Argumentative Essay – Draft #1 - Stephanie

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  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Argumentative Essay Draft #1

    Stephanie Pacheco Albano

    EAP2 F WW

  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Stephanie Pacheco AlbanoArgumentative EssayDraft #1EAP2 F WWJuly, 28th


    Biological Adaptations Caused By Climate Change


    With the increase of greenhouse gases concentrations, global climate has changed, and the

    consequence is a raising in the earths surface temperature by 0.74 C in the past century

    (Penuelas et al., 2013, p.1). This increase of temperature is causing physical, chemical and

    biological changes that are occuring accelerate. Earths temperature cant increase more than

    2C so rapid, because it would be disastrous for life. Some species, like plants and ectoterms,

    couldnt adapt or migrate so fast as an extreme climate change, so theyll possibly die.

    Biologists are really concerned about whats go to happen to our ecosystems. Probably, while

    people believes global warming is a natural cause and species can survive the extreme climate

    change because they passed through this before in ice ages, researches prove that a new

    natural selection will happen. Weak species will extinct and stronger species (who will

    suffer alterations in their gene expression and metabolism together with the migration of these

    organisms to habitats with better conditions) will survive, creating a new ecosystem. How

    species will survive depends on the capacity and the possible feedbacks of these changes in

    terrestrial and marine organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems to adapt to

    climate change.

  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Stephanie Pacheco AlbanoArgumentative EssayDraft #1EAP2 F WWJuly, 28th



    Anthropo-skeptics makes a different analysis about global warming. They say human action

    isnt accelerating, and data is fake because in the beginning the earth was heating, due to the

    fossil fuels emissions increasing the greenhouse effects, but actually the earth is cooling.

    Geraldo Lino in his book The Global Warming Fraud says that Global warming, as well as

    the colds of atmosphere and oceans, are part of climate dynamics of the Earth and man has no

    influence on these phenomena. These are natural cycles that occur over millions of years.

    The changes are natural because earth is in transition to a new ice age and they say all data

    about global warming is an estrategy to take off the attention from more important problems,

    such as sanitation and other social problems. They also believe that species can survive the ice

    ages because they passed through this before, an example is the polar bear that survive the last

    interglacial period when the temperature was 5 degrees Celsius warmer. But a change in

    temperature is significant to some species. It changes their biochemical pathways, gene

    expression and other factors. Tortoises changes their gender when temperature changes and

    some species dont have the metabolism to survive. World is suffering damages so fast that is

    impossible believe humans arent involved. C oul dnt be the principal cause, but is an

    important factor. This article will show how global warming can the structure, metabolism,

    morphology and the ecology of organisms.

  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Stephanie Pacheco AlbanoArgumentative EssayDraft #1EAP2 F WWJuly, 28th


    Main Point #1

    As temperature of earths surface change, organisms and microrganisms are force to change.

    Their suffer biochemical, physics, physiological, and ecological changes as a defense to

    survive. Ecometabolomic studies ilustrated the large capacity of plants and animals to present

    plastic molecular responses to drought and warming (Penuelas et. al, 2013, p. 2304). In plants,

    a gene expression causes and increase of several enzymes in response drought conditions to

    obtain more water, but in this process they lost a lot of nutrients. These molecular responses

    in plants also depends the specie of plant and their habitat, the same can be apply in

    morphological and physiological changes. In many species, can be observed that

    physiological changes to increase their efficiency result in decline of growth and


    In insects, the responses to warming temperature are an increase in metabolism and

    respiration and the production of heat-shock proteins (Penuelas et al, 2013, p. 2319) so they

    can survive temperatures that exceed the thermal limit. Warming also has significant direct

    effects on animal phenology by lengthening the period of summer activity and by increasing

    the number of reproductive cycles and larval size (Penuelas et al, 2013, p. 2320).

    The reproduction gets down and declines the population, so mortality grows, it depends on the

    kind of specie and their habitat. Climate change can stimulate some species to migrate and

    adapt, but not all the species can really do this.

  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Stephanie Pacheco AlbanoArgumentative EssayDraft #1EAP2 F WWJuly, 28th


    Main Point #2

    In ectoterms, extreme conditions, like very high or very low temperatures, can cause loss of

    mass and mortality. 27 degrees Celsius represent more mortality than in dry conditions, also

    the deaths occur more rapidly than under cool and dry conditions, which shows more

    gradually deaths. (Rohr and Palmer, 2012, p. 1).

    Species, like tortoises, can change their gender in response to climate change and result in a

    serious ecological problem, because the temperature acts before they born, when theyre

    growing. So if the climate change, only one gender of tortoise will born and, consequently,

    theyll extinct.

    Those species that live in sites with limited possibilities for migration, such as moutainous

    areas or islands, have a high risk of local extinction (Penuelas et al, 2013, p. 2324). This is

    one more reason to believe that the habitat and wheter conditions will select the stronger


    Main Point #3

    Climate change may shift the distributions, abundances, timing, and ecological presence of

    species, thereby changing structures and functions of marine biological communities. (Okey,

    Alidina, Jessen, 2014, p. 531). Physiological stress can change the balance of competition or

    predation, which shift species compositions.

    The shift in life conditions can cause migrations of marine species to new regions with other

    kind of species that can be affected and killed by the stress and competition. The level of

  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


  • 8/12/2019 Argumentative Essay Draft #1 - Stephanie


    Stephanie Pacheco AlbanoArgumentative EssayDraft #1EAP2 F WWJuly, 28th



    Hobday, A.J., Pecl, G. T. (2013, September 23). Identification of global marine hotspots:

    sentence for change and vanguards for adaptation action. Springer Science + Business

    Media Dordrecht . Retrieved from:


    Okey, T. A., Alidina H. M., Lo, V., Jessen S. (2014, February 22). Effects of climate change

    on Canadas Pacific marine ecosystems: a summary of scientific knowledge. Springer

    International Publishing Switzerland. Retrieved from:

    Bahn, M., Reichstein, M., Dukes, J. S., Smith, M. D., McDowell, N.G. (2013). Climate-

    biosphere interactions in a more extreme world. New phytologist . Retrieved from: 10. 1111/nph.12662/full

    Penuelas et al. (2013, January 14). Evidence of current impact of climate change on life: a

    walk from genes to the biosphere. Global Change Biology . Retrieved from: http://

    Rohr, J.R., Palmer, B. D. (2012, October 22). Climate Change, Multiple Stressors, and the

    Decline of Ectotherms. Conservation Biology . Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.