As we witness ISIS, their brutality and their goal of creating a Caliphate, they are presented to us as isolated Islamic combatants. History tells us otherwise. What these Islamist are doing today is no different than what their forefathers were doing for centuries. These slides is a factual picture of American and world history. This brand of Islam is a way of governing masquerading as a religion.

As we witness ISIS, their brutality and their goal of creating a Caliphate, they are presented to us as isolated Islamic combatants. History tells us

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As we witness ISIS, their brutality and their goal of creating a Caliphate, they are presented to us as isolated Islamic combatants. History tells us otherwise. What these Islamist are doing today is no different than what their forefathers were doing for centuries. These slides is a factual picture of American and world history. This brand of Islam is a way of governing masquerading as a religion.

In 2006, Democrat Keith Ellison won election to the House of Representatives from his Minnesota District. Ellison was the first elected Muslim to congress.

Pictured here is House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Ellison with their hands on the Quran that he used instead of the Bible at the Photo Op after the official swearing in Ceremony..

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Muslim representative Keith Ellison are all smiles at the congressman’s post swearing in ceremony . Their hands are on the Quran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

Congressman Ellison and Pelosi got it wrong

about Jefferson. The following slides will

show a factual history of Muslim Pirates, Killing

and slavery

The Quran was used in a ceremony after the official swearing in. To allow the Quran to be officially used would be to lie to the American people because the Quran does not allow a Muslim to take an oath to be made to infidels and that his allegiance is to a Higher Authority than the Constitution. The Quran also says that he does not have to respect our nation’s laws to the degree they conflict with Sharia or the Koran, thus his oath would not be equivalent to an oath taken on the Bible. To swear on a book that is in direct conflict with the purpose of our oath, renders the oath meaningless. The object of the oath matters.

Congressman Ellison said that it was appropriate to borrow the rare 250 year old rare Quran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson, because Jefferson was a champion of religious freedom. Not so fast as the following slides will show what Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers thought about the Islamic religion.

Swearing on the Quran is a pledge to a higher authority and not to allegiance to the constitution.

American historians have studied every aspect of enslavement of Africans by whites but have largely ignored enslavement of whites by North Africans. Christian Slaves. "the other slavery," which flourished during approximately the same period as the trans-Atlantic trade, and which devastated hundreds of European coastal communities. Slavery plays nothing like the central role in the thinking of today's whites that it does for blacks, but not because it was fleeting or trivial matter. The record of Mediterranean slavery is, indeed, as black as the most tendentious portrayals of American slavery. Today schools and colleges neglected this corner of European and American history.

To understand the mindset of the vast network of Islamic Muslims who teach a 7th century version of the Quran, we have to go back several centuries.History shows that these brutal Muslims of the 16ht century had the same beliefs, killings and enslavement that today’s Islamic terrorist are carrying out against innocent people..

19th Century Terrorist

Today’s Terroris


Little has changedToday, killings of both

Muslims and Non-Muslims are still being

carried out in the name of Allah and beliefs of the


From the 17th century, raids by Barbary pirates were common in Portugal, Spain, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, Elba, southern Italy, Sicily and Malta. Vast expanses of coastal lands lay vacant. More than 20,000 captives were enslaved in Algiers alone. The pirates took the young and health. Those who fought were killed and the old were murdered. In one attack in Iceland, the aged were herded into a church and the pirates torched the church. Christian slaves were often so plentiful and so inexpensive, there was no point in caring for them; many owners worked them to death and bought replacements.

The territories of the Muslim

Barbary Coast who killed ransomed

and enslaved non Muslims for five


In June 1631 two hundred Barbary pirates led by Murat Reis attacked the sleeping village of Baltimore in County Cork Ireland. They captured 107 villagers – men, women and children – and carried them away in chains to the slave market of Algiers where they were sold into slavery. Fourteen years later, two of them made their way home. The others spent the rest of their lives as slaves. Many larger cities fell to the pirates and the captives numbered in the thousands.

Murat Reis – Algerian Muslim Pirate who captures Irish and sent them into slavery.

Ten Centuries of Muslim Islamist killing and enslaving Christians, Europeans and later Americans

Capt. Crocker visiting Hospital at AlgiersA mother points to her 6 children informing him that they all have been slaves or 13 years

Witnessing horror of Christian slaves chained and in irons, being herded with a whip

Capt Walter Crocker of His Majesty’s Ship Wizard, witnessing the cruelty, brutality and horror of Christian slaves at the hands of Barbary Coast Muslims 1815

Some men were ransomed by wealthy families, the poor were sold into slavery. captives. Some of those who were freed wrote slave or captive narratives that gave insights into the fate of the slaves. Male slaves labored in the fields or docks or rowed in the galleys chained to the seats. The women were doomed to be servants or captives in the homes and harems of wealthy.

Galley Slaves Enslaved Christian Women

As British colonists before 1776, American merchant vessels had enjoyed the protection of the Royal Navy. During the American Revolution, American ships came under the aegis of France due to a 1778 Treaty of Alliance between the two countries.By 1783, however, with the end of the Revolution, America became solely responsible for the safety of its own commerce and citizens.

