arianas Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&1 ews Partly cloudy with isolated light showers. Weather Outlook . , ' ". , I •• •• '.' I 1 I '." t' : 1 ," '.". '. n .. The alleged offer from Sutton was documented by Torres in a copy of a June ]7, ]994 letter from Pixley which he attached to his complaint to Pierce. The letter had Pixley asking SuttontoclarifyhowFlores' pend- ing criminal case "would go away" if Flores will agree to re- lease the CNMI government from civil liability in his threatened 42 USC 1983 civil suit. PixleywhenaskedTuesdaytold the Variety the supposed plea bar- gain offer from Sutton did not push through. Sutton on the other hand could not be reached for comment for the last two days. Flores was earlier named in a criminal case in connection with an armed robbery incident of a game room in September] 993. Continued on page'S Stanley T. Torres Committee, Torres' stopped short of accusing the government so- licitor of misconduct in office when Sulton last year allegedly offered theft suspect Anthony Flores dismissal of his criminal case in exchange for his civil suit against the government. Althoughthe allegedoffer made by Sutton to Flores' counsel, Steven Pixley, may have not ma- terialized, Torres has taken issue with Sutton's action in trying to strike the deal with Flores. "I have come into possession of correspondence between Steve Pixley and Loren Sutton, regard- ing a proposed disposition of a serious criminal matter in ex- change for dismissal of a pending civil lawsuit. I am very disturbed and find it to be an outrageous and possibly a criminal act of black- mail," said Torres in his com- plaint letter to Pierce. "", ....... Solon raps assistant AG for "unethical conduct" Tomas A. Camacho the leadership of this community to act as responsible and moral Christian men and women seek- ing the common good and pro- moting human development in these islands," wrote Camacho. REPRESENTATIVE Stanley T. Torres has filed a complaint be- fore the CNMI Bar Association against Assistant Attorney Gen- eral Loren Sutton for alleged "un- ethical conduct" involving a plea offer he reportedly made last year to a man who sued the govern- ment. In a letter to Richard W, Pierce, rnernberofthe Bar's Disciplinary By Rafael I. santos Variety News Staff THE Philippine government is reported to be tightening the deployment abroad of entertainers and performing artists espe- dally dancers and singers, apparently to stop a practice of sending fake entertainers. Labor officials are said to be concerned that some Filipino artists and entertainers become victimsof harassment and other forms of abuse because of lack of training andskills in the area of performing arts and entertainment. ' Philippine Consul Renato Villapando has asked Manila authori- ties to clarify reports that artists bound for other countries such as Japan and the CNMI are required to undergo academic and skills .. training before they are allowed to leave the country. Employment agencies in the Philippines that send workers here have complained that their entertainers have not been allowed to depart from Manila because of a new labor regulation. The Philippine Department of Labor and Employment is re- ported to have started implementing the new regulati<'m since last January 1. The rrgulation 'requires each entertainer or artist to possess what it calls Artist Record Book which is issued only after the would-be overseas contract worker, completed a training. Yesterday, a Manila court was scheduled to hear a class action Continued on page 8 Stricter dispatch of entertainers from RP By Rafael H. Arroyo Variety News Staff THE CATHOLIC Church has officially registered its opposi- tion to the current move shaping up in the House of Representa- tives to push for the legalization of casino gaming in the CNMI. In a pastoralletter released yes- terday, Bishop Tomas A. OleaiHeadstart students take their turns at the monkey bar during their break time yesterday. The CNMl's Headstart Program has recently undergone evaluation from a federal review team.

arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il

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Page 1: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il

arianas %riet~~Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&1 ews

Partly cloudy withisolated light showers.


. , ' "., I •• ~ •• '.' I 1 I '." t' : 1 ," ~ '.". '. ~" n ..

The alleged offer from Suttonwas documented by Torres in acopy of a June ]7, ]994 letterfrom Pixley which he attached tohis complaint to Pierce.

The letter had Pixley askingSuttontoclarifyhowFlores' pend­ing criminal case "would goaway" if Flores will agree to re­leasetheCNMI government fromcivil liability in his threatened 42USC 1983 civil suit.

PixleywhenaskedTuesdaytoldtheVariety the supposed plea bar­gain offer from Sutton did notpush through.

Sutton on the other hand couldnot be reached for comment forthe last two days.

Flores was earlier named in acriminal case in connection withan armed robbery incident of agame room in September] 993.

Continued on page'S

Stanley T. Torres

Committee, Torres' stopped shortof accusing the government so­licitor of misconduct in officewhen Sulton last year allegedlyoffered theft suspect AnthonyFlores dismissal of his criminalcase in exchange for his civil suitagainst the government.

Althoughtheallegedoffermadeby Sutton to Flores' counsel,Steven Pixley, may have not ma­terialized, Torres has taken issuewith Sutton's action in trying tostrike the deal with Flores.

"I have come into possession ofcorrespondence between StevePixley and Loren Sutton, regard­ing a proposed disposition of aserious criminal matter in ex­change for dismissal of a pendingcivil lawsuit. I am very disturbedand find it to be an outrageous andpossibly a criminal act of black­mail," said Torres in his com­plaint letter to Pierce.


Solon raps assistant AGfor "unethical conduct"

Tomas A. Camachothe leadership of this communityto act as responsible and moralChristian men and women seek­ing the common good and pro­moting human development inthese islands," wrote Camacho.

REPRESENTATIVE Stanley T.Torres has filed a complaint be­fore the CNMI Bar Associationagainst Assistant Attorney Gen­eral Loren Sutton for alleged"un­ethical conduct" involving a pleaoffer he reportedly made last yearto a man who sued the govern­ment.

In a letter to Richard W, Pierce,rnernberofthe Bar's Disciplinary

By Rafael I. santosVariety NewsStaff

THE Philippine government is reported to be tightening thedeployment abroad ofentertainers and performing artists espe­dally dancers and singers, apparently to stop a practice of sendingfake entertainers.

Labor officials are said to be concerned that some Filipinoartists and entertainers become victimsof harassment and otherforms of abuse because of lack of training andskills in the area ofperforming arts and entertainment. '

Philippine Consul Renato Villapando has asked Manila authori­ties to clarify reports that artists bound for other countries such asJapan and the CNMI are required to undergo academic and skills

..training before they are allowed to leave the country.Employment agencies in the Philippines that send workers here

have complained that their entertainers have not been allowed todepart from Manila because of a new labor regulation.

The Philippine Department of Labor and Employment is re­ported to have started implementing the new regulati<'m since lastJanuary 1. The rrgulation 'requires each entertainer or artist topossess what it calls Artist Record Book which is issued only afterthe would-be overseas contract worker, completed a training.

Yesterday, a Manila court was scheduled to hear a class actionContinued on page 8

Stricter dispatch ofentertainers from RP

By Rafael H. ArroyoVariety NewsStaff

THE CATHOLIC Church hasofficially registered its opposi­tion to the current move shapingup in the House of Representa­tives to push for the legalizationof casino gaming in the CNMI.

In apastoralletter released yes-terday, Bishop Tomas A.

Oleai Headstart students take their turns at the monkey bar during their break time yesterday. The CNMl'sHeadstart Program has recently undergone evaluation from a federal review team.

Page 2: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il


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l~~3le;':-~·'./~7~1~}·L]Daniel Quitugua

Hopwood this school year is ap­propriate for the school.

Both Lucas and Wood ex­pressed that the best solution tothe overcrowding problem is noteven the implementation of year­round education, but the openingof Kagman school.

The two teachers claimed that'the Board must give the schoolenough time to allow how a sys­tem like the single track worksfirst before coming up with an­other system (multi-track).

"They have the money to buildthe new school. But, the problemis they don't know how to spend:'it," said Wood.

judges.He may also deny all of the

requests of the governor's law­yers and let the case proceed.

Rayphand filed the lawsuit lastyear questioning the payment of$6.2 million to Mitsubishias wellas other spending actions whichshe said were illegal and wentbeyond the limit set in the 1992budget act.



. I' • JP , •• (

over-enrollment for the schoolyear 1995-1996. .

"Having studied various yearround education systems,Hopwood's Year Round Educa-'tion Committee, along with thefaculty, staff and administrationof Hopwood, has determined thata single track system would bebest for us," said the petitioners.

Inaddition totheconcerns, theyalso raised issues such as teachershortages,additional funding,andschedulingconcerns whichalleg­edly have not been addressed.

"Too much change in too shortof time is counter-productive andstressful forfaculty and students.We are being asked to implementyear-roundeducation, multi-tracksystems,and nowaMiddleSchoolin just three years. The proposalsare vague and lack foresight.Schoolsmust bea placeforsafety,security and above all consis­tency," the teachers said.

Indicating they know the stu­dents and the school best, the pe­titioners said, "as professionalsand the ones who work with thestudents on a daily basis, wouldwe not be the best decision mak­ersaboutthe futureofourschool?"

In an interview with the Vari­ety, Lucas and another teacherJulie Wood pointed out that theyear-round single track systemcurrently being adopted by

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under advisement.Cruz has at least three options.

First, he may decide to dismissthe taxpayer's lawsuit filed byJeanneRayphand,Mitchell's part­ner.

Second, he may dismiss someclaims that have to do with theMitsubishi payments, settlementof the Public School System law­suit and increase in the salaries of

LAWYERS for Governor Froilan C. Tenorio wait outside the courtroomyesterday afternoon before the start of a hearing on their motion todismiss a taxpayer's lawsuit. Asst. Attorney General Sebastian Aloot,right, has asked for the dismissal of the Jeanne Rayphand case whichalleges illegal spending. Also in photo is Asst. Attorney General RobertDunlap.

jority of Hopwood's faculty andstaff,signedthepetitionaddressed

. to BOE Chairman DanielQuitugua who is currently off­island.

Canie Ann Lucas, a teacher,spearheaded the signing of the

'petition,statingtheyfeelthatBOE"has taken a backward step indelivering the ultimatum."

In their letter to Quitugua, thepetitioners claimed that multi­track is not a system that is desig­nated to improve students' learn­ing, but that is used to solveover­crowdingsituationswhenallotheroptions have been exhausted.

"Hopwood Junior High is notyet at that point. The rationale forthe multi-trackyear round educa­tion was implementation of aMiddle School concept (6th, 7thand 8th grades)," the petitionerssaid.

Theyclaimed that notonly havethe faculty, staff, parents and stu­dents of Hopwood not been con­sulted about the recent decision,but the concerns they have previ­ously submitted "seem to havebeenpassedoffas unnoteworthy."

The petitioners pointed out thatthe Year Round Education Com­mittee has determined by study­ing current enrollment, numberof available classrooms, and thenumber of full time teachers thatHopwood does not anticipate

~ --~ ----~--~ - --------

Theodore R, Mitchellof the liability.

Earlier, the lawyer accused thechief executivc of rn isappropriat­ing public money and then influ­encing the legislature to ratify hisactions. Mitchell claimed law­makers were not fulIy aware ofthegovernor's actions as thechiefexecutive did not make "full dis­closure" to them and to the public

. regarding the disbursement offunds.

During the hearing, plaintiffalsoallegedthatTenoriohadmadeat least 12 illegal spending and .

. that he did. increase his spendingby 100%.

The governor, he said, wasaware that he was spending be­yond the 1992 budget act limits,but "did not 'do anything." In­stead, Tenorio kept on spending.despitewarnings fromthefinancedepartment of a potential prob­lem.

Lawyersforthe governor main­tain that the chief executive hasreprogrammingauthorityanddis­bursement of funds were all for"public purpose."

Judge Cruz did not issue anydecision after hearing argumentsfrom both sides. He told the par­ties that he was placing the matter




menting a year-round multi-tracksystem at the school in the nextschool year as they assailed BOEfor allegedly failing to addressother school problems.

A total of 53, comprising ma-

Sebastian Aloot said the approvalof the Special AppropriationsActby the legislature exonerated thegovernor from civil liability overthe alleged overspending and il­legal appropriations.

Mitchell however said the newlaw known as Public Law 9-23 isunconstitutional initsentirety. HetoldSpecialJudge BenjaminCruzthat lawmakers have no authorityto forgiveor clear the governor ofany liability over alleged misuseor misappropriations of funds.

Mitchell said Tenorio and Fi­nanceSecretaryMaria D.Cabreraare custodian of public funds andas such they are considered astrustees. Only the people of thecommonwealth, who are the ben­eficiaries, should discharge him

By Rafael SantosVariety NewsBtaff

HOPWOOD faculty and staffmembersfiled Tuesday a petitionto the Board of Education to re­c~nsider its decision of imple-

Hopwood teachers Carrie Ann Lucas (left) and Julie Wood lead otherfaculty and staff members to sign a petition asking aGE to reconsiderits decision to implement year-round multi-track system in the nextschool year.

Public Law 9-23 unconstitutional, says Mitchell

Petition on vs Year-round schemeTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEWS-3

By Rafael I. SantosVariety NewsStaff

A LAW which ratified some oftheappropriationsand reprogram­mingof millionsof dollars in pub­lic funds is unconstitutional be­cause the legislature cannot dis­charge the governor from liabil­ity.

This was raised yesterday byattorney Theodore R. Mitchellduring a hearing on a motion todismiss a taxpayer's lawsuitagainst Governor Froilan C.Tenorio and his finance secre­tary.

Lawyers for the governor haveaskedfor the dismissal of the caseon grounds that a new law hasrendered the matter moot.

Assistant Attorney General




of newunilateralgrantsof drill­ing concessions by any claimant­state on disputed territories."

Healso proposed placing everydisputed island under the "stewsardship the primary responsibil­ity of the claimant country closestto it geographically."

The islands are about 256 kilo­meters (160 miles) west of thePhilippine island ofPalawan, 860kilometers (540 miles) southeastof the Chinese island of Hainan,495 kilometers (3I0 miles) eastof Vietnam and about 1,360kilo­meters (850 miles) southwest ofTaiwan.

More than 11,000 people havedied in the insurrection, whichbe­gan over demands for greater au­tonomy and an end of what theMuslims say is institutional dis­crimination.

