Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239 (Water Tower) Camp PedricJdown Oldmans Township, New Jersey Department of the Army U. S. Army Garrison, Fort Dix Engineering & Environmental Division Prepared for: Engineering & Environmental Division DPW/EED, AFRC-FA-PWN Building 5'317 Synder Lane Fort Dix, New Jersey 08640-5501 March 2000 03-101-051

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

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Page 1: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

Facility 239 (Water Tower)

Camp PedricJdown

Oldmans Township, New Jersey

Department of the Army

U. S. Army Garrison, Fort Dix

Engineering & Environmental Division

Prepared for:

Engineering & Environmental Division


Building 5'317 Synder Lane

Fort Dix, New Jersey 08640-5501

March 2000


Page 2: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239



March 30, 2000

Engineering & Environmental Division

SUBJECT: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Reports, Camp Pedricktown, New Jersey

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Federal Case Management Division of Responsible Party Remediation ATTN: Mr. Greg Zalaskus, Federal Case Manager 401 East State Street, P.0. Box 028 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0028

Dear Mr. Zalaskus:

Arsenic and lead soil sampling investigations have been conducted at Facilities 461 and 239 at Camp Pedricktown, New Jersey. Facility 461 is an above ground water storage tank located within the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) excess area, and Facility 239 is an elevated water storage tank located within the non-BRAC Army Reserve Enclave area. Enclosed for your review and approval are the following March 2000 reports prepared by Fort Dix on the arsenic and lead investigations. Electronic data deliverables for both reports will be provided under separate cover.

a. Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation, Facility 461 (Water Tank), Camp Pedricktown, Oldmans Township, New Jersey; and

b. Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation, Facility 239 (Water Tower), Camp Pedricktown, Oldmans Township, New Jersey.

The Camp Pedricktown water supply facilities are under consideration for transfer to the Pennsgrove Water Supply Company. Previous investigations have detected elevated arsenic and lead soil concentrations in several areas at Camp Pedricktown. Therefore, soil sampling investigations were conducted to assess the arsenic and lead concentrations in the area of Facilities 461 and 239 prior to the facility transfer. Based on these investigations, lead concentrations in both areas exceed the NJDEP residential and non-residential soil cleant1p criteria. Arsenic concentrations in both areas were below NJDEP residential and non-residential soil cleanup criteria. Action plans to address the elevated lead concentrations will be prepared and submitted under si,parate cover.

Page 3: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

- 2 -

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. Richard Sample at (609) 562-3699/3050; FAX (609) 562-5345.


PM&~~ Linda D. Chominski Chief, Engineering & Environmental Division, RDPW, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Dix


Copy Furnished:

Toni Alexander (Fort Dix, BTO) John Bickel (Camp Pedricktown LRA) Victor Bonilla (FORSCOM) Janet Brattstrom (USAEC) Rich Buckey (77th RSC) Mike Burns (Fort Dix, RDPW.) John DeMurley (USEPA) Terry Garnett (Tetra Tech, Inc.) Leslie Hill (CENAB) John Hollis, Esq. (Fort Dix, SJA) Doris Lundeen (FORSCOM) Peter Milionis (ARCADIS-Geraghty & Miller) Lou Summers (Sievers-Sandberg USARC) Steve Whitmore (Fort Dix, PWD) Alan Williams (CENAD) (w/o encl.) Randy Williams (CENAD) (w/o encl.) Gary Ziegler (Pennsgrove Water Supply Company) Camp Pedricktown Restoration Advisory Board Camp Pedricktown Information Repositories

Page 4: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

Executive Summary

Facility 239 is a water storage tower located southwest of South A venue in the Army Reserve Enclave portion of

Camp Pedricktown, New Jersey. The tank has a nominal capacity of 125,000 gallons and was constructed in 1942

(Knighten, 2000; Woodward-Clyde, 1997). Facility 239 is currently used to supply potable water to Camp

Pedricktown. Previous investigations have detected elevated arsenic and lead concentrations in other portions of

Camp Pedricktown. Both arsenic and lead are, under certain circumstances, regulated by the New Jersey

Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) when present in the soil at concentrations greater than 20

milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and 400 mg/kg, respectively (IT Corp., 1999). This investigation was conducted to

determine the concentrations of arsenic and lead in the surface soil beneath the water tower. This investigation was

not intended to quantify the magnitude or extent of arsenic or lead in the surface soil.

