3 Westside Drive | Asheville, NC 28806 | P: 828.255.0201 | 866.298.2740 | F: 828.255.0940 | www.safecarerx.com The Healing Revolution is here.™ A d v a n c e d H o m e o p a t h ic T rip le-Plus PotencyStrength T aste-Free! Pure Water Base Powerful Physician-T ested Form ulas Indications for use For relief of pain, inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and weakness associated with arthritis and muscle and/or joint sprains and strains. NO Alcohol NO Gluten NO Glycerin NO Sugar NO T oxic Chemicals NO Y east SafeCare®Rx is manufactured by King Bio®, a family-owned, USA-based, FDA-registered pharmaceutical manufacturer dedicated to the use of safe, all-natural medicine without negative side effects. Each SafeCare®Rx carries the credibility of being an FDA-listed, all-natural homeopathic drug product. Each product is manufactured in strict accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and the FDA. A National Drug Code (NDC) number is assigned to each SafeCare®Rx formula. Made in the USA What it does 23 Homeopathic ingredients to relieve: • Muscular soreness • Aching pain in limbs and back, even from old injuries • Rheumatic pain of wrist, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes • Paralytic weakness in hands • Contraction of fingers • Back pain as if sprained; difficulty in rising • Inability to walk erect due to pain • Painful stiffness in nape of neck • Stiff and painful knees • Joints red, swollen, and hot • Cold knees and cramps in calves • Ailment from strains, over-lifting • Chronic lumbago, sciatica, and gout • Gouty enlargement of the joints of the fingers • Jerking, twitching, or restlessness of limbs • Rheumatic pains, stiff and contracted joints • Pain in hips • Injuries to nerves • Painful toes and fingers, especially fingertips • Aching heels, relieved by elevating feet • Throbbing or shooting pain or stiffness in right shoulder • Cracking in joints • Cramping muscles with radiating pains Complementary Formulas: • Constitutional Enhancer™ • Wounds Recovery™ • Back, Neck, Muscle & Joint Injuries™ • Acid Clenz™ • Calcium Metabolizer™ • Sporting Edge® • Muscle Maximizer™ • Hair & Nails Formula™ • Bone Strengthener™ • Teeth & Gum Formula™ Arthritis, meaning “inflammation of the joints,” is subdivided into more than 100 types, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the two most common. Osteoarthritis is known as the “wear and tear” type, since it usually affects the weight-bearing and repetitive-use joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks itself, causing joint pain and eventual deformity uniformly on both sides of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is the type that usually affects children. Evidence is mounting that arthritis may be simply a disorder of biochemistry, that it is not insurmountable, and that it can be changed. The painful progression of arthritis need not be an inevitable consequence of aging or genetics. Healthy lifestyle and dietary changes can slow and even halt, in some cases, the progression of the disease. These changes include stress-reduction techniques, correct types of exercise and supplements, and dietary modifications to enhance pH balancing. In addition, homeopathy offers a safe and effective means of not only alleviating the pain of chronic joint inflammation, but also of helping the body realign and balance the underlying causes of the biochemical and bioenergetic imbalances that create the chronic joint pain. For example, Actaea spicata (Latin for baneberry), is a rheumatic remedy, and is known for helping paralytic weakness in hands and a lame feeling in the arms. Bryonia alba (white bryony) relieves aching in every muscle, rheumatic pains and swellings, and stiff and painful knees, as well as joints that are red, swollen, and hot. Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) is a remedy for injuries to nerves, pain in toes and fingers, and for joints that feel bruised. And these are just three of the 23 remedies included in this advanced contemporary homeopathic formula. Arthritis & Joint Relief™ *We encourage everyone to consult with their own health care practitioner concerning our products. We welcome calls from practitioners who would like to learn more about our products and their history of efficacy and safety.

Arthritis & Joint Relief™ - Anova Healthdocs.anovahealth.com › kingbio › safecarerx › arthritispainand... · 2014-01-10 · • Muscle Maximizer ... Bryonia alba (white bryony)

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Page 1: Arthritis & Joint Relief™ - Anova Healthdocs.anovahealth.com › kingbio › safecarerx › arthritispainand... · 2014-01-10 · • Muscle Maximizer ... Bryonia alba (white bryony)

3 W e s t s i d e D r i v e | A s h e v i l l e , N C 2 8 8 0 6 | P : 8 2 8 . 2 5 5 . 0 2 0 1 | 8 6 6 . 2 9 8 . 2 7 4 0 | F : 8 2 8 . 2 5 5 . 0 9 4 0 | w w w . s a f e c a r e r x . c o m

The Healing Revolution is here.™Advanced

Homeopathic Triple-Plus Potency™ Strength • Taste-Free! Pure Water Base • Powerful Physician-Tested Formulas

Indications for useFor relief of pain, inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and weakness associated with arthritis and muscle and/or joint sprains and strains.

NO Alcohol • NO Gluten • NO Glycerin • NO Sugar • NO Toxic Chemicals • NO Yeast

SafeCare®Rx is manufactured by King Bio®, a family-owned, USA-based, FDA-registered pharmaceutical manufacturer dedicated to the use of safe, all-natural medicine without negative side effects. Each SafeCare®Rx carries the

credibility of being an FDA-listed, all-natural homeopathic drug product. Each product is manufactured in strict accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and the FDA. A National Drug Code (NDC) number is assigned to each SafeCare®Rx formula.

