Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

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Page 1: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15
Page 2: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

Abrar Hussain Abrar Hussain

Son of Rajab Ali Rajab Aliand Roqqaya Bibi Siblings: MuntazerHussain (29), Arif Hussain(25), Jamshed Ali (23)and Sajda Hussain (18)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Abrar Hussain Abrar Hussain With his nose buried in textbooks, AbrarHussain was fiercely competitive academically.

A hostel student at APS, he was top of his classfor nine years straight. Whenever he returned tohis village, he'd be found studying instead ofmingling with friends. Every year, the schoolwould call his parents in to show them hisachievements.

According to his father, Abrar was alwaysworried about coming second. If he wasn'tstudying, he'd be found at home, curled up in aquiet corner reading.

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Ahmad Elahi Ahmad Elahi

Son of Mehfooz Elahi andSumeer Sadiqi Siblings: Faseeha Elahi (17)and Mohammad Elahi (13)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Ahmad Elahi Ahmad Elahi Ahmad was a position holder; he aspired to be asurgeon. His mother says he was very religious andoffered all his prayers at the mosque. In fact, hewould try to reach the mosque early so that he couldrecite the Azan.

He liked to play cricket with his friends but morethan anything else, he loved his parrots. Just a fewdays before the attack he had bought a brand newcage for them.

Each night, before going to sleep, Ahmad had madeit a habit to crawl into his mother’s bed and makesure he hadn’t said or done anything to hurt her. "If Idid, I apologise for it."

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Ahmad Mujtaba Ahmad Mujtaba

Son of M. Anwar Khan andNayab Anwar Siblings: Ahmad Murtaza(9), Iqra Anwar (18)and Javeria Anwar (16)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Ahmad Mujtaba Ahmad Mujtaba Mujtaba was a shy, quiet boy who hoped to jointhe Pakistan Army as a doctor one day. His bestfriends were his siblings.

The only time he did shed his shy demeanor waswhen he played cricket. He loved the sport witha passion.

But if there was anything Mujtaba loved morethan cricket, it was brand new clothes; heloved the way they looked on him. For thisreason, his father got four suits tailor-made forhim. They hang in his wardrobe, unworn.

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Asad Aziz Asad Aziz

Son of Mr. and Mrs. DostMohammad Siblings: Tariq (31), Liaqat(29), Tahir (26), Rashid(24), Shahid (21) and AsiaBibi (19)

Age: 15 Class: Age: 15 Class:

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Asad Aziz Asad Aziz Asad was the ‘brightest child’ in the family and also

the most athletic. Four days before the 15-year-old

passed away in the attack, he had won a medal in

table tennis.

In the summer of 2013, Asad and his family went out

to spend the day by the river.

The young boy had just come out of the water a long

swim when his cousin Zeeshan was swept up by a

current and was going to drown. Without losing his

calm, Asad jumped into the water and managed to

pull his cousin out alive. He was a savior.

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Asfand Khan Asfand Khan

Son of Ajoon Khan andShahana Bibi Siblings: MohammadWadan Khan (5) andMahrosha Khan (12)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Asfand Khan Asfand Khan A quiet but confident teenager, Asfand Khan aspired

to become a lawyer one day. He was also very

passionate about driving and training at the gym.

Unlike most boys his age, Asfand liked being solitary

and would spend most of his free time in his room.

His respectful demeanor earned him love from

elders and admiration of those younger to him.

In his father’s absence, Asfand took on the role of

the man of the family. He would shoulder his father’s

responsibilities and take care of his mother and

siblings. “After my son’s shahadat, I will have to start

my life from scratch,” his father says.

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Bahram Ahmad Khan Bahram Ahmad Khan

Son of Lt-Col GulzarAhmad Khan and NosheenGulzar Siblings: Hassan AhmadKhan (9) and ZaryabAhmad Khan (19)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Bahram Ahmad Khan Bahram Ahmad Khan Bahram wanted to become a doctor and spend his lifeserving the underprivileged. Empathetic by nature, hewas always moved when a disaster struck somewhere.

Bahram secured 91% in his last exam. This distinctionwas aside from the various medals he had won inacademics and extra-curricular activities.

