T ailor: Generating and Perturbing Text with Semantic Controls Alexis Ross * *† Tongshuang Wu *♦ Hao Peng Matthew E. Peters Matt Gardner Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, USA Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington {alexisr,matthewp,mattg}@allenai.org {wtshuang,hapeng}@cs.washington.edu Abstract Making controlled perturbations is essential for various tasks (e.g., data augmentation), but building task-specific generators can be expensive. We introduce T ailor, a task- agnostic generation system that perturbs text in a semantically-controlled way. With un- likelihood training, we design T ailor’s gen- erator to follow a series of control codes de- rived from semantic roles. Through modi- fications of these control codes, T ailor can produce fine-grained perturbations. We im- plement a set of operations on control codes that can be composed into complex perturba- tion strategies, and demonstrate their eective- ness in three distinct applications: First, T ai- lor facilitates the construction of high-quality contrast sets that are lexically diverse, and less biased than original task test data. Sec- ond, paired with automated labeling heuris- tics, T ailor helps improve model generaliza- tion through data augmentation: We obtain an average gain of 1.73 on an NLI challenge set by perturbing just 5% of training data. Third, without any finetuning overhead, T ailor’s per- turbations eectively improve compositional- ity in fine-grained style transfer, outperform- ing fine-tuned baselines on 6 transfers. 1 Introduction Controllable text generation through semantic per- turbations, which modifies sentences to match certain target attributes, has been widely applied to a variety of tasks, e.g., changing sentence styles (Reid and Zhong, 2021), mitigating dataset biases (Gardner et al., 2021), explaining model be- haviors (Ross et al., 2020), and improving model generalization (Teney et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021). Existing work trains controlled generators with task-specific data, e.g., training a style transferer requires instances labeled with positive and nega- tive sentiments (Madaan et al., 2020b). As a result, * denotes equal contribution. LOCATIVETEMPORAL+partial: in LOCATIVE In the operation room AGENT the doctor VERB comforted , PATIENT the athlete . [ | | ] <id_0>, the doctor <id_2> <id_3> <id_4>. [TEMPORAL: In the midst of the earthquake], the doctor [VERB: is comforting][PATIENT: the athlete panicking]. PATIENT+completepartial: the athlete VERB+active+pastpresent: comfort A D B Input Output C LOCATIVE:CHANGE_TAG(TEMPORAL) VERB:CHANGE_VTENSE(present) PATIENT:CHANGE_SPEC(sparse) Figure 1: A compositional perturbation using T ai- lor. 1 Given (A) an original sentence and its seman- tic role parse, we abstract each span into a structured header that contains its semantic roles and keywords. We specify desired perturbations by modifying each control code (e.g., changing role LOCATIVE TEMPORAL in (B), verb tense past present, and patient keyword specificity complete partial). Given these perturbed control codes in the input (C), T ailor generates a new sentence (D) that reflects the desired perturbations, re- combining original text with new text generated to fol- low the designated semantic controls. transferring to a new application is prohibitive, if at all possible, and requires costly annotation eorts and re-training for every task of interest. In this work, we introduce T ailor, a system that supports application-agnostic perturbations with- out the need for retraining. At the core of T ai- lor is a controlled generator 2) that flexibly generates full sentences from target semantic fea- tures. We combine structured control codes in our inputs to represent desired linguistic proper- ties of outputs. As shown in Figure 1, each code is built on semantic parses derived from the Prop- Bank formalism and specifies the semantics of a span in the target sentence (e.g., “who did what to whom” (Palmer et al., 2005)). We use unlikeli- 1 We opensource T ailor at https://github.com/ allenai/tailor . arXiv:2107.07150v1 [cs.CL] 15 Jul 2021

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Page 1: arXiv:2107.07150v1 [cs.CL] 15 Jul 2021

Tailor: Generating and Perturbing Text with Semantic Controls

Alexis Ross∗∗† Tongshuang Wu∗♦ Hao Peng♦ Matthew E. Peters† Matt Gardner†

†Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, USA♦Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington



Making controlled perturbations is essentialfor various tasks (e.g., data augmentation),but building task-specific generators can beexpensive. We introduce Tailor, a task-agnostic generation system that perturbs textin a semantically-controlled way. With un-likelihood training, we design Tailor’s gen-erator to follow a series of control codes de-rived from semantic roles. Through modi-fications of these control codes, Tailor canproduce fine-grained perturbations. We im-plement a set of operations on control codesthat can be composed into complex perturba-tion strategies, and demonstrate their effective-ness in three distinct applications: First, Tai-lor facilitates the construction of high-qualitycontrast sets that are lexically diverse, andless biased than original task test data. Sec-ond, paired with automated labeling heuris-tics, Tailor helps improve model generaliza-tion through data augmentation: We obtain anaverage gain of 1.73 on an NLI challenge setby perturbing just ≈5% of training data. Third,without any finetuning overhead, Tailor’s per-turbations effectively improve compositional-ity in fine-grained style transfer, outperform-ing fine-tuned baselines on 6 transfers.

1 Introduction

Controllable text generation through semantic per-turbations, which modifies sentences to matchcertain target attributes, has been widely appliedto a variety of tasks, e.g., changing sentencestyles (Reid and Zhong, 2021), mitigating datasetbiases (Gardner et al., 2021), explaining model be-haviors (Ross et al., 2020), and improving modelgeneralization (Teney et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021).Existing work trains controlled generators withtask-specific data, e.g., training a style transfererrequires instances labeled with positive and nega-tive sentiments (Madaan et al., 2020b). As a result,

∗ denotes equal contribution.


LOCATIVEIn the operation room

AGENTthe doctor


PATIENTthe athlete .

[ | | ] <id_0>, the doctor <id_2> <id_3> <id_4>.

[TEMPORAL: In the midst of the earthquake], the doctor [VERB: is comforting][PATIENT: the athlete panicking].

PATIENT+complete→partial: the athlete

VERB+active+past→present: comfort










Figure 1: A compositional perturbation using Tai-lor.1 Given (A) an original sentence and its seman-tic role parse, we abstract each span into a structuredheader that contains its semantic roles and keywords.We specify desired perturbations by modifying eachcontrol code (e.g., changing role LOCATIVE)TEMPORALin (B), verb tense past)present, and patient keywordspecificity complete)partial). Given these perturbedcontrol codes in the input (C), Tailor generates a newsentence (D) that reflects the desired perturbations, re-combining original text with new text generated to fol-low the designated semantic controls.

transferring to a new application is prohibitive, if atall possible, and requires costly annotation effortsand re-training for every task of interest.

In this work, we introduce Tailor, a system thatsupports application-agnostic perturbations with-out the need for retraining. At the core of Tai-lor is a controlled generator (§2) that flexiblygenerates full sentences from target semantic fea-tures. We combine structured control codes inour inputs to represent desired linguistic proper-ties of outputs. As shown in Figure 1, each codeis built on semantic parses derived from the Prop-Bank formalism and specifies the semantics of aspan in the target sentence (e.g., “who did whatto whom” (Palmer et al., 2005)). We use unlikeli-

1We opensource Tailor at https://github.com/allenai/tailor .








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hood training (Welleck et al., 2020) to encouragecontrol code following, by penalizing generationsthat are not aligned with designated codes.

The multi-dimensionality of semantic roles lendsTailor the ability to perform fine-grained changesto individual arguments within a sentence (e.g., onecan just change the patient span in Figure 1). Suchgranularity is critical for generating datasets thatevaluate and improve models’ natural language un-derstanding (Kaushik et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021).Instead of a single target attribute positive)negative,we can breakdown the specific linguistic transfor-mations involved in achieving the attribute, e.g.,changing sentiment polarities through negation orthrough antonym replacement.

To highlight perturbations feasible with Tailor,we identify and implement a list of primary per-turbation operations on inputs on top of the gen-erator (§3). More complex changes can be easilyconstructed by composing these operations. Forexample, in Figure 1, while it would nontrivial todirectly train a generator to transform sentence Ato D, we can achieve the transformation through aseries of perturbation operations: syntactic rewrit-ing (changing verb tense), sentence expansion (ex-tending “the athlete”), and data recombination (i.e.,sourcing TEMPORAL constraint).

