T 1 T f 1T asal ICATARRHla Elys Cream Balm dome soothes and heals the diseased membrane It core catarrh and drives away a cold In the heat nnicklr Cream Balm li placed into the nostrils iprtadi- tr the membrane and la absorbed Relief li Im- edlate and cure follow It I la not drying does sot produce tae zlng wEe Size 60 cents at Drug flits or by fail Trial Size 10 cents gLT BBOTHKBS 66 Warren Sheet New York amestownI Exposition Via AshevilleAnd Land of the Sky With stopover privileges o One WaYReturn Another A delightful trip through the pictur que mountain country of North Caro na at low rates Forillustrated lItera- e ¬ rates and full information write- y agentSOUTHERN RAILWAY j Hug rfJr I D 1st Pass Agt V Loulsvilles Ky tylishomfortable ailor made clothes All the latest patterns for uits and trousers in high rado fabrics Clothes made y modern methods Fit guar nteed Moderate prices Ex tort tailors employed JH HUNSCHE spar May Co Cannelton Ind Put Your Money whore It will grow under your own control and grow taster than In any other sat way Write for our free booklet N which tells all about how to Dank by Mall i safely and conveniently tram any part of tho State We pay 5 percent Interest annually Our capital se ¬ cures you Meal and Feed- Mortons Mill- e have just put in e improved Corn and ed rvfill rep prepared to grind t d furnish meal and feed short notice tfARLES MORTON Owner 1 BilePoison syJ id dJcesttr apparatus taints your lood 1 and anal constipation with all Ito fearful ills iWfords l lackDraughtW- ik bland toafe liver regulator and purMv1Iit the poisons caused vtrsappy ef bile and quickly res bllloua twadaches dizziness Si of appetite nausea Indlges constipation malaria chills E fever jaundice nervousness liability melancholia find all icness due to disordered liver It is not a cathartic but a gentle bal liver m edlcmowblch h eases a shout Irritating t Rice 2Sc at all Druffctot I H THE LION AND THE MOUSE By CHARLES KLEIN A Story tf American Lift Novelized From the Play by ARTHUR HORNBLOff COPYRIGHT 1906 BY G W DILLINCHAM COMPANY II There was one other person in New York who that same morning had read the newspaper Item regarding the Ry ¬ derRoberts betrothal and bo did not take the matter so Calmly as Shirley had done On the contrary it had the effect of putting him into a violent rage This was Jefferson Ho was working in his studio when he read It and five minutes later he was tearing uptown to seek the author of it He understood its object of course They wanted to force his hand to shame him Into this marriage to so entangle him with the girl that no other alter ¬ native would be possible to an honora ¬ ble man It was n despicable trick and he had no doubt that his father was at the back of it eSo his mind now was fully made up lie would go away at once where they could not make his life a burden with this odious marriage which was fast becoming a nightmare to him He would close up his studio and leave immediately for Europe He would show his father once for all that ho was a man and ex- pected to be treated as one On arriving home the first person ho saw was the ubiquitous Mr Bagley who stood at the top of the first stair ¬ case giving some letters to the butler Jefferson cornered him at once hold ¬ ing out the newspaper containing the offending paragraph Say Bagley he ctled what does this mean Is this any of your doing The English secretary gave his em- ployers ¬ son a haughty stare and then without deigning i to reply o L even to Tglanc2 instructions to the servant Here Jorklns get stamps for all these letters and see they are mailed at once They are very Important Very good sir The man took the letters and disap ¬ peared while Jefferson impatient re- peated ¬ his question My doing sneered Mr Bagley Really Jefferson you go too far Do rou suppose for one instant that I would condescend to trouble myself with your affairs Jefferson was In no mood to put up with insolence from any one especial- ly ¬ from a man whom he heartily de- spised ¬ so advancing menacingly he thunderedI were you In the discharge of your meniallike duties Instructed by my father to send that paragraph to the newspapers regarding my alleg ¬ ed betrothal to Miss Roberts Yes or ncrt The man winced and made a step backward There was a gleam in the Ryder eye which he knew by experi ¬ ence boded no good Really Jefferson ho said In a more