India and Pakistan have foughtthreewarssinceindependencefromBritain in 1947. Two of the warswereovertheKashmirdispute.leav­ing Kashmir divided between thetwo countries.

Japan.rockedby moderateearthquakesTOKYO (AP) •Three moderateearthquakes, with preliminarymagnitude readings of 5.8, 4.7and 4.6, struck northern Japanearly Wednesday. There were noimmediate reports of damage orinjury.

The Meteorological Agencysaid the first quake struck at 5:48a.m. (2048 GMT Tuesday) 20 ki- .lorneters (12 miles) beneath thesea floor in the Pacifieocean nearEtorofu in the Kuril island chain,about I,] 20 kilometers (700'miles) north of Tokyo.

The second quake hit at 8:55a.rn. (2355 GMT Tuesday) 50 ki­lometers (30 miles) beneath theocean floor off Kushiro,960kilo­meters (600 miles) north of To­kyo, and a third quake shook thesame spot an hour later with amagnitudeof 4.6, the agency said.

AIIthree quakes could be felt in. northwestern: Hokkaido, Japan'snorthernmost main island. Ari of-'ficial 'at the Kushiro police de-.partment said the second tremorwasstrongenoughto visiblyshakebuildings, but was very brief. .

An agency official said 'therewas nodirect connection betweenWednesday's temblors and theJan. 17earthquake in western Ja­pan that killed more than 5,300people.


"We have defeated Paki~tan somanytimes,we do can do it again.We are wonied about complica­tionsof involvement of other par­ties," he said.

His speech made headlines inmost Indian newspapers Wednes­day.

Indiasays it will not grant inde­pendence to Kashmir, the onlyMuslim-dominated state in India,whichis predominantly Hindu.

trying to find the document thatChavancited in Parliament.

Chavan referred to a "researchdocumentpublished bytheRepub­licans stating that the Democratswerecreatingproblems in Indiabyencouraging Pakistan to supplyarms, provide training camps andlogistic support"to the militants.

Chavan said the United Stateswould only besatisfied if indepen­dence was grantedto ~ashmir.

also urged claimants to work to­gether to develop the Spratlyseconomically.

During the National SecurityCouncil meeting, Ramos de­scribed the Chinese movesas"in­cursions" intoPhilippineterritoryand the structures as "new out­postsand apossible naval supportinstallation" built by the Chinesein the middle of the Philippines'exclusive economiczone.


until July 17.India routinely accuses neigh­

boringPakistan,an Islamicstate,ofsupporting the 5-year-oldMuslimrebellion in Kashmir. Butitwasthefirsttimeinmorethanayearthatanofficialof Chavan's rank has pub­licly alleged U.S. involvement inKashmir.

A U.S. embassy spokesman de­clined to comment on the allega­tions, and said the embassy was



Supply tents fill the schoolyardof theMotoyama Daison elementary school in the Higashi Nada ward ofKobe,Japan which now functions as a refugee camp for 500 people left homeless by the January 17, 1995earthquake, Friday, February 10, 1995. There are 1081 refugee camps set up in Kobe, most of them incommunity centers such as schools, government buildings and cultural centers. (AP Photo)

He also said Chinese forcesbriefly detained a group Filipinofishermen last month. .

Ramos said these actions showChina has ignored internationallaw and a 1992 call by the Asso­ciation of Southeast Asian Na­tions to settle conflicting claimspeacefully.

ASEAN, which includes thePhilippines, Indonesia.Malaysia,Thailand, Singapore and Brunei,

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NEWDELH1,India(AP)-India'sinterior' minister has accused theUnited Stateson thefloorofParlia­mentof supportingMuslim seces­sionists in the Indianstateof Kash­mir.

"Unless we are prepared to toetheirline ... they willkeepcreatingproblems," said Interior MinisterShankarrao Chavan. He spokeTuesdaybeforethe legislature votedto extendfederal ruleoverthe state

India accuses US of interference

By OLIVER TEVESMANILA, Philippines (AP)President Fidel Ramos onWednesdayordered the strength­ening of military outposts in thecontested Spratly Islands afterChinese moves in areas claimedby the Philippines.

"While we are hoping for thebest, we must .prepare for theworst," Ramos said as he openeda meeting of the National Secu­rityCouncilon anemerging crisistriggered by Chinese occupationof the Panganiban Reef, whichManila also claims.

The islands in the South ChinaSea, believed to be rich in miner­alssuch asoil, are also claimed inwholeor in part by Vietnam, Tai­wan, Malaysia and Brunei.

"I haveordered theDepartmentof Defense to strengthen, withinour limited capabilities, our de­tachmentsand our navalpresencein the Kalayaan Island Group andto intensify its aerial surveillanceover Panganiban Reef," Ramossaid. He did not specify whether"strengthening" would includesending more troops or upgrad­ing weaponry.

The military,citing national se­curity, has refused to say howmany troops are stationed on theeightislandsoccupiedby the Phil­ippines.

Lastweek, Ramos said surveil­lance pictures showed that theChinese have constructed struc­tures at the reef and that Chinesenaval vessels were in the area.

Page 3: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il



cities" have respectively in­creased and decreased slightly.

Comparedto responsesin 1991in which "resort-oriented activ­ity" such as "to rest and relax"and "playing golf' increased,1992 responses indicated a trendfocusingon travel to two or morecities.

With the enactment of PublicLaw9-22 recently, there isasteepincrease in ad valorem taxes onitems that are usually purchasedbythe touristmarketintheCNMI.

Itemslikecigarettes andliquor,among the favorite items pur­chased by tourists, are also af­fected.

sthe future.

"Prices are so high. The bagsarc too expensive. There is noway to compare with others.Breakfast at hotel or golf courseis $14. It is much more expen­sive than the hotel at 5th Avenuein New York," he said in theletter.

"If you don't set about devel­oping Saipan's own industry ur­gently, there is no future growthin Saipan." Sato stressed.

According to JTB shopping,although in first position, has de­clined greatly by 6.7% comparedto 1988, while "sightseeing inlocal areas" and "sightseeing in

, 1 :;~: ..

PLEASE VOTE #BABAUTA SON 5for Con Con Delegate

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# 3IE


importance of discussing the is­sue to the Board after she re­ceived a letter from a Japanesetourist expressing his views onCNMI's tourism industry.

She said Sigeru Sato, of NishiSugamo, Toyoshima-ku, Tokyo,whohadjust visitedSaipan,urgedMVB to examine his observa­tions particularly the problem ofprices.

According to Sate, the wholepricesare muchhigherthanJapanand even in the U.S. mainland.

Sato pointed out that althoughthe numbers of tourists are in­creasing because of the currenthigh yen rate, it will decrease in

A bulldozerscrapes offthe concrete pavement along a portion ofChalan Msgr. Guerrero in front ofthe JoetenOandan Shopping Center to give way for a road improvement project. The repa ving is currently in progress.

By Ferdie de la TorreVariety News Staff

MARIANAS Visitors BureauManaging Director AniciaTomokanehasexpressedconcern .about the effects of high prices inthe CNMI on tourism industry.

Tomokane toldtheVarietyyes­terday that the problem of priceswill be among the top agenda inthe nextMVB Boardof Directorsmeeting Friday.

The MVB managing directorsaidaccordingto theJapanTravelBureau s report, the number onelisted as top priorities of touristswere "shopping."

Tomokane underscored the

lIDS," Tenorio added.Under his new post, Tautfest

will be responsibleforthe follow­ing functions:

-orienting the project teamprojectobjectives and approach;

-reviewingthestatement ofworkand providing clarification asneeded;

-preparingadetailedproject planwhich identifies and assign tasks.majormilestonesforthetaskforceteam,theestimateddatesonwhichtheyshouldoccur,andindicationsof critical path;

-scheduling and conductingmeetings;

-notifyingcontractorof specifi­cation changes;

-notifying contractor of prob­lems/concerns;

-processingchange orders;-evaluating and certifying of

phases;-tracking and evaluating

progress against project plan;-preparingstatus reports; and-reviewingchange requests and

maintaining log of those requests.

Anicia Tomokane



Tautfest to handleimmigration project

By Rafael H. ArroyoVariety News Staff

GOVERNORFroilan C. Tenoriohas named one of his assistants,JohnTautfestasprogrammanagerfortheproposed Immigration Iden­tification andDocumentationSys­tems (lIDS).

This was learned in a February13 memorandum Tenorio sent toLabor and ImmigrationSecretaryRaynaldoM. Cing where he del­egatedTuatfest the roleof contactperson in the establishment andimplementation oftheIIDSproject.

"MrTautfestwillbe thepointofcontact between the contractor,MAGNAEnterprises Intemationa,Inc. and all participating CNMIdepartments and agencies. AllLabor and Immigration interac­tion with the contractor shall bedone through Mr. Tautfest," saidthe governor.

"To carryout his tasks,I requestthat Mr. Tautfest be given accesstoallareas,at allrequiredtimes,sothat he can help facilitate the suc­cessful implementation of the





principal.According to regulators, up to half the

investors' money goes for undisclosed"comrnissions,"whilemuchof the restpaysfor the boiler-room telemarketing opera­tions used to pressure investors. In oneCalifornia case, just .5 percent of receiptswere used to construct the wireless TVproject toutedto investors."Theyjust keep­ing pounding you and pounding you," saida retired 71-year old California man, whosays he received at least six high-pressure'phone calls. Finally, about two yearsago,asalesmancame to the man's home peddlinga hiuh-techdeal that would doubleor triplehis ~money. "Like a dummy I gave him$10,000 bucks, and I never heardfrom himor saw himagain," said the man,whoaskedus not to use his name out of fear that hewould targeted again. One promoter of ahigh-tech deal, Michael Gartner, allegedlycontinued to solicit investors from a tele­phone injai I. Gartner raised more than $12million-mostly from retirees-for. sharesin a videophone network. The SEC allegesthat Gartner fraudulently told investors hehad patentsforthe technology,andhenevereven laid the flber-optic cable. Instead, hespent $2 million of the money on himself,including two luxury cars,$20,000 per'month for rent on a multimillion dollarmansion, $1\00,000 for furniture and fix­tures, and $60,000 for a fish tank. An attor-

. neyfor Gartner,whois awaitingtrial,couldnot be reached for comment.

Gartner wasjai led lastJanuaryfor violat­ing a judge's order to turn over the $12million. Last summer, a federal grand juryindicted him on 30 counts of securitiesfraud, wire fraud, mail fraud and money.laundering. The indictment alleges that hekept makingsales calls fromjail. The Cali­fornia Department of Corporations has re- 'sponded to the scams with its largest en­forcementactionever. A recentcrackdown'targeted426firms andindividuals whohadsecured more than $850 million from indi­vidual investors. Kathryn Holguin, thedepartment's chief investigator, told ourassociate Ed Henry that the crackdownproduced some familiar faces. "These arethe same people who offered phony- oilwells and gold mines and never drilled thewells or dug the gold out of the ground,"Holguin said. "We know these people.Wewalk in with search warrants and it's like,'Hey Kathryn, how are you doing?'''



WASHINGTON-Call it a modem-dayversion of "highway robbery." With thepromise of big profits from the heralded"information superhighway," scam artistsare bilkinghundreds of millionsof dollarsfrom unsuspecting investors across thecountry.Securitiesregulators say that tensof thousands of Americanshavepouredanestimated$I.S billionintobogushigh-techinvestments. The scam artists prey mostlyonelderlyindividuals, manyof whomhaveriskedtheir lifesavingsout of a falsebeliefthat any investment connected with themuch hyped information superhighway isthe road to prosperity. 'The Americanpeople think the information superhigh­way is paved with gold," says BillMcDonald, who is monitoring the scamsfor the North American SecuritiesAdmin­istration Association (NASM). 'They thinktheycan't go wrongwithhigh-techinvest­ments,buta lotof peopleare being victim­ized." Officials at the NASAA, the nervecenter of the 50 state securities agencieshavefound horrorstories ineverystate. Sofar, the scams have prompted more than125 enforcement actions or investigationsby variousagencies in 20 states. A Securi­ties and Exchange Commission officialtold us the scams are a "serious problem,"and that they are being attacked "veryaggressively." The scams were launchedafter the Federal Communications Com­mission held a numberof major lotteriestoaward exclusi ve licenses in largely un­tested technologies, such as wirelesscabletelevision, specialized mobile radio andinteracti ve video data services. Swindlershave capitalized on the lotteries by claim­ing to be raisingfunds to "build out" high­tech communications services in specificmarkets. Regulators say the allure of therapidly expanding information industryenables the peddlers to exaggerate the po­tential forprofitandglossoverthe substan­tial .risks of these, investments. In manycases, the scam artistsdon't even have the'necessary FCC licenses. Investors are of­tenseduced byslicktelevisioninfomercialsand false claims that the investments are"IRA Approved" (though there is no suchthing as an "approved" Individual Retire­mentAccount)or endorsed by the InternalRevenue Service (though the IRS doesn'tbless specific investments). Although theads promise lucrative returns, regulatorssay that most investorswill lose all of their

Scam artists exploit .the emerging infobank

Estorian EsklaboYangin haye pumadese tratarnenton esklabo pot mas ke kuatro sien.tos ~fi~S, t~ya

mas ke Chamorro sa' fuera de guaha gi tiempon antigo kustumbren diskrirninasiongi entalo' natibo, ha afuetsas hit lokue' i Espafiol, Haliman, Japones yan pagoAmerika tumatiye kustumbren niha sin respeto gi linala'ta,

Gi antigosu na Chamorro, guaha tres klasen sudadano ya et mas tagpapa' ayo iManachafig. Manma prohibe man gai tano' ya ayo ha' sifi.a ha gll~luc' i tano' manriko na Espafiol yan Chamorro gi hilo petmison i duefio. NI peska tl ~an masede yati mana' fafiasaonao ni tampoko gi geran Chamorro kontra otro nasion,

I Espafiol tumutuhon tinilaika.gi tradision yan kus~um?ren Ch.am?~r~. Megai l~anmapuno' mafiainata 'nai hadefende onrun natibo. GIuttirno b~SlS, tisma ta hulat siha

sa' mas adelantao atmas niha ke fisga, lansa yan flechan natibo.I hinalom Haliman, otro ha' lokue buskadotfia komo administradot Islan Marianas.