Tailor’s flexible control codes allow for broad,easily extendable applicability. We demonstrateTailor’s utility in three distinct applications: 1) Weuse Tailor to replicate existing contrast sets (§5)on four diverse tasks, with much less manual anno-tation effort. Our analysis suggests that these con-trast sets not only have high rates of validity (up to82%), but also contain lexical diversity and reducedataset bias. 2) We show that augmenting trainingdata with just a small ratio of Tailor perturbations(≈5%) improves the robustness of Natural Lan-guage Inference (NLI) models to inference heuris-tics, increasing performance on the HANS evalua-tion set by an average of 1.73 points (McCoy et al.,2019). 3) Without any finetuning, Tailor achievesimpressive performance on fine-grained and com-positional style transfers (§7) in the StylePTBbenchmark (Lyu et al., 2021), even outperformingmodels trained on the dataset on 6 transfers.

2 Tailor’s Controllable Generator

In this section, we provide an overview of the Tai-lor generator, which takes linguistic controls spec-ifying what information should be included in a

generation and how. We first motivate and out-line dimensions useful for semantic perturbations(§2.1), and then explain how to embed them withininputs to the generator (§2.2). Finally, we describehow we use unlikelihood training to train our gen-erator to follow the specified control codes (§2.3).

2.1 Controllable Dimensions

To allow for control over sentence semantics atvarying levels of granularity, we incorporate a com-bination of semantic roles and content keywords.

To denote shallow semantics, we use seman-tic parsing roles derived from PropBank, whichexpress predicate-argument structures of sen-tences (Palmer et al., 2005). Predicates reflectevents (what happened), and are usually evokedby verbs, like “comforted” in Figure 1. Arguments,usually spans of tokens, realize the thematic rolesof the predicates, including core arguments suchas who (e.g., “the doctor”) and to whom (“the ath-lete”), as well as adjunct arguments like where(“In the operation room”), how, etc. PropBank se-mantic analyses provide well-established featurerepresentations for meanings and are generalizableacross different verb predicates and languages (Ha-jic et al., 2009), making it an appealing choice forrepresenting high level semantics.

We further use content keywords to drive thegeneration of actual predicates and arguments. De-pending on to what extent we would like to re-trieve new text from the generator, the keywordscan either be sparse (e.g., adding a random tempo-ral constraint), or fully specified (adding a fixed “inthe midst of the earthquake”). As later shown inTable 3, such control is important for supportingdifferent perturbation strategies and use cases.

Since the same set of thematic roles can be com-bined in different ways, we further add controls onspan ordering. We use the form of the predicateto control the order of generated core arguments.For example, although “the athlete was comfortedby the doctor” is semantically equivalent to “thedoctor comforted the athlete,” we can target theformer ordering through a passive control on thepredicate, and the latter through an active control.Additionally, we use the location of blank tokens(e.g., <id_*> in Figure 1 and Table 1) to controlthe position of generated arguments (Wu et al.,2021). For example, “in the operating room” canappear at the beginning or end of the generation.

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Input Target Output Description

A[VERB+active+past: comfort | AGENT+complete: thedoctor | PATIENT+partial: athlete | LOCATIVE+partial:in] <id_0>, <id_1> <id_2> <id_3>.

[LOCATIVE: In the operating room],[AGENT: the doctor] [VERB: comforted][PATIENT: the athlete].

Mask all roles

B [VERB+active+past: comfort | LOCATIVE+partial: in]<id_0>, the doctor <id_1> <id_2> the athlete <id_3>.

[LOCATIVE: In the operating room], thedoctor [VERB: comforted] the athlete. Empty blanks

C [VERB+active+past: comfort | LOCATIVE+partial: in]<id_0>, the doctor <id_1> the athlete.

[LOCATIVE: In the operating room], thedoctor comforted the athlete.

Mask subset ofarguments

N[VERB+passive+present: comfort | PATIENT+complete:the doctor | AGENT+partial: athlete | TEMPORAL+partial:in] <id_0>, <id_1> <id_2> <id_3>.

[TEMPORAL: In the operating room],[PATIENT: the doctor] [VERB: com-forted] [AGENT: the athlete].

Negative sample

Table 1: Examples of inputs and corresponding target outputs for the sentence: “In the operating room, the doctorcomforted the athlete.” The first three inputs (i.e. A, B, C) are examples of different input formats the generatorcan accept, each with a header containing control codes, and a context with blanks denoting where to insert thegenerated texts. The last input (N) is a negative sample used for unlikelihood training.

Type Predicate control: VERB+active+past: comfort


Primary predicate label (Always VERB)Lemma (Any verb lemma)Voice (active, passive)2

Tense (past, present, future)

Type Argument control: PATIENT+partial: athlete


Primary argument label (AGENT, PATIENT,TEMPORAL, LOCATIVE, MANNER, CAUSE, EXTENT,PURPOSE, DISCOURSE, GOAL, ADVERBIAL, etc.)Content (* symbol or any text)Specificity (complete, partial, sparse)

Table 2: Overview of control codes for Tailor. Pri-mary controls build on predicate/argument labels, andother secondary controls further affect the form andcontent of generations. The argument content can bethe * symbol (meaning nothing specified), connectingwords (“in”), prefixes (“in the”), noun chunks (“oper-ation room”), or the full span. Combined with speci-ficity, it determines how much new text to generate.

2.2 Input Format DesignWe aim to integrate the aforementioned controldimensions into an input format, and finetune lan-guage models to reconstruct full sentences reflect-ing these controls (output).

As shown in Table 1, we start our input witha bracketed header, which is a series of abstractcontrol codes, each denoting the semantic rolesand keywords for a span-to-generate (details in Ta-ble 2). We map original semantic roles in PropBankto human-readable labels (i.e., ARG0→ AGENT) inorder to leverage latent knowledge learned by pre-trained models about the meaning of role labels(Paolini et al., 2021). After the header, we appendthe context, which consists of natural language andblank tokens. The natural language part represents

2We rely on SpaCy for verb (e.g., tense) or simple part ofspeech detection: http://spacy.io/

text that should be preserved, and the blank tokensspecify where any new text following controls inthe header should be generated.

Note that we explicitly separate the header fromthe context. This is to detach the placement ofa role from its semantic representation, such thatgiven any combination of target roles in the header— whose optimal ordering is usually unknown —the generator can recombine them in the most flu-ent way. We further remove possible correlationsbetween the control codes and the blanks in thecontext in two ways: First, we remove relative or-derings from the control codes. Instead, we beginevery input header with the predicate verb (VERB),then core arguments (AGENT, PATIENT), and thenrandomly ordered adjunct arguments (LOCATIVE,TEMPORAL, etc.). This input-independent orderingdiscourages the generator from solely following theorder in which the arguments appear in the header.Second, we insert extra empty blanks into the con-text (e.g., <id_3> in Table 1B), so the generatorcan learn to generate spans in the blank locationsthat result in the most fluent text.

With this flexibility in argument reorderingcomes the challenge of making strict controls ona single argument: even when we only want tochange verb tense, the generator may reorder otherarguments. To balance the tradeoff between gener-ation flexibility and strict control, which facilitatesminimal perturbations (Ross et al., 2020), we fur-ther vary the number of arguments encoded in theheader. As in Table 1C, our generator can take in-puts that only mask a subset of arguments, such thate.g., any changes on the LOCATIVE constraint orthe VERB do not affect the agent and patient. Moredetails about input formats are in §A.1.

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2.3 Training

We use OntoNotes 5.0 train (Pradhan et al., 2013)as training data and T5-base (Raffel et al., 2020)as our generator, creating original inputs and out-puts using gold semantic roles in the dataset, asin Table 1. In order to train our generator to besensitive to the different input formats describedin the previous section, for each original input, werandomly sample the number of arguments to mask,number of extra empty blanks, and keyword con-tent/specificity for each role. After data processing,our training data consists of 223,619 positive exam-ples and 541,424 negative ones. (details in §A.2).

