Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility September 8, 2010 1 Presented to Government Review Team

Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

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Page 1: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Ashbridges Bay TTCMaintenance and Storage Facility

September 8, 2010

1Presented to Government Review Team

Page 2: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Presentation Overview

• Overview of the Project

• Status of Transit Project Assessment Process

•Potential Effects and Mitigation Measures

• Soil Removal

S h d l /N S


•Schedule/Next Steps

Page 3: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

• New light rail vehicles (LRVs) cannot be

Purpose• New light rail vehicles (LRVs) cannot be 

maintained at existing facilities.  Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) required to ensure new LRVs are maintained in a state of good repair.

• Insufficient amount of storage track at Roncesvalles and Russell carhouses AlmostRoncesvalles and Russell carhouses. Almost double the amount of storage track required to accommodate new LRVs.

• Non‐revenue service track is required to connect the MSF to the existing streetcar network.


Page 4: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Vehicles• Existing streetcars are 30 to 40 years old and have 

reached the end of their useful lives.

• Fleet of 204 new low floor LRVs have been ordered to• Fleet of 204 new low floor LRVs have been ordered to replace the existing streetcars.

• Delivery of LRVs to commence in 2013. About 36 new LRVs will be delivered annually

Interior of new vehicle

LRVs will be delivered annually.

New Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle


New Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle

Page 5: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

The Project• Recommended Ashbridges Bay MSF site –

located at Lake Shore Boulevard East & Leslie Street intersection.

• Leslie Street tracks will connect MSF to existing Queen Street East streetcar service.

• The City of Toronto Official Plan (2006) identifies Leslie Street as a future Higher Order Transit Corridor.


Page 6: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Recommended Site Layout• Maintain 204 LRVs and store 

up to 100 LRVs.

• Includes a main building with a green roof designed in accordance with Toronto Green Standards, and an electrical substation.

• Approximately 470 employees to ork at the facilitto work at the facility.

• The facility will include the following activities: daily servicing and cleaning, preventative and correctivepreventative and corrective maintenance. 

• On‐site stormwater management pond.


Page 7: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Recommended Leslie Street Connecting Track Design

• LRVs will operate in mixed traffic (centre lanes).

• On –street parking maintained.

• Access to all driveways and parking lots maintained.

• Four through lanes on Leslie S b QStreet between Queen Street and Commissioners Street.

• Existing left‐turn lanes gremain.

• LRVs will primarily operate outside of rush hour periods



Page 8: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental


Page 9: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental


Page 10: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental


Page 11: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Meeting Date Purpose

Key Milestones and Public Consultation

May 2008  Commission approved Facility Master Plan

June 16, 17, 18, 2009 TTC Site Selection Open House

December 16, 2010 TTC Commission Meeting – Site Selection

February 18, 2010  TTC Preliminary Planning Public Open House #1 Introduce Transit Project Assessment (TPA) Process

April 8, 2010  TTC Preliminary Planning Public Consultation Presentation #2Present Technical Preferred Connecting Track Option

May 18, 2010 City of Toronto Public Works Committee MeetingMay 18, 2010 City  of Toronto Public Works Committee MeetingApprove TTC use of Ashbridges Bay site

May 19, 2010 TTC Landscape Design Competition Public Open House Meeting

June 2, 2010  Ashbridges Bay site and Leslie Street Connecting Track approved by TTC Commission 

June 9, 2010  Ashbridges Bay site and Leslie Street Connecting Track approved City Council

June 24, 2010  Notice of Commencement for TPA Process

July 14 & 15 2010  Meeting with Leslie Street Resident and Property Owners

July 28 2010 i j A bli C l i i #3


July 28, 2010  Transit Project Assessment Process Public Consultation Presentation #3

August 8 & 10, 2010  Landscape Design Competition Event

Page 12: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Status of Transit Project Assessment Process


Page 13: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Effects Assessment

N l E iN l E i

The Transit Project Assessment Process assessed the potential effects associated with the facility and the connecting tracks based on the following factors:

Noise and Vibration

Potential effects of noise and vibration levels on sensitive 

Noise and Vibration

Potential effects of noise and vibration levels on sensitive 

Natural Environment



Contaminated Soils

Natural Environment



Contaminated Soils Air QualityAir Qualityreceptorsreceptors

Potential effects of dust, odour, fine particulates, etc. on identified sensitive receptors 

