United States Russia China  Japan S.Korea Emerald Ash Borer WATCH YOUR ASH WHAT IS EMERALD ASH BORER? Emerald ash borer is an exotic beetle native to Asia. Like the name implies, the insect feeds primarily on ash trees. Adult beetles munch on foliage but generally cause little lasting damage. It’s their offspring that are the problem. The larvae consume  the inner bark, interfering with the tree’s ability to  transport nutrients and water. HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE AN ASH TREE? Green and white ash trees grow throughout Colorado and are very popular in urban areas. Ash trees have: · Branches and buds directly across from each other. This is known as opposite branching. · Compound leaves (two or more leaets on the same stalk). Ash trees have ve or more leaets. (Boxelder trees, the only other species with opposite branches and compound leaves, have three to ve leaets.) · Tight bark with diamond-shaped ridges. WHERE DID IT COME FROM? Experts believe emerald ash borer was likely  transported to the United States on wood materials shipped from Asia. WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? The beetle was rst discovered in 2002 in Michigan and has since spread east, west, south, and north into Canada. The infestation has decimated tens of millions of ash trees in the United States. It is expected that emerald ash borer will ultimately kill almost every unprotected ash tree presently growing in North America. Experts believe emerald ash borer is far more damaging than any other insect to infest Colorado’s trees. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EAB INFESTATION? · Sparse leaves or branches in the upper part of  the tree · D-shaped exit holes about 1  / 8 inch wide · New sprouts on the lower trunk or lower branches · Vertical splits in the bark · Winding S-shaped tunnels under the bark · Increased woodpecker activity If you nd emerald ash borer beetle or signs of infestation, take pictures of  the insect and damage to your trees in case ofcials request them. HOW DOES EAB SPREAD? Most new infestations are caused when people move infested logs, nursery trees and rewood into unaffected areas. HOW CAN I PREVENT THE SPREAD OF EAB? The beetle’s eggs and larvae tunnel into a tree and cutting a tree down does not kill them. Because of this, humans can unknowingly transport the beetle in rewood. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and others recommend burning wood where you buy it and not moving rewood 1,119 98,000 1.45 MILLION ash trees are planted on Colorado State University campuses (including South, Main and Foothills) in the Denver Metro area in Boulder 5 OR MORE leaets per compound leaf Colorado Emerald Ash Borer detection HOW MANY ASH TREES ARE THERE? Adult beetles can y about a ½ MILE.

Ash Borer

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8/11/2019 Ash Borer

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