Ha tulaika i sisteman tano' 'nai un tiempo i minedofig tano'mo dinitetmimina giakuanto sifia unna' manana. Ha dibidi i tano' gi entalo ' todo.

'Nai humaJom iJapones, ha tanume todo tano' publ iko tupu deste Luta, Tinian yanSaipan. Fuera de ha mattrata taotao tano ', mafigone' halorn Koreano ~an Okinawakomo hutnaleros pot para ufan man ayuda gi industrian tupu. 'Nai rna umentataotaofia guine, man machoneg i natibo para i hegso yan santate na patte gi tano'.

Deste finaton Amerikano, man mabogbog hit ginen hagas sisteman linla 'ta ya manmafafiague hit na libianufia chechu ' offisina ke gualo yan tase. Un dafiosu ~a

finana'gue i chetton giya hita i sensian inafigogho 'nai ta ~ega enterame~te haanitagi kanaifia kamo guiya i satbadot todo iproblernata. Tatnai man masede hit kumatga

kiluos'ta komo man responsable na sudadano.I hinalom todo i kuatro na nasion nos pot sinsero interesfia gi futuron i taotao tano'.

I interes niha mofona ke hafa rnalagota pumetsige para minauleg i manatate. Iareglamento pago dankulo na diferensia yan i mapos siha na haane. I diniseha i parata gobietnan maisa hit. Ya este na dini~eha dankulo lokue ' dadalag~~ sa' k.l~muk~ilegfiana hita para ta apagaye todo nesesidatta deste pago mona. Taya linachifia estena diniseha lao presiso na tana' afagcha yan sensian responsablidat sudadano..

I ginagao Gobietnota as Froilan C. Tenorio na umana' para ayudon salape. gmenCongresson America kontat ke manmasede hit pu~etsige i presentc na ~Ist~ma

umaya yan dinisehan Congresson Estados Unidos gt "Kontrata yan America . ~

sustansian este na konsepto i para hunana'lo disposision gobietnamento guato grestados siha. Mafiasaonao hit gi papa' este na kontrata ya bueno sa' umafagcha yan

dinisehata manohge gi hilo dos adefigta. .Mange linala' independente maseha man gaigehit gi papa' papan Estados Unidos

de America. Hombre et mas guaiyayon na mafiainata ta dingo 'nai matte ayo nahaane 'nai tatutuhon un nuebo na familia. Oeste haancn kasamentomo, tumacho yansumahrige hao pot para unlie ' hafa fattamo. Pues pareho ha' este na ihemplo yan hafaobligasionta gi exsision para ta gobietnan maisa hit segun i kondision.ni mafitm~ gipapa' i Covenant. Man malago hit lurnie' hafa fattata kosake sifia ta petsige

fimachuchue' para ta prebeniyen maisa hit.Debi tafan satton gi sensian kooperasion kada uno sa' didog na obligasion ta

fafana,. Todo nesesidat setbision publiko yan kualidat ennao siha na setbisiosiempre hita umapagaye. Esdesit, ayo ha' sina ta expekta na klasen setbision pUbl~ko

i hafa linangag ni finkasta. Ti sina na para ta kontinua i presente na rnanata 'nai tatalon umangogho i gobietnon federat para ukontinua muna' fanuso hit taimano imapos na sikuenta anos. Esta man echo hit taotao ya debi tafan responsable gi hafadipotsihe obligasionta. Bueno, hafa obligasionta komo sudadano gi hilo i petmanent~na relasion yan Estados Unidos de America ni mauudai gi hilo inakonfotman ICovenant Agreement? Iya hululo' i para ta prebemyen maisa hitgl-todos neses-atta.Este sl-a nanesesidat ha inkluso salape para i sisternan edukasion, hinemlo, fasilidatpubliko tat komo hanom, kandet yan otro siha na nesesidat publiko. Todo gaston estesiha na setbisio siempre ufalagnos ginen i betsata. Estaya memegaina gi este siha nagasto hita pago kumukubre deste tres anos malofan. Debi pago de ta atan lokue' natodo taotao hiyong na para sumuso gi Iinagngosta kontribusion tax umana' fan paraman haJom. Ya seguroyo' na man lalalo' hit lokue' yangin para ufanuso sin ufanmanlagnos kontribusion ya ufanaonao manman ayuda gi todo kinalamten. Ti sinalokue' na para ta kontinua pumonga i otro taotao pot tax taimano i masusesede pago.Ti dinancheeste na exsisio sa' kontat ke gaige i prohimo guine ya man apapasekontribusion, ti propio na para siha talo ukinatga kontodo kiluosta. Estague'sustansiana i ta gobietnan mamaisa hit pago i para ta uma sin hafa na ditensionkiluosta osino obligasion sudadano. Sen mas, maila tana' mafnot senturonta sa'mampos bula checho'ta numananga hit. Estague' un tiempo 'nai propio tana' fandana hinasota gi todo disision pot para ta kayon mas mauleg na futuro para i

famaguonta. Si Yuus Maase.



.... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 4: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il






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Isamu Abraham

last February 7th.The three said they were hired

by the owner of a sailing yacht, togo to Hong Kong andto sail theyacht to the Philippines. On theirway back to the Philippines, onFebruary 4, they encounteredrough weather; the yacht took inwater and then sank the followingday.

They were adrift on a life raftwhenthe Hong Kongvesselfoundthem.

PhilippineConsulGeneral OfeliaCastanosaid the Filipinos"lookedtired andhaggard" whentheyturnedupattheConsulate, butappeared tobe in good condition.


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Duties include accounts receivable, accounts payable,payroll, daily cash reconciliation. General Office skillsrequired. Priorbookkeeping experience required. Musthave a valid CNMI driver's license,

ceive vaccines which can pre­vent pneumonia, which is morecommon and dangerous inpeople with diabetes.

All people with diabetesshould have an exam for eyedisease and other complicationsonce a year. The clinic will beoffered on Tinian within a fewmonths. People with diabeteson Saipan can schedule a diabe­tes screening clinic visit by call­ing the Family Care clinic at234-8950 ext. 2060.

Maritime Safety AgencyAuthori­ties in Kagoshirna.

Garda said the survivors wereall able to' collect their pay andallowances from the agents of theship before theywere repatriated.

Meanwhile, three Filipino sea­men arrived in Manila from HongKong last Friday after being is­sued travel documents by thePhil­ippine Consulate there.

A report from that Consulatesaid the three ~ Angelito B. dePadua, Rey S. Mansing andIIdefonso T. Hechanova --,- werefound and rescued by a Hong

.Kong vessel outside AberdeenTyphoon Shelter in Hong Kong


THEPHILIPPINE Department ofForeign Affairs (OFA) on Tues­day said the 10th survivor on the"Sun River '};' tragedy off thecoast of Westem Japan arrived inManilalastSundayfromFukuoka,Japan.

A report from Consul GeneralVictor Garcia III in Osaka saidseaman Artemio Zambrano leftImaki-ire Hospital in Kagoshimaafter a few days' treatment andproceeded to Manila.

fie added. however, that twoFilipino crew members of SunRiver 2 are still missing - Fran­cisco Sonza Rubio' and TomasAng Estacio- according to the

DPHS to hold clinicfor diabetics on RotaPUBLIC Health Services Sec­retary Isamu Abraham yester­day announced that a team willbe sent to Rota for a three dayclinic on February 22-24 to givepreventive care and do screen­ipg for diabetes complicationsto people with diabetes who areliving on Rota.

The team, which consists of aboard certified opthalrnologist(eye doctor), Dr. DavidKhorram, a nurse practitioner/health educator, David Tuhey­Mote FNPMPH, and supportstaff is funded by preventi vehealth services grants from theCenters for Disease Controlwhich were recently endorsedby CNMI joint Senate/HouseCommittees on Health, Educa­tion and Welfare.

Complications of diabetessuch as eye damage, nerve andcirculation problems to the feet,and high blood pressure occurwithout warning to a person withdiabetes. Even though the per­son feels well, damage is beingdone to their body which canlead to blindness, loss of feetand toes by amputation, kidneyfailure, heart attacks and strokes.

The purpose of the screeningclinic is to identify complica­tions in people with diabetes atan early stage, when simpletreatments can prevent more se­rious permanent damage.

People with diabetes and theirfarnilies will also have the op­portunity to learn more abouthow they can prevent illnessfrom diabetes as well as to re-

Man pours boiling water on manA MAN was arrested after he as a 31-year-old man, was treated barracks. . Meanwhile, DPS Commis- prior permission from DPS or anreportedly poured the contents of at the Commonwealth Health No other details were given in sioner Jose M. Castro asked yes- authorized representative.a boiling pot into another man in Center for second degree burns in the. report. terday the general public to re- "Whether authorized by permitKoblerville Tuesday morning. the upper body area. Also in Koberville, a 29-year- frain from burning. or not, no fires s.houldbe started

Department of Public Safety According to a police report, old man suffered minor injuries "We are now in the dry season during heavy winds, or withoutInformation Officer Cathy Sheu the suspect took a boiling pot and after a male person reportedly and fire hazard is very high," sufficient help present," thecom-said arrestedfor assault with dan- threw the contents into the victim struck him with a wine bottle in- Castro reminded the public. missioner stressed.gerous weapon was Ramon for unknown reasons. The inci- side a residence Tuesday night. He said no fires to clear land He added that fire shoul~ beKurunthappan, ~O;ofKoblerville. dent, which was reported Tues- No arrest was made yet, police including the burning of stumps, watched by the person se~i~g itor

Sheu said the victim, described day at- 9:57 a.rn., happened in a said. logs, brush, dry grass or fallen by competent agents until It puts. . timber, shall be started without out. (FDT)

Survivor in Japan seatragedy comes back home RED I 5 C 0 V E R




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Arguelles said the bank's voteof confidence in the country'scontinuing economic revival issignificant particularly since theManila opening precedes otherplanned new branches in KualaLumpur, Jakarta, Bangkok and'Shanghai.

According to Arguelles, thebank's decision to open in thePhilippines may have been facili­tated by CSFB President Allan D.Wheat's visit to Manila in Octo­ber last year.

Such visit. he said, might haveresultcd from the rapport and in­terest established during the one­on-one meeting between CSFBChairman John M. Hennessy andPresident Fidel V. Ramos duringthe latter's visit to New York in .November 1993.

strenghts, not their weaknesses.The idea is to try to help thembuiIdon their strengths," she said.

At the workshops, teachersand counselors worked withSharon Johnson from the OrangeCounty Department of Educa­tion in California. Johnson be­gan the development of theSCORE for College program,which was validated by the NDNlast year.

In addition, the teachers and

A LEADING U.S. investments:bank, CS First Boston (CSFB).Corporation, is set to open abranch in Manila next month, thePhilippineDepartmentof ForeignAffairs (DFA) said Tuesday.

A report from Consul GeneralRomeo A. Arguelies of the Phi1­ippine Consulate General in NewYork said the bank's PhilippinebranchwiIIopen on 9 March 1995at the SGV Building on AyalaAvenue in Makati,

Leading US bank toopen Manila branch

, " " '" , y "~' •• " " ,. 11" ".r. -. '. - 1'0 ~ .' '" 'l, , ~ .. '. I

full-fledged Board member onAugust II, 1994.

Kinsella.who was appointedtohis seat by Governor Froilan C.Tenorio, attended his first Boardmeeting on January 13. 1995.

Although he will not be able tovote during Board meeting,Kinsella can vote during com­mittee meetings, and the Boardwelcomes him to participate inany committee meeting hechooses.

JeanOlopaicoordinatedthework­shops, said that the SCORE forCollege program wasshared withthe Commonwealth through theU.S. National DiffusionNetwork.

"This program is designed tohelp students succeed academi­cally at whatever level they areand for the future," Mason said.

"The focus is on students


THE PUBLIC School Systemannounced the inclusion of JohnKinsella,principalofGraceChris­tianAcademySaipan,intheBoardof Education as the non-publicschools representative.

The appointment of Kinsella,who will serve the Board ina non­voting capacity, fills the final va­cant seat on the Board.

The non-public schools repre­sentative role was vacated whenFelicida T. Ogumoro became a

study skills. exploring learningtheories,motivationstrategies andsuccessful guidance.

A particular focus of the pro­gram are students who are con­sidered to be at risk of academicfailure in high school.

PSS Guidance Counselor Co­ordinator, who along with PSSResearch Information Officer


John Kinsella

".' ',' DATE APPLICATION' . ' . . .' 'APPLICANT' RECEIVED'· PROJECT, ,'LOC~TlO~ . . TYPE· .. _ ,STATUS.-::' . _ ',APPLICATION ,PESCRIPTION . . ," . . , , ,,'







e-cLEwENT-~~-- ----- --- 02161/95SPlm~95~X~1B --- ;;:PAIR-!~.Af;;E',I.":";'1ESS:lSCHARLIEDOCK--- ~-~~~_~~ ~OR_T~~Ng INDUST~IALA!_C ~-=~lPPHO~Qi~2ili2/95 .-9 HYAn REGENCY SAl PAN . 02/01/95 SSm'95·X:,g---CARO-CINIANUn- - ---"GARAPAN---=~__ ~__ _ ~ ?HORELINE APC - __ __APPROVED(02/'01l9~'-_10. KIM YOUSHiN--- -----01iiOi95SMs=-9-5~i-20- 26 UNIT APARTMENT- OANDAN~SM~ ViCENTE Mi\JOR SITING UNDER REVIEW·1,. SAN MHONIO ELM. . __02/QY~~S_S~..:~~:XJ1---PALAPALA---------SANA~TQNIO-----~~~=~_-:-~---~---'-:SHOrlElI-NEAP( ~ .~ --~~-=-_-~)~~Q'.'EPLOUQ2!95L



25. JY CORP 02/13/95 SSm·95·X·35 COI~CESSIOI, SUSUPE SHOREliNE APC UNDER REVIEW·26. PACIFIC IS CLUB 02113/95 SSm·95'X~---TREE-TRlMI.ilNG- ~ ~-SAN AlHOijIO----------~-----SHORELiNEAPC~--------UNDERREViEW-.-----


Publication ofthe above list IS inaccordance With CRM Regulations which requue all permit aopucations to be published In a local newspapers Within 15 days ofreceipt 01 application, The listreflects recentlyreceived permit applications and those witha recent change instatus. New applications are marked With an asterisk (').