Potential effects of dust, odour, fine particulates, etc. on identified sensitive receptors 

Potential Potential 

Socio‐Economic & Land Use EnvironmentPotential effects on residences and businesses

Socio‐Economic & Land Use EnvironmentPotential effects on residences and businesses

Traffic and Transportation

Intersection operations

Traffic and Transportation

Intersection operationsPotentialEffectsPotentialEffectsArchaeology, Cultural Heritage and  First 


Proposed & approved land uses 

Safety and operation of Martin Goodman Trail

Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and  First Nations

Proposed & approved land uses 

Safety and operation of Martin Goodman Trail

Traffic operations

Roadway parking/loading


Operation and maintenance

Traffic operations

Roadway parking/loading


Operation and maintenance



Page 14: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Potential Effects –Natural Environment

Vegetation and Wildlife

Key Effects:

Remo al of lo q alit egetation habitat and trees that are• Removal of low quality vegetation habitat and trees that are not Provincially Significant.


• Removing vegetation between August 1 and April 14 to• Removing vegetation between August 1 and April 14, to ensure bird nests are protected in order to be in compliance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act.

• Green roof on main building will sustain low herbaceous gvegetation and provide some habitat for insects and birds.

• Trees removed that fall under the City’s Tree By-Law (seven trees with diameter of 30 cm or higher at breast height (dbh)

ill b l d t 3 t 1 ti (21 t )will be replaced at a 3-to-1 ratio (21 trees).

• New plantings will be incorporated into the Ashbridges Bay MSF landscape design.


Page 15: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Potential Effects –Natural Environment

Stormwater Management

Key Effects:

• Stormwater quality and quantity.

On-site Soil

Key Effects:

• Impacted soil (mound) to be removed from


• Utilize low impact development (LID) Best Management Practices and a wet pond.

the site.


• Adhere to the Soil Removal and Capping• Final site grade will be higher than the

estimated regional flood water level.

• Adhere to the Soil Removal and Capping Contract that:

Complies with all federal, provincial and local licenses and certificates of approval.

Identifies air quality and dust suppression measures.

Identifies haul routes that minimize community effects.

• Establish a Construction Liaison Group.


Establish a Construction Liaison Group.

Page 16: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Soil Removal

• Approximately 385,000 m3 to be removed from site.

• Anticipate 9 months to remove soil.

• Waste Characterization study and Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments completed.

• Soil mound will be removed by direct excavation and by truck off-site.

• Contract documents ready for tender.

• Timing of Notice to Proceed to be confirmed.


Wood and concrete debris mixed with soil and cinders

Page 17: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Potential Effects –Socio‐economic & Air Quality

Martin Goodman TrailKey Effects:

• Site access and new tracks will cross the Martin G

Air QualityKey Effects:

• During construction - potential for nuisance Goodman Trail.


• The track design has been developed to combine


• During operations - servicing and maintenance activities have the potential to produce emissions

the access with existing crossing point.

• Streetcars will operate under a protected traffic phase to cross the Martin Goodman Trail minimizing conflicts with pedestrians, cyclists and



• During construction - a dust control / air quality monitoring program would include dustminimizing conflicts with pedestrians, cyclists and

conflicting automobile traffic. monitoring program would include dust suppression (water), road sweeping, and cleaning of vehicle tires.

• During operations - ventilation and capture d t l t d ffi i tand control systems, and energy efficient

building design to reduce emissions.

17View of Martin Goodman Trail along the site

Page 18: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Potential Effects –Noise & Vibration

N i & Vib ti l L li St tNoise & Vibration - at Site Noise & Vibration - along Leslie Street

Assessment based on existing streetcar data. Measurement of noise and vibration of Prototype LRV in early 2012 to determine effects of new LRVs.

Key Effects:

• For nearest residences, noise levels may exceed MOE limits by two decibels (based on

Key Effects:

• Noise - for residences 7 to 10 meters away from the tracks, noise levels would exceed MOE limits by up to 3 decibelsexisting data).

• Vibration – no effect resulting from MSF.


by up to 3 decibels.

