JUNE 2021 HERALD VOLUME 42 ISSUE 6 A publication of Hosanna Lutheran Church, ELCA Rochester, Minnesota “As a Christian family of faith, we’re gathered to grow and sent to serve” TABLE OF CONTENTS Pastor’s Page ...................... 2-3 Safety and Security................ 3 President’s Page ................... 4 Letter from Bishop Hassanally ................................................ 5 Worship Page ......................... 6 Cross tower repair ................. 6 In person Worship ................. 7 ELCA National Youth Gathering….……..…………….8 Blessing of Quilts and Prayer Shawls….……….……………...8 Faith and Fun Summer 2021..9 Affirmation of Baptism……..10 Hop, Skip, Jump……………..10 “God’s work. Our hands.”….11 Hosanna’s Pantry Donations...12 Samaritan Bethany Golf Classic…………………………..13 Contact Information…………..14

“As a Christian family of faith, we’re gathered to grow

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JUNE 2021


A publication of Hosanna Lutheran

Church, ELCA Rochester, Minnesota

“As a Christian family of faith, we’re gathered

to grow and sent to serve”


Pastor’s Page ...................... 2-3

Safety and Security................ 3

President’s Page ................... 4

Letter from Bishop Hassanally ................................................ 5 Worship Page ......................... 6

Cross tower repair ................. 6

In person Worship ................. 7 ELCA National Youth Gathering….……..…………….8 Blessing of Quilts and Prayer Shawls….……….……………...8 Faith and Fun Summer 2021..9 Affirmation of Baptism……..10 Hop, Skip, Jump……………..10 “God’s work. Our hands.”….11 Hosanna’s Pantry Donations...12 Samaritan Bethany Golf Classic…………………………..13 Contact Information…………..14

Page 2 Herald Volume 42 Issue 6

Pastor’s Page

Beloved People of Hosanna, We find ourselves at a transition point with the pandemic as a nation, society and our church, it is important to acknowledge that we all have different opinions, desires, and feelings. When that is the case we may find ourselves in passionate conversations where we may or may not agree with others around us. Our society has been good at taking sides, drawing lines in the sand, and devaluing or dehumanizing the other. At times like this it is important for the church to pause, take a breath, and consider who we are and why we exist. So as your pastor, I am inviting you to reflect on Hosanna’s Mission, Vision, and Values. In the days and weeks ahead as we move through transition and what it means to be church in a

post-pandemic world it will be critical to remember who and whose we are. So let’s take a look at what brings us together. Hosanna’s Mission Statement – How we take our beliefs and values into the world. It is what guides us our thinking about who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. As a Christian family of faith, we are gathered to grow and sent to serve. Hosanna’s Vision Statement – This keeps us working toward who we desire to be and gives us direction for our future (even future in a post pandemic world). In response to Christ’s saving grace, we will nurture and energize the faith of all, and reach out to welcome everyone to our Christian family through vibrant ministries of worship, discipleship, outreach and fellowship. Hosanna’s Values – Our common commitments we have with how we will live together. They tell us who we are, how we behave and what we hold ourselves accountable for.

An intergenerational ministry Hospitality and fellowship Growing in faith in Jesus Grace-centered worship

Varied music ministry Genuine acceptance of all who come here

Service with compassion.

As we are looking forward to gathering for in-person worship may we all keep this in mind. Let us be mindful of our shared commitment to be an intergenerational ministry. As the restrictions reduce for those vaccinated let us be mindful of those who can not be vaccinated at this time. Our children under 12 are unable to be vaccinated. I encourage you to consider this part of our congregation as we move forward. As a congregation we value all age groups and as we welcome families with children back into worship, this is an important to who we are. So let us consider the message we are sending to our children. There is another group that we need to consider as well, we have individuals in our congregation that long to be back with us but are unable to receive the vaccination because of medical reasons. These individuals desire to worship as well but do not desire to answer questions about why they are wearing a mask when we don’t have to. When in reality they have to.

As we gather for in-person worship, it is my hope and prayer that we do so safely, allowing for all to be included and welcomed without fear. Hosanna’s Covid Protocol for worship includes:

signing up for worship


social distancing. We will be sending out details about how to register for worship in the coming days. Hosanna’s leadership, staff and I are looking forward to being able to gather together again safely. One final thought… I find myself humming to different songs with biblical principles that have been guiding me in the last few days.