The Public is invited to submit written comments regarding any of the above projects lorwhich apermit dec.snn has not been issued All permit comments should Identity the project by appucanon number,Your comments should be mailed orhand-delivered tothe CRM Office, All persons who oesire apubuc hearIng regarding any project may dosoby subrnnunq ii written request forapuhlic hearing tothe CRMOffice within fourteen (14) calendar days ofpublication oftrus notice. Residents 01 Rota and Ilnian may submit comments and hearing requests totheir 10Ciil CRM Coordinators. Persons WIShing to retain theright to appeal aCRM Permit cectsion must file a notice of appeal With the CRM office Within thirty (30)days 01 the Issuance of the CRM permit dectston as f/rovided in CRM Regulations, Section 8 (G)


Kinsella joins Education BoardBesides being the principal of Kinsella tra.veled to. seve~al

Grace Christian, Kinsella is also Micronesian Islands doing rms-an ordained minister for the As- sionary work. He was based onscrnblies of God. Hisbrother R~y Guam.Kinsella, is the church pastor at "I want to do my best to repre-Grace Christian, as well as the sent the private schools. I'mschool's president and chairman here to learn and to communi-of the board. care. The Board members who

John Kinsellaisoriginally from are serving now have been in thisGuam. His mothercame from the profession for a long time andSablanfamily. His wife, Mary, is they know what they are doing.a teacher at Grace Christian. And they are dealing with a lot!"

Before coming to Saipan, Kinsella said.

MORE than 50 PSS teachers andcounselors attended workshopsfromJanuary 18-24to learnabouta program designed to help stu- .dentsget through high schoolsuc­cessfully and to be prepared forcollege.

The workshops featured a pro­gram called SCORE for College,which focuses on developing

PSS equips teachers to better help studentscounselors worked with profes­sionals from Northern MarianasCollege and the CommonwealthHealth Center. Mason said shewas glad to see so much workbeing done to "maintain andstrengthen bridges between ser­vice providers."

Mason said that teachers andcounselors throughout the PSSare already integrating theSCORE forCollege programintotheir programs and curriculums.

... 41 _ ......~ "••••• ',. "i .•

IlJistorYit~achefseli~ple:iforUSsummerinstitutei HIGH school history teachers lina,which is next to ttwUniver- vate.rnoralities become publici have until March 15to applyfor sity of North Carolina. values, and how defining and!athree-week summer institute .Teachers who attend theinsti- sustainingdistinct.subcultures.i thatwUltake place in . North . '. tutewill.receiYeastipendof~75()J\cademiccredjrtowaroad-i Carolina inJune andJuly. . ..~ollarsas wellas transportation{() vanceddegrees, rangingfrom 3-i . The institute, entitled."Divin·and from theinstitute.Jnaddition. 6credit hours, isavailable through ..lingAJnerican:Religion and Na- the National Humanities Center this institute. .. ... •i.. #<ma1eu1tllre; .•.. is beingspon-. ...wHlprovide housingin acomfort- ... , ..•••.••.••• Applicationsareavailable from·.i!soredbytheN'ationaJ.Humani~ .:' '..•..••• able.· room ·.·at .£he •Uniyersity•of.': thePSScentra1·office..·Contact:i tiesCenter,withsupportfromthe . NOtihCarolina,andwipprovide 'PSS Federa1programsCpordi-,: William Randolph Hearst Foun- .'. breakfastandlunchdurmgweek-; natorTim Thornburgh at322-.! dationand the LillyEndowment. 'days. • > i> .•...•.. •.. 6405JorappliFatipns aTldmore !j . $,cheduled from June 25-July Amon'ithetopicsexpected to information. ......•....•. '.• '..' ....•i 14,1995, the institute will take bediscussed at the institute are ., On~~gain,thedeadlinefor': place in the Research Triangle howreligion has shaped national submission of applications isiI'atk'jnChapeIHiI~ NoMCaro- lifein the United States,how pri- March i5,1995. .~__.__.

Page 5: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il


the ombudsman commission'sreport on the controversial $5.5million US dollar Murray ·Bar­racks accommodation develop­ment as one that was done underthe pretext of a loan so that aMalaysian firm benefited. fromlucrative tax exemptions.PacNews

w. Samoanculture nothelping

•crrmesituationWESTERN Samoa's strong tra­ditional culture is hindering at­tempts to solve crime and cor­ruption in the country's publicservice, according to policecommissioner Galuvao Tanielu.

He said Samoan way of doingthings - known as fa' a Samoa ­demands respect for olderpeople and those of higher rankand willingness to forgive andforget. However, he added, it isalso meant many cases of sus­pected fraud or embezzlementby civil servants were coveringup and remained unsolved.

The cost to the taxpayer ofsuch offences was "substantial"

The influence of Samoan cul­ture was highlighted last year inChief Auditor Su'a Rimoni AhChong's alarming report intogovernment corruption, whichhas sinee forced reform of thepublic service.

The police chief said that intrying to apply his legal powershe was criticised for workingagainst Samoan custom andChristian principles.

He said government depart­mentsoften carried out their owninvestigations into crime be­cause they did not want to em­barrass a suspect's family bycalling in police. But this meantthat by the time the police be­came involved, vital evidencehad sometimes vanished andsuspects had organised alibis.

Stories paint badpicture ofPNGA MAJOR Australia newspaper,The SydneyMorning Herald, haspublished a three-page series ofarticles on Papua New Guineathat is not likely to go down wellwith local leaders, the NationalreportedTuesday.

Entitled "PNG In Crisis, OurTroubled Neighbor", the articlesin its Spectrum pages highlightthe poor law and order situation,the corruption, the tribal fightingand other social and economicproblems.

Under the headline"Rascals, ANationWastedbyGreedandCor­ruption" the articles by reporterPaul McGeough were accompa­nied by blow up pictures of menwith guns, tomahawks, bows andarrows and clubs.

It hasreferred to Papua NewGuineans as people who lovedtinned fish and "would sell theircatches of trout·to Europeans touse the proceeds to buy canedimported fish". .

Another article stated that in­ternational leaders had lost pa­tience with PNG and had de­mandedland policy changes as acondition for loans.

Thearticlealsocovered PNG'sloggingandfishingindustriesand

labor officials yet whether theARB is indeed in effect as far asentertainers bound for the North­ern Marianas are concerned.

Consul VilIapandosent a com­munication to Manila inquiringabout the ARB regulation.

Saipan and other CNMIislandsare home to hundreds of enter­tainers mostly dancers and sing­ers.

Solon... Continued from page 1

In November 1994, however, to the people of the Common-Flores filed a civi1rightscase ver- wealth," added Torres.sus the CNMI government and This is so because if Floreswasother enforcement officials seek- guilty and criminal charges wereing damages .for alleged illegal dropped to avoid civil liability,arrest, and for allegedly being de- Torres feels society "would havetained in inhumane jail condi- adangerouspersoninitthatshouldtions. have been brought to justice."

.Although the criminal case He questioned what he sees asagainst Flores had already been an unethical use of the AGdismissed inJuly of 1994,hiscivil Office's authority to deal away acase versus government is .still criminalcaseasabargainingchippending before the US District to preempt possible liability in aCourt and is awaiting jury trial in civil case.November 6, 1995. "Whether or not Loren Sutton

Meanwhile, Torres, who is hascommitted a crime, it appearsknown to be critical of how the that such conduct would be un-AttorneyGeneral's Officehandles ethical by the standards of thedispositionof certaincases, wants legal profession," said Torres.the whole thing looked intoby the "As a memberof the tax payingBar Association for possible rnis- public, a citizen expecting pro-conduct on the part of Sutton. tectionby the AG's Office,aridas

"Yes, I am not a lawyer, but an elected representative of thesuch actions as it appears would people, I am requestingthat yourbe not only unfair to the accused committee fully investigate thisdefendant, presumably innocent matter and take appropriate ac-untiI proven guilty, but alsounfair tion," Torres told Pierce.

Bishop... Continued from page 1

opposition to it. According to the bishop, one"They have rejected commer- need only to pass by some poker

cial gambling through referenda machine establishment in tl1~again and again, seeing it as an evening to see the impactof gam-offense to the common good. It bling to the community.frequently increasesthecrimerate "Parentsare insidewastingtheirin surrounding communities," badly needed money on pokersaid Camacho. machines while their small chil-

"While promoted as a way to dren attempt to sleep outside.inbringeconomic revitalizationtoa the car, hungry for food and theircommunity, experience has parents' attention. Many of usshownthatcommercial gambling know family members, relativesonly serves to concentrate wealth or friends who have lost theirin the hands of a few and to harm inheritance, homes and dignitysmallbusiness,"thebishopadded. to gambling," said Bishop

Although he said the Church Camacho.hastraditionallyconsideredgam- Camacho ended his pastoralbling in and of itself a morally letter urging leaders to place theneutral act, Camacho said it be- good of the community abovecomesimmoralwhencertaincon- their own benefit and do what isditions exist. right because it is right.

"If One bets moneythat ismeant "The Church has opposed andforthe supportofhis family,gam- will continue to oppose any poli-blingis immoralfor theyaresteal- cies and practices in this com-ing food from the mouthsof their rnunity that violate human digchildren to pay for the bet," said nityoroffendthecommongood,"Camacho. said Bishop Camacho.

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Stricter... Continued from page 1suit opposing the new labor re- Mania Bulletin, a daily newspa-quirement. The Federation of per in the country, the irnplemen-EntertainmentTalents'Managers tation of the new regulation wasof thePhilippines (FETMOP) was aimed at protecting entertainersquestioning thelegality of thenew deployed overseas.procedure. But a group of entertainers be-

According to a report by the lieved the regulation may not beable to protect workers fromabuse.

The Philippine Consulate hasnot received a formal word from

He said-rain has been hitting thehot rocks and ash in the crater andshe's just been blowing.

The town of Rabual, on theisland of East New Britain, wasdevastated last year by milIionsof tons of rocks and ash. Morethan 100,000people were evacu­ated at the time, and the slowprocessofcleaning up the town isstiII in early stages. PacNews


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Courtesy of1,1) 3~ ~g~.Il~' ,GuunJ.

" ','. (" / .. ~. I I .:' .:

INPAPUANewGuinea,columnsof ashbeganspewing fromoneoftwo volcanoes in the devastatedtown of Rabaul early Mondaymorning, sparking fears anotherdevastating eruption was immi­nent, RNZI reported.

However, Leith Anderson, di­rector of the National Disasterand Emergency Services, saidtherewasnothing to worryabout.

PNG volcano active

Page 6: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il

• .: .' 01. ../ ..' ~, .. '

for the Saipan International Airport.Applicants must have an Associate of Sciencedegree in secretarial science and must haveat least five years of progressively responsibleposition. Application forms are available atthe CPA Main Office on the Second Floor ofthe Arrival Building at the SaipanInternational Airport. Applications must beaccompanied by an updated policeclearance dating back five years. For moreinformation, please contact the CPA Officeat Tel: 234-831 5/6/7. The deadline forsubmission of application is February 24,1995 at 4:30 p.m.

OPA and NMC reserve the right to reject any proposal in the interest ofthe CNMI government

Is/Agnes M. McPhetresPresident

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSThe OHice of the Public Auditor (OPA) is soliciting proposals for a'financial and compliance audit ofthe Northern Marianas College (NMC)for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994. Proposals shall be .submitted to the Public Auditor, P.O. Box 1399, Saipan, MP 96950, nolater than 4:00 p.m. on February 22,1995. The audit shall be performedin compliance with the following guidelines:

1.0MB Circular A-1332. Government Auditing Standards3. Other applicable Generally Accepted Auditing Standards

Proposals must at least have the following information:

Title Page:a) Request for Proposal subjectb) Name' of you r com panyc) Local address and telephone numberd) Name of contact person and submission date

Transmittal Letter:a) Briefly state your understanding ofthe audit work tobe performed.Include an aHirmative statement to perform the work within the timeperiod specified. .b) State acomprehensive fee for which the audit will be performed.c) Date on which the audit report package will be delivered to NMC.

Your Company's Profile: .a) Provide abrietdescription ofyour company which includes yourpersonnel's educational background and experience, number of staff,

.level of staff (partners, managers, supervisors, etc.), and a listing ofclients.b) The description must also include an affirmative statement that atleast the partners are certified public accountants.c) Name and profile of staff members to be assigned to the audit,should your firm be awarded.

Award will be based on four evaluation factors: price, technicalcompetence, prior experience, and ability to meet the deadline.

The contract for this audit will be awarded not later than February 24,'1995. The audit work shall commence thereafter and the final auditreport shall be completed and delivered notlater than May 31, 1995.

All inquiries may be directed to Ms. Brenda Sigler, Comptroller, attelephone numbers 234-5498/3690. Audit reports from previous yearsare available atNMC's Business Office.

The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA)is looking for one


• _ '" • ~ '" ' ,.' .' ,• ." .. , ' .. - , ••• r .. 't ,.r.

. . .

... .: .Administrative· ...Secretary.

a member of the Association ofSoutheastAsianNationsplannedfor July.

JapanisVietnam'sbiggest trad­ingpartner but ranksonlyfifth intermsof foreigninvestment, withapprovedprojects wortha poten­tialdlrs791 miIlion. Vietnam hasurged Japan to invest more, butJapanesefirmsarewaryof exces­sive red tape and inadequate lawsinthisnationof72 million peopleand a poor but fast growingeconomy.