On 6 January 2000, a member of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) support team collected four surface

soil samples (0 to 6 inches below ground surface) immediately adjacent to (within I-foot) the water tower support

columns. The Fort Dix representative is a NJDEP certified Subsurface Evaluator, and the samples were collected in

accordance with NJDEP field sampling protocols. Laboratory analysis indicates that total arsenic concentrations are

below the testing instruments detection limit for all samples tested and total lead concentrations range from 2,740

mg/kg to a maximum concentration of 6,390 mg/kg. Site specific background concentrations of lead reportedly

range from 1.4 mg/kg to 66 mg/kg (Versar Inc, 1993). Based on the investigation results, the soil samples tested do

not contain regulated concentrations of arsenic but do contain regulated concentrations of lead. Lead-based paints

from the water tower are a potential source of the elevated lead concentrations. Additional investigation would be

necessary to assess the horizontal and vertical extent of the lead in the soils beneath the water tower.

. ,"m Pedricktown ' 1/1/y 239 ,· I I •,rt Dix 0()\l'rojccts\Camp Pedricktown\Bldg :?J<JIFac 239 Rcpon do~

Page 5: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation


1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 SAMPLING METHOD.................................................................................................................................. 3

3.0 TEST RESULTS AND FINDINGS ............................................................................................................... 4

4.0 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 4

5.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 6

6.0 CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................... 7


Table No. Title Page No.

1.0 Total Arsenic and Total Lead Soil Sampling Results 8


Figure No. Title Page No.

1.0 Soil Sampling Location Map 9


Appendix No. Title

I . 0 Laboratory Results

2, () Laboratory Certificate

""'P Pedricktown ',,, 1/1/y 239

r··:i I ,,rt Dix DO\Projc:~ts\Camp l'edricktown'Bldg 239\Fac 239 Report.doc


Page 6: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

1.0 Introduction

Facility 239 is a water tower located southwest of South Avenue in the Army Reserve Enclave portion of Camp

Pcdricktown, New Jersey. The tank has a nominal capacity of 125,000 gallons and was constructed in 1942

(Knighten, 2000; Woodward-Clyde, 1997). Facility 239 is currently used to supply potable water to Camp

Pedricktown. Previous investigations have detected elevated arsenic and lead concentrations in other portions of

Camp Pedricktown. Both arsenic and lead are, under certain circumstances, regulated by the New Jersey

Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) when present in the soil at concentrations greater than 20

milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and 400 mg/kg 1, respectively (IT Corp., 1999). This investigation was conducted

to determine the concentrations of arsenic and lead in the surface soil beneath the water tower. This investigation

was not intended to quantify the magnitude or extent of arsenic or lead in the surface soil.

2.0 Sampling Method

On 6 January 2000, a member of the Fort Dix BRAC support team collected four surface soil samples from

immediately adjacent to the water tower support columns, Figure 1. The Fort Dix representative is a NJDEP

,ertified Subsurface Evaluator, and the samples were collected in accordance with NJDEP field sampling protocols.

The samples were identified as follows:

• Environmental Samples

? WT-10600-A

};,,, WT-10600-B

};,,, WT- I 0600-C

};,,, WT-10600-D

• Quality Control Sample

::,.. WT-10600-FB

WT= Facility 239 water tower, I0600=sampling date, A-D = sampling location, and FB = Field Blank

rhe soil samples were collected twelve inches from the north side of the water tower support columns using a

J,:dicated, decontaminated stainless steel spoon (one spoon per sample location). Soil was collected from O inches

·.1.j 6 inches below the ground surface (bgs) and placed into an aluminum foil lined I-gallon steel bowl,

' 1·0mogenized, and placed into pre-labeled half-pint sample jars supplied by the testing laboratory (QC Incorporated).

:he sample locations were biased to areas free of vegetation. Sample locations WT-10600-C and WT-10600-D

,,~re free of vegetative cover.

