Parish Office Phone ................................... (701) 223-3606 Hours (Mon.-Fri.) ............... 8:30 am-4:00 pm Education Office ............................ 258-5692 Fax................................................. 223-5783 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web .......................... ascensionbismarck.org Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. Jim Braaten…………..….Pastor Ray Grabar……………………………Deacon Tony Finneman………………………Deacon Doyle Schulz…………………………Deacon Beth Kathol…...…Parish Business Manager Kathy Lewis………………... Music & Liturgy Jan Sitter………………………...Bookkeeper Jessica Mattson Julie Luger & Rita Ritter ........... Secretaries Bob Urlacher…………………. Maintenance Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday ...........................................5:00 pm Sunday ...................... 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Weekdays (Mon.-Fri.) .......................8:00 am Holy Days ....................... 8:00 am & 7:00 pm Sacraments Reconciliation Tuesday-Friday........... Before 8:00 am Mass Saturday .................................. 3:30-4:30 pm Baptisms Please call the Parish Office to schedule. If possible, contact the office three months prior to the due date. Marriage Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor at least nine months prior to the wedding. Newcomers Welcome to the Parish! Contact the Parish Office to register. As a people of God, of Ascension Catholic Parish, we are united by Baptism and committed to meeting the needs of our faith community. In union with the whole Church, we will build the Kingdom of God by proclaiming the Good News, worshipping God, creating community, and promoting social justice. 1825 SOUTH 3RD STREET • BISMARCK, ND 58504 Ascension C H U R C H O F T H E March 18, 2018

Ascension · wedding. Newcomers Welcome to the Parish! ... March 24th and 25th, ... 6:30 pm Missalette Changing Friday March 23

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Parish Office Phone ................................... (701) 223-3606 Hours (Mon.-Fri.) ............... 8:30 am-4:00 pm Education Office ............................ 258-5692 Fax ................................................. 223-5783 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web .......................... ascensionbismarck.org

Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. Jim Braaten…………..….Pastor Ray Grabar……………………………Deacon Tony Finneman………………………Deacon Doyle Schulz…………………………Deacon Beth Kathol…...…Parish Business Manager Kathy Lewis………………... Music & Liturgy Jan Sitter………………………...Bookkeeper Jessica MattsonJulie Luger & Rita Ritter ........... Secretaries Bob Urlacher…………………. Maintenance

Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday ........................................... 5:00 pm Sunday ...................... 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Weekdays (Mon.-Fri.) ....................... 8:00 am Holy Days ....................... 8:00 am & 7:00 pm

Sacraments Reconciliation Tuesday-Friday ........... Before 8:00 am Mass Saturday .................................. 3:30-4:30 pm Baptisms Please call the Parish Office to schedule. If possible, contact the office three months prior to the due date. Marriage Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor at least nine months prior to the wedding.


Welcome to the Parish! Contact the Parish Office to register.

As a people of God, of Ascension Catholic

Parish, we are united by Baptism and

committed to meeting the needs of our

faith community. In union with the whole

Church, we will build the Kingdom of

God by proclaiming the Good News,

worshipping God, creating community,

and promoting social justice.


Ascension C H U R C H O F T H E

March 18, 2018


LENTEN REGULATIONS Fasting & Abstinence: Catholics aged 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. In addition, on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics from ages 18-59 fast, limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day. Prayer: Catholics are encouraged to pray more during Lent, especially with scripture. Lent is also an ideal time to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for the celebration of Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection. Almsgiving: Moved by the sacrifice of Christ, many Christians combine almsgiving with fasting, giving the poor the money they saved by eating, drinking or buying less as they rely more upon God's abundant grace.



Know your Faith Trivia Question of the Week Answer to last week’s question: The Shamrock is a symbol of what theological mystery? The Holy Trinity Look for the answer to the following question in next week’s bulletin: Question: Which is not one of the Stations of the Cross? A. Veronica Wipes Jesus’ Face B. Jesus Falls a Fourth Time C. Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem D. Jesus is Buried

This week we will be continuing the series on “Holy Men and Women”. This week’s topic is “In her Footsteps, Saint Kateri.” Classes will be held this Wednesday, March 21st from 9:00 to 10:00 am and again Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Please come!