Toyota Motor Corp. plans toinvest in a dlrs 170 million ve­hicle assembly plant in Vietnam.A company vice president metMonday with Vietnam's PrimeMinister Vo Van Kiet to discussthe project.

Apple is in negotiations withsev­eral other Japanese electronicsmakers over licensing agree­ments, but "none is at the pointwhere we're ready to make anannouncement."

Pioneer's announcement waswidely expected, and talks be­tween it and. Apple have beenreported for many months.

Jun-ichiShibata,ageneral man­ager in Pioneer's new computerdivision, said the lengthy nego­tiations resulted from both com­panies' inexperience in licensingcomputer operating systems thesoftware that controls the basicfunctions of a computer and cre­ates its "user interface."

Pioneerdemonstrateda hastilydeveloped preliminary prototypeand promised to exhibit a morefinished version at MacWorldTokyo, a computer trade showthat begins Feb. 25.

In the demonstration, the pic­ture quality of a Laserdiscmovieon thecomputerscreenwasgood,but slightly less crisp than on agood-quality television.

Date: 2/6/95

Is/EDWARD B. PALACIOSDirector, Div. of Proc. & Supply

The scope of work for the above is readily availablefor pickup at the Office of the Secretary of PublicWorks in Lower Base, Saipan.

A pre-Bid Conference is scheduled at 9:00 a.m. onFebruary 17, 1995 at the DPW Conference room inLower Base.

Is/ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BALAJADIA, P.E.Secretary of Public Works

Due to technical reasons, time and date ofsubmission for the above has been extended from4:00 p.m., February 20, 1995, to 4:00 p.m., March03, 1995.

...Addenclum8".1 •, .

. .pPW95~.~FP·00316 ...

($910,000) andknocked outelec­tricity for one hour throughoutPlei Ku, he said.

top Vietnamese leaders during afour-day visit starting Feb. 21,said the diplomat,who spoke oncondition of anonymity.

Toyoda, who serves as chair­man of the board of the ToyotaMotor Corp., will also discussregional issues such as the eco­nomicreconstruction ofVietnam,Laos and Cambodia andVietnam's official acceptance as

decided, but said it is aiming atthe middle of the currentMacintosh price spectrum.

Apple has already announcedthat it has licensedtheMac OS totwo Americancompanies: PowerComputing, a PC clone maker;and Radius, a makerof high-endgraphics equipment.

It also has licensed a simpli­fied versionof theMacOSnamedPippin,whichwillbeusedinvideo

. gamemachines, toJapan's BandaiCo., a toy company that makesthe popular Power Ranger figu­rines.

The licensing program is seenas crucial for Macintosh's future.Windows' dominationof the PCmarkethascausedsomesoftwaredevelopers to tum away fromtheMacintosh, and Apple hopes tolure them back by boosting theMac OS's market share.

Apple only recently reversedits longtimerefusal to licensethe

. Mac OS arid has begun activelyseeking licensees.

Eikoh Harada, Apple Japan'sseniordirectorof marketing, said

Explosion hurts47 in VietnamHANOI, Vietnam (AP) -Con­struction workers smoking in thebackof a truck loadedwith dyna­mitetouchedoff anexplosionthatwounded 47 people in centralVietnam, a policeman saidWednesday.

Theblastflattened houses,blewroofs off buildings and shatteredwindows Monday in the centralhighlands town of Plei Ku, 380kilometers (240 miles) northeastof Ho Chi Minh City, the localpoliceman said.Hespokeby tele­phone on condition of anonym­ity.

The, Russian-built dump truckowned by the 711 ConstructionCo. was transporting detonators,fuses and 700 tons of dynamitethrough the center of the townwhen a fire broke out near work­ers who were riding behind thecab. The driver panicked anddumpedthe smolderingcargo onthe street where it exploded, thepolicemansaid.

No one riding in the truck washurt.

The explosion damaged prop­erty worth 10 billion dong.


HANOI, Vietnam (AP) • A del­egation from Japan's most pow­erful business association wiIIarrive next week to study tradeand investment opportunities inVietnam, aJapanesediplomatsaidWednesday.

The Japan Federation of Eco­nomic Organizations, known asKeidanren, will senditschairmanShoichiro Toyoda to meet with

Japan sending high-leveleconomic team to Vietnam

Apple licenses computer to PioneerTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-Ii

TOKYO (AP) • Pioneer Elec­tronic Corp. on Wednesday be­came the first Japanese companyto announce a line of personalcomputers using AppleComputer's Macintoshoperating

-system.Pioneer's announcement is a

victoryforApple,whichhasbeentrying to widely license the MacOSinaneffort tocompeteagainstMicrosoftWindows, which con­trolsthemajority ofpersonalcom­puters in the world.

Pioneer,primarilyan audio-vi­sual electronics maker, said its

.firstentries in the competitivePCmarketwillusecircuitboardssup-

. pliep by Apple. However,Pio­neer plans to include additionalsoftware\that allows the comput­ers to ~ attached to Laserdiscplayers.

The computer can control theLaserdiscplayer's operation,andmoviescan be playeddirectly onthe computer's monitor or on atelevision set.

Pioneer said pricing and over­seasmarketing planshaven't been

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Simpson defense zeros inon ice cream, water bath

By LINDA DEUTSCH alleged. slayings, became the second of-LOS ANGELES (AP)· Thefirst Riskesaid the icecream wasn't ficerto testifythata singlebloodypolice officeron the scene of the immediately photographed andhe glovewasfoundatthecrimescenemurdersin theOJ. Simpsoncase didn't know if it ever was. The before Detective Mark Fuhrmanacknowledged hedidn't examine officer also said he had no idea arrived. .a melting cup of ice cream or what flavor it was or whether it The defense has suggestedcheck the temperature of Nicole might have been yogurt. He said Fuhrman took one of two bloodyBrown Simpson's bath water he didn't lift it to see whether it gloves from the crime scene andevidence the defense suggested left a ring on the banister. planted it at Simpson's estatecould havehelpedfix the time of Clark suggested that Ms. nearby.the slayings. Simpson might have put the ice F. LeeBailey,in his firstcross-

ButOfficerRobertRiskeTues- creaminthefreezerandthentaken examination of the trial, went onday ~ep.e~tedly told ju~ors it it out later, and that a pink plastic the attack with Rossi, suggestingwasn.t hisJobtogatherevidence. spoon on the floor beneath the policefailedto immediatelytrytoHe said he was there to look for cuphadfallenoutoftheicecream notify Simpson of his ex-wife'svic~ims an~ "secure the scene" as it melted. slayingeventhoughhe,tOO, mightwhile a police photographerand Riskealsosaidcandlesburning have been in danger.other experts. did th~irjob. in Ms. Simpson' s bathroom "There was also the possibility

And h~ said that Just b~cause weren't immediately photo- he.too.could be a targetof what-he.doesn t know of any pictures graphed, and he never checked everforcehaddoneherin?"Baileybeing made of the ice cream or the temperatureof herbath water. asked.f1.ickerin,g candles in Ms. Ms.Simpsonhadapparently filled "Isupposeso,"saidRossi,whoSimpson s bathro~m doesn't the tub for a candlelit bath when watchedoverSimpson's childrenmeanphotos weren t taken.. death came to call. the morning their mother was

Defense attorney Johnnie The officersaid repeatedlythat found dead.C~hran !r; u~dertbok an. item- he was careful not to disturb any Bailey also took Rossi to task?y-Itemdlss.ectlOnoftheevldence evidence because he wanted to for not simply asking Simpson's10 ~ campal~n to cast doubt on preserve the crime scene for the daughter, then 8, for the phonepohce w.ork m. the case and sug- investigators. number to her father's estate. In-gestt.hat 1Ovestlga~ors overlooked Riske said he did not check stead,officersspentnearlyanhouror mishandled evidence. . trash cans inside the home, did trying to get the number from

Cochran.a?dprose~utorMarcla not ~urn of~ the television or the Simpson's security company.Clark questioned Riske closely music playing on the stereo, did Ultimately.detectivessaid.theyabout what he reported was a not try to open a Jeep whose pas- scaled a wall at Simpson's home~ardboardcupof Bena~d Jerry's s:nger door wasslightlyajar, and about4:30a.m.afterfindingbloodIce .creaI? found. meltm~ on a did not check Ms. Simpson's outside. They testified last sum-bam~t~r In Ms. Simpson s con- blood-spattereddogforevidence. mer that it wasanemergencyariddominium about 12:30or 12:40 Meanwhile, ABC reported thattheywereconcernedthattherea.m. on June 13. Tuesdaythat twojurors are under might be victims inside.

That's more t~an two hours investigation forpossiblerniscon- "Why did you, after 5 0'clockafte~ the prosecu~lOn alleges the duct.Onebetaco-workeraweek's in themorning,havingnotliftedasl~ymg~ of Ms.Simpson and her pay before he was selected as a finger to notify Mr. Simpson forfriend R~nald Goldma? took jur?r that Simpson would be ac- overfour hours, suddenlydeclareplace outside her door. Sl1~pson quitted; the other had a map of anemergency?"Baileybellowedhad left home for the airport Chicagoin his room, the network Pursuing a defense tactic ofa~ound II. p.m. on June 12 for a said. Ju.rors a.re ~ot supposed to portrayingthepoliceasbumblers,tnp to Chicago: do any investigatingof a case on Baileyalsonotedthatofficersdid

The.defense I~ ex~ected to ~r- theirown.. not immediately call the coronerguethatthe meltingrateofthe Ice ~teTuesday,Riske'sboss,Sgt. to the scene, thereby losing ancream sugg~sts the cn~e took David Rossi, a 25-year member opportunity to more closely es-place later In the evening than of the force at the time of the tablish the time of death.

A~tronilUt Mich~elFoale, top center, respondstoa questiondurin fI .

,DlftscovderyJ c~ewFriday, ~epruary ~ 0, 1995, in this image from tele~i:i~~~~~~~r;~J~~~:J~ythws~~c~ s7i~uttlee an eruce Voss, EJleen Colhns, bottom left, James Wetherbee and Bern d H' a umr ~tove,

_bJJJtQrUISJW... (~PPhoto). . . . . . . af, ams are shown In the

The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Notesecured by the Deed ofTrust, and by reason ofsaid defaultthe Mariana Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice ofDefault on April 29, 1994.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana IslandsHousing ~uthority will, on February 17,1995, at 10:00 a.m.,atthe office ofthe Northern Marianas Housing Corporation(formerly M~riana Islands Housing Authority), Garapan, P.O.Box 514, Salpan, MP 96950, under power of sale containedinthe Deed of T~ust, sell the above described parcel of realproperty at public auction to the highest qualified bidder tosatisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust. Therrurnmum bid offer shall be not less than $56.000.00, totalamount due to FmHA loan and MIHA's expenses.. The sale shall be without warranty as to the title orInterest to be conveyed or as to the property ofthe Deed ofTrust, other than that the Northern Marianas HousingCorporation isthe lawful holder of such Deed of Trust. Thepurc~ase price shall be payable by cash, certified check orcashier's check and shall be paid within 72 hours from thetime of sale.

The Northern Marianas Housing Corporationreserves the right to reject any and all bids and to cancel orextend the d~te, time and place for sale of such property.Any prospective buyer must be a person authorized by theConstitution and laws ofthe Commonwealth ofthe NorthernMariana Islands to hold title to real property in theCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

DATED this 4th day of February, 1995.

By:/s/Acting Corporate DirectorNorthern Marianas Housing Corporation




A9tonio p. Agulto and Josephine S. Agylto, on orabout Aprrl5. 1983, gave and delivered tothe Mariana IslandsHousing Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers HomeAdministration, United States of America, a Deed ofTrust,upon certain real property hereinafter described, which Deedof Trust was recorded on April 5, 1984, under Document.1.286.9. to secure payment of Promissory Note of the saidTrustor tothe Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting onbehalf of the Farmers Home Administration United StatesofAmerica. '

The Deed ofTrust and this Amended Notice oi Saleaffect the property hereafter described:



On this 4th day of February, 1995. before me aNotary Public in and for the Commonwealth ofthe North~rnMaria~a Islands, pers?nally appeared Marylou Sirok, dulyauthonze.d representative for the Northern Marianas HousingCorporation, known to me as the person shown name issubscribed to the foregoing SECOND AMENDED NOTICE OF$AlE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and heacknowleduec to me that he executed the same on behalf ofthe Northern Marianas Housing Corporation.

. IN WI!~ESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand andaffIxed my offiCial seal the day and year first written above.


/s/ELD.JSE A. FUREYNotary Public

Page 7: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il




In rethe Estate ofVICENTE P. SEMANDeceased.




NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that Odorico I. Seman,Administrator, has filed with theClerk of this Court a Petition forDecree of Final Distribution of theEstate of Vicente P. Seman,deceased. The heari ng on thePetition is set for 1:30 p.m. onTuesday. the 7th day of March 1995,in the Superior Court at the CivicCenter, Susupe, Saipan,Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands.

For further particulars,please refer to the Petition on fileherein or contact counsel forPetitioner, The Law Office of JohnA. Manglona, P.C., MSV Building II,Garapan, Saipan, orPost Office Box2852. saipan, MP 96950.

Dated this 14th ofFebruary, 1995.




1 SALES MANAGER- College grad. 2years experience. Salary 51,000-1,700per month.2 TRAVEL COUNSELOR- High schoolgrad., 2 years experience. Salary 5700­1,200 per month.Contact: R & C TOURS SAlPAN INC.,P.O. Box 1268 CK, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No.234.:?_430_(2/23),!,,/18~~_1 MASON3 CARPENTER- High school grad.: 2years experience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: 3 K CORPORATION., P.O. Box'1489, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 235­2222(2I22)W/18171.

1 KITCHEN HELPER- High school grad.,2 years experience. Salary $2.75 perhour.1 DISHWASHER- High school equiv., 2years experience. Salary 52.75 perhour.Contact: ANA CHAN dba Canton Res­taurant., P.O. Box 2351, Saipan , MP96950. Tel. No. 234-7236(3/1)W/1564.