conciliatory tone I know absolutely nothing about the paragraph This is the first I hear of It Why not ask your father I will replied Jefferson grimly He was turning to go in the direc- tion of the library when Bagley stop ¬ ped himYou cannot possibly see him now he said Sergeant Ellison of the se ¬ cret service Is In there with him and your father told me not to disturb him on any account He has another ap ¬ pointment at 3 oclock with some wo man who writes books Seeing that the fellow was In ear ¬ nest Jefferson did not resist He could see his father a little later or send him a message through his mother Pro- ceeding upstairs he found Mrs Ryder In her room and in a few energetic words he explained the situation to his mother They bad gone too far with this matchmaking business he said his father was trying to Inter ¬ fere with his personal liberty and ha was going to put a stop to it He would leave at once for Europe Mrs Ryder had already heard of the project ¬ ed trip abroad so the news of this sudden departure was not the shock It might otherwise have been As Jefferson went downstairs some ¬ thing white on the carpet attracted his attention He stooped and picked It up It was a letter It was in Bagleys handwriting and had evidently been dropped by the man to whom the sec- retary had given It to post But what Interested Jefferson more than any ¬ thing else was that it was addressed to Miss Kato Roberts Under ordinary circumstances a kings ransom would not have tempted the young man to read a letter addressed to another but he was convinced that his fathers sec ¬ retary was air adventurer apd If he were carrying on an Intrigue in this manner it could have only one mean ¬ ing It was his duty to unveil a rascal who was using the Ryder roof and name to further his own ends and vic- timize ¬ a girl who although sophist ¬ catod enough to know better was too silly to realize the risk she ran at the hands ot an unscrupulous man Hesi ¬ openthe My Dearest Wife That Is to DoI have Wednesdaylust thehouse a minister will marry us Then we will go to city hall anoXget through the legal thel the ladles room at the Holland House Wednesday niorrtngatU a m 1 will come there with a closed cab Your de ¬ voted i FltZ bewJ Jeffn Whl t 1i 1080 a urn 4 I shave this for Senior HoBcrbJTI6 thought Ills first l Impulse was to go upstairs again to his mother and put the matter In her hands She would Immediately inform his father who would make short work of Mr Bagley But thought Jefferson why should ho spoil a good thing He could afford to wait a day or two There was no hur ¬ ry He could allow Bagley to think all was going swimmingly and then un ¬ cover the plot at the eleventh hour He would even let this letter go to Kate There was no difficulty in pro ¬ curing another envelope and imitating the handwriting and when Bagley was just preparing to go to the rendez ¬ vows he would spring the trap Such a cad deserved no mercy The scandal would be a knockout blow his father would discharge him on the spot and that would be the last they would see of the aristocratic English secretary Jefferson put the letter In his pocket and left the house rejoicing wereIhappening I eluded In his library The great man bad come home earlier than usual for he had two Important callers to see by appointment that afternoon One was Sergeant Ellison who had to report on his mission to Massapequa the other was Miss Shirley Green the author of The American Octopus who had at last deigned to honor him with a visit Pending the arrival of these visitors the financier was busy with his secre- tary trying to get rid as rapidly as pos ¬ sible of what business and correspond- ence ¬ there was on hand v The plutocrat was sitting at his desk poring over a mass of papers Between his teeth was the Inevitable long bin v cigar and when he raised his eyes to the light a close observer might have remarked that they were sea green a color they assumed when the man of millions was absorbed In scheming new business deals Every now and then he stopped reading the papers to make quick calculations on scraps of paper Then If the result pleased him a smile overspread his saturnine fea ¬ tures lIe rose from his chair and nervously paced hefloor as he always did when thinking deeply Five millions he muttered not a cent more If they wont sell well crush them Mr Bagley entered Mr Ryder look- er ¬ up quickly The Pain Family You know them = they are numerous and make their presence felt everywhere The names of the family are Head ¬ ache Toothache Earache Backache Stomach ache Neu- ralgia ¬ etc They are sentinels that warn you of any derange- ment of your system When the brain nerves become ex- hausted or irritated Headache makes you miserable = if the stomach nerves are weak in ¬ digestion results and you double up with pain and if the more prominent nerves are af ¬ fected Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves Dr Miles AntiPain Pills do this The whole Pain family yield to their influence Harmless if taken as directed 1 find Dr Miles AntiPain Pills an excellent remedy for overcoming head- ache ¬ neuralgia and distressing pains ef all sorts I have used them for the past seven years In this capacity with the best of results MRS JOE MERRILL Peru Ind Dr Miles AntNPaln Pills are sold by yeur druggist who will guarantee that the first package will benefit If It moneylhfe I bulk I I IndI lr 1 Well TJogley ho said interroga ¬ tively Has Sergeant Ellison come Yes sir But Mr Herts Is down ¬ stairs He Insists on seeing you about the Philadelphia gas deal lie says It Is a matter of life and death To him yes answered the finan cier dryly I Let him come up We might as well have It out now Mr Bagley went out and returned al ¬ ahortlat oplectic In appearance Ho looked like a prosperous brewer while as a mat ¬ ter of facti he was president of a gas company one of the shrewdest promot ¬ ers In the country and a big man In Wall street There was only one big ¬ ger man and that was John Ryder But today Mr Herts was not In good condition Ills face was pale and his manner flustered and nervous lIe was plainly worried Mr Ryder he began with excited gesture the terms you offer are pre- posterous ¬ It would mean disaster to the stockholders Our gas propel le8 are worth six times that amount We will sell out for 20000000 not a cent lessRyder shrugged his shoulders Mr Herts he replied coolly I am I busy today and In no mood for argu- Ing ¬ Well either buy you out or force you out Choose You hove our offer Five millions for your gas property Will you take It- Continued next week When a dogs nose is cold and moist that dogis not sick A feverish dry nose meanssickness with a dog And so with the human lips Dry cracked and colorless lips mean feverishness and are as well ill appearing To have beautiful pink velvetlike lips apply at bedtime acoating of Dr Sloops Green Salve It will soften and heal any skin ailment Get a free trial box at our store and be convinced Large nickel capped glass jars 25 cents Severs Drug Co In flemory In memory of little L DHawkins in ¬ fant son of Richard and Lula Hawkins who died Sunday June 23 1907 aged seven months and eleven days We are sad and lonely today For Ic Is just one month since little L D wont away Friday we visited your grave You wore the most precious Rift God over RItVO Could you have stayed with us our lives to cheer I know I could have loved you even dearer than when hero But then God knows best And will keep you safe In the haven of rest Dear sweet little L D We miss your merry prattle and childish glee Many a time has your bright smiling fag e looked up In mine And your eyes no star In heaven could out shine I weep and mourn every day As I think In your silent grave you lay Sleeping so sweetly beneath the sod And resting so happy In the arms of God Sleep on dear sweet little soul I would not call you back from that happy goal For you are better off than we by tar Happy little angel my guiding star Hut In our home your presence we sadly miss When on your cold brow 1 pressed a kiss As In your little white co Rlnyouso peacefully lay- Farewell dear babe till we meet some sweet day MOTHER N Eczema For the good of those suffering with eczema or other such trouble I wish to say my wife bad something of that kind and after using the doctors remedies for some time concluded to try Chamberlains Salve and it proved to be better than anything she bad tried For sale by Severs Drug Co The Word at Ssnver Denver Aug 9As soon as word came from Chicago that the operators In the Western Union office there had gone on strike at midnight a petition was started In circulation among the operators In the Western Union office In this city which approved of the action of the Chicago men and also stated that