ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI CHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE ELOFF© Johannesburg : 15 May 2004 I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee blessings of warmth, lightness of strength and of new light. And it is truly with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Those of you who are experiencing such intense challenges with regards to finances and relationships - not just relationships with other people, but relationships with yourselves, relationships with God - is because of this intense transition where you are being pulled out of third, fourth and fifth dimension and grounding your crystalline body in 10th, 11th, and 12th dimension. The earth's parallel reality is already reaching breaking point and there are going to be major eruptions in the not too distant future. That reality is not the reality that you are living at this time. That is the earth that was split which is present in a different dimension, and where the same earth experience is being played out, but it is of a denser vibration. All of you are being taken through this transition so that you can face those demons, tame the tigers, and make friends with the dragons - which are not there to scare you, but to show you the magnificence of your personal power. The tiger represents the meeting of east and west; this is the mergence of the god and goddess. It is where the left brain and the right brain come to merge and explode into brilliant light of new life. This gives birth to a new form; that is your crystalline you. This is also the reason why working with crystals is of such importance. It will help to bring people's bodies into alignment. People need to have crystals on their body or in their environment to support the lifting of the dense vibrations. South Africa has gone through a mighty transition since the

Ascended Master Kuthumi

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Earth Changes Channelling from Kuthumi - Channelled by Michelle


I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee blessings of warmth, lightness of strength and of new light.

And it is truly with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Those of you who are experiencing such intense challenges with regards to finances and relationships - not just relationships with other people, but relationships with yourselves, relationships with God - is because of this intense transition where you are being pulled out of third, fourth and fifth dimension and grounding your crystalline body in 10th, 11th, and 12th dimension.The earth's parallel reality is already reaching breaking point and there are going to be major eruptions in the not too distant future. That reality is not the reality that you are living at this time. That is the earth that was split which is present in a different dimension, and where the same earth experience is being played out, but it is of a denser vibration.

All of you are being taken through this transition so that you can face those demons, tame the tigers, and make friends with the dragons - which are not there to scare you, but to show you the magnificence of your personal power.The tiger represents the meeting of east and west; this is the mergence of the god and goddess. It is where the left brain and the right brain come to merge and explode into brilliant light of new life.This gives birth to a new form; that is your crystalline you. This is also the reason why working with crystals is of such importance. It will help to bring people's bodies into alignment. People need to have crystals on their body or in their environment to support the lifting of the dense vibrations.

South Africa has gone through a mighty transition since the time of Easter. First of all, it was the energy of the death and resurrection that Christ experienced. You all had to go through this - your own death and rebirth experience over the Easter time.Many of you have found that you placed yourself upon your own crucifix.What is it, beloved ones, that you have been crucifying yourselves for? For years you may not have even realised that you have nailed yourself to a cross.And many people have been living their lives nailed to the cross, punishing themselves for experiences that they do not even recall. Living out the same old tune over and over again. That was the gift that Easter brought.

Then your country went through another tumultuous transition and that was the time of elections. This was extremely intense because people were having to find in their own hearts what it was that they wanted to bring balance into their lives about.And so it was that, within themselves, they had to look at what is illusion what is truth; who can we trust,who must we be careful of. So the 'politicians within' began to rally about what new processes could be implemented: what promises would be made, where would there be compromise and where would there be a standing of ground, and the collective consciousness of SA underwent a transition of note. And once more all of the corrupt aspects of self were brought to the fore; once more all of those parts of self that embody the outer type of the politician had to come to the fore, which brought up a tremendous amount of fear both for the individual and for the collective consciousness.

The elections are now over.However, there is still some anger around that. There are still parties reflecting aspects of people that are not happy about decisions that have been made. This means that once more there needs to be further introspection.And this is what the winter is about. Now you are in your autumn and it is about going within, looking at what the self is trying to express. This is what the animal kingdom represents, and the lions specifically. What is the truth that needs to be roared in order for peace to prevail?

Now you have had the lunar eclipse. Everything that has made you mad - lunar, lunacy. So everything that has made you feel mad - almost insane - is also coming to the fore. Insane behaviour - "I was crazy to have remained in that old belief system" . looking at the madness within which is often unexpressed and unresolved sadness. This is what your country is facing right now. The people of South Africa are being blessed with a gift unlike any other country in the world is experiencing. This country is the base chakra of Mother Earth, and she is now releasing all of the dead energy. Her fire is beginning to flow again. Her passion is re-igniting. Therefore, no longer will she and can she tolerate any dense vibration preventing her from manifesting her utmost truth.

Women especially are being affected by this because Mother Earth is a female, and the females of the planet are supporting her in releasing this, which is why more and more women are having to rise out of abusive situations. They are having to climb out of the closets; having to open their throat chakras.