A key issue in training our generator to be con-trollable is that standard likelihood training is in-sufficient for encouraging control code following,as there may exist signals beyond the control codesfor the form that a generation should take. Con-sider the input: [VERB+active+past: comfort| AGENT+partial: athlete | PATIENT+complete:the doctor] In the operating room, <id_0>, <id_1><id_2>. A generator trained with standard like-lihood training may ignore controls AGENT andPATIENT and instead output text such as “The doc-tor comforted the athlete” rather than “The athletecomforted the doctor,” as the former is more naturalgiven context “in the operating room.”

In order to encourage reliance on controls, weincorporate unlikelihood training (Welleck et al.,2020) to penalize our generator for generating textthat conflicts with inputs. That is, besides Table 1A–C which are used for maximum likelihood training,we also create “negative” samples by randomlyperturbing the control codes in our header (as in Ta-ble 1N, last row), such that most spans in the targetoutput are not aligned with the control codes any-more. As detailed in §A.1, we create three negativesamples per input, which randomly perturb: 1) verbvoice/tense and primary controls for arguments, 2)keyword contents, and 3) keyword specificities.

3 Creating Perturbations with Tailor

With Tailor, we can create diverse perturbationsby varying controls in inputs. Given an originalsentence, we transform it to an input for Tailor byextracting its semantic parses, masking argumentswe wish to modify (as well as the predicate), andadding their control codes to the input header.3

3External semantic role labelers can be used whengold annotations are not available. Our experiments usethe opensourced implementation of the SRL predictor

Then, we modify the derived input for Tailor togenerate perturbed sentences. While the input canbe modified arbitrarily to control generation, weprovide an easily-extendable set of macros thatcapture several common themes in the literature.

Primitive perturbation operations. Perturba-tions in existing NLP literature broadly fall un-der three categories. First, syntactic rewritingprimarily involves shuffling text to create para-phrases (Zhang et al., 2019) or adversarial exam-ples (Iyyer et al., 2018). We implement suchshuffling through operations that perturb predi-cates. For example, CHANGE_VVOICE would pre-serves surface-level sentence meaning. Further,CHANGE_IDX, which perturbs placements of blanktokens, can be used to reshuffle textual fragments,whereas SWAP_CORE and CHANGE_CONTENT can beused to swap text fragments from different argu-ments to reshuffle text in meaning-changing ways.

Second, expansion and abstraction adds or re-moves text fragments from a sentence based on con-text (Wu et al., 2021). We recreate these throughoperations on keywords. Changing specificity withCHANGE_SPEC to be sparser results in expandedfragments, and removing existing keywords withCHANGE_CONTENT can help abstract text. Addition-ally, we can also DELETE whole arguments.

Finally, data recombination involves recombin-ing existing textual fragments, within or acrossinputs (Akyürek et al., 2020; Andreas, 2020). WithCHANGE_CONTENT, we can add contents not in theoriginal sentence, such that additional context (e.g.,from corresponding paragraphs in question answer-ing tasks) can be integrated into perturbations.

In practice, these primitive perturbation oper-ations can be used in conjunction with externalknowledge bases to achieve targeted edits. Forexample, if used with WordNet (Miller, 1998),CHANGE_CONTENT can recreate perturbations thatcontain natural logic (MacCartney and Manning,2014): In Table 3, doctor)adult creates an entail-ment relationship between the original and per-turbed sentence, with “doctor” being a hyponym of“adult.” Additionally, these operation strings can becomposed to achieve more complex perturbationstrategies, as shown in §5, §6, and §7.

Filtering generations. Tailor produces incoher-ent outputs for some perturbed inputs (§9). We

from Shi and Lin (2019): https://demo.allennlp.org/semantic-role-labeling.

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Tailor Operations Perturbed Part of Input/ Generated Text

Syntactically controlled rewriting

CHANGE_VTENSE(present)[VERB+active+past )present: comfort]In the operation room, the doctor comforts the athlete.

CHANGE_VVOICE(passive)[VERB+active )passive+past: comfort]In the operation room, the athlete was comforted by the doctor.

CHANGE_IDX(4:0)<id_0> In the operation room <id_0>The doctor comforted the athlete in the operation room.

CORE(SWAP_CORE)[AGENT+complete: the athlete )doctor | PATIENT+complete: the doctor )athlete ]In the operation room, the athlete comforted the doctor.

Sentence expansion and abstraction


[LOCATIVE+complete )partial: in the operation room]Under the dim light in the operation room, the doctor comforted the athlete.


[LOCATIVE+complete: in the operation room]In the operation room, the doctor comforted the athlete.

LOCATIVE:DELETE[LOCATIVE+complete: in the operation room]In the operation room, the doctor comforted the athlete.

Data recombination (with external labels and/or contents)


[AGENT+complete: the doctor )the adult]In the operation room the adult comforted the athlete.

CAUSE:CHANGE_CONTENT(because he was in pain)

Source sentence: The baby was crying because he was in pain.[CAUSE+complete: because he was in pain]In the operation room the doctor comforted the athlete because he was in pain.

Table 3: We design a list of primitive operations to guide the perturbation on Tailor’s inputs. The operations canbe parsed into concrete changes on inputs, which drives Tailor to perturb a given sentence. Here, we show theirusage on the example in Figure 1.

filter generations using perplexity scores computedwith GPT-2 to exclude degenerate outputs.

4 Intrinsic Evaluation

Following desiderata identified in Polyjuice (Wuet al., 2021) and MiCE (Ross et al., 2020), weevaluate Tailor on the fluency, controllability, andcloseness of its generations.4

Metrics. Fluency measures whether the gener-ated text is grammatically correct and semanticallymeaningful. Following Ross et al. (2020), we askwhether perturbing a sentence with Tailor drasti-cally changes its likelihood. We compute the lossvalue for both the original and edited texts using apretrained GPT-2, and report the ratio of edited /

original. We aim for a value of 1.0, which indicatesequivalent losses for the original and edited texts.

Controllability measures if the generator re-sponds to the designated control criteria. We relyon cycle consistency to evaluate the controls in Ta-ble 2, e.g., checking whether the predicted semanticroles on the generated text from a SRL predictor

4We omit the diversity evaluation in Polyjuice, as the key-word content control inherently impacts lexical diversity.

match the control codes in the input (i.e., whether“in the midst of the earthquake” in Figure 1 getsdetected with a TEMPORAL tag). While other con-trols are easy to recover, the SRL predictions canbe noisy; therefore, we determine how well cycleconsistency measures reflect true controllability ofsemantic roles through manual annotation (moredetails in §B): We labeled whether a generated spanmatches the designated semantic roles for 98 spans,and compared the controllability measures from theSRL predictor with the manual annotations. We ob-tained a positive Matthews correlation coefficientφ = 0.49 between the two, suggesting that the cycleconsistency measures positively correlate with truecontrollability measures.

Closeness captures whether the generated sen-tence achieves the desired perturbations only withnecessary changes from the original. Since our gen-erator takes controls on the argument span level,we measure closeness with a weighted F1 scoreon the expected-to-change and actually-changedspans in the original sentence. We identify ex-pected changes from the perturbation operations;For example, in Figure 1A, we expect to change allthe spans except for the agent “the doctor.” Then,

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Closeness with the original sentence

Models F1 Precision Recall

Tailor 64.3% 66.5% 73.4%Tailor MLE 58.5% 59.5% 68.6%

Controllability on predicates

Models Lemma Tense Voice

Tailor 74.3% 80.3% 81.6%Tailor MLE 72.2% 70.2% 76.1%

Controllability on arguments

Models Role Content Specificity

Tailor 70.5% 64.5% 64.5%Tailor MLE 60.3% 45.1% 45.1%

Table 4: Tailor generates perturbations that are closeto the original sentence, while reasonably following allthe controls specified in Table 2. Through an ablationstudy where unlikelihood training is removed (TailorMLE), we see that the controllability and closeness areboth core benefits from unlikelihood training.

we find actually changed spans based on editingdistance: if ≥ 50% tokens within a span is changed(e.g., “operation room” in LOCATIVE), then we con-sider the span edited. We weigh the spans by theirlengths to arrive at the final F1.