under no conditions would the local men work with nonunion operators in the Chicago or Los An- geles ¬ office The Hamilton 0 Evening Sun has been purchased by the Evening Democrat price priva- teTOBINSPORT Deferred from last week- TOBINSPORT IND Mrs D R Biven and Mrs Marion Polk were baptized at the river Satur ¬ day afternoon Mrs Proctor Keith of Cloverport visited Miss Mabel England Wednesday and Thursday Miss Eflie Weatherholt was in Clover port Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs George Zimmerman who have been visiting Miss Mabel England returned to their home at Cannelton Friday evening Mr and Mrs Andrew Hafile Mr and Mrs Theo Heck of Cannelton were guests of Mr and Mrs Hugh Weather holt Sunday Misses Marguerite Dorsey and Myrtle Leaf of Derby Ind visited at J WI I Lyons last week Mr Tom Groves was in Cannelton OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO writ aNY soa s sro nua TIV II 0 spaau ql q1UIM Xpoxnrj 0 auoq salraw puf sa1UDtu1Swa1S S aaquao s5Atpqsagsl nou uorrp2ULJ st oas 0 0tOt 0 sauoq U1 secgeq 1ttpu2s algisln gq1 Laduns 0 g OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO Sunday on business Mr J S WincheU of Newkirk Okla who has been visiting relatives here returned home Saturday accompanied as far as Evansville by Mr and Mrs G W Winchell Rev L S Sanders filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sun ¬ dayThe ice cream supper given at the schoolhouse Saturday night was quite proceeds Remedy bySevers h Cloverport Foundry I Machine Co1 I I For all kinds of Foundry I I Machine Boiler Electrical I I Tin Galvanized and Sheet I Iron Work vg N N v I I I I II I I I ISaw Mill Stationery PortaI ble Traction Marine Steam I 1 Gas and Gasolene Engines I inO I tfNJt M plies Beltings Pulleys Hangers tIm Grate Bars Hose Pumps Injectors ITin Roofing Guttering EtcI I Satisfaction Estimates Guaranteed furnished I iiiI Ibuying elsewhereI Cloverport Foundry and IMachme Co I ICloverport KentuckyI IMJJIIIiI Jl iI reJj mBmmmJ FACTS IN FEW LINES The Iron mines of Australia have been ofllclally estimated to contain over 50000000 tons of ore Education In India Is advancing In Bengal the governments expenditure under this head last year was 3071 110 The gifts of Christian people In the United States toward various phllan thruphlcs totaled lust y ir more than 287000000The of the world are numbered at seventytwo making ue of 4000 different tongues There are about 1000 religions Flshguard the new Welsh port of the Great Western railway Is 115 miles nearer New York than Liver aijd fiftyfive miles nearer than Plym outh The brigand chief Andreas leader of the baud which kidnapped Baron you Hcemstra near Smyrna Is re ported to have died from wounds re ceived at the time of his capture Switzerland Is beginning to feel tin unrest now prevalent In ninny parts of Europe and In many of the strong Protestant cantons the separation of c iurcli und state is being vigorously agitated For a Sprained Ankle A sprained ankle may be cured in bout onethird the time usually re- quired by applying Chamberlains Pain Balm freely and giving it absolute rest For sale by Severs Drug Co A a financial success Net were 11875Mr Banty Hayden of Rockport Ind is visiting relatives here Mrs Fanny Finch and children of Owensboro are visiting relatives here this week Dont be afraid to give Chamberlains Cough to your children It contains no opium or other harmful WeakKidneys IWeak Kidneys surely point to weak kidney Kerves The Kidneys like the Heart and the Stomach End their weakness not in the organ itself but In the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them Dr Shoops Restorative U a medicine specifically prepared to roach these controlling nerves To doctor the Kidneys alone Is futile It Is a waste of time and of money ai wellIf your back aches or Is weak If the urine scalds or Is dark and strong If you have symptoms of Brlghts or other distressing or dangerous kid¬ nay disease try Dr Shoops Restorative a month Tablets or Liquid and see what It can and will to for you Druggist recommend and sell Dr Shoops Restorative GREAT Summer Discountnowon- atDrauRbonsPrnctlcalBuslncss Col ¬ loges Kvansvllle and Paducah POSITIONS secured or money back May 1C prefer take lessons BY MAIL FREE and enter college later and save cost of board etc Write for catalogue andu Summer Discount Card B College Co Incorporated