·-unp Pedricktown .,, ,/11;· 2 39 3

•· r I •• n,,,_ [)()li'rojccts\Camp l'edricktownlllldg ::391Fac 239 Report.doc

Page 7: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

The environmental samples were tested for total arsenic and total lead by United States Environmental Protection

Agency (U.S. EPA) procedure SW 846, method 6010. QC laboratory Inc. performed all the chemical testing and is

certified in New Jersey (Certificate No. 77166). A copy of QC laboratory's certificate is provided in Appendix 2.0.

Standard quality control and assurance (QA/QC) practices were employed in the conduct of this investigation. The

stainless steel sampling spoons were decontaminated using NJDEP methods as follows:

• Tap water and phosphate free detergent wash

• Tap water rinse

• Distilled water rinse

• Air dry

• The decontaminated sampling spoons were then wrapped in aluminum foil (polished side out) for transport

to the site

The QA/QC practices also included the preparation of a chain-of-custody form and the collection and analysis of a

field blank. The field blank is an aqueous sample consisting of distilled/deionized water poured over the

Jccontaminated sampling tool (rinsate). For this investigation the rinsate was collected in a 500-milliliter plastic jar

:mpplied by QC laboratory. The field blank was containerized and tested in a fashion similar to the environmental

~amples to assess the potential for arsenic and lead cross contamination. The plastic jar contained a premeasured

amount of nitric acid to preserve the sample. After filling the field blank sample jar with rinsate water, the jar was

~caled and placed in the cooler with the environmental samples. The field blank was tested using U.S. EPA method

200.7 for both arsenic and lead.

3.0 Test Results and Findings

lhc soil samples were brown in color and consisted of medium to fine sands with trace amounts of silt. A black

vrganic like soil layer was encountered at 6 inches bgs at WT-10600-C and WT-10600-D. Paint chips were

lJbscrved in the soil at WT-10600-D and were observed in sample WT-10600-D. In general, the soil was moist and

very loosely compacted. The analytical test results are summarized in Table 1.0. The laboratory report is included

11 Appendix 1.0. The field blank results indicate that no apparent cross contamination occurred between the

1ampling equipment and the sample.

~- O Conclusions/Recommendations

r h~ ;malytical test results indicate the soil samples ttsted do not contain regulated levels of arsenic but do contain

rq~ulated levels of lead. Site specific background concentrations of lead reportedly range from 1.4 mg/kg to 66

'"l'/kg (Versar Inc, 1993). Lead-based paints from the water tower are a potential source of the elevated lead

! he concentrations provided are based on the NJDEP's ·'Residential Direct Contact Soil Cleanup Criteria". The NJDEP's "Non-residential ",. •,1 Contact Soil Cleanup Criteria" for arsenic and lead are provided in Table 1.0 of this report.

,11,:fJ Pedricktown f, 11,ty 239 •· ·, l l ·,rt Di"< D01 Pro1~ts\Camp Pcdricktown'Dldg 239\Fac '.'.JlJ Report do,


Page 8: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

concentrations. Additional investigation would be necessary to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of the

lead in the soils around Facility 239.

""f) Pedricktown ,1,,.,, 239 1 I ·,rt Oix D0\Projects1Camp Pedncktown\Bldg 239\fac 239 Report do..:


Page 9: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

5.0 References

IT Corporation, 1999. Environmental Investigation/Alternatives Analysis (Draft Final Document), Volume I,

Department of the Army.

Knighten, Malcolm, 2000. Personal Communication with Paul Fluck, Fort Dix BRAC Support.

U.S. Army, 1958. AN/FSG-1 Facilities Missile Master Operation Area Plan, Drawing No. 6.

Vcrsar Inc, 1993. Final-Expanded Site Investigation Report, Pedricktown Support Facility.

Woodward-Clyde, 1997. Environmental Baseline Survey Report (Final), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

;1m1J Pedricktown /I tf/1',' 239 I'". I 1,,,r Dix DO\Projects\Camp PedricktownJ31dg 239\Fac 239 Report doc


Page 10: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239


Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation


"I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted

herein and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for

obtaining the information, to the best of my knowledge, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate and

complete. I am aware that there are significant civil penalties . for knowingly submitting false, inaccurate or

incomplete information and that I am committing a crime of the fourth degree if I make a written false statement

which I do not believe to be true. I am also aware that if I knowingly direct or authorize the violation of any statute,

I am personally liable for the penalties."