They will know we are Christians by our love – by our love. and

Whatsoever you do to the least of my children … that you do unto me. May all know we are Christians by our love. Pastor Krista Strum

Herald Volume 42 Issue 6 Page 3

Hosanna Safety Training Hosanna’s Children and Youth Ministry Safe Church Practices document ([www.hosannalutheran.org/aboutus/safety-and-security/]www.hosannalutheran.org/aboutus/safety-and-security/) states that all staff and volunteers involved with children and youth ministries must have background checks and participate in safety training every two years. Everyone involved with children and youth ministries will need to go through the online safety training again. If your most recent background check was more than two years ago, you’ll need to repeat that process as well.

The online safety course has been re-done by Protect My Ministry. It’s still about 45 minutes and there’s a quiz at the end. To do the training send a note to [email protected] requesting a link to the training. Protect My Ministry will send a link for you to view the course in your web browser.

If you don't receive a training email or have any trouble with the training, please send a note to [email protected].

Those needing a background check authorization form can download and print the authorization form here: http://hosannalutheran.org/aboutus/safety-and-security/forms/. Please leave in a sealed envelope in the Safety box in the church office. Send a note to [email protected] stating that the request is in the office.

Our goal is for everyone to complete their background checks and training by August 1st.

Thanks for participating in Hosanna's safety process to help make our church safe!

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Dear Friends in Christ,

My father passed away Jun 12, 2019. I will forever associate June with my father’s passing. As June approaches I find myself thinking of my dad’s favorite hymn. “One Day at a Time”. A group of us sang this at his funeral per his request. For those of you who are not familiar with the hymn, I would like to share the chorus with you.

One Day at a Time, sweet Jesus That’s all I’m asking from You Just give me the strength To do every day what I have to do Yesterday’s gone sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine Lord Help me today Show me the way One day at a Time.

Taking life one day at a time is something one needs to do while grieving the loss of a loved one. I clearly remember the beautiful sermon the minister gave at my dad’s funeral. My dad had a very close relationship with his minister and he knew my dad well. My dad was a farmer and the minister talked about how my dad’s harvest was complete. As a farmer my dad worked long, hard days. It is comforting to know he is at rest now. “It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops.” 2 Timothy 2:6. I always feel closest to my dad when I am at his place of rest. My dad is buried in the Elgin cemetery. On February 7

th of this year, which was my dad’s birthday, I went to the

cemetery to be close to him. It was a cloudy, bitter cold day. When I arrived at the cemetery, the wind was strong and the snow was deep. I trudged out to his stone and proceeded to express what was on my mind. Sometimes when I am there I ask my dad for a sign that he can hear me. After I asked him for a sign, at that exact moment the sun came out. Not only did it come out, but when I looked at the sun, I felt like it was directed right toward me. The sun continued to shine for the rest of my visit and not until I got back in my car and drove out of the cemetery did it fade away. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

I would like to take a moment to thank the quilters for their hard work on the graduation quilts, the pillowcase ministry who now have another 15 pillows in cases ready to donate to the Women’s Shelter and Family promise, Dave Wall for tilling the vegetable garden and organizing the planting, Leon Plantz, Tony Mora, Guy Griesman and Kevin Schepp for the awesome job assembling lots of metal shelving units in the lower level and to the Hearts and Hope team that delivered 31 bags with many delightful conversations shared with recipients.

Now that Governor Walz has opened things up more I am hopeful we will be together for worship again by the time you read this article. This has been a very difficult year for Hosanna’s council. Thank you for being so supportive and patient as we work together to get things up and going again, safely.

God’s Blessings Sinde Finnegan

President’s Page

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God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should

be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part

suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the

body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. -1 Corinthians 12:24-27

As you have undoubtedly heard by now, the CDC has issued new guidance regarding masks. Those individuals who are fully vaccinated can be unmasked in most settings. This is good news and another marker along the pandemic journey.

As followers of Jesus, our choices throughout the pandemic have been informed not only by science, the CDC, health departments, and other public servants but also by our Christian faith. Many of us have rightly made choices with care of our neighbor the utmost concern.

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, we learn that to be a follower of Jesus is to be a member of the body of Christ. What impacts one member impacts the body. Said another way, the choices of one member have consequences for the others.

It is true that many of us could return to worship in ways similar to those before the pandemic. It is also true some of us cannot. The new CDC guidance makes changes only for those individuals who are fully vaccinated. For those who are not vaccinated, whether for medical reasons, personal choice, or because they do not qualify for vaccination (as is true for all children under age 12), the continued recommendation is to wear a mask in public settings. Indeed, the CDC identifies a full capacity worship service as one of the least safe things for an unvaccinated person to participate.