1ST COMMUNION PARENT/CHILD LEARNING CENTER Wednesday, March 21st 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Community Room Students preparing to receive their 1st Communion (2nd grade and above), along with at least one parent, are required to attend this

Learning Center focused on deepening their understanding of the Eucharist which is the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith.

They can come anytime during that time frame but need to plan on being here for 1 1/2 hours to get through the entire Learning

Center. It will take the place of their regular class. All other students still come at their normal class times.

Sunday, March 25th— St. Anne’s—3:00 pm Monday, March 26th—St. Mary’s—7:00 pm

Tuesday, March 27th—Corpus Christi—7:00 pm Wednesday, March 28th—Cathedral—7:00 pm

Thursday, March 29th—Mass of the Lord’s Supper—7:00 pm Good Friday, March 30th—Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion—12:00 pm

Saturday, March 31st—Easter Vigil—9:00 pm Sunday, April 1st—Easter—Masses at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am

Liturgical Ministers are needed for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. You may sign up by calling the office at 223-3606, going online at Ministry Scheduler Pro at https://secure.rotundasoftware.com/msp/webterminal/myProfile.php?user=ascensionparish, or emailing Jan at [email protected]. Sign-up sheets will be in the foyer this weekend and March 24th and 25th, if needed.

5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Linda Charbonneau—Plate Sharon Finneman—Plate Bonnie Sanders—Plate** Jan Sitter—Plate**

Pete Baumgartner—Plate John Bitz—Plate** Michelle Schmidt—Plate** Mark Weigel—Plate

Mark Malm—Plate Sharon Malm—Plate Pam Moormann—Plate Mary Neigum—Plate** Mike Neigum—Plate**

Howell Flowers—Plate** Grady Martin—Plate Sue Mock—Plate Shirley Schafer—Plate**


Aaron Mahlmann JoAnn Mahlmann Conni Schafer Randy Schafer**

Kelvin Kosse Dorothy Kosse Judy Ness Larry Slabik**

Bernie Vetter Leo Vetter** Dina Walker Troy Walker

Steve Berg** Genny Berg Levi Bitz Bill Wolff

Lector Irene Howard Rita Ritter Val Kolbinger John Paul Martin

Altar Server Ethan Stewart Wylie Vetter

Nick Hagel Elias Johnson

Grace Haider Maya Haider

Blaise Kathol Margaret Kathol

Video/Audio Operator

Brandon Holt Dee Baumgartner Mike Luger Deb Kuntz

Music Ministry

Joan Backes Lynne Dolajak

Jeanne Jankowski Mary Bachmeier Brent Geiss

Cheneniah Michelle Friedt Kay Larson Lisa Atkinson

Liturgical Ministers: March 24th and 25th, Palm Sunday

ULTRASOUND INITIATIVE The Ascension Knights of Columbus Council is assisting our local FirstChoice Clinic to raise the funds necessary to purchase new 3D/4D ultrasound equipment that will enable expectant mothers to see and hear their babies in utero and to recognize the miracle of new life. If you would like to help with this initiative, tax-deductible contributions can be made to “Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative” and sent to Mike Luger (Financial Secretary—Council 7602) 1830 S 3rd St, Bismarck ND 58504. Thank you!

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays During Lent 5:30 pm



Fridays During Lent—5-7 pm

Ascension Education Building

$9.00 Adults, $6.00 12 and

under, Family Meal of $30

This Friday, fried Alaskan

cod, baked potato,

mac-n-cheese, corn,

salad, and


DIOCESE OF BISMARCK JOB POSTING The Diocese is seeking to fill a full-time position of Coordinator of Priests’ Services. Responsibilities include serving as a resource to all diocesan priests as it related to healthcare, insurance, and retirement planning, as well as the priests who reside at Emmaus Place. A detailed job description can be found at www.bismarckdiocese.com under the “Job Openings” tab. Please submit a cover letter, resume, three references and diocesan application for employment to Denise Jordan, PO Box 1575, Bismarck ND 58502 or email to [email protected].

“A TASTE OF ROME” FUNDRAISER DINNER St. Mary’s Central High School will be hosting the annual “A Taste of Rome” Fundraiser Dinner today, Sunday, March 18th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the SMCHS cafeteria. The students, along with their chaplain, Father Jared Johnson, will be preparing this

authentic spaghetti and meatball dinner. The cost for the meal will be a free will offering. All proceeds will be distributed to members of the junior class, who will be going on pilgrimage to Rome this coming June.

CARD PARTY The Bismarck Catholic Daughters are holding their Spring Card Party today, March 18th at 6:30 pm in the Cathedral basement. Games played will be pinochle and whist. There is a $5 charge and is open to the public. Prizes will be awarded. For more info, call Delores at 221-2818.


Prayer Line Call the Parish Office at 223-3606 or Pauline Mueller at 226-9471. The Prayer Line is a group of parishioners who pray for requested intentions. The names of those requests and/or the intentions are not made public. Names of people listed in the bulletin have given permission to use their name.

John W. Bitz, Mildred Schall, Marjorie Bitz, Jerry Feist, Larry Sackman, Don Hopfauf, Tim Heidt, Erna Jacobchick, Michelle Niska, Viola Bitz, Bill Feist, Jolene Klein, Richelle Knudson, Daryl Wanner, Mary Shaffer, Dennis Barnhardt




March 11,


$16,245.65 $13,002.00

Fiscal Year

to Date

$513,960.31 $481,074.00

Easter Sunday is but two weeks away (April 1). In our First Reading from the prophet Jeremiah, we hear God tell us, “I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more.” To affirm that forgiveness, St. Paul has this to say in the Second Reading: “He (Jesus) became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” There is a connection between these two statements which present forgiveness as the way to salvation. The Lenten season is one of penance, reflection, prayer, almsgiving, and fasting, perhaps even in that order, so we can better prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday and beyond. Lent reminds us that God is gracious and merciful. God’s divine mercy is a central theme of Lent. One might say that the priceless gift of God’s mercy is highlighted and celebrated in the Church in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession). That should be a key part of our Lenten journey. As mentioned only two weeks remain on that journey so getting to reconciliation is important if we have not done so already. Sacramental confession allows God’s loving mercy and His grace-filled absolution to be confirmed to us through a priest. God sees us with love, mercy, and an abundance of forgiveness. Christ, through the priest, helps us to let go of anything that gets in the way of our relationship to God. St. Isidore wrote, “Confession heals, confession justifies, confession grants pardon of sin. All hope consists in confession. In confession there is a chance for mercy.”

Question of the Week

Adult: When and in what way have you seen life come from death? Youth: When have you felt stronger because you sacrificed something for a friend or member of your family?

Weekly Schedule Monday, March 19 8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday March 21 9 am & 7 pm Adult Faith Formation Class 4, 5:30, 7 pm Faith Formation Classes 4-8 pm 1st Eucharist Parent/Child Learning Center Thursday, March 22 6:30 pm Missalette Changing Friday March 23 5:00-7:00 pm KC Fish Fry 5:30 pm Stations of the Cross

Readings for the Week of March 18th

Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15/

Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33

Monday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29/

Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a

Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21/Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56/

Jn 8:31-42

Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9/Jn 8:51-59

Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7/

Jn 10:31-42

Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13/

Jn 11:45-56

Sunday: Mk 11:1-10/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20,

23-24/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1-15:47

Monday, March 19 8:00 am Communion Service Tuesday, March 20 8:00 am †Louis Bertrand by Doyle and Pat Schulz Wednesday, March 21 8:00 am Ladies of Ascension Thursday, March 22 8:00 am †Leo Keller by Bert Keller Friday, March 23 8:00 am †Timothy Kuntz by George and Leona Kuntz Saturday, March 24 5:00 pm †Fran Braaten by Louis and Janice Schlosser Sunday, March 25 8:00 am †Peter Ziegler by Betty Ziegler 9:30 am †Jake Neigum by Gary and Kim Neigum 11:00 am People of the Parish


SOUP KITCHEN LENTEN LUNCHEONS For the past several years, Spirit of Life Catholic Church in

Mandan has offered a series

of Lenten Luncheon talks in

conjunction with our

Thursday Soup Kitchen.

Please join us this Thursday,

March 22nd, during the

lunch hour for soup, sandwiches, and an opportunity to deep-

en your relationship with Christ as we prepare for Easter. The

speaker will be Fr. Chris Kadrmas. Soup is served at 11:30 am

and the speaker begins at 12:00 noon. Everyone is wel-

come to attend. Any questions, call 663-1660 or email

[email protected].

EVER WONDER LIVE-IN RETREAT The Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery invite

single women who are interested in learning about religious life

to an “Ever Wonder?” vocation live-in retreat on March 24th

at 1:00 pm to 1:00 pm on March 25th. This unique op-

portunity allows women to participate in the monastic com-

munity life of the Sisters of Annunciation Monastery. There is

no charge. For more info or to pre-register, call or text Sister

Hannah Vanorny at 425-9734 or email Sister Hannah at

[email protected].

LOCK-IN YOUR FAITH Students in grades 6-8 across the Diocese of Bismarck are

invited to attend our first annual “Lock-in Your Faith”, an

overnight lock-in/retreat, beginning at 6:30 pm on Friday,

April 6th at St. Mary’s Church in Bismarck. Lock-in Your

Faith will include a variety of prayer experiences, small and

large group games and activities, and off site activities includ-

ing SkyZone and bowling at Midway Lanes. Cost for adult

chaperones and youth is $40. You can find out more info and

register online at www.bismarckdiocese.com/lockin.

Registration deadline is March 30th. For questions, contact

Carrie Davis at [email protected] or 204-7208.

SPRING JAZZ CONCERT The Light of Christ Catholic Schools will premier their Spring

Jazz Concert on Wednesday, March 21st at 7:00 pm, at

St. Mary’s Central High School. This concert will feature the

Academy Advanced Jazz Band and the SMCHS Jazz Ensem-

CATHOLIC YOUNG ADULTS GROUP Please join the Bismarck-Mandan Catholic Young Adults

group for the third of its seven-part series on The Seven Princi-

ples of Catholic Social Teaching. Dr. David Fleischacker

will be speaking on the 2nd Principle: “Call to Family, Commu-

nity, and Participation” on Friday, March 23rd. Drinks,

snacks, and fellowship begin at 6:30 pm with the talk begin-

ning at 7:00 pm. The event is hosted by Brian Mager at 3090

Manchester Street in Bismarck. Please bring drinks and snacks

to share! The group serves young adults, ages 21 and up, from

all parishes and faith traditions who desire to live a good

and holy Christian/Catholic life. There is no childcare provid-

ed. Please spread the word about this wonderful opportunity for

fellowship and growth. If there are any questions or you’d like

updates on future events, please visit our Facebook Page: Cath-

olic Young Adults, or contact Bri Weisbeck at 426-0456.

A SIMPLE MENS LENTEN RETREAT A Simple Mens Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday,

March 24th from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at St. Anne’s church.

The theme is “Praying with Purpose—Suffering with Purpose.”

The featured speakers will be Fr. David Richter, focusing on

how we can make our prayer life more purposeful and mean-

ingful; Fr. Wayne Sattler, discussing how to offer up our suf-

fering for the good of others; and Dr. James Link, focusing on

how suffering can impact our life. The retreat will begin with

Mass at 8:00 am, followed by the speakers, private prayer,

and adoration. The fee is $25, which includes a light breakfast

and lunch. Pre-registration is requested. Mail a check, payable

to “A Simple Mens Lenten Retreat”, to Mike Bichler, 140 Tel-

star Dr, Bismarck ND 58503. For questions, contact Mike at

471-0985 or [email protected].


TION The University of Mary Physical Therapy students will be host-

ing a fundraiser at St. Mary’s Elementary School to sup-

port their upcoming medical service mission to Guatemala in

August. For a free will donation, you will receive a delicious

breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs. In addition, there

will be a silent auction, with proceeds going toward Hope

Haven. The breakfast and silent auction will be held on

March 25th from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Please come and

HANNAH’S HOPE SUPPORT GROUP Spinning off of the Hannah’s Hope Mass first offered in 2017

by our own Bishop David Kagan, the Diocese of Bismarck is

beginning a support group for those facing the struggles of in-

fertility. They hope to grow the ministry in the future to in-

clude other endeavors. The meetings will be held at 7:00 pm

every first Thursday of the month, starting on April 5th, either

on location in Bismarck or via online video conferencing. It

loosely follows a book study in the realm of faith and life and

allows for time spent with others who share the same strug-

gles. Go to bismarckdiocese.com/hope to register to join the

group. Contact Christie Collins at 864-354-5046 or

[email protected].

Save the Date for the

THIRST 2018 Women’s Conference

Saturday, September 22

at the Bismarck Event Center