1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT- High schoolgrad., 2. years experience. Satary $1,000per month,2 CIVIL ENGINEER- College grad., 2years experience. Salary $1,200 permonth. _Contact: . SHIMIZU CORPORATION.,P.O. Box 529, Saipan. MP 96950. Tel.No. 322-3482(3/1)W/18252.

1 MAINTENANCE WORKER SWIM­MING POOL- High school grad.. 2 yearsexperience. Salary $2.75-6.50 per hour.1 BARTENDER1 FRONT DESK CLERK3 HOUSEKEEPING CLEANER- Highschool grad., 2 years experience. Salary$2.75-3.75 per hour.1 BAR SUPERVISOR- Highschool grad.,2 years experience. Salary $2.75-5.50per hour.1 MAINTENANCE MANAGER- Collegegrad.,2 years experience. Salary $1,000­1,800 per month.1 ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER1 GENERAL MANAGER- College grad.,2 years experience. Salary 51,200-5,500per month.Contact: SUWASOCORPORATIONdbaCoral Ocean Point ResortClub., P.O_ Box1160, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­7000(3/2)TH/1643.

1 CARPENTRY- High school equiv., 2years experience. Salary 52.45 per hour.Contact: ANTONIO A. ARRIOLA dba A'sConstruction., P.O. Box 77, Garapan,Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 233-3816(3/2)TH/18262. .

1 TOUR GUIDE2 TRAVEL COUNSELOR- High schoolgrad., 2 years experience. Salary saooper month.Contact: POINT LAND MASTER, INCdba Costa PacificTours...AAA 397 CallerBox 10002, Susupe Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No.235-7444(3/2)TH/18271.

1 POWER PLANT OPERATOR- Highschool equiv.,2 years experience. Salary52.75-4.00 per hour.Contact: MICRONESIA SYSTEMS, INCdba PlumeriaResort Hotel., P.O. Box 228CHRB. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 322­6201(3/2)TH/1642.

1 BARTENDER-· High school equiv.• 2years experience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: BLUE SKY ENT.INC dba ClubMelody., PPP 606Box 10000,Saipan MP96950. Tel. No.233-1111(3/2)TH/18266.


. 50 PATIERN GRADER CUTTEI'1-Highschool grad., 2 years experience. Salary$2.75 per hour.Contact: UNITED INTERNATIONALCORPORATION., P.O. Box 689, Saipan,MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-6888(3/2)TH/18270.

1 SALESPERSON GENERAL MER­CHANDISE- High school grad.. 2 yearsexperience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: SILVER TRADING CO., LTDdba SilverMarket.,P.O. Box2386 Saipan,MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-6631(3/2)TH/18272.


2 CARPENTER2 MASON- High school equiv.. 2 yearsexperience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: GREGORIO F. BORJA dbaFriendly Ent.,P.O.Box 1397,SanVicenteVillage, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­7450(2I23)TH/18192.

1 AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIRER­High school equiv., 2 years experience.Saiary 52.75-8.25 per hour.Contact:MICROLCORPORATION.,P.O.Box 267, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No.234-5911/8(2123)TH/1574.

1 SALES MANAGER· College grad., 2years experience. Salary $1,250 permonth.Contact: MICRONESIAN BROKERS,CNMI, INC., PPP 128, C. Box 10000,Saipan, MP 96050. Tel. No. 322-1029(3/2)TH/18265. .

1 OFFICEMANAGER-Highschool grad.,2 years experience. Salary $6.00-8.00per hour. . .1 COOK- High school grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary $2.75-3.00 per hour.Contact: MICHIGANINCORPORATED.•P.O. Box 2682, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel.No. 234-9555/6(312)TH/18263.

6 DRESSMAKER- High school equiv., 2years experience., Salary52.75 perhour.Contact: KAZUE INTERNATIONAL, INCdba Kazue's BoutiqueCaller Box PPP-218, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No. 322-6338(2I23)TH/18195.

1 SALESPERSON- High school grad.,2 years experience. Salary 52.75 perhour.Contact: SAIPAN AUTO SUPPLY CO.,INC dba Sasco Service Plus., P.O. Box67, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­8379(2/16)TH/18122.

2 ARCHITECT- College grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary 52.75-6.00 per hour.2 SUPERVISOR. ELECTRICIAN-Highschool grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ary 52.75-4.00 per hour.10 CARPENTER5 PLUMBER10 MASON10 PAINTER3 AIR CONDITION & REFRIGERATiONMECHANIC-High school grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: REMEDIO S. BUNlAG dbaMartran Enterprises_ P.O. Box 1465,Saipan MP 96950 Tel No 322-0414(2123)TH/18183

2 SALES CLERK- High school grad., 2years experience. Salary $2.75 perhour.3 WAREHOUSE WORKER· Highschooi equiv., 2 years experience. Sal­ary 52.45 per hour.Contact: DINO M. JONES dba D/LRecruiting Agency Caller Box AAA-1157Achugao. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No.322-8151 (2/16)TH/18127.

1 DRESSMAKING- High school equiv.,2 years experience. Salary $2.75 perhour.Contact: VIVIAN P. CRUZ dba HolidayShop Dressmaking and Tailoring., P.O.Box 5434 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No. 233-S910(2116)TH/18120-

3 GUIDE TOUR- High school grad., 2years experience. Salary 53.00 perhour.Contact: KO YOUNG CORPORATIONdba New Korea Travel Agency., AAA828, Box 10001, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan,MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-3766(2/16TH/18118.

1 OFFICE NURSE- c.:ollege grad., 2 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-High 1 STORE MANfI,GER-High schoolgrad.,years experience. Salary $16,000- school grad., 2 years experience. Salary 2 years experience. Salary $1, 000 per

$500 per month. month.20,000 per annum. Contact: RENATO G. AZUCENAS dba 1 WHOLESALE SUPERVISOR- HighContact: MHM, INC dba Saipan Health Rene'sFishingIndustries.•P.O.Box 2576, school grad., 2 years experience. SalaryClinic., P.O. Box 2878, Saipan, MP Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-3193(3/ $850 per month.96950. Tel No. 234-2901 (2/16)TH/ 2)TH/18264. Contact: P &Y CORPORATION., P.O.18115. Box 951, Saipan. MP 96950. Saipan, MP------------ - 1 ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT-High 96950. (3/1)W/1641.1 HOUSEKEEPING CLEANER- High school grad.. 2 years experience. Salary - - .-- - .. -. - -.-.- - - ---.

. S I $500 per month. 1 MANAGER, SALES- College grad., 2school equiv., 2 years expenence. a - Contact: RENATO G. AZUCENAS dba years experience. Salary $2.75-5.77 perary $2.75 per hour. Myra's Trading, Canst. &ManpowerSer- hour.Contact: VICENTE C. CAMACHO dba vice.. P.O. Box 2576, Saipan, MP 96950. 1 BARTENDERSummer Holiday Hotel., P.O. Box 908, Tel. No. 234-3193(3/2)TH/18267. 1 COOK- High school grad., 2 yearsSaipan. MP96950. Tel. No. 234-3182(21 ---------------- experience. Salary 52.75-4:00 per hour.16)TH/18124. 1 VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHER-Highschool 1 PROGRAMMER, INFORMATION

grad., 2 years experience. Salary $522- SYSTEM609 per month. 1 ACCOUNTANT- College grad..2 years1 SALES MANAGER experience. Salary 52.75-4.00 per hour.1 ASSISTANTOPERATIONMANAGER- 2 WAITRESS RESTAURANT- HighHigh school grad., 2 years experience. school grad., 2 years experience. SalarySalary $1.000 per month. 52.75-3.10 per hour.1 GENERAL MANAGER- High school 1 SECURITYGUARD-Highschoolgrad.,grad. 2 years experience. Salary $1,500 2 years experience. Salary 52.75 perper month. hour.Contact: SAlPAN TV PRODUCTIONS, 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERINC., PPP-272 Box 10000 Garapan, BUILDER- High school grad., 2 yearsSaipan. MP 96950_ Tel. No. 234-0386(3/ experience. Salary 52.75-3.00 per hour.2)TH/18269. 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER- High

school grad., 2 years experience. Salary1 SUPERVISOR- High school grad.. 2 $2.75-3.50 per hour.years experience. Salary $2.75-3.50 per Contact: MIN HI WON, dba Kan Pacifichour. Saipan, Ltd.. P_O. Box 527, Saipan, MPContact: PACIFIC LANDMARK INC.. 96950. Tel. No.322-4692 ext.409(3/1 )W/PPP 358 Box 10000,Saipan, MP 96950. 1622.Tel. No. 234-1886(3/2)TH/18268. ---------------------

1GENERAL MANAGER-College grad.,3years experience. Salary $1,500-2,000per month.Contact: L.C.S. CORPORATION, PPP642, Caller Box 10000,Saipan MP 96950Tel No 234-1057(2I23)TH/18187

1 WAITRESS-High school equiv., 2years experience. Salary $3.00 per hour.Contact: SAl PAN SUNSET CRUISE,INC. PPP 623 Box 10000, Saipan MP96950 Tel No 234-8230(2/23)TH/1576

---------- ----~-

1 WAITRESS2 PASTRY COOK-High school grad., 2years experience. Salary 52.75 per hour.Contact: TUNG NAM PACIFIC INC.Caller Box AAA 688, Saipan MP 96950.Tel No 288-2268(2I23)TH/18196

1 WAITRESS, RESTAURANT-Highschool equiv., 2 years experience. Sal­ary $2.75 per hour.Contact: BIANCA INTERNATIONALINC. dba Bianca Hotel, P.O. Box 1251Saipan MP 9695Q-Tel No. 235-4510(2123)TH/18191

4 PLUMBER4 PAINTER4 REINFORCING STEEL WORKER3 ELECTRICIAN20MASON20 CARPENTER-High school grad., 2years sxparience. Salary $2.75-3.50 perhour1 CIVIL ENGINEER-College grad., 2years experience. Salary $700-1,000per month1 DRAFTER, SiRUCTURAL-Coliegegrad., 2 years experience. Salary 53.00­4_00 per hour.1ACCOUNT ANT·College grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary 5600-800 per month.Contact: JOHN C. DELEONGUERRERO dba J's Enterprises, P.O.Box 3008 CK Saipan MP 96950 Tel No234-9892(2/23)TH/18189

1 MAINTENANCE WORKER-Highschool equiv., 2 years experience. Sal­ary $800 per monthContact: NOBUKO T. BABAUTA dbaTokyo En Restaurant, P.O. Box 2373Saipan MP 96950(2/23)TH/18186

5 BEAUTICIANS-High school grad., 2. years experience. Salary $2.75-3.00 per

hour.Contact: JIHAN CORPORATION dbaJihan Beauty Shop & Boutique, P.O.Box 1465, Saipan MP 96950 Tel No322-0414(2I23)TH/18184

1 AUTO MAINTENANCE REPAIRER­High school grad., 2 years experience.Salary $2.60-2.75 per hour.Contact: NESTOR R. ABLOG dba Gen­eral Fashion Center. P.O. Box 1447,Saipan MP 96950 Tel No 234-7539(2123)TH/18198(-COoK~-High school equiv.: 2 yearsexperlence. Salary $2.85 per hour.Contact: NIIZEKIINT'L. SAIPAN CO. LTDdba Gig Discotheque., P.O. Box 5140.CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­505O(2123)TH/1577.

3 COOK-High school grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary $2.75-4.20 per hour.2 BARTENDER-High school grad., 2years experience. Salary $2.75-3.20 perhour.2 JANITOR-High school grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary $2.75-3.1 0 per hour.1 ASSISTANT FRONT OFFICE MAN­AGER-College grad.• Salary $1.000­2,900 per month2 GARDENER-High school grad .. 2years experience. Salary $2.75-3.50per hour.1 PURCHASING MANAGER-Collegegrad., 2 years experience. Salary$1,000-2,500 per month7 HOUSEKEEPING CLEANER-Highschool grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ary $2.75-3.25 per hour.4 RESTAURANT WAITER-High schoolgrad ..2 years experience. Salary $2.75­3.00 per hour.2 CARPENTER2 PAINTER-High school grad., 2 yearsexperience. Salary$2.75-4.00 per hour.Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA COR­PORATION dba Dai-Ichi Hotel SaipanBeach. P.O. Box 1029 Saipan MP 96950Tel No'234-6412(2I23)TH/ 1578

1 ACCOUNTANT- College grad., 2years experience. Salary $900 permonth.1 GAS STATION ATTENDANT1 LAUNDRY WORKER- High schoolequiv., 2years experience. Salary $2.75per hour.Contact: SAIPAN INDUSTRIAL GAS,INC dba Laundry Max., P.O. Box 5034CHRB. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No.322-5105(2I~~)TH.!.~ 1_~: _

1 ACCOUNTANT-Collegegrad.,2yearsexperience. Salary $1,000 per month.1 TRAVEL AGENT- High school grad., 2years experience. Salary $1,000 permonthContact: KOREA TOURISM, INC dbaKoreana Tours Bureau Caller Box PPP­158, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 233-3001(2I16)TH/18123.

1 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR­High school grad., 2 years experience.Salary $650-1,000 per month.Contact: BLACK MICRO CORPORA­TION. P.O. Box 545 CK, Saipan MP96950 Tel No 234-6800(2I23)TH/1570

3 AIRCON/ REF. MECHANIC-Highschool aquiv. 2 years experience. Sal­ary $2.75 per hour.Contact: ICEBERG CORPORATION.Caller Box 10004, PR 441 , Saipan MP96950 Tel No235-8384(2123)TH/18194

_ ~. • ~ -bEADLINE:-12:00 noon- the day prior topu-bllcation .-__ .- -- + _ w-~c!Jl1ananas ~rletr<;&~ NOTE: If some reason your odvertlsernent i~ incorrect, c~1I us

_-. ~~d~~ly~~~~eMc~~w~c~m.T~Maoo~Variety News and Views Is responsible only for one Incorrect

. • ._ • ~~e~~~nn ~~:serve tne rlgh~~~_~~r~u~~,reject~~cancel any

1 ACCOUNTANT- College grad .. 2years experience. Salary $1,200 permonth.4 CORRUGATE COMBINING MA­CHINE OPERATOR- High school grad.,2 years experience. Salary $2.75 per


CORPORATION. P.O. Box 1219 CK,Saipan, MP96950. Tel. No.234-3311 (212)TH/17996.