While those of us who are fully vaccinated may be eager to have everything go back to “normal,” we must be mindful that our Christian responsibility toward our neighbor is part of our normal discipleship. As individuals and congregations, our choices must continue to be informed by the reality that we are all members of one body. What one member may have the freedom to do may not serve the whole body well. Consider the needs of other members of the body of Christ as you make choices for yourself and your congregation.

Leaders should continue to engage in collaborative conversations in light of the CDC’s new guidance. As always, what is best for your congregation may be different than what is best for a neighboring congregation. That’s okay. Let’s strive to trust one another in the choices we make.

One more practical note: I anticipate updated guidance will be made available through the Minnesota Department of Health. As we are made aware of updates, we will be sure to post them with our COVID-related resources on the synod’s website Dear friends, every day brings more vaccinations and continued progress on this long pandemic journey. Let’s continue to walk this path with our steps defined by our discipleship. Because of Jesus’ love for us, we are free to love and serve others. What a gift it is to be a child of God and a member—one of many—of the body of Christ. In Christ,

Sunday Worship Schedule June 2021

Worship Page

Herald Volume 42 Issue 6 Page 6

June 6

First Reading: Genesis 3: 8-15 Psalm 130 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5: 1 Gospel: Mark 3: 20-35

June 13

First Reading: Ezekiel 17: 22-24 Psalm 92: 1-4, 12-15 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 6-10 [ 11-13] 14-17 Gospel: Mark 4: 26-34

June 20

First Reading: Job 38: 1-11 Psalm 107: 1-3, 23-32 Second Reading:2 Corinthians 6: 1-13 Gospel: Mark 4: 35-41

June 27

First Reading: Lamentations 3: 22-33 Psalm 30 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15 Gospel: Mark 5: 21-43

Repair of Hosanna’s Cross Tower The angels on Hosanna’s Cross Tower have been damaged by wind since sometime last summer. The Properties Committee, specifically Leon Plantz, gave it a temporary fix with straps to protect a section of one of the angels that had been cracked and some connections on another angel that had been broken off. In April the sign company, Shad Tracy, was able to perform a temporary weld of the crack and refasten the connections to secure the two damaged angels. They still need to come back to take the cracked angel down and reinforce the weld, and there’s no guarantee about how long the work that was done will last. Hosanna’s council may have to make a more permanent decision sometime soon about the future of the cross-tower angels.

We are excited to announce In-person Indoor Worship Services are returning

Preregistration Please preregister yourself or your family for this Sunday's worship by 9:00 a.m. the Thursday before Sunday service .

If you need any assistance with preregistration please call Darcy Youngstrom or Jodi Solum.

If you are not able to attend we will be live on Hosanna's You Tube page.

Covid-19 Protocols Masks will be worn by all worshippers

Social Distancing

Hand Sanitizing

What to Expect on Sunday Morning


If you use handicap parking please park in the Memorial Garden Parking Lot on the east side of the building. If you are able bodied please leave these parking lot spots open for those who need them.

Entering the building We will enter and exit using the East Entrance (education doors) only.

As you enter you will be greeted, provided hand sanitizer and a mask (if didn't bring one).

The ushers will seat you in a spot reserved for you. Once seated please remain in your seat until the end of the worship service.

Bathrooms will be available on the Education wing.

Worship Every thing you need for worship will be in the spot reserved for you.

The bulletin will include all the worship information including hymns.

Since we are masked we will be able to sing during the service.

Offering baskets will be available at the sanctuary doors.

We will be sharing a sign of peace through a friendly wave

Dismissal The ushers will dismiss you from the sanctuary

Pastor Krista will be outside the east door and will greet you.

This will be a non-contact greeting

You are welcome to connect with other worshippers for a time of fellowship in the parking lot or Memorial Garden.

Practice social distancing during this time.

The Hosanna Council, Covid Response Team, and the Staff are excited for us to be worshiping and gathering together. The above protocols allow us to work toward providing a safe worship experience for all (including our children and those who are medically unable to get vaccinated.) We look forward to safely being together and welcoming to all. Individuals who attend in-person activities including worship assume all responsibility and will not hold the church liable in the event that they contract COVID. Thank you in advance.