asal H ICATARRHla LION II0 MOUSE stnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6r0h2g/data/0275.pdfmarriage which was fast becoming a nightmare to him He would close up his studio and leave immediately

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Page 1: asal H ICATARRHla LION II0 MOUSE stnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6r0h2g/data/0275.pdfmarriage which was fast becoming a nightmare to him He would close up his studio and leave immediately

T 1 Tf1T


Elys Cream Balm

dome soothes and healsthe diseased membrane

It core catarrh and drivesaway a cold In the heatnnicklr

Cream Balm li placed into the nostrils iprtadi-tr the membrane and la absorbed Relief li Im-

edlate and cure follow It Ila not drying doessot produce tae zlng wEe Size 60 cents at Drugflits or by fail Trial Size 10 cents

gLT BBOTHKBS 66 Warren Sheet New York


AshevilleAndLand of the Sky

With stopover privileges

o One WaYReturn Another

A delightful trip through the picturque mountain country of North Carona at low rates Forillustrated lItera-

rates and full information write-y


j Hug rfJr I D 1st Pass AgtV Loulsvilles Ky


ailor made clothesAll the latest patterns for

uits and trousers in highrado fabrics Clothes madey modern methods Fit guarnteed Moderate prices Extort tailors employed


spar May Co Cannelton Ind

Put Your Moneywhore It will grow underyour own control and growtaster than In any othersat way Write for our freebooklet N which tells allabout how to Dank by Mall i

safely and convenientlytram any part of tho StateWe pay 5 percent Interestannually Our capital se ¬

cures you

Meal and Feed-

Mortons Mill-

e have just put in

e improved Corn and

ed rvfill

rep prepared to grindt

d furnish meal and feed

short notice



1 BilePoison

syJid dJcesttr apparatus taints yourlood1 and anal constipation with

all Ito fearful ills


ik bland toafe liver regulator and

purMv1Iit the poisons causedvtrsappy ef bile and quickly

res bllloua twadaches dizzinessSi of appetite nausea Indlges

constipation malaria chillsE fever jaundice nervousness

liability melancholia find allicness due to disordered liver

It is not a cathartic but a gentle

bal liver medlcmowblch h eases

a shout Irritating

tRice 2Sc at all Druffctot




By CHARLES KLEINA Story tf American Lift Novelized From the Play by



There was one other person in NewYork who that same morning had readthe newspaper Item regarding the Ry ¬

derRoberts betrothal and bo did nottake the matter so Calmly as Shirleyhad done On the contrary it had theeffect of putting him into a violentrage This was Jefferson Ho wasworking in his studio when he read Itand five minutes later he was tearinguptown to seek the author of it Heunderstood its object of course Theywanted to force his hand to shamehim Into this marriage to so entanglehim with the girl that no other alter ¬

native would be possible to an honora ¬

ble man It was n despicable trickand he had no doubt that his fatherwas at the back of it eSo his mindnow was fully made up lie would goaway at once where they could notmake his life a burden with this odiousmarriage which was fast becoming anightmare to him He would close uphis studio and leave immediately forEurope He would show his fatheronce for all that ho was a man and ex-pected to be treated as one

On arriving home the first person hosaw was the ubiquitous Mr Bagleywho stood at the top of the first stair ¬

case giving some letters to the butlerJefferson cornered him at once hold ¬

ing out the newspaper containing theoffending paragraph

Say Bagley he ctled what doesthis mean Is this any of your doing

The English secretary gave his em-


son a haughty stare and thenwithout deigningi to reply oLeven toTglanc2instructions to the servant

Here Jorklns get stamps for allthese letters and see they are mailed atonce They are very Important

Very good sirThe man took the letters and disap ¬

peared while Jefferson impatient re-


his questionMy doing sneered Mr Bagley

Really Jefferson you go too far Dorou suppose for one instant that Iwould condescend to trouble myselfwith your affairs

Jefferson was In no mood to put upwith insolence from any one especial-ly


from a man whom he heartily de-


so advancing menacingly he

thunderedI were you In the dischargeof your meniallike duties Instructedby my father to send that paragraphto the newspapers regarding my alleg ¬

ed betrothal to Miss Roberts Yes orncrt

The man winced and made a stepbackward There was a gleam in theRyder eye which he knew by experi ¬

ence boded no goodReally Jefferson ho said In a more

conciliatory tone I know absolutelynothing about the paragraph This isthe first I hear of It Why not askyour father

