Artifact Grading Rubric

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  • Name_________________________ Artifact Speech Grading Time _________________________



    Poor 0-5 Fair 6-7 Average 8-10 Above Average 11-13 Excellent 14-15

    Choice Did not have an object.

    Object is too general/ last minute

    Good choice of object Great selection of object Unique choice of object!

    Connecting to the object

    Did not state it Vaguely Stated Somewhat stated Clearly explained the object and its relevance

    Excellent detail of the object and its relevance

    Organization Poor 0-2 Fair 3-4 Average 5-6 Above Average 7-8 Excellent 9-10


    failed to convey coherent message; no identifiable pattern used; lacked flow; transitions not used

    pattern inappropriate; did not flow/choppy; main points confusing; transitions not fully developed

    good organization; suitable patterns; good use of main points; most transitions effective

    clearly organized; flowed logically; transitions aided flow and tied ideas together

    development of main points vivid; greatly enhanced presentation; extremely well organized; smooth transitions throughout

    Conclusion Poor 0-2 Fair 3-4 Average 5-6 Above Average 7-8 Excellent 9-10

    Summary no summary not all main points included in summary; showed no relationship between main points

    reviewed all main points and some key points

    reviewed key ideas and relationships

    reviewed key ideas, relationships, and conclusions; no doubt about what audience should remember

    Concluding Statement

    audience had no idea they had reached the end; closure not related to the subject

    ending abrupt or simply tailed off; unsure it was over; closure loosely tied to subject

    closure related to subject; ended on note of completion

    strong ending related to subject

    strong, creative ending; positive sense of completion; clincher


  • Delivery Poor 0-3 Fair 4-6 Average 7-9 Above Average 10-12 Excellent 13-15

    Eye contact little or no eye contact;

    eye contact with one part of the audience; many people left out;

    eye contact involved everyone but favored some

    eye contact systematic; all included

    eye contact direct & impartial

    Movement rocked back and forth; lectern bound; stiff

    paced; movement without purpose; constant movement to and from lectern

    most movement purposeful

    movement with purpose body movement free and purposeful; used the space

    Gestures no gestures; hands locked on hips or lectern, parade rest, or in pockets

    gestures poorly timed, appeared preplanned; distracting

    gestures adequate gestures helped clarify and show emphasis, most were natural

    gestures used to clarify and emphasize ideas; natural

    Extemporaneous Delivery

    read entire speech mostly reading of speech

    frequent referral to notes

    some referral to notes Rare referral to notes. Spoke confidently (almost) without notes

    Vocal Fillers fillers very distracting 6-7 fillers 4-5 fillers 2-3 fillers; detracted little

    planned pauses only; no fillers

    Language Usage

    word choice: unfamiliar, jargon, misused words, acronyms overused or undefined; many grammar errors; many words mispronounced

    word choice limited: some unfamiliar words, jargon, and misused words; overused words; acronyms not defined; subject/verb errors distracting; mispronounced words

    suitable word choice; acronyms defined as needed; subject/verb errors rare; some mispronounced words

    good word choice; action verbs and nouns used to convey ideas; good variety; good use of grammar; few mispronounced words

    strong and appropriate word choice; grammar mastered; no mispronounced words

    Volume, Rate, Pitch

    much too loud or quiet; poor pace

    pitch or volume too low or too high; monotone; problem pace

    some variation of rate, pitch and volume, pace

    good variation of rate, pitch and volume, pace

    excellent mix of rate, volume, pitch and pace used for emphasis

    Grade ____/50


    Excellent 14-15 Excellent 9-10