His father recalls a story Bahram’s friends shared fromthe APS attack. During the attack, a friend of Bahramfell to the floor and broke his glasses due to which hecould barely see. Bahram came back to get him but ontheir way out was stopped by a terrorist. His friendsrecall that Bahram pushed the terrorist and receivedtwo bullets in the chest which resulted in his death.

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Basit Ali Sardar Basit Ali Sardar

Son of Sardar Ali andSadaf Sardar Siblings: Kiran Sardar (18),Irum Sardar (16) andBasharar Ali Sardar (12)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Basit Ali Sardar Basit Ali Sardar Basit Ali Sardar was no ordinary boy. His motherremembers him as a very considerate son whowould assist her in household chores andespecially in the kitchen. He would even preparetea and meals for guests.

He was very attached to his family and wouldfrequently travel to his village where hisgrandparents still live.

Basit wanted to join the army as an officer. Failingthe test once, he was selected to join cadetcollege on his second try. The selection letter wasreceived by his parents after Basit’s passing.

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Farhan Jalal Farhan Jalal

Son of Jalal Bayar andSyeda Begum Siblings: Hassan HasratJabeen (30), Asfandyar(29), Sheryar (28), Siyar(27), Arshanyar (26),Naveeda (18), Kashif (17)and Taif (16).

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Farhan Jalal Farhan Jalal On the day of the attack, Farhan sacrificed himself tosave his brother. When he saw the attackers enterthe auditorium and open fire, he pushed Taif to thefloor and protected him, but lost his life in doing so.

According to his father, Farhan was the mostoutstanding of his nine children. He may have beenthe youngest but he was the most intelligent andactive. He was very close to Taif, who is just a yearolder than him.

Farhan wanted to be a fighter pilot when he grew up.He watched videos of fighter jets for hours onend. While he loved to read books, his favouritepastime was playing video games. Project I.G.I andGrand Theft Auto were his top picks.

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Muhammad Waqar Muhammad Waqar

Son of Muhammad Raizand Rukhsana Raiz Siblings: MuhammadHamza (18), MuhammadAsim (13), MuhammadHaris (6) and Maryam (12)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Muhammad Waqar Muhammad Waqar Innately gifted, Muhammad Waqar only had to scanhis books once to be able to write a stellar examand earn a position in his school. But along withacademics, he loved extra-curricular activities; hewon several laurels.

Waqar was a Qari and had learnt five siparahs of theHoly Quran by heart; he also offered prayers fivetimes a day. He enjoyed both playing and watchingcricket.

He was devoted to his parents, and loved themimmensely. His father Muhammad Riaz weeps whilerecalling his son’s many talents. Waqar’s mother, hesays, still takes out her son’s belongings every day.

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Haider Amin Haider Amin

Son of Muhammad andSofia Amin Siblings: Saba (19), Laiqa(8) and Laiba (6)

Age: 15 Class: Age: 15 Class:

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Haider Amin Haider Amin Haider was closest to his sister Saba. She says hewas a disciplined person who never left fortomorrow what could be done today.

He was a good student and aspired to be a soldiersome day. He loved watching military videos.He was an avid footballer.

He played at school as well as after home time in aground near his home.His sisters weep for their dear Haider. For this family,life cannot be the same without him.

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Hamza Ali Kakar Hamza Ali Kakar

Son of Kosar Ali Kakar andSalma Javed Siblings: Sara Ali Kakar (11)and Ayesha Ali Kakar (8)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Hamza Ali Kakar Hamza Ali Kakar A dedicated student, a position holder, a paradecommander in school, Hamza was known amongfriends as 'Captain'. He held a great desire to join thearmy.

Like boys his age, he was fond of fast food and BBQ,with pizza, chicken tikka, biryani and seekh kebabbeing his favourites. Hamza was also fond oftravelling outside the city and would visit Nathia Galionce a month.

He was a respectful and loving boy who was close tohis father. Hamza’s father recalls how his son hadasked him to get him a pet chicken and goat for himupon clearing his exam. Hamza finally got hispets, just three days before the attack.

