improvements that are being made. The renovations include improvements to the aging HVAC, new atrium, and the addition of an elevator. These renovations are only a temporary measure as the Department and the University are still committed to a new facility to house the ME Department, located with one of the other engineering departments. This will be my last note to you as President. My term is coming to an end and in April, I will turn the office over to Bob Harrison. Trust me Bob will be a great leader for AAME, his dedication and passion for AAME is runs deep. Please put your energies into supporting Bob and the Academy. I know that each and every one of you is proud of your membership in AAME. I know I sure am! Zane Boatright AAME President 2012-2013 Fellow AAME Members – Just returned from the Winter Board meeting. Great meeting and we got a lot done. By now, everyone should have received the information about the Annual meeting and Induction Banquet April 12-13. We will be holding both the Induction Banquet and our Annual meeting at the Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House on the U of A campus in Fayetteville. We have a fantastic group of inductees this year! All are very enthusiastic and have already asked how they can help AAME. This will be one of the largest classes we have had in several years. I hope to see you all there. On the subject of how to help AAME... Over the last year we have experienced a significant decline in the number of members who are volunteering and contributing. We are seeing the same members year after year step up as officers and Board members. While their volunteer effort is fantastic, I call on you to consider becoming more active in AAME. We need new Board members. The time is not so burdensome to take away from your families and business. We only need a few hours of your time every quarter. We need fresh ideas. If you are interested please contact me or any one of the board members for more information on how you can help. As I said contributions are way down. Alarmingly, 2012 income fell to only 75% of the 2011 level, following a decrease of almost 10% in 2011 income. Expenditures exceeded income by $39,291. This is the first year since I was inducted that we have operated in a deficit. We have experienced a 6.5% decrease in contributions per member and only 36% of our members are contributing to AAME. Contributions support the ME Department with supplemental operating funds to support class rooms, labs, student projects and most importantly, scholarships. Our proposed 2013 Budget includes an income projection of $40,000. This is $7,000 more than the 2012 total income. AAME definitely needs your help in this area. I urge each member to make a concerted effort to contribute a minimum of $250 and, to go even further, I challenge each of you to a stretch goal of $600 per member. On a positive note, the University of Arkansas has stepped up with a $2.2 Million dollar renovation of the Mechanical Engineering Building. The Department is very excited about the renovation and the President’s Corner FROM THE EDITOR: We would appreciate your input and contribution to this publication to make it more interesting for all, so please submit articles/topics for inclusion. Authors of articles will be given proper accolades. We also would love to publicize what our members are doing for the profession. Please e-mail these to rrasnic@ryan- engineering.com. The newsletter is published quarterly. - Russ Rasnic ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A University of Arkansas Alumni Association AAME Headlines Promoting & Supporting the Mechanical Engineer FEBRUARY 2013 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: 2013 Induction Banquet & Annual Business Meeting Call To Action! Financial News and Contributions Mechanical Engineering Update

ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership

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Page 1: ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership

improvements that are being made. The renovations

include improvements to the

aging HVAC, new atrium, and the addition of an elevator.

These renovations are only a

temporary measure as the

Department and the University are still committed

to a new facility to house the

ME Department, located with one of the other engineering


This will be my last note to you as President. My term is

coming to an end and in April,

I will turn the office over to Bob Harrison. Trust me Bob

will be a great leader for

AAME, his dedication and passion for AAME is runs

deep. Please put your

energies into supporting Bob

and the Academy.

I know that each and every

one of you is proud of your membership in AAME. I know

I sure am!

Zane Boatright

AAME President 2012-2013

Fellow AAME Members –

Just returned from the Winter Board meeting. Great

meeting and we got a lot

done. By now, everyone should have received the

information about the Annual

meeting and Induction

Banquet April 12-13. We will be holding both the Induction

Banquet and our Annual

meeting at the Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House on

the U of A campus in

Fayetteville. We have a fantastic group of inductees

this year! All are very

enthusiastic and have already

asked how they can help AAME. This will be one of

the largest classes we have

had in several years. I hope to see you all there.

On the subject of how to help

AAME... Over the last year we have experienced a significant

decline in the number of

members who are volunteering and contributing.

We are seeing the same

members year after year step up as officers and Board

members. While their

volunteer effort is fantastic, I

call on you to consider becoming more active in

AAME. We need new Board

members. The time is not so burdensome to take away

from your families and

business. We only need a few

hours of your time every quarter. We need fresh ideas.

If you are interested please

contact me or any one of the

board members for more

information on how you can help.

As I said contributions are

way down. Alarmingly, 2012 income fell to only 75% of the

2011 level, following a

decrease of almost 10% in

2011 income. Expenditures exceeded income by $39,291.