Results. We evaluate Tailor by perturbing 1,000randomly selected sentences from the OntoNotes5.0 development set, created the same way as wecreate negative samples during training (details in§A.1).5 Tailor generates fluent perturbations, witha loss ratio of 0.982 indicating no notable changein language modeling loss after the edit. Its genera-tions also tend to be close to the original sentence(with an average F1 score of 64.3%), while follow-ing the designated controls: it follows controls onpredicates 75%-80% of the time, and also generatesreasonably correct arguments (with 70% controlla-bility on semantic roles, and ~65% on keywords.)

Controllability is a core benefit from unlikeli-hood training: we perform an ablation study, andcompare Tailor with a baseline that is finetunedon T5 without unlikelihood training (called TailorMLE). Table 4 shows that unlikelihood training en-courages controls and minimal perturbations, withthe metrics increasing by up to 20%.

5Note that, because these perturbations are generated ran-domly, some result in sets of controls that are impossible tofollow. Thus, these results represent a lower bound on Tai-lor’s controllability in downstream applications, for whichperturbation strategies would be designed in a more principled,targeted manner, restricting the perturbations to result in moreplausible sets of controls. See §B for more details.

Further, as mentioned in §2.2, our input formatsupports modulating fluency and closeness at gen-eration time. We can increase closeness by onlymasking the arguments we want to perturb. Toquantify this effect, we randomly select only oneargument to perturb for 1,000 sentences, but varythe number of arguments masked, and the numberof empty blanks inserted. We maximize closenesswhen we only mask the target argument to per-turb in the format of Table 1B (with F1 = 67.4%),whereas masking two extra arguments and insert-ing six empty blanks decreases closeness by 3%and 6%, respectively. On the other hand, when wewant to trade-off closeness to prioritize fluency (i.e.,when inserting extra roles whose optimal locationsin the generation are not known in advance), wecan do so by adding more empty blank tokens. Weexperiment with this setting on another 1,000 sen-tences, and observe that adding six extra blanksincreases the fluency ratio from 0.93 to 0.95.

5 Application 1: Contrast Set Creation

To demonstrate how Tailor helps assemble a va-riety of perturbation strategies, we use it to repli-cate contrast and challenge sets for different NLPtasks and datasets, including question answering(BoolQ (Clark et al., 2019), SQuAD (Rajpurkaret al., 2016)), dependency tree parsing (UD En-glish (Nivre et al., 2016)), and temporal relationextraction (MATRES (Ning et al., 2018)).

5.1 Replicating Contrast Sets with Tailor

As shown in Table 5, we take advantage of two keyproperties of Tailor:6 First, Tailor can make per-turbations that are context-dependent. To recreatethe BoolQ contrast set, we replicate change eventsin Gardner et al. (2020) by replacing content key-words in questions with words in the paragraph thathave the same semantic roles. For example, theparagraph in Table 5 indicates “his bride” can serveas an agent. Second, Tailor allows for composi-tonal changes. For example, as shown in Table 5,we change prepositional phrase (PP) attachmentsfrom verb to noun to recreate the UD Parsing con-trast set through the following composition of per-turbation operations: append the preposition to thepatient keyword content (e.g., “ham or sausageswith”), change patient keyword specificity fromcomplete)partial (to generate a new PP attach-ing to the patient), and delete the argument with

6Details on implementing perturbation strategies are in §C.

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Dataset & Task Top-K validity

BoolQ contrast set (Gardner et al., 2020) 82% (k=1)

Original Paragraph:...his bride was revealed in the webcomic...Deadpool also discovers that he has a daughter by thename of Eleanor, from a former flame of Deadpool named Carmelita.Question: does [AGENT: Deadpool] [VERB: have] [PATIENT: a kid in the comics]? (Answer: True)

Strategy Change entity (AGENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(his bride))

Perturbed Question: does [AGENT: his bride] [VERB: have] [PATIENT: a kid in the comics]? (Answer: False)

UD parsing contrast set (pp attachment) (Gardner et al., 2020) 65% (k=10)

Original Sentence: Do [AGENT: you] [VERB: prefer] [PATIENT: ham or sausages] [ADVERBIAL: with your breakfast]?PP attachment: Verb (“with your breakfast” attaches to “prefer”)

Strategy Swap attachment to NounPATIENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(ham or sausages with),CHANGE_SPEC(partial);ADVERBIAL:DELETE

Perturbed Sentence: Do [AGENT: you] [VERB: prefer] [PATIENT: ham or sausages with bacon on them]?PP attachment: Noun

Matres contrast set (Gardner et al., 2020) 71% (k=1)

QA implication (Ribeiro et al., 2019) 81% (k=1)

Table 5: A demonstration of how we recreate contrast sets for different tasks. Using primitive operations in Table 3,Tailor supports context-aware and compositional changes.

original verb attachment (e.g. ADVERBIAL argu-ment “with your breakfast”). Changing attach-ments from noun to verb involves a similar pro-cedure, except that we remove the preposition fromthe patient keyword content and introduce adjunctarguments with the preposition as a partial keyword(see §C for an example).7

Validity of generated contrast sets. Manuallycreating contrast sets from scratch is expensive(e.g., Gardner et al. (2020) reported spending 10-15 minutes per perturbation for syntactic parsingdatasets), whereas inspecting and labeling auto-matically generated ones can be much more effi-cient (Wu et al., 2021). We see our perturbationstrategies as successful if they help alleviate the bur-den of manual creation, i.e., a contrast set authorcan easily label or take inspiration from Tailor’stop generations. We reflect this through manual in-spections: Two of the authors sampled 100 originalinstances per task, inspected the top-K perturba-tions from Tailor, and labeled an instance to besuccessfully perturbed if there is at least one pertur-bation out of k that changes the groundtruth answerwhile being fluent.8 Because we exercised controlsat different levels of granularity (i.e., QA implica-tion, Matres, and BoolQ focus mostly on syntac-tic rewrites with predetermined content, whereasUD requires sourcing contents from the language

7For UD Parsing contrast set generation, we use con-strained decoding (Hokamp and Liu, 2017) to prevent genera-tion of the original prepositional phrase.

8We also include perturbations that produce slight changesto context, as these can be easily fixed by an annotator.

model), we set k = 10 for UD—an upper bound fornot overloading the human inspector—and k = 1for other tasks. Table 5 shows that applying theseperturbation strategies with Tailor results in con-trast sets with high validity.9

5.2 Measuring Contrast Set Quality

We assess the quality of Tailor-generated contrastsets by measuring their lexical diversity and impacton feature artifacts, both of which play importantroles in dataset debiasing. We also compare thesemetrics to those of human-produced contrast sets.

Lexical diversity. We measure lexical diversityon UD Parsing contrast sets because it involvessufficient sentence expansion and data recombina-tion. Specifically, we compare the Tailor- andhuman-generated (Gardner et al., 2020) contrastexamples for the 100 same original UD examples:we randomly sample one contrastive edit for eachvalid instance, heuristically extract the modifiedprepositional phrases from the contrastive edits,and then compute diversity as the ratio of uniquetokens to total new tokens in all the perturbed ar-guments, filtering out stopwords. The ratios are0.783 and 0.883 for Tailor and humans, respec-tively, in the noun to verb direction. For verb tonoun, they are both 1.0. These values suggest thatTailor can be used to generate contrast sets without

9As expected, Tailor achieves higher validity changingpp attachment types from noun to verb (82%) than from verbto noun (48%), as the arguments by design attach to verbpredicates, while noun attachment is not an explicit part of thetraining objective and is therefore harder for the generator.

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HANS SubsetTraining Data SNLI All Entail. Non-Entail.

SNLI Train 91.12 64.72 98.95 30.46+ Tailor Perturb. 91.12 66.45 97.97 34.92

Table 6: We compare classifiers trained on just theSNLI train data (baseline) vs. SNLI data augmentedwith Tailor perturbations. We show mean accuraciesacross 20 random seeds. The augmentation leads to sta-tistically significant gains on the HANS challenge set,without decreasing in-domain SNLI accuracy.

significantly reducing lexical diversity. Tailor gen-erations are also quite distinguishable from humangenerations: their unique tokens only overlap for< 15% in verb to noun, and ≈ 6% for noun to verb.These values suggest that Tailor can be used as acollaborative tool to diversify the pool of tokens inhuman-generated contrast sets.