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Hayatullah Hayatullah

Son Lt Col. Sikandar Hayatand Mrs Hayat Siblings: Hira Sikandar (21)and Hamza Sikandar (19).

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Hayatullah Hayatullah Born to an army officer, Hayatullah’s desire toserve the nation ran in his blood. He wanted tojoin the Pakistan Army but his parents wished forhim to become a doctor instead.

According to his father, Hayatullah was bold andconfident and surprised elders with his quickintelligence. He loved automobiles, and wouldoften surf new car models on the Internet.

He excelled in both studies and extra-curricularactivities and had won several medals for hisachievements. Adept at both football andbasketball, he captained his house basketballteam. Four days before his death, he had won thetitle of ‘best basketball player’.

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Mohammad Ali Rehman Mohammad Ali Rehman

Son of MohammadHussain and Dilshad Bibi Siblings: MohammadAbdullah (12)and MohammadAbubakkar (5)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Mohammad Ali Rehman Mohammad Ali Rehman Mohammad Ali Rehman, the eldest of three sons,was a studious position-holder who excelled atEnglish, winning several competitions.

Ali’s father says the day before the attack, his sonhad asked for money to buy a new notebook afterhis ran out of empty pages. His father had given himthe money that night and Ali thanked his father as hewas leaving for school. Mohammad Hussain saysthat when he received his son’s body, the Rs300 hehad given him was still in his son's pocket.

Both of Ali’s parents have recovered after the tragicincident. His mother underwent psychiatrictreatment after the attack. His father says he dreamtof Ali, and his son told him that he is alive and withhim always.

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Mohammad Ammar Khan Mohammad Ammar Khan

Son of Lt Col. (retd)Ibrahim Khan Shinwariand Raheeda Begum Siblings: MohammadSalman Khan (21),Mohammad Arsalan Khan(20), and two sisters

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Mohammad Ammar Khan Mohammad Ammar Khan An aspiring doctor, Ammar Khan wanted to serve thepeople of his hometown when he grew up.

Youngest among his siblings, he was very fond oftravelling. He often arranged picnics and partieswith his friends and was even planning to travel toMurree with them but the trip was postponed.

Although a very intelligent student who alwayssecured over 80% in exams, his teachers felt he wasstill a little lax and only studied during exam time.

His parents recall an incident when Ammar found awallet full of cash and important cards. The walletbelonged to a man who lived in Nowshera andAmmar went all the way there to return it to itsowner.

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Muhammad Mohsin Murtaza Muhammad Mohsin Murtaza

Son of SM (retd) GulamMurtaza and Fazeelat Jan Siblings: Gulam Mujtaba(29), Yaseen Akhter (27),Noureen Akhter (25),Gulam Yaseen (23), AhsanMurtaza (21), MuniraMurtaza (15), Saifullah (13)and Zobia Murtaza (9).

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Muhammad Mohsin Murtaza Muhammad Mohsin Murtaza In a family of nine children, Mohsin stood out forbeing kind and honest. He loved to help those inneed.

He excelled in academics and had won manyprizes. He enjoyed playing cricket, soccer andfootball. But he never let anything get in the wayof his prayers.

Mohsin liked eating all kinds of food but fish, inparticular, was his favourite. He would oftengather his friends and go fishing.

On the day of the APS attack, he demanded a newsweater and his sister assured him that his wishwould be fulfilled after he returned from school.

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Muhammad Shafqat Muhammad Shafqat

Son of Sep (retd)Muhammad Arif

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Muhammad Shafqat Muhammad Shafqat Muhammad Shafqat’s family could notbe contacted for this obituary.

Shafqat’s teachers say he was a politeand intelligent student who aspired tobecome a soldier like his father.

He never teased other students and wasa focused and hard working young boy.

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Muhammad Tahir Muhammad Tahir

Son of Hav. MuhammadIsmail and Sajida Kalsoom

Siblings: Iqra Mustafwi(17), Fizza Mustafwi (6)and Quratulain Fatima (5)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Muhammad Tahir Muhammad Tahir Tahir has a melodious and powerful voice. He wasoften selected to sing national songs at school. Hisfather says he was skilled with the computer and IT-related work. He wanted to be a software engineerwhen he grew up.