Made in the USA

What it does 23 Homeopathic ingredients to relieve:• Muscular soreness • Aching pain in limbs and back,

even from old injuries• Rheumatic pain of wrist, fingers,

knees, ankles, and toes• Paralytic weakness in hands • Contraction of fingers• Back pain as if sprained;

difficulty in rising• Inability to walk erect due to

pain• Painful stiffness in nape of neck• Stiff and painful knees

• Joints red, swollen, and hot• Cold knees and cramps in

calves• Ailment from strains, over-lifting• Chronic lumbago, sciatica, and

gout• Gouty enlargement of the joints

of the fingers• Jerking, twitching, or

restlessness of limbs• Rheumatic pains, stiff and

contracted joints• Pain in hips

• Injuries to nerves• Painful toes and fingers,

especially fingertips• Aching heels, relieved by

elevating feet• Throbbing or shooting pain or

stiffness in right shoulder• Cracking in joints• Cramping muscles with

radiating pains

Complementary Formulas:• Constitutional Enhancer™• Wounds Recovery™• Back, Neck, Muscle & Joint

Injuries™• Acid Clenz™• Calcium Metabolizer™• Sporting Edge®• Muscle Maximizer™• Hair & Nails Formula™• Bone Strengthener™• Teeth & Gum Formula™

Arthritis, meaning “inflammation of the joints,” is subdivided into more than 100 types, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the two most common. Osteoarthritis is known as the “wear and tear” type, since it usually affects the weight-bearing and repetitive-use joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks itself, causing joint pain and eventual deformity uniformly on both sides of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is the type that usually affects children.

Evidence is mounting that arthritis may be simply a disorder of biochemistry, that it is not insurmountable, and that it can be changed. The painful progression of arthritis need not be an inevitable consequence of aging or genetics.

Healthy lifestyle and dietary changes can slow and even halt, in some cases, the progression of the disease. These changes include stress-reduction techniques,

correct types of exercise and supplements, and dietary modifications to enhance pH balancing.

In addition, homeopathy offers a safe and effective means of not only alleviating the pain of chronic joint inflammation, but also of helping the body realign and balance the underlying causes of the biochemical and bioenergetic imbalances that create the chronic joint pain.

For example, Actaea spicata (Latin for baneberry), is a rheumatic remedy, and is known for helping paralytic weakness in hands and a lame feeling in the arms. Bryonia alba (white bryony) relieves aching in every muscle, rheumatic pains and swellings, and stiff and painful knees, as well as joints that are red, swollen, and hot. Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) is a remedy for injuries to nerves, pain in toes and fingers, and for joints that feel bruised. And these are just three of the 23 remedies included in this advanced contemporary homeopathic formula.

Arthritis & Joint Relief™*We encourage everyone to consult with their own health care practitioner concerning our products. We welcome calls from practitioners who would like to learn more about our products and their history of efficacy and safety.

Page 2: Arthritis & Joint Relief™ - Anova Healthdocs.anovahealth.com › kingbio › safecarerx › arthritispainand... · 2014-01-10 · • Muscle Maximizer ... Bryonia alba (white bryony)

The Healing Revolution is here.™8 6 6 . 2 9 8 . 2 7 4 0 | w w w . s a f e c a r e r x . c o m

The most comprehensive product of its kind for arthritis and joint pain and stiffness

Arthritis, or “inflammation of the joints,” is growing at an alarming rate, and doctors have now diagnosed 50.6 million U.S. adults as having some form of the disease.

A recent U.S. government study reported one adult in every five has at least one joint with signs or symptoms of arthritis, and one adult in every ten curtails their activity due to joint pain. And though it is more common in adults, 294,000 U.S. children and young people under the age of 18 also suffer from arthritis, proving the disease can afflict any age group. Arthritis causes a great deal of pain, and is the leading cause of physical disability in the U.S., limiting nearly 19 million adults.

Allopathic medicine usually attacks arthritis with pain-reduction medications that present their own problems with toxicity and negative side effects. Often, surgery is recommended, with varying rates of success. Many people feel they must just live with the daily pain and that nothing more can be done for them. This is not true.

Homeopathy has a long history based on the well-known Law of Similars: “like cures like.” Homeopathy has been in continuous and successful use worldwide for more than 200 years, and King Bio® has taken the science to a new level.

King Bio® offers a full line of innovative, contemporary homeopathic remedies that are powerful, physician-tested formulas in a Bio-Energetically Enhanced™ taste-fee, pure water base.

Arthritis & Joint Relief™The logical first choice for arthritis and joint relief

Homeopathy SafeCare® Rxby King Bio ®

For Professional Use OnlyFor Professional Use Only

Powerful homeopathic potencies deliver resultsSafeCare®Rx Arthritis & Joint Relief™ is the most comprehensive product of its kind to naturally and safely address the relief of arthritis and joint pain. It has 23 ingredients from the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) in 10X, 30X, 100X, 1M, LM1, LM2, and LM3 potencies in a pure water base. This creates 161 individual remedies, which allows the body to select the exact combination of ingredients and potencies it needs to balance itself from within.

SafeCare®Rx Arthritis & Joint Relief™ is made in our unique, taste-free, Bio-Energetically Enhanced™ pure water base. This provides three different dosage deliveries, all from one product. Each delivery method offers an additional unique therapeutic dimension.

1ORALLY: Three sprays in the mouth (one adult dose) corrects from the inside out.

2 TOPICALLY: Three sprays (one adult dose) on a localized area corrects from the outside in.

3 OLFACTORY: Three sprays (one adult dose) as a mist in front of the face to breathe in. This activates

the limbic system for the deepest therapeutic activity.

3 W e s t s i d e D r i v e | A s h e v i l l e , N C 2 8 8 0 6P : 8 2 8 . 2 5 5 . 0 2 0 1 | 8 6 6 . 2 9 8 . 2 7 4 0

F : 8 2 8 . 2 5 5 . 0 9 4 0 | w w w . s a f e c a r e r x . c o m

The information in this brochure is provided in cooperation with The Natural Medicine Institute® (NMI) and King Bio®.