ASCHAFFEN BURN The Duke of Aschaffenburg p. 6-7 Letters to Leipzig p. 26 A Mid-German EYP Dream p. 24

Aschaffenburn Issue #2

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Newspaper of Aschaffenburg 2013 Regional Selection Conference of EYP Germany. Brought to you by Sigrun Fagerfjäll (SE) and Monica Mantovani (IT), Editors, Louise Van Benschop (NL), Video-Editor and journalists: Britta Thiemt (DE), Eva Ullman (DE), Matteo van Dijl (BE), Václav Huk (CZ), Charlotta Lahnalahti (FI), Meropi Karakioulaki (GR), Manfredi Danielis (IT) Flavius Eugen (RO) and Lidiia Zhgyr (UA). Enjoy!

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The Duke of Aschaffenburg

p. 6-7

Letters to Leipzig p. 26

A Mid-German EYP Dream

p. 24

EDITORIAL Manfredi Danielis (IT)

Vaclav Huk (CZ) Meropi Karakioulaki (GR)

Flavius Eugen (RO) Matteo Van Dijl (BE)

Charlotta Lahnalahti (FI) Lidiia Zhgyr (UA)

Britta Thiemt (DE) Eva Ullman (DE)

Louise Van Benschop (NL)

The second day of the session is already over. Your resolutions are being typed, your Piz-za might already be in your stomach and GA prep is still to start. But what’s going to happen tomorrow? It is going to be time to share your ideas with everyone, to learn new things, to de-fend the work you have done and to fight for it. But isn’t it what life is about? Aren’t we always sharing, learning, working and fighting?Having been delegates some time ago, the only thing we feel like telling you is to take the chance to show your opinions, don’t leave anything unsaid or you will regret it. We are sure you already noticed that you are living a once-in-life experience and you have to enjoy every bit of it.

Finally, read our paper, ask your journo to help you if you need it and do not forget to write your speeches!

Good luck to everyone!

MonigrunMonica Mantovani (IT)Sigrun Fagerfjäll (SE)


Page 4: As the ashes burn

Page 5: Is there an Ideal EYPer?

Page 6-7: The Duke of Aschaffenburg

Page 8-9: The Coffee Break Debate

Page 10-11: Eating Europe - Eurovillage

Page 12-13: Digesting the Dirty Stuff

Page 14-15: Environmental Anatomy 101

Page 16-17: I can read your body

Page 18-19: The Journey is not the destination

Page 20-21: Moments you will never forget

Page 22: What do you think?

Page 23: Is this Germany?

Page 24: A mid-German EYP Dream

Page 25: Lemme see your pics and I’ll make you


Page 26: Letters to Leipzig

Page 27: Hashers

Page 28: Sponsors



“Burn to ashes and then burn the ashes,” – this is the motto of Guy Montag, the fire-man in Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” He refers to this slogan when asked about his job, consisting of burning books and the people who choose to read them. The society described in this book does not accept differ-ent way of thinking. This is why books and opinions are prohibited in the world presented in the book. Probably, Ray Bradbury meant that appearance of per-sonal opinion in Guy Montag’s mind has burnt his previous life into ashes and turned it into another, complete-ly different direction. Nowadays, people are not limited in ways of thinking. From a

young age till the end of our lives we are mostly always devel-oping, improving and changing our opinions. But is this all we can do? Something crucial is missing. The ba-sis of the story is not only in the develop-ment of opinions, but also in far more risky things – the sharing of opinions with others. Let’s get back to reality. Have you ever faced a situation when you feel that your opin-ion is not required ? Why do you think that you are alone in your thoughts? Perhaps, the like-minded person is near you right now, in a cosy committee room, looking into the newspaper over your shoulder or sitting in front of you in a circle. The European Youth

Parliament is meant as a platform for creation of dialogue for people from different back-grounds, life positions and opinions. The key to opening the door to this boundless world of freedom and under-standing is in making a step towards sharing your thoughts with other people. They do seek for understand-ing as well as you. I believe that participa-tion in this outstanding session will open a lot of new opportunities and give a different angle of thinking. I wish that all the doubts and limits which you faced before the ses-sion were burnt to ash-es. And we will burn the ashes together. Let’s AschaffenBURN


As the Ashes Burn


Is there an Ideal EYPer?