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ELCA National Youth Gathering

Boundless God Beyond Measure!! This is the theme for the ELCA National youth gathering in 2022. The ELCA National youth gathering will be in Minneapolis, MN July of 2022. This is a big undertaking and it cannot happen without prayers and volunteers. Starting May 22nd, you can apply to be in the Gathering Volunteer Corps( must commit to being in Minneapolis for 7/22/22-7/28/22) or a Local volunteer (this position is more flexible with the times and not a full week commitment). The link below will provide further descriptions of the volunteer activities, time commitments and the applications. This is a great opportunity in our own backyard to watch youth from all over the United States and other countries come together and grow in their faith, grow in service and encounter Christ. If you have any questions, please contact Barb Schepp at [email protected] for any questions on the gathering or volunteering. https://elca.org/YouthGathering/Attend/Volunteer

Blessing of Quilts and Prayer Shawls May 16, 2021

On Sunday May 16, 2021 we blessed the quilts, baptismal quilts and prayer shawls that have been made in the past year. We want to thank the Quilters and Prayer Shawl team for all of the hard work they do. These are quiet ministries that live out our mission of being “gathered to grow and sent to serve.”

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Good Earth Village (located in Spring Valley, MN) is excited to provide the following summer camp opportunities. Visit the GEV website to learn more & register.



August 3|K-9th Grade

Look out for giants, wizards, and elves! Ideas will come to life through storytelling music, art, and drama.

Into The Wild

July 8|K-9th Grade

Campers will enjoy the great outdoors while learning about the creatures we share our world with.


July 20|K-9th Grade

The world around us is filled with many colors! Campers will experience a day filled with every color of the rainbow.


July 13|K-9th Grade

Hook, Reel, Jesus! Campers will have the opportunity to explore the creek that flows around Good Earth Village.


July 15|K-5th Grade

Get ready to make a splash during this wet and wild day! Campers will enjoy water activities and water worship.


July 13|K-9th Grade

In the image of God art camp! Use your creative spark to explore how we’re all created in God’s image.


July 15 & 27|6 -12th Grade

Campers will spend the day on the water, canoeing through the beautiful bluffs on the Root River.


July 27|K-5th Grade

Through experimentation campers will expand their knowledge while observing and exploring the world.

Intergenerational Family Camps Sharing a camp experience is the best way to spread your faith across generations! Camp is a

place where kids and adults can experience the fullness of unconditional acceptance and love

just as they are. Play, hike, canoe, and worship together!


July 23-25 July 30-August 1


August 6-8

A camp weekend specifically focused for blended families! A partnership with Guide Your Heart.


July 8|11-12th Grade

Campers will train, discuss, practice, and develop skills in leadership, youth ministry and community life..

Herald Volume 42 Issue 6 Page 10

Affirmation of Baptism

On April 25th six Hosanna youth confirmed their faith with family members present at Hosanna. Drive-up communion started the milestone event followed by a celebratory parade of Hosanna members driving past and recognizing these youth. A family worship serviced followed where each youth affirmed his/her faith and shared his/her faith paper. Thank you to all the individuals that helped in the preparation and set up for this milestone.

This children’s ministry will be offered this summer from

Monday, June 28—Thursday, July 1st. Like previous years,

when Hosanna hosted Vacation Bible School, children will

have the opportunity to learn a Bible story, point, and verse.

This learning will take place (within a 2 hour time frame) all

while participating in games, science, service & more!

Watch for specific electronic mailings regarding times and

registration. We are looking forward to hopping, skipping and

jumping into God’s word this summer! Contact Darcy

Youngstrom if interested in learning more about the

volunteer opportunities associated with this ministry.

Front Row L to R: Cecelia, Parker, Benjamin, Nolan, Zachary and Tyler. Second Row L to R: Stephanie Stevens, Pastor Strum, Darcy Youngstrom and Wonda Moehnke.

“God’s work. Our hands.” All Year Long!

Herald Volume 42 Issue 6 Page 11

September 2020—May 2021 Starting in September a group of Hosanna members gathered together via zoom to plan one to two service projects each month as a way to continue “God’s work. Our hands.” This “All year long!” Team’s work has come to a conclusion and they have completed their goal. Watch for future information about opportunities to plan a fall “God’s work. Our hands.” event with a new team.

In summary these were the projects during October—May. Thank you, Hosanna, for your donations!

Care Packages: 32 of Hosanna’s Honored Elders received Care Packages overflowing with baked goods, candy, fall decor, note cards & stamps, artwork

Community Park Pick-up: Families gathered at Schmidt Park, Soldier’s Field Park, Silver Lake Park and Essex Park to help pick up garbage

Women’s Shelter in Rochester, MN. The following items were donated to the Women’s Shelter: 13 sets of Twin Sheets, 4 packages of Diapers, 9 packages of snacks, crackers and granola bars, Monetary donations: $150 from Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Group and $566 other Hosanna donations $716 Total

Mittens, Socks and More 2020 - Salvation Army and Threads Donations Rochester, MN The following items were donated to the Salvation Army and Threads: 170 Hats, 40 Scarves, 66 Socks, 43 Pairs of Gloves,

Thanks and Giving Baskets Thanks and Giving Baskets were filled by individuals with items and placed on someone’s doorstep. Then that person/family passed it along to another.