BRAC Environmental Richard P. Sample Coordinator Name Title



•1111: Pqdricktown "1/,1; 239 · · ' , ,. Dix DO Projccts\Camp Ped11cktown-Bldi; 239\fac 23') Report doc


Page 11: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

An ILead Soil Sampling . .1gauon

Table No. I

Facility 239, Camp Pedricktown Total Arsenic and Total Lead Soil Sampling Results

Soil Samples Collected on 6 January 2000

Results Field Blank {m2/I}

Anal}'tc RDCSSC 1 NRDCSSC1 Sampling Sample Field Id WT-10600-A WT-10600-B WT-10600-C WT-10600-D WT-10600-FB Matrix Depth

Lab Id L610148-1 L610148-l L610148-1L610148-1 L610148-1

Arsenic (total) 20 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Soil 0-6" ND ND ND ND ND1

Lead (total) · 400 mg/kg 600 mg/kg Soil 0-6" 2,880 mg/kg 6,390 mg/kg 4,050 mg/kg 2,740 mg/kg ND1

... Notes: I Residential Direct Contact Soil Cleanup Criteria

2 Non-residential Direct Contact Soil Cleanup Criteria 3 Non-detect 4 Sampling locations are shown on Figure 1.0.

General: Non-aqueous samples were analyzed by SW 846, method 6010.

The field blank (aqueous sample) was analyzed by EPA method 200.7.

Camp Pedricktown J.~1cility 139 C:\P\'F\Fon Dix DO\Projccts\C'amp Pedricktown\Bldg 239\Fac 239 Rcpo1' doc


Page 12: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239




..·· ..·····

Route 130

Illustration not to scale

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

WT-10600-A Lead: 2,880 mg/kg

South Ave.

Figure 1.0

Soil Sampling Location Map Facility 239, Camp Pedricktown

U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Dix Engineering and Environmental Division

Arsenic concentrations are below the testing instrument's detection limit.

WT-10600-D Lead: 2,740 mg/kg




Soil Sampling Location And Results

Water Tower Columns

Facility East Rd.


Water Tower

WT-10600-C Lead: 4,050 mg/kg

..··•·· ..·· ..·



·····... North



WT-10600-A0 Lead: 2,880 mg/kg

• r;:,mp Pedricktown 9 i ,11 J/iry 239

;,·/F·Fort Dix 00\ProjectslCamp Pedncktown·.Dldg 239\Fac 139 Report doc

Page 13: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

Appendix 1

Laboratory Results

, 11rnp Pedricktown ,, rluy 239 •· 11 ·· F,,n Dix DO\Projccts\Camp Pedricktown\Bldg '.!3'l'.Fac 23') Rcpon doc

Page 14: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239



Analytical Results 02/18/00 i1:~~am



P.O. No: Inv. No: ?,.;·:;:. PI.JSID No:

Sam:>le N~r Sample Description Samp. Date/Time/Temp Sampled by L610148·1 BLDG 239 ~ATER TOWER CAMP P:D ~T-10600-A Oi/06/00 09:40am NA°F Customer Sampled

Parameter Method Result RLs Test Date A~SENIC SW846 Method 6010 ND mg/kg DRY 1. 17 mg/kg 01/11/00 LEAD SW846 Method 6010 2880 mg/kg DRY 2.35 mg/kg 01/11/00 TC7AL sc~:~s PERCENT STD Methods 18th Ed. 2540 85. 18 % 0.01000 % 01/13/00

Samole Nurr~~- Samole Des:ription Samp. Date/Time/Temp Sampled by L610i48·2 wT·10600·5 01/06/00 09:45am NA°F Customer Sampled

?arameter Method Result RLs Test Date ARSENI: SW846 Method 6010 ND mg/kg DRY 1.20 mg/kg 01/11/00 LE~ TOTAL so~:os PEP.CENT