In their EYP lifespan, everyone wants to be-come a role model of sorts for the people to come. When attending EYP sessions, you look for that “ideal” person who you will come ad-mire, but at the same time, want to surpass. The question of how an ideal EYPer should be like has been asked, or thought about, by all of us for at least one time. During each EYP session, everyone tries to stand out, to make a name for himself or herself, basically attempt-ing to set an example for the other attendants. Even though we would like the existence of such an ideal character in EYP, someone who we would like to surpass, to reach the unreachable, unfortunately there isn’t. Everyone who wants to be a part of the EYP world, no matter what they do, eventually go up on the hierarchical scale, thus surpassing another person, and then comes someone else who reaches higher than us; it is, per se, a vicious circle in which, in the end, we are our own role models, our own ideal EYPers. Some people may consider the person with the most EYP experience as an ideal EYPer, as a role model. Or, for the rookies, that “ideal” person may be represented by the chairper-sons, the journalists or the organisers. In the end, there is no telling who this “ideal” EY-Per might be; however, it is safe to say that it has to be someone who you want to exceed.



When did you start EYP?“My first session was in November 2008. It was the Dublin Regional Session.”

What do you think you can offer to the dele-gates of this session?“I don’t know if I in-dividually can offer the delegates all that much. I think what all the officials can do is create an environment in which the delegates can get something from themselves. But we can’t give them the full experience.

That’s up to them.”

Do you have any ad-vice for the delegates?“Just throw yourself into it! At my first session, I remember thinking “Oh, what have I gotten myself into?” And then some-thing in my head just said: “Niall, just do it. Just go for it.” And I don’t regret that. Whether it’s making a point during GA, making a point during committee work, throwing yourself into a game, just do it!”

Have you had any embarrassing mo-ments in EYP?“Oh, many. But the best was probably when I was a journal-ist in the Dublin Na-tional Session in 2010 and I was encouraged to doing “no-pants-dance” for a video. So this involved me danc-ing in my underwear. It was quite embarrassing watching myself in GA as everybody was not laughing at all, being like “What is he do-ing? Why does he not have trousers on?” “

We had a little chat with our lovely president Niall Mur-phy who revealed his inner thoughts and feelings about himself and EYP (including the RSC in Leipzig).

The duke of Aschaffenburg


What was the best EYP-moment that you can think of ?“There’s been a few but probably my best EYP-moment was at my first IS in Helsinki in 2009. I was making the summation speech on the very last day

for the very last debate which was streamed live. Our resolution was passed and then I got lots of text messag-es from my family and friends at home being like “We saw you on the internet!” So that was a pretty good moment.”

Do you think that EYP has helped you with your pro-fessional career?“Definitely. There are so many different things that you could do in EYP: organis-ing a session, printing a newspaper, doing a chairs training, or run-ning a national com-mittee. And I’ve done all of those things and I think that there is no other organisa-tion that can offer you that range of skills and all the opportu-nities like EYP does.” To whom are you planning on giv-ing Cupid’s heart?(Awkward silence) “Well, they are proba-bly going to be female; they are probably go-ing to have hair… I cannot really say who she is going to be, but she needs to be special. You know “Last Christ-mas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away.”

How do you imagine yourself in ten years?“Now, I am twenty, and when I am thir-ty, I would like to fin-ish my degree, I’d like to think that I would have travelled and seen as much of the world as possible. I’d like to be married. I’d like to have a job. Maybe a goldfish. And definite-ly not in EYP. It’s fun for a few years, but then you’ve kind of seen the back of it.”

What do you think of the regional ses-sion in Leipzig?“I think they’re a trai-torous bunch of EY-Pers that should be led and marched to the square of Aschaffen-burg tomorrow morn-ing, so that they can be hanged for their traitorous deviations against the great duke of Aschaffenburg!”