In games he likes to play cricket and football. He wasalso a part of school cricket team. He was very fondof computer games. Need For Speed was hisfavourite.

He loved to travel within the country. His favouritespot was Murree, where he would love to takechairlift rides. His family tries to be strong. Theymiss Tahir very much.

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Muhammad Uzair Khan Muhammad Uzair Khan

Son of Khalid Shakeel andNeghat Yasmeen Siblings: Shehriyar (18)and Umair (11)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Muhammad Uzair Khan Muhammad Uzair Khan The second-born of three brothers, Uzair was ahardworking student who aspired to be a doctor.

He had a beautiful voice, and was often selected torecite Quranic verses at school events. The day ofthe attack, Uzair did a recitation that many of histeachers and friends recall.

His mother is inconsumable. She says her son didnot want to go to school that day but she forced himto go. She says the guilt haunts her and that shemisses her boy very much.

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Mouzzam Zulfiqar Mouzzam Zulfiqar

Son of Sep/Clk Zulfiqarand Rehana Siblings: Javeria Zulfiqar(14), Zunaira Zulfiqar (10)and Muhammad Jasim(3.5)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Mouzzam Zulfiqar Mouzzam Zulfiqar As the eldest, Mouzzam was a responsible andobedient son. He was a hard-working and studiousboy who took an active part in class activities andschool events such as plays and skits. He was veryclose to his mother and grandmother.

He was crazy about football and was a big fan ofRonaldo and Messi. He also loved playing computergames, with Fifa 2000 and Call of Duty being hisfavourites.

His father says Mouzzam wanted to be an air forcepilot when he grew up. He would spend hourswatching videos of fighter jets and had learned allthe names of the aircrafts. The JF 17 Thunder and F16were his favourites. His family feels his absence verymuch and prays for him every day.

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Mohammad Yaseen Mohammad Yaseen

Son of Mohammad Asifand Afshan Asif Siblings: Ayesha age (7)and Fatma (2)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Mohammad Yaseen Mohammad Yaseen Mohammad Yaseen was a jovial boy who always lent asympathetic ear to others. He loved helping those lessfortunate than him, and often ate lunch with domestichelp and gate-keepers.

His parents talk about the horror they felt when he waskidnapped for ransom at age 7 for 11 days. After thathorrific indent, they never let him go out alone.

Mohammad Yaseen’s favourite past time was playinggames on his laptop. He also created a Facebook page ofhimself, and asked his friends and cousins to like it, whichhe thought would make him famous one day.

A week prior to the attack, his mother shares that Yaseenwas playing a shooting game with his cousin at home,during which he acted out being shot with two bullets.She recalls being handed her son’s body on Dec 16 – hehad been shot twice.

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Noor Ullah Durrani Noor Ullah Durrani

Son of Falak Naz andTehseen Ullah Durrani Sibling: Sana (19), Hafsa(17) and Ammara (11)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Noor Ullah Durrani Noor Ullah Durrani Noor Ullah Durrani was very close to his family.His sister says that when they were in the sameschool, he would treat his friends to snacks fromthe canteen and cheekily put the tab on his sister.

He wanted to be doctor and was a genius withcomputers. His father says Noor Ullah knew howto fix any computer glitch and was known in theircolony for being a ‘computer master’. Hisneighbours would come to him when they neededtheir PCs repaired.

His mother, a teacher, says she misses NoorUllah's humour. He would often tease her bysaying it would be comical if he gave her one ofher own tests and she failed it.

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Osama Zafar Osama Zafar

Son of Seema Shehwarand Zafar Iqbal Siblings: Fatma Zafar (13),Ayesha Zafar (12)and Talha Zafar (10)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Osama Zafar Osama Zafar Osama’s family says he was an obedient son. He hada generous disposition, and would always ask hisgatekeeper about his health and make sure hehad been served meals on time.

His father recalls that he was born in the CombinedMilitary Hospital in Peshawar on a Tuesday, 15 yearsago. He died in that very same hospital, on thatfateful Tuesday.

He had been asked by his parents to leave APS as itsaffiliation was with the federal board, and to takeadmission at a school that was affiliated with thePeshawar board. But Osama refused. He was happyat his school and was a good, hard working student.