The throat chakra gives vent to the base chakra as well as to the sacral chakra. As you can all understand, without healing, there is stagnation, and nothing will grow besides hatred and anger. Since the fifth of May of this year, 2004, the world as you know it is completely different because upon the dawning of the fifth of May, everybody was given the opportunity to step out of the old paradigm and into a new one. In other words choosing new, life reincarnating into a new life. That was the gift that the lunar eclipse brought.

Now there are also two fire energies on their way. These energies are supporting the whole of humanity to look at their Mars block. I call it the Mars block because it is any fire energy that has been trapped in the base chakra that has not been addressed. It is the blockages of the abuse of self. So for the next six weeks there will still be the processing of this energy. This has manifested in the physical world as "this new flu". It is attacking the lower back which represents all of those fears of empowering oneself, looking at one's self-worth and valuing the life that God has given you. Without the ability to value life, one cannot value the self; therefore there will always be a lack of self-worth because the value of life allows you to see what a worthy being you are. This applies to every human being on the planet.

This time is bringing the precious gift of healing self-worth issues, of setting a boundary, of saying it is now enough of this self-abuse. It is now enough of living in poverty consciousness in all of its forms. The buck stops here. It is a time of choice; to make the decision is to look at how worthy all of you are. You are all worthy because you are alive. You are worthy of God because God created you - in his image - might I add! You are worthy enough for him to give life to you; to give you the gift of experiencing the journey of life on earth, which billions of souls are fighting to experience! The souls now need to come in their droves to experience the gift that earth gives because it is for a limited time period only, and this is why so many children are being born as twins, as triplets - because they have to get here fast. They are highly evolved beings coming because mother earth has put up the flag to say, I am ready, let's do it. So accelerated processes is giving all of you the gift to truly break out of the shell of your dense, past self and to embrace the preciousness and sacredness and the beauty of your lighter self: in other words, your crystal self.

We urge all of you to take advantage of all of this time; to drop those intense feelings of low self-worth, of lack of deservability, of struggle, of feeling blocked, feeling limited, feeling abandoned. This all will pass. You will come to see the bright shining new you -empowered, worthy of your own love, worthy of your praise and worthy of your commitment to maintain your higher standards. It is time to raise your standards, beloved one. This may be very difficult, but one way with dealing with self-worth is to raise one's standards. This does not mean to say "Very well then this means I am going to buy myself a Ferrari or I am going to live in the most expensive house on the block and God will provide me the money."That is going about it . how do you call it ... ass about face?

The raising of standards needs to start within. The first step is to look within and ask how you value yourself; how you value the energy that you channel. Whether you are a channel or a healer or a businessperson makes no difference. It is still an energy. It is still a precious, precious substance, and in exchange for the energy, your planet has manifested a little piece of paper called money. All it is, is energy that has taken a physical form. That is all money is.It seems easier for many to manifest energy in other forms rather than money.

So now look at what your energies' value is; this message will touch the hearts of many people in the position that you are in. It is now that the Ascended Masters wish to say to all of you: the time of associating yourself with poverty in order to measure your worth as a spiritual person no longer exists. This new day and age is about manifestation, it is about manifesting Gods abundant gifts in your physical world, you are learning this, all of you, but be careful of falling back into an old belief systems, such as: "To be a good person, one needs to battle"; "I have been so ill and therefore I am a good person";"I have struggled and therefore I have earned God's love"; "I don't have money and I have to work so hard to make ends meet, therefore I deserve life".These are the belief systems that humanity has embraced to measure their deservability!

There are different groups of healers, teachers and leaders who will help people to see that it is in actual fact destructive to think or to believe that you have to suffer in order to be worthy of God's love; that you have to suffer poverty in order to feel okay about yourselves. That is not God's wish for the people of this world. I cannot emphasise enough or channel enough of this energy through me of how important it is, and if I could have the whole world stand before me right now, I would project into every man, woman and child's heart the intensity of the importance of understanding that poverty is a thing of the past; that poverty only exists now in the mind.Do you understand?

So our final message to the people of this planet and South Africa is to stand your ground, to allow that base chakra to fully release its power - the power of its higher vibration and not the power of its lower dense vibration that the earth has been experiencing for aeons of time now.All of the chakras are being taken into their higher vibration, and South Africa is the leader in base-chakra healing.The solar plexus is also undergoing immense trauma. The solar plexus of the planet is over Baghdad. That in itself shows the state of the volatile emotions of humanity and the war that is going on within each human being who is not able to stand in his or her true identity. What is happening in that area of the world is showing mankind what is going on in their solar plexus.It is a reflection. This is why in order to stop a war, the whole planet, as a collective consciousness, needs to work collectively, but first individually, to heal the chakra of self, to heal the chakra of the planet. Is this clear?

And so we embrace Mother Africa as she brings the world to a whole new dawning as she goes through the pain of the turmoil and the trauma of wounds inflicted unlike one could ever imagine experiencing.Give birth to new life for the people of Mother Earth.May all of Africa be blessed.May all of South Africa be blessed in their courage, in their insight and foresight to make a difference in the world.God bless South Africa and God save the world.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love, Light and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.