Meropi, Charlotta and Britta

“ W h e t h e r it’s making a point during GA, making a point during c o m m i t t e e work, throw-ing yourself into a game, just do it!”


Tea can be considered as the best drink in the world. The power of tea is endless, especial-ly if you know that tea varieties are made of the leaves of the same plant: the Camellia Sin-ensis. The difference in the different kinds of tea can be found in the region where the tea is produced - Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Turkey - and the duration of the fermentation process, which decides if the tea is going to be white, green, yellow, oolong or black. Some additives can be combined end-lessly, which results in the many types of tea we know. My favour-ites are Earl Grey, black tea with bergamot oil, and Lady Grey - black tea with orange peel and bergamot flowers.

The main reason why tea is better than coffee is because it is healthier. First, tea is full of anti-oxidants. These antiox-idants help your body with the inhibition of the oxidation of oth-er molecules. Tea also contains less caffeine, but it compensates this with the long term ef-fect of the caffeine. Whereas coffee will give you an immediate power boom, tea will help you to concen-trate on the long term.The second reason is because there is a tea for every moment of the day, you will al-ways find something you like. In the morn-ing, you will probably prefer a strong Ceylon black tea as it gives you energy to start the day, with lunch an oolong

tea would be advis-able and after dinner you would prefera-bly drink a white tea as it is very relaxing. There is a chance that you belong to the group of people that does not like tea, that is very understand-able. Tea is like wine, you need to learn to appreciate it. Further-more, the quality of the tea in supermarket tea bags is substandard. That is why I would advise everyone to buy loose tea, tea that is not packed in bags. Experiment a bit and discover what you like. In conclusion, one last advice that I can give is not to exaggerate with tea drinking, it can be very addictive.


Coffee Break Debate:

Tea plants in mind VS Coffee is the way


Coffee: a drug, a bless-ing, a way of life. Why settle for a pointless cup of dirty tea water when such a fine, ex-quisite power can pro-vide so many emotions. The original word de-rives from the Arabic dictionary, qahwah, and it originally means “to have no appetite” since the beverage could dull one’s hunger. Back then, it was Ethiopian farmers who abused coffee and let food aside, but today the same tradition is continued by Europe-an students. This tra-dition is probably best known as the Italian “caffé dello studente” or “student’s coffee”, a super pro extreme beverage that can be explained as a doubly made espresso. Yes, you

make an espresso once and then you re-make it, putting in the coffee machine the espresso you just made instead of the water. One drop of that and you are up for 72 hours minimum! But going back to tradition and leaving the dirty water Amer-ican style coffee aside there are many more types of coffee mix-tures that can deco-rate one’s breakfast. These, often misused and misinterpreted include; Cappucci-no, Latte macchiato,and Caffélatte. But while keeping at heart our past we must keep a keen eye on the future. Innovation is the key, new horizons, new discoveries, new adventures. To this ex-tent, the participants

of Aschaffenburg 2013 are masters of the “new world”, such new varieties include;Café a la Hartmann,Latasckun’s coffee,Lisa’s soupy stuff (with a piece of choc-olate in it) and Café ins Maßkrug, nor-mal coffee in a beer glass, enjoyed by many German partici-pants (“not everything should come in beer format you know!”)My personal favor-ite is Snutellare par-adise with coffee, nutella and cream. What to say, people, the world is an exciting place, now you only have to go and find what makes you itch!


Coffee Break Debate:

Tea plants in mind VS Coffee is the way


Prior to the arrival of the delegates, of-ficials were wonder-ing how Germans students were going to represent random European coun-tries at Eurovillage.Indeed, there were some surprises await-ing for those walking through the crowd-ed tables full of de-licious and, some-times, strange eatery. The guys from Lux-embourg, for example, were loudly complain-ing about the confis-

cation of their national liquor, which they con-sidered to be a major move against the di-versity of Eurovillage. Most Delegations were putting a lot of effort into their as-signments and many girls decided to wear a typical German dress called “Dirndls”. The delegates repre-senting Sweden, for in-stance, did not actually have an IKEA based stock of food but in they put their efforts in home making some