. .Accountant .


41' TRI USCG CERT.49 PAX 150K.

Tel: 234-8230/233-823J

1GENERAL MANAGER- College grad.,2 years experience. Salary $700-1,500per month.Contact: JESSICA P. CAMACHO dbaPacific Pearl Enterprise. Caller Box AAA2090 Saipan MP 96950. Tel. No. 322­6810(2I23)TH/18193

GENERAL MANAGER- High schoolgrad., 2years experience. Salary$3,150per month.2 TOUR COUNSELOR- High schoolgrad.,2yearsexperience. Salary$1,565per month.Contact: NTAMICRONESIA&SOUTH­ERN PACIFIC dba Mach Tours Saipanc/o: SAl PAN GRAND HOTEL 1st FloorP.O. Box 369 Saipan, MP 96950. Tel.No. 234-9309(:?/16)TH/18119.


1 FACTORY MANAGER1 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Col­lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary .$2.45-5.50 per hour.5 CUTTING ROOM ATTENDANT5 PRESSER, MACHINE1 WAREHOUSE WORKER1 EXPEDITER5 FOLDER, GARMENT1 SEWING MACHINE MECHANIC100 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR5 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER­High school equiv., 2 years experience.Salary $2.45- 5.50 per hour.2 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR- Highschool grad., 2 year experience. Salary$2.45-5.50 per hour.Contact: SAlPAN MANUFACTURERSINC., P.O. Box 2017 CK, Saipan, MP96950. Tel No 322-3006(2I23)TH/18188

Employment Wanted

Interested indiViduals may apply in person at Afetna SquareSan Antonio, Salpan, MP 96950.


ACCOUNTANTS: Position requi~es ~hree to five years accounting experience.Formal education In Accountinq/Financs.

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Apply in person @ Younis Art Studio, Inc.P. O. Box 231, Saipan MP 96950 Tel.: 234·9797/6341




$3.00/hourAfter school part time job

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CARONEL is currently seeking a Sales Representative toman~ luxurygoods such as Bally, Ray Ban, Watches &Writing Instruments forestcb!ished OCOJUnts am to cJe..€Iop te« business. Ideal for those seekirgflexibility. Salese~ f)'eferred. Salcry +Commission. IntervieNs will becorducted in Saipal.Resumes may be faxed to (671) 646-4487 or mailed to:

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required to return them. Thoseschools authorizedby provincial,or state, education departmentswill be allowed only to finish thespring term, it said.

The circular advised schoolsto concentrate on improving thequality of "normal teaching" anditbannedcompetitions andawardsgeared toward gifted students.Violators will be punished, the'eportsaid, withoutprovidingfur­ther details.

The "back to basics:' approachis apparently aimed at ensuringthat a maximum number of stu­dents. whatever their ability, re­ceive a basic education.

China spent 2.66 percent of itsgross national product, or $ 12.92per capita, on education in 1993.well below the 4.1 percen

t of GNP average of other de­veloping nations.

Local authorities, who are ex­pected to shoulder most of theburden. have generally failed toprovide the basic minimum ex­pectedbythecentral government,leaving schools with little choicebut to run their own profit-mak­ing businesses or charge exorbi­tant fees.

Thosetrendsworrythe nationalleadership, which fears that apoorly educated workforce couldbecome a drag on economic de­velopment.

Centralgovernmentfundingforeducation isslatedto increase to4percentofGNPby2000, by whichtime China aims to implement apolicyof uni versal nine-yearcom­pulsory education.

ATTENTION:The Marianas Variety incorrectly ran on Feb­ruary 14 and 15, 1995 the Triple J IsuzuRodeo ad with the price of $19,995. The priceon this. ad should have been $20,995. TheMarianas Variety accepts full responsibilityforthis mistake and apologizes for any incon­veniences this mistake may have caused.

The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) herebyprovides notice that a public hearing shall be heldon February 22, 1995 at 7:00 p.rn, at the CPASeaportOffices located at Charlie Dock on Saipan. Allinterested persons are invited to attendand to providecomments on the proposed amendments to the CPATerminal Tariffs and the proposed increases in theSeaport rates and charges to be published in theFebruary 15th Commonwealth Register. Anyquestions regarding the proposed amendments andrate increases should be submitted in writing to theExecutive Director of the CPA no later than February17,1995.

Is/CARLOS A. SHODAExecutive DirectorDATE: 2/13/95



speech.So have drop out rates in the

countryside, where many fami­lies are unable to afford feescharged for even the most basicschooling.

"China's basic education stillfalls short of the requirements forpromoting material and spiritualcivilization, and it continues toface many difficulties and prob­lems that demand prompt solu­tion,'.'Li said.

Along with other areas of theeconomy, the state has relaxedcontrols on education, allowingsome 60,000 non-governmentrunschools to spring up in recentyears.

Such schools cater to the de­sire of Chinese parents to im­prove their childrens' chances ofadvancing to secondary schooland university, at whatever thecost.

The elitist nature of such"Olympic schools," as they arecalled, apparently angered Li andother top leaders, who recentlybegan calling for their closure.

Although basic education istheoretically supposed to be pro­vided free to all children, manyschools, especially the bestequipped ones, havebeguncharg­ing exorbitant fees, official re­ports say.

The ban on elite schools is to gointo effect before the spring se­mester begins next Monday, theofficial newspaper China Dailyreported Wednesday.

Schools that have already takenfees for the spring semester are

PhilippinesoutlawsharassmentMANILA, Philippines (AP) •ThePhilippines hasbannedsexualharassment in schools, trainingcenters and work places aftermounting complaints by womenincluding public officials andteachers.

In signing the law Tuesday,President Fidel Ramos said dis­criminationon the basisof genderhas no place in a society where"men and women are equally im­portant members."

The law defines harassment asunwanted sexual advances bysomeone who exercises "moralascendancy,"suchassupervisors,teachers or higher-ranking offi­cials.

Forced or "stolen" kisses, ca­ressesand holding hands are con­sidered harassment if they resultcreatea "hostile environment," orif the target objects.

Penalties rangefromone monthto six months or a fine between10,000 pesos ($400) and 20,000($ 800) pesos or both.

"Sexual harassment, like mi­crobes, occurs in the dark," saidSen.RaulRoco, the chief sponsorof the bill. "But where there issunshine,thereare lessmicrobes."

The law also makes supervi­sors and school principals liablefor civi1damages if they hear ofharassment and fail to take ac­tion.

Last year, the Philippines wasrocked by a widely publicizedcomplaint flied by a woman elec­tion commissioner, who accuseda male colleague of mashing herbreasts and kissing her on theneck inside his office.

That encouraged other womento come forward. Last month, aschool superintendent was firedafter a womanteacher claimed heasked forsex inreturn for achoiceassignment.


-~-~~~.~..-_ - " ..

China bans expensive elite schoolsBy ELAINE KURTENBACH

BElliNG (AP) - Ina move aimedat shifting the focus of China'sschools back to basic education,the government has ordered that<ill special schools catering togifted students be closed down.

The State Education Commis­sion and the Chinese Society forScience and Technology issuedan urgent circular this week ban­ning such schools after receivingcomplaints that the elite schoolsimposed heavy financial burdenson the families of such children,official reports said Wednesday.

The move reflects a nationalcrisis in China's educational sys­tem, which is struggling for sur­vival following a withdrawal ofmost state funding.

Despite China's unparalleledaffluenceinrecentyears, the num­ber of illiterates has soared nowaccounting for one in five peopleaged 15 or older, Vice Premier LiRuihuan said in a recent policy

Page 8: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il


RGAFeb.Ace tourneyTIIEREFALAWASCHGolfAsso­ciation (RGA) isinforming itsmem­bersthattheAceoftheMonth tourna­mentfor February is scheduled thisSunday.February I9,attheMarianasCountry Clubin Marpi.

Teetime isat12 noon.Thetournamentislimited totrefirst twenty players. Inter­estedgolfersshouldbeattrecoursehalfan00ur before tee time toreserve aslot

For more information, call TonyRogolofoi at234-100I or 1002.

Little Leaguehas 1995rule bookLITIlE Leaguedistrict administra­tor Antonio Camacho is calling allseniorleague andbigleague manag­ers and coaches to attend a meetingon Friday, February 17,at5:30p.m.in hisSanVicente office;

The purpose of the meeting is tohand out the 1995 Rule Book, teamrostersand medical forms. Matterscon­ceming the 1995 league season willalsobe discussed.

ation drive.Owned by Kan Pacific and

operated by Marianas ResortManagement, the circuit pro­vides the CNMI anothertattrac­tion for tourists.

Flaggers control the flow andtraffic in the circuit. They makesure that riders are in properkarting helmet and suit whichare available for rent in the res­ervation.

Palomares earlier said that thecircuit was safely designed forboth young and adult male andfemale riders:

The circuit complex has aclubhouse which houses a giftshop, snack bar and a game roomwithout poker machines.

Areas and turns which are per­ceived as hazardous to go-kartriders were padded with thickrubber mats and foams to avoidinjuries in case of a spin.

The location also provides itsclients a view of the pristineand scenic Suicide cliff.

Those interested to know themotorcade route may check atthe circuit office. (AAPD)

For Restaurants, Bars and Snack Barsspecial order please call 234-0862


Also Hamburger and Hotdog Buns are differentfrom whatyou buy from others.' .

ALSO AVAILABLE----------­- Pu.llmanBread· Pita Bread - Ampan> Chocolate CreamRoll Cake • Hot Dog ~un - Pan De Coco -Hawalian ·Ring ...

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Race...Continued from page 16

spective off-island operators."A group from Guam tried

the speedway and the karts lastweek and is planning to put upone there also," BernardPalomares said.

Palomares works as commer­cial artist in the planning de­partment headed by its managerNaoto Suzzuki.

Two week ago, the circui thada 'soft opening' which attractedfemale followers on Saipan.

Located on. a 1,025 squaremeters of land across from theKan Pacific Pool in Marpi,thecircuit offers 20 units of FK 9conventional karts with a speedof up to 40 miles per hour, andthree units of RC100 profes­sional karts with a speed capa­bility of up to 80 miles per hour.

The new destinations for lo­cals and tourists also offers fiveunits of two-sitter leisure karts,with a speed of 10 miles perhour, which is ideal for relax-

Team:Unified TeamCoach: Poland YamadaPlayers:oI Mona Palacios02 Tania Falig03 Diana Blanes04 Bong Antonio05 DarleneCabrera06'BlecilieJardinico07 Liza Power

. 08 Esther Oleitiman09 Lenny Mendiola10Luisa ArriolaII Pearl DejaCruz12Lilian Duenas13 Nolyn Arriola14Joe Young15 Liz Saisao16Babe Aldan17 Rose Anson18MyleneBiasTeam:. Pepsi .Coach: Elias RangamarPlayers:04 VanessaMobel07 Connie Camacho09 PaulineTudela10ThelmaMettao11 ArleneLikisap12Tanya Cavin15 Kope Kinsella16TrinaTanaka17 Sheryl Mad18HeatherStrickhart

Julie TokyoZebora wabol

its last 10games.Karl Malone led Utah with 24

points and a game-high 15 re­bounds.

Mavericks95, Trail Blazers90DALLAS (AP) - Jamal

Mashburn scored 27 points andJimJacksonadded 18asthe DallasMavericksescaped with a victoryover the PortlandTrail Blazers.

TheBlazers werewithout all-timeleading scorer Clyde Drexler, whoearlierwas traded to Houston alongwith TracyMurray for Rockets for­wardOtisThorpe anda draftpick.

RodStrickland's25pointspacedthe Blazers.

With theMavericksclingingtoa93-90 lead,theBlazerstried forthetyi ng 3-poi nter, but JamesRobinsonshot anairball with fourseconds left.Jacksoncollected theloose ball and hit two free'throwswith 2.6 seconds left.

Rockets 124.Clippers 104HOUSTON (AP) -Hakeem

Olajuwon scored 26 points and the .Houston Rockets used apatchworklineup tobeatthe LosAngeles Clip­pers.

The Rockets were playing forthe first time since trading OtisThorpe to Portland for ClydeDrexler and Tracy Murray.

Latest team standingsTeam W LPepsi 4 0SNEJFf 3 001' Aces 3 1Sharks 2 ISunrisers* 2(3) 2(1)Bud Light 2 2Spalding 2 2Alu'u* 2 {1) 2(3)Lite I 3Hi-Five 0 4Joeten 0 4*Possible standings of both

teams if SABA will reverse ref­eree Ted McGann's decision andletSunrisers and Alu'u teams con­tinue theirMondaynightPPgame,assuming that the Sunrisers willemerge the winner. (AAPD)

Team: Bud DryCoach: Emy QuituguaPlayers:01 Emy Quitugua02 JenniferGermance03 ValerieWilliams04 Jojo Pangenipan05. Lou Lieto06 Tina Akiona07 Pat Noiita08 Oli Paiau09 Karen Madludk10 AnnelizaEmiliano11ThelmaFlores12Del Norita13Rose Omar14Brigid Magofna (Yoma Paulina)15Jovie Omar

Team: RicochetCoach: Juan D. DiazPlayers '.04 BerthaC. Tudela05 ReginaPangelinan06 Jill Darling07 AnnTynan08Dol1Diaz09 NadiaLizarna10 Aida Debrum11 Emy Camacho12Lisa C. Camacho13Doris Roberto14Rosie Pangelinan16 PaulinePalacios17 Vicky Benavente18Dora C. Decena

Women's SABA Team Rosters

Pistons, e 0

Continued from page 16

Lougherywas fired.RookieGlenn Robinsonscored

13 of his 30 points in the firstquarter to pace the Bucks.