Feature-level artifacts. We follow Gardner et al.(2021)’s analysis to determine whether creatingperturbations with Tailor helps to remove datasetartifacts. Gardner et al. (2021) showed that mak-ing minimal perturbations removes single-featureartifacts when (1 + ei)/s = 2, where ei is the proba-bility that feature i is edited, and s is the probabilitythat an edit changes the label. We manually labeledthe same number of automatically-perturbed exam-ples as were in the original BoolQ contrast set, andfound that Tailor produces edits with an averagevalue of (1 + ei)/s that is close to that produced byhumans: 1.74 vs. 1.94 for Tailor and humans, re-spectively. Thus, making perturbations with Tailorcan help mitigate dataset biases.10

6 Application 2: Data Augmentation

While contrast set creation still requires manuallabeling for robust evaluation, we show here thatTailor can be combined with (noisy) automatedlabeling for data augmentation. Specifically, forthe Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI)task (Bowman et al., 2015), augmenting trainingdata with perturbations created by Tailor increasesmodel robustness to inference heuristics.

Following Min et al. (2020), we create the aug-mentation examples by perturbing original SNLIhypotheses, such that the original hypothesis be-comes the new premise, and perturbed hypothesisbecomes the new hypothesis. We define five pertur-bation strategies for NLI (§D), all of which expressdifferent kinds of high lexical overlap, an inference

10See §C for a visualization of the effect.

heuristic on which NLI models have been shownto rely (Dasgupta et al., 2018; Naik et al., 2018).These perturbations can either preserve or alter themeaning of the original hypothesis. For example,our meaning-changing strategy replace core withsubsequence, replaces keyword contents of core ar-guments with noun chunks of other arguments (e.g.,The judge behind the manager saw the doctors. →The doctors saw the manager.) As in Min et al.(2020)’s setup, we map the meaning-preservingperturbations to the label entailment and meaning-altering perturbations to neutral.

We train classifiers built on the base versionof RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) on different sub-sets of data: the original SNLI train data (base-line) and SNLI train data with ≈5% of hypothesesaugmented with Tailor perturbations.11 For eachsubset, we train 20 models, each with a differentrandom seed governing model initialization andrandomly selected data subset. We evaluate eachclassifier on the in-domain SNLI test set and theout-of-domain HANS test set (McCoy et al., 2019),which is designed to diagnose inference heuristicsbuilt on superficial syntactic properties.12

As shown in Table 6, the augmentation leads toan out-of-distribution gain of +1.73 points on over-all HANS and +4.46 points on the “non-entailment”subset. The gains are significant, with p = 0.002using Student’s t-test. Thus, Tailor perturbationsdecrease reliance on a well-known, lexical-overlap-driven inference heuristic for NLI.

7 Application 3: Style Transfer

Here, we show how Tailor can be applied to styletransfer. We evaluate Tailor without any fine-tuning13 on the StylePTB benchmark (Lyu et al.,2021), which builds on the Penn Treebank andassesses fine-grained stylistic changes (lexical, syn-tactic, semantic, and thematic), as well as composi-tions of multiple transfers. Single transfers require

11We augment the original 549,367 SNLI train instanceswith 30,147 total new instances. See §D for more details.

12For HANS, which contains binary labels, we collapseneutral and contradiction predictions to non-entailment.

13This evaluation is zero-shot in spirit, as Tailor is nottrained on any paired transfers present in StylePTB. However,Ontonotes 5.0 does contain some overlap with the PTB (vanSon et al., 2018). It is unclear to what extent the test inputsin StylePTB are contained within the Ontonotes 5.0 trainingdata, especially given that StylePTB does not seem to preserveoriginal PTB splits. This leakage may advantage the externalSRL predictor in parsing StylePTB test inputs. However,this advantage should only have a small effect on Tailor’soverall performance on the StylePTB test set, as the evaluatedtransfers do not require complex semantic role parsing.

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(a) Single transfers

Single Finetune Compos. Finetune No FinetuneGPT-2 RetrieveEdit CS-GPT-TV CS-GPT-TP Tailor

Test Test Test Test Test Filtered Test

To Future Tense 0.895 0.899 0.727 0.810 0.873 0.889 (357/364)To Past Tense 0.836 0.935 0.694 0.834 0.884 0.893 (216/218)To Present Tense 0.754 0.909 0.733 0.826 0.710 0.847 (175/209)ADJ or ADV Removal 0.647 0.897 — — 0.781 0.843 (224/243)PP Front to Back 0.398 0.541 — — 0.842 0.969 (20/23)PP Removal 0.763 0.798 — 0.760 0.717 0.857 (199/238)Active to Passive 0.476 0.681 0.472 — 0.556 0.778 (98/137)

(b) Compositional transfers

Compos. Finetune Multi-Single Finetune No FinetuneCS-GPT* CS-Sys-Gen* Tailor

Test Test Test Filtered Test

Tense +Voice

ToPast+ActiveToPassive 0.409 0.337 0.660 0.660 (30/30)ToFuture+ActiveToPassive 0.496 0.419 0.468 0.670 (90/131)ToFuture+PassiveToActive 0.528 0.399 0.683 0.683 (131/131)ToPast+PassiveToActive 0.474 0.365 0.702 0.702 (65/65)ToPresent+PassiveToActive 0.523 0.424 0.699 0.699 (95/95)ToPresent+ActiveToPassive 0.503 0.445 0.315 0.614 (43/84)

Tense +PPRemoval

ToFuture+PPRemoval 0.738 0.465 0.743 0.792 (215/229)ToPast+PPRemoval 0.772 0.542 0.738 0.797 (100/108)ToPresent+PPRemoval 0.709 0.545 0.691 0.704 (153/156)

Table 7: BLEU scores for both the single and compositional style transfer in StylePTB test set. Baseline resultsare taken from Tables 14-16 and 19-20 in Lyu et al. (2021). Best test results for each transfer (row) are bolded.We also show results on Filtered Test, which excludes Tailor degenerate outputs. * indicates results from twomodels. CS-GPT * in (b) includes results from CS-GPT-TV, trained on all Tense+Voice compositional transfers,and CS-GPT-TP, trained on all Tenses+PP Removal transfers. Similarly, CS-Sys-Gen * refers to two models, eachtrained on only single transfers from each of the two subsets.

editing an input sentence along one fine-grainedstylistic dimension (e.g., To Future Tense). Com-positional transfers require editing along multiplestylistic dimensions at the same time (e.g., To Fu-ture Tense+ Active To Passive).

For each transfer, we create perturbations foreach predicate in the original input using the proce-dure described in §3. Because this process resultsin multiple perturbations (one per verb), we choosethe one with the lowest perplexity from GPT-2 torepresent the transfer. See §E for details.

We compare Tailor with multiple baselinesreported by Lyu et al. (2021): GPT-2 and Re-trieveEdit are the best-performing single-transfermodels evaluated but require separate models to betrained for each individual transfer. CS-GPT-* aremodels trained on compositional subsets of data(e.g.,, Tense+Voice, detailed in Table 7 caption).CS-Sys-Gen are ablations of CS-GPT-* trainedonly on corresponding individual changes but eval-uated on compositional transfers.14

Table 7 shows mean BLEU scores of genera-tions for single and compositional transfers.15 Weevaluate on transfers for which Lyu et al. (2021)show model results in the paper, excluding some

14CS-Sys-Gen refers to CS-GPT-Zero in Lyu et al. (2021).15We report Bleu_1 from nlg-eval (Sharma et al., 2017).

for which our semantic-role-derived inputs are notwell-suited (see §E). When perturbations using Tai-lor result in unsuccessful transfers, either due toa failure of perturbation strategy (e.g., no verbsare found by our SRL predictor) or due to a de-generate output (see §9), we treat them as havinga BLEU score of 0.0; we also show results on asubset of the StylePTB test set that filters out thesebad generations (shown in Table 7 as Filtered Test).