“Kanelbullar“ rolls. One of the first things to be emptied by the hungry mass-es was the “Donau-welle”: a German chocolate cake, which was home made too. Although they said that they are learning some Spanish at school, the delegation from Baden cheated with the decoration; instead of using the Span-ish flag, they just used their local one, which looks really similar to the Spanish one. Both

Eating Europe- Eurovillage


Ukraine and Bavaria were presented at the same table, which held, among sweet mus-tard, “Weiß Würstch-en” and “Kiew cake”, some original “ginger-bread hearts” from the Munich Oktoberfest. The Slovakian del-egation claimed to be having the best cheese ever, and their “neigh-bours“, the Czechs, ac-

tually agreed with them. The cute traditional wedding cookies from Czech Republic did fit the occasion of Val-entines Day very well. Very dominant mous-taches made it easy to identify the delegation representing France. They are learning French at school, but they they said that it is not a simple lan-guage to learn. How-ever, they managed to bring a very French “tarte au chocolat”. Nobody did play the bagpipes at the Scottish table but, ac-cording to the Presi-dent, their candy tast-ed like sweet sand. The Serbian ta-ble served very spicy “ajvar” as well as “kajmak”: some kind of cheese that

looks like cheese but that’s not a real one. Italy was represent-ed by some “Grissini”, salty bread-sticks, ol-ives and various sauc-es, which manage to bring people’s imag-ination to the Medi-terranean side of Eu-rope for few seconds


“Very domi-nant mous-taches made it easy to identify the d e l e g a t i o n representing France.”


“Niall Murphy, eat your broccoli, or there won’t be any TV-time for you tonight!” How long has it been since you heard such a sentence, Niall?Probably quite a while. Growing up, we make more and more deci-sions ourselves, and that also applies to the choice of our food. So, when people see a me-dia campaign against factory farming that basically tells them “if you are eating meat, you are responsible for anything bad happen-ing on this planet! So

STOP IT!”, it is like the broccoli-phrase all over again, and many people seem to un-derstand this as an of-fence. Which keeps them from listening. One might not blame the produc-ers of those media campaigns, though. They are probably ani-mal-loving, kind-heart-ed do-gooders who just want people to un-derstand what they are fighting for. They try to shock us, to awake us, so that we under-stand what they already know: that eating meat

is harmful to our world and to us in so many ways – and that we have to change something. This why in 2011 the “Dagen Zonder Vlees”-initiative (days without meat) was started in Belgium. The goal of this initiative is not to eat meat for 40 days, in a period that synchronises with the lent. This initiative has nothing to do with re-ligion though and the goal is neither to trans-form the participants into vegetarians, but to raise awareness. Its persuasive power does

Matteo van Dijl and Britta Thiemt encourage the delegates of the Regional Selection Conference Aschaffenburg 2013 to re-consider their eating habits concerning animal-related products

Digesting the Dirty Stuff


not lay in the animal welfare arguments, but in the environmental arguments. It is often forgotten how big the impact of the meat-in-dustry on our climate is. For every day that you do not eat meat, you save a third on

your ecological foot-print, which can be compared to skipping 10 baths. Since the kick-off of the project two days ago (13th of February), all Belgian and Dutch participants have already accom-plished to save the

amount of greenhouse gasses caused by driv-ing around the world twice. The reason why the meat industry is so polluting is because of the amount of water and food that goes into breeding the animals. “Roughly twenty-five times more energy is required to produce one calorie of beef than to produce one calorie of corn for hu-man consumption,” according to scien-tist Praveen Ghanta. But although a lot of people seem to un-derstand the conse-quences of the meat industry as something they do not feel good about, they do not just all become vegetarians. Mostly because conse-quences like the clear-ance of the rain for-ests or the suffering of one pig is so far away from us, unimaginable. When we look at the clean, sterile packag-ing of a steak, the last thing we think of is a

cow. That sterile pack-aging is perfectly hid-ing all the dirty stuff going on before, al-lowing us to enjoy our cheeseburger or turkey sandwich. It protects us from questioning what we are doing, eat-ing. And thereby keeps the money coming. This article is not aiming at turning any-one who reads this into a vegetarian. The goal is to get you to look behind the sterility, to see the dirty stuff, and to ask yourself: do I feel good about eating meat? Am I okay with supporting the meat industry, considering the consequences?I don’t even care about the answer. I just care about you asking your-self this question.Because I don’t think people do that enough.