• Vibration – for residences up to 15 metres away from the tracks, vibration levels would exceed MOE limits.

• Should noise levels remain above MOE limit, installation of an acoustic barrier along the north and west end of the site may be required to ensure noise levels are compliant


Depending on results of the noise and vibration modelling undertaken for Prototype LRV in 2012, the following measures will be explored further:required to ensure noise levels are compliant

with MOE Limit (Leq) (dBA).

• Track-based technologies (e.g. lubrication) will assist in minimizing wheel screech.

the following measures will be explored further:

• Upgrades to the existing track-design to minimize vibration at the source.

R i id i i i


• Receiver-side mitigation.

Page 19: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Community Commitments to Address Noise & Vibration 

2010 Engage design firm from Lake Shore/Leslie project to develop concept for Leslie Street/ consult with community/ y

2011 Present Leslie Street streetscape improvements to community 

2011  Develop construction management plans and share with local community 

Spring 2011 Conduct Pre‐Construction surveys 

Early 2012 Prototype LRV measuring

kSpring 2012 Commence connection track construction

Summer 2012 Assessment of noise and vibration levels on Leslie Street with new LRV data and identification of effects

Fall 2012  Finalize agreement with affected property owners for mitigation measures

Mid 2013 Complete connection track construction 



Fall 2013               Post construction surveys

Page 20: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Potential Effects – Traffic

Key Effects:

• Safety and access to Maintenance and Storage Facility site (LRVs and automobiles).

• Some manageable challenges anticipated for Leslie Street during LRV• Some manageable challenges anticipated for Leslie Street during LRV operations, including the Leslie Street/Lake Shore Boulevard East intersection (as most will operate outside of rush hour periods).

Mitigation: g

• Review signal timings and LRV detection capabilities along Leslie Street to optimize traffic operations along the Leslie Street corridor.

• Lengthen northbound left turn lane on Leslie Street at Lake Shore

Existing traffic at the Leslie Street and Lake Shore Boulevard intersection

Boulevard to facilitate turning movements.

• Provide an exclusive southbound left turn lane on Leslie Street at Commissioners Street to facilitate LRV and vehicle movements; provide an exclusive westbound right turn lane and a shared left p gthrough lane for the east leg of Commissioners Street.

Existing traffic at the Leslie Street and Eastern

Expected weekday use – 230 LRV trips per day

Most of the LRVs will operate outside of the


Existing traffic at the Leslie Street and Eastern Avenue intersection

Most of the LRVs will operate outside of the morning and evening rush hour periods

Page 21: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Landscape Design Competition: Creating an Exciting Community Vision

• Landscape Design Competition launched to generate an exciting and “green” vision for the landscaping around the MSF.

• Three leading urban design landscape firms participating in the competition were introduced to the public at the May 19 Public Meeting.

• The landscape design competition includes the areas between the existing curbs along Lake Shore Boulevard and Leslie Street to the planned Facility’s outer boundary.

• Public comments were accepted until August 23 and forwarded to a Jury Panel.


Page 22: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Our Commitment to Consult 

Planning (TPA Process)

Construction(Soil Removal, Facility and 

Connection Track)

Design(Landscape, Prototype 


• Consultation with local community throughout site planning, design and construction activities.

• Establishment of a Construction Liaison Group.

• Dedicated Community Liaison Officer:

F ll ti j to Full‐time on project.

o Responsible for communicating with residents, business and property owners and other community stakeholders.

o Point of contact for the community – direct communication with Project Manager, Transportation Services and other City services.

o Complaints process.


o Regular updates via e‐mail, website and community flyers.

Page 23: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Future Steps

Fall 2010 Select Landscape Design Firm

Develop selected design to detail design stage

Engage community to develop concepts for Leslie Street connection

File Environmental Project Report:

Notice of Completion of Transit Project Assessment ProcessNotice of Completion of  Transit Project Assessment Process

30‐day public and agency review period

Anticipated receipt of Notice to Proceed from Ministry of the Environment after 35 day review period35‐day review period

Late 2010 Commence Soil Removal

Spring/ Commence MSF construction Summer 2011

Spring 2012 Commence connection track construction


2013 Complete MSF and connection track construction 

Page 24: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental
Page 25: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental
Page 26: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

Notice of Completion of Environmental Project Report

The Project

The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental Project Report in accordance with Ontario Regulation 231/08 for the Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility for New Streetcars and Leslie Street Connecting Tracks Project.