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Rafique Raza Bangash Rafique Raza Bangash

Son of Shazia and AbidRaza Bangash Siblings: Murtajez RazaBangash (12)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Rafique Raza Bangash Rafique Raza Bangash Rafique is described by his family as a polite and

respectful boy. People who knew him are as moved and

saddened by his passing as his family.

He was a religious child and often asked his father why

there was extremism and sectarianism in society. He

wanted people of different sects to be united. His

father says his son was a sensible boy, who often

handled discussions in a manner that a 40 or 50-year-

old would adopt.

He wanted to be a neurosurgeon. His death has left his

family heartbroken. Rafique’s father says that he was

the reason for their smiles and without him, life seems


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Saad Ur Rehman Saad Ur Rehman

Son of Mr. and Mrs. ZahidAbdullah Shah Siblings: Ibad ur Rehman(19) and Maad ur Rehman(10)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Saad Ur Rehman Saad Ur Rehman Saad loved computers. He was known as a‘computer master’ and was popular amongst hisfriends for repairing faulty machines.

He was very close to his father; they were likebest friends. He took special care of him, andthe last thing he did each night was make surehis father had a glass of water. He used to tostress that his father should take his medicine


He had parrots and fish for pets and lovedcoming home to take care of them. His fathersaid that his son used to care about his familymembers a lot.

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Shahbaz Ali Shahbaz Ali

Son of Shoukat (late) andKhalida Ali Sibling: Saba Gul (18)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Shahbaz Ali Shahbaz Ali The Ali family has suffered two tragedies.

Shahbaz’s father passed away a year before his

son was killed in the attack. With Shahbaz and his

father gone, his mother and sister have had to

relocate from Peshawar back to the village.

Mrs Ali says her son was an obedient and

respectful boy. He was praised by his teachers and

loved by his friends. He had a curious mind and

enjoyed research and reading about things.

His mother says she is trying to be brave and

move past the tragedies in her life.

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Shamowail Tariq Shamowail Tariq

Son of Shagufta and TariqJan Siblings: Mehwish Tariq(18), Sohail Tariq (13) andSawail Tariq (7)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Shamowail Tariq Shamowail Tariq Shamowail's father describes him as a mature andresponsible young boy. He was a respectful andobedient son and was nicknamed Babar Sher(lion).

Whenever his siblings were disappointed in theirfather, Shamowail would cheer them up and makethem laugh by telling jokes.

The day of the attack, two bloodied Rs20 noteswere recovered from his front pocket. Both noteshad bullet holes in them. Shamowail's father haskept those notes with him as a memory of hisson’s sacrifice.

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Shayan Nasir Shayan Nasir

Son of Naila and JamalNasir Siblings: Fazle Nasir (25),Shahab Nasir (23),Seemab Nasir (21), ZubairNasir (19) and Shafi Nasir(17)

Age: 15 Class: 10Age: 15 Class: 10

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Shayan Nasir Shayan Nasir Shayan was a religious boy. He always inspired

his friends and family to be regular with their


His father says Shayan would tell his mother not

arrange dinner before the night prayer as his

father would get lazy and not offer his prayers in

the mosque.

He was a good cricket player, but his real

passion was astronomy.

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Syed Afaq Ahmed Syed Afaq Ahmed

Son of Zahir Shah (late)and Bibi Amna Siblings: Shah Fahad (27),Bibi Fatma (25), ShamsulQamar (24), Bibi Rabia(19), Farooq Didar (18), BibiUzma (16) and Arsh Zahir(13)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Syed Afaq Ahmed Syed Afaq Ahmed Just like his elder siblings, Afaq wanted to be a


He was not a very social child and preferred

being home and playing on the computer. He

was very close to his siblings and mother, who

say Afaq was the ‘backbone’ of the family.

His mother recalls that her son was very happy

on December 16, 2014 before he left for

school. That is how she wants to remember him

His siblings say the void in their lives after the

passing of their brother can never be filled.