Matteo and Britta

“This article is not aim-ing at turning anyone who reads this into a vegitarian. The goal is to get you to look behind the sterility.”


Put your finger on your arm. Now, put it in the area of your stomach. Now on your heart. Pointing at the dif-ferent organs of the human body is quite simple. After all, we all know our body. We can understand its messages - when it is trying to tell us that we need to eat, drink, or that we have to slow down a little. However, understand-ing our surroundings is much more difficult. The planet that we live in is vast and ver-satile, we do not always see what it is asking for and how we are sup-posed to treat it. For example, many people still believe that the

rain forests are crucial for the production of oxygen and, hence, for our survival. Howev-er, this is a false fact as the majority of the oxygen we breathe is produced by plants living in the ocean. Trees do produce oxygen during the day, but they also consume oxygen during the night. Algae are eaten by fishes, so the carbon dioxide that they con-sume is not given back to the atmosphere. Being aware of the importance of the sea for our planet is cru-cial when we are asked about how to take care of it in a better way. Right now, the situation gets worse

day by day because of the pollution of the oceansand the raising of sea level caused by climate change. It is not that difficult to act more responsi-bly to save our oceans. In your everyday life, there are many ways to avoid wastes that would pollute the sea. An example could be shown by some British and American shops, which banned plastic bags and started selling paper or cotton bags to their customers. Those stories may not remain the ex-ception. If you like breathing, you might want to think about keeping the sea clean.


Environmental Anatomy 101Britta presents you the common misconception of the rain forests being the earth’s lungs and ex-plains why we would have to focus on its actual ones.


“Many people still believe that the rain forests are crucial for the production of oxygen and, hence, for our survival.”


Valentine’s day just passed by, but the fun-damental question of its spirit remains un-answered: “How can I figure out if a boy or a girl likes me”. Well, the answer seems to be so perfectly hidden, how-ever little do we know that it lies right in front of our eyes. It’s given naturally, from our un-conscious movements, gestures and glances, from our body lan-guage. It is really crucial to learn how to under-

stand body language, so that we can inter-pret the messages that our bodies give and receive. Due to their physical differences and body structure, men and women have different body lan-guages. Also, when it comes down to flirting, each sex has its own way of expressing at-traction and repulsion.

To begin with, hair tossing is a great indi-cator of a woman be-

ing attracted to a man. That is to say, hair toss-

With every move, with every glance, with every pos-ture that we make, there is always a hidden message. Our body has a language of its own, a language that when understood, becomes a very useful tool for decod-ing the tensions and intensions of the opposite sex.

“If a wom-an glances directly into your eyes and then imme-diately looks away, she ba-sically needs to reveal her interest”

Digesting the Dirty StuffI can read your body


ing is an unconscious movement controlled by the parasympathet-ic nervous system that reveals the neck of the woman, displaying her vulnerability, a charac-teristic that lures the male. Moreover, leg crossing is considered to be a sign of anxi-ety, and it is also prov-en that most of the times women tend to point their toes, while crossing their legs, to the male they like. Ad-ditionally, by crossing their arms, women also express their vulnera-bility, but by empha-sizing their breast, they also expose their sexual anticipation. Finally, if a woman glances di-rectly into your eyes and then immediately looks away, she basical-ly needs to reveal her interest and grab your attention. The longer the direct look is, the greater the interest.

“But, what about the guys?” Well, they also

have many indicators of interest and there are many ways to un-derstand if they are into you. Basically, by flashing their eye-brows, they reveal their amazement for what they are seeing (that might actually be you), because by rising their eyebrows up and down they allow more light to get to their pupils so that they can see better. Additionally, amaze-ment in males can be expressed through their lips being apart, or even when their pupils become bigger at the first glance of something they real-ly like. Last, but not least, males tend to touch their hair when they get attracted to a female, a move that indicates nervousness but also tenderness.