I will replied Jefferson grimlyHe was turning to go in the direc-

tion of the library when Bagley stop ¬


cannot possibly see him nowhe said Sergeant Ellison of the se ¬

cret service Is In there with him andyour father told me not to disturb himon any account He has another ap ¬

pointment at 3 oclock with some woman who writes books

Seeing that the fellow was In ear ¬

nest Jefferson did not resist He couldsee his father a little later or send hima message through his mother Pro-ceeding upstairs he found Mrs RyderIn her room and in a few energeticwords he explained the situation tohis mother They bad gone too farwith this matchmaking business hesaid his father was trying to Inter ¬

fere with his personal liberty and hawas going to put a stop to it Hewould leave at once for Europe MrsRyder had already heard of the project¬

ed trip abroad so the news of thissudden departure was not the shockIt might otherwise have been

As Jefferson went downstairs some ¬

thing white on the carpet attracted hisattention He stooped and picked Itup It was a letter It was in Bagleyshandwriting and had evidently beendropped by the man to whom the sec-retary had given It to post But whatInterested Jefferson more than any ¬

thing else was that it was addressedto Miss Kato Roberts Under ordinarycircumstances a kings ransom wouldnot have tempted the young man toread a letter addressed to another buthe was convinced that his fathers sec¬

retary was air adventurer apd If hewere carrying on an Intrigue in thismanner it could have only one mean ¬

ing It was his duty to unveil a rascalwho was using the Ryder roof andname to further his own ends and vic-timize


a girl who although sophist ¬

catod enough to know better was toosilly to realize the risk she ran at thehands ot an unscrupulous man Hesi ¬opentheMy Dearest Wife That Is to DoI haveWednesdaylustthehousea minister will marry us Then we willgo to city hall anoXget through the legalthelthe ladles room at the Holland HouseWednesday niorrtngatU a m 1 willcome there with a closed cab Your de ¬

voted i FltZbewJJeffn Whl t 1i 1080

a urn4


shave this for Senior HoBcrbJTI6thought Ills first lImpulse was to goupstairs again to his mother and putthe matter In her hands She wouldImmediately inform his father whowould make short work of Mr BagleyBut thought Jefferson why should hospoil a good thing He could afford towait a day or two There was no hur¬

ry He could allow Bagley to think allwas going swimmingly and then un ¬

cover the plot at the eleventh hourHe would even let this letter go toKate There was no difficulty in pro ¬

curing another envelope and imitatingthe handwriting and when Bagley

was just preparing to go to the rendez ¬

vows he would spring the trap Such acad deserved no mercy The scandalwould be a knockout blow his fatherwould discharge him on the spot andthat would be the last they would seeof the aristocratic English secretaryJefferson put the letter In his pocketand left the house rejoicing


eluded In his library The great manbad come home earlier than usual forhe had two Important callers to see byappointment that afternoon One wasSergeant Ellison who had to report onhis mission to Massapequa the otherwas Miss Shirley Green the author ofThe American Octopus who had at

last deigned to honor him with a visitPending the arrival of these visitorsthe financier was busy with his secre-tary trying to get rid as rapidly as pos ¬

sible of what business and correspond-ence


there was on hand v

The plutocrat was sitting at his deskporing over a mass of papers Betweenhis teeth was the Inevitable long bin vcigar and when he raised his eyes tothe light a close observer might haveremarked that they were sea green acolor they assumed when the man ofmillions was absorbed In schemingnew business deals Every now andthen he stopped reading the papers tomake quick calculations on scraps ofpaper Then If the result pleased hima smile overspread his saturnine fea ¬

tures lIe rose from his chair andnervously paced hefloor as he alwaysdid when thinking deeply

