

tional and evangelistic pioneering on three continents -- will be the guest-speaker

at on

The Rev. Frank A. Argelander, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y ., has served the Board of

Missions of his Church first in China, then in Liberia, Africa, and more recentJ.;y

in Vienna, Austria. In addition, in 1927-8, when all missionaries were evacuated

from China because of the civil war there, li'ir. Argelander spent a year in Tokyo,

Japan, as a teacher in Aoya,ma Gakuin College. He has also been a pastor in the

United States.

Mr. Argelander first went to China in 1918 and served in Kiukiang as a pro-

fessor in the noted William Mast College, He was there until 1931, except for the

year in Japan; and then from 1937 to 1941, he was principal and chaplain of the

North China American School in Tungchow, China. Returning to the United States

when the war with Japan was on and the comnunits were taking control of China, he

served as a pastor in Cleveland, Ohio, and as a teacher in Wood Junior College,


In 1947, Mr. Argelander was appointed to the presidency of the College of

West .tt.frica, a missionary school of the t::ethodist Church in Iv:onrovia, Liberia.

Four years later he was appointed as pastor of the Second Methodist Church in

Vienna, Austria. He was in Vienna when the churches of Austri.a undert.ook to minis-

ter to the needs of some of the thousands of Hungarian refugees who crossed the line

in 1946 after the short-lived rebellion against corr:rnunism, He was active in caring

for many thousands of refugees.

h:r. Argelander was educated at Baldwin-Wallace College and at Columbia

University. His home is at present in Evanston, Illinois.

------ 57 ------

Page 17: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

';J, W. Reid Board of Missions of the rv;ethodist Church 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y. released upon receipt

A veteran missionary of the Methodist Church -- who has served in educa-

tional and evangelistic pioneering on three continents -- will be the guest-speaker

at on

The Rev. Frank A. Argelander, a native of Erooklyn, N.Y., has served the Board of

Miss ions of his Church first in China, then in Liberia, Africa, and more recently

in Vienna, Austria. In addition, in 1927-8, when all missionaries were evacuated

from China because of the civil war there, Mr. Argelander spent a year in Tokyo,

Japan, as a teacher in Aoyama Gakuin College. He has also been a pastor in the

United States.

Mr. Argelander first went to China in 1918 and served in Kiukiang as a pro-

fessor in the noted William Nast College. He was there until 1931, except for the

year in Japan; and then from 1937 to 1941, he was principal and chaplain of the

North China American School in Tungchov1, China. Returning to the United States

when the war with Japan was on and the comnuni ts were taking control of China, he

served as a pastor in Cleveland, Ohio, and as a teacher in Wood Junior College,


In 1947, Mr. Argelander was appointed to the presidency of the College of

West Africa, a missionary school of the l'.:ethodist Church in lvionrovia, Liberia.

Four years later he was appointed as pastor of the Second Methodist Church in

Vienna, Austria. He Has in Vienna when the churches of Austria undertook to minis-

ter to the needs of some of the thousands of Hungarian refugees who crossed the line

in 1946 after the short-lived rebellion against communism. He was active in caring

for many thousands of refugees.

J1:r. Argelander was educated at Baldwin-Wallace College and at Columbia

University. His home is at present in Evanston, Illinois,

------ 57 ------

Page 18: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of


I ' I

I ' ! I

I i I

I i !

1d, W. Reid Board of Missions of the Methodist Church 150 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y. released upon receipt

A veteran missionary of the Methodist Church -- who has served in educa-

tional and evangelistic pioneering on three continents -- will be the guest-speaker

at on

The Rev. Frank A. Argelander, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y ., has served the Eoard of

Missions of his Church first in China, then in Liberia, Africa, and more recently

in Vienna, Austria. In addition, in 1927-8, when all missionaries were evacuated

from China because of the civil war there, for. Argelander spent a year in Tokyo,

Japan, as a teacher in Aoyama Gakuin College. He has also been a pastor in the

United States.

!•.ir. Argelander first went to China in 1918 and served in Kiukiang as a pro-

fessor in the noted William Mast College, He was there until 1931, except for the

year in Japan; and then from 1937 to 1941, he was principal and chaplain of the

North China American School in Tungchorr, China. Returning to the United States

when the war with Japan was on and the conmunits were taking control of China, he

served as a pastor in Cleveland, Ohio, and as a teacher in Wood Junior College,


In 1947, Mr. Argelander was appointed to the presidency of the College of

West Africa, a missionary school of the Eethodist Church in Iv1onrovia, Liberia.

Four years later he was appointed as pastor of the Second Methodist Church in

Vienna, Austria. He i.ias in Vienna when the churches of Austria undertook to minis-

ter to the needs of some of the thousands of Hungarian refugees who crossed the line

in 1946 after the short-lived rebellion against coomunisi:;1, He was active in caring

for many thousands of refugees.

l\.r, Argelander was educated at Baldwin-Wallace College and at Columbia

University. His home is at present in Evanston, Illinois,

' ------ 57 ------

Page 19: ARGELANDER, FRANK A. - GCAHcatalog.gcah.org/publicdata/files/4642/argelander-frank-a.pdfRecording Secretary-----M:l.ss Anna Thielz - Room 1402 Please record the following change of

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