ELCA Christmas Good Gifts ELCA Bees, Goats, Pigs, etc. were purchased by individuals to support the ELCA Good Gifts program.

Christmas Ornaments for Samaritan Bethany Residents Hosanna children, youth, & adults made handmade ornaments, decorated door hangers, watercolor art, drawings and handmade greeting cards for residents at Samaritan Bethany to brighten their holiday season.

Helping Hands Pantry Food donations and personal hygiene items were collected

Girls Love Mail People wrote letters to women who have just received a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Minnesota Food Share Supported Hosanna’s Food Pantry by collecting a "Tower of Toilet Paper" made up of 837 rolls of toilet paper and $1,815 of monetary donations.

Park Cleanup Cleaned Three Links Park Playground and Essex Park on the weekends flanking Earth Day.

Offered to do outdoor work for Honored Elders who live in their own homes. Thank you very much to these team members for their service to Hosanna and the community: Terri Ashworth, Kelly Gangelhoff, Rachel Gray, Sarah Jerde, Mandi Mora, Lisa Nordman, Jodi Solum, Nancy Wales, and Beth Wiegand

Hosanna’s Pantry Donations

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March was Minnesota Food Share month, and Hosanna’s Pantry received lots of donations of toilet paper and money during that month. There were also other donations that didn’t get recognized during March and that happen at other times of the year as well. Here were three donations that we’d like to recognize. Keith Wix who owns the Midas Muffler shop on north Broadway, (and whose wife Amy used to be our Youth Director 20 years ago) held his own food drive during Minnesota Food Share month. He saw Hosanna’s Pantry on our website and called to ask if he could bring the donated food to us. He did that on March 18 and we’re still using that food two months later in the non-perishable boxes of food we give to our Channel One families. Another generous donation came from Ron Andersen, Chris Carter’s grandfather. Before the pandemic, he would often bring bags and boxes of food to fill up our indoor Sharing and Caring food box. Since the pandemic, with our building being closed, he’s been filling up our Helping Hands Pantry outside. On April 23 he came to Hosanna with a large donation of food and we decided the best place to use it would be for Hosanna’s Pantry. It doubled the non-perishable food that Keith Wix had donated and we used it for our April pantry opening. Hosanna’s Pantry also receives cash donations from various organizations. On April 24, a member of the Lion’s Club International Foundation, District 5 M1, stopped by during the pantry opening to give us a check for $305.41. They had received a grant to help with food insecurity and had divided it up among the food shelves in Southeast Minnesota. Thanks for all the generous donations!

Ron Andersen Lion’s Club Donation

Keith Wix of Midas Muffler

Samaritan Bethany Golf Classic

Herald Volume 42 Issue 6 Page 13

Executive Committee

Senior Pastor Krista Strum

President: Sinde Finnegan

President Elect: Barb Schepp

Secretary: Ruth Ramsay

Council Advocates

Discipleship: Billie Young

The ministry of growing disciples through the

education of children, youth and adults in the

congregation shall be the focus of this


Worship: Diane Click

The spiritual life and growth of our congregation

through liturgy, music and stewardship shall be

the focus of this advocate.

Outreach: Mandi Mora and Lisa Nordman

This advocate supports and encourages

community and global mission and ministry

outreach with children/youth and adults, both

members and visitors.

Support: Barb Anderson & (add’l person needed)

This advocate will help develop and support the

committees/teams that will carry out the work

required for our church to function in the areas

of property, business and finance, memorials/

trusts, personnel and leadership development.

Fellowship: Stephanie Stevens

The ministry of caring for the members of our

congregation through spiritual, emotional,

physical and social support and the welcoming

of new members shall be the focus of this


Advisory Members

Treasurer: Alice Kub

Financial Secretary: Paul Anderson

Program Staff: Nancy Wales &

Darcy Youngstrom



Pastor Krista Strum [email protected] Nancy Wales [email protected] Darcy Youngstrom [email protected] Jodi Solum [email protected] Lonnie Oeltjen [email protected]

Hosanna Lutheran Church 507-285-0092

Thank you for keeping Hosanna in your prayers and for remembering your church with your financial support in these times. Your kindness and steadfast love has not gone unnoticed. Contributions may be mailed to:

Hosanna Lutheran Church 2815 57th Street NW Rochester MN 55901

On-line Giving may be found at: https://hosannalutheran.org/give/

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Contact Information