Argentin a Unit 7 Review

Argentina Unit 7 Review. En el cibercafé talk about technologytechnology talk about a series of events talking about when things happenwhen things happen

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  • Diapositiva 1
  • Argentina Unit 7 Review
  • Diapositiva 2
  • En el cibercaf talk about technologytechnology talk about a series of events talking about when things happenwhen things happen say what you did preterite of regular -er and -ir verbsregular -er and -ir verbs talk about indefinite or negative situationsindefinite or negative affirmative and negative words affirmativenegative
  • Diapositiva 3
  • technology vocab el mensajero instantneoel sitio Web la pantalla la cmara digital la direccin electrnica el teclado el ratn hacer clic en quemar un disco compacto la cmara digital
  • Diapositiva 4
  • Vocab practice Answer s if the statement is logical and no if it is illogical. Hago clic con la pantalla. no - ilgico Quemo un disco compacto. s - lgico Escribo con el teclado. s - lgico Tomo fotos con un ratn. no - ilgico
  • Diapositiva 5
  • Calendar words and phrases lunesmartesmircolesjuevesviernessabadodomingo 28 Da festivo A 29 viaje al museo B 30 repaso de U6 C 31 Examen de espaol 10 o D 1 repaso de U7 E 2 Vamos a la playa F 3 estudiamos G 4 clases 2 y 4 examenes Ia 5 clases 2 y 4 examenes Ib 6 clases 2 y 4 examenes Ic 7 LIBRE es verano!!! Id 8 graduacin Ie 9 PLAYA If 10 PLAYA Ig Based on today, how do we talk about the other days shown. E - hoy F - maana G - pasado maana D - ayer C - anteayer B - el martes pasado A - el lunes pasado I - la semana prxima Ia - el lunes prximo Ib - el martes prximo Ic - el mircoles prximo Id el jueves prximo Ie - el viernes prximo If - el sbado prximo Ig - el domingo prximo
  • Diapositiva 6
  • In the past: pasado - last, this past el lunes pasado last Monday, this past Monday la decada pasada last decade, this past decade anteayer - the day before yesterday antes - beforehand talk about a series of events In the future: prximo(a) next el prximo domingo next Sunday (not this one but the following one!) que viene - thats coming el domingo que viene this Sunday luego - later, then entonces -then, so ms tarde - later on despus - afterwards
  • Diapositiva 7
  • Arrange these expressions in order from first to final maana anteayer el sbado que viene el jueves pasado hoy el domingo prximo ayer pasado maana el martes que viene por fin primero ms tarde luego
  • Diapositiva 8
  • preterite of regular -er and -ir verbs How do you form the preterite of regular -er and -ir verbs? In the preterite, -er and -ir verb endings are identical. The yo forms and the usted/l/ella forms take accents. The nosotros(as) form of regular -ir verbs is the same in both the present and the preterite. Use context clues to determine the tense of the verb. Vend la computadora. I sold the computer. Toms escribi un correo electrnico. Toms wrote an e-mail. Salimos a las ocho anoche. We left at eight oclock last night. The word anoche tells you that salimos is in the preterite tense.
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  • Preterite er/-ir conjugations -er verbs-ir verbs yo-nosotr@s-imosyo-nosotr@s-imos t-istevosotr@s-isteist-istevosotr@s-isteis l/ella usted -i ell@s ustedes -ieron l/ella usted -i ell@s ustedes -ieron
  • Diapositiva 10
  • Complete the sentences with the correct preterite form of the verb. 1. Usted _____ la puerta. (abrir) 2. Nosotros ____ la camiseta. (perder) 3. Yo _____ un correo electrnico. (recibir) 4. T _____ una carta. (escribir) 5. Ellas _____ refrescos. (beber)
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  • What is an indefinite or negative? An indenfinite as defined by: http://www.yourdictionary.com/indefinite Indefinite describes something that has no exact limits, is vague or that is not clearly defined. (adjective) English examples: some, few, any A negative as defined by: http://idioms.yourdictionary.com/negative in the negative in refusal or denial of a plan, suggestion, etc. with a denial or negative answer containing, expressing, or implying a denial or refusal; that says no: a negative reply
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  • talk about negative words Use a negative word to talk about a negative situation. nadie no one, nobody, anybody nada nothing, anything ningn (o/a) none, not any, not one nini neithernor tampoco neither (alone), not also, not too nunca / jams never No->verb->neg. word= correct spanish If a verb is preceded by no, words that follow must be negative. A double negative is required in Spanish when no precedes the verb. No escucha nadie en clase. Nobody listens in class. This negative does not always translate to English as a negative negative word+ verb correct Spanish Nadie escucha en clase. Nobody listens in class. words that begin with any are neutral
  • Diapositiva 13
  • talk about affirmative words Use an affirmative word to talk about an indefinite situation. alguien someone, somebody, anybody algo something, anything algn (o/a) some, any oo eitheror tambin also, too siempre always Algn(o/a) must match the gender of the noun they replace or modify. They have different forms when used before masculine singular nouns. algn cantante latino libro is singular and masculine alguno es igual al otro I replaced algn cantante with an indefinite pronoun alguna pelcula de amor pelcula is feminine singular algunos chicos guapos chicos is masculine plural algunas mujeres bellas mujeres is feminine plural words that begin with any are neutral
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  • indefinite and negatives practice Answer the questions, using negative words. Jugaste algunos videojuegos ayer? Bebiste algo en la maana? Siempre estudias despus de las clases? Compraste algo en la tienda? Complete each sentence with the correct affirmative or negative word. Nunca mando correos electrnicos, pero ___ uso el mensajero instantneo. No tienes una cmera digital? Yo ___. A Juan no le gusta mandar fotos ___ correos electrnicos. Conocen ___ tienda de computadoras?
  • Diapositiva 15
  • Argentina Poblacin: 39.144.753 rea: 1.068.302 millas cuadradas,el pas hispanohablante ms grande del mundo Capital: Buenos Aires Moneda: el peso argentino Comida tpica: asado, matambre, dulce de leche Gente famosa: Norma Aleandro (actriz) Jorge Luis Borges (escritor) Csar Milstein (bilogo) Mercedes Sosa (cantante) Quino (escritor) Smbolos culturales: Los gauchos el tango Mafalda
  • Diapositiva 16
  • #98, Mafalda (1966) Mafalda: "What are you going to be when you grow up, Susanita?" Susanita: "I'm going to be a mother!" Susanita: "Your dad has a very original way of lying down."
  • Diapositiva 17
  • El tango argentino
  • Diapositiva 18
  • Los Gauchos
  • Diapositiva 19
  • Unit 7 Lesson 1 Review Quiz
  • Diapositiva 20
  • Vocab Review 1. Name three parts of a computer. 2. Name three things you can do on the Internet. Put the following sentences in order. 3. Ms tarde, Trini va a Puerto Rico y a Espaa. 4. Luego, Trini est en Puebla, Mxico. 5. Por fin, Trini est en Buenos Aires. 6. Primero, Trini llega a San Antonio.
  • Diapositiva 21
  • Grammar Review Write the preterite of the verbs in parentheses. 7. Yo un refresco. (beber) 8. Ana mucho ayer. (aprender) 9. T el partido. (perder) 10. Rosa el suelo. (barrer) Write the opposite of these sentences. 11. Siempre recibo algunos correos electrnicos. 12. Nadie escribe nada con el mensajero instantneo. 13. A Beatriz le gusta navegar por Internet y estar en lnea.