This is the first year since I

was inducted that we have operated in a deficit. We

have experienced a 6.5%

decrease in contributions per member and only 36% of our

members are contributing to

AAME. Contributions support

the ME Department with supplemental operating funds

to support class rooms, labs,

student projects and most importantly, scholarships.

Our proposed 2013 Budget

includes an income projection

of $40,000. This is $7,000 more than the 2012 total

income. AAME definitely

needs your help in this area.

I urge each member to make a

concerted effort to contribute a minimum of $250 and, to go

even further, I challenge each

of you to a stretch goal of

$600 per member.

On a positive note, the

University of Arkansas has stepped up with a $2.2 Million

dollar renovation of the

Mechanical Engineering

Building. The Department is very excited about the

renovation and the

President’s Corner


E D I T O R :

We would appreciate

your input and

contribution to this

publication to make it

more interesting for

all, so please submit

articles/topics for

inclusion. Authors of

articles will be given

proper accolades.

We also would love

to publicize what our

members are doing

for the profession.

Please e-mail these to



The newsletter is

published quarterly.

- Russ Rasnic




A University of Arkansas Alumni Association

AAME Headlines Promoting & Supporting the Mechanical Engineer

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 S P E C I A L


I N T E R E S T :

2013 Induction

Banquet &




Call To Action!

Financial News






Page 2: ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership

P A G E 2

ME Happenings The Spring season is very busy

within the ME Department! To

keep up with increased program

demand and further the CDIO

initiative, 2 more faculty positions

are being added and campus

interviews are currently underway!

Dassault/Falcon Jet continues to

express a keen interest in

partnering with the Department in

the CDIO endeavor, and as of this

writing, there are 33 students in Ft.

Smith and 88 on the hill

participating in CDIO-designed


HELP!!! The Department is in

need of companies to help get

CDIO up and running by providing

seed projects. If you have non time

critical engineering challenges that

you can farm out, please consider

using UA ME as your resource.

Contact Dr. Leylek to get the


CDIO continues to consume a

large chunk of the ME

Department’s focus, and funds

supplied by AAME for special

projects are helping bring this to

fruition. Upcoming special projects

include retrofitting a mill with CNC

controls in the machine shop.

In addition to faculty recruiting,

CDIO, and trying to keep

up with 425+ ME

undergraduate students,

the department is

undergoing a MAJOR


The $2.2 Million project

is being completely

funded by the University

of Arkansas and includes

a newly designed roof and

atrium, upgraded heating

and air system, additional

external entrances and

installation of an

elevator .

Completion is

slated for May


It was with a

heavy heart

that we had to

allow Dr. Springer’s man

cave to be consumed as

a part of the progress,

but the memories will

certainly remain! A

memorial service for his

lair has been scheduled!

If you would like

additional information

regarding these exciting

developments, please

contact Dr. Leylek or

Melynda Hart. Both are

always ready to tell of

the departments success

and growth.

All the more reason to

get jazzed up about the

happenings in ME and



“Keep in mind

that AAME is

more than


that looks

good on a


It is a vital

part of the

success of the

future of



education in


- Russ Rasnic

From Top:

New Entrance Rendering

Breaking Ground for Elevator (aka

Springer’s Lair Before & After)

Opening Ceiling for New Windows

New Roofline Rendering

Concrete Pour for Elevator Shaft

Far Left: Wall Demolition in Lobby

Page 3: ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership

Call To Action

P A G E 3 P R O M O T I N G & S U P P O R T I N G T H E M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R

We need fresh faces to get involved

with the leadership of this

organization and re-engage with the

Department. There are many ways

you can get involved, just let a board

member or Dr. Leylek know how

you would like to participate.

The current Board of Directors and

their terms are listed below:

Mac Hogan (2010 – 2013)

Rick Couvillion (2010 – 2013)

Bob Harrison (2011 – 2014)

Keith Bradshaw (2011 – 2014)

Larry Young (2012 – 2015)

Helmut Wolf (2012 – 2015)


President – Zane Boatright

Past President – Jack Murders

President Elect – Bob Harrison

Secretary – Cristine Wolf

Treasurer – Mike Hays

Advisor – Lamar Pettus

If you want to see how things

operate, please feel free to attend

the board meetings. These are open

to all members.

In addition, there are numerous

committees that you can become

involved in. Many of these are staffed

by former board members who have

been in these roles for many years

due to the lack of anyone else being

willing to step up and take the reins.

We would like for each these

committees to have an abundance of

contributing members, and would

encourage each of you to review the

following detail of committees and

chairpersons to see where your

particular skills could be most

beneficial. Don’t wait for them to call!