As shown, Tailor outperforms the baselinesystem trained without compositional fine-tuning,CS-Sys-Gen, on 8/9 compositions and even out-performs CS-GPT-TV on Tense+Voice, which isfine-tuned specifically on this data. Tailor alsoperforms well on single transfers, significantlyoutperforming 5 of the GPT-2 and 2 of the Re-trieveEdit models finetuned on individual trans-fers. Low performance on some transfers fromTailor (i.e. ToPresent+ActiveToPassive, ToFu-ture+ActiveToPassive), appears to be driven by un-successful transfers, rather than generations that donot follow controls, as indicated by the differencein performance on the filtered subset. Importantly,with Tailor, we achieve these gains in composi-tional transfers and comparable performance onsingle transfers with a single model and withoutany transfer-specific finetuning.

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8 Related Work

Controlled generation Controllable Text Gener-ation has been widely used to influence the vari-ous properties of generated text, for tasks like text-summarization (Peng et al., 2019), data augmen-tation (Lee et al., 2021) style transfer (Reid andZhong, 2021; Madaan et al., 2020a), adversarial ex-ample generation (Iyyer et al., 2018), etc. Most gen-erators take simple attributes like tense (Hu et al.,2017), topic (Keskar et al., 2019), and sentimentpolarity (Dathathri et al., 2020), which usually un-der specify the desired patterns. In contrast, Tailorfacilitates a variety of linguistically-driven genera-tions using semantic roles and keywords, and there-fore concretizes otherwise sparse controls (e.g.,we can specify making a sentence more negativethrough negation.) Recent work has explored us-ing syntactic signals for paraphrasing (Iyyer et al.,2018; Kumar et al., 2020), which are similar toours in their high-dimensional specification. Still,to the best of our knowledge, Tailor is the first toincorporate fine-grained semantic controls.

Our generator is also closely related to meth-ods for structured generation, which reconstructsentences based on semantic representations. Ab-stract Meaning Representation (AMR) (Banarescuet al., 2013; Mager et al., 2020) is an alternativerepresentation worth exploring in future work. Itpresents the trade-off between training complexityand control flexibility: Generators that take AMRcontrols might be able to further handle entity recur-sions (Damonte and Cohen, 2019), but expressingsuch relationships in the inputs would be nontriv-ial. However, when we omit these relationshipsand reduce AMR graphs to sequences (e.g., likein (Damonte and Cohen, 2019)), semantic parsesderived from PropBank have the advantage of en-abling stricter control on complete keywords, asthey annotate complete spans, whereas AMR onlyaccepts key entities without the “syntactic sugar”(e.g., “as,” “in”) (Banarescu et al., 2013).

Data perturbation Controlled generators havebeen shown to be particularly useful for text per-turbation. Besides the aforementioned paraphras-ing and style transfer, prior works have also suc-cessfully generated contrastive examples that areuseful for model training, evaluation, and expla-nation. They usually rely on application-specificclass labels (Ross et al., 2020; Madaan et al.,2020b; Sha et al., 2021; Akyürek et al., 2020) or

heuristic perturbation strategies that needs to beexpressed through pairs of original and perturbedsentences (Wu et al., 2021), which are expensive togeneralize. Recently, Huang and Chang (2021) de-signed SynPG, a paraphraser that can mimic parsetree structures learned from non-paired sentences.We similarly train linguistically controlled genera-tors on single sentences, but with a focus on fine-grained semantic perturbations, such that we canmore broadly cover different perturbation strategiesby composing changes to control codes.

Also related are prior works creating minimallyedited datasets through extensive human efforts –either by manually rewriting instances (Gardneret al., 2020; Kaushik et al., 2020), or by defin-ing perturbation functions and templates (e.g., (An-dreas, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Ribeiro et al., 2020,2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Kim and Linzen, 2020;Wu et al., 2019)). As demonstrated in §5, Tai-lor can be used to recreate many such datasets,with less manual effort. Moreover, the low over-lap between Tailor’s perturbations and humans’motivates future explorations of manual and semi-automated generation, where the generator cancompensate humans’ systematic omissions.

9 Conclusion and Future Work

We propose Tailor, a flexible system for a broadset of perturbations through semantic controls. Bycomposing perturbation operations, Tailor enablescomplex and context-aware changes, which sup-port various downstream applications, includingcontrast set generation, data augmentation, andfine-grained style transfer. Tailor demonstratesthat it is possible to drive fine-grained perturba-tions with semantic features directly derived froman instance. Crucially, it also shows that languagemodels can be finetuned to learn representations ofcontrol codes, if paired with unlikelihood training,which encourages reliance on structured controls,rather than surrounding natural text.

Extending Tailor. Although the applications weexplore in this work are perturbation-focused, Tai-lor generator is well-suited for controlled gen-eration tasks more broadly. Given key entitiesor arguments as keywords and fully masked con-texts, we envision Tailor can help generate argu-ments (Schiller et al., 2021), compositional dataaugmentation (Akyürek et al., 2020), caption gen-eration (Chen et al., 2020), etc.

The design of controls is also worthy of in-depth

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exploration. As mentioned in §8, AMR might bean alternative for semantic representation, if ourprimary goal is to specify key entities and/or toexpress non-sequential relations (Damonte and Co-hen, 2019). On the other hand, dependency parsinglabels are useful for fine-grained control over syn-tactic changes (see §8); future work may try to findbalance between syntactic and semantic controls.

Factors that affect Tailor’s capability. Thoughbroadly applicable, Tailor’s controllability and ef-fectiveness varies on different inputs. First, creat-ing automatic perturbations with Tailor requires ex-ternal SRL predictors, which can be more noisy onsome semantic roles than others — the one we usepredicts core arguments more accurately than ad-junct arguments (e.g., F1 for ARG0 and ARGM-EXTis 92.9 versus 51.4). Empirically, most applica-tions lean towards modifying the more commonarguments, making the predictor reasonably appli-cable. However, low performance of current mod-els would present a bottleneck in perturbing morechallenging language phenomena. In such cases,careful SRL predictor augmentation, or even man-ual semantic role annotation, might be necessary.

We also notice that for some inputs, Tailor pro-duces degenerate outputs. We hypothesize thatthis effect is a byproduct of unlikelihood training— that the Tailor generator learns to reduce thelikelihood of negative sequences by generating to-kens that are very unlikely to appear in natural text.Certain generation hyperparameters, particularlythe number of beams, can reduce the number ofdegenerate outputs. While we perform unlikeli-hood training at the sequence level, future workcan investigate the effect of penalizing generationat the level of tokens or spans, which may pro-vide finer-grained signal for which spans should beconsidered unlikely, as well as more strategicallybalancing positive and negative samples.

Having noted these opportunities, we believeTailor is already a powerful tool for perturbation,particularly for tasks where compositional changesare required. Tailor is opensource, and availableat https://github.com/allenai/tailor .


We thank Ana Marasovic, William Merrill, andDaniel S. Weld for their helpful comments.

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A Tailor Generator Details

A.1 Input and Output FormatsAll headers in inputs to the Tailor generatorbegin with verb controls, followed by core ar-gument controls (first agent, then patient), andthen adjunct argument controls. Secondary con-trols are always given in the order of controlcode+voice+tense:lemma for verbs and controlcode+keyword specificity:keyword content for ar-guments. We also blank the auxiliary verbs of thepredicate in an input, using spacy to detect them.We exclude discontinuous arguments (e.g., thosewith raw SRL labels B-C-*), as well as those withreferents (e.g., those with raw SRL labels B-R-*),from input headers. We map ARG0→ AGENT andARG1→ PATIENT. For other numbered arguments,we create human-readable labels by using argumentfunctions included in the PropBank frame for thegiven predicate (Palmer et al., 2005).

On the output side, we ask the model to generatethe full sentence (Table 1). We add the semanticroles for all the generated arguments, to help thegenerator build explicit mappings between the in-put control codes and the output spans – this canbe important when the input codes are ambiguous(e.g., a TEMPORAL argument and a LOCATIVE argu-ment that both have keywords “in”.)