The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have ordered 204 new streetcars (Light Rail Vehicles) which will provide significant customer service improvements:

• Low-floor accessibility for people with disabilities, seniors, families with strollers, bicycle storage;

• Almost double the passenger capacity of current streetcars;

• Multiple doors and a proof of payment system to increase the speed of boarding and exiting; and

• Design enhancements to reduce noise and vibration.

A new Maintenance and Storage Facility is required to support the new streetcars which will begin to replace the current fleet in 2013. One hundred of the 204 new streetcars will be stored at the 8.6 hectare Ashbridges Bay site, located at the southeast corner of Lake Shore Boulevard East and Leslie Street. Connection tracks to the Facility will be constructed on Leslie Street from Commissioners Street to Queen Street (0.8 kilometres). Streetcars will access the Facility, operating on these tracks in mixed traffic, in order to preserve access to all Leslie Street properties.

The Process

The environmental impact of this transit project was assessed and an Environmental Project Report prepared according to the Transit Project Assessment Process prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects and Greater Toronto Transportation Authority Undertakings.

The Environmental Project Report for the Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility for New Streetcars and Leslie Street Connecting Tracks Project will be made available for a 30-day review period beginning September 30, 2010 on the project website: www.toronto.ca/involved/projects/lrv and at the following locations:

Locations for 30-day Review Period

City of TorontoCity Clerks Office Toronto City Hall100 Queen Street West, 10th Floor West TowerToronto, ON M5H 2N2416-392-8032

Toronto Transit CommissionTransit City Department5160 Yonge Street, 3rd FloorToronto, ON M2N 6L9416-981-1172

Toronto Public LibraryJones Branch118 Jones AvenueToronto, ON M4M 2Z9 416-393-7715

Ministry of the EnvironmentCentral Region Office 5775 Yonge Street, 8th FloorNorth York, ON M2M 4J1416-326-6700

Toronto Public LibraryBeaches Branch2161 Queen Street EastToronto, ON M4L 1J1 416-393-7703

South Riverdale Community Health Centre955 Queen Street EastToronto, ON M4M 3P3416-461-1925

Ministry of the EnvironmentEnvironmental Assessment & Approvals Branch2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12AToronto, ON M4V 1L5416-314-8001/ 1-800-461-6290

Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility for New Streetcars

Page 27: Ashbridges Bay TTC Maintenance and Storage Facility · Environmental Project Report The Project The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission have completed an Environmental

There are circumstances where the Minister of the Environment has the authority to require further consideration of the transit project, or impose conditions on it. These occur if the Minister is of the opinion that:

• The transit project may have a negative impact on a matter of provincial importance that relates to the natural environment or has cultural heritage value or interest; or

• The transit project may have a negative impact on a constitutionally protected Aboriginal or treaty right.

Before exercising the authority referred to above, the Minister is required to consider any written objections to the transit project that he or she may receive within 30 days after the Notice of Completion of the Environmental Project Report is first published.

Interested persons are encouraged to review the project documents and provide comments by October 30, 2010. Comments and concerns may be directed to the project contacts listed below. If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to submit an objection to this transit project to the Minister of the Environment no later than October 30, 2010 (135 St. Clair Avenue West, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5; Fax: 416-314-7337; E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Minister of the Environment). Although not required, a copy of the objection is requested to be forwarded to the Director and project contacts listed below:

Lito Romano Community Liaison Officer Toronto Transit Commission 5160 Yonge Street, 13th Floor Toronto, ON M2N 6L9

Director Environmental Assessment & Approvals Branch Ministry of the Environment 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12A Toronto, ON M4V 1L5

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Issue Date: September 30, 2010

[email protected] Fax: 416-338-0251 TTY: 416-397-0831 Phone: 416-397-8699 Web: www.toronto.ca/involved/projects/lrv

Attn: Lorna Zappone, Project Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: 416-314-7106 or 1-800-461-6290 Fax: 416-314-8452