Bul1ets 99,Timberwolves 96MINNEAPOLIS(AP) - Calbert

Cheaneyscorednineofhis26pointsin the fourth quarter as the Wash­ingtonBulletsralliedafterblowinga 2O-point first-halflead to beat theMinnesotaTimberwolves.

Cheaney scored nine points in a23-8 run over the first eight min­utes of the final period, andWashington's defense held in thefinal seconds.

GheorgheMuresan scoredeightpointsof his 10points in the fourthquarteras the Bulletsovercame aneight-pointdeficit to take a 92-85lead with4:07 to play.

Minnesota's Isaiah Rider led allscorers with 34 points.

Spurs 112,Jazz %SAN ANTONIO (AP) - David

Robinsonscored 29 points to leadthe San Antonio Spurs over the-Utah Jazz.

. San Antoniohit four 3-pointersin the final nine minutes of thegameto icethevictory,theninth in

Spalding__ -Continued from page 16

If the challenge is hurdled,Spaldingwill strengthenits poten­tial asone of the possible top fourfinishers and get ridof the shadowof the 01' Aces' devastating 114­62 victorylast February 6.

Coach Reyes is expected tomaximize the potentials of hisconsistentshooters:Gus Palacios,DongPilapil,DaveDemapan, andJess Pacheco while the rest of theteam provide the needed assistsand power under the board.

A Spalding victory would alsoplacethe teamhalfwayitsstruggletomake it in the top four finishers.(AAPD)



substitute11 Mr. Coward16 Raised the

spirit of18 Three (pre!.) .20 More tired22 Citrus fruit23 Streisand film24 Not later than25 Ike29 Rise31 Princely

Italian family32 Beloved35 Roman

bronze36 Discard

(2 wds.)39 Over42 - Louis, MO44 Dress border46 Moldy-

smelling47 Johann

Sebastian ­48 Tiny particle49 Expired ..52 Unruly boy "54 Mail center

abbr.55 Electrified

particle56 Common

lang.59 Anton ID



2-16 © 1995 United Feature Syndicate

Answer to Previous Puzzle'

6 For instance7 Map abbr.8 "The Last


9 Grooming aid10 Butter

iO 1995 Untied Fealure Syndicate, Inc 7!Jb

1 B-F linkup2 Swiss river3 Federal

agcy.4 Meeting5 Comforts

\- rose"

40 Of God(Latin)

41 - Rica43 Heston ID45 Term47 Revealed50 Hurries51 -power53 Inexpensive

cigar57 Lettuce type58 Orient60 "--the

Roof61 British Navy

abbr.62 June 6. 1944

(hyph. wd.)63 Chinese





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1 Garfield andMorris

5 Nobleman9 Next toSun.

12 - Letterman13 Concerning

(2 wds.)14 Workers'

assn.15 Wipes out17 Dinner

course19 Killed21 Actor Flynn22 Without

prejudice26 Maiden loved

by Zeus27 Sea

mountain28 Ohio college

town30 Rudolph's

nose color33 Army off.34 Closest37 Eggar ID38 "A rose-



~ EARLY_-----.----1! AFTERNOON



LEO (July 23-Aug. ZZ) - Whatwas lost is likely to be found today,or at least replaced to your com­plete satisfaction, without costingyou a single penny.

VIRGO (Aug. Z3-Sept. ZZ) ­Time is your ally today, but youmay have to convince others thatyou are on the right track. Some­one influentialhas his eve on vou,

LIBHA (Sept. Z3-0cL 22)' - Ityou want respect today, don'tknock yourself out trying to earnit. By relaxing and being yourself,you can easily achieve the esteemyou seek.'

SCORPIO (Oct. Z3-Nov. 21) _.Someone who has been out oftouch for some time may make asudden and entirely unexpectedappearance today. Your plans maychange as a result.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 2Z-Dec.zu- Today you can discovermuch about your current endeav­ors merely by paying more atten­tion to what others are doingaround you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) - You are in no moodto takeorders today,but this doesn't justi­fy your giving them to others. Yourbest bet may be simply to detachyourself.

CoP'Yril(ht 1995.jjnlted F""hlre SyndIcate. Inc.

TODAY'S QUOTE: "Disinterested in­tellectual curiosity is the lifeblood ofreal civilization." - George MacauleyTrevelyanTODAY'S WEATHER: On this day in1~59. Mt. Shasta, Calif., found itself·inthe middle ofa snowstorm that set theNorth American record for a singlesnowstorm with 15 feet, nine inchesSOCHCr: 1995 Weather C;ulde Calendar. AccordPublishing. Ltd

TODAY'S MOON: Day after 10\full moon.


tomorrow, find your birthday andread the corres{londing para­graph. Let your birthday star beyour daily guide.

FRIDAY,FEB. 17AQUARIUS (Jan. 2Q-Feb. 18)

_ You must be willing to continueon a regular basis that which youbegin today. Now is no time to doanything halfway or temporarily.

PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20)- With patience and persistence.the answers to questions you havebeen asking for a long time will beavailable today.

ARIES (March ZI-April 19) ­Something that seems to be acrap-shoot at first may prove asure thing before long.Youcan en­joy a good deal of success verysoon.

TAURUS <April ZO-May 20) ­Along-range payoffcan be yours ifyou begin working toward a singlechallenging goal. Avoid distrac­tions today.

GEMINI <May zr-June 20) ­Consider the source before overre­acting to criticism today. This mayactually provide you with a chanceto clear the air in more ways thanone.

CANCER (June Zl-July 2Z) -. Do not ignore two or three impor­

tant events today, but you mustalso pay attention to everythingthat happens in between!

George Macauley Trevelyan (1876- .1962), historian; Edgar Bergen 0903­1978), ventriloquist; George F. Kennan(1904-), U.S. diplomat-historian, is 91;Patty Andrews 0920·l, singer, is 75;Sonny Bono 0935·l, singer-politician,is 60; John McEnroe (1959-l. tennisplayer, is 36.

TODAY'S SPORTS: On this day in1980, American speed skater EricHeiden won his second of five goldmedals at the Winter Olympics inLake Placid, N.Y., winning the 5,000-

. meter eventwith a time of7:02:29, anOlympic record.



nnUl":.ul.ln..., '. ';'. ;.., . ~

~.. ;, .. '•...



Today is the 47th dayoj 1995 and 'the 58thday ofwinter.

TODAY'S HISTORY: On this day in1959, Fidel Castro became thepremierof Cuba.TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS: HenryBrooks Adams (1838-1918), historian;


By Stella Wilder

Born today, you may be one ofthose youngsters who seems un­able to focus on any single endeav­or. Although this may cause con­cern among parents and teachers,it is probably simply the result ofyour overriding curiosity.You mayfind it impossible to zero in on any­thing for long without being dis­tracted by the world whirlingabout you. When you are young itmay seem as though you will nev­er amount to anything, but you willsurprise everyone b~ excelling atthings that can bring you morethan your share of fame and for­tune. This is quite possible,provid­ed you match your curiosity witheffort and drive. .

You know how to dig deeplywithin your psyche and examinewhat makes you tick. With work,vou provide yourself with the toolsneeded to transform your analyti­cal skills into a lucrative career.Indeed, this can bring you muchprofessional and romantic success_ provided you control your tem­per!

Also born on this date are:Sonny Bono, singer, politician;LeVar Burton, actor; James In­gram, singer; John McEnroe,!ennis player.

To see wbat is in store for you

Feb. 16, 1995

PEANUTS® 'by Charles M. Schulz

\ l ••


EEK & MEEK® by Howie SchneiderITA~ "THAT (OU:;C<ESS @9KE: r---'--;~uJ-I1I-T£-UJA-1E-R---":------'~ (aJ£ U'~ Mml-\ER (UltAT? f(AFT(}J6s:tRr 10~ eASE&J..'- . . -~

;1H[S~€R....,- -"'\ IT AA~?

Page 9: arianas %riet~~ b&1 · 2016. 8. 12. · and 8th grades)," the petitioners ... by the legislature exonerated the governor from civil liabilityover the alleged overspending and il

Jammers stop Homeboys

Pistons rally in Fourthto defeat Knicks, 106·94


AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -with 26.(AP)- RookieGrantHillscored ~ Dell Curry had 24 points and25 pointsas the Detroit Pistons AlonzoMourning23fortheHor-withstood the Knicks' fourth- nets.quarter rally to beat New York Magic III, Pacers92106-94TuesdaynightintheU.S. ORLANDO,Fla.(AP)-Den-National BasketballLeague. nis Scott came off the bench to

The Knicks used an eight- make four of Orlando"s sevenpoint run to pull within 91-80 fourth-quarter3-pointersandfin-with6:25 left But theycouldn't ishwith 18pointsintheMagic'smakeanotherbig runand didn't rout of the IndianaPacers.makeanother run. Scott led a balanced scoring

PatrickEwing led the Knicks attack for the Atlantic Divisionwith 24 points but made just leaders,who were I l-for-28 onnineofhis21field-goal attempts. 3-pointers. .

Nets 109,Hornets 98 Rik Smits led Indiana, whichEAST RUTIIERFORD, N.J. led 59-55 with five ininutesleft

(AP)-KennyAndersonreturned in the third quarter, with- 20from an injury to get 18 points points.and II assistsandsparktheNew" '.-: Heat 112,Bucks 99Jersey Nets to a win,over the MIAMI(AP)- AlvinGentryCharlotteHornets. got his first victory as Miami's

The Nets limited the Hornets coachandtheHeatgot20 pointsto II points in the third quarter from Billy Owens to beat theandheldAll-StarforwardLarry Milwaukee Bucks.Johnson to 13 points. Gentry, aMiamiassistant, took

Armon Gilliam led six New overearlierinthedayafterKevinJersey playersin double figures Continued on page 15

';:_'''.-_~~ __ ._ ':.1:' ... ,,;_. 1 ,....--:;::-~ 7':"'~- -- ;:;: -. -_-. -. -_:-.- - -,..,..- ...... 0::- • -,-;:--:""T"-- _~~ -.'"?:~- -'•• -.~ J

duced by Luis Kapileo as theoccasion's guest speakers.

Kan Pacific Saipan Limited(KPSL) Chairman Haruo Kitamiwill give the opening remarkswhile Kan Pacific PresidentNaoki Kitami will give the wel­coming remarks ..

Three circuit staffers willdemonstrate the FK9, RC 100.and leisure cars after the ribboncutting.

This early, the circuit has al­ready attracted positive re­sponse from the public and pro­

Continued on page 15

current fourthrunnerSharks team.TheSpalding victory will break

Spalding away from the 4-way tiein fifth place together withSunrisers, Bud Light and Alu'u,and push down the three teams to

The race karts wiII go fromMarpi down to beach road, turnleft to Chalan Mgsr. Guerrero,then left to Middle road, andback to the circuit for the open­mg ceremony.

After a grand opening cer­emony. the kart will be avail­able to the public from 2:30p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m,daily.

Governor Froilan Tenorio,House Speaker DiegoBenavente, Japanese ConsulHirozo Ushida, and Koki Naritaof Tasi Tours. will be intro-

ond runner SNEIFf to unseatPepsi at the top of the overallstandings by improvingits recordfrom 3-0 to 4-0 by trying its bestto beat01' Aces in their February27th match-up.

MARIANAS Seaside Circuitgo-karts will parade majorSaipan roads in a motorcadehighlighting the opening todayof the first-ever race kart circuitin Micronesia.

After years of planning andhard work, the mini-speedwaywiII finally open to the generalpublic after a two-hour cer­emonyto be held at the circuitgrounds in Marpi.

In the motorcade, the go-kartswill be driven by trained staff­ers in full racing attire completewith suit and helmet.

standing to a 5-0 record, the vic­tory would mean Pepsi will behalfway closer to fortifying itslead and its battle for the pennanttitle in the single-rounder league.

A Spalding defeat will pushdown the team from its 2-2 cardand four-way tie with Sunrisers,Bud Light and Alu'u in fifth spot- down to 2-3 rating and allalone in the eighth spot.

On the other hand, if Spaldingbeats Pepsi,the latter's recordwillbecome 4-1.

With a 4-1 record, Pepsi willstill be the league leader but thedefeat will make it easier for sec-

teams put up a close fight. Thegame was wrapped up, 3 to 2, infavor of the Jammers. The Jam­mers took three out of four setswith a 12-point advantage.

Nine aces, four xunks, six keesand three goals were recorded inthe game.

Jammers' Bill Olaitimanemerged as the game's heavy hit­ter with one ace, four kees andone goal, or a total of 13 points.

The Homeboys' heavy scorerwas Wayne Pua with two xunks,an ace, and 2 goals for a total oftwelve points.

The winimprovedtheJammers'performance from a 0-2 win-losscard to 1-2. The defeat was thesecondsetbackfor theHomeboysin a row without a win. (AAPD)

SPALDINGTeam's gametonightagainst 1995 Lite BasketballLeague leader Pepsi team couldbe one of the team's most crucialgames.

Spalding will not only be fac­ing a seeded team. Tonight isperhaps, its last chance to take acrack in the fourth spot, maintainit and join the playoff series.

The two protagonists willsquare off in the opener game,which will be followed by amatch-up between two women'steams.

A win by the Pepsi team willnot only improve their win-loss

TIlE JAMMERS posted theirfirst win after two successive de­feats by defeating the Homeboysin four sets, 27-15, in yesterday's1995 Rocball League action attheMarianasHigh School (MHS)Pugua Court yesterday.

TheJammers scunkedtheMHSboys II to nothing in the first sets.

TheHomeboyseasilyrecouped,got back and scunked the Jam­mers in the second set, 13-0, re­versing the lead.

But Jammers were determinedto post their first bar in the wincolumn, scunked the Homeboysin the third set, 13-0, for an 11­point advantage.

In Rocball, time is of the es­sence.

In the fourth and last set, both

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