Without the means or the authority to field a naval force necessary to protect their ships in the Mediterranean, the U.S. government took a pragmatic, but ultimately self-destructive route. In 1784, the United States Congress allocated money for payment of tribute to the pirates.se for the money came in 1785, when the dey of Algiers took two American ships hostage and demanded $60,000 in ransom for their crews. The U.S. paid Algiers the ransom, and continued to pay up to $1 million per year over the next 15 years for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages

American Colony merchant ships

being attacked by Muslim Barbary

Coast Pirates

Because American commerce in the Mediterranean was being destroyed by the pirates, the Continental Congress agreed in 1784 to negotiate treaties with the four Barbary States. Congress appointed a special commission consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to oversee the negotiations. Lacking the ability to protect its merchant ships in the Mediterranean, the new America government tried to appease the Muslim slavers by agreeing to pay tribute and ransoms in order to retrieve seized American ships and buy the freedom of enslaved sailors.

13 stars, the Betsy Ross version (1777

1780 American Flag

Trying to Negotiate and buy peace with the

Barbary Coast Muslims

In 1786, Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain. They asked this ‘diplomat’ by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved her citizens and why the Muslims held such hostility toward this new nation, with which neither Tripoli nor any of the other Barbary Coast nations had any previous contact.

His answer was quite revealing . Sida Haji Abdul Ranman ( The Ambassador replied; ”Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

. Sida Haji Abdul Ranman


18th Century Islamic Flag

That is indeed quite revealing. Yet, America continued paying ransoms to these terrorists for the next fifteen years or so. Until Jefferson became President. Then, the Pasha (leader) of Tripoli sent a demand to the new leader for an immediate payment of $225,000 and $25,000 per year on an ongoing basis. Jefferson flatly refused, leading the Pasha to cut down the flagpole of the American consulate and declaring war on the United States. The rest of the terrorist states followed .

Payments in ransom and tribute to the Muslim Terrorist states amounted to 20 percent of United States government annual revenues in 1800

To Muslim Terrorist

What’s left of U.S. annual revenue

On Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, Yussif Karamanli, the pasha of Tripoli demanded $225,000 from the new administration. Putting his long-held beliefs into practice, Jefferson refused the demand. Consequently, in May of 1801, the pasha declared war on the United States, cutting down the flagstaff in front of the U.S. Consulate. Morocco, Algiers, and Tunis soon followed their ally.

Not long after Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, he dispatched a group of frigates to defend American interests in the Mediterranean, declaring that America was going to spend "millions for defense but not one cent for ransom. Jefferson pressed the issue by deploying American Marines and many of America's best warships to the Muslim Barbary Coast.The USS Constitution, USS Constellation, USS Philadelphia, USS Chesapeake, USS Argus, USS Syren and USS Intrepid all saw action.

President Thomas Jefferson

The U.S.S. Constitution, one of the fleet of U.S. warships Jefferson sent to wipe out

the Barbary Coast Muslims, The Constitution berthed at Charleston Ma still is a commissioned ship of the U.S. Navy

The Pride of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps

The U.S.S..Constitution

In October of 1803, the fleet of Tripoli was able to capture the USS Philadelphia intact after the frigate ran aground while patrolling Tripoli harbor. Efforts by the Americans to float the ship while under fire from shore batteries and Tripolitanian naval units were unsuccessful. The ship, its captain, William Bainbridge, and all officers and crew were taken ashore and held as hostages.

On February 16, 1804, a small contingent of sailors in a disguised Intrepid and led by Lieutenant Stephen Decatur, Jr., were able to invade the harbor of Tripoli and burn the Philadelphia, denying her use to the enemy. Decatur's bravery in action made him a hero to Americans back home.

Lieutenant Stephen Decatur,

. Horatio Nelson, a British naval commander and national hero, called this "the most bold and daring act of the age”.

                      <>                       <> "Boarding the Philadelphia" Halftone reproduction of an artwork by J.O. Davidson, depicting the boarding of the captured US Frigate Philadelphia by a party led by LT. Stephen Decatur, in Tripoli harbor, 16 February 1804. Copied from a book entitled "History of the Navy". US Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 1340

Reproduction of a 19th Century engraving, depicting LT. Stephen Decatur leading his men as they recaptured the USF Philadelphia in Tripoli harbor, prior to setting her afire.

The U.S. Navy did not want the Philadelphia in the hands of the Muslims

In 1805, American Marines marched across the dessert from Egypt into Tripolitania, forcing the surrender of Tripoli and the freeing of all American slaves. During the Jefferson administration, the Muslim Barbary States, crumbling as a result of intense American naval bombardment and on shore raids by Marines, finally officially agreed to abandon slavery and piracy.