Five millions he muttered not acent more If they wont sell wellcrush them

Mr Bagley entered Mr Ryder look-er


up quickly

The PainFamily

You know them = they arenumerous and make theirpresence felt everywhere Thenames of the family are Head¬

ache Toothache EaracheBackache Stomach ache Neu-ralgia


etc They are sentinelsthat warn you of any derange-ment of your system Whenthe brain nerves become ex-hausted or irritated Headachemakes you miserable = if thestomach nerves are weak in¬

digestion results and youdouble up with pain and if themore prominent nerves are af¬

fected Neuralgia simply makeslife unendurable The way tostop pain is to soothe andstrengthen the nerves DrMiles AntiPain Pills do thisThe whole Pain family yield totheir influence Harmless iftaken as directed

1 find Dr Miles AntiPain Pills anexcellent remedy for overcoming head-ache


neuralgia and distressing painsef all sorts I have used them for thepast seven years In this capacity withthe best of results

MRS JOE MERRILL Peru IndDr Miles AntNPaln Pills are sold by

yeur druggist who will guarantee thatthe first package will benefit If ItmoneylhfeI bulk


IIndIlr 1

Well TJogley ho said interroga ¬

tively Has Sergeant Ellison comeYes sir But Mr Herts Is down ¬

stairs He Insists on seeing you aboutthe Philadelphia gas deal lie says ItIs a matter of life and death

To him yes answered the financier drylyI Let him come up Wemight as well have It out now

Mr Bagley went out and returned al ¬

ahortlatoplectic In appearance Ho looked likea prosperous brewer while as a mat ¬

ter of facti he was president of a gascompany one of the shrewdest promot ¬

ers In the country and a big man InWall street There was only one big ¬

ger man and that was John RyderBut today Mr Herts was not In goodcondition Ills face was pale and hismanner flustered and nervous lIe wasplainly worried

Mr Ryder he began with excitedgesture the terms you offer are pre-posterous


It would mean disaster tothe stockholders Our gas propel le8are worth six times that amount Wewill sell out for 20000000 not a cent

lessRydershrugged his shoulders

Mr Herts he replied coolly I amI

busy today and In no mood for argu-Ing


Well either buy you out or forceyou out Choose You hove our offerFive millions for your gas propertyWill you take It-

Continued next week

When a dogs nose is cold and moistthat dogis not sick A feverish drynose meanssickness with a dog Andso with the human lips Dry crackedand colorless lips mean feverishnessand are as well ill appearing To havebeautiful pink velvetlike lips applyat bedtime acoating of Dr SloopsGreen Salve It will soften and healany skin ailment Get a free trialbox at our store and be convincedLarge nickel capped glass jars 25

cents Severs Drug Co

In flemoryIn memory of little L DHawkins in ¬

fant son of Richard and Lula Hawkinswho died Sunday June 23 1907 agedseven months and eleven daysWe are sad and lonely todayFor Ic Is just one month since little L D

wont awayFriday we visited your graveYou wore the most precious Rift God over


Could you have stayed with us our lives tocheer

I know I could have loved you even dearerthan when hero

But then God knows bestAnd will keep you safe In the haven of restDear sweet little L DWe miss your merry prattle and childish gleeMany a time has your bright smiling fage

looked up In mineAnd your eyes no star In heaven could out


I weep and mourn every dayAs I think In your silent grave you laySleeping so sweetly beneath the sodAnd resting so happy In the arms of God

Sleep on dear sweet little soulI would not call you back from that happy

goalFor you are better off than we by tarHappy little angel my guiding star

Hut In our home your presence we sadly missWhen on your cold brow 1 pressed a kissAs In your little white co Rlnyouso peacefully

lay-Farewell dear babe till we meet some sweet


N Eczema

For the good of those suffering with

eczema or other such trouble I wish tosay my wife bad something of thatkind and after using the doctorsremedies for some time concluded to tryChamberlains Salve and it proved tobe better than anything she bad triedFor sale by Severs Drug Co

The Word at SsnverDenver Aug 9As soon as word

came from Chicago that the operatorsIn the Western Union office there hadgone on strike at midnight a petitionwas started In circulation among theoperators In the Western Union officeIn this city which approved of theaction of the Chicago men and alsostated that under no conditions wouldthe local men work with nonunionoperators in the Chicago or Los An-