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Maheer Rizwan Maheer Rizwan

Son of MohammadRizwan Aslam and AneelaRizwan Siblings: Mehreen Aslam(14), Arham Siraj (9)and Zuraiz (5 months)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Maheer Rizwan Maheer Rizwan Maheer was a simple boy who was very fondof the outdoors.

His family recalled how he did not waste anyopportunity to travel out of Peshawar to beclose to nature or go swimming.

Maheer had a great interest in computerengineering and wanted to pursue it as aprofession after passing out of school.

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Mobeen Aslam Mobeen Aslam

Son of Aslam Qureshi andZahida Aslam Qureshi(late) Siblings: Samara AslamQureshi, Arfa AslamQureshi and Iqra AslamQureshi

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Mobeen Aslam Mobeen Aslam To those who knew him, Mobeen was the ‘karate kid

with a God-gifted, soulful voice’.

Mobeen was quite close to his father despite latter

being away from the family for 10 years. The two

became close ‘friends’ after the death of Mobeen’s

mother in 2013.

“One day I was dropping Mobeen to school and

asked him to pray that I quickly get promoted to the

rank of Army Commander. He told me it was not an

easy task to become a commander just like that,”

Mobeen’s father recalls with a smile on his face.

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Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali

Son of Shahab-ud-Din andRana Gul Siblings: Alishba Khan (17),Maya Khan (11) and TobaKhan (6)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

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Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali The only son of Shahab ur Rehman and Rana Gul,

Mohammad Ali was jovial and a typically naughty

teenager. But his carefree attitude was limited to the

playground and according to the family, the 15-year-

old was ‘extremely respectful’ towards his elders.

Mohammad Ali was particularly fond of his horse

which was gifted to him by his father. He would

spend his vacations learning horseback riding.

“I no longer fear my only son will get hurt in

anyway,” Mohammad Ali’s stoic father said, while

recalling how he would worry for his son as soon as

he stepped out of the house.

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Usama Bin Tariq Usama Bin Tariq

Son of Naik Subedar TariqMehmood and SafinaTariq Siblings: Umama Tariq (15)and Sana Tariq (12)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

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Usama Bin Tariq Usama Bin Tariq The eldest of three siblings and the only boy,

Usama was very special to his parents.

He aspired to be an army officer when he grew

up. He was especially concerned about poor

people displaced by military operations in the

north and wanted to work towards their


He was a brilliant soccer player and often used

to play with his father. They were like best

friends. His father had recently bought a brand

new bike for him.

Page 66: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

Zeeshan Ali Zeeshan Ali

Son of Hav Abdul Qayyumand Samina Bibi Siblings: Saman Qayyum(13), Sidra Qayyum (11),Ayesh Qayyum (7)and Fatima Qayyum (4)

Age: 15 Class: 9Age: 15 Class: 9

Page 67: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

Zeeshan Ali Zeeshan Ali Aspiring to become a doctor, Zeeshan was a veryintelligent and responsible child. Eldest among thesiblings, Zeeshan was the only brother who was devotedto his sisters. Caring and jolly, he would often take hissisters on bike rides and would buy them candy.

Zeeshan started studying at APS soon after his father wastransferred to Peshawar. This was weeks before themassacre, and in that time, he had succeeded in becomingone of his teachers’ favourite students.

He was fond of shopping and buying new clothes. Hisfather remembers that Zeeshan’s uncle was gettingmarried on Dec 16 and he had wanted new clothes for theceremony. Zeeshan was supposed to go shopping with hismother after school that day.

Page 68: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

Zeeshan Shafique Zeeshan Shafique

Son of Hav.(retd) MuhammadShafique and BismillahJan Siblings: Yasir Shafique(12), Danial Shafique (9)and Masooma Shafique (3)

Age: 15 Class: 8Age: 15 Class: 8

Page 69: Army Public School Peshawar Attack Memorial: AGE 15

Zeeshan Shafique Zeeshan Shafique A student of the APS since 2004, Zeeshanwas among the top of his class. He was alsoa good athlete, enjoyed playing football andwould be very competitive in matches.

He was fond of keeping pets, with pigeonsbeing his favourite. His mother recalls howhe kept pigeons at home and looked afterthem with great care.

Son of a soldier, Zeeshan too aspired to jointhe army and serve the country.