Marines capturing major ports

A force of American marines under the command of Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon.defeated the Muslims in the battle Berne..Wearied of the blockade and raids, and now under threat of a continued advance on Tripoli proper and a scheme to set up his brother Hamet Karamanli as ruler, Karamanli signed a treaty ending hostilities on June 10, 1805. This effectively ended the First Barbary War. This action, memorialized in the Marine Hymn “Shores of Tripoli”

After its victory in the First Barbary War (1801–1805), the attention of the United States had been diverted to its worsening relationship with the United Kingdom, culminating in the War of 1812. The unchastened Barbary pirate states took this opportunity to return to their practice of attacking American merchant vessels in the Mediterranean Sea and holding their crews and officers for ransom. Unable to devote military resources and political will to the situation, the United States quietly recommenced paying ransom for return of the prisoners.

The War of 1812

Although its events inspired one of the nation’s most famous patriotic songs, the War of 1812 is a relatively little-known war in American history. Despite its complicated causes and inconclusive outcome, the conflict helped establish the credibility of the young United States among other nations. It fostered a strong sense of national pride among the American people, and those patriotic feelings are reflected and preserved in the song we know today as the U.S. national anthem.

At the conclusion of the War of 1812, however, America could once again turn its sights on North Africa. On March 3, 1815 the US Congress authorized deployment of naval power against Algiers, and a force of ten ships was dispatched under the command of Commodores Stephen Decatur, Jr. and William Bainbridge — both heroes of the first war.

The Second Barbary Coast

Muslin War

Decatur and Bainbridge used the pirates' tactics against them. Taking hundreds of prisoners in an attack on Algiers, Decatur bargained for a treaty releasing the United States from any tribute obligations in perpetuity, as well as $10,000 in reparations for damages to the US. By June 30, 1815 the treaty was signed and the threat of Barbary pirates to American vessels was at an end.

Commodore William Bainbridge

No sooner had Decatur set off for Tunis to enforce a similar agreement than the Dey repudiated the treaty. The next year, an Anglo-Dutch fleet, commanded by British admiral Viscount Exmouth, delivered a punishing, nine-hour bombardment of Algiers. The attack immobilized many of the dey's corsairs and obtained from him a second treaty that reaffirmed the conditions imposed by Decatur. In addition, the dey agreed to end the practice of enslaving Christians. Algiers and Tunis became colonies of France in 1830 and 1881 respectively, while Tripoli returned to the control of the Ottoman Empire in 1835 and became a colony of Italy in 1911. Europeans remained in control of the government there until the mid-twentieth century.

Sound familiar? Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Ellison and president Obama should take notice of this piece of American History

The candor of that Tripolitan ambassador is admirable in its way, but it certainly foreshadows the equally forthright declarations of, say, the Shiite Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the 1980s and the Sunni Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, The Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Isis Muslim Terrorist of 2014. not to mention the many pronouncements of their various minions, admirers, and followers. Note that America's Barbary experience took place well before colonialism entered the lands of Islam, before there were any oil interests dragging the U.S. into the fray, and long before the founding of the state of Israel.

In 1874 - The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that :

“Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

The Barbary slave trade refers to the White slave markets that flourished on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, or modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and western Libya, between the 16th and 19th centuries. The North African slave markets traded in European slaves. The European slaves were acquired by local pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England and as far afield as Iceland. Men, women and children were captured to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of seacoast towns were abandoned. It is estimated that over 1.25 million White Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th,[2] and roughly 700 Americans were held captive in this region as slaves between 1785 and 1815.[3] The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s when the region was conquered by France..

U.S. Muslim Congressman Ellison's use of Jefferson's Quran as a prop illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the United States. At the time Jefferson owned the book, he needed to know everything possible about Muslims because he was about to advocate war against the Islamic "Barbary" states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli. Mostly forgotten is the is history and the Muslim pirate slavers who over many centuries enslaved millions of Africans and

tens of thousands of Christian Europeans and Americans in the Islamic "Barbary" states. For 10 centuries.

Jefferson had been right. The "medium of war" was the only way to put and end to

the Muslim problem. Mr. Ellison was right about Jefferson.

Jefferson was a "visionary" wise enough to read and learn about the enemy from their own Muslim book of jihad.

The origin of the term Leathernecks stems from the Marines participation in the Barbary Wars. When boarding the ships of hostile pirates, Marines were given added protection against cutlass slashes and beheading. These actions also coincide with when the leather collar started to be worn “to the shores of Tripoli!”

From 1798 until 1872 Marines wore a uniform that contained a neck piece made of leather. This stiff leather collar, called “The Stock”, was about 3 1/2 inches high

The stiff collar of the Marines Dress Blue uniform is a throwback of the old leather collars

1800 Marine with stiff leather collar.

Apparently none of this American and World History is being taught today.. In fact we hear elected officials and college professors make statements that the reason the Muslims hate America is because of our involvement in Muslim Countries.

They seem to ignore the fact that long before any western nation attacked or attempted to colonize any Muslim country, the Muslims for several centuries was killing and enslaving Christians.

Some might feel that this is an attack on Muslims, but the fact remains that Muslims kill more other Muslims than they do non-Muslims. Islam is at war with itself and has been for 2,000 years.




Produced by Jack Cross


Music Exodus

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