The Hamilton 0 Evening Sunhas been purchased by the EveningDemocrat price priva-


Deferred from last week-


Mrs D R Biven and Mrs MarionPolk were baptized at the river Satur¬

day afternoonMrs Proctor Keith of Cloverport

visited Miss Mabel England Wednesdayand Thursday

Miss Eflie Weatherholt was in Cloverport Saturday afternoon

Mr and Mrs George Zimmermanwho have been visiting Miss MabelEngland returned to their home atCannelton Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Andrew Hafile Mr andMrs Theo Heck of Cannelton wereguests of Mr and Mrs Hugh Weatherholt Sunday

Misses Marguerite Dorsey and MyrtleLeaf of Derby Ind visited at J WII

Lyons last week

Mr Tom Groves was in Cannelton

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwrit aNY soa s sro nua TIV II0spaau qlq1UIM Xpoxnrj 0

auoq salraw puf sa1UDtu1Swa1S S aaquaos5Atpqsagsl nou uorrp2ULJ st oas 00tOt0 sauoq U1 secgeq 1ttpu2s algisln gq1 Laduns 0g


Mr J S WincheU of Newkirk Oklawho has been visiting relatives herereturned home Saturday accompaniedas far as Evansville by Mr and Mrs GW Winchell

Rev L S Sanders filled his regularappointment here Saturday and Sun ¬

dayTheice cream supper given at the

schoolhouse Saturday night was quite




Cloverport Foundry

I Machine Co1 II For all kinds of Foundry II Machine BoilerElectrical II Tin Galvanized and Sheet I

Iron Work vg N N v

I II IIII IIISaw Mill Stationery PortaI

ble Traction Marine Steam I1 Gas and Gasolene Engines IinO ItfNJtM plies Beltings Pulleys Hangers tIm

Grate Bars Hose Pumps Injectors

ITin Roofing Guttering EtcII SatisfactionEstimates

Guaranteedfurnished IiiiIIbuying elsewhereI

Cloverport Foundry and

IMachme Co IICloverport KentuckyIIMJJIIIiIJliI reJjmBmmmJ


The Iron mines of Australia havebeen ofllclally estimated to containover 50000000 tons of ore

Education In India Is advancing InBengal the governments expenditureunder this head last year was 3071110

The gifts of Christian people In theUnited States toward various phllanthruphlcs totaled lust y ir more than

287000000Theof the world are numbered

at seventytwo making ue of 4000different tongues There are about1000 religions

Flshguard the new Welsh port ofthe Great Western railway Is 115

miles nearer New York than Liveraijd fiftyfive miles nearer than Plymouth

The brigand chief Andreas leaderof the baud which kidnapped Baronyou Hcemstra near Smyrna Is reported to have died from wounds received at the time of his capture

Switzerland Is beginning to feel tinunrest now prevalent In ninny parts ofEurope and In many of the strongProtestant cantons the separation ofc iurcli und state is being vigorouslyagitated

For a Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle may be cured inbout onethird the time usually re-

quired by applying Chamberlains PainBalm freely and giving it absolute restFor sale by Severs Drug Co


a financial success Net were11875Mr Banty Hayden of RockportInd is visiting relatives here

Mrs Fanny Finch and children ofOwensboro are visiting relatives herethis week

Dont be afraid to give ChamberlainsCough to your children Itcontains no opium or other harmful


Kidneys surely point to weak kidneyKerves The Kidneys like the Heart and theStomach End their weakness not in the organitself but In the nerves that control and guideand strengthen them Dr Shoops Restorative Ua medicine specifically prepared to roach thesecontrolling nerves To doctor the Kidneys aloneIs futile It Is a waste of time and of money aiwellIf your back aches or Is weak If the urinescalds or Is dark and strong If you have symptomsof Brlghts or other distressing or dangerous kid¬

nay disease try Dr Shoops Restorative a monthTablets or Liquid and see what It can and willto for you Druggist recommend and sell

Dr ShoopsRestorative

GREATSummer Discountnowon-atDrauRbonsPrnctlcalBuslncss Col ¬

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