A.2 Training detailsTraining inputs. During training, we randomlyselect, with equal probabilities, whether to maskall arguments or a subset of arguments. If a subset,we uniformly select the proportion of argumentsto mask. To determine the number of extra blanktokens, we uniformly select a value less than 10and set the number of blanks to be the maximum ofthat selected value and the number of arguments tomask. Any extra blank tokens (i.e., remaining aftermasking arguments) are inserted between subtreesof the predicate.

We also randomly select keyword contents andkeyword specificities. For each argument span, weextract, using spacy, four keyword types from thespan: noun chunks, random subtrees, exact key-words, and prefixes. For prefixes, we uniformlyselect a number of tokens to include as the key-word (from 1 to the entire span). Once we extractall keyword candidates, we create correspondingkeyword specificities: A keyword is complete ifit contains all tokens in the original span, partialif it contains at least all but 5 tokens, and sparse

otherwise. Then, we uniformly select a keywordcontent/specificity pair for each span from the setof keyword candidates (including the * symbol).16

To generate unlikelihood samples, we use threeperturbation strategies on inputs: 1) Change seman-tic roles by swapping thematic role control codes(agent/patient), changing adjunct argument controlcodes to a uniformly selected other adjunct controlcode, and changing verb tense/voice. We swap verbtense/voice because the control code VERB does nothave natural candidate swaps, given that predicatesare the building block for semantic parses. Wealso swap the control codes in the target output. 2)Change keyword contents by replacing verb lem-mas and keywords for both the predicate and allarguments. To make content swaps, we first gatherthe most commonly occurring keyword contentsfor each argument and predicate in Ontonotes 5.0train, extracted according to the same process asdescribed above for creating training inputs. Foreach primary control code and keyword specificity(e.g., TEMPORAL+partial), we store the 15 mostcommonly occurring keyword contents. To createthe negative inputs, for each span, we uniformlysample from these stored keywords given the span’scontrol code and keyword specificity. This pertur-bation is designed to discourage the generator fromignoring the keyword content and merely generat-ing commonly occurring text for particular seman-tic roles. 3) Change keyword specificities by uni-formly selecting a different specificity. We weighteach unlikelihood sample equally, with a reward of-1 (vs +1 for positive samples).

Hyperparameters. We train the Tailor genera-tor using Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020) for 10epochs with early stopping. We use batch size 4and default values for other parameters (learningrate of 5e-5, Adam optimizer).

16Because of how keywords are sampled, we notice thatthe generator is sensitive to the case of keyword contents.For example, if the keyword for a temporal span is In 1980instead of in 1980, Tailor is biased towards generating it atthe beginning of the sentence. We hypothesize that becausesome of the keywords we sample during training are cased(e.g., exact will lead to a cased keyword for a capitalized spanbeginning a sentence), the generator learns a bias towardsgenerating spans with uppercase keyword at the beginning ofthe sentence. In applying the generator to perturbations, thecase of keyword contents can be used to manipulate the orderof generated roles when a certain order of generated contentsis desired; otherwise, uncased keywords can be used.

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B Intrinsic Evaluation Details

Effectiveness of cycle consistency. To evaluateto what extent cycle consistency reflects true con-trollability, we conducted additional manual an-notation on role-following. We sampled 25 sen-tences from the Ontonotes 5.0 development set,transformed them into inputs with varying num-bers of masked arguments and blank tokens, andcreated up to two perturbed inputs per sentenceby randomly replacing their blanked adjunct argu-ments with other candidate semantic roles (usingCHANGE_TAG). The candidate roles were extractedfrom the frameset for each predicate verb. Wealso changed the keyword specificity to SPARSE, tomake these role swaps more plausible.

We collected Tailor and Tailor MLE generationsfrom both the original and perturbed inputs, andone author manually validated the generated spanfor each specified argument (98 in total). Our anno-tations were following or not following the control(i.e., the span matches/does not match the desig-nated semantic role), or the set of controls can beimpossible to follow if the human annotator couldnot think of any generation that would satisfy thecontrol codes, due to a conflict between the role,keywords, and blank placement. We then com-puted the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)between the controllability of the role label as mea-sured by the SRL predictor with the gold controlla-bility annotations for the subset of roles without an-notation impossible. The MCCs are 0.49 and 0.51for Tailor MLE and Tailor, respectively, suggest-ing that the cycle consistency measures positivelycorrelate with true controllability measures.

Additionally, we measure to what extent the con-trollability measures from cycle consistency cor-relate with whether a set of controls is impossibleto follow. The MCCs are -0.33 for both Tailorand Tailor MLE; thus, incorrect role-following asmeasured by cycle consistency is positively corre-lated with controls that are impossible to follow.14/98 instances were manually annotated as hav-ing impossible-to-follow controls, suggesting thata nontrivial proportion of the generations for whichour intrinsic evaluation measures in §4 found to beunaligned with designated role control codes maybe explained by impossible-to-follow controls.

C Contrast Set Details (§5)

In Table 8, we illustrate our perturbation proce-dures for creating contrast sets. Besides BoolQ










x i)

Artifact statistics for BoolQ before and after local editsz = ± 2i.i.d.edits

Figure 2: A comparison on the dataset artifacts in theoriginal BoolQ validation set and contrast set createdwith Tailor. The figure is plotted in the same way asFigure 2 in (Gardner et al., 2021).

and UD English already introduced in §5, Ma-tres contrast set Gardner et al. (2020) relies onwithin-sentence context: As a task that requiresdetecting and changing the temporal order of twoverbs, our perturbations heavily rely on their syn-tactic relationships. For example, to change theappearance order of verbs in text (as described in(Gardner et al., 2020)), we would take the parentverb as the base predicate, and MOVE the text spancontaining the child verb. Further, in,QA implica-tion (Ribeiro et al., 2019), we combine Tailor withsemantic heuristics: by defining mappings betweenWH-words and answer types (e.g., “who” and “theHuguenots”), we can easily create new questionsthat are about different targets.

As mentioned in §5, the Tailor-generated con-trast sets contain fewer artifacts compared to theoriginal BoolQ validation set. Here, we providea straightforward visualization to show the effect.As shown in Figure 2, many tokens in the origi-nal BoolQ validation data are biased towards thepositive class (with the red dots distributed in the> 0.5 region), while most tokens in the edited setfall within the confidence region denoting no sig-nificant feature-level biases.

D Data Augmentation Details (§6)

Augmented data. Our five perturbation strate-gies are shown in Table 9. To create our augmenteddata, we first filter generations by perplexity scoresfrom GPT-2 such that we retain 75% of generations.Then, for each hypothesis we perturb, we uniformlysample a successful perturbation. (An example ofa failed perturbation would be one requiring bothagent/patient roles, applied to a sentence withoutboth roles.) This process results in a slight skew

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towards entailment labels (i.e., ≈ 2.75:1, entail-ment:neutral). Future work can investigate to whatextent label imbalance affects augmentation results.

Classifiers. We train all SNLI classifiers, whichbuild on RoBERTa-base (Liu et al., 2019), usingAllenNLP (Gardner et al., 2018). We train for 10epochs using the Adam optimizer with a learningrate of 2e-05 and batch size 32; we use early stop-ping with a patience of 3.

E Style Transfer Details (§7)

Transfers Evaluated. We evaluate on the trans-fers in StylePTB for which Lyu et al. (2021) reportresults, as their baselines require training separatemodels for each transfer. Within this subset oftransfers, we exclude PP Back to Front and Pas-sive to Active from evaluation, as they contain < 5test inputs. We also exclude the transfers Substate-ment Removal, Information Addition, Adjective Em-phasis, and Verb/Action Emphasis, for which oursemantic-role-derived inputs are not well-suited.For example, Substatement Removal involves re-moving substatements that represent “referring”and “situations,” both of which are technical philo-sophical concepts that cannot be straightforwardlydetected through semantic roles. As another ex-ample, Information Addition requires adding un-ordered keyword contents to a sentence (eg thework force provides the third arm of the alliance;add keywords: force black→ the work force pro-vides the third arm of the black alliance force.While the Tailor generator was only trained withordered arguments, one could extend the keywordcontents to also include unordered target tokens.