SW846 Method 6010 STD Methods 18th Ed. 2540

6390 mg/kg DRY 83.36 %

2.40 mg/kg 0.01000 %

01/11/00 01/13/00

NIJIT\D9~ Sample Description Samo. Date/Time/Temp Sampled by 8·3 UT-10600-C 01/06/00 09:50am NA°F Customer Sampled

.:ter Method Result RLs Test Date Al<S:NlC SW846 Method 6010 ND mg/kg DRY 1.09 mg/kg 01/11/00 LEAD TOTAL sc~:,s PERCENT

SW846 Method 6010 STD Methods 18th Ed. 2540

4050 mg/kg DRY 92. 12 %

2.17 mg/kg 0.01000 %

01/11/00 01/13/00

Samole N~~ Samole Description ~610148-~ ~7-10600-0

Samp. Date/Time/Temp 01/06/00 09:55am NA°F

Sampled by Customer Sampled

Paramete .. Method Resul: RLs Test Date A~S:N?C SW846 Method 6010 ND mg/kg DRY 1.08 mg/kg 01/11/00

r~:~L so.:~s PERCENi S~846 Method 6010 STD Methods 18th Ed. 2540

2740 mg/kg DRY 92.70 %

2.16 mg/kg 0.01000 %

01/11/00 01/13/00

Sa:no:e N~~ S4tn;)le Des:ription Samo. Date/Time/Temp Sampled by ~6i0i~e-s wT-10600-FS FIELD BLANK 01/06/00 09:35am NA°F Customer Sampled

Paramet~r Method Result RLs Test DateA~S:~::: 5~846 Method 6010 ND mg/l 0.00800 mg/l 01/12/00L:A~ SW846 Method 6010 ND mg/ l 0.00500 mg/l 01/12/00


:.. ~c~--~ ~· ''4:,•• 1 n_...i,...ates tne concen~:-ation o~ :rie analyte tested was eitne:'"' not detected or below the RLs. ~;.'.~~:7~:~t:·,·:l•,;,·'/-:::;:-tification numbers are; PADER 09-i31;NJDEP 77166/77001(\.JindGap), additional states upon request.

.JCCIOl'n':;-~·:,·:~w- r-~~~~~~cc~~~~~ed; NEG=negative; POS=positive; CO~=colcnies; RLs=laboratory reporting limits; L/A=laboratory

'· ... ,. ...:,: rr.a:-lced wi:r. "DRY" incicates :nat the reswl: was calcwlated and repo:ted on a p_weig~t basis.

t:A.t?&:: {. '.

A1lrm D. Schopb;,~- .,.,... · - ·

Page 15: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation

Appendix 2

Laboratory Certification

r:amp Pedricktown ' ,,, t!Hy 239 ' /'VP Fort Dix DO\Prniccts\Camp Ped11cktownlBldg 239\Fac 239 R~port doc

Page 16: Arsenic and Lead Soil Sampling Investigation Facility 239

J·JJ4Jltt oJr J\f.£W J/£'JfJ·t;!Y

f)t:•Jlitfll£$CI"' 0 Y E,(!ll ..Ol(li£f(!rJ1£ fPitO'IECtrlOf(.

Certifies 'Iliat

QC, INCORPORATED (Laboratory Name)

77166 (Laboratory I.D. Numbc:r)


nar1tif!J tfu!y ~, t.ie rquimnentr oftk ..

Regulations Governing The Certification Of

Laboratories And Environmental Measurements N.J.A.C. 7: 18 et.seq.

if liereb!J apJff("t't!lfas a

S~te .Certified Environmental Laboratory ToPei.farm tlie ~es11.f imlicatdon tlieAnnualCerttfie"!PatameterList

utfic.i must acaJmpallJ tni5 arttfii:ate toot w!ltf

Expiration Date: June 30, 2000

Jottpb P. Aiello, (njef Office or Quality As.,unmcc

'f'IJl('"(""r,..,,,...,,,,,.~t'°T~n1,rf"\llf"f'\ff'"'tt,,11t"t''r~,~,., ,• ~.,, ••- 1,,1..,,, '"''" 11 ,11~•11,,,11 ,,,,, ••t•lff"'I ,•r,,,,,,,,-,