Chairs would appreciate your

contacting them directly to get


Membership – Wayne Norton, Bob


Nominations – Jack Murders (4

additional members)

Finance – Frank Porbeck (1

additional member)

Conduct/By-Laws – Bill Green

Fundraising – Chris Weiser, Mac


Special Projects – Jim Leylek

Newsletter/Publicity – Russ Rasnic

& Melynda Hart, Associate Editor

COE Awards/Nomination – Rick


Every chair would be happy to allow you to

come onboard and take over some (or all) of

the duties required. How about it?

In addition, you can interact with the

Department and students by volunteering

your time, such as judging competitions,

guest lecturing for a class, presenting to the

student sections of ASME, SAE, etc., or many

other ways.

Let Dr. Leylek or Melynda Hart know if you

can participate. There are several events

slated for the Spring semester that would

benefit the students to have veteran

engineers there coaching and encouraging

with their “sage” advice.

-Russ Rasnic

Financials as of December 31,

2012 showed a cash balance of

$25,110.03. Income was

$33,003.15, of which

$19,533.05 was from member

contributions and $6,225 was

from matching gifts. The

balance was interest.

Expenses for the period were

$52.294.25. Much of this was

funding scholarships ($30,000).

The remainder was detailed in

the last newsletter.

Remember that the Academy,

Financial News & Board Meeting Notes through the University of Arkansas

Foundation, has several ways that you

can provide support other than cash,

many of which are tax deductible or

tax deferred. If you would like more

information on these donation

avenues, please contact Kellie Knight,

Director of Development of the U of

A Foundation, [email protected].

The Board of Directors met on

January 18, 2013 on the campus of

the UA – Ft. Smith.

As noted in Zane’s column, the Board

agreed to challenge the membership

to donate over and above the $250

level that is communicated to

members at the time of

induction. A goal of $600 per

year was agreed upon. And,

keep in mind that if you work

for large employers, you may be

able to take advantage of

matching gifts.

You should have all received

your 2013 contribution

notice by now, and if you

overlooked the one for

2012, you received a

reminder, as well. The

income/expenditures graph

for the past 15 years is

included with this


Bill Green Assists with Project Judging

Page 4: ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership

204 Mechanical Engineering Building

College of Engineering

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201

Phone: 479.575.4153

Fax: 479.575.6982

E-mail: [email protected]

Mission of the Arkansas Academy of

Mechanical Engineering

To promote and support the mechanical

engineering profession, to honor the Mechanical

Engineer and to work with the University of

Arkansas Department of Mechanical Engineering

to increase the appeal of Mechanical Engineering

and further the educational development of

future engineers.

2012-2013 Board & Committee Chairs: Zane Boatright, President Keith Bradshaw Rick Couvillion Bill Green, By-Laws

Bob Harrison, President-Elect Mike Hays, Treasurer Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance

Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership Chris Weiser, Fundraising Cristine Wolf, Secretary Helmut Wolf Larry Young

Arkansas Academy

of Mechanical Engineering

2013 Banquet inducted in the past 5 years! We

look forward to welcoming the new

members to the Academy!

On Saturday, April 13, we will also

hold our annual business meeting.

We will begin at 8:00 AM and

breakfast is provided, so please plan

to join the meeting and welcome in

your new Board of Directors.

We can’t wait to see everyone at

this year’s event!

The 2013 Induction Banquet will be

on Friday, April 12, 2013 at the

Alumni House on the UA Campus.

RSVP and lodging information has

been mailed; if you have not received

the information, please contact

Melynda Hart at 479.575.4153.

This year, AAME will induct six new

members, one of the largest classes

Spread the Word

email names and information to

Melynda at [email protected].

Don’t forget to check out the AAME

website regularly for all the latest news

and happenings on the hill!


others that you feel may have an interest

in hearing about and participating as we

move forward.

Since electronic mail is effectively free,

we would appreciate you providing us

with e-mail addresses of those individuals

and organizations that you feel may like

to be informed of our progress. Please

The board is energized about the

happenings within the ME Department,

as well as with the defined mission for

the future role of the Academy in

supporting the Mechanical Engineering


Please feel free to forward the

newsletter to your colleagues and


Promoting & Supporting the Mechanical Engineer




Page 5: ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AAME … · Bill Hodge, Logo Mac Hogan, CDIO Jack Murders, Past President Frank Porbeck, Finance Russ Rasnic, Publicity Mike Stewart, Membership



















Member Contributions

Interest Income

Matching Funds

Other Contributions

Special Projects

Total Expenditures

Total Income

Total Income

Total Expenditures




























Special Projects

Matching Funds

Interest Income

Other Contributions

Pg-3 Income Graph