Perturbation strategies. For transfers modify-ing only verb tense (e.g., To Future Tense), wemask the verb, modal arguments, and negation ar-guments, as these are relevant to verb conjugations,and make relevant perturbations on the secondaryverb control specifying tense. For transfers mod-ifying verb voice, we mask the verb, agent, andpatient. For transfers requiring removal of certainparts of speech (POS)—i.e., ADJ or ADV Removal,PP Removal, and all compositional Tense + PPRemoval sub-transfers —we first use spacy to de-tect such POS, next mask all arguments containingthem, and finally perturb the keyword contents toremove the POS for these arguments. For PP Frontto Back, we mask the argument at the beginning ofthe original text and implement the change using

CHANGE_IDX.We use cased keywords (A.2) to encourage gen-

erations with similarly ordered arguments as theoriginal sentence, except for the PP Front to Backtransfer, which calls for differently ordered argu-ments. For transfers modifying verb form only, weset the number of extra blanks to be 2 to allow forgeneration of helper verbs; for other transfers, weallow for 0 extra blanks to preserve the originalorder of generated spans.

We decode perturbed sentences greedly usingbeam search (with beam width 10) and preventingrepeated bigrams.

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Dataset & Task Top-K validity

Matres contrast set (Gardner et al., 2020) 71% (k=1)

Original Sentence: Volleyball is a popular sport in the area, and [AGENT: more than 200 people] would be [VERB:watching] [PATIENT: the game], the chief said.Order: watching happens after said

Perturbation strategy: Change tenseEdits VERB:CHANGE_VFORM(past)

→ [VERB+active+present )past: watch] Volleyball is...200 people <id_0> the game, the chief said.

Perturbed Sentence: Volleyball is a popular sport in the area, and [AGENT: more than 200 people] [VERB: watched][PATIENT: the game], the chief said.Order: watched happens before said

Perturbation strategy: Change orderEdits PATIENT:MOVE

→ [VERB+active+past: say | AGENT+complete: Volleyball...the game] <id_0> , the chief said <id_0> .

Perturbed Sentence:[AGENT: the chief] [VERB: said] [PATIENT: Volleyball is a popular sport in the area, and more than200 people would be watching the game].Order: said happens before watch

BoolQ contrast set (Gardner et al., 2020) 82% (k=1)

Original Paragraph:...his bride was revealed in the webcomic...Deadpool also discovers that he has a daughter by thename of Eleanor, from a former flame of Deadpool named Carmelita.Q: does [AGENT: Deadpool] [VERB: have] [PATIENT: a kid in the comics]? (A: True)

Perturbation strategy: Change entityEdits AGENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(his bride);

→ [VERB+active+present: have | AGENT+complete: Deadpool )his bride] does <id_0> <id_1> a kid inthe comics?

Perturbed Q: does [AGENT: his bride] [VERB: have] [PATIENT: a kid in the comics]? (A: False)

UD parsing contrast set (pp attachment) (Gardner et al., 2020) 65% (k=10)

Original Sentence: Do [AGENT: you] [VERB: prefer] [PATIENT: ham, bacon or sausages] [ADVERBIAL: with yourbreakfast]?PP attachment: Verb (“with your breakfast” attaches to “prefer”)

Perturbation strategy: Swap attachment to NounEdits PATIENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(ham, bacon or sausages with),CHANGE_SPEC(partial)

→ VERB+active+present: prefer | PATIENT+complete )partial: ham, bacon or sausageswith | ADVERBIAL+complete: with your breakfast] <id_0> you <id_1> <id_2> <id_3>?

Perturbed Sentence: Do [AGENT: you] [VERB: prefer] [PATIENT: ham, bacon or sausages with bacon on them]?PP attachment: Noun (“with bacon them” attaches to “sausages”)

Original Sentence: [AGENT: It] has [PATIENT: local boutiques and a diverse range of food at all prices and styles].PP attachment: Noun (“at all prices and styles” attaches to “food”)

Perturbation strategy: Swap attachment to VerbEdits PATIENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(local boutiques and a diverse range of food)

LOCATIVE:CHANGE_CONTENT(at),CHANGE_SPEC(partial)→ VERB+active+present: have | PATIENT+complete: local boutiques and a diverse range of foodat all prices and styles | LOCATIVE+partial: at] <id_0> you <id_1> <id_2> <id_3>?

Perturbed Sentence: [AGENT: It] has [PATIENT: local boutiques and a diverse range of food] [LOCATIVE: at every turn].PP attachment: Verb (“at every turn” attaches to “has”)

QA implication (Ribeiro et al., 2019) 81% (k=1)

Original Q: [MANNER: How] did [AGENT: the Huguenots] [VERB: defend] [PATIENT: themselves]?A: their own militia

Perturbation strategy: Swap answer to be agentEdits AGENT:CONTENT(who); MANNER:CONTENT(their own militia),SPEC(partial)

→ [VERB+active+past: defend | AGENT+complete: the Huguenots )who | PATIENT+complete: them-selves | MANNER+complete )partial: how )their own militia] <id_0> <id_1> <id_2> <id_3>?

Perturbed Q: [AGENT: Who] has [VERB: defended] [PATIENT: themselves] [MANNER: by setting up their own militia]?A: the Huguenots

Table 8: A demonstration of how we recreate contrast sets for different tasks (§5). Using primitive operations inTable 3, Tailor supports context-aware and compositional changes.

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Meaning Preserving Strateges

Untangle rel-ative clause:For verbs withargs containingrelative clauses(i.e., SRL tagsbeginning B-R-),delete context.

Original: The [PATIENT: athlete] who was [VERB: seen] [AGENT: by the judges] [TEMPORAL: yesterday] calledthe managerPerturbed: The [PATIENT: athlete] was [VERB: seen] [AGENT: by the judges] [TEMPORAL: yesterday]

CONTEXT(DELETE_TEXT) → [VERB+passive+past: see | AGENT+complete: by the judges |PATIENT+complete: the athlete | TEMPORAL+complete: yesterday] <id_0> who <id_1> <id_2> <id_3><id_4> called the manager

Shorten core:Change key-words for coreargs to rootof original argspans.

Original: The [AGENT: athlete who was seen by the judges yesterday] [VERB: called] [PATIENT: the manager].Perturbed: The [AGENT: athlete] [VERB: called] [PATIENT: the manager].

AGENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(The athlete who was...)→ [VERB+active+past: call | AGENT+complete:The athlete who was seen by the judges yesterday | PATIENT+complete: the manager] <id_0> <id_1><id_2> <id_3> <id_4>

Change voice:Swap ac-tive/passive verbcontrols.

Original: The [AGENT: athlete who was seen by the judges yesterday] [VERB: called] [PATIENT: the manager].Perturbed: [PATIENT: The manager] was [VERB: called] [AGENT: by the athlete who was seen by the judgesyesterday].

VERB:CHANGE_VOICE(passive)|AGENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(by the athlete who was...)→ [VERB+active )passive+past: call | AGENT+complete: by the athlete who was seen by the judgesyesterday | PATIENT+complete: the manager] <id_0> <id_1> <id_2> <id_3> <id_4>

Meaning Changing Strateges

Replace corewith sub-sequences:Change key-words of coreargs to nounchunks fromother args.

Original: [AGENT: The judge behind the manager] [VERB: saw] [PATIENT: the doctors].Perturbed: [AGENT: The doctors] [VERB: saw] [PATIENT: the manager].

AGENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(The doctors)|PATIENT:CHANGE_CONTENT(the manager)→ [VERB+active )passive+past: call | AGENT+complete: by the athlete who was seen by the judgesyesterday | PATIENT+complete: the manager] <id_0> <id_1> <id_2> <id_3> <id_4>

Swapcore: Swapagent/patient.

Original: [PATIENT: The athlete] who was [VERB: seen] [AGENT: by the judges] called the manager.Perturbed: [PATIENT: The judges] who were [VERB: seen] [AGENT: by the athlete] called the manager.

SWAP_CORE→ [VERB+passive+past: see | AGENT+complete: by the judges )athlete | PATIENT+complete:by the athlete )judges] <id_0> <id_1> <id_2> <id_3> <id_4>

Table 9: Overview of perturbation strategies we apply to SNLI hypotheses in our augmentation experiments (§6).