To conclude, our bod-ies have their own lan-guage that it truly is an unconscious revelation of our thoughts and

preferences, our likes and dislikes, not to mention our intensions and feelings. We need to try to understand and decode ourselves, so that we can use body language as a really ef-ficient tool to avoid awkward circumstanc-es in our relationships.



Although being in the right mood and having an open mind is the most es-sential factor when travelling to an EYP session, there are some things you just can’t live without. For instance, de-spite the fact that you are not going to sleep much anyway, you need to bring a sleep-ing bag. Many sessions have started request-ing the participants to take their own cups or mugs with, or offer such cups to reduce the amount of waste. Earplugs and a sleeping mask might also be useful, just in case there are people who are snoring in

essential to have when giving speeches in front of an audience. EYP can be very phys-ically demanding, and teambuilding does in-volve sporty activities, so remember to bring comfortable clothes. Especially when visit-ing Germany, having an umbrella with you might come in handy. However, proba-bly, the most import-ant thing is to bring lots of love and swag. Do you feel an-gry when people tell you about their trav-el adventures? Occa-sionally, do you scroll around Google street view and look at places like the Eiffel Tower? When you listen

the room. Just for the sake of the other EY-Pers you should pack a towel for shower-ing and a deodorant. To capture the magic of every mo-ment, try to have your camera or smart phone ready at all times. For committee work, a pen and a note-book might be use-ful to write down all your ideas and maybe some phone numbers at the farewell party. For the sake of looking professional at the GA, it is neces-sary to bring formal clothing with you – a black suit for guys, and a fancy dress for girls. Also, some consider that lucky charms are

The Journey is not the Destination


fun and a good way to start a session. You will get to know the other person better. Travel to the set destination, and then further in the region – it is nice to spend some extra days and to get to know the country from a tour-ist’s point of view. Af-ter having accepted all friend requests on Facebook, you have quickly gained many new sleeping places around Europe. Re-member to keep in contact with these peo-ple – they are more than golden when in need of a bunk!

Eva and Charlotta

much more harmful for the environment than, for example, trains. Inter railing is a good example of tak-ing trains as means of transportation, and it is sometimes even cheap-er if you need to travel long distances. Also, it has been proven that the railway system is more approachable for all ages and it is more likely to meet new peo-ple. The railways sys-tem is common and well taken care of in most of the European countries, and the inter rail ticket is valid in 30 countries. On an inter rail-tour, you can travel by train to every Euro-pean country for ten days or even for an en-tire month. You can ei-ther travel alone or in a group, you can camp or stay in hostels. All you need is your ticket, a backpack and the abil-ity to pass on comfort and hygiene for a while. Travelling together with another EYPer is

to people who went on a trip, regardless of its kind, you will hear some sentences from everyone: “I met people I’ll remember for my entire life”, or “I gained experiences, new perspectives that helped me develop as a person.” These sen-tences might seem a bit exaggerated. But when you become a globetrotter your-self, “broadening your horizons” will become more than a phrase. When travelling to another country, or in your own country, it is important nowadays to be more considerate of the environmental ways of travelling. Also, you need to be careful of what to take with you and what not. Eu-rope, after all, is quite small, so distances are not that long; why not discover our continent from the ground level? Flying might seem to be a more confort-able choice, but it is

“The most im-portant thing is to bring lots of love and swag.”


Moments you will Never Forget...


Moments you will Never Forget...


What do you think?What is

your favorite Teambuilding


1st. Spider’s Web

2nd. Ninja, Order

3rd. Funky Chicken,

River Game, Alele, Blind Guidance, Facebook

Profile, Pass the Orange,

Guardian Knot


Are you ready for EYP without parties?OMG, Germany! Oktoberfest! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Ahaha, EYP-DE? Committee on BMW Affairs? LOLHave you learnt their laws carefully?

Keep the time carefully!OMG! Rammstein concert?!

Let me guess! Scorpions final concert?Germany? Boooring. Though, they are good judges in football!

That’s good that you’re not Greek.Don’t come back without some Wurst and Bier!

I hope you like schnitzel and sausages, because there’s nothing else to eat.

And even harder:Don’t come back without a husband. Do you like men with belly?

They are cold, serious and emotionless!

Is this Germany?I have never been to Germany before. But as soon as I have start-ed packing my suitcase to go to Aschaffenburg, my brain was already close to blowing up with the phrases about Germany. After asking a few people I had quite a collection of stereotypes.

It’s funny that group unconsciousness has led to creation of such an absurd stereotype Apparently, Germans are the nation of big-bellied emotionless

millionaires, mad of cars, football, beer and good music. Nonsense!

Let’s break the stereotypes here! Once and forever! Let’s have the time of our lives!

Let’s AschaffenBURN! Lidiia


And so our adventure is at the beginningThe smoke detectors are here for the killing

Come with me and let’s sing this songWho cares if Allele sounds so wrong?

Put your hands on your knees and tickle your chinIt will be impossible not to grin

Be on my side in this cheerleading gameWho cares? Who cares if it looks insane!Teambuilding gets quite quick and dirtySo, close your eyes and count to thirty

Line up silently from short to tallShout your name and throw the ball

Get your energy together and please be loud“I’m a chicken pilot and ever so proud”

Cupid is here with the power of loveHe’ll give his hearts and reign from above

The chairs will play games until sunsetSo you won’t realise that you’ve just met

The orgas are amazing, never on their seatAlways cooking delicious pasta with meat

The ninjas are here with all their mightDon’t be dull or leave your hands in sight

And don’t be frightened if you are a rookieTake a chance, enjoy a cookie

But don’t eat too much, be on your feetCause tonight man we gotta rock the beat!Politics are tomorrow, now enjoy some funPlease be my valentine and no, don’t run!Let yourself go, forget the world outsideCatch your wave and roll with the tide

So form a circle and sing with meWelcome, welcome to the EYP

ManfrediA M







Take the chance and be one of the most famous delegates of the session!

Read the ses-sion paper!

Offer a gift to your Chairs

Form a heart with your bod-ies

Hug an or-ganiser

Dance around an Irish per-son

Drink a milk tea

Perform a committee chant

Have a Snow-ball Fight

Write your com-mittee name with your bodies

Lemme see your Pics and I’ll Make you Popular Dear delegates, the Press Team has prepared a competition for you. The first committee to accomplish the tasks will be immor-talized in the session paper. Find your committee Journalist and let him or her take a picture of you accomplishing each task!



Dear Leipzig,

We write you at the best of our conditions. It’s day 3 in this amazing Hogwarts-like palace and we are quickly adapting to our new habitat. The showers are cold but the people are warm, the walls echo but they speak gentle voices. The words spoken come from many participants, all equally important

and loved. - The delegates, courageous, exited, energetic and smart, they have proven themselves as talented EYPers very quickly. We are all very anxious to see what they can come up with during

the next few days. - The orgas are amazing as always. Their pasta is delicious, their coffee is abundant and their words are kind. We do thank them for what they have done and what they will do – and you must know that here in Aschaffenburg we do not simply

“thank” with words but rather bring Waffles and Nutella. - The chairs are feeling the fatigue but keeping strong, though

they look homeless in front of the 10 liter coffee jar. - The Jury is active and finally “popular”, they spend their time

going around doing what they love most: scaring people.- Finally, he juornos are up and running, even though upset by how unfortunate the title of the newpaper has proven to be, they have developed a very successful short wave radio. Hearts are going all over the place – literally – and Cupid can be ever

more proud of his efforts.Regardless, how are you? What’s going on at your regional ses-sion? Why are you all so quiet? Have your lips been rendered

mute by the power of Harleem?

Hoping to hear from you soon,Aschaffenburg (Manfredi)








































sNoticing that the level of stress

is rising up for the people at-tending this session, here is some stress-relief reading material for

newly born delegates. Flavius elaborates.
