Argo Technologies Argo TC Inputs by S. Riser (UW) DBCP #22, Technical Workshop La Jolla, California

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Argo Technologies Argo TC Inputs by S. Riser (UW) DBCP #22, Technical Workshop La Jolla, California Slide 2 2 Argo Fleet 2576 Active Floats Slide 3 3 Argo Floats A fleet of US, French, German and Japanese profiling floats Remark: IFREMER & JAMSTEC work on a new float generation Slide 4 4 Argo Floats APEX SOLO Provor NEMO Slide 5 5 Argo Cycle Standard mission 150-200 cycles, t = 10 days, profile to 2000 m, Sensors: T, S, p sampling ~100 levels Slide 6 6 Float Lifetime Float lifetime improving but not yet optimal Solutions: -Alkaline to Lithium batteries -Park & profile -New float generation Slide 7 7 Argo Sensors The SBE CTD unit pumps seawater through a fluid circuit; temperature and conductivity are measured inside this loop, pressure is measured outside. A biocide prevents fouling (growth) inside the loop. Most of floats use a SeaBird CTD. About 200 floats (WHOI) use a FSI CTD T accurate to 0.005 C p accurate to 5 dbar S accurate to 0.01 Psu Slide 8 8 Argo Profile [data from 71 levels] Slide 9 9 CTD stability UW float 063 was recovered after 3 years and recalibrated. The results showed that salinity, temperature, and pressure had all remained stable to within the manufacturers specifications. Slide 10 10 Iridium Floats About 25 iridium floats are operating (UW) High resolution T and S data ( p = 2 dbar) over a 2000 m profile sampling 1000 levels surface time 6 minutes Slide 11 11 Iridium Floats High resolution profile (75 to 1000 levels) More bandwidth (required for other sensors) A few min at surface vs. ~10 hours Downlink available to e.g. upload new conf. Collection of T and p data at drift depth Data management ? modem/modem, SBD